Energibesparing och energieffekFvisering i

Energibesparing och energieffek1visering i Nordiskt perspek1v Hans Jørgen Koch, CEO, Nordic Energy Research 11 September, Köpenhamn Nordic Council of Ministers Despite its name the Nordic Council of Ministers consists, in fact, of several councils of ministers (MR). Most of the Nordic ministers for specific policy areas meet in the council of ministers between one and five 1mes a year. www.norden.org
Nordic Council of Ministers for Business, Energy & Regional Policy (MR-­‐NER) The Nordic countries' co-­‐opera1on in business, energy and regional policies will ensure con1nued growth in the region. This co-­‐opera1on is led by the Nordic ministers for business, energy and regional policy. www.norden.org
Målet för samarbetet i NMR •  Nordisk nyMa •  Poli1sk relevans •  Relevans för näringslivet •  Vækst, velfærd og værdier Nordic Region • 
Många likheter men också stora skillnader (sv) Mange likheter, men også store forskjeller (no) Paljon yhtäläisyyksiä muMa myös suuria eroja (fi) Mange ligheder, men også store forskelle (dk) Margir líkt en ennig mikill munur (is) Special thanks to google translate… Nordic region would be the world’s 12th largest economy Nominal GDP in million USD, 2013 (UN) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 United States China Japan Germany France United Kingdom Brazil Italy Russian Federa1on India Canada Nordic region Australia Spain Republic of Korea 16 768 050 9 181 204 4 898 532 3 730 261 2 806 432 2 678 455 2 243 854 2 149 485 2 096 774 1 937 797 1 838 964 1 721 389 1 531 282 1 393 040 1 304 554 Nordisk Energiforskning NEF utvecklar Nordiskt energisamarbete genom aM: •  Finansiera och facilitera energiforskning •  Gennemføre konkrete samarbejdsprojekter, f.eks. med IEA •  Utarbetar scenarier & analyser inom energiområdet f.eks. Nordic Energy Technology Perspec1ves I og II 25 years ahead Global carbon intensity of electricity produc1on (gCO2/kWh) Key point: The carbon intensity of Nordic electricity is where the rest of the world should be in 2040 if it is to achieve the 2DS. The greatest challenges lie in decarbonising transport and industry. The Nordic region has decoupled GDP and GHG emissions Nordic GDP, GHG emissions and Carbon Footprint, indexed to 2001 Non-­‐territorial ”carbon footprint” based emission accoun1ng s1ll suggests a strong decoupling, but to a lesser degree than with standardised emission accoun1ng. Data for Nordic carbon footprint only available for 2001 and 2004. Arbetsgrupper under ÄK-­‐E •  Elmarknad, förnybar energi och energieffek1visering •  AGEE främjar energieffek1visering i Norden via samverkan kring regelverk för energieffek1visering –  Undersöka Nordiska konsekvenser av EU:s EED –  Energieffek1visering för SME –  Samordna/utreda cer1fieringssystem för energitjänster –  Workshop om EE i byggnader –  Nordsyn Nordic total primary energy supply 2014 Nordsyn
•  Nordsyn -­‐ surveillance cooperaEon for green products It is es1mated that ecodesign and energy labelling can save 5% of energy use in the EU in 2020. Efficient market surveillance is essen1al if this is to be realised. •  Aim and outcome The aim of Nordsyn is to improve the efficiency of market surveillance of ecodesign and energy labelling. •  Partners & Emeline All Nordic countries involved, NCM: Energy, Trade, Environment 2013-­‐2015 Policy: Carbon tax and decarbonisa1on of Swedish district hea1ng fuel mix Source: NETP 2013, Swedish Energy Agency 2012 Buildings example: District hea1ng a Nordic success story District hea1ng development and es1mates (TWh)
A mature market in 4 Nordic countries -­‐ poten1al in Norway Source: NEP 2010, NETP
Buildings: Energy efficiency improvements in the Carbon-­‐
Neutral Scenario •  35% drop in residen1al energy use per m2 Average household
electricity prices
Source: NETP 2013
Global trends … •  Energiintensitets index föll under åren 2010-­‐2013 med i genomsniM 1% per år •  FortsaMa satsningar på EE, ex. –  Kina fasar ut kolanvändning, –  EU:s EE DD –  India vehicle fuel-­‐economy standard •  «Industry must cut energy use by 11% and direct CO2 emissions by 14% by 2025 to meet 2DS targets» Thank you for your aMen1on! Hans Jørgen Koch CEO, Nordic Energy Research Hans.Koch@nordicenergy.org Additional slides
Policy: Incen1ves lead to rapid uptake of clean technologies Norway has significant tax exemp1ons for EVs, which also benefit from largely free parking, bus lane use and charging. These policies have led to Norway accoun1ng for 31% of all electric vehicles sold in Europe in 2014. Electric vehicles accounted for 12.5% of total car sales in Norway in 2014. Cumula1ve electric vehicles registered in Norway Source: gronnbil.no