Hofte- og lyskesmerter hos yngre fysisk aktive personer Fagkongres 2015 Hofte- og lyskesmerter hos yngre fysisk aktive personer •Introduktion, v. Fysioterapeut, PhD Kristian Thorborg, Amager-Hvidovre Hospital, Københavns Universitetshospital •Undersøgelse af hofte og lyskeregion – en klinisk udfordring, v. Læge, Dr. Med. Per Hölmich, Amager-Hvidovre Hospital, Københavns Universitetshospital •Billeddiagnostik – Klinisk anvendelse af MR, v. Læge, PhD Sonia Branci, Rigshospitalet, Københavns Universitetshospital •Billeddiagnostik – Klinisk anvendelse af UL, v. Fysioterapeut, cand.scient.san. Julie Jacobsen, Aarhus Universitetshospital •Smerte og funktionsnedsættelse hos forskellige patientgrupper med hofte- og lyskesmerter, v. Fysioterapeut, PhD Kristian Thorborg, Amager-Hvidovre Hospital •Behandling: Træning og kirurgi – til hvem og hvornår! v. Læge, Dr. Med. Per Hölmich, Amager-Hvidovre Hospital •Paneldiskussion med spørgsmål fra salen Hofte- og lyskesmerter hos yngre fysisk aktive personer •Introduktion, v. Fysioterapeut, PhD Kristian Thorborg, Amager-Hvidovre Hospital, Københavns Universitetshospital •Undersøgelse af hofte og lyskeregion – en klinisk udfordring, v. Læge, Dr. Med. Per Hölmich, Amager-Hvidovre Hospital, Københavns Universitetshospital •Billeddiagnostik – Klinisk anvendelse af MR, v. Læge, PhD Sonia Branci, Rigshospitalet, Københavns Universitetshospital •Billeddiagnostik – Klinisk anvendelse af UL, v. Fysioterapeut, cand.scient.san. Julie Jacobsen, Aarhus Universitetshospital •Smerte og funktionsnedsættelse hos forskellige patientgrupper med hofte- og lyskesmerter, v. Fysioterapeut, PhD Kristian Thorborg, Amager-Hvidovre Hospital •Behandling: Træning og kirurgi – til hvem og hvornår! v. Læge, Dr. Med. Per Hölmich, Amager-Hvidovre Hospital •Paneldiskussion med spørgsmål fra salen Hofte- og lyskesmerter hos yngre fysisk aktive personer •Introduktion, v. Fysioterapeut, PhD Kristian Thorborg, Amager-Hvidovre Hospital, Københavns Universitetshospital •Undersøgelse af hofte og lyskeregion – en klinisk udfordring, v. Læge, Dr. Med. Per Hölmich, Amager-Hvidovre Hospital, Københavns Universitetshospital •Billeddiagnostik – Klinisk anvendelse af MR, v. Læge, PhD Sonia Branci, Rigshospitalet, Københavns Universitetshospital •Billeddiagnostik – Klinisk anvendelse af UL, v. Fysioterapeut, cand.scient.san. Julie Jacobsen, Aarhus Universitetshospital •Smerte og funktionsnedsættelse hos forskellige patientgrupper med hofte- og lyskesmerter, v. Fysioterapeut, PhD Kristian Thorborg, Amager-Hvidovre Hospital •Behandling: Træning og kirurgi – til hvem og hvornår! v. Læge, Dr. Med. Per Hölmich, Amager-Hvidovre Hospital •Paneldiskussion med spørgsmål fra salen Hofte- og lyskesmerter hos yngre fysisk aktive personer •Introduktion, v. Fysioterapeut, PhD Kristian Thorborg, Amager-Hvidovre Hospital, Københavns Universitetshospital •Undersøgelse af hofte og lyskeregion – en klinisk udfordring, v. Læge, Dr. Med. Per Hölmich, Amager-Hvidovre Hospital, Københavns Universitetshospital •Billeddiagnostik – Klinisk anvendelse af MR, v. Læge, PhD Sonia Branci, Rigshospitalet, Københavns Universitetshospital •Billeddiagnostik – Klinisk anvendelse af UL, v. Fysioterapeut, cand.scient.san. Julie Jacobsen, Aarhus Universitetshospital •Smerte og funktionsnedsættelse hos forskellige patientgrupper med hofte- og lyskesmerter, v. Fysioterapeut, PhD Kristian Thorborg, Amager-Hvidovre Hospital •Behandling: Træning og kirurgi – til hvem og hvornår! v. Læge, Dr. Med. Per Hölmich, Amager-Hvidovre Hospital •Paneldiskussion med spørgsmål fra salen Smerte og funktionsniveau hos fysiske aktive individer med hofte og lyskesmerter Kristian Thorborg, Lektor, MSc, PhD, Specialist i Idrætsfysioterapi Emner i dag 1) Selvrapporteret smerte og funktion 2) Muskelstyrkemålinger omkring hoften Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) “…PRO is any report coming directly from patients about a health condition and its treatment…. (FDA, Patrick et al., 2007) PRO questionnaires PRO questionnaires PRO questionnaires PRO questionnaires PRO questionnaires PRO questionnaires Arthroscopic Centre Amager, Copenhagen HAGOS 2013 iHOT-12 iHOT-33 Arthroscopic Centre Amager, Copenhagen New Systematic Review Patient-reported outcome questionnaires (PROs) for young to middle-aged adults with hip and groin disability: a systematic review of the clinimetric evidence Thorborg K (1), Tijssen M (2), Habets B (2), Bartels EM (3) Roos EM (4), Kemp J (5), Crossley KM (6), Hölmich P (1) New Systematic Review Patient-reported outcome questionnaires (PROs) for young to middle-aged adults with hip and groin disability: a systematic review of the clinimetric evidence Thorborg K (1), Tijssen M (2), Habets B (2), Bartels EM (3) Roos EM (4), Kemp J (5), Crossley KM (6), Hölmich P (1) Artroskopisk Center Amager (Mokkink et al., 2010) Methodological quality (COSMIN) The methodological quality of the included studies was determined by the Consensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement Instruments list (COSMIN). Nine criteria are used to assess whether a study meets the standard for good methodological quality. Each criterion is rated as excellent, good, fair or poor in accordance with the criteria described by Terwee et al. (Terwee et al. 2012) Criteria List (Terwee) for Rating the Measurement Properties of Patient-Reported Outcome Questionnaires Measurement Properties Content validity Internal consistency Construct validity Floor and ceiling effects The measurement properties were rated as: positive (+), indeterminate (±), negative (−) no information available ( ) Test-retest reliability Inter-tester reliability Agreement Responsiveness Interpretability (Terwee et al, 2007) Table 3: Included PRO Questionnaires for Patients with Hip and/or Groin Disability Abbreviation Full name Measurement dimension(s) HAGOS Hip And Groin Outcome Score Symptoms, pain, ADL, sport/recreational function, participation physical activity, QOL 6 HOOS Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score Pain, symptoms, ADL, sport/recreational function, QOL 5 HOS HSAS IHOT-33 Hip Outcome Score Hip Sports Activity Score International Hip Outcome Tool33 ADL, sport Sport Symptoms, function, sport, occupational function, QOL 2 IHOT-12 International Hip Outcome Tool12 Symptoms, Function, sport, occupational function, QOL 1 mHHS NAHS modified Harris Hip Score Nonarthritic Hip Score Pain, function, ADL, Pain, symptoms, ADL, activities 1 SUSHI Super Simple Hip Score General, pain, limitations, activity 1 WOMAC-12 and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis index 12 Pain, ADL/physical function 1 Arthroskopic Centre Amager, Copenhagen ADL, Activities of Daily Living; QOL, Quality Of Life Nr. of Rating scales 1 1 1 Table 3: Included PRO Questionnaires for Patients with Hip and/or Groin Disability Abbreviation Full name Measurement dimension(s) HAGOS Hip And Groin Outcome Score Symptoms, pain, ADL, sport/recreational function, participation physical activity, QOL 6 HOOS Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score Pain, symptoms, ADL, sport/recreational function, QOL 5 HOS HSAS IHOT-33 Hip Outcome Score Hip Sports Activity Score International Hip Outcome Tool33 ADL, sport Sport Symptoms, function, sport, occupational function, QOL 2 IHOT-12 International Hip Outcome Tool12 Symptoms, Function, sport, occupational function, QOL 1 mHHS NAHS modified Harris Hip Score Nonarthritic Hip Score Pain, function, ADL, Pain, symptoms, ADL, activities 1 SUSHI Super Simple Hip Score General, pain, limitations, activity 1 WOMAC-12 and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis index 12 Pain, ADL/physical function 1 Arthroskopic Centre Amager, Copenhagen ADL, Activities of Daily Living; QOL, Quality Of Life Nr. of Rating scales 1 1 1 Table 3: Included PRO Questionnaires for Patients with Hip and/or Groin Disability Abbreviation Full name Measurement dimension(s) HAGOS Hip And Groin Outcome Score Symptoms, pain, ADL, sport/recreational function, participation physical activity, QOL 6 HOOS Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score Pain, symptoms, ADL, sport/recreational function, QOL 5 HOS HSAS IHOT-33 Hip Outcome Score Hip Sports Activity Score International Hip Outcome Tool33 ADL, sport Sport Symptoms, function, sport, occupational function, QOL 2 IHOT-12 International Hip Outcome Tool12 Symptoms, Function, sport, occupational function, QOL 1 mHHS NAHS modified Harris Hip Score Nonarthritic Hip Score Pain, function, ADL, Pain, symptoms, ADL, activities 1 SUSHI Super Simple Hip Score General, pain, limitations, activity 1 WOMAC-12 and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis index 12 Pain, ADL/physical function 1 Arthroskopic Centre Amager, Copenhagen ADL, Activities of Daily Living; QOL, Quality Of Life Nr. of Rating scales 1 1 1 Table 3: Included PRO Questionnaires for Patients with Hip and/or Groin Disability Abbreviation Full name Measurement dimension(s) HAGOS Hip And Groin Outcome Score Symptoms, pain, ADL, sport/recreational function, participation physical activity, QOL 6 HOOS Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score Pain, symptoms, ADL, sport/recreational function, QOL 5 HOS HSAS IHOT-33 Hip Outcome Score Hip Sports Activity Score International Hip Outcome Tool33 ADL, sport Sport Symptoms, function, sport, occupational function, QOL 2 IHOT-12 International Hip Outcome Tool12 Symptoms, Function, sport, occupational function, QOL 1 mHHS NAHS modified Harris Hip Score Nonarthritic Hip Score Pain, function, ADL, Pain, symptoms, ADL, activities 1 SUSHI Super Simple Hip Score General, pain, limitations, activity 1 WOMAC-12 and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis index 12 Pain, ADL/physical function 1 Arthroskopic Centre Amager, Copenhagen ADL, Activities of Daily Living; QOL, Quality Of Life Nr. of Rating scales 1 1 1 Table 3: Included PRO Questionnaires for Patients with Hip and/or Groin Disability Abbreviation Full name Measurement dimension(s) HAGOS Hip And Groin Outcome Score Symptoms, pain, ADL, sport/recreational function, participation physical activity, QOL 6 HOOS Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score Pain, symptoms, ADL, sport/recreational function, QOL 5 HOS HSAS IHOT-33 Hip Outcome Score Hip Sports Activity Score International Hip Outcome Tool33 ADL, sport Sport Symptoms, function, sport, occupational function, QOL 2 IHOT-12 International Hip Outcome Tool12 Symptoms, Function, sport, occupational function, QOL 1 mHHS NAHS modified Harris Hip Score Nonarthritic Hip Score Pain, function, ADL, Pain, symptoms, ADL, activities 1 SUSHI Super Simple Hip Score General, pain, limitations, activity 1 WOMAC-12 and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis index 12 Pain, ADL/physical function 1 Arthroskopic Centre Amager, Copenhagen ADL, Activities of Daily Living; QOL, Quality Of Life Nr. of Rating scales 1 1 1 Table 3: Included PRO Questionnaires for Patients with Hip and/or Groin Disability Abbreviation Full name Measurement dimension(s) HAGOS Hip And Groin Outcome Score Symptoms, pain, ADL, sport/recreational function, participation physical activity, QOL 6 HOOS Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score Pain, symptoms, ADL, sport/recreational function, QOL 5 HOS HSAS IHOT-33 Hip Outcome Score Hip Sports Activity Score International Hip Outcome Tool33 ADL, sport Sport Symptoms, function, sport, occupational function, QOL 2 IHOT-12 International Hip Outcome Tool12 Symptoms, Function, sport, occupational function, QOL 1 mHHS NAHS modified Harris Hip Score Nonarthritic Hip Score Pain, function, ADL, Pain, symptoms, ADL, activities 1 SUSHI Super Simple Hip Score General, pain, limitations, activity 1 WOMAC-12 and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis index 12 Pain, ADL/physical function 1 Arthroskopic Centre Amager, Copenhagen ADL, Activities of Daily Living; QOL, Quality Of Life Nr. of Rating scales 1 1 1 Table 3: Included PRO Questionnaires for Patients with Hip and/or Groin Disability Abbreviation Full name Measurement dimension(s) HAGOS 23 % poor methodology ratings HOOS Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score HOS HSAS Hip Outcome ADL, sport 46 % poorScore methodology ratings IHOT-33 46 % poor methodology ratings IHOT-12 31 % poor methodology ratings mHHS NAHS Nonarthritic Hip Score Pain, symptoms, ADL, activities 1 SUSHI Super Simple Hip Score General, pain, limitations, activity 1 WOMAC-12 and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis index 12 Pain, ADL/physical function 1 Pain, symptoms, ADL, sport/recreational function, QOL Arthroskopic Centre Amager, Copenhagen ADL, Activities of Daily Living; QOL, Quality Of Life Nr. of Rating scales 5 Criteria List (Terwee) for Rating the Measurement Properties of Patient-Reported Outcome Questionnaires HAGOS, IHOT-33 and IHOT-12 received the best ratings concerning their clinimetric properties (six positive scores out of eight relevant scores) (6/8) HOS followed (five positive scores out of eight relevant scores) (5/8) Criteria List (Terwee) for Rating the Measurement Properties of Patient-Reported Outcome Questionnaires HAGOS, IHOT-33 and IHOT-12 received the best ratings concerning their clinimetric properties (six positive scores out of eight relevant scores) (6/8) HOS followed (five positive scores out of eight relevant scores) (5/8) Then HOOS and mHHS and NAHS followed (four positive scores out of eight relevant scores) (4/8) Last came HSAS and SUSHI. WOMAC-12 (≤ 2 positive scores out of eight relevant scores) (≤2/8) Conclusion • HAGOS, HOS, IHOT-12 and IHOT-33 can be recommended for the assessment of young to middle-aged adults with pain related to the hip joint, undergoing non-surgical treatment or hip-arthroscopy. • HAGOS is the only PRO also aimed for young to middle-aged adults presenting with groin pain and can be recommended for use in this population. Conclusion • HAGOS, HOS, IHOT-12 and IHOT-33 can be recommended for the assessment of young to middle-aged adults with pain related to the hip joint, undergoing non-surgical treatment or hip-arthroscopy. • HAGOS is the only PRO also aimed for young to middle-aged adults presenting with groin pain and can be recommended for use in this population. Conclusion • HAGOS, HOS, IHOT-12 and IHOT-33 can be recommended for the assessment of young to middle-aged adults with pain related to the hip joint, undergoing non-surgical treatment or hip-arthroscopy. • HAGOS is the only PRO also aimed for young to middle-aged adults presenting with groin pain and can be recommended for use in this population. For more information concerning HAGOS www.koos.nu/ Arthroscopic Centre Amager, Copenhagen Ongoing translations and cross-cultural validations of HAGOS www.koos.nu/ Arthroscopic Centre Amager, Copenhagen (Thorborg et al., 2013) Arthroscopic Centre Amager, Copenhagen (Thorborg et al., unpublished data) Adductor-related groin pain Adductor-related groin pain FAI/ hip dysplasia Strength measurements in groin pain Many different hip-adduction strength tests exist today Assessment of muscle strength is an important part of the clinical examination of patients with hip and groin pain (Hölmich et al., 2004) Arthroscopic Centre Amager, Copenhagen Weak Intermediate Strong Intra-tester Kappa = 0.58-0.72 Inter-tester Kappa = 0-0.22 (Hölmich et al., 2004) Arthroscopic Centre Amager, Copenhagen Manual muscle testing (0-5) 0/5 1/5 2/5 3/5 4/5 5/5 - no contraction muscle flicker, but no movement movement possible, but not against gravity movement possible against gravity, but not against resistance movement possible against some resistance normal strength Arthroscopic Centre Amager, Copenhagen Manual muscle testing (0-5) Fails to identify ”50% strength deficits” (Beasley, 1956) Arthroscopic Centre Amager, Copenhagen Publications (2010-14) 1: Thorborg K, Petersen J, Nielsen MB, Hölmich P. Clinical recovery of two hip adductor longus ruptures: a case-report of a soccer player. BMC Res Notes. 2013 May 22;6(1):205. [Epub ahead of print] 8: Bandholm T, Thorborg K, Andersson E, Larsen T, Toftdahl M, Bencke J, Hölmich P. Increased external hip-rotation strength relates to reduced dynamic knee control in females: paradox or adaptation? Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2011 Dec;21(6):e215-21. 2: Thorborg K, Bandholm T, Hölmich P. Men are stronger than women-also in the hip. J Sci Med Sport. 2013 Sep;16(5):E1-3. 9: Thorborg K, Serner A, Petersen J, Madsen TM, Magnusson P, Hölmich P. Hip adduction and abduction strength profiles in elite soccer players: implications for clinical evaluation of hip adductor muscle recovery afterinjury. Am J Sports Med. 2011 Jan;39(1):121-6. 3: Jacobsen JS, Thorborg K, Søballe K, Ulrich-Vinther M. Eccentric hip abductor weakness in patients with symptomatic external snapping hip. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2012 Dec;22(6):e140-6. 5: Thorborg K, Bandholm T, Hölmich P. Hip- and knee-strength assessments using a hand-held dynamometer with external belt fixation are inter-tester reliable. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2013 Mar;21(3):550-5. 6: Jensen J, Hölmich P, Bandholm T, Zebis MK, Andersen LL, Thorborg K. Eccentric strengthening effect of hip-adductor training with elastic bands in soccer players: a randomised controlled trial. Br J Sports Med. 2012 Jul 4.[Epub ahead of print] 7 : Thorborg K, Bandholm T, Schick M, Jensen J, Hölmich P. Hip strength assessment using handheld dynamometry is subject to ntertester bias when testers are ofdifferent sex and strength. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2013 Aug;23(4):487-93. 10: Thorborg K, Bandholm T, Petersen J, Weeke KM, Weinold C, Andersen B, Serner A, Magnusson SP, Hölmich P. Hip abduction strength training in the clinical setting: with or without external loading? Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2010 Oct;20 Suppl 2:70-7. 11: Thorborg K, Couppé C, Petersen J, Magnusson SP, Hölmich P. Eccentric hip adduction and abduction strength in elite soccer players and matched controls: a cross-sectional study. Br J Sports Med. 2011 Jan;45(1):10-3. 12: Thorborg K, Petersen J, Magnusson SP, Hölmich P. Clinical assessment of hip strength using a hand-held dynamometer is reliable. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2010 Jun;20(3):493-501. 13: Ramskov D, Pedersen MB, Kastrup K, Lønbro S, Jacobsen JS, Thorborg K, Nielsen RO, Rasmussen S. Normative values of eccentric hip abduction strength in novice runners: an equation adjusting for age and gender. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2014 Feb;9(1):68-75. Eccentric strength deficits (Jakobsen et al., 2013) Arthroscopic Centre Amager, Copenhagen Eccentric hip abduction (Ramskov et al. 2014) Arthroscopic Centre Amager, Copenhagen Eccentric hip adduction strength testing • Test-retest variation • Mean of 2 rep with 5 % force-plateau • ICC= 0.91 • SEM%= 7% (Thorborg et al., 2011) • No systematic variation Arthroscopic Centre Amager, Copenhagen Hip adduction strength deficit (Soccer players with adductor related groin pain) (Thorborg et al., 2014) Hip adduction strength deficit (Soccer players with adductor related groin pain) (Thorborg et al., 2014) Hip adduction strength deficit (Soccer players with adductor related groin pain) 20 % reduced (Thorborg et al., 2014) Aspetar - Andrea Mosler Arthroscopic Centre Amager, Copenhagen The acute adductor injury (Thorborg et al., 2013) The acute adductor injurymechanism of injury? Arthroscopic Centre Amager, Copenhagen 2 weeks Adductor rupture 1 Adductor rupture 2 Hip adduction strength Arthroscopic Centre Amager, Copenhagen Aspetar Sports Medicine Journal Aspetar Sports Medicine Journal Hofte- og lyskesmerter hos yngre fysisk aktive personer Fagkongres 2015 Workshop i morgen Fagkongres 2015 Anamnese Klinik Billeder
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