No: 29, November 2014 The little electric newspaper Editor: Jeremy Barnes – (01428) 606046 – The little electric newspaper Editor: Jeremy Barnes, (01428) 606046, It's all happening in Beacon Hill this November Beacon Hill Primary School Open Day Thursday November 6 9:30am to 11:30 and 1:30pm to 2:30 The great Beacon Hill Christmas Market and Christmas lights switch on Sunday, 30 November 2014 Christmas market from 3 PM BBQ, Father Christmas and many other stalls It’s the neighbourly face of Christmas Those pesky Post-Its You may remember, a while ago, on a beautiful summer’s day, people in Beacon Hill were invited into the school to write on Post-its about their hopes and fears for the village. 290 Post-its were, on that day, collected. The event was organised by Haslemere Vision, a local voluntary organisation entrusted by the Council with writing the Haslemere Local Plan. The Beacon Hill Billy-Do can now reveal what happened to those Post-its. Their contents were entered on to a large spreadsheet. The responses were sensible, many, diverse and unstructured. Post-its were attached to six sheets, a map of Beacon Hill and five blank sheets asking: What makes a good society? (Continued on page 2) What do you treasure in Beacon Hill? (22 responses) 13 responents cited the adjacent countryside, walks, hills and environment in general. One summarised this by remarking that they “treasured” “Everything. We are so lucky.” The school, the church, the Legion, the tunnel and the shops were all mentioned. (Continued from page 1) Ideas for the future What do you treasure in Beacon Hill? What might change in 5, 10 or 20 years? What isn’t so good about our village? We summarise the Post-its on the six sheets below. On the map of Beacon Hill (78 responses) Most people (21) wanted changes to the traffic system in the village including a speed limit and safer crossing of the Churt Road. A sizeable group (13) wanted more affordable housing and another (12) wanted more community facilities including, for example, Christmas Fayres, more shops, ballroom dancing and a Community Choir. Some (4) wanted to see a pub in the village. What makes a good society? (51 responses) The largest group (12) felt that shops and businesses were the core of “a good society.” 6 felt a pub was an essential feature. Other suggestions were wide-ranging from a football team, a parish council and excellent communication. Ideas for the future (34 responses) 11 respondents suggested better village events (including a local choir) and 10 commented on speed limits requesting, for example, a 20 mph limit on Beacon Hill Road, a cycle path linking the village to Hindhead, a Churt Road zebra crossing, traffic calming in the Tilford Road and a layby outside the chemists What might change in 5, 10 or 20 years? (20 responses) Respondents seemed to interpret this question in a wider context than the village alone, expressing worries about petrol prices, overdevelopment, and the disappearance of shops. Others mentioned rising parking problems and more homeworking. What isn’t so good about our village? (45 responses) the largest group (6) bemoaned the absence of a pub with traffic matters arising again. Others criticised communication and parking in the village. A couple remarked that because the school’s growing and more children are coming from further away there is significant congestion at child delivery and collection times. The bottom line As a public consultation exercise this may have had its shortcomings but participation was excellent with a deal of effort expended. It's a real pity that some of these ideas have been allowed to sink out of sight. We can summarise the general feeling as: “the surrounding area is wonderful but Beacon Hill could do better." Maybe we should put our collective time where our Post-its were. Perhaps it’s time that people who love Beacon Hill got organised. The Countryside Restoration Trust The Countryside Restoration Trust welcomes volunteers to help out at Green Farm. On the first Tuesday of each month (commencing Nov. 4th) we would like to hold 'Volunteer Helping Hand' working parties keeping the footpaths clear and generally tidying up the Green Farm area. Meeting at the Farm 10 am (Green Farm, Green Lane, Churt GU10 2LT) and planning to finish mid afternoon, or if only for a couple of hours assistance would be very appreciated. For more contact Kenny MacKay on 01223 262999 or For much more: 2 Billy’s Mailbox Dear Billy Always enjoy reading the latest Billy Do and so far have not had reason the submit any response. However today has lit my fuse and I feel I need to let you know of my feelings. - - BT Internet has lately been so so slow particularly after the switch over to BT Mail which seems to have taken so so much longer than originally advised. Not good enough. I also noticed the green box outside Phyllis Tuckwell the other day and my hopes were raised but dashed again when reading your news. what is the point of not connecting Beacon Hill to the box? The fibre connection only starts at the box and links with Haslemere.....thats no good to us is it? As for being unacceptably slow, today raised my blood pressure as internet access was almost impossible, email was hopeless; I kept on being timed out [never had that before], loads of error messages, constant ''Loading Data'' messages, email contacts lost [but I found them again in another location [why?]. Is this because BT were messing about with the new connection in Beacon Hill or is it simply a sign of the times to come? Fed Up!! - -Churt Road junction. I have lived in the village for about 30 yrs and have always felt that the junction with Churt Road should be altered to include a mini roundabout, big enough to force traffic to slow right down. Perhaps even the island outside JayCees could be closed off [inconsiderate parking too!] to provide some cafe culture seating or a couple of benches to sit on and chat with friends?? - Traffic. Since moving here traffic has increased substantially particularly at the school end [mornings and afternoons], and Hill Road and Grove Road [with the new housing replacing the Working Men's Club]. Grove Road is now a parking ground for many vehicles forcing oncoming cars to wait for oncoming traffic, as well as becoming a race track for some drivers from Linkside and the other end of Grove Road, as well as driving instructors using Linksides and Grove Road and others as a training ground. When we moved here Grove Road was a quiet, safe road.....not any more. Clovelly Road is also beginning to suffer traffic problems; often it is heart in mouth driving down the hill and up again towards B/Hill Road as many vehicle are parked either side of the road resulting in a slalom course drive through parked cars either side. As for Beacon Hill Road/Hampton terrace.....what to do about parking? Shops and deliveries should be forced to park in the public carpark, whilst spaces should only for disabled parking or VERY short stops and NOT for trucks and school drop offs and pick ups. EG: Its almost impossible to have a quick stop to visit the Chemist or Jaycees. Solution: find a parking ground or extend the playing field to provide an access point for additional parking. Woodcock WeatherVane - where is it/what's happened to it? Name and email supplied PS. Hampton Terrace - what are the brass studs in the pavement? Billy says: I believe the studs in the pavement mark the boundary of each shop’s curtilage. They also fool people into trying to pick up "coins." Beacon Hill resldent designs WW2 Memorial Ian Stewart of Grove Road, Hindhead, designed the new Spirit of Normandy Memorial His wife, Mary, oversaw the whole project as a gift to the Normandy veterans, as was the tiled panel part of the old memorial donated by the Grayshott Pottery in 1992. The dedication ceremony was held at the National Memorial Arboretum on 24th September, the whole project was undertaken by The Spirit of Normandy Trust) who also raised the funds. For more on this important Memorial visit The BBC’s programming up to Remembrance Day will feature the Memorial and the Normandy Veterans Association. It’s on Tuesday 4th November at 9.15 am. Might be a programme to record or pick up on iPlayer. RIP Hindhead Furnishing It's so sad to see the "CLOSING DOWN SALE" posters in the window of Hindhead Furnishing. Pessimists will cite this disaster as an omen for the village. Most people will however remember fondly their visit to the shop, one of Beacon Hill's historic buildings. Fingers crossed the building will not be turned into housing. The general economic situation has, doubtless, proved too much for Ralph and his family. We wish him the very best for the future 3 Grayshott Folk Club— upcoming gigs Friday 14th November Grayshott Village Hall HANNNAH SANDERS & LIZ SIMMONS + THE BLACK FEATHERS Saturday 29th November Grayshott Village Hall HOUSE DEVILS + KIM LOWINGS AND THE GREENWOOD Friday 12th December 2014 Grayshott Village Hall GRAYSHOTT FOLK CLUB CHRISTMAS SPECIAL WITH THE CHURCHFITTERS + EDWINA HAYES You can buy tickets for all Grayshott Folk Club events from: Magical Rooms, 2 Headley Road, GRAYSHOTT: 01428 608340 (opposite The Fox and Pelican pub) Grayshott Social Club, Hill Road, GRAYSHOTT: 01428 604041 Haslemere Bookshop, High Street, HASLEMERE: 01428 652952 Billy-Do archive Click on the to download a PDF of any past edition. Jan Feb Mar Apr 2012 May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2013 2014 Please don’t forget Many people from Beacon Hill expressed concern about communication in in the village. The Beacon Hill Billy-Do was established to try to address some of these concerns. Christmas is coming and if you want to make sure the Billy-Do’s almost 300 discerning subscribers hear of your Christmas event then you must make sure you get your copy to before the last day of the month preceding. Some respondents to the survey on page 1 seem to believe that very little happens here. The items on page 1 contradict this view and it’s clear that the Legion is working hard to be our village hall. All power to their elbow! 4 Beacon Hill Contacts Billy strives to keep these lists up-to-date but he is only human. Please email additions, amendments, or deletions to Who or what Beacon Hill Baby & Toddler Group Beacon Hill Billy-Do Beacon Hill Community School Beacon Hill Nursery School Beacon Hill WI Beacon Hill Light Brigade Beavers British Legion Care in Haslemere Citizens' Advice Bureau Cricket Club Cubs Grayshott Surgery Hindhead Bowls Club Hindhead Brownies/ Guides Hindhead Football Club Hindhead Luncheon Club Hindhead Playing Fields Assn Mothers' Union MyArtGroup Scouts Shared Art Group St Alban's Community Hall Bumps & Babies’ Café URC Halls Hire URChins Parents & toddlers Village Cafe (at the Legion) Whitmore Vale House Woolmer Hill School Youth groups Contact Ali Webb Jeremy Barnes Sue Walker, Head Rosie Malone, Principal Penny Anderson-Edward Number 01428 606990 01428 606046 01428 605597 01428 606711 01428 605818 01428 607195 Matthew Meveridge 01428 606952 01428 604299 Theresa de St Croix, Sec 01428 652505 01428 643413 Peter Babb, Sec 01428 609420 Andy Grenside 01428 608249 01428 604343 01428 609420 Ann Babb 01428 609551 Claire Sutherland 01428 652357 Colin Lock 01428 606921 Janet Harmer Chris Grimes 01428 607176 Sally Elliott 01428 606989 01428 607926 Alison Orchard 01428 607886 Stephen Evans 01428 606437 Sheila 01428 605801 John Dench 01428 644485 Claire or Rachel 01428 606236 Bridget Mitchell 01428 606236 Bridget Mitchell 01428 606298, Tom Milne 01428 604477 Felicia Yarborough Matthew Armstrong-Harris, Head 01428 654055 Cherith Collins 01428 605051 When Termtime Tues 0900-1130 Monthly Termtime weekdays 0900-1500 2nd Mon 8pm Wed,1600-1730 M,W,F 10-4,M,W,F – 10-1 Tu,Th Mon, 1830-2000 Thur 2nd Tues 1945 Art classes Fri, 1930-2115 Mon 1000-1200 Mon 1000-1130 Fri 0900-1115 Mon 11:00 to 12:00 alt Fridays from 6.00pm Beacon Hill democracy These are the people who represent Beacon Hill locally. You elected them and they want to help. Call them. Haslemere Town (and Parish) Council Waverley Borough Council Jean Arrick 608266 Michael Dover 607834 Brigitte Hewett 604213 Peter Isherwood 605768 Cyndy Lancaster 604213 Christiaan Hesse 607863 Peter Isherwood 605768 Beacon Hill churches All Beacon Hill’s churches have excellent websites. If you’re confused by the point of it all or want to discover a church’s valuable range of services to our community, click on the image at right. 5 St Anselm’s St Albans United Reformed Beacon Hill Traders and Businesses Billy strives to keep this list up-to-date but he is only human. Please email additions, amendments, or deletions to Who (Click for their website, if available) Amalfi Trattoria Avalon Barbershop, The What Family-run Italian restaurant Garden Centre and PYO Walk-in gentlemen’s hairdressing Phone 608660 604842 Beacon Hill Chemist’s See Lloyds Pharmacy below 605011 Beacon Hill Cleaners High quality cleaning services 606486 Beacon Hill Construction Traditional builders, established 1978 604008 Beacon Hill Garage Classic car restoration and race preparation 609822 Beacon Heating & Boiler Service Beacon Hill Post Office Beacon Hill Veterinary Clinic Bray and Lawson Brian Howard Complete heating installation and service Personal banking and much, much more Animal health care Solicitors Painter and Decorator 605538 605333 606396 605222 609626 The Coffee Lounge Cordon Bleu coffee, cakes and outside catering 07827 960175/608303 The Cookie Bar Cookies and more from Hindhead’s social enterprise 608001 Creative Gardens Garden & Planting Design 608187 Crow’s Trees Tree Surgery, Stump Grinding, Felling, Hedge Trimming 07775 709949 Footwise Foot health practitioner Takeaway Chinese cuisine Independent financial advice Unisex hairdressing Sewing Services, clothing/curtain alterations 608529 606981 606777 605719 289036 Hindhead Furnishing Hybrensys Complete house furnishers 605274 Low-cost heat and solar energy for all. 07825 78534 Impact Accounting Jason Bishop Jaycees Kelway Law Lloyds Pharmacy Nigel Mee O’Byrne Tutoring PGL Phoenix Cards Business accounting, advice and mentoring Wndow cleaning, gutter clearance General store Estate Agents Dispensing chemists Bookkeeping and payroll services Experienced Science Tutor Outdoor adventure centre Stationery and much, much more. 607414 Phyllis Tuckwell Shop Selected pre-owned homewares 01252 29400 PG Wise and Son Property Doc Robin Crow Restorations Scenic Landscapes Sally Elliot Scandi Living Shaun Sherwood Strudwick TV services Smove Tammy’s Hair & Beauty Vehicle sales and servicing Building and property maintenance 604271 604638 Drives, Timber Buildings, Fencing & Restoration 605932/07774 93428 Complete landscape services Interior design & decoration Scandinavian food and homeware Fencing, hedging, chain saw work TV, video, DVD sales and repair Friendly, safe, efficient removals Treats, luxuries, indulgence 606837 606989 608050 07748 166588 Thwaites of Hindhead Food with thought 604800 Tipples Fine wines, beers, chocolates and flowers. 289083 Great Wall Greysmere Associates Headmasters Hemlines 6 Email 07731 505090 078350 28755 604133 604488 605011 605398 607096 605626 604657 607809 608225 608730
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