00 14 n d y 0 1600 ck Al pin e N at ion al Pa rk P R B T O P W 1600 JB Plain Hut Hoth a m - D i nn 1300 Fitzy’s Cirque i i ek Information Centre Track Information Camping area Lookout Information Public Toilets re 15 00 0 Room With a View (easy to moderate) 3km return A short walk from Dinner Plain this is the first completed project by the Dinner Plain Landcare group, and was originally an old horse riding track. It takes you on an easy walk through the snowgum forest to an open plain with spectacular views of Mount Hotham, Mount Feathertop, Bogong High Plains and the Cobungra River, where you can take in the views over Hotham Alpine Resort. re 0 130 00 14 k P R C tio E ec n IP n I 3) Montane Walking Track (difficult) Section 1 - 3.3km, Section 2 - 3.2km, Section 3 - 2.6km The Montane Walking Track starts at the Forest Walks trailhead, and covers many intersting aspects of the Dinner Plain area. The track has been divided into three sections. See Dinner Plain Track Notes for more details. Dead Timber Hill (easy to moderate) 4km return A new walk to the area, but absolutely breathtaking. This walk is through an area stricken by the 2003 bushfires that is slowly breathing life again. The romantic lookout over Mt Hotham is an exquisite sunset location. R E Wodonga T t A L 1) P IN R i v e r A ec pi ne Ro ad E F reehold P L AI N R Bairnsdale Sale State F orest Slippery Pinch See Dinner Plain Track Notes for more details on most of these walking tracks. Precipice Plain (moderate) (multipurpose) 9km return Walk or bike along the Dinner Plain 4WD Track to a lovely natural lookout across the remote Dargo Valley. Catch the sunset in the high country for fabulous colours in the sky, breath in the cool air and lovely cool summer breeze. Tabletop Walk (difficult) 10km return From JB Plain, follow the old fence line south across the plains for 0.5km. From here the route is marked by orange triangular markers. After crossing the snow plains and snowgum woodland, the route drops down to Tabletop Creek and then follows a long ridge up the plateau. Return by the same route. Montane Loop (easy) 1km loop An easy walk following a formed gravel track. It begings at the Forest Walks trailhead and is suitable for most ages and fitness levels. P RE CI P I CE L OOKOUT State F orest r i a G g T r a ck ( S Forest lkin Pumice Hill Freehold B500 Mo a eW tan Collectors Cirque (easy) (multipurpose) 2km circuit Circumnavigates the village providing fantastic views through the surrounding alpine landscape as well as highlighting the unique Dinner Plain architecture. A great short and challenging mountain bike ride over to a multipurpose trail. ci ek Carmichael Falls Walk (moderate) 2km return Heading off from the Dinner Plain 4WD Track this clearly marked track takes a path to a lookout with seating so you can sit back and overlook the picturesque falls amongst the snowgums. P Lightning Flat Management Gate CARMICHAEL FALLS WALK Cirque i P DINNER PLAIN VILLAGE Fitzy’s Cirque 1500 Hotham - Dinner Plain Trail (easy to difficult) (multipurpose) 24km return Walk or ride this wonderful trail that runs through the Alpine National Park linking Dinner Plain to Hotham resort. Look out for the native fauna and flora (spot the resident emus at JB Plain). This trail will take you through woodland to open scenic plains that gives the high country its unique scenic vista views. There are numerous areas to rest and picnic along the way running parallel to the Great Alpine Road. A location not to miss is the old cattlemen’s post JB Hut where you can also camp overnight. 2km rs Wangaratta Dinner Plain Walking Tracks & Trails State Be Prepared The best months for walking the tracks & trails are from November through to April, however, weather conditions can change rapidly, and snowfalls and blizzards can occur at anytime of the year. Bushwalking Season is from the November Melbourne Cup Weekend to late May. c Tr a Fitzy’s Cirque (easy) (multipurpose) 1km circuit This is an all abilities trail for mountain bike riding and walking. A short easy stroll around the tennis courts, village ski run and past some of Dinner Plain’s uniquely inspired architecture. S CA LE 1km to Carmichael Falls 1500 See Dinner Plain Track Notes for more details. Copies available from www.visitdinnerplain.com or Dinner Plain Information, P: 1300 734 365 Mt Tabletop Walking Track Hotham - Dinner Plain Trail Precipice Plain i P Parking C Al p i n e Na t i o n a l Pa r k l i Crisps Hut Mon t a ne Loop Forest Walks trailhead Pond Room with a View Walking Track Cre Montane Loop Montane Walking Track Carmichael Falls Collector’s Cirque Track Map Legend Seasonal Gate o CRB Hut ng Track Al p i n e Na t i o n a l Pa r k b e r H i ll W a l ki il e r P la i n T r a ad Tim JB Plain Hut The present JB Hut was a forestry hut from the Swifts Creek forestry region and 1500 came from a bush sawmill. It most likely was moved to JB Plain in a joint effort between Cobungra Station and the Bairnsdale 1Scout 400 Group in the 1970s. It was used as an outstation by Cobungra Station. TA E A De INE R O A D LP Dead Timber Hill T a b lRoom with a View Walking eto p C re Dead Timber e k Hill Walk MT L R i v e r Dinner Plain CRB Hut This hut was one of a number of huts built by the Country Roads Board from the 1920s to provide shelter for travellers and CRB workers on the Alpine Road. The erection of these huts was made under the recommendation of CRB Superintendent at the time, Bill Spargo. u n g r a P i T EA J B Plain G b 1300 1400 ic e Mt Tabletop (Square Mount) B500 To Brandy Creek Mine C e Alp in e Na tio nal Pa rk Hotham - Dinner Plain Trail 1500 y re t p K AL Relax Unwind and Rejuvenate in the pure High Country… When the snow melts, the warmer weather promises spectacular colours from blooming wild flowers on display, breathtaking vista views, mountain bike riding, bush walking and an adventure playground. Connect with nature through the green season, take in the pure fresh alpine air and all that the High Country can offer. 140 Winter Resort Entry ra la W 0 1 300 a Mother Johnson Flat 00 Brandy Creek Mine 00 14 ent B F N AI 130 1 ine i on al ar k y ph Mur ’s r T e ek Fir re C 00 00 14 14 Bran d 15 C k k 14 00 A T R A C K G IN K L e 00 re 0 0 L 1300 150 1300 ay w Bright 1400 15 0 00 Seymour Dinner Plain Omeo ion 2) i Dinner Plain Information P: 1300 734 365 www.visitdinnerplain.com 1300 0 e P 130 Be prepared with: • Wind and waterproof jacket • Warm clothing – hat, gloves, sunglasses, and strong footwear • Food and water • First aid kit and sunscreen • Map and compass • Check weather forecast before departing • Let someone know where you are going • Mobile phone (reception in some areas) Bushfires have damaged snowgums which are now regenerating, but dead branches are shedding with the new growth. High wind days may result in falling limbs and branches. It is not recommended to use the tracks on windy days. Please be aware that snakes are active during the warm months. Albury 15 re ic E o P p ci in (S C M Ck n Pla er ck an ain in a g Tr ing T D ne kin Wa l e Wa lk in l r P ne n ta t 00 1600 00 15 1400 D V i c 15 C c Mo 14 Gr e at Al Mt Hotham D rack (Sect 1400 le 0 1600 1500 1300 0 130 1300 Summer Walking Tracks & Trails Guide 1500 0 150 o n 140 14 00 TRACKS & TRAILS io A nt Melbourne Mt Hotham Alpine Resort Managment Board Open Monday to Friday P: (03)57 593 550 www.mthotham.com.au 1400 0 00 00 t 14 la 1300 F 1400 C 15 140 0 at 130 13 00 1300 Fl ee 0 Fr 130 Hume Mt Hotham & Dinner Plain O o F i 18 MOU NT HO THAM ALPINE RESO RT IT i mi P tC ha ir Hull Bridge P y Self Guided Eco Walk C re p Track Information sign e Short Walks & Link Tracks r p (U D Hotham - Dinner Plain Trail ek EC O H ig g gro a rg r) i Parking Public Toilets Information Food/dining Accommodation o R iv e h a rd Cr r D i d d 17 6 0 Sect ion al C e Ch e ke ro Sp HA M - 3km DIN NE k ee (U pp e ar go The Huts Walk Length: 21km circuit. Approximately 8hrs. Grade 4, some steep sections, bushwalking experience recommended. The Huts Walk was officially opened on April 16, 2011. It links three of Mt Hotham’s significant historic huts, each which represent an important role that led to the development of the Hotham Alpine Resort. These iconic huts include Spargo’s (gold mining), Derrick Hut (ski touring), and Silver Brumby Hut (representative of cattle grazing and as used in the film Silver Brumby). The Huts Walk offers bushwalkers a unique opportunity to experience some of the high country’s rarely seen significant natural and historic landscapes. See Track Notes for more details. ing tr ra li S p a r g o ’s Hut Footbridg e TRAIL Hotham - Dinner Plain Trail PLAIN W al w -S 14 0 0 P Village Lookout k Dargo Lookout P Wire Plain Shelter Slatey Cutting g Bi NG T ce ss ur Sp B500 1600 Summit Walk Length: 2.5km return. Grade 2, moderate climb, no bushwalking experience required. Beginning from the Snowbird Inn in the Village, keep to the right of the Summit chair climbing to the peak Hotham - Dinner Plain Trail See other side for details. Ac Tr a ck East Ac ck Murh Tr a P i B ra 00 n dy C k F Tk 1 30 0 To Dinner Plain & Omeo Brandy Gate C r e e k M i n e ek 14 For additional information see also: ‘Parknotes, Alpine National Park - The High Country Walks around Hotham and Dinner Plain’. Mt Feathertop – Razorback Ridge Length: 22km return. 8hrs return. Grade 4, some steep sections, some bushwalking experience recommended (not fully shown on map). This is a popular walk for a long day trip or overnight camp. Beginning at Diamantina Hut 2.5km from Hotham on the Great Alpine Road, the walk along the Razorback Ridge is generally exposed above the tree line making for great views; however, it should not be crossed in bad weather. The junction with Bon Accord Spur is 1.5km from the summit of Mt Feathertop. Return by the same route or make suitable transport arrangements and walk down the Bungalow Spur to Harrietville. of Mount Hotham. Follow the vehicle trail from the top of the chairlift past the Telstra Tower to the Fire Tower for an inspiring 360 degree view including Mt Buffalo, Mt Feathertop and Mt Buller. Return via the same route. Flat py’s Cre PWhiskey Cobungra Ditch South Track Head (Car parking) Trail Tunnel s MOUNT HOT HAM AL PI NE RESORT Footbridge Big Spur Picnic Point c es COBUNGRA DITCH WALK For further information: email mhar@mthotham.com.au, or telephone 03 5759 3550 during business hours. Mt Hotham Alpine Resort Management Board sincerely apologise for any inconvienience. Due to CONSTRUCTION WORKS associated with tthe Swindlers Valley Pipe, the above are CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC Park NO ENTRY Summer 2014-15 ASwindlers l p i n eValley, Davenport Access Track, Nati onal Silver Brumby Hut S w and bushwalker access to For 3pedestrian 00 k 1 i dl r e eHuts e r and the Cobungran Ditch Walk ’ s Cthe (excluding Silver Brumby Hut) please use Edelweiss Link Track at head of Davenport Access Track, Great Alpine Road. H o w a r d ’s Hut Falls W ire Pl ai n e Th I DI TCH WA L K 14 00 ac Christmas Hill RA 0 Tr 1 50 g kin i r pu Self Guided Eco Walk Length: 16km return. Approximately 6hrs. Grade 4, some steep sections, some bushwalking experience recommended. A great walk for families to do, the Self Guided Eco Walk visits areas of environmental significance for flora and fauna within the resort. Starting off from the Big D and heading along Higgi Drive, you will travel past the “Tunnel of Love” (a special tunnel constructed to allow the male pygmy possums to assist reaching the female pygmy possums), The Basin ski run, Mother Johnson’s track and up to the top at Heavenly Valley Chairlift. You can continue along from the Orchard Chairlift where you can connect to the Australian Alps Walking Track. See Track Notes for more details. R ur Little Mt Higginbotham 1762m Edelweiss Link Track re ek Silver Brumby Hut in THE HUTS WALK Aust ps D ns ib b i 0 The Cobungra Ditch Walking Track Length: 18km circuit. Approximately 7hrs. Grade 3, mostly level, formed track with some steps. Some bushwalking experience recommended. Formerly known as the Aqueduct Trail, The Cobungra Ditch Walk can be done as a one-way 12.5km walk or completed as an 18km circuit (via the Great Alpine Road). The walk is accessible from the Great Alpine Road via the Edelweiss Link Track, Hotham Village, or the halfway between Brandy Creek and Dinner Plain from the Brandy Creek Fire Track. Cobungra 00 Ditch 16 & Huts Walk Track Head (Car parking) Gate n k a Golden Point T The Cobungra Ditch Walk will take visitors on a journey on how this water race was constructed and used. This is not just an ordinary water race, this was an engineering wonder that had to be surveyed and cut through one of the harshest and rugged landscapes in Australia. This walk is a must-do for all visitors. See Track Notes for more details. S C A L E 2km Falls e S l e 0 18 0 Derrick Hut 0 0 Summer is a great time to explore the range of Iconic Tracks & Trails of the Mt Hotham Alpine Resort and surrounding Alpine National Park. A variety of tracks & trails access some of Australia’s best views, unique flora and fauna and some of the region’s richest history. Suited to all fitness levels, age groups and interests, Mt Hotham has something for everyone to explore and discover. The Bushwalking Season opens Melbourne Cup Weekend in November and closes late May, with the area usually snow covered during the winter and early spring. 1km O n e Tr e e Hill Pole 84 Track Marker at junction 0 17 1500 0 13 See Mt Hotham Track Notes for more details. Copies available from www.mthotham.com.au or Resort Management Office 2014 AJS Village area 00 Updated, October Pk Davenport Village i P Mt Loch 1865m D 0 CFA Blue Rib bon The General Store P h ’s Walking Track pathway not formed, though is marked, as per ParksNotes. Great views through regenerating snowgums og h ai r V ill a ge C Play air Ke und yC h nner Va lle 13 Picnic table nly 14 00 Lookout/view ave Roadru He Mt Higginbotham 1814m ECO WALK Cobungra Ditch Walking Track d al 00 i Map Legend Huts Walk WA LK Su m i RMB Office & Transit Lounge Corral Car Park B 15 15 0 w 00 Ice Flower Falls MM Gate B500 Gate Huts Walk North Track Head (Car parking) Alpine Crossing Trail Head Loch Reservoir & Car Park SU iv T O A E A lo 16 Australian Alps Wa l k i n g Tr a c k t o Diamantina Hut & Mt Feathertop R a17z0o r b a c k R i d g e 0 Wa l k i n g Tr a c k 00 Mt Hotham 1857m F ir e t o w e r ti R k Red Robin mine & battery H R AT IN O B an To H a r r i e t v i l l e & Razorback Ridge Wa l k i n g Tr a c k D am na 1 40 0 M ge Loc h R id n hi ac ac r T r ery Spu G ot ch a Cha i r rd ha rc er 0 Orange Boundary Poles (winter patrol area) 0 16 0 l A n a 170 0 Mt Hotham Walking Tracks & Trails to le Sk e p ee St p ee St 16 00 S s er nd l G O es 1 30 c t Ac 17 00 e s riv es pr i D Ex K D A L Big W O or C np N D ave U re B 15 00 CK C A ’s R i er 00 Sw l nd 16 0 Magnetic North 8 17 m pur Point S Golden e alia k k ac n Steep Sectio G E LP ir st r c Tr a ld 00 Au lk in g ps Wa n Al go on 15 W t es R
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