BIA Legal Update (also open to MH Assessors)

BIA Legal Update (also open to MH Assessors)
2014 has, so far, been an exceptionally demanding one for
DoLS assessors. The case law is developing rapidly and
workloads are soaring. More than ever there is a need for
DoLS assessors to be up to date on law and practice.
Course date & location
24 November 2014
This one day course from Edge Training and Consultancy
has been designed to meet the needs of these
professionals. It will deal with the key cases and news
since the Cheshire West judgment so as to give DoLS
assessors an informative legal update.
As with all Edge courses there will be a focus on the
practical issues. The day will include a number of case
studies aimed at applying the latest case law to issues that
arise in practice. There will be plenty of opportunity to ask
questions and to discuss the key DoLS issues with fellow
DoLS assessors from around the country.
The following topics will be included in the programme.
The course content on the day will reflect the latest DoLS
news and case law so there may be some amendments to
that given below.
• The latest DoLS news, research and reports
• Brief refresher on the Cheshire West judgment
• Implications of the judgment
• Relevant ECHR deprivation of liberty case law
• Latest domestic deprivation of liberty case law
• Supported living update
• Human Rights - duties and responsibilities on local
• Assessment of capacity – case law update
All participants will receive an Edge certificate of
attendance and full course materials
The course will be delivered by
10:00am to 4:00pm
Lincoln’s Inn
(Chancery Lane or Holborn
underground stations)
Booking details
Places are limited so early booking
is recommended.
To book and pay online go to and
search for: BIA legal update
For a booking form and invoice,
£115 +VAT including refreshments
(but not lunch) and all course
Steven Richards
Steven Richards is a specialist advisor for the Care Quality Commission on the Mental Capacity Act
and a Director of Edge training and consultancy. Steven has worked in the mental health field for over
20 years. He has been an in-patient advocate for Mind and as an advocate represented directly
before the Court of Protection. He has trained health and social care professionals on the Act since
Steven was one of the original authors of The Maze (the Maudsley Hospital’s guide to the Mental
Health Act 1983) and is co-author of two current books, Working with the Mental Capacity Act 2005 2nd edition and Working with the Mental Health Act - 3rd edition. He also co-authors a number of wall
charts on the Acts which are used nationally and a mobile App on the Mental Capacity Act.
Edge Training and Consultancy Ltd VAT: 925948874 | 07741 463 768