Spirit of the Living God Fall afresh upon us. Spirit of the Living God Fall afresh upon us. Melt us, Mold us, Fill us, Use us, Spirit of the Living God Fall afresh upon us. THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NOVEMBER 9, 2014 10851 Ridge Road • Seminole, FL 33778 727-397-3312 • Fax 727-392-6653 Website: www.stjustinmartyr.net For emergencies only 1-800-832-8687 OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Fri 9am - 3 pm THE 7 SACRAMENTS: BAPTISM: For Adults & Infants contact Laura Rivera ext. 302 prior to making arrangements by at least 6 months. CONFIRMATION: Teens and Adults: Contact Laura Rivera ext. 302 EUCHARIST: Daily 8:30 a.m. (M-F) Sat.: Vigil 4 pm; Sun.: 8:45am & 10:45am Holy Days: See Bulletin MISSA EM PORTUGUES: Fr. José Furtado Todos os Domingos as 7:00 PM Informacoes: 727-538-8953 MARRIAGE: Contact Laura Rivera ext. 302 prior to making arrangements by at least 6 months. HOLY ORDERS: Fr. Carl Melchior 727-345-3452 spvocation@dosp.org RECONCILIATION: Saturdays 2:30 - 3:30 pm or by appointment (ext. 308) ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Prior to surgery, advanced in age, seriously ill (ext. 307) For Emergencies 1-800-832-8687 OUR VISION : Where we as a Parish are headed We the Parish Family of St. Justin, Martyr, are committed to and passionate about: the Celebration of the Eucharist and prayers, being a community of disciples, the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Church, caring for one another and the proclaiming of the Gospel to the four corners of the earth. OUR 5 PURPOSES: Director of INVITE/Evangelization: Director of CONNECT/Membership: Director of PRAY/Worship: Director of STUDY/Growth: Director of SERVE/Ministry: Bob Metz Judy Miller Joe Fernandez Laura Rivera Marie Chisari ext. 311 ext. 303 ext. 316 ext. 302 ext. 307 COMPANION COMPONENTS Director Sacramental Formation for all 7 Sacraments: Laura Rivera ext. 302 Director Life Foundations: The 5 Purposes for Children, Youth and Young Adults Laura Rivera ext. 302 Administrative Services: Director & Business Manager: Office Manager: Parish Secretary: Administrative: Facilities Assistant: Facilities Assistant (Interim): Brian Hug Janice Dooly Janet Flanagan Sharon McNulty Joe Pisani Bill Slatic ext. 338 ext. 310 ext. 306 ext. 301 Clergy: Shepherd Leader: Fr. Joe Musco ext. 308 Assisting Priests: Fr. Dick Cahill (Year round) Fr. José Furtado (Year round) Fr. Bernie Mac Adam (Seasonal) Deacon: Rev. Mr. Winston Mc Donald Councils: Pastoral Council: Financial Council: Nicole Caringal, Chair Mark Hammer, Chair Call to Worship 12 Min. before Sat & Sun Masses Introducing ... Reverend Joseph A. Musco St. Justin, Martyr’s third Shepherd Leader, Fr. Joseph A. Musco, was appointed by Bishop Robert Lynch and officially came to us on July 1, 2014. We can tell you that Fr. Joe has a keen sense of humor, an enormous smile and is very organized. One of his God-given talents is the depth and breadth of knowledge he draws upon to deliver thought-provoking homilies — extemporaneously! For those curious about our new priest, here is some background. In the Beginning Joseph A. Musco was born February 13, 1974 in Queens, New York to Joseph and Carol Hartter. Fr. Joe would have liked his birthday to have fallen on a saint’s feast day. Then again, Sister Lucia of Fatima died on his birthday (February 13, 2005 — her birth to eternal life and likely feast day), so he is praying she is canonized as a Saint of the Catholic Church. Thus, in addition to St. Joseph, Fr. Joe has a special devotion to Mary, Our Lady of Fatima. His biological father passed away while Fr. Joe was attending Sacred Heart Elementary School. Later, Fr. Joe studied at Archbishop Molloy High School for three years. During the summer of his junior year, the family relocated to Hernando County in Florida. The following year Fr. Joe graduated from Frank W. Springstead High School in Spring Hill. Anthony Musco, Fr. Joe’s stepfather (now deceased), legally adopted him at the age of 18 which gained him one stepbrother and two stepsisters. The University of South Florida, Tampa is where Fr. Joe studied accounting and earned a Master of Accounting degree. He passed the Uniform Public Accountancy exam while completing graduate studies. After graduation in the spring of 1998, Fr. Joe was employed in various accounting positions. His final secular job prior to priesthood was with the Diocese of St. Petersburg Finance Office for 14 months. Answering God’s Call The words and good example of his pastor, Msgr. John Cippel of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Parish in Spring Hill, encouraged Fr. Joe to further discern diocesan priesthood. He believes that there is no greater expression of love, in response to God’s love, than to give the gift of a life of service to the Church. What Fr. Joe enjoys about being an ordained priest is that he has many opportunities to get together with others for prayer, reflection, pastoral care and simply for enjoying each other’s company. One of his preferred ways to pray is praying with others, especially Holy Mass, because it helps him learn to pray to God and feel part of the living Church. When he prays with others, he is also helping others learn to pray and feel part of the living Church. Street sign where Fr. Joe grew up in Glendale, NY, which was across from a firefighter who died on 9/11. Continued on next page . . . ST. JUSTIN, MARTYR CHURCH SEMINOLE, FLORIDA www.stjustinmartyr.net THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NOVEMBER 9, 2014 Introducing ... Connect with Fr. Joe at https://twitter.com/FatherMusco Fr. Joe is a huge Major League Baseball fan. His favorite memorabilia is a Joe Maddon (Rays’ Manager) personalized autograph with the words: Reverend Joseph A. Musco In particular, Fr. Joe likes the gospels of Matthew and Luke because they tell us about St. Joseph (his patron saint), the husband of Mary, and the guardian and the protector of the Holy Family, which is an image of the Church. “Forgive me Father Musco for I have sinned.” Some of Fr. Joe’s favorite things: Fr. Joe’s diaconate ordination Mass (2005) celebrated by now Bishop of Orlando John Noonan (who had been Fr. Joe’s rector at St. John Vianney College Seminary, Miami, FL) at his home parish, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Church, Spring Hill, FL. Food: Italian Animal: dog Ice cream flavor: chocolate with almonds TV show: Man vs. Wild Color: RED Movie: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark Mythical creature: dragon Book: Confessions by St. Augustine Subject in school: history Baseball style: throws righty, bats lefty Conversely, we have come to know that one of Fr. Joe’s not-so-favorite things are those nest building, easily irritated, attack-and-sting wasps that are found aplenty on the grounds of St. Justin. Rest assured, Fr. Joe has a can of flying insect spray always at the ready — and he shows them no mercy! Prior to coming to us, Fr. Joe served at Most Holy Redeemer Church in Tampa where he was also Pastor of Most Holy Redeemer Catholic School. In his free time Fr. Joe enjoys visiting his mother, hanging out with close friends, attending Rays’ games and going out to eat — especially Italian. Fr. Joe is in the process of getting to know everyone’s name at St. Justin. However, keep in mind, there is only one of him and hundreds of us! Fr. Joe’s priesthood ordination Mass (2006) celebrated by Bishop Robert Lynch at the Cathedral, St. Petersburg, FL. We warmly welcome Fr. Joe to our parish family. Please give him your full support and keep him in your prayers as we continue our spiritual journey as members of the Body of Christ. ST. JUSTIN, MARTYR CHURCH SEMINOLE, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 9, 2014 Invite/Evangelization “Committed to and passionate about proclaiming the Gospel to the four corners of the earth” Director: Bob Metz, ext. 311 Email: bmetz@stjustinmartyr.net Advent is a time to anticipate both our celebration of the birth of Jesus and the day when the risen Jesus will come again. ANTICIPATE THE COMING OF THE SEASON WITH ADVENT AWAKENINGS Focus on the significance of this holy season with Advent Awakenings, a foursession faith-sharing experience grounded in the Sunday Gospel readings. Year B: Take the Time: Encourages participants to prepare for Jesus’ coming by setting aside everyday busyness and become more deeply aware of God’s call. Each session includes reflections, prayers, action responses, and song suggestions, plus seasonal devotions for families to use at home. www.stjustinmartyr.net THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Study/Growth “Committed to and passionate about the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Church.” Director: Bob Metz, ext. 311 Email: bmetz@stjustinmartyr.net COME ENCOUNTER CHRIST! The Parish Mission will be held on December 1st, 2nd and 3rd at the morning Mass, at 8:30 am and in the evening at 7:00 pm in the church. Father Cedric Pisegna will present the theme of “Come Encounter Jesus.” Father Cedric promises to give us “Three Days of Inspiration”! Father Cedric is a inspirational speaker as well as an author of many books and is seen on TV on the TBN on Sundays. Fr. Cedric Pisegna, C.P. is a Passionist priest who professed vows in September 1985. He was born in Springfield, Massachusetts and graduated from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst with B.S. in Social Work and a minor in Business. In addition, he has studied Philosophy at Southern Illinois University and has studied Speech and Drama at Northwestern University in Chicago. Fr. Cedric graduated from the Catholic Theological Union at Chicago in May 1990, receiving his Master of Divinity degree with Bible Specialization. He was ordained a priest on June 29, 1991. Prayer for St. Justin, Martyr Parish Mission God our Father, We thank you for this time of renewal. SMALL COMMUNITIES ARE FORMING NOW! Make our hearts hungry and thirsty for you. Recreate our minds and hearts with the fire of your Word during our mission. Touch us with the Power of the Holy Spirit. Register in the Narthex today. For more information, please contact Jim Boeggeman or Bob Metz. We want to be filled with Passion and Peace! SMALL CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES – “TAKE THE TIME” We are signing parishioners up for Advent Awakenings: Take the Time sharing groups at this time. Our SCC’s will gather to learn, pray, and share in the true meaning of Advent. Please join us in a small group once a week for four weeks to remember in community what we are anticipating during this season, and connect with others as we journey in faith. By taking part in Advent Awakenings: Take the Time, you can set aside the distractions of shopping and decorating and focus on the true significance of the season and share it with your family. You will be blessed, you will be a blessing! We pray for the grace to say “Yes” to you. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen DISCIPLESHIP SEMINARS – Anniversary Celebration We continue to salute the pioneers as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of our parish Discipleship seminars. The following parishioners were a part of that first class on October 30, 2004. Lois Aitchinson, Gina Aponte, Roberta Barrett, Marie Chisari, Peg Connell, George Doll, James and Marilyn Dueppen, Elly Frank, Ray Free, Jane Guelker, Phyllis Hollowell, Sister Kathleen Honc, Robert, Irving, Dick Klein, Dorothy Lio, Viola Murphy, Father Mike O’Brien, Chris Rajik, Ada Scherer, Robert Stazko, Bernice and Henry Stein, Sheelagh Wallis, Cristy and Dan Weise. ST. JUSTIN, MARTYR CHURCH SEMINOLE, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 9, 2014 Pray/Worship “Committed to and passionate about the celebration of the Eucharist & prayers” Director: Joe Fernandez ext. 316 Email: jfernandez@stjustinmartyr.net The Lateran Basilica is a church in Rome that is the official seat of the pope, the bishop of Rome. It is the equivalent of the cathedral of a diocese. So why do we celebrate the dedication of a church built long ago and far away? Looking at the readings for this feast, we see that one thing they all have in common is the temple. The first reading and the Gospel mention the temple in Jerusalem; in the second reading St. Paul calls the body a temple of God. Let's see what these references say about our lives. The reading from Ezekiel describes the image of water flowing from the temple. That water can remind us of Jesus' words in John 4:10-14: He is the source of living water; whoever drinks it will never thirst. We come to church each week to be fed with Jesus' words in the scriptures and with his Body and Blood in the Eucharist. So the temple symbolizes the Source of all we need to live as Christians. In the reading from Corinthians, Paul uses two images. First, he calls us a building with Christ as our foundation. Second, he calls us temples of God because we also have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. As we build our lives on Christ, we do so not with our own efforts, but with the guidance and inspiration of the Spirit who lives in us. In the Gospel, Jesus makes a connection between himself and the temple. The temple was considered the place of God's presence on earth. But now Jesus is that Presence-he is God's Son. So we can celebrate the dedication of a church, St. John Lateran or our parish church, because they are signs of God's presence in our lives. As disciples of Jesus, we too can be signs of God's love for each other. Weekly Readings: November 10 - November 16, 2014 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-6; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] www.stjustinmartyr.net THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SCRIPTURE PREVIEW Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Over the centuries since the first Pentecost, Christians have often felt that the end of the world was at hand. Whether it was the prediction of some false prophet, the plague or some other calamity, it always seems as if the time in which people are actually living shows the signs of the end of the world. But to be too concerned about figuring out the signs is to miss the point of the readings today, especially the Gospel. Jesus makes it clear that no matter what trials come, no matter what is happening in the world, there is no need to be any more prepared than we always are. We are to live in such a way that when we are called to account, we can get out of the way and let the Holy Spirit inspire our words and our deeds. For literally at the end of The Day, this is what fear of the Lord as we see it in the first reading is all about. There is no other way to salvation except to be open to the healing work of the Holy Spirit. And so as we turn next week to celebrate Christ as our King, and as we turn to celebrate the Advent and Christmas cycle of feasts, it is good to remind ourselves of what openness to the Holy Spirit can mean for our lives and for our destiny. It is no less than accepting and helping to build the kingdom of God. YOUTH CHOIR All youth and children of reading age are invited to join the rest of the Music Ministry for the Christmas Concert here at 4:00 pm on Sunday, December 14, and the Holiday Lights Program at the Florida Botanical Gardens from 6:30 pm to 9 pm on Wednesday, December 17. Practice is from 7 pm to 7:30 pm every Tuesday night here in the church till the Concert. Please check the calendar on the parish website (http://www.stjustinmartyr.net/) for any changes or cancellations. ST. JUSTIN, MARTYR CHURCH SEMINOLE, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 9, 2014 Sacramental Formation “Committed to and passionate about the Celebration of the Eucharist and all the Sacraments.” Laura Rivera, ext. 302 or lrivera@stjustinmartyr.net Baptism preparation: Baptism Prep sessions take place by appointment. Please contact the Director of Sacramental Formation (Laura Rivera) at least 3 months prior to the Baptism. Baptisms take place during the Mass on the 3rd weekend of the month. First Holy Communion and Confirmation next session will be on Sunday, November 16, 2014. First Holy Communion session will take place immediately following the 8:45 am Mass in the Faith Formation Center. Confirmation Prep session will be immediately after the 10:45 am Mass in the Youth House. Please remember that 100% attendance is required for Sacramental Preparation Sessions. We continue our inquiry sessions so if you are looking for a place to belong, a community with whom you can share your questions and beliefs, or perhaps you’d like to find out a bit more about the Catholic Church? Whether the Catholic Church is totally new to you or whether you have already had Catholic ties sometime in your life, you would be most welcome among us! Together with others who are searching, you will share your questions, and learn what the life of faith is all about. If you choose to participate, you can be sure of affirmation and support no matter what direction your life may take. If you would like to know more, please contact Laura at ext. 302. We have ongoing inquiry every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Directors’ House. What is an Atrium? This word is used to name the space that is used in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program. Currently we have a Level I Atrium and look forward to a Level II Atrium sometime in the future. We use this word because in a Catechesis Atrium the children are growing in their faith and relationship with God. www.stjustinmartyr.net TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Life Foundations “Being Jesus Centered & Purpose Driven at every grade level” Laura Rivera, ext. 302 lrivera@stjustinmartyr.net Upcoming Events in Life Foundations November 11-In Parish November 18– Thanksgiving Feast November 25– No Class Thanksgiving Break Music Ministry is looking for children to join the Christmas Concert choir. Look out for details in regards to rehearsals. Gala News Ticket Sales have begun. Get your ticket before we are sold out. Seats are very limited. We are accepting Sponsorships, item donations and program ads. We are in need of pink silk flower bunches (any variety) for the décor. If you have any, please bring to the office with “For The Gala” written on a label. We are looking for some sewers to make table runners out of table clothes. If you are able to help, please contact Laura Rivera at ext. 302. November Events for Youth Ministry November 19: SCC meeting - Come out and join our Youth Ministry SCC. 6:30-8:00 pm in the Youth House. November 27 (Thanksgiving Day): All Middle School and High School families are welcome to come out on Thanksgiving morning at 7:00 am to help prepare 200 bags to be given out later that day to the homeless at Williams Park and Downtown St. Pete. We are in need of recycle bags, toothbrushes and toothpaste to hand out with the sack lunches. If you are able to donate, please bring to the office before November 26. If you have any questions, please contact Laura Rivera ext 302. St. JUSTIN, MARTYR UPCOMING WEEKLY EVENTS Administrative Services “Committed to and passionate about supporting the ministries, mission and facilities of St. Justin, Martyr Church.” Director: Brian Hug, ext. 338 Email: bhug@stjustinmartyr.net Famous Thrift Shoppe Open Year Round Wednesdays and Saturdays 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Drop offs are Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. Do Good. Feel Great. Donate! Don’t forget, all donations are tax deductible. The Famous Thrift Shoppe Fashion Show Sunday, December 7, 2014 St. Justin, Martyr Fellowship Hall The Four Corners store is a gift shopping experience like none other. Come discover a large selection of unique international Fair Trade items produced by artisans from developing countries as a means to eradicate poverty. Additionally, we have gifts galore and something for everyone. Proceeds support our Twinning Ministry with San José Parish in Yuscarán, Honduras. Open: Wed. 9 am - 2 pm; Sat. 9 am - 2 pm & after 4 pm Mass; Sun. after 8:45 am & 10:45 am Mass. LEWIS W. MOHN Monday, November 10 4:00 pm Peanut Butter Brigade (FH) 6:00 pm Social Ministry Meeting (FH) 8:00 pm Alanon (DH) Tuesday, November 11 Veterans Day 6:30 pm Life Foundations (In Parish) 7:00 pm Christmas Program Rehearsal (MC) Wednesday, November 12 8:30 am Blessing of the Shawls during Mass 9:00 am Thrift Shoppe & 4 Corners OPEN 7:00 pm Music Ministry Practice (MC) 7:00 pm RCIA Inquiry (DH) Thursday, November 13 7:00 pm Twinning General Meeting (FH) Friday, November 14 8:00 pm Portuguese Speaking Prayer Meeting (FFC) Saturday, November 15 9:00 am Thrift Shoppe & 4 Corners OPEN 5:00 pm 4 Corners (OPEN after Mass) Sunday, November 16 8:30 am LPM (LPM) 4 Corners (OPEN after all Masses) 9:45 am 10:00 am Sacramental Prep (FFC) 10:45 am Baptism 12:00 pm Confirmation Prep (FFC) 7:00 pm Portuguese Speaking Comm. 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