Mistletoe Market Dear Applicant: Thank you for your interest in the 2014 Albany Civic Center's Mistletoe Market. This event will be held at the James H . Gray, Sr. Civic Center on November 21'^ and November 22"^ with free admission to the public. The schedule of events will be as follows: Friday, November 21, 2014 10:00 am - 3:30 pm 4:00 pm ~ 8:00 pm Vendors Move In Booths Open Saturday, November 22, 2014 8:00 a m 9 : 4 5 am 10:00 a m - 5 : 0 0 pm 5:00 p m ~ 7:00 pm Vendors Restock Booths Open Vendors Move Out Enclosed you will find a vendor application. Please complete the full application and return it with your non-refundable booth rental fee. We have also included the Mistletoe Market Rules and Regulations Form. Please read carefully before you sign and return along with your application. Once your application, rental fee, signed rules and regulations form, photos, and self addressed stamped envelope has been received, you will receive a confinnation notice. If for some reason you are not accepted for the show, your application fee will be refunded to you. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact our staff at 229.430.5200, toll fi-ee at 888.467.7847 or email tburrell@dougherty.ga.us or jyeoman@dougherrv.ga.ii3. Again thank you for your interest in this festive event and we look forward to your participation in the 2014 Albany Civic Center Mistletoe Market. A L B A N Y CIVIC CENTER C O M P L E X P O S T O F F I C E B O X 3 1 8 9 - A L B A N Y , G A 31702 Tele; 229.430.5200- Fax: 229.430.5163 MISTLETOE M A R K E T 2014 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 & SATURDAY NOVEMBER 22 2014 V E N D O R A P P L I C A T I O N Name (please type or print): Address: City: State: Telephone Number: Zip: ^Fax Number: Email Address: Website: Will your display require electricity? Number of outlets needed: Booth Space Fees Quantity Booths: 8 foot deep x 10 foot wide 8 foot deep X 20 foot wide Electrical 110 volt Chair 8 Foot Table Price $50.00 $100.00 $25.00 $3.00 $8.00 Amount Total Amount Included with booth reutal: 8' x 10' booths conic with 2 chairs and 1 tabic; 8' x 20' booths come with 4 chairs and 2 tables. Additional items are extra. Booths are piped and draped. N O T E : If you return your completed application with photos and your booth fee by July 31, 2014 you may reduce y o u r fee by SIO.OO. Applications must be received by October 31, 2014 or a $20.00 late fee will apply. Payment Information: rClieclo'Money (Enclosed) 1 V I S A If credit card, please complete: Amount to be charued S Name as it appears on the caid: Expiration Date; Card #_ Security Code: : Mastercard Description of Items to be sold: Please list items to be sold Description of art/craft (please be specific): Special request: We will attempt to accommodate special requests, but we will not be able to guarantee booth assignments. Application Procedures 1. Each application must be accompanied by payment of fees. 2. At least five (5) photos of your work must accompany your application. One photo must be of you demonstrating your process. 3. Please have an email address that you can be reached at. Exhibitors can be called on for a sample of merchandise for advertising purposes. 4. Applications must be postmarked by October 31, 2014, Applications received after the fact will not be accepted until a $20.00 late fee has been paid. I (vendor name ) make application to participate in 2014 Mistletoe Market. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth and other rules as they may be established. l^lease sign below and Rules and Regulations on the reverse side. Signature Date Print Name Return the following items: Completed application form, (5) photos, booth fee. Signed Rules and Regulations and self addressed stamped envelope for receipt confirmation MISTLETOE MARKET RULES & REGULATIONS When: Where: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Friday, November 21*' - Saturday, November 22"^ Albany Civic Center Arena 2014 The person signing this application niusl be present at all times during regular show hours. It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor to see that all personnel at the show are completely familiar with all of these "Conditions of the Show." Move in & set up time is Friday, November 2 1 " (10am - 3:30 pm). N o Saturday Set-up. Unloading and loading will be held in the back loading area o f the C i v i c Center. Please utilize the parking area reserved for vendors. Exhibitors must remain nntil the end o f the show - N O E A R L Y M O V E O U T S . .Move out time is Saturday, November 22"'' from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm. A n application is a commitment to show. N o full refunds will be given after the acceptance notice is sent. Refunds in the amount o f 50% will be refunded to 2014 Vendors who cancel their 2014 reservation i f written cancellation is received 90 days prior to event. A S40 fee will be charged on any check returned by Exhibitor's bank for any reason. This is an arts and crafts show. Resale o f wholesale items IS N O T permitted and w i l l result in immediate dismissal without refund. No manufactured, imported items, mass-produced items and kits will be allowed. Items submitted must be the original work o f the artist or craftsman applying. Items not created by the e.xJiibilor or not in the category for which applied will not be p e m i t l e d in the show. Items should be hand crafted nnless approved by Mistletoe Market coordinators. N O E X C E P T I O N ! Photos required for alternate product exemption. Booth spaces will be numbered and assigned by Mistletoe Market staff to provide an interesting mixture to the public. Special requests w i l l be honored when possible. There w i l l be a limited number o f booths with electrical outlets available. Booths will be assigned on a 1" come/P'' served basis. A l l electrical cords M U S T be taped to the floor. Exhibitors M A Y N O T relocate from assigned spaces, extend their booth space or sit in the aisles. Exhibitors may only display work testified to in the photos returned with the application. Exhibitors may not verbally harass other exhibitors. Exhibitors and their helpers must exhibit professional behavior at all times while on C i v i c Center premises. The Albany Civic Center reser-ves the right, in its sole discretion, to detemiine what constitutes professional behavior. Violation o f this rule will result in the e.Khibitor, their helpers and exhibits being excluded fiom the show site with no refimd whatsoever. A l l exhibitors must comply vvith the family oriented holiday theme and spirit of tlie event. Booth tables must be covered and neat at all times. N o signs/decoratioa'merchandise can be pinned or attached to booth cunains. Overnight security' is provided Friday night. .Management provides after hour security for exhibit area with the understanding that Mistletoe Market is not, and will not be responsible in any way for loss or damage to exhibitor's property. Exhibitors are responsible for their own personal and property' liability and the securing of same when left unattended. Exhibitors arc responsible to collect and remit state sales tax in accordance with state laws. Concessions will be available for purchase during the event. Mistletoe Market coordinators reserve the right to remove any items and/or signage i f deemed inappropriate at anytime during the event. Any violation of these rules may result in the closing of the Exhibitor's booth for the remainder of the event and the forfeiture of their booth rental fee. ON B E H A L F OF THE A L B A N Y CIVIC CENTER STAFF, T H A N K VOL' FOR YOL'R 1N1-EREST , ^ ^ D PARTICIPATION IN T H i ; 2014 MISTLETOE M A R K E T . WE A R E LOOKING FORWARD TO WORKING WITH Y O U l i ! Signature: P r i n t Name: Date: V e n d o r Name A siyni'd applicnhon cctlilies th.'il yon uiuierstand, accept iiiut a<n-ec to abuii: hy tilt mle^i nnd regiilnlion> slated. Tiic appltijant and partnoi?^ !i!.'4cby agree to deiend, indemnify and hold haniilcss Mistletoe Market and the City of Albany, tlicir officers, agents, succcsstirs and assigns fi'oni and against aiw and all claims, demands, nchons or C^ILSCS ofachons, suiLs ai law or inequity ofaiiy nature cliaracier arising out ofor by reason oi"any act or omission of the second party or its agents in the perfbnnancc of the rights, duties and obligations of the second party under this agieemem. The seeond party undeisiands thai Mistletoe Market assumes no responsibtiity or habihty for any property of the second party, which may be located on the above-described premises. For and in considerahon of pennisston to participate in Mistlcioc Market the specified above shall be subject to acts of God or any condition or circumstances beyond the control of Mistletoe Market which shall prevent the carrying oiil of some oral) of Mistletoe Market upon the occurrence of sueh e\ent. shall have ihcrightlo tcmn'naic this agreemenl without liability of nature.
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