230 lectures 3 days 7 symposia www.airtec.aero ROOM 3 ROOM 4 ROOM 5 Register now! www.airtec.aero/congress 9th AIRTEC 2014 International Congress 28 – 30 OCT 2014, Frankfurt/Germany Courtesy of AIRBUS S.A.S 2011 All Rights Reserved. Supply on the Wings UAV HELI AEROSPACE SENSORS SPACE AEROSPACE TESTING AEROSPACE AVIONICS Preliminary Program as of September 26th, 2014 including 5th International SPACE World 2014 NEW: Commercial Space B2B Meetings Exhibition Congress > 10,000 Meetings > 500 Exhibitors > 230 Lectures > 800 Attendees AIRTEC’s core are B2B Meetings. From 8 weeks prior to the event, our web platform lets you plan your meetings. Structured by key words for highly efficient matchmaking, meetings take place at the booths of the exhibition. The support of our staff maximizes the number of targeted meetings taking place. Holding B2B Meetings at the exhibition booths gives Sales and Business Development Managers the opportunity to present their products and services to procurement and supply chain managers, technology experts, developers and project engineers, in a professional environment. You benefit from qualitative and high standard B2B Meetings. In the tradition of the past years, the 9th AIRTEC 2014 International Congress offers technology decision makers from around the world an ideal forum to communicate around the aerospace supply chain. The Congress takes place in the middle of the exhibition to ensure an optimal exchange. For 2014 we expect more than 800 attendees. What is AIRTEC? The 9th AIRTEC 2014 International Congress consists of the following 7 symposia with a total of over 230 lectures within 3 days. On the following pages, you will find detailled informations about each syposium. Supply on the Wings UAV HELI AEROSPACE SENSORS SPACE AEROSPACE TESTING AEROSPACE AVIONICS Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany Brigitte Zypries, MdB, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy Opening on Oct. 28th, 2014 German Aerospace Center DLR Prof. Johann-Dietrich Wörner, Chairman of the Executive Board Keynote on Oct. 29th, 2014 www.airtec.aero/congress Frankfurt, Germany October 28 – 30, 2014 Frankfurt, one of Europe’s most vibrant and modern cities, is annually hosting AIRTEC. Frankfurt is conveniently accessible from all over the world. Exhibitors and participants take advantage of the professional environment of one of the largest fair venues in Europe. German Aerospace Center DLR Prof. Rolf Henke, Member of the Executive Board Keynote on Oct. 28th, 2014 German Aerospace Center DLR Dr Gerd Gruppe, Member of the Executive Board Keynote on Oct. 28th, 2014 Oct. 28th MORNING www.airtec.aero/congress ROOM 1 ROOM 2 ROOM 3 ROOM 4 ROOM 5 ROOM 6 09:00 Check-in and Morning Coffee 09:00 Check-in and Morning Coffee 09:00 Check-in and Morning Coffee 09:00 Check-in and Morning Coffee 09:00 Check-in and Morning Coffee 09:00 Check-in and Morning Coffee 09:20 Welcome Address 09:20 Welcome Address 09:20 Welcome Address Supply on the Wings AEROSPACE SENSORS Supply on the Wings UAV World SPACE World General Aviation UAV DACH Meeting (by invitation only) Propulsion Metallic Structures Opening Ceremony 09:45 Opening Remarks Diana Schnabel, CEO/President airtec GmbH & Co. KG, Germany 10:00 Opening Remarks Brigitte Zypries, MdB, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany 10:15 Keynote Prof. Rolf Henke, Member of the Executive Board, Responsible for Aeronautics, German Aerospace Center DLR, Germany 10:45 Keynote „From Air Travel to Space Travel - Speed Pays“ Allan Lockheed jr., son of Allan Haines Lockheed, co-founder of Lockheed Martin Corporation, USA 09:30 High Efficiency Machining of Aluminium Aircraft Structural Components Simon Simmons, SGS Carbide Tool, GB 09:30 Keynote Prof. Robert Schmitt, WZL and Fraunhofer IPT, RWTH Aachen University, DE 09:40 Green Energy Approach in Aviation Shlomo Tsach, APG - Advanced Programs Group, IL 09:30 Recent Advances in Liquid Rocket Propulsion Prof. Stefan Schlechtriem, German Aerospace Center DLR, DE 09:50 A New Technology for Producing AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Aircraft Brackets with a Triangular Outline Anna Dziubińska, Lublin Univeristy of Technology, PL 10:00 [Title to be announced] TBA, Fraunhofer IOF, DE 10:00 Utility Aircrafts Shlomo Tsach, APG - Advanced Programs Group, IL 10:00 Green Propellant Hartwig Ellerbrock, Airbus Defence & Space, DE 10:10 Friction stir welding of light alloys Dr Tadeusz Balawender, Rzeszow University of Technology, PL 10:30 Analysis of possibilities of combining thin-walled aircraft structures made of aluminum alloys with the Friction Stir Welding Tomasz Gałaczyński, Rzeszow University 10:50 Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) Prof. Suman Shrestha, Keronite Group Ltd - VP of Applications Engineering, GB 11:15 Coffe Break 11:15 Coffe Break 11:30 Keynote Dr Hans Koenigsmann, Vice President of Mission Assurance, SpaceX, USA Aerodynamics 11:30 Identification of the motion platform‘s dynamic model Milan Prustomersky, Brno University of Technology, CZ 12:00 OFFICIAL OPENING of the SPACE Segment Dr Gerd Gruppe, Member of the Executive Board at German Aerospace Centre DLR, DE 12:30 Keynote by Generalmajor Dr Ansgar Rieks, Head of Luftfahrtamt der Bundeswehr, DE 13:00 Lunch Break 09:20 Welcome Address 11:50 Fluid structure interaction analysis for high-lift devices at large angle of attack R. Roszak, Poznan University of Technology, PL 10:30 Neutron Detection with new image intensifier technologies Prof. Rolf-Jürgen Ahlers, ProxiVision GmbH, DE 10:30 The missing link - solutions for drilling Nadia Alberti, Alberti Umberto Srl, IT Air Traffic Management ATM 10:50 Manufacturing / Metallic Structures: Production Cost Reduction, Machining of Aerospace Al and Ti parts Nehmé Joseph Andary, MAKINO Europe, DE 11:00 Coffe Break 11:15 Coffe Break 11:15 Coffe Break AEROSPACE SENSORS Air Traffic Management ATM UAV DACH Meeting (by invitation only) 11:30 Merging Additive Manufacturing and Integrated Vehicle Health Management Dr Sureshkumar Perinpanayagam, Integrated Vehicle Health Management Centre, Cranfield University, GB 11:30 Flight envelope protection within adaptive controller design Karol Rydlo, Brno University of Technology, CZ 12:10 Practical approach to make a comprehensive safety analysis according to ISO 26262 Dr Stefan Hoch, ICS AG, DE 13:00 Lunch Break Manufacturing / Production 10:40 Future Aerospace Directions Shlomo Tsach, APG - Advanced Programs Group, IL Improved Simulation 12:30 Improved stress analysis for aerospace spiral bevel gears Dr Adam Marciniec, Rzeszow University of Technology, PL 10:20 Generic procedure for the verification of a "Freedom from Interferance" / impairment freedom according to ISO 26262 Dr Stefan Hoch, ICS AG, DE 12:30 Use of 3-Component Force Piezoelectric Sensors in Force Limited Vibration (FLV) Testing Applications Dr Carmine Salzano, PCB Piezotronics Inc., US 13:00 Lunch Break 11:10 Modification of Tool Geometry for Unconventional Slanting Drilling of Composites Piotr Tyczynski, Rzeszow University of Technology, PL 11:30 The impact of technology of edge forming tools with diamond composite inserts on roughness of surface of Al 7075 aerospace parts in HSM Robert Ostrowski, Rzeszow University of 11:50 Adaptive nonlinear control for light aircraft flight control system Jan Vlk, Brno University of Technology, CZ 11:50 Identification of dynamic cutting force coefficients by direct measurement of cutting forces during vibratory cutting Krzysztof Jemielniak, Warsaw University of Technology, PL 12:10 Flight parameter identification for the adaptive control of a light aircraft Petr Dittrich, Brno University of Technology, CZ 12:10 Utilization of adaptive machining in impeller and blade repairs Mariusz Mucha, Rzeszow University of Technology, PL 12:30 Optimization of Unconventional Take-off of an Aircraft Aided by the Ground System Andrzej Majka, Rzeszow University of Technology, PL 12:30 Increased Productivity through Advanced Cleaning & Surface Preparation in the Aerospace Industry Tony Lehnig, Cold Jet - Vice President of Technology, BE 12:50 Optimal Flight Paths in Emergency Situations, Andrzej Majka, Rzeszow 12:50 Internal Stress simulation for Panel 3D machining, Andy Miller, AEROLIA 13:00 Lunch Break 13:00 Lunch Break 13:00 Lunch Break Oct. 28th AFTERNOON www.airtec.aero/congress ROOM 1 ROOM 2 ROOM 3 ROOM 4 ROOM 5 ROOM 6 13:00 Lunch Break 13:00 Lunch Break 13:00 Lunch Break 13:00 Lunch Break 13:00 Lunch Break 13:00 Lunch Break Additive Manufacturing in Aerospace Enabling Technologies AEROSPACE SENSORS Platforms UAV DACH Meeting (by invitation only) Propulsion 14:00 State of Industry Tim Caffrey, Wohlers Associates, Inc. Senior Consultant, US 14:00 Advanced Composites Technology Development at NASA Langley Research Center Dr John W. Connell, NASA Langley Research Center, US 14:00 Draw Tower Gratings: from point sensing to fully distributed measurements Johan Vlekken, FBGS International, GB 14:00 Civil UAS Applications Shlomo Tsach, APG - Advanced Programs Group, IL 14:00 Smart Rockets Dr Olaf Przybilski, TU Dresden, DE 14:30 Overview of the NASA 5.5 M Composite Cryotank Technology Development Program Dr Douglas A. McCarville, Boeing Research and Technology, US 14:30 Impacts of particles on aircraft components: Which parameter do we need and how can we measure it? A. Vogel, NILU – Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NO 14:30 Predator Aircraft Series Status Report: Military & Civilian Missions Rear Admiral U.S. Navy (Ret.) Christopher C. Ames, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. - Director, International Strategic Development, US Space Situation Awareness / Space Debris / Space Weather 15:00 Cryo-Tanks Dr Martin Sippel, Institute of Space Systems, German Aerospace Center DLR, DE 15:00 Signal and Power Transmission by means of Ultra-long Flexible Printed Circuits used in Rotary Joints and Twist Capsules Dr Christoph Lehnberger, ANDUS ELECTRONIC GmbH, DE 15:00 Protection of Space Assets using Laser Technology Wolfgang Riede, German Aerospace Center DLR, Institute of Technical Physics, DE 15:30 Racetrack to Orbit. An Additive Revolution. Francesca Cuoghi, CRP Group - Communication Manager, IT 15:30 A system model for laminar wing ice protection Markus Pfeil, TWT GmbH Science & Innovation, DE 15:30 Space Weather Services in Europe: Status and Prospects for the Future Juha-Pekka Luntama, European Space Agency, DE 16:00 4th edition of the “U.S. German Aerospace Roundtable” UGART (by invitation only) 16:00 Coffe Break 16:00 Coffe Break 16:00 Coffe Break 16:00 Coffe Break UAV DACH Meeting (by invitation only) Enabling Technologies 14:20 KEYNOTE: On the way to Additive Layer Manufacturing: Chances & Challenges for the future industrial production Peter Sander, Airbus Operations GmbH, Manager Emerging Technologies & Concepts, DE 14:55 Lecture Dr Slade H. Gardner, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, US 15:20 Lecture Dr Raymond G. »Corky« Clinton, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center - Deputy manager of the Science & Technology Office, US 14:30 Space Weather Needs of an Evolving Customer Base Brent Gordon, NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center, US 15:45 Technology Symbiosis Biomimicry and Additive Manufacturing Michael Arold, Altair Engineering GmbH, DE 16:10 3D Printing Solutions for the Aerospace industry Jurgen Laudus, Materialise, BE AEROSPACE TESTING Platforms 16:35 Lecture Ralph L. Resnick, National Center for Defense Manufacturing & Machining (NCDMM), President and Executive Director and Founding Director, America Makes, the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute (NAMII), US 16:30 Test Approach for small and medium avionics equipment development projects Torsten Frerichs, socon Software Consulting GmbH, DE 16:30 Overcoming Main Problems of Fixed Wing UAS by Innovative Design - the VTOL FiWiCo II (Fixed Wing Copter) Dr Hans-Peter Thamm, Geo-Technic, DE 16:30 An Ionosphere Monitoring and Prediction Center to diminish space weather effects on GNSS services and safety applications Dr Jens Berdermann, German Aerospace Center DLR Institute of Communications and Navigation, DE 17:00 Q&A panel discussion Tim Caffrey, Wohlers Associates, Inc. Senior Consultant, US 17:00 Use of Qualified Tools to Verify Outputs of Unqualified Tools Tom Erkkinen, MathWorks, DE 17:00 ParCS-S2 : Park Cleaning Swarm Supervision System – a position paper Serge Chaumette, LaBRI, University of Bordeaux, FR 17:00 Space Debris Remediation and On-Orbit Servicing Dr Peter Hofmann, OHB System AG, formerly Kayser-Threde, DE Global Supply Chain Summit 17:15 Presentation Mark Scuderi, The Boeing Company - Sr. Oct. 28th EVENING www.airtec.aero/congress ROOM 1 ROOM 2 ROOM 3 ROOM 4 ROOM 5 ROOM 6 Global Supply Chain Summit 4th edition of the “U.S. German Aerospace Roundtable” UGART (by invitation only) AEROSPACE TESTING Platforms UAV DACH Meeting (by invitation only) Enabling Technologies 17:30 Recuperation with a battery/fuel cell hybrid in the Antares DLR-H2 Steffen Flade, German Aerospace Center DLR, DE 17:30 IAT21‘s D-Dalus VTOL - efficiency increase in forward flight Meinhard Schwaiger, IAT21 Innovative Aeronautics Technologies GmbH, AT 18:00 A cost effective way of conducting EMI-measurements Sven Böhmer, Statex Produktions & Vertriebs GmbH, DE Modelling/Simulation 18:30 Exterior Noise Testing of Propeller Aircraft Francesco Marulo, University of Naples Federico II, IT 18:30 Object-Oriented Aircraft Modelling with the DLR FlightDynamics Library Andreas Klöckner, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DLR, DE 17:30 Presentation Stephen Cowan, Bombardier Aerospace, 17:45 Presentation Ishii Hiroyuki, Kawasaki Heavy Industries - Assistant Manager of Procurement Planning Section 2, Material Department, JP 18:00 Presentation Gerald Pfeiler, ViscoTec America - President/CEO, US 18:15 Presentation Jennifer Potts, Bell Helicopter Textron Inc, US 18:30 Presentation Brad Alexander, Parker Aerospace / Parker Hannifin Corporation - Manager of Supply Chain Integration and Internati18:45 Presentation Dr Christof May, Airbus Group - Head of Airbus Group/Airbus Procurement Governance, DE 19:00 RECEPTION 18:00 Using capability models for UAV sensor deployment Prof. Peter Stütz, Unversität der Bundeswehr München, DE 17:30 Future Navigation Opportunities with the Galileo Satellite System Prof. Bernd Eissfeller, Universität der Bundeswehr Munich, DE Oct. 29th MORNING www.airtec.aero/congress ROOM 1 ROOM 2 ROOM 3 ROOM 4 ROOM 5 ROOM 6 09:00 Check-in and Morning Coffee 09:00 Check-in and Morning Coffee 09:00 Check-in and Morning Coffee 09:00 Check-in and Morning Coffee 09:00 Check-in and Morning Coffee 09:00 Check-in and Morning Coffee 09:20 Welcome Address R&D SUMMIT: FUTURE AIRCRAFT DESIGN Combat Aircraft HELICOPTER Technologies UAV World AEROSPACE SENSORS SPACE World 09:30 Future Aviation Challenges Axel Flaig, Airbus - Senior Vice President 09:30 Designing for Supersonic Cruise Flight: »supercruise« from the Aerodynamic Designer‘s Viewpoint Dr Igor Bashkirov, TsAGI, RU 09:30 Engine Protection Systems to Improve Helicopter Availability: Theory, Design, Operation & Maintenance Christopher Savage, Pall Aerospace, GB Certification, Air Space Integration & Public Acceptance 09:30 Flight Parameters Measurement System for PW6 in flight boundary layer mapping Grzegorz Kopecki, Rzeszow University of Technology, PL KEYNOTES 10:00 i-VISION – the Future of Human-centric Cockpit Design Ralph Habig, OPTIS GmbH, DE 10:00 UAS integration in civil airspace under self-organizing airborne network Edward Falkov, State Research Institute of Aviation Systems (GosNIIAS), RU 10:00 Airborne Survey & Surveillance Pods George J. DeCock, Airborne Technologies GmbH, AT 10:00 KEYNOTE Robert T. Bigelow, Bigelow Aerospace, US 10:30 Comparative analysis of numerical and experimental methods of determining the contact pattern of aircraft bevel gears Dr Piotr Skawiński, Warsaw University of Technology, PL 10:30 Lecture Dr Norbert Tränapp, Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH IABG, DE AEROSPACE TESTING 10:30 KEYNOTE Elliot H. Pulham, Space Foundation, US 11:00 Coffe Break 11:00 Coffe Break 11:00 Coffe Break 11:00 Coffe Break Certification, Air Space Integration & Public Acceptance AEROSPACE TESTING KEYNOTES 11:30 NDT.VS.SHM for Composite Structures Alfredo Güemes, UPM, ES 11:30 Lecture TBA, Orbital Advanced Programs Group, US 09:45 Presentation Prof. Sergey Chernyshev, TsAGI, RU 10:00 Presentation Dr Georg Bridel, ALR, CH 09:50 Fuzzy set theory application at aerodynamic calculation of an aircraft Dr Ignat Ikryanov, TsAGI, RU Composite Structures 10:15 Presentation Dr Leslie J. Cohen, Hitco Carbon Composites - Senior VP at Hitco Carbon Composites, US 10:10 High Pressure cooling of CFG grinding of Inconel 718 alloy Marcin Płodzień, Rzeszow University of Technology, PL 10:30 Panel Discussion Prof. Richard Degenhardt, DLR (German Aerospace Center, Braunschweig) and PFH Göttingen, DE 10:30 Thermal and mechanical properties of ceramic-polymer composites with an interpenetrating network structure Joanna Ligoda, Rzeszow University of Technology, PL 10:45 Presentation James Thomas, The Boeing Company, US 10:50 Preparation of aircraft structural components in the plastic process of shaping the GLARE composites Małgorzata Wilk, Rzeszow University of Technology, PL 11:10 Coffe Break 11:10 Coffe Break R&D SUMMIT: COMPOSITES Composite Structures HELICOPTER Technologies 11:30 Breaking Down the Barriers of Nesting Efficiency in Composite Cutting Avner Ben-Bassat, Plataine Technologies, IL 11:30 The CFD Numerical and Experimental Investigations on the Aerodynamic Fluid Flow Around the Gyroplane and the Helicopter Fuselage Tomasz Łusiak, Lublin University of Technology, PL 11:45 Presentation Dr Ben Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology - Chief Manufacturing Officer, Georgia Institute of Technolo12:00 Presentation Leonard Poveromo, Composite Prototyping Center (CPC), US 12:15 Presentation Dr John W. Connell, NASA Langley Research Center, US 12:30 Presentation Michael Maher, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DARPA, US 12:45 Presentation Paul Oldroyd, Bell Helicotper / Textron, Inc. - Technical Fellow, Manufacturing & Engineering Process Development,, US 13:00 Panel Discussion Dr Leslie J. Cohen, Hitco Carbon Composites - Senior VP at Hitco Carbon Composites, US 13:15 Lunch Break Manufacturing / Production 11:50 Turn-milling of Inconel 718 whith CBN tools Krzysztof Jemielniak, Warsaw University of Technology, PL 12:10 Elastic modulus of ceramic foams designed for metal-ceramic interpenetrating composites Dr hab. Marek Potoczek, Rzeszow University of Technology, PL 12:30 The Airfoil Selection for Light Transport Aircraft Marek Szumski, Rzeszow University of Technology, PL 12:50 Data acquisition module for process and machine tool remote monitoring Piotr Szulewski, Warsaw University of Technology, PL 13:15 Lunch Break 09:30 Public and Legal Perspectives on UAS Operations – A Critical Assessment Dr Niklas Schörnig, Peace Research Institue Frankfurt PRIF, DE 11:30 Lecture Doug Davis, Northrop Grumman - Director of Airworthiness, US 10:30 Nadcap: Delivering Competitive Advantage Joanna Leigh, Performance Review Institute, GB 09:30 KEYNOTE Prof. Johann-Dietrich Wörner, German Aerospace Center DLR, DE 12:00 Development of a new Rotorhead Concept for a light helicopter Martin Stucki, Marenco Swisshelicopter AG, CH 12:00 Subset Simulation for safety evaluation of UAV automatic landing operation Nils Christian Mumm, Technische Universität München, DE 12:00 Method of Defects Detecting and Thermal Stresses Calculated of the Blades With and Without TBC based on the Experimentally Obtained Temperature Distributions using the Thermal Imaging Camera Prof. Serhiy Prokhorenko, Rzeszów University (and Lviv Polytechnic National 12:00 Lecture Mark Sirangelo, Sierra Nevada Corporation, US 12:30 Blue Pulse: Active rotor control at Airbus Helicopters - New EC145 Demonstrator & Flight test results Antoine Rabourdin, Airbus Helicopters Deutschland, DE 12:30 A contradiction? – Mitigating (future) DO-178C challenges while improving productivity Dr Simon Rößner, ITK Engineering AG, DE 12:30 Optical Measurement Techniques for Production-Integrated Monitoring of Compliance with Aerospace Specifications Prof. Peter Dannenmann, RheinMain University of Applied Science, DE 12:30 Extreme impact events and space researc Prof. Klaus Thoma, Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics, Ernst-Mach-Institut, EMI, DE 13:00 Lunch Break 13:00 Lunch Break 13:00 Lunch Break 13:00 Lunch Break Oct. 29th AFTERNOON www.airtec.aero/congress ROOM 1 ROOM 2 ROOM 3 ROOM 4 ROOM 5 ROOM 6 13:15 Lunch Break 13:15 Lunch Break 13:00 Lunch Break 13:00 Lunch Break 13:00 Lunch Break 13:00 Lunch Break PANEL DISCUSSION: Certification & Air Space Integration In-Space-Infrastructure / Orbital Infrastructure / Exploration HELICOPTER Technologies Additive Manufacturing AEROSPACE TESTING Aviation/Space Law, Space Policy 14:00 Lecture Peter Pletschacher, Publisher and Editor in Chief Magazine »Luft- und Raumfahrt«, DE 14:00 Autonomous Navigation Using Multi-Resolution Data Fusion for Robotic Planetary Exploration Alexandru Rusu, ONERA, FR 14:00 Programming of the milling operation of Gleason spiral bevel gears on the 4 - axis CNC laboratory machine Piotr Błazucki, Warsaw University of Technology, PL 14:00 FAA Commercial Space Transportation Regulations and International Cooperation John Sloan, FAA Office of Commercial Space Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration FAA - Program Lead for International Outreach, US AEROSPACE AVIONICS 14:30 Lecture Prof. Stephan Hobe, LL.M., Institute of Air and Space Law, University of Cologne, DE 14:25 Lecture Jens Lehmann, Deutsche Flugsicherung DFS / Gewerkschaft der Flugsicherung GdF, DE 14:50 Lecture Prof. Holger Mey, Airbus Defence & Space, DE 15:15 Lecture Doug Davis, Northrop Grumman - Director of Airworthiness, US 14:00 AgustaWestland next generation civil tiltrotor Dr James Wang, AgustaWestland, IT 14:20 Manufacturing of aircraft engine transmission gears with SLS method Grzegorz Budzik, Rzeszow University of Technology, PL 14:30 Lecture Ralf Dittmann, Space Administration, General Technologies and Robotics, German Aerospace Center DLR, DE 14:30 Agile, Sustainable, Aerospace Manufacturing Paul Oldroyd, Bell Helicotper / Textron, Inc. - Technical Fellow, Manufacturing & Engineering Process Development,, US 15:00 On Orbit Servicing Space Robotics Technologies Dr Alin Albu-Schaeffer, Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics, German Aerospace Center DLR, DE HELICOPTER Operations Composites 15:00 Photoelastic analysis of stress distribution in the helicopter control system lever Jacek Bernaczek, Rzeszow University of Technology, PL 15:00 Composites and microstructure Monika Ostapiuk, Lublin Univeristy of Technology, PL 14:40 Additive Manufacturing: Certification in the Aircraft Market Luis Portoles, AIMME, ES 15:20 Epoxy Resin composite Based on Functional Hybrid Fillers Mariusz Oleksy, Rzeszow University of Technology, PL 14:30 ANOFOL, Light Coils from anodized Aluminium, the Alternative to copper Dr Oliver Zimmermann, Steinert Elektromagnetbau GmbH, DE 15:00 Integrated Modular Architectures and IMA: History and System Integration Capabilities Mirko Jakovljevic, TTTech, AT 15:00 Lecture Sven Kaltenhäuser, Institute of Flight Guidance, German Aerospace Center DLR, DE 15:30 Computer-Aided Systems Architecting of Distributed Integrated Modular Avionics Björn Annighöfer, Hamburg University of Technology / TuTech Systems Architecting Innovation, DE 15:30 Future European Launcher Systems Augusto González, European Commission - Head of Unit Policy and Space Research in the Directorate General Enterprise and Industry, BE 15:30 KaNaRiA: Design and Simulation of an Asteroid Mining Mission based on highly autonomous navigation Alena Probst, Instiute of Space Technology and Space Applications, Bundeswehr University Munich, DE 15:30 Experimental verification of the simulation of the aircraft bevel gear contact Jadwiga Pisula, Warsaw University of Technology, PL 16:00 Coffe Break 16:00 Coffe Break 16:00 Coffe Break 16:00 Coffe Break 16:00 Coffe Break 16:00 Coffe Break Space Transport / Commercial Payload KEYNOTES Supply Chain Management AEROSPACE AVIONICS Aviation/Space Law, Space Policy 16:30 Presentation George T. Whitesides, Virgin Galactic, US 16:30 Fluted Core Skirt Development for the Composite Cryotank Technology Development Dr Douglas A. McCarville, Boeing Research and Technology, US 16:30 Looking at your fuel supply chain – How safe is your fuel? Stefan Sulzmaier, SGS Germany GmbH, DE Certification, Air Space Integration & Public Acceptance 16:30 FPGA in A&D – V&V aspects in the context of a global collaboration model Gopal Srinivas Prasad, Cyient GmbH, DE 16:30 Lecture Dr Dirk-Roger Schmitt, Institute of Flight Guidance, German Aerospace Center DLR, DE 17:00 Fly eyes out and head up to improve safety and operational capabilities Hans Brandtberg, Saab AB, EDS, Avionics Systems, SE 17:00 FAA Center of Excellence in Commercial Space Transportation Madhurita Sengupta, Center of Excellence - Commercial Space Transportation/ U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), US 17:30 Certification strategy for a nonTSO avionic function Roland Goerke, Airbus Defence and Space, DE In-Space-Infrastructure / Orbital Infrastructure / Exploration 17:00 Cygnus beyond the ISS resupply missions Carl Walz, Orbital Sciences Corporation - Advanced Programs Group, US 17:00 Automated Composites Lamination – Cost vs Payback Vern Benson, ATK Aerospace Structures, US 17:30 SpaceLiner Concept Dr Martin Sippel, Institute of Space Systems, German Aerospace Center DLR, DE 17:30 Sustainability made in Brazil – natural materials in aircraft Luciana Ribeiro Monteiro, EMBRAER, BR 16:50 Assessment of engineering design changes by a three-filter method in the interface between aviation OEM and supplier Tim Spangenberg, P3 aviation GmbH, 17:10 An approach for Organizational Change Management in the environment of aerospace supply chain processes Natalie Regelmann, P3 aviation GmbH, DE 17:30 Process Optimization for C-Parts Kanban provision into manufacturing and repair Ralf Schlüter, Flugzeug-Union Süd GmbH, DE 16:30 Certification strategy for a nonTSO avionic function Roland Goerke, Airbus Defence and Space, DE Autonomy & Planning 17:00 UAV Human Factors Research at the Institute of Flight Systems Prof. Axel Schulte, University of the Bundeswehr Munich, DE 17:30 Flight path planning of UAV after failure Andrzej Majka, Rzeszow University of Technology, PL 17:30 Rosetta Mission Philae Landing Prof. Tilman Spohn, Institute of Planetary Research, German Aerospace Center DLR, DE Oct. 29th EVENING ROOM 1 20:00 Get-together Evening www.airtec.aero/congress ROOM 2 ROOM 3 ROOM 4 ROOM 5 ROOM 6 KEYNOTES Engines Autonomy & Planning Manufacturing / Production Miscellaneous 18:00 Preliminary modeling of wrinkled fibers in unidirectional composites G. FRULLA, Politecnico di Torino DIMEAS, IT 17:50 Assessment of aircraft engine blades geometric accuracy using ATOS GOM measuring system Paweł Rokicki, Rzeszow University of 18:00 Evaluation of UAV collision avoidance methods Alexander Hillebrecht, IABG mbH, DE 18:00 Innovative infusion method for out of autoclave and autoclave processes Arne Hindersmann, German Aerospace Center DLR, DE 18:00 Social Risk Management in Aviation – How To Dramatically Increase Performance, Minimize Risk and Profoundly Accelerate Your Success. NASA Processes with Documented Return-on-Investment. Dragos Bratasanu, Success Engineering Corp., US 20:00 Get-together Evening 18:10 Rate of crystalline perfection turbine blades of the single crystal nickel based CMSX-4 superalloys by X-Ray diffraction K. Gancarczyk, Rzeszow University of 18:20 Product development through combination of Topological Optimization and Investment Casting using the example of the C919 Hinge Arm, TITAL GmbH, DE 18:30 Properties of aluminide modified coatings and TBC's deposited on turbine blades M. Pytel, Rzeszow University of Technology, PL 18:40 Tool-less manufacturing for single crystal high pressure turbine parts Heikko Schilling, FLC Flowcastings GmbH, DE 20:00 Get-together Evening 20:00 Get-together Evening 20:00 Get-together Evening 20:00 Get-together Evening Oct. 30th MORNING www.airtec.aero/congress ROOM 1 ROOM 2 ROOM 3 ROOM 4 ROOM 5 ROOM 6 09:00 Check-in and Morning Coffee 09:00 Check-in and Morning Coffee 09:00 Check-in and Morning Coffee 09:00 Check-in and Morning Coffee 09:00 Check-in and Morning Coffee 09:00 Check-in and Morning Coffee KEYNOTES Spaceports / Ground Infrastructure / Economic Aspects HELICOPTER Operations BavAIRia e.V. SESSION 09:30 AEROSPACE TESTING KEYNOTES 09:30 A new simulation method for bird strike against helicopter windscreens Michael May, Fraunhofer EMI, DE 09:30 Testing ground for unmanned aerial vehicles Erwin V. Lauschner, bavAIRia e.V., DE 09:30 Who's Ahead! From Hope to Certainty André Ménager, TechSAT GmbH, DE 09:30 ESA Roadmaps for Future Satellites Technologies Dr Franco Ongaro, ESTEC/ESA European Space Agency - Director of Technical and Quality Management and Head of ESTEC/ESA, NL 09:30 KEYNOTE Francois Kubica, Airbus, FR 09:30 Lecture Udo Michalik, Secretary-General of The Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of 10:00 KEYNOTE Tiit Jurimae, European Commission, BE 10:00 Lecture Laura Canady, Space Coast Spaceflight Alliance, US 10:00 UA Command and Control from within the Cockpit Tobias Paul, ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH, DE 10:00 The Unmanned Mission Avionics Test Helicopter (UMAT) and its Flexible Mobile Ground Control Station Dr Hanns-Walter Schulz, ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH, DE 10:00 Fuel tank resistance to HRAM: analysis of enhanced T-joint designs Michael May, Fraunhofer EMI, DE 10:00 Lecture Dr Michael Menking, Astrium Satellites, Senior Vice President, Director of »Earth Observation, Navigation & Science«, FR 10:30 Electrics on Composite Wings: LATelec Solutions TBA, LATelec, DE 10:30 Lecture Olga Trivailo, DLR Institute of Space Systems, German Aerospace Center DLR, DE 10:30 Regional passenger transport: a comparison analysis between helicopter and seaplane Francesco Castelluccio, Università degli Studi di Palermo, IT 10:30 New Developments of EMTs Tactical Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Sascha Lange, EMT Ingenieurgesellschaft Dipl.-Ing. Hartmut Euer mbH, DE 10:30 The latest developments in the market for lubricants for the aviation industry Dr Lutz Kogel, SGS Germany GmbH, DE 10:30 Commercial Utilization of the ISS with Hyperspectral Imagery - MUSES Dr John M. Horack, Teledyne Brown Engineering, Inc. - Vice President, Space Systems, US 11:00 New Civil Aircraft Configurations in TsAGI Research Prof. Sergey Chernyshev, TsAGI, RU 11:00 Lecture Bernd Buchenberger, Invest in Bavaria, Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Media, Energy and Technology, DE 11:00 Functional Safety and IT-Security in the design process Christoph Hauck, IABG mbH, Center of Competence (CoC) Safety, DE 11:00 Inertial Laboratory Simulation Christopher Blum, Institute of Flight System Dynamics (TUM), DE 11:00 Procurement Gerd Heinrich, OHB-System AG - Director Supply Chain Management & Central Services, DE 11:30 Coffe Break 11:30 Coffe Break 11:30 Coffe Break 11:30 Coffe Break 11:30 Coffe Break 11:30 Coffe Break Alternative Fuels Composite Structures HELICOPTER Operations BavAIRia e.V. SESSION 12:00 AEROSPACE TESTING Enabling Technologies 12:00 Use of renewable energy in future aviation Dr Josef Kallo, German Aerospace Center DLR, DE 12:00 Cast Tooling Solutions for Composites Joe Mannion, Waukesha Foundry, IE 12:00 GNSS/WEB-GIS heliport planning in a regional area for VTOL transport services Francesco Castelluccio, Università degli Studi di Palermo, IT 12:00 Roadmap to Certification of RPAS Sub-Components – A Case-Based Approach Dr Josef Mendler, ACENTISS GmbH CEO, DE 12:00 Developing Hydraulic Integration System Test Rigs Darryn R. La Zar, Wineman Technology, Inc., US 12:00 Hyperspectral Imaging / ISS Applications Laurie Provin, Teledyne Brown Engineering, Inc. - Manager for Commercial Imaging Partnerships, US 12:30 myCopter - Enabling Technologies for Personal Aerial Transportation Systems: An overview of accomplishments Frank M. Nieuwenhuizen, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, DE 12:30 Surveillance of wind turbines Robert Hörmann, Aerodyne Systems GmbH - Managing Director, DE 12:30 Ice protection systems design using CFD and ice accretion simulation Elia Cipolato, EnginSoft GmbH, IT 12:30 Application Potential of Small Satellite Formations Prof. Klaus Schilling, University Wuerzburg - Professor and Chair for Robotics and Telematics, DE 13:00 The examination of the impact of base technology parameters on the geometry of the teeth of spiral bevel gears Marek Kret, Warsaw University of Technology, PL 13:00 Lecture Prof. Christoph Günther, Institute of Communications und Navigation, Satellite Networks, German Aerospace Center DLR, DE 13:30 Lunch Break 13:30 Lunch Break 12:30 The latest developments in alternative feedstock for aviation fuels Dr Alexander David, SGS Germany GmbH, DE 12:20 A numerical method for the estimation of the stiffness of a porous cfrp structure David Chrupalla, German Aerospace Center DLR, DE 13:00 Powerful zero-point-energy converter – Theory and experiment Prof. Claus W. Turtur, Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, DE 13:00 New holding fixture concepts to speed up reworking and measurement of composites Ing. Mag (FH) Christian Falch, Micado Smart Engineering GmbH, AT AEROSPACE AVIONICS Military Missions & Operations 13:00 The future of Flight Data Recorder Interfaces Paul Hart, Curtiss-Wright, IE 13:00 RPAS - Perspective of the Luftwaffe OTL i.G. Stephan Reitler, Kommando Luftwaffe, DE 13:30 Lunch Break 13:30 Lunch Break 13:30 Lunch Break 13:30 Lunch Break Oct. 30th AFTERNOON www.airtec.aero/congress ROOM 1 ROOM 2 ROOM 3 ROOM 4 ROOM 5 ROOM 6 13:30 Lunch Break 13:30 Lunch Break 13:30 Lunch Break 13:30 Lunch Break 13:30 Lunch Break 13:30 Lunch Break KEYNOTES Composite Structures AEROSPACE AVIONICS Autonomy & Planning AEROSPACE TESTING Enabling Technologies 14:30 A Perspective on Aerospace Technology Development and Transition Brian P. Rice, University Of Dayton Research Institute, US 14:30 An Approach towards an Optimal Design of Composite Structures Dr Barbara Goller, INTALES GmbH Engineering Solutions, AT 14:30 Introduction to CAN FD Peter Decker, Vector Informatik GmbH, DE 14:30 Preliminary Design of Redundancy Management System for LSA UAV Flight Control System Based On Functional Hazard Analysis Result Fuad Surastyo Pranoto, LAPAN Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space, ID 14:30 Virtual IPCT as a modern tool in inflight IPCT tests planning Anna Kucaba-Piętal, Rzeszow University of Technology, PL 14:30 Enabling Technologies for Future Satellites – Data Handling and Communications Giovanni D‘Aliesio, MDA, CA 15:00 A dual compression Ethernet camera solution for airborne applications Stephen Willis, Curtiss-Wright, IE 15:00 Tablet PC based UA Control Station Tobias Paul, ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH, DE 15:00 Diagnosis system for the process of creep-feed grinding of Inconel 718 alloy based on multiple signals Robert Babiarz, Rzeszow University of Technology, PL 15:00 Lecture Dr Bernhard Schmidt-Tedd, German Aerospace Center DLR - Head of Legal Support for Agency Affairs, DE 15:30 High fidelity motion cueing control Peter Chudy, Brno University of Technology, CZ 15:30 Optimization of UAV fleet operation - System of System approach Antoni Kopyt, Warsaw University of Technology, PL 15:00 High Volume and Affordable Aerospace Sealing and Shimming Gerald Pfeiler, ViscoTec America - President/CEO, US 15:30 KEYNOTE Mark Carlos, MISTRAS Group, US 14:50 Developments in machining for composite tooling and parts Peter Dickin, Delcam, GB 15:10 Conductive Polymer Based Electromagnetic Wave Absorbing Structures Dr Engin ACIKALIN, TUBITAK MARMARA RESEARCH CENTER, TR 15:30 Future use of the TET-Platform and it‘s technology for high performance LEO missions Stephan Roemer, Astro- und Feinwerktechnik Adlershof GmbH, DE 16:00 Constraint based Decision Support System for Medium-term Strategic Air Traffic Flow Management Dr Lawrence Kyei Asante, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, DE 16:00 High Agility Demonstration with a New Actuator System by Small Satellite BIROS Christian Raschke, DLR, Optical Information Systems, DE 16:30 Multirotor UAV Navigation Data Fusion Based Gauss Hermite Information Filter Hamza Benzerrouk, International Institute for Advanced Aerospace Technologies of St Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, RU 16:30 Robotics Locomotion in challenging conditions Philippe Bidaud, French Aerospace Lab ONERA - Scientific director and Professor at UPMC, FR Supply on the Wings UAV HELI SPACE AEROSPACE SENSORS AEROSPACE TESTING AEROSPACE AVIONICS Scientifitc Commitee Scientifitc Commitee Scientific Commitee Scientific Commitee Scientific Committee Chairman: Prof. Dr Richard Degenhardt, DLR (German Aerospace Center), Braunschweig and PFH Göttingen, Germany Chairman: Prof. Dr Axel Schulte, Aircraft Dynamics and Flight Guidance of the Universität der Bundeswehr, Munich, Germany Session Chairs: Dr Mark D. White, Flight Simulation Manager, The University of Liverpool, United Kingdom Chairman: Prof. Dr Roger Förstner, Institute of Space Technology & Space Applications, Universität der Bundeswehr, Munich, Germany Chairman AEROSPACE SENSORS: Prof. Dr Rolf-J. Ahlers, Managing Director, ProxiVision GmbH, Germany Vice Chairman: Dr Leslie Cohen, Senior Vice President, Hitco, USA Committee Members: Dr Igor Bashkirov, TsAGI, Russia Dr Mircea Calomfirescu, Airbus Defence and Space, Manching, Germany Ilke Dikici, Technical Consultant in Aerospace Dr Lars Fiedler, Senior Manager, R&T Fuselage Structure, Airbus SAS, Germany Prof. Dr Giacomo Frulla, Turin Polytechnic University, Italy Prof. Dr Harald Funke, Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Germany Gila Ghilai, Director of Airframe Design & Analysis, Israel Aerospace Industry, Israel Prof. Dr Alfredo Guemes, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain Dr Tomas Ireman, Senior Manager, Head of Loads, Stress and Dynamics, SAAB, Sweden Dr Josef Kallo, Head of Group Fuel Cell and Battery Systems, DLR Stuttgart, Germany Dr Gregorio Kawiecki, Boeing, Spain Dr Douglas McCarville, Boeing, USA Francois Kubica, A380 Chief Engineer, Airbus SAS, France Dr Matthias Meyer, Vice President, MAG Composites, Germany Prof. Dr Janusz Narkiewicz, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Reinald Pfau, Premium Aerotec, Germany Prof. Dr Murray Scott, CEO, Advanced Composite Structures Australia, Melbourne, Australia Prof. Dr Romana Ewa Sliwa, Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland Prof. Dr Bernd Steckemetz, University of Applied Sciences Bremen, Germany Dr Jens Telgkamp, Head of Fuselage and Generic Structure Design - ESDSR, Airbus SAS, Germany Sam Wilson, Bombardier, United Kingdom Vice Chairman: Prof. Dr Dieter Moormann, Institute of Flight System Dynamics, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Commitee Members Dr Alin Albu-Schäffer, Director DLR-German Aerospace Centre for Robotics and Mechatronics, Wessling, Germany Christopher C. Ames, Rear Admiral, US Navy (Ret.), Director, International Strategic Development, General Atomics, Aeronautical Systems, USA Prof. Dr David Bird, Emeritus Professor of Wildlife Biology and Editor of Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems Department of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University, Canada Thomas Gottmann, Senior Manager Barracuda / Agile UAV NCE, Airbus Defence and Space, Germany Prof. Dr Florian Holzapfel, Institute of Flight System Dynamics, Technical University of Munich Germany Dr René Knorr, Director UAS Programms, ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik GmbH, Germany Dr Reimund Kueke, Head of Business Development, Airbus Defence and Space, Germany Peter Loef, Network Manager, EurA Consult AG and CEO – AIR e.V., Germany James A. Moseman, Director Europe and NATO, Northrop Grumman International, Belgium Francisco A. Navarro, Chief ATM Scientist UAS Management, Boeing Research & Technology Europe Brigadier a.D. Hans-Georg Schmidt, Chairman Military ATM Board Eurocontrol, Belgium Brigadier a.D. Gerhard Schulz, bavAIRia Aerospace Cluster, Germany Dr Norbert Tränapp, IABG IndustrieanlagenBetriebsgesellschaft mbH, Germany Hans W. Weber, Vice President Heavy Transport Helicopter Program & UAV, Airbus Helicopters, Germany Dr Moshe Zilberman, Director of Marketing & Sales, Engineering Division, IAI, Israel Committee Members: Prof. Dr Salvatore Amoroso, Energy Department Section Engineering and Transport, University of Palermo, Italy Chief Superintendent M.A. D.–H. Bothe, Air Transport Helicopter Pilot, Federal Police, Germany Konstantin Kampa, Head of Technical Expertise & Manager General Engineering, Airbus Helicopters, Germany Il’ya Taratonov, Center of Innovations and Competence, RUSSIAN HELICOPTERS, Russia Dr James Wang, Vice President R&D, AgustaWestland, Italy Martin Stucki, CEO, Marenco Holding AG, Switzerland Vice Chairman: Dr Cornelius Schalinski, Head of Sales Institutional Projects, OHBSystem AG, Germany Dr Alin Olimpiu Albu-Schäffer, Director DLR-German Aerospace Centre for Robotics and Mechatronics, Wessling, Germany Dr Major Chahal, Head of Technology Transfer and Standards, UK Space Agency, United Kingdom Richard Coleman, President, Space Transportation Association, USA Giovanni D’Aliesio, Manager New Business Electronics, MDA, Canada Dr Juergen Drescher, Director DLR-German Aerospace Centre Washington D.C. Office, USA Steve Eisenhart, Senior Vice President Strategic & International Affairs Space Foundation, USA Hon. Prof. Dr Eveline Gottzein, Processing & Platform Equipment, Airbus Defence and Space, Germany Dr Peter Hofmann, Director Business Development Space, Kayser-Threde GmbH, Germany Prof. Dr Jean de Lafontaine, President NGC Aerospace Ltd., Professor Université de Sherbrooke, Canada Miranda Musialek, Director Space, Business Development Directorate, ONERA Palaiseau, France Prof. Dr Alexander Nebylov, Director of IIAAT SUAI, St. Petersburg, Russia Matthieu Roulet, Head of Strategy & European Business Development, Airbus Defence and Space, France Stewart Sanders, SVP, Planning & Procurement, SES S.A., Luxembourg Prof. Dr Klaus Schilling, University of Würzburg, Germany Dr James Sutter, NASA Glenn Research Centre, Cleveland, USA Frank Slazer, Vice President, Space Systems, Aerospace Industries Association, USA Chairman AEROSPACE TESTING: Prof. Dr Stephen GR Brown, Director of Research, College of Engineering, Swansea University, United Kingdom Chairman AEROSPACE AVIONICS: Dr Mirko Jakovljevic, Senior Marketing Manager, TTTech Computertechnik AG, Austria Committee Members: Dr Orlando da Costa, Technical Manager UAS, IABG, Germany Dr Johann Dambeck, Chief Engineer TAURUS System, MBDA-D, Germany Prof. Dr Stefanos Fasoulas, Deputy Director, Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart, Germany Prof. Dr Hans-Jörg Fecht, Director Institute of Micro and Nanomaterials, Ulm University, Germany Roland Goerke, Avionic Systems, Airbus Defence and Space, Germany Dr Ute Hörmann, Acount Manager Consumer Testing Services, SGS Institut Fresenius GmbH, Germany Dr Bernhard Keidel, R&D Project Manager, EMT, Germany Thomas Löffler, Senior Engineer Integrated Navigation Systems, Diehl BGT Defence, Germany Professor Bernd Mayer, Managing Director, Fraunhofer IFAM, Germany Prof. Dr Reinhard Reichel, Director, Institute of Aircraft Systems ILS, Germany Dr Carmine Salzano, International Aerospace Defense Manager, PCB Aerospace and Defense, USA Prof. Dr Frank Thielecke, Institute of Aircraft Systems Engineering, Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany Eric Whitley, Business Development Manager, Silicon Sensing Systems Ltd, United Kingdom 1532|2909 Congress Fees Registration 3 Days 2 Days 1 Day Early Bird until Sep. 15th € 845.– € 695.– € 495.– Standard € 995.– € 845.– € 585.– Governmental Institutions1 € 299.– € 249.– € 199.– Students free free free Military Delegations in uniform free free free Exhibitors / Co-Exhibitors2 free free free The congress fee includes admission to the complete congress including all symposia and the exhibition, lunch and refreshments, documentation, proceedings CD. Free of charge participation does not include lunch. Congress Fees include VAT. 1. i.e. Universities, Research Organizations, DLR, Fraunhofer, TNO, … 2. Each exhibitor / co-exhibitor receives one congress pass free of charge. Additional passes are subject to a 50% discount. Entrance fee to the get-together evening on October 29th costs EUR 95.– Reduced Speakers’ Fees Registration 3 Days 2 Days 1 Day Speakers € 495.– € 390.– € 345.– € 199.– € 169.– € 149.– Governmental Institutions 1 B2B-Meetings Procurement Manager / Buyers Supply Chain Manager Manager Research and Technology Manager Development / Developers Project Manager Project Engineers free of charge Sales Manager Business Development Manager exclusive to AIRTEC’s exhibitors Exhibition Surface rental starting at € 389 / sqm min size 12sqm Ready installed systems € 116 / sqm Type “Westend” € 136/ sqm Type “Airport” All Prices plus VAT www.airtec.aero/congress Organiser: airtec GmbH & Co. KG, P.O. Box 700 164, 60551 Frankfurt, Germany Please note: Students‘ rates do not apply for speakers. Congress fees include VAT.
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