Supporting Information Appendix Rapid diversification of five Oryza AA genomes associated with rice adaptation Qun-Jie Zhang1,2,*, Ting Zhu1,2,*, En-Hua Xia1,2,*, Chao Shi1,2,*, Yun-Long Liu1,*, Yun Zhang1,*, Yuan Liu1,2,*, Wen-Kai Jiang1, You-Jie Zhao1, Shu-Yan Mao1, Li-Ping Zhang1, Hui Huang1, Jun-Ying Jiao1, Ping-Zhen Xu1, Qiu-Yang Yao1,2, Fan-Chun Zeng3, Li-Li Yang1, Ju Gao3, Da-Yun Tao4, Yue-Ju Wang5, Jeffery L. Bennetzen6, Li-Zhi Gao1** 1. Plant Germplasm and Genomics Center, Germplasm Bank of Wild Species in Southwestern China, Kunming Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China 2. University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China 3. Faculty of Life Science and Technology, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China 4. Institute of Cereal Crop Sciences, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming 650205, China 5. Department of Natural Sciences, Northeastern State University, Broken Arrow, OK 74014, USA 6. Department of Genetics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-7223, USA * Authors who have made equal contributions **Corresponding Author: Li-Zhi Gao Tel/Fax: +86-871-5223277 E-mail: Table of Contents Supplemental Section S1 –Genome Sequencing, Assembly and Validation 1.1 Plant materials 1.2 DNA library construction and Illumina sequencing 1.3 Estimation of genome size 1.3.1 Estimation of nuclear DNA content by flow cytometric analysis 1.3.2 Estimation of nuclear DNA content by k-mer analysis 1.4 Genome assembly and quality assessment 1.4.1 de novo sequence assembly 1.4.2 Assessment of assembly quality Supplemental Section S2 –Genome Annotation 2.1 Transcriptome sequencing 2.1.1 Plant materials and growth conditions 2.1.2 RNA extraction and transcriptome sequencing 2.2 Prediction of protein-coding gene models and quality validation 2.2.1 Protein-coding gene annotation 2.2.2 Gene function annotation 2.2.3 Quality validation of gene models 2.3 Annotation of non-coding RNA genes 2.4 Annotation of repeat sequences 2.4.1 Annotation of transposable elements 2.4.2 Annotation of SSRs Supplemental Section S3–Phylogenomic Analysis and Speciation Timing of the AA-genome Oryza Species 3.1 Identification of orthologous genes across AA-genome Oryza species 3.2 Phylogenomic analysis 3.3 Speciation times of the six AA-genome Oryza species Supplemental Section S4–Comparisons of Orthologous Genomic Regions across the six AA-genome Oryza Species 4.1 Construction of a synteny map for the six AA-genome Oryza 4.2 Estimation of genome divergence 4.3 Comparative sequence analyses of orthologous genomic regions in the six AA-genome Oryza species 4.3.1 GS5-orthologous genomic regions 4.3.2 PROG1-orthologous genomic regions Supplemental Section S5 –Genome-wide Assessment of Structural Variation in the AA-genome Oryza species 5.1 Assessment of structural variation 5.2 Assessment of segmental duplications Supplemental Section S6 –Dynamics and Evolution of Gene Families across the AA-genome Oryza Species 6.1 Identification of gene families 6.2 Gene family expansions and contractions 6.3 Lineage-specific gene families 6.4 Accelerated evolution of gene families 6.5 Molecular evolution of agronomically important gene families 6.5.1 NBS-LRR resistance gene family 6.5.2 WRKY gene family 6.5.3 MADS-box gene family Supplemental Section S7 –Identification of Gene Loss in the AA-genome Oryza species 7.1 Loss of gene families 7.2 Identification of gene loss events and/or novel genes in SAT based on WGS reads mapping Supplemental Section S8 –Gain and Loss of Agronomically Important Genes across the AA-genome Oryza Species 8.1 Computational identification of the gain and loss of agronomically important genes using whole genome reads mapping 8.2 Evolutionary dynamics of rice speciation genes 8.3 Computational validation and experimental confirmation of the PROG1 gene in the eight AA-genome Oryza species Supplemental Section S9–Molecular Evolution of Protein-coding Genes 9.1 Accelerated evolution of protein-coding genes 9.2 Genome-wide scan for positive selection 9.3 Gene function classification 9.3.1 Functional analyses of positively selected genes 9.3.2 Flower development and reproduction 9.3.3 Stress resistance Supplemental Section S10 –Evolutionary Analyses of Non-coding RNAs across AA-genome Oryza Species 10.1 Evolutionary dynamics of non-coding RNA genes among the AA-genome Oryza species 10.2 Sequence evolution of non-coding RNA genes 10.3 Exemplar studies of some important miRNA genes in AA-genome Oryza species REFERENCES Supporting Figures Supporting Tables Supplemental Section S1 –Genome Sequencing, Assembly and Validation 1.1 Plant materials A total of five accessions of AA-genome Oryza species, including O. nivara, O. glaberrima, O. barthii, O. glumaepatula and O. meridionalis, were requested from Genetic Resources Center (GRC), International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) (Table S1). Names of the sequenced species were abbreviated, with NIV representing O. nivara, GLA representing O. glaberrima, BAR representing O. barthii, GLU representing O. glumaepatula, and MER representing O. meridionalis. All samples were grown in the greenhouse at the Germplasm Bank of Wild Species in Southwest China, Kunming Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Fresh leaves were harvested and used either directly for isolation of nuclei or frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80°C prior to DNA extraction for Illumina library construction. 1.2 DNA library construction and Illumina sequencing We employed whole-genome shotgun (WGS) sequencing strategy with next-generation sequencing technologies to sequence the five AA-genome Oryza species of NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER. For genome sequencing high quality DNA of NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER was individually prepared using a standard CTAB extraction with modification [1]. The quantity and quality of the extracted DNA were checked by both electrophoresis on an 0.8% agarose gel and a Nanodrop D-1000 spectrophotometer (NanoDrop Technologies, Wilmington, Delaware). For each species, paired-end libraries including two types of small-insert libraries (~300bp, ~500bp) and four types of large-insert libraries (2 Kb, 4 Kb, 6 Kb, 8 Kb) were prepared by using Illumina‘s paired-end and mate-pair kits, respectively (Illumina, San Diego, CA) (Table S2). At least 5 µg genomic DNA was fragmented by nebulization with compressed nitrogen gas for the short-insert paired-end libraries. And 10-30 µg of high-quality starting genomic DNA was required to fragment by nebulization with compressed nitrogen gas for the long-insert mate-pair libraries. The DNA fragments were circularized by self-ligation, while after the digestion of linear DNA, circularized DNA was again fragmented. Before adapter ligation, the fragments that contained the biotinylated ends of the original size-selected fragment were purified using streptavidin-coated magnetic beads. After quality control and concentration estimation of DNA samples with an Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA), libraries were sequenced with both Illumina Genome Analyzer Ⅱx (GAⅡx) and HiSeq 2000 sequencers by following the standard Illumina protocols (Illumina, San Diego, CA). A total of 48 libraries were finally used to generate ~232 Gb of raw paired-end read data with their lengths ranging from 36-120 bp. A series of filtering and checking steps were used to eliminate artificial reads caused by PCR duplication and adapter contamination. This yielded ~123 Gb of data that were judged high-quality reads for the subsequent de novo genome assembly (Table S2). Library quality was checked by determination of both distribution of insertion size and sequence depth (Figure S1a). The real insertion lengths were then determined by mapping paired-end reads to the complete O. sativa ssp. japonica. cv. Nipponbare genome sequence (abbreviated as SAT, MSU v7.0) (Figure S1b). We also constructed different types of insert libraries to decrease the risk of non-random distribution of the data (Table S2). 1.3 Estimation of genome size 1.3.1 Estimation of nuclear DNA contents by flow cytometric analysis The NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER plants used as DNA sources for genomic sequencing were individually collected in May, 2012 from the greenhouse at the Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Approximately 40-50 mg of mature leaf tissue was used for sample preparation. Nuclei suspensions were prepared in Otto buffer [2, 3], namely Otto I: 100 mM citric acid, 2.0 mM dithiothreitol (Sigma-Aldrich CHIEMIE Gmbh, Steinheim, Germany), 0.5% (v/v) Tween 20 (pH 2-3) and Otto II: 400 mM NaPO4.12H2O (pH 8-9). In each case, the leaves were chopped with a new sharp razor blade directly into a petri dish containing 1 mL of ice-cold Otto I buffer. The resulting homogenate was filtered through a 50-m nylon filter and centrifuged 150 ×g for 5 min to remove cell fragments and large debris. The supernatant was removed (leaving ~100 µl of liquid), and then the nuclei were resuspended by gentle shaking, followed by adding 100 µl of fresh ice-cold Otto I buffer. The nuclei were incubated at room temperature for 60 min with occasional shaking. 1 ml of Otto II buffer (50 g mL-1 RNase (Fluka, Buchs, Switzerland) and 50 g mL-1 propidium iodide (PI) (Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA)) were then added to the nuclei. The sample was kept in the dark at room temperature generally for 5 - 15 min and was then analyzed by flow cytometry. Nuclear samples were analyzed by using a BD FACSCalibur (USA) flow cytometer. The instrument was equipped with an air-cooled argon-ion laser tuned at 15 mW and operating at 488 nm. PI fluorescence was collected through a 645-nm dichroic long-pass filter and a 620-nm band-pass filter. Prior to analysis the instrument was checked for a linear response with Flow-Check fluorospheres (Beckman-Coulter, Hialeah, FL, USA). The amplifier system was set to a constant voltage and gain throughout the experiments. The results were acquired using the Cellquest software and the coefficients of variation (CV) were calculated to estimate DNA content. Nuclear genome size was calculated as a linear relationship between the ratio of 2C peaks of the sample and standard. In this study, an improved Otto buffer was proven to be suitable for estimating these rice species with low CVs < 5%. SAT was selected as standard with 0.794 pg (~389 Mb) genome size [4, 5]. Nuclear genome size was calculated as a linear relationship between the ratio of 2C peaks of the sample and standard. Based on 1 pg DNA= 978 mega base pairs (Mbp) [3], the genome sizes of NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER were approximately estimated to be 341, 380, 370, 388 and 413 Mb with CVs < 5% (Table S3; Figure S2). 1.3.2 Estimation of nuclear DNA contents by k-mer analysis The genome sizes of the sequenced rice species were further estimated by using k-mer frequencies. The method has been successfully employed to assess genome size in some species such as giant panda, pigeon pea and Setaria italica [6-8]. In k-mer frequency distribution analysis, we filtered reads from the short insertion size libraries, in which the duplication rate is low, to reduce the influence of sequencing errors. Genome size, G, was estimated by Lander-Waterman: N is the number of reads used, L is the average length of reads, K is k-mer length (set as 17 in our analysis), and D is sequencing depth. The peak value of the frequency curve of k-mer was calculated by the pregraph module implemented in SOAPdenovo (version 1.05) [9], and then transformed to sequencing depth D by determining occurrence distribution (Figure S1a). Estimates of genome size for each species varied quite a bit between k-mer and flow cytometric analyses (Table S3). In general, the results showed that genome sizes varied < 9% across the five AA-genome Oryza species. 1.4 Genome assembly and quality assessment 1.4.1 de novo sequence assembly The whole-genome de novo assemblies were built using SOAPdenovo, in which M = 1 was adopted in order to obtain high-quality contigs. Gapcloser (v2.0) was then followed to fill gaps by paired-end reads. We constructed numerous libraries and generated datasets with different depths depending on the different levels of heterozygosity of these rice species to maximally reduce the influence of non-randomness of sequence reads in the genome. Finally, 13, 7, 7, 9 and 11 libraries were used for NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER, respectively (Tables S2 and S4). To link and extend the generated scaffolds we next downloaded BAC End Sequences (BESs) from OMAP ( A total of 51,820 and 34,747 pairs for NIV and GLA, respectively, were first added by using Bambus [10] to build the currently reported assemblies. Recently released BES data of 10,228 and 13,515 pairs for MER and GLU, respectively, were also employed to extend scaffolds for these two species with relatively strict cutoffs (Table S4). After adding BES data to NIV and GLA the lengths of ScafN50 were increased from ~133 Kb to ~512 Kb and from ~241 Kb to ~722 Kb, respectively, but there was little effect on CtgN50. The coverage of the assembled genomes ranged from 87.8% (MER) to 94.9% (NIV) while comparing to their estimated lengths by k-mer analysis, and the unclosed gaps in scaffolds extended from ~16.9 Mb (BAR) to ~35.3 Mb (NIV) (Table S4). Among these five assembled genomes, >94% of scaffolds were longer than 10 Kb (96.8%, 97.5%, 94.2%, 97.1% and 95.3% for NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER, respectively) (Table S5; Figure S3). Comparisons between the five assembled genomes (NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER) and the SAT genome showed that these unclosed gaps were mainly composed of transposable elements (TEs) (Table S6). The average length of protein-coding genes was ~2.85 Kb in SAT [11], with 97.3% of genes shorter than 10 Kb. 1.4.2 Assessment of assembly quality To assess the quality of the assembled genomes we used three evaluation approaches. First, we separately mapped our assembled genome sequences (NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER) to the SAT genome to estimate the coverage of the assemblies using Mummer [12] (Figure S4a). Our results showed that the mapping rates to the repeat sequence-free SAT genome ranged from 77.5% to 95.8% (Table S7). However, such estimates should not only reflect real assembly quality but also come from genome divergence from SAT. Thus, we further compared orthologous genomic segments based on the aligned orthology map of the six AA-genome Oryza species (SAT, NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER) (see Supplemental Section S4.1 for details), and calculated the coverage of the gene-containing genomic regions corresponding to the SAT genome for each species. Our results showed high degrees of coverage, ranging from 97.8% to 98.7% (Table S7). We next evaluated the assembly quality by using Nipponbare gene models to examine whether they are split into multiple contigs in the assemblies. Our results showed that, at three different cutoffs of gene coverage (50%, 80% and 90%), the numbers of genes that are split into multiple contigs varied slightly among the five rice species but the majority of them seemed to be intact in the assembled contigs. The numbers of genes that are split into multiple contigs are fewer than 180 in the five rice species (Table S7). Second, we took the four species (NIV, GLA, GLU and MER) with BES data from OMAP and aligned these BES with our de novo assembled genomes. Of them, BES datasets for NIV, GLA and BAR were separately mapped to our de novo assembled scaffolds before the de novo assemblies were improved by BES integration (Figure S4b). After the removal of multi-matched BESs that might have been caused by repeat sequences, the orientation differences between the two datasets were calculated, yielding potential error values from 0.84 % (GLU) to 1.8 % (MER) (Table S8). The majority of these apparent assembly errors may be products of unmasked (i.e., low copy number) repeat sequences, but some apparent miss-assemblies might also reflect intra-specific rearrangements. Finally, by running both mummer and blastz [13], the assembly quality was further evaluated by aligning our assembled genomes against sequences from the short arms of Chromosome 3 generated by OMAP. These short arm sequences (, which were assembled based on BAC shotgun sequences using the Sanger sequencing technology, were masked by RepeatMasker [14]. The lengths of short arms of Chromosome 3 for GLA, GLU and MER were approximately 17.5 Mb, 16.4 Mb and 18.5 Mb, and the masked regions together with gaps were calculated to represent 25.8%, 30.5% and 30.7%, respectively, in the three genomes. The mapping results (Figure S5) showed that the identity and coverage between the two datasets were calculated >99.2% and 83.5%, respectively, for the whole short arm of these chromosome 3 arms. The above-described evaluation suggested that the assembled genome sequences have resulted in a reliable framework for subsequent comparative analysis between the AA-genome Oryza species. Supplemental Section S2 –Genome Annotation 2.1 Transcriptome sequencing 2.1.1 Plant materials and growth conditions Five accessions of AA-genome species (NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER) were used for transcriptome sequencing (Tables S1 and S9). Seeds were subjected to heat treatment (52℃ for five days) until dormancy was broken. Then the dehulled seeds were sterilized with 5% NaClO bleach and washed five times with sterilized water. Sterilized seeds were germinated and grown on MS medium at 26 ± 2℃ under a 12 h-light/12 h-dark photoperiod. Roots and shoots from one-month-old seedlings were collected, immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80℃ until RNA isolation. Plants for NIV, GLA and BAR were grown in the greenhouse at 28 ± 2℃ at the Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Considering the photoperiod and temperature-sensitive characteristics of some wild rice species, GLU and MER were grown in the greenhouse at 30 ± 2℃ at the Yunnan Institute of Tropical Crops, Jinghong, Yunnan, China. Flag leaves and panicles at booting stage were collected from the greenhouse-grown plants, immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80℃ until RNA isolation. 2.1.2 RNA extraction and transcriptome sequencing Total RNA was isolated using a Water Saturated Phenol method. Briefly, one gram tissue was ground to a fine powder using liquid nitrogen and then was thoroughly covered by the extraction buffer (100 mM Tris-Cl pH8.5, 100 mM NaCl, 20 mM EDTA pH8.0; 1% SDS, 2% beta-mercaptoethanol) and water saturated phenol. After the thaw of the homogenate, chloroform and NaOAC (pH 4.0) were added. The mixture was votexed for 1 min and centrifuged at 12,000 rpm for 15 min at 4℃. The supernatant was precipitated with 2.5 volumes of 100% ethanol and 5 M NaCl at -20℃ overnight. The pellet was washed with 70% ethanol and dried. All samples were treated with RNase-free DNAse I (Takara) in the presence of RNAase inhibitor to remove residual DNA. The extracted RNA was quantified using NanoDrop-1000 UV-VIS spectrophotometer (NanoDrop) and checked for integrity using an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA). For high-throughput sequencing, sequencing libraries were constructed by following the manufacturer‘s recommendations for the Illumina RNA-Seq kit (mRNA-Seq Sample Prep Kit P/N 1004814). In brief, oligo (dT) beads were used to isolate poly-A containing mRNA. First-strand cDNA was synthesized using random hexamer-primer and reverse transcriptase (Invitrogon). The second-strand cDNA was synthesized using RNase H (Invitrogen) and DNA polymerase I (New England BioLabs). After second strand cDNA synthesis and adaptor ligation, fragments of approximately 300 bp were excised by gel electrophoresis. cDNA fragments were enriched by PCR for 18 cycles. Then products were sequenced with the Illumina HiSeq 2000 using the paired end read module (100 bp). In total, we obtained of 144.0 Gb clean data from 20 libraries (Tables S9 and S10). 2.2 Prediction of protein-coding gene models and quality validation 2.2.1 Protein- coding gene annotation Before performing gene prediction, we masked the five assembled genomes using RepeatMasker [14] with two approaches, soft mask for Exonerate (Version 2.2.0) and hard mask for ab-initio. ab initio gene prediction We used AUGUSTUS (Version 2.5.5) [15], GlimmerHMM [16] and GeneMarkHMM [17] to perform the ab initio annotation. The training models used for these three packages were ―maize‖, ―rice‖, and ―O_sativa‖, respectively. Homology-based gene prediction We performed homology-based gene prediction with Exonerate and GeneWise (Version 2.2.0) [18], separately. a) Exonerate: Exonerate, which is a splice-site-informed software package for sequence alignment, allows users to align sequences with many alignment models. We aligned the homologous peptides from the sorghum, maize, SAT, O. sativa ssp. indica cv. 93-11 (abbreviated as IND) and brachypodium proteomes to the rice genome assembly using Exonerate. Here, the allowed minimum and maximum intron lengths were 20 bp and 3000 bp, respectively. b) GeneWise: to reduce the running-time of GeneWise, we first aligned the SAT protein sequences with the assembled rice genomes and grouped all the HSPs into gene-like structures by genBlastA [19] with suitable parameters (-e 1e-2 –m 6000). Then we cut off the target gene fragments in the genome by extending 5000 bp at both ends of the alignment regions, and finally aligned the protein sequences of the SAT genome to these DNA fragments with GeneWise. EST-aided annotation To improve the quality of gene predictions, we employed an EST assembly tool, Program to Assemble Spliced Alignments (PASA) [20], to assemble 167,613 rice EST sequences into protein-coding gene models. We began by filtering and aligning these sequences onto the genome assembly, and further filtered these alignments and then clustered them based on the alignment compatibility. Finally, through a dynamic programming process, these EST alignment clusters were stitched into a set of consistent, non-overlapping EST assemblies. The output included a fasta file for the proteins and a GFF3 file describing the gene structures. EvidenceModeler combing We used EVidenceModeler (EVM) [21] package to combine the ab-intio gene predictions, protein alignments and transcription alignments described above into weighted consensus gene structures. Additionally, we also ran the program pasa_asmbls_to_traing_set.dbi to extract all the longest ORFs from the resulting PASA alignment assemblies, termed PASA-supported terminal exons supplement, for EVM combining. EVM provide a flexible and intuitive annotation system for combining diverse evidence types into a single automated gene structure. We fed the genome sequences, gene predictions, alignment data, and an evidence weight file into the EVM package. The output contained candidate gene models. After finishing the above-described steps, we finally used PASA and Oryza cDNA/EST data of rice ( again to update the EVM consensus predictions, adding UTR annotations and models for alternatively spliced isoforms. Further filtering For further filtering the above annotated candidate gene models, three additional steps were taken. First, we removed the models with peptide lengths shorter than 50aa; second, we removed models, where stop codons existed within the peptides; and third, TE-related gene models were also filtered out. This last step was accomplished by using our predicted Oryza proteome to query the MSU Oryza Repeat Database with TBLASTN. Gene models with matches above specific cut-offs (1e-10, coverage ≥ 40%) and that were annotated as TE-related genes were removed. After this filtering, we identified 39,045, 41,490, 41,476, 42,283, 41,605 and 39,106 genes for NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER, respectively (Table S11). 2.2.2 Gene function annotation The motifs and domains within gene models were identified by InterProScan (Version 4.5) [22] and by Pfam, using screens against protein databases. Gene Ontology IDs for each gene were obtained from the corresponding InterPro entry. If the best hit of the genes in any of these processes was ―function unknown‖ or ―putative‖, the second-best hits were used to assign the function until there were no more hits that met the alignment criteria. Then this gene was characterized as functionally unknown (Table S11). 2.2.3 Quality validation of gene models Three methods were used for gene model quality validation, namely transcriptome evidence, EST evidence and homologous peptide evidence. First, the five reference transcriptomes for NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER from the twenty EST libraries (Tables S9 and S10) were first aligned to the assembled genomes using Tophat [23], and then alignments were used as input for Cufflinks [24] with the default parameters to finish the transcript assemblies (Table S12). The Cuffcompare program [24] was then used to compare Cufflink-assembled transcripts to our predicted gene models. Second, we downloaded the EST sequences from the NCBI dbEST database (keywords:txid4527[Organism:exp]), PlantGDB ( database and Gramene database (, and then BLAT was used to align all the EST sequences to the gene models with identity ≥ 95% and coverage ≥ 90%. Third, four datasets of peptides from the SAT, IND, GLA and BRA genomes were downloaded from the Gramene database (, and then all these peptide sequences were aligned to the gene models by using BLAT with identity ≥ 30% and coverage ≥ 90%. Numbers and percentages of gene models that were supported by transcripts (RNA-Seq), protein and/or ESTs for NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER, respectively, were summarized in Table S12. 2.3 Annotation of non-coding RNA genes The five different types of non-coding RNA (ncRNA) genes, namely transfer RNA (tRNA) genes, ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes, small nucleolar RNA (snoRNAs) genes, small nuclear RNA (snRNAs) genes and microRNA (miRNAs) genes, were predicted using de novo and homology search methods. To better examine the evolutionary dynamics of ncRNA genes among the six AA-genome Oryza, the methodology was first tested by annotating tRNA, rRNA, snoRNA and snRNA genes in the SAT genome and was subsequently applied to the NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER genomes. We used tRNAscan-SE algorithms (version 1.23) with default parameters [25] to identify tRNA genes. We annotated 551, 491, 588, 621 and 598 tRNA genes in the NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER genomes, respectively (Table S13; Figure S6). The rRNA genes (5S, 18S, and 28S) were predicted using RNAmmer algorithms with default parameters [26]. We annotated 10, 23, 16, 29 and 61 rRNA genes in the NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER genomes, respectively (Table S13; Figure S6). The snoRNA genes were annotated using snoScan with the yeast rRNA methylation sites and yeast rRNA sequences provided by the snoScan distribution [27]. In total, we annotated 259, 232, 229, 194 and 195 snoRNA genes in the NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER genomes, respectively (Table S13; Figure S6). The snRNA genes were identified by using the INFERNAL software on the Rfam database (release 9.1) with default parameters [28, 29]. In total, we annotated 116, 121, 120, 125 and 117 snRNA genes in the NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER genomes, respectively (Table S13; Figure S6). We annotated microRNAs in two steps. First, we downloaded the existing rice miRNA entries from miRBase release 18.0 [30]. Then, the conserved miRNAs were identified by mapping all miRBase-recorded SAT miRNA precursor sequences against the assembled NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER genomes using BLASTN with cutoffs at E-value < 1e-5, identity > 80%, and query coverage > 80%. Second, additional miRNA genes were identified by aligning all miRBase-recorded grass miRNA precursor sequences against our assembled genomes using BLASTN with cutoffs at E-value < 1e-5, identity > 60%, and query coverage > 60%, because deep-sequencing genome projects have found numerous new miRNAs in grasses very recently. The grasses used in our analysis were Sorghum bicolor, Saccharum officinarum,Triticum aestivum,T. turgidum,Zea mays,Brachypodium distachyon,Aegilops tauschii, Hordeum vulgare and Festuca arundinacea. When a miRNA was mapped to a target Oryza genome, the surrounding sequence was next checked for hairpin structures. Those loci that fulfilled miRNA precursor secondary structures were annotated as additional miRNA genes. We excluded miRNA genes that identified multiple hits, most likely repeated sequences, in the six assembled rice genomes (Tables S13; Dataset S1; Figure S6). 2.4 Annotation of Repeat Sequences 2.4.1 Annotation of Transposable Elements Construction of transposon library by RepeatModeler. Previously annotated transposons in the rice genome were downloaded from Repbase [31]. In addition, RepeatModeler ( was used to identify and model repeat families. This approach included two de-novo repeat finding programs, RECON [32] and RepeatScout [33]. The output of RepeatModeler was used to construct the library of DNA transposons and non-LTR retrotransposons that was supplied to RepeatMasker to annotate the five assembled Oryza genomes. Construction of a library of de novo-identified LTR retrotransposons. First, de novo searches were performed with LTR_STRUCT [34] against the five sequenced AA-genomes and the SAT reference genome for the purpose of comparison, and then the output was checked with LTR_Finder [35]. False positives were removed with blast searches between LTRs and internal sequences. All remaining intact LTR retrotransposons that were de novo identified were classified into families by BLASTClust, a program within the standalone BLAST package used to cluster either protein or nucleotide sequences. We used the family classification criterion that 5‘ LTR sequences of the same family would share at least 80% identity over at least 80% of their length [36]. PFAM [37] was next run against the intact LTR retrotransposon library to determine the order of protein-coding genes. The position of the RT gene relative to the IN (integrase) gene in pol gene was used to classify retroelements into Ty3-gypsy (PR-RT-IN), Ty1-copia (PR-IN-RT) or unclassified superfamilies [38]. The obtained results were checked by homology searches using RT gene sequences of Copia and Gypsy. We then classified LTR retrotransposons containing RT genes into families with BLASTClust using the criterion that the RT protein sequence homology was >80% identity over >80% of the RT gene length. We then aligned LTR retrotransposons elements using ClustalW [39] and manually checked with the above-described criterions. By this strategy, a total 3,271 LTR retrotransposons were identified and placed into 651 families. To improve the efficiency or the use of these LTR retrotransposons in a RepeatMasker library, nested TE sequences were removed by BLASTN searches and sequences were combined to create exemplars for each family. We further removed a total of 37 false positives from the identified single-member families through BLASTN searches against the genome sequences and NR database. Then, we combined the collected Oryza elements with LTR retrotransposons downloaded from Repbase Update [31] to create a RepeatMasker library containing 1,502 sequences for further annotation of LTR retrotransposons in the six AA-genome species. The annotation of TEs in the six rice genomes is summarized in Table S14. 2.4.2 Annotation of SSRs Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) in the six rice genomes were identified and located using MISA ( Then, all the annotated SSRs were classified by the size and copy number of their tandemly repeated: monomer (one nucleotide, n ≥ 12), dimer (two nucleotides, n ≥ 6), trimer (three nucleotides, n ≥ 4), tetramer (four nucleotides, n ≥ 3), pentamer (five nucleotides, n ≥ 3), and hexamer (six nucleotidess, n ≥ 3). We combined SSRs from the plus and minus strands and the differences caused by reading frame [40]. For example, we combined (AC)n, (CA)n, (GT)n and (TG)n into (AC)n. As a result, the monomer category had two subtypes as (A/T)n and (G/C)n, the dimer had four members (AC/GT, AG/CT, AT, GC), the trimer had ten subtypes, the tetramer had 33 subtypes, the pentamer had 102 subtypes, and the hexamer had 350 subtypes. Each studied Oryza species had all subtypes of the first five types. But for the hexamer, 306 subfamilies were shared by the six species, while the subtypes AACGTT, ACCGGT, AGCGCT, AACGGT and AATCGT were not found in any species. The annotation of SSRs in the six rice genomes is summarized in Tables S15 and Dataset S2. Data analysis of the SSRs from monomers to hexamers in the six AA-genome Oryza species showed that trimers were the most abundant; following by tetramers and dimers, while hexamers contributed the fewest SSRs (Figure S7). We further classified each type into two subgroups by using the length of the SSRs, ≥ 20 bp and < 20 bp [41]. As shown in Figure S7, most of the SSRs were shorter than 20 bp in these rice genomes. The proportions of SSRs longer than 20 bp were slightly higher for dimers, pentamers and hexamers than the other three types. For dimers, the percentage of SSRs < 20 bp was one-third in SAT, but accounted for less than a quarter in the other AA-genome species. Supplemental Section S3–Phylogenomic Analysis and Speciation Timing of the AA-genome Oryza Species 3.1 Identification of orthologous genes across AA-genome Oryza species We identified high-confidence 1:1 orthologs by combining three methods: OrthoMCL [42], reads mapping and synteny analyses. First, we searched the orthologous clusters by using OrthoMCL, as described in Supplemental Section S6.1. As the number of orthologous clusters and their sizes depend on the BLAST similarity threshold and MCL inflation i-parameter, higher similarity cut-offs and larger inflation resulted in a greater number of small clusters. We identified conserved orthologous clusters by using a re-cluster method based on OrthoMCL, with which we changed the BLAST e-values from 1e-30 to 1e-1 and inflation i-parameters from 1.5 to 5.0. A conserved orthologous cluster was defined by having its size and members not change with the adjustment of e-values and inflation i-parameters. After obtaining conserved OrthoMCL clusters, we used a house-perl script to extract the 1:1 orthologous clusters from these conserved OrthoMCL clusters. In total, we identified 7,692 candidate 1:1 orthologs among the seven Oryza genomes with the FF- genome species, O. brachyantha (BRA) [43], as an outgroup. Second, we began by filtering (phred score ≥ 20; length ≥ 25 bp) and aligning the trimmed reads to the SAT genome using bowtie [44] with suitable parameters (-n 2 -e 70 -l 28 -m 1 -S) to identify single-copy genes. At these parameter settings, only unique mapping reads were allowed. As a result, there are not supposedly any reads mapped to multiple-copy genes. However, a small number of reads were still mapped to some multiple-copy genes, owing to sequencing errors. We calculated average depth and coverage for each SAT gene based on the reads mapping results. Although multiple-copy genes may be mapped with a few reads due to sequencing errors, the read depth of these multiple-copy genes will not exceed that of the whole genome sequencing (34.2×). Subsequently, we filtered those genes with coverages < 100% and average depths < 34.2×, and the retained sequences (coverage = 100%; depth ≥ 34.2×) were judged as representing the candidate single-copy genes. In total, this aproach identified 14,477 single-copy genes in the SAT genome. Third, in order to identify collinear gene pairs between the SAT and BRA genomes, we compared the SAT protein sequences against the protein sequences of the BRA genome by using BLASTP (1e-5), and filtered the BLAST results before chaining with the script (shipped in quota-alignment software package) [45]. In this way, local duplications and matches were removed that had < 0.5 C-score (--tandem_Nmax = 10 –cscore = 0.5). Next, was used to generate synteny blocks in the pairwise genome comparisons (--merge –Dm = 20 --min_size = 5 –quota = 1:1) [45]. Finally, was employed to generate a dot plot for visualizing the results, and was applied to obtain a total of 18,059 collinear gene pairs between the SAT and BRA genomes. The high-confidence 1:1 orthologous gene sets were rigorously confirmed by using these four criteria: a) gene sets must be the conserved 1:1 orthologs that were obtained via the re-cluster-OrthoMCL pipeline; b) the conserved 1:1 orthologs of SAT must be the single-copy genes established by reads mapping method; c) genes between the SAT and BRA genomes within the conserved 1:1 orthologs must be supported by the conserved synteny; d) the length of each gene among the conserved 1:1 orthologs must be longer than 300aa. Consequently, this approach identified 2,305 orthologous single-copy gene families with high confidence among the seven AA-genome Oryza species (Table S16). Of these, we next randomly selected seven candidate genes (LOC_Os01g59660, LOC_Os01g71960, LOC_Os01g72220, LOC_Os02g56850, LOC_Os03g01590, LOC_Os03g12660, LOC_Os08g44530) from the SAT genome for PCR amplification and sequencing with ABI 3730, and experimentally validated 7/7 genes (100%) in the NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER genomes, demonstrating efficient and accurate identification of orthologous genes among the AA-genome Oryza species. 3.2 Phylogenomic analysis We performed phylogenomic analysis of the six sequenced AA-genome Oryza species by using 1:1 single-copy orthlogous genes. A total of 2,305 1:1 single-copy orthologous genes were individually aligned with MAFFT [46] and then concatenated to construct a phylogenomic tree using RaxML [47] with BRA as outgroup. These genes robustly resolved phylogenetic relationships among the six AA-genome species with all the nodes obtaining full (100%) bootstrap support (Figure S8). In spite of the power of genome-wide orthologous genes to resolve phylogenetic relationships among closely related species [48], highly incongruent gene trees from individual genes were quite common [49, 50]. Hence, we randomly sampled a set of 100 genes across the genomes to separately reconstruct gene trees; among them, we observed that only 11 (~10%) completely support the inferred species tree. Consensus networks [51] constructed from these gene trees also showed substantial incongruence among different topologies (Figure S9). This finding may be caused by the different evolutionary histories of these genes, and incomplete lineage sorting may also be a reason for the observed results [49, 50]. 3.3 Speciation times of the six AA-genome Oryza species To time the speciation events leading to the major extant AA- lineages, we applied the average dS of the orthologous genes with a synonymous substitution rate of 6.5 × 10-9 substitutions per site per year [52]. The divergence time dating suggested a recent radiation of about 4.8 Myr within major AA-genome lineages and 35.3 Myr between AA- and FF- genomes (Figure S8). These results are quite different from previous molecular clock estimates that Oryza diversified by the Middle Miocene period (15-14 Mya) [53] and AA lineages emerged very recently, only about 2 Mya [54, 55], using chloroplast gene fragments or fewer nuclear genes, respectively. Our large data sets (2,305 single-copy orthologous genes) thus give more authoritative estimation of the divergence time and support new fossils that predict an older Oryzeae origin of about 63 Mya [56]. Supplemental Section S4–Comparisons of Orthologous Genomic Regions across the six AA-genome Oryza Species 4.1 Construction of a synteny map for the six AA-genome Oryza To aid detailed evolutionary analyses, we identified and aligned orthologous genomic regions from the six assembled AA-genomes using MERCATOR [72] and MAVID [57]. A total of seven steps were taken, as follows: first, we obtained the results of gene annotation for each genome (Table S11); second, all exons from a candidate genome were compared against all exons in the other five genomes using BLAT, and significant alignments between exons were recorded; third, a graph with each vertex corresponding to an exon and edges between vertices whose consistent exons had significant alignments was constructed; fourth, cliques in this graph were identified; fifth, neighboring cliques were joined to form runs; sixth, the extent of each run for each genome was outputted as orthologous segments; and, finally, orthologous sequence alignments were provided with the confirmed phylogenetic relationships ((((SAT: 0.002395, NIV: 0.002659): 0.001616, (BAR: 0.001242, GLA: 0.001793): 0.001899): 0.001268, GLU: 0.004631): 0.010971, MER: 0.014768)) [58]. From this analysis,we obtained a total of 2,971 orthologous genomic segments across the six AA-genome Oryza species, ranging in identity from 74.7% in MER to 85.1% in SAT (Table S17). Note that the majority of these six genomes were covered by the identified orthologous segment regions, which consisted of 40,435, 39,258, 39,902, 39,182, 39,258 and 36,106 genes in SAT, NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER, respectively. The average gene number per block ranged from ~12.2 in MER to ~13.6 in SAT. Of the 2,971 orthologous genomic segments, there were 1,202 segments that were larger than 100 Kb (43.07%) (Table S18). This orthologous synteny map across AA-genome Oryza species provided a framework to subsequently perform comparative and evolutionary analyses. 4.2 Estimation of genome divergence To determine the global extent of genome divergences between Asian cultivated rice (SAT) and the other five AA-genome Oryza analyzed, we used the three data sets of orthologous nucleotide sequences, protein sequences, and 103 orthologous genomic segments totaling ~15 Mb (~3.9% of the rice genome) with an average length of approximately 100 Kb (Table S19). Levels of divergence represented by synonymous (dN) and nonsynonmous substitutions (dS) of the 2,305 orthologous genes were separately calculated by using the codeml program as described in PAML [59]. The average synonymous substitutions exceeded nonsynonmous substitutions for each pairwise comparison, suggesting a widespread purifying selection on these detected orthologous genes. Both synonymous and nonsynonmous substitutions were in agreement with their phylogenetic positions in the topology, indicating the increase of substitutions with the species divergence. Pairwise genome divergences between SAT and these species at the amino acid level were also consistent with their phylogenetic positions in the topology (Table S19; Figure S8). Genome divergence between orthologous genomic segments represented by pairwise distances implemented in MEGA5 [60] far exceeded orthologous nucleotide sequence variation inside gene coding sequences, indicating that neutral evolution, especially TE insertions and subsequent turnover in intergenic regions, accounts for most of the genomic sequence divergence [61]. 4.3 Comparative sequence analyses of orthologous genomic regions in the six AA-genome Oryza species Comparative genomics is a powerful approach to understand gene and genome evolution. By placing multiple Oryza genome comparisons in a phylogenetic context, previous studies recorded many historic genomic changes that led to the diversification of this genus and have obtained a general understanding about Oryza genome evolution [61-64]. Of the 2,971 genomic segments we identified in this study, we carefully checked ~100 and found that some segments exhibited a high conservation of genomic architecture among these six rice species, while others diverged unexpectedly rapidly from one to another. To improve the sensitivity of evolutionary inferences and study sequence evolution of the six Oryza AA-genomes studied here, that diverged over a relatively short time frame of ~4.8 Myr, we selected and compared two genomic regions surrounding two agronomically important loci, GS5 and PROG1. 4.3.1 GS5-orthologous genomic regions The GS5 locus is a major gene controlling grain size and weight in rice [65, 66]. We compared a 31.5-kb reference segment from the SAT genome surrounding GS5 with orthologous regions from the other five AA-genome species to study sequence evolution around a domestication locus. Sequence alignment and annotation of the orthologous genomic regions for these species revealed highly conserved gene colinearity and structure in the GS5 region (Figure S10; Tables S20 and S21). Although the majority of TEs were conserved among orthologous genomic regions, lineage-specific differences in transposon amplification appear to be responsible for the different sizes of the examined orthologous genomic regions. Consistent with patterns observed in Supplementary Section S10, we found that TE-insertions into the three genes were mainly DNA transposons such as miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs), while TEs in intergenic regions were often LTR retrotransposons. Although there were several cases of TE insertions specific to a single studied species within GS5-orthologous genomic regions, patterns for most TE insertions and/or deletions within either genic or intergenic regions were shared, and met phylogenetic expectations, for two or more of the studied species. We observed that, in some cases, that different types of TEs were nested together to form mixed TE clusters. To determine selection pressures on the GS5 gene, we used the codeml program implemented in PAML to separately perform analyses of dN/dS (ω) ratios under the branch and site models [67]. Estimates under both models indicate that the two cultivated species have historically experienced positive selection (both ω values of SAT and GLA >> 1), while their wild progenitors were under purifying selection (dN value of NIV = 0.000002, dS value of NIV = 0.000000; ω value of BAR < 1). GS5 genes were also observed to be under strong purifying selection for the other two wild species (ω values of GLU and MER << 1) (Figure S11). We also investigated selection pressure using the site model, and observed some specific sites of the GS5 gene under strong positive selection in the AA-genome Oryza species (Table S22). These results suggest that the GS5 gene underwent directional artificial selection independently during the domestication of Asian and African cultivated rice, thus leading to the convergent property of increased grain size and weight of cultivated rice compared to their wild ancestors. 4.3.2 PROG1-orthologous genomic regions The PROG1 gene determines several important agronomic characters, including prostrate growth, great grain number and high grain yield in Asian cultivated rice [68, 69]. To investigate the evolution of the studied Oryza AA-genomes, we compared a 279-kb reference segment encompassing PROG1 of the SAT genome with orthologous regions from the other five diploid AA-genomes. Here, we retrieved 278,955 bp, 253,313 bp, 201,587 bp, 192,527bp, 226,763 bp and 196,320 bp of the PROG1 orthologous genomic regions from the SAT, NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER genomes, respectively. The alignment of sequences for these species and annotation of the orthologous genomic regions showed generally conserved gene colinearity and structure in the PROG1 region (Tables S23 and S24). The conservation of genomic structures and TE presence within the PROG1genomic regions could largely be explained by the phylogenetic relationships of the studied species. Of them, GLA and BAR exhibited the largest colinearity, while relatively lowered sequence conservation was conserved amongst SAT, NIV, GLU and MER. However, our analysis revealed the architectural complexities and dynamic evolution of this region that have occurred over the past 4.8 Myr. Comparative analysis of the evolutionary history of the annotated genes indicated independent and lineage-specific gene gain and loss from this region among the six genomes as frequent causes of synteny disruption. In addition to lineage-specific amplification and subsequent loss of LTR retrotransposon elements in SAT, NIV and GLU, for example, massive lineage-specific insertions or movements of gene/gene fragments also account for length differences amidst the examined orthologous genomic regions. It is interesting to find that, not counting the conserved gene content, several genes may have been apparently generated de novo or uniquely deleted in the AA-genome lineages. For example, the PROG1 gene could be identified in SAT, NIV and GLU but was apparently lost in GLA, BAR and MER. In comparison, 10 genes out of the 42 genes in the SAT genome is largely responsible for the expansion of sequence length in this species. Compared with the SAT PROG1 region, we detected several micro-rearrangements in NIV including a relatively long-range deletion spanning about 30 Kb. Supplemental Section S5 –Genome-wide Assessment of Structural Variation in the AA-genome Oryza species 5.1 Assessment of structural variation 2,971 orthologous genomic segments across the six AA-genome Oryza species (Table S18), produced by Mercator [72], were used to detect genome-wide insertions and deletions (indels). Mercator identifies syntenic regions with one to one orthology relationships to ensure only one best alignment for each locus. All segments of five de novo assemblies (NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER) were individually aligned to corresponding orthologous region of SAT by LASTZ [70], with high-scoring segment pairs chaining option, ambiguous ‗N‘ treatment and gap-free extension tolerance up to 50 Kb options enabled. Using numbers of algorithms of SOAPsv [71] (, alignment errors and inaccurately predicted gaps in the assemblies were corrected, and the best hits contributing most to the co-linearity between orthologous segments were selected if more than one alignment overlapped at the same SAT locus. Finally, we extracted gaps in the best pairwise alignments as candidate insertions (gaps opened in SAT but sequences existed in corresponding AA-genome scaffolds) and vice versa. We compared all indels with assembly gap positions in the five assembled genomes, and found that only ~2% of insertions corresponded to gap regions while no deletions overlapped with gaps (Table S25). Furthermore, these gaps were all wrapped in non-N insertion sequences and away from breakpoints, indicating that these insertions are bona fide structural variations, although their lengths cannot be precisely detected due to the existence of assembly gaps. In the five assembled rice genomes, we identified a total of 232,900-514,924 putative insertions (ranging from 1-47,650 bp in length) corresponding to 29.43-55.61 Mb, and 240,928-539,026 deletions (ranging from 1-40,230 bp in length) affecting 10.16-22.12 Mb (Table S25). Note that the lengths of identified insertions may be under-represented due to assembly gaps. When we inquired into patterns of the size distribution, assembly gap-related insertions were also removed because of the difficulty in inaccurately predicting the lengths of gaps. The size distribution of structural variations is consistent with previous findings [73] that longer variations were less abundant. The majority of detected deletions were small in size; at least 90% of all indels were < 100 bp, whereas 70% were < 10 bp (Figure S12). There were several exceptions of the significantly increased number of indels that range in size from 100 bp to 300 bp; as previously reported [74, 75], this may be explained by the enrichment of DNA transposon insertions (Figure S13). For example, TE annotation of these indels (230-250 bp) showed that more than half of them composed of DNA transposons, ranging from 52.3% (NIV) to 78.4% (MER), of which Tc1 and Tourist/Harbinger were apparently predominant. However, we also detected some indels spanning more than 40 Kb (Table S25; Figure S12). The larger indels are most likely under-represented in our output data due to the constraints of the applied detection method, in which the majority of indels in the five rice genomes were smaller than 1 Kb (Figure S12). The corresponding genomic positions of these identified indels shorter than 50 bp in length were mapped and located in the SAT genome, showing that a total of 86% of the predicted indels were located in intronic (20%) and intergenic regions (66%) (Figure S14). As expected, indels were less abundant in protein-coding regions (5%), suggesting that they are more likely to have negative impacts and thus easily eliminated by purifying selection. We analyzed the size distribution of insertions and deletions within protein-coding sequences and found that there were peaks at positions that are multiples of three (Figure S15), owing to negative selection on frame-shift indels [76]. Overall, these findings demonstrate that far-reaching structural variation has affected not only genomic architectural heterogeneities but also the evolution of protein-coding genes. To understand how large-scale structural variants have driven the genome evolution, we identified all genomic structural variants by mapping them onto phylogenetic tree of the six AA-genome Oryza species. Here we applied a ‗code‘ to denote the genomic structural variation event occurred in the six rice genomes. ‗1‘ symbolizes the orthologous presence in a species, ‗0‘ signifies the absence, and the ‗code‘ order is followed by evolutionary relationships of the species tree (SAT/NIV/BAR/GLA/GLU/MER). Note that each bit denotes the state in a species. For example, ‗010000‘ indicates that the indel only occurred in NIV. We characterized and classified these indels into the two types. First, the regular type indicates that the insertion/deletion event is clearly supported by the robust phylogenetic relationships of the six studied species (Figure S8) (e.g., ‗000100‘ denotes that an indel only appears in GLA, and ‗110000‘ designates a SAT/NIV-specific indel); and second, the random type includes all other insertion and deletion events that cannot be located by any phylogenetic relationships (Table S26). There were 991,155 lineage-specific insertions and 963,201 lineage-specific deletions (regular type), while the 169,453 insertions and 139,069 deletions (random type) occurred in the six AA-genome Oryza species; the former is 6-7 times more than the latter. To estimate the space of these indels inserted into and/or removed from the six AA-genomes, we further examined the regular type of structural variants by locating them at the five timetabled nodes (a: 0.26 Myr; b: 1.2 Myr; c: 1.6 Myr; d: 1.8 Myr; e: 4.8 Myr). Our results suggested that, during the past 4.8 Myr, the rates of either insertions or deletions are constant and thus have been greatly contributing to the rice gene and genome evolution. The numbers of structural variation events occurred along different branches are proportional to their branch lengths, further supporting the observed results that the occurrences of large-scale structural variations are closely related to their phylogenetic positions and divergence times from SAT (Figure S8; Table S26). The number of insertions/deletions occurred in African branch (GLA/BAR), for example, was one-third lower than Asian branch (SAT/NIV) due to the relatively recent speciation and lineage divergence. 5.2 Assessment of segmental duplications We performed a genome-wide comparative analysis of high-identity segmental duplications in the six AA-genome Oryza species. As the large and high identical duplicated regions were often missing, collapsed, or mis-assigned, there was an ascertainment bias on the detected power with the quality of genome assembly. To avoid the effect of different assemblies, we used the whole-genome shotgun sequence detection methods (WSSD) [77-79] to detect recent segmental duplications in these rice genomes. The applied databases included the next-generation sequencing paired-end reads of the five rice genomes generated by the Illumina platform, as described in Supplemental Section S1; short-read sequencing data set of SAT was obtained from the DDBJ Sequence Read Archive (, acc=DRR001555) (Table S27). Trimmomatic [80] was used to trim adapter and low quality (Phred quality < 20) sequences. All known common repeats and low-complexity sequences were masked with RepeatMasker [81], and a second level of masking with Tandem Repeats Finder (TRF) [82] was run to remove short tandem repeats. We mapped the filtered reads to the SAT reference genome using bwa [83], removed PCR duplicates, and calculated average insert sizes and standard deviations statistics for paired ends that mapped in the correct orientation using Picard ( (Table S27). mrFAST [84] was performed to place filtered reads to all possible locations in the reference genome, allowing for up to 4 bp of the read length edit distance. Reads exceeding 72 bp in length were truncated to 72 bp. We classified discordant read pairs with mapping span > average+4std [85, 86]. We initially assessed the dynamic range response of short sequence data mapped by mrFAST through determining the read depth for a set of 2,305 1:1 orthologous genes where copy number status had been previously confirmed with computational methods (see Supplemental Section S3.1 for details). Using these benchmark loci, we determined the average read depth and variance for 5-kb (unmasked) regions for all chromosomal loci. Using mrCaNaVaR [78], read-depth profiles were independently constructed for each sequencing library, corrected for G+C bias introduced during library construction (Table S27). We considered regions as a high-identity segmental duplication interval based on the criteria [87] when 6/7 consecutive 5 Kb genome windows having a read-depth at least three standard deviations above the mean depth calculated for the single-copy regions. The ability and power of the developed WSSD method have been proved efficient [88-90] in comprehensively identifying putative segmental duplications greater than 20 Kb in size and accurately predicting absolute copy number variation of duplicated segments and genes using the next-generation sequence reads. In this analysis, we identified a total of 11.83 Mb of segmental duplications > 20 Kb in SAT, and 4.93 Mb of reference sequences were duplicated in NIV, 4.51 Mb in GLA, 4.82 Mb in BAR, 5.62 Mb in GLU, and 6.36 Mb in MER (Dataset S3a), which involved a total of 1,628 genes. Gene ontology (GO) analysis of these genes showed that their functional classes were significantly enriched for several specific biological functions (e.g., cell death, response to stress, defense response genes) (Dataset S3b). The identification of a number of segmental duplications, fewer than large-scale of insertion and deletion events, suggests that mechanisms other than non-allelic homologous recombination may also have made contributions to rice genome evolution. Supplemental Section S6 –Dynamics and Evolution of Gene Families among the AA-genome Oryza Species 6.1 Identification of gene families in the AA-genome Oryza species OrthoMCL pipeline [42] was used to cluster the predicted genes from the seven Oryza genomes, including SAT, NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER, and BRA, into gene families on the basis of the similarities of protein sequences. Alternative splicing and TEs were filtered out from the original proteomes (Table S28). The longest isoforms in size were retained and an all-against-all comparison using BLASTP (1e-5) was performed. Clustering was then performed based on a Markov cluster algorithm (MCL) using OrthoMCL (inflation 1.5). This analysis resulted in a total of 39,293 gene families (Table S29). 6.2 Lineage-specific gene families of the AA-genome Oryza species After collecting all gene families, we classified them according to the presence or absence of genes for a given species and determined which gene families were lineage-specific. Among the 1,779 gene clusters representing 3,805 genes unique to BAR, 728 (19.13%) contained InterPro [22] domains or were assigned gene ontology categories. The remaining 3,077 were the previously unidentified predicted genes of unknown function. The most GO terms associate with GLA and BAR lineage-specific families included protein binding (GO:0005515), oxidation-reduction process (GO:0055114) and zinc ion binding (GO:0008270) (Dataset S4). By comparison, 1,039 clusters containing 2,239 genes were unique to SAT and NIV lineages. Of the 2,239 genes, 591 (26.40%) had functions which mainly involved in protein phosphorylation (GO:0006468), oxidation-reduction process (GO:0055114) and protein binding (GO:0005515) (Dataset S4). 6.3 Gene family expansions/contractions of the AA-genome Oryza species In order to estimate rates of gene gain and loss, we applied an updated version of the likelihood model [91] and implemented in the software package CAFE v2.2 [92]. This method models gene family evolution as a stochastic birth and death process, where genes are gained and lost independently along each branch of a phylogenetic tree. A parameter, , describes the rate of change as the probability that a gene family either expands (via gene gain) or contracts (via gene loss) per gene per million years, and can now be estimated independently for all branches. After excluding lineage-specific families and likely annotation artifacts, we totally inferred 17,563 gene families that may have been present in the most recent common ancestor of rice (MRCA) (‗‗Likelihood Analysis‘‘ in Dataset S5). For these gene families (n = 17,563), parameters were estimated by maximizing the likelihood of the observed family sizes. We first attempted to estimate a fully parameterized model with the 12 different values of , one for each branch of the tree, with the latest version of the program CAFÉ v2.2 [92]. Given the search space of 12-parameter (12-p) model which is likely too large to find a single global maximum, we created a 3-p model by assigning branches to one of the three rate categories — fast ( 1 ), medium ( 2 ), and slow ( 3 ) — based on the best branch-specific rate estimates from the above 12-p model. This 3-parameter (3-p) model always converged to a single maximum as below ( 1 = 0.0602; 2 = 0.0507; 3 = 0.0023). The ―fast‖ branches of the 3-p tree include the terminal lineages leading to GLU and NIV; the ―slow‖ branches include the terminal lineages leading to GLA and BRA. The estimated parameters ( -values) for each branch of 12-p model were: (((((SAT_0.0161:1.2,NIV_0.0287:1.2)_0.0126:0.4,(GLA_0.0047:0.26,BAR_0.0124:0.26)_0.0170:1.34)_0. 0243:0.2,GLU_0.0302:1.8)_0.0093:3,MER_0.0120:4.8)_0.0008:30.5,BRA_0.0005:35.3) -values for 3-p model were: (((((SAT_0.0507:1.2,NIV_0.0602:1.2)_0.0507:0.4,(GLA_0.0023:0.26,BAR_0.0507:0.26)_0.0507:1.34)_0. 0602:0.2,GLU_0.0602:1.8)_0.0023:3,MER_0.0023:4.8)_0.0023:30.5,BRA_0.0023:35.3) 6.4 Accelerated evolution of gene families in the AA-genome Oryza species The maximum likelihood approach to studying gene family evolution allows us to identify individual gene families that are evolving at rates of gain and loss significantly higher than genome-wide level on average. Such families can exhibit either larger-than-expected expansions or contractions, which may either be confined to a single lineage or reflect large changes across the overall phylogeny. Of the 17,563 gene families inferred to have been present in the MRCA of AA-genome species, we found that 552 exhibited significant expansions or contractions (P-value < 0.0001, Dataset S6). At this level of significance, only slightly more than one family is expected by chance. Annotation of InterPro domains and GO assignments showed that these rapidly evolving families were associated with many biological processes (Dataset S6). We are particularly interested in gene families with large lineage-specific expansions, as it is likely that adaptive selection may act on lineage-specific traits through these changes. Of the 552 rapidly evolving families, we identified ten that showed large changes in copy number among the four terminal branches (SAT, NIV, BAR and GLA) and performed the annotation of InterPro and GO enrichment (Dataset S7). Of them, the largest gene family (GF_2) had 188 copies across all seven Oryza genomes and contained Tyrosine-protein kinase, catalytic domain (IPR020635), Leucine-rich repeat domain (IPR013210), and Protein kinase, ATP binding site (IPR017441). 6.5 Molecular evolution of agronomically important gene families 6.5.1 NBS-LRR resistance gene family A complete set of the NBS-encoding sequences was identified in the seven rice genomes using a reiterative process. First, the predicted proteins from the seven rice genomes were screened using HMMER V.3 [93] against the raw Hidden Markov Model (HMM), which corresponded to the Pfam NBS (NB-ARC) family (PF00931.17; The analyses using the raw NBS domain HMM resulted in a total of 715 (SAT), 562 (NIV), 518 (GLA), 549 (BAR), 469 (GLU), 491 (MER), and 373 (BRA) candidates. Subsequently, high quality protein sets (<1e-60) from the seven genomes were aligned using MUSCLE [94] and employed to individually construct the seven rice species-specific NBS HMMs using the module ‗‗hmmbuild‘‘. Searching again with these seven new rice-specific models, in total, 631 (SAT), 489 (NIV), 450 (GLA), 476 (BAR), 392 (GLU), 416 (MER), and 307 (BRA) NBS-candidate proteins were separately identified (E-value ≤ 1e-2) (Table S30). The results are suggestive of the expansion of NBS-encoding genes in the AA-genome species while comparing with BRA. NBS-encoding resistance genes are often associated with other domains such as TIR and CC in the N-terminal regions or a variable number of LRRs in the C-terminal region. To detect TIR and LRR domains that are contained within the NBS resistance candidate genes obtained above, we again conducted PFAM searches. The raw TIR HMM (PF01582.15) and nine LRR HMMs (PF00560.28, PF07723.8, PF07725.7, PF12799.2, PF13306.1, PF13516.1, PF13504.1, PF13855.1, PF14580.1) were downloaded from the PFAM database (, and searched against the final gene sets of 631 (SAT), 489 (NIV), 450 (GLA), 476 (BAR), 392 (GLU), 416 (MER) and 307 (BRA) NBS-encoding proteins using HMMER V3 (E-value ≤ 1e-2). Both TIR and LRR domains were validated using NCBI conserved domain database and Multiple Expectation Maximization for Motif Elicitation (MEME) [95]. As reported previously [96], PFAM analysis could not identify the CC motif in the N-terminal region, and thus we detected the CC domain using the ncoils with the default parameters [97]. In order to analyze the chromosomal locations of NBS-encoding proteins, we performed BLAT searches of the other six rice genomes against the SAT genome; nearly 486 (99.38%; NIV), 441 (98.00%; GLA), 468 (98.32%; BAR), 384 (97.96%; GLU), and 408 (98.08%; MER) NBS-encoding genes were positioned on the chromosomes. Chromosome 11 was the most abundant in NBS-encoding genes (NIV, 122; GLA, 112; BAR, 119; GLU, 94; MER, 114), while Chromosome 3 harbored the lowest numbers with merely 11 (NIV), 15 (GLA), 19 (BAR), 13 (GLU), and 13 (MER) genes (Figure S16). Such an unequal distribution of NBS-encoding genes is also observed among chromosomes in the Oryza AA-genomes, although the phenomenon is ubiquitous in other plant genomes. Pid3 gene Resistance genes (R-genes) protect plants against pathogens by producing R proteins. The majority of R proteins contain a nucleotide-binding site and a carboxy-terminal leucinerich repeat domain [98]. Rice blast disease, caused by the fungus Magnaporthe grisea, is one of the most serious diseases for rice. Nearly all the cloned blast resistance genes encode NBS-LRR proteins. The large number of published blast R genes has revealed the importance of NBS-LRR gene family in the improvement of rice blast disease resistance. Pid3 is one of the well-characterized blast R-genes which was first identified in the indica variety Digu [99]. Using the protein sequence of the Pid3 (FJ745364) as query, we performed BLAST searches against our five sequenced genomes and BRA, and totally identified the six Pid3 orthologous gene sequences. To fully understand molecular evolution of the Pid3 genes in the studied rice species, we also downloaded and incorporated protein sequences of Pid3-Nipponbare (FJ773286) and Pid3-9311 (FJ773285) for the analyses. Comparisons of domain structure and sequence similarities showed that the protein sequences of the eight Pid3 genes are highly conserved, especially within the NBS domain (Figure S17). Notably, the Pid3 gene in the japonica varieties (Pid3-Nipponbare) was identified as a pseudogene due to a C to T nonsense mutation. This mutation leads to the production of a truncated 737 aa protein with a disrupted LRR region (Figure S17). However, the mutation was not found in the indica (9311), BRA as well as the other five sequenced AA-genome species in this study. These results suggest that the pseudogenization of Pid3 in japonica occurred after the divergence of indica and japonica, in agreement with the finding in a former study [99]. Pi-ta gene Blast disease, caused by the fungus M. grisea, is one of the most serious diseases in rice. The resistance gene, Pi-ta, protects rice against this pathogen, and encodes a predicted cytoplasmic receptor protein with a nucleotide-binding site (NBS) and a leucine-rich domain (LRD). Pi-ta was found as a single-copy gene and first cloned from O. sativa cv. Yashiromochi [100], which induced defense responses against the blast fungus carrying the virulence gene AVR-Pita. The physical interaction between Pi-ta and AVR-Pita was dependent on a single amino acid at the 918th codon position located in the LRD of Pi-ta [100]. When alanine was the amino acid at this position, the binding of Pi-ta to AVR-Pita induced hypersensitive response, while if serine was in this position, Pi-ta cannot bind to the AVR-Pita, and O. sativa was susceptible to the blast fungus. Here, using the BLAST searches against the Pi-ta genes reported previously [100], we identified the five Pi-ta genes from the five sequenced rice genomes. The detailed domain structure and amino acid variation showed overall high sequence conservation at the Pi-ta locus (Figure S18); only 20 polymorphic sites (eight in the N-terminal region, four in the NBS domain, and eight in the leucine-rich region) were identified. At the position 918, serine was present in O. sativa cv. Niponbare and other species except NIV and O. sativa cv. Yashiromochi. Similarly, isoleucine was retained at the position 6 except NIV and O. sativa cv. Yashiromochi. These observations suggest that the substitution from isoleucine to serine at the position 6 and subsequent replacement of serine with alanine at the position 918 may produce the Pi-ta protein that recognizes AVR-Pita in the NIV and Yashiromochi variants. We sampled the ten representative individuals with depths of > 10X in NIV [101], performed reads mapping, and confirmed our discoveries in Pid3 and Pi-ta that still hold at the population level (Dataset S8). Our results further supported findings in O. rufipogon and other related species [102, 103]. 6.5.2 WRKY gene family We systematically identified the WRKY genes in the seven Oryza genomes by adopting a similar reiterative procedure as described in Xu et al. [101]. The protein sequences and annotation files of BRA and SAT were downloaded from Gramene ( and Rice Genome Annotation Project (, respectively. The predicted proteins from the seven rice genomes were screened using HMMER (Version 3.0) [93] against the raw Hidden Markov Model (HMM), corresponding to the PFAM WRKY family (PF03106.10; The analysis using the raw HMM of the WRKY domain resulted in 148 (SAT), 94 (NIV), 98 (GLA), 83 (BAR), 97 (GLU), 91 (MER), and 94 (BRA) candidates. Of these, a high quality protein set (<1E-20) were selected and the WRKY domain peptide sequences were aligned using MUSCLE (Edgar 2004). The alignment output was used to build the seven rice species-specific WRKY HMM model using the module ―hmmbuild‖. Scanning with these new rice-specific models against the seven rice peptide databases with a cutoff E-value of 1e-10, we identified 128 (SAT), 92 (NIV), 88 (GLA), 81 (BAR), 93 (GLU), 83 (MER) and 88 (BRA) WRKY genes in total. The presence of the WRKY domains in the protein structure were validated using NCBI conserved domain database ( and Multiple Expectation Maximization for Motif Elicitation (MEME) [95]. The 129 WRKY gene models in the SAT genome were also collected from the Plant Transcription Factor Database (PlnTFDB v3.0, Of them, we characterized 127 (98.5%) by the above-mentioned procedure, indicating that it can be suitably employed to identify the WRKY genes in other plant species. In order to compare with other plant species, we directly obtained the WRKY genes of the Arabidopsis thaliana, Zea mays and Sorghum bicolor genomes from PlnTFDB, and classified them into the three groups based on the number of WRKY domains and the pattern of the zinc finger motif. Briefly speaking, Group I proteins typically contain two WRKY domains including a C2H2 motif, Group II proteins have a single WRKY domain and a C2H2 zinc-finger motif, and Group III proteins also possess a single WRKY domain but zinc-finger-like type is C2-H-C. The number of WRKY genes (~93) in the rice species is comparable to Sorghum bicolor (~94) and A. thaliana (~88) but is much lower than Z. mays (~202) (Table S31). 6.5.3 MADS-box gene family A total of 77 previously identified rice MADS-box protein sequences [104] were obtained and aligned using MUSCLE [94]. The multiple alignment result was then used to build a MADS-box Hidden Markov Model with HMMER program [93]. Using this model, the amino acid sequences of the seven Oryza genomes were searched using the hmmearch command. A number of 70 (NIV), 73 (GLA), 72 (BAR), 72 (GLU), 70 (MER) and 60 (BRA) MADS-box proteins were obtained with a probability of E value threshold of 0.1, as recommended by the HMMER user's guide. All candidate MADS-box proteins were validated using NCBI conserved domains and multiple expectation maximization for motif elicitation (MEME). In order to classify the Oryza MADS-box genes, we aligned MADS-box gene sequences against the previously reported rice MADS-box sequences [104] (Table S32). Supplemental Section S7 –Identification of Gene Loss in the AA-genome Oryza species 7.1 Loss of gene families across the AA-genome Oryza species We estimated that the MRCA of the seven Oryza species contained ~20,873 genes on basis of all of the inferred family sizes at the root of the tree (Dataset S5). Indeed, many families that experienced contractions were completely lost along one or more branches of the phylogenetic tree. These ‗‗extinctions‘‘ occurred on almost every branch of the tree, and include genes involved in a wide variety of biological functions. In total, there were 6,987 families inferred to have been present in the MRCA that have none in at least one extant genome. The most common functional categories of extinct families involve protein kinase, regulation of transcription, zinc finger, pentatricopeptide repeat, binding-related (but note that the function of 40.2% were categorized as ambiguous or unknown). A complete list of extinct families is given in Dataset S9. We found that 798 families are present in the MRCA but appear entirely lost in the SAT genome; of them, 431 are still present in NIV. A similar phenomena was also observed in other species (GLA: 401; BAR: 436; GLU: 424; MER: 438; BRA: 798) with an average estimate of 488. 7.2 Identification of gene loss events and/or novel genes in SAT based on WGS reads mapping In order to identify the gene loss events and/or novel genes in SAT, we adopted the previously reported methodology with some modifications [101]. We first used soap2 (version 2.21) [105] to align all filtered short reads to the SAT reference genome, allowing two mismatches and the minimum length of the reads of 35 bp. After the reads mapping, we assembled the unmapped reads into contigs by SOAPdenovo for each species [9] with the default parameters. Both contigs shorter than 2 kb and the redundant sequences identified by a self-align method were excluded for the further analyses. In sum, we identified 3,165 contigs with a total length of 8.23 Mb for all six species. Then, we again BLASTed all these candidate ―novel‖ contigs against the SAT genome to search for homologous sequences. We found that 1,067 (33.7%) contigs indeed have more or less similarly homologous sequences in the reference genome with the coverage >30% and identity >80%, indicating that these contig sequences were very possibly from diverged homologs in the reference genome and thus resulted in mapping difficulties. The remaining 2,098 contigs were either real novel sequences or located in non-assembled heterochromatin regions. The average GC content of these 5.64 Mb sequences was 41.5%, which is comparable to the GC content of the genome (43.5%). We conducted de novo gene annotation with AUGUSTUS for these 2,098 contigs and annotated a total of 823 putative novel genes. We next compared them with our above-annotated gene set using BLASTN and retained genes whose coverage and identity both were approximately equal to 100%. Finally, we confirmed that 490 de novo genes were lost in the SAT genome, which is in strong support of the estimation of gene loss in SAT as identified above based on the entire loss of gene families across the AA-genome Oryza species (Table S33). We further performed functional annotation of the 490 proteins by using the InterProScan as performed above. The average gene length is substantially shorter than that estimated from the whole genome (957 bp versus 2,300 bp), indicating that many of the annotated genes may not be intact. Of the 490 genes, 163 (33.3%) can be functionally annotated. The most common involved domains of these novel genes were NB-ARC (IPR002182), Tyrosine-protein kinase (IPR020635) and Leucine-rich repeat (IPR013210) (Dataset S10). These terms are noteworthy, as previous work has uncovered the evidence for the evolution of truly de novo proteins with the same functions [106]. We performed statistical analysis by using hypergeometric test: phyper (q=47, m=445, n=40747, k=490, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=FALSE). Of them, m represents the number of disease-related genes (445), n indicates the number of remaining genes of SAT after excluding disease-related genes (411192-445 = 40747), k represents the number of the sampled genes at random (490), and q shows the number of disease-related genes of the sampled genes at random (47). We obtained P-value of 4.473738e-31, indicating that a significant enrichment with disease-related genes of the 490 novel genes that were lost in the SAT genome. Supplemental Section S8 –Gain and Loss of Agronomically Important Genes across the AA-genome Oryza Species 8.1 Computational identification of the gain and loss of agronomically important genes using whole genome reads mapping The gain and loss of functionally important genes across the genomes have attracted considerable attention, since they may be related to the adaptation, divergence and speciation of plants. The high-quality SAT genome, together with the five sequenced AA-genome sequences, provides an opportunity to shape a picture of gene gain and loss across the AA-genome Oryza species and should provide novel perceptions into their evolutionary consequences. To identify patterns of gene gain and loss in the AA-genome Oryza species we collected a total of thirty-one agronomically important genes that have been functionally well-characterized in rice (Table S34). We took the following two methods together to detect their presence or absence in different species. First, we used SOAPaligner with default parameters ( to map ~30× Illumina pair-end reads of the five AA-genome Oryza species to these genes from SAT. To reflect a full evolutionary history of protein-coding genes and reveal evolutionary consequences within all eight AA-genome Oryza species, besides the five sequenced species, we obtained ~30× Illumina reads from IND, O. sativa ssp. tropical japonica (abbreviated as TRJ), O. rufipogon (abbreviated as RUF) and O. longistaminata (abbreviated as LON) genomes, respectively, and mapped to the SAT genome for comparisons. We used Perl scripts to filter reads and then performed the reference guide assembly. After calculating lengths of consensus sequences, we computed consensus coverage (consensus coverage% = consensus length/gene length × 100). We considered a gene to be present in a target genome if consensus sequence coverage ≥ 40%. Second, we ran the genblastA software using these candidate genes of the SAT genome as query sequences and separately BLASTed against all contigs of the five AA-genomes to identify homologs [107]. Based on the output of gene coverage we regarded the gene as the presence in a target genome if gene coverage ≥ 40%. The combined analyses lastly resulted in patterns of the gain and loss of the screened genes (Table S35). Of these, we found that the four genes including GW5, PROG1, S5 and SaF exhibited the pattern of gain and loss among the AA-genome Oryza species. 8.2 Evolutionary dynamics of rice speciation genes The question of how two species originate from one has fascinated biologists since before Darwin‘s iconic treatise on the subject [108]. The AA-genome Oryza species including the widely Asian cultivated rice O. sativa provides a useful set of model species for studying many aspects of plant speciation. Many speciation genes that underlie reproductive barriers (RI) in rice were identified in recent years [109]. These thirty-one agronomically important genes indeed included the five speciation genes (S5, SaM, SaF, mtRPL27and HWH1) from the six genes so far reported [109], we further investigated their evolutionary dynamics across the six AA-genome species. With nucleotide sequences of S5, SaM, SaF, mtRPL27and HWH1 from the SAT genome, we first performed BLAST searches against the five assembled rice genomes and the annotated gene set (Table S11), and retrieved and aligned orthologous coding sequences using MEGA5 [60] (Figures S19 - S23). Of them, S5 was found completely lost in African cultivated rice (GLA) and its wild progenitor (BAR). Computational analyses of these five genes using whole genome reads mapping have validated the loss of S5 in GLA and BAR (see Supplemental Section S8.1 for details) (Table S35). We further examined expression patterns using RNA-Seq datasets from the four tissues of NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER (Tables S9 and S10). The loss of S5 in GLA and BAR was evidently supported by the absence of any transcripts (Table S36). Comparative transcriptome analysis revealed quite different patterns of transcription across the AA-genome Oryza species (Table S36). mtRPL27 is a nuclear-encoded mitochondrial ribosomal protein L27 that previously reported to cause hybrid sterility between O. sativa and O. glumaepatula [110]. Here we detected that this gene is functional, evidenced by high levels of expression in all four tissues from these five rice species; HWH1 encode a GMC oxidoreductase that causes hybrid necrosis in inter-sub-specific of O. sativa [111]. HWH1 seemed also highly expressed in all four tissues; SaF was found highly expressed in roots as well. Although the above-described analyses suggested that S5 is present in other four rice species except for GLA and BAR, we found that it was only expressed in the panicle of NIV and leaf of MER. Meanwhile, we failed to detect the expression of SaM in NIV and GLA but it indeed is expressed in BAR, GLU and MER. The expression profiling of these two genes (S5 and SaM) may be different from one sampled individual to another of the same rice species, or affected by tissue-specific expression. S5 and Sa loci (SaF and SaM), can cause female and male sterility in O. sativa subsp. indica-japonica hybrids, respectively [112, 113]. Thus, the recent loss of this gene in GLA and BAR suggested that the rapidly evolutionary dynamics of rice speciation genes that may have influenced the formation of reproductive barriers among rice species. Together with molecular evolutionary behaviors of different nucleotide substitution rates and the occurrences of genomic structural variation in these speciation genes (Figures S19 - S23), our results suggest that their rapidly evolutionary dynamics may have contributed to the hybridization across the AA-genome rice species at inter-subspecific or inter-specific levels. It has proposed that these reproduction-related genes are quite variable between different species, subspecies, populations and phenotypes, and encompasses a collection of divergent systems. Further efforts should ideally combined experimental confirmation, phenotypic characterization, functional experiments and population genetic analyses to convincingly validate evolutionary dynamics of these speciation genes and RI-inducing alleles, represented by extensive genetic and geographical samples, and examine effects on RI in AA-genome Oryza species. 8.3 Computational validation and experimental confirmation of the PROG1 gene in the eight AA-genome Oryza species The PROG1 gene controls several important agronomic traits of prostrate growth, greater grain number and higher grain yield in Asian cultivated rice. The gene encodes a single Cys2-His2 zinc-finger protein and is located on the chromosome 7 with the length of 504 bp. PROG1 variants identified in O. sativa disrupt the PROG1 function and inactivate prog1 expression, leading to erect growth, greater grain number and higher grain yield in cultivated rice [68, 69]. Of the above obtained five genes that exhibit the gain and loss, we selected PROG1as an example to further validate the presence and /or absence in the six AA-genome Oryza species. First, we used total Illumina reads (including pair-end, mate-pair and single reads) for each of these species (NIV: 72.78×; GLA: 55.96×; BAR: 51.11×; GLU: 86.19×; MER: 60.16×) (Table S2), and mapped to the PROG1 gene from the SAT genome. we obtained 76.24×, 55.25 ×, 138.33 × and 70.63 × Illumina reads from the IND, TRJ, RUF and LON genomes, respectively, and mapped to the SAT genome for comparisons. The results showed that BAR, GLA and MER rarely had reads mapped on the PROG1 gene of SAT. Most of these reads were mapped to specific regions that were all single reads make us assume that they may be homologous sequences by chance and be nothing related to the candidate gene (Table S37; Figure S24); second, we directly adopted primer pairs (F (5'-3'): atcatgattcgcagcttgca; R (5'-3'): cggattcggaaataactagc) previously published [69], performed PCR amplifications, and then sequenced the IND, TRJ, NIV, RUF, GLA, BAR, GLU, LON and MER by using ABI-3730 sequencer. Results evidently validated the loss of the PROG1 genes in BAR, GLA and MER (Figure S25a); and third, we retrieved 58,327 bp, 61,289 bp, 57,706 bp, 56,012 bp, 58,958 bp and 58,857 bp of the PROG1 orthologous genomic regions from the SAT, NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER genomes, respectively. The detailed sequence comparisons and annotation demonstrated the loss of the PROG1 genes in BAR, GLA and MER (Figure S25b). Finally, we aligned the orthologous PROG1nucleotide and amino acid sequences of SAT, IND, TRJ, NIV, RUF, LON and GLU (Figure S25c). Supplemental Section S9–Molecular Evolution of Protein-coding Genes 9.1 Accelerated evolution of protein-coding genes We investigated the molecular evolution of protein-coding genes on the set of high confidence 1:1 orthologous genes (see Supplemental Section S3.1 for details) in the six AA-genome Oryza species. All the 1:1 orthologs (orthologous families) were further aligned by ClustalW [39]. Multiple alignments 1) that had frame-shift indels, unless compensated within 15 bp; 2) that had CDS whose lengths were not multiples of three; and 3) that had in-frame stop codons, were discarded, leaving a total of 2,272 orthologous families for the detection of positive selection and evolutionary rate analyses. We analyzed this set of well-aligned 1:1 orthologous gene families to obtain and compare the average evolutionary rates of protein-coding genes along lineages and clades of the six-species phylogeny. Out of the 2,272 alignments, 200 were selected randomly and concatenated together. Branch-specific ω values (nonsyonymous-synonymous rate ratio, dN/dS) were estimated using the codonML [114] program in the PAML software (version 4.4) [115]. The two models with 1) a single ω estimated for all branches and 2) branch-specific ω for each branch were compared in a likelihood ratio test (LRT). The experiments were replicated 10 times. The detailed tree structure files for each LRT were given in the ―Performance Notes‖ at the end of this section. The assumption of a single ω among all branches was rejected in all LRTs with 10 degrees of freedom at a high significant level (P << 0.01). We observed that ω values varied among different Oryza lineages: along the terminal branches, GLA and BAR had the largest ω estimates, MER showed the smallest, while the remainder exhibited intermediate values. Compared to MER, the increased estimates of ω in SAT, NIV, and GLU may primarily result from relaxed selective constraints, probably owing to the reduced effective population sizes or codon biases (Table S38; Figures S26 and S27a). 9.2 Genome-wide scan for positive selection Detecting positive selection was performed using the widely employed codon-based substitution models and LRTs implemented in the program PAML version 4.4 [116]. In all measurements, codon frequencies were estimated from nucleotide frequencies at each codon position (model F3×4). To identify genes under positive selection, we performed CodeML and a series of different LRTs to calculate the ratio of synonymous (dS) and non-synonymous (dN) changes at each codon or on particular branches or clades of interest in the AA-genome Oryza phylogeny for each orthologous family. Briefly speaking, our LRT for selection on any branch of the phylogenetic tree was compared site model 1a (nearly neutral) against 2a (selection) [117], while the branch/clade-specific LRTs were based on branch-site models [118, 119], which compared the modified model A with the corresponding null model with ω2 = 1 fixed (fix_omega = 1 and omega = 1). In the M1a-M2a comparison, the degree of freedom df = 2 was used, with the critical values to be 5.99 and 9.21 at 5% and 1% significance levels, respectively. For the lineageand clade-specific LRTs, P-values were computed assuming that the null distribution was a 50:50 mixture of point mass 0 and χ2df=1. Identifying sites under positive selection was achieved by using the Bayes empirical Bayes (BEB) [120] to calculate the posterior probabilities for site classes. Multiple comparisons were performed by following the method of Benjamini and Hochberg [121] to estimate the appropriate P-value threshold for a false discovery rate (FDR) of < 0.05. The phylogenetic relationships were determined based on the tree constructed above (see Supplemental Section S3.2 for details). In particular, we tested for selection on any branch of the tree (Figure S27a); on each of the six individual branches within the AA-genome clade (Figure S27b-e, h-i); on the branch leading to the Asian cultivated/wild rice (Figure S27f); and on the branch leading to the African cultivated/wild rice (Figure S27g). Applying the likelihood method and a P-value of 5% for statistical significance (FDR < 0.05) of all 2,272 high-confidence orthologous families, we found a total of 537 non-redundant positively selected genes (PSGs) in all tests (Tables S39). It included 268 in the site model tests for all branches (Figure S27a) and 20 (the ancestral Asian rice branch) to 234 (MER) in branch/clade-specific LRTs (Figure S27b-i). It is likely that the detection power of the same method makes difference for the closely related species under study. Several factors may be used to account for the wide range of numbers along different branches, such as their divergence times, expression levels, recombination rates, and effective population sizes. Population genetic theories have predicted the effect of a change in effective population size on nucleotide substitutions rate [122]. However, the determined role of effective population size on natural selection remains controversial [123, 124]. In our observation, the smaller numbers in cultivated rice when compared with their wild progenitors (64 in SAT and 40 in GLA versus 122 in NIV and 74 in BAR, respectively), is especially consistent with the positive relationship between effective population size and selection. The candidate PSGs and detailed results of LRTs were listed in Dataset S11. To date, several genome-wide scans for positive selection have been conducted in various organisms based on phylogenetic or population genetic methods [125-127]. These results widely vary among the studied species, with the evidence of extensive signs of adaptive evolution in Drosophila [128], rodents [129], and sunflowers [130], but lower levels of positive selection in hominids [131, 132] and Arabidopsis species [133-135]. Recent systematic analyses of positive selection revealed limited adaptive divergence in plants [123, 136, 137]. Our genome-wide survey of 2,272 highly confident orthologous families showed a large proportion (23.6%, 537) of candidate PSGs in the Oryza phylogeny, however, caused by severe filter criterion we adopted in the identification of orthologs, the level of rice adaptive evolution is more likely to be underestimated. We examined levels of expression of the PSGs that detected by branch-specific LRTs using RNA-Seq datasets from the four tissues of NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER (Tables S9 and S10). Note that the SAT gene expression data was downloaded from MSU Rice Genome Annotation Project Database We found that most of PSGs were expressed at lower levels than non-PSGs (Figure S28), which was consistent with previous studies [138-140]. Nevertheless, the detected genes or sites targeted by selection will provide more data and opportunities for further functional and evolutionary analyses. 9.3 Gene function classification Each of the identified PSGs (FDR < 0.05) was assigned to categories from Gene Ontology (GO) [141] and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) databases [142]. The enrichment analyses of functional annotation were performed by using agriGO [143]. Fisher‘s exact tests were adopted to measure the gene-enrichment in annotation terms. The detailed functional information of these PSGs is given in Dataset S12. 9.3.1 Functional analyses of positively selected genes The identified PSGs were enriched in various GO functional categories. For all non-redundant PSGs detected in at least one test, a group of significantly enriched categories was associated with developmental processes, such as ―anatomical structure development‖, ―post-embryonic development‖, and ―multicellular organismal development‖ (Table S40). Additionally, we found that 97 genes involved in ―response to stimulus‖ and 47 in ―reproduction‖ categories showed evidence for positive selection, which were higher than the genomic background levels (Figure S29). The PSGs identified by the branch- and clade-specific LRTs displayed different patterns of functional classification and chromosomal distribution (Tables S40 and S41). For example, the over-represented functional categories largely varied between the two clades of Asian and African cultivated rice and their own wild progenitors; the former enriched lots of categories related to biological developmental process, reproductive process, and response to stimulus, while the latter mainly included categories relevant to stress resistance. Several genome-wide studies confirmed that positively selected genes were more likely to be associated with the reproduction and immune defense in humans and mammals [140, 144]. The systematic study in higher plants also reported that more positive selection was detected in the self-incompatibility loci, pathogens-defense, and genes involved in adaptation to specific environments such as cold acclimation [136]. In agreement with previous findings, such categories were also significantly over-represented in our dataset, given many candidate PSGs involved in flower development, embryogenesis, reproduction and resistance-related processes. 9.3.2 Flower development and reproduction Of the predicted PSGs, we detected a number of genes involved in biological processes related to flower development and reproduction (Tables S40 – S42). There were a total of 14 genes which are specifically homologous to flowering-related genes and may involve in the pathway of flowering process and flower development (Table S42). For example, CRY2, LHY, and PFT1 may affect the photomorphogenesis to regulate the flowering time; VIL1, ASHH2, MOS3/SAR3, and PEP perhaps act to regulate FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) and Flowering Locus M (FLM) to control the flowering time; HEN1 and XTH may mediate the floral organ development. Moreover, several PSGs likely participate in gametogenesis and reproduction processes, such as PG may be essential for pollen grains development, and PDIL, TAF6, TMS1and SEC5 are probably associated with the pollen tube growth. It is likely that the selection pressure of these reproduction or fertility-related genes might reflect arms races or adaptations to environments after the speciation in particular lineage of the studied AA-genome Oryza species. 9.3.3 Stress resistance Similar to the enrichments for genes related immunity and defense in animals, the identified PSGs include many genes involve in the resistance to pathogens or environmental stresses. Some of the over-represented functional categories, such as protein degradation, nucleotide binding, and oxidoreductase activity, were related to stress resistance. We identified the seven PSGs that participated in protein ubiquitination pathway (Figure S30), indicative of a signal for 26S proteasome dependent protein degradation. Moreover, LOC_Os01g48390, LOC_Os03g61060, LOC_Os06g34040, LOC_Os03g53720, LOC_Os10g01060, LOC_Os03g43850, LOC_Os12g08180, LOC_Os12g13170, LOC_Os11g16280, LOC_Os01g70330, and LOC_Os04g40080 were assigned to categories in response to pathogens or abiotic stress. Additionally, we identified a lot of PSGs containing Zinc finger domains, Pentatricopeptide repeat domains, F-box domains, Leucine-rich repeat domains, or WD domains. Performance Notes: Detecting positive selection on any branch of the tree (site model- NSsites 0 1 2): unrooted tree: (((SAT, NIV), (GLA, BAR)), GLU, MER); Detecting positive selection on each of the six individual branches within the AA-genome clade (branch-site model): SAT-specific: unrooted tree: (((SAT #1, NIV), (GLA, BAR)), GLU, MER); NIV-specific: (((SAT, NIV #1), (GLA, BAR)), GLU, MER) GLA-specific: (((SAT, NIV), (GLA #1, BAR)), GLU, MER) BAR-specific: (((SAT, NIV), (GLA, BAR #1)), GLU, MER) GLU-specific: (((SAT, NIV), (GLA, BAR)), GLU #1, MER) MER-specific: (((SAT, NIV), (GLA, BAR)), GLU, MER #1) on the ancestral Asian rice: (((SAT, NIV) #1, (GLA, BAR)), GLU, MER); on the ancestral African rice: (((SAT, NIV), (GLA, BAR) #1), GLU, MER); on the clade of the Asian cultivated/wild rice: (((SAT, NIV) $1, (GLA, BAR)), GLU, MER); on the clade of the African cultivated/wild rice: (((SAT, NIV), (GLA, BAR) $1), GLU, MER); Estimating various rates among branches (branch-specific model- model = 0/model = 1): unrooted tree: (((SAT, NIV), (GLA, BAR)), GLU, MER). Supplemental Section S10 –Evolutionary Analyses of Non-coding RNAs across the AA-genome Oryza Species The knowledge of number changes and sequence evolution of ncRNA genes throughout the genomes of closely related plants has raised considerable interest, since their origin and evolution may have played an important role in driving the adaptation and divergence of the species. The six sequenced AA-genome sequences thus provide an opportunity to perform a comprehensive analysis of evolutionary dynamics and sequence divergence of ncRNA genes all over a genomic landscape. In particular, we investigated how the variation of copy number and nucleotide substitution rates of important miRNA gene families may affect phenotypic variations and important pathways that are relevant to ecological adaptations and development processes. 10.1 Evolutionary dynamics of non-coding RNA genes among the AA-genome Oryza species We compared dynamic changes in the number and sequence length of the tRNA, rRNA, snoRNA, snRNA and miRNA genes across the six AA-genome Oryza species (Table S13; Figure S6). Our results showed that average lengths of different types of ncRNA genes appear largely conserved from one species to another. Probably owning to homology search method, the identified numbers of tRNA, snoRNA and miRNA genes exhibited a decreased trend with the increase of divergence times from the SAT genome. In addition, the number of rRNA genes identified in the assembled genomes may be underestimated partially because of the assembly difficulty in the portion of genomic regions that harbored repeat sequences in the sequenced genomes. It is likely that the number of most of the ncRNA genes identified in our sequenced genomes was lower than that in the SAT genome caused by the gaps of these draft genomes. However, this does not hold true for snRNA genes as number changes were still observed among them. The target genes of miRNAs identified above were separately predicted for each AA-genome Oryza species using psRNATarget server [145] with default parameters. Overall, we totally found that 203, 125, 124, 133, 125 and 123 miRNA families had predicted 2,433, 1,711, 1,803, 1,795, 1,678 and 1,567 target genes in the SAT, NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER genomes, respectively (Dataset S1; Table S43). Among these predicted target genes, 1,927, 1,052, 1,085, 1,037, 921 and 902 were expressed in at least one of the four tissues of SAT, NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER, respectively, as supported by RNA-Seq data sets (Tables S9 and S10). Note that the SAT gene expression data was downloaded from MSU Rice Genome Annotation Project Database To examine functional enrichment of the predicted target genes of miRNAs, we subsequently performed the Gene Ontology (GO) analyses in the six AA-genome Oryza species by comparing with the whole set of protein-coding genes of the SAT genome as a background using agriGO server [146] (Figure S31). Some target genes, which were assigned to biological processes, including death (GO: 0016265), cellular process (GO: 0009987), response to stimulus (GO: 0050896), or to molecular function, including binding (GO: 0005488) activities, were significantly enriched in all of the six AA-genome Oryza species. Besides, a proportion of GO terms including cellular component organization (GO: 0016043) (MER), macromolecular complex (GO: 0032991) (MER), organelle (GO: 0043226) (SAT, GLU, MER) and organelle part (GO: 0044422) (MER) were enriched in MER, of which organelle (GO: 0043226) was also over-represented in SAT and GLU, probably due to undergoing frequent gain and loss during the evolution of AA-genome Oryza species (Figure S32). 10.2 Sequence evolution of non-coding RNA genes To understand the molecular evolution of ncRNA genes, we individually calculated the rates of nucleotide substitutions across the six AA-genome Oryza species. The four steps were taken as follows: first, the ncRNA genes in the SAT genome were annotated by using methods mentioned above (see Supplemental Section S2.3 for details). miRNA targets of protein-coding genes were identified by using psRNATarget server with default parameters [145], followed by using a Perl script to map these target sites onto the SAT genome; second, for the purpose of comparisons, data sets of gene annotation of the SAT genome were downloaded from TIGR database (; third, all ncRNA genes, protein-coding genes and intergenic genomic regions in SAT which at least remain 90% integrality in other species were selected by using the alignment of orthologous segments constructed by MERCATOR and MAVID softwares (see Supplemental Section S4.1 for details); finally, nucleotide substitution rates of ncRNA genes and genomic components as a background were estimated by using divergence _ value 2 i j dij , n(n 1) where dij is an estimate of the number of nucleotide substitutions per site between DNA sequence i and j, and n is the number of the examined sequences (n = 5 in this study). On the basis of these analyses, we obtained nucleotide substitution rates of ncRNA genes in comparisons with average genomic background across the AA-genome Oryza species (Table S44; Figure S33). Nucleotide substitution rates of tRNA and snoRNA genes were very low, with merely 0.60% and 1.03%, respectively. The results suggest that they were quite conserved in the AA-genome Oryza species. SnRNA genes, however, exhibited relatively high nucleotide substitution rate (2.61%), which could be explained by that snRNA genes may regulate other protein-coding genes [147]. The nucleotide substitution rates of miRNA genes, mature miRNA sequences and miRNA target sequences were found to be 1.91%, 1.47% and 1.61%, respectively. Among them, the nucleotide divergence was the highest in miRNA genes but lowest in mature miRNA sequences, indicating that mature miRNA sequences and miRNA target sequences are more conserved than miRNA genes. This result also suggests that negative selection is weaker on miRNA genes and binding sites than protein-coding region of genes, but is stronger than the surrounding introns and regulatory sequences. Furthermore, mature miRNAs and miRNA target sequences are more conserved than miRNA genes. To provide an in-depth insight into evolutionary behaviors of ncRNA genes, we further calculated nucleotide substitution rates of ncRNA genes and genomic components for each of the six AA-genome Oryza species (Figure S34). The nucleotide substitution rates of ncRNA genes and genomic components for each AA-genome Oryza species was estimated by divergence _ value 1 n 1 di , where di is n 1 i 1 an estimate of the number of nucleotide substitutions per site between this sequence and sequence i , and n is the number of the examined sequences (n=5 in this study). For every kind of ncRNA gene, individual species-based analysis expectedly confirmed the overall patterns of sequence evolution observed across the six AA-genome Oryza species (Figure S33). We calculated and compared nucleotide substitutions of miRNA genes and their target sites across the six AA-genome Oryza species. Most of mature miRNA genes and target sequences were conserved, whereas a small portion of them was variable (Figure S35). We next performed Gene Ontology (GO) annotations of miRNA genes and their targets of the six AA-genome Oryza species, which were implemented using GrameneMart and WEGO program [148, 149] (Figure S36). Results showed that the majority of non-conserved miRNA genes were associated with the transcription regulator, biological regulation and rhythmic process, whereas non-conserved target sites had no enrichment of any GO terms. Furthermore, conserved miRNA genes were associated with the synapse, synase part, virion, virion part, nutrient reservoir and locomotion, while conserved target sites were associated virion, virion part, nutrient reservoir and translation regulator. 10.3 Exemplar studies of important miRNA genes in AA-genome Oryza species MiRNA genes have emerged as master regulators of plant growth and thus have played an important role in plant development processes and stress responses. We first analyzed and compared the well-known miRNA gene families that are related to the adaptation to drought (miRNA169) [150] and phosphate starvation (miRNA399) [151, 152].The miRNA169 family had 17, 7, 9, 7, 8 and 6 members in SAT, NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER, respectively (Table S43). Their precursor sequences are highly similar to each other with a total of four nucleotide substitutions, of which there were three between MER and orthologs from the other five species; the mature miRNA sequences are almost identical with only one nucleotide difference between the MER sequence and orthologs from sequences of the other five species (Figure S37). For the miRNA399 family, there were 11, 5, 5, 3, 3 and 6 members in SAT, NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER, respectively (Table S43). The precursor sequences had seven nucleotide substitutions and three indels between MER and orthologs from the other five species, and the mature miRNA sequences were almost identical with only one nucleotide difference between the MER sequence and the orthologs from sequences of the other five species (Figure S38). We systematically surveyed the twenty-one miRNA gene families that are related to flower development [153-159]. Interestingly, we found that they largely varied in number among the six rice species (Table S45). The results suggest that the expansion and contraction of some miRNA gene families may be partly related to the differences of flower development and flowering time observed ordinarily among the six AA-genome rice species. We randomly sampled the four miRNA genes (osa-miR159a, osa-miR159e, osa-miR159f, osa-miR1847) belonging to the two miRNA gene families (miRNA 159, miRNA 1847) which seemingly exhibited the amplification of copy number in one or more of the other five non-SAT species. The miRNA159 family had 6, 5, 7, 6, 6 and 6 members, while miRNA 1847 had 1, 2, 0, 6, 7 and 4 members in SAT, NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER, respectively. For osa-miR159a, the precursor sequences had only two nucleotide substitutions among the six species and the mature miRNA sequences are identical each other (Figure S39a); for osa-miR159e, the precursor sequences had two nucleotide substitutions and one indel among the six species and the mature miRNA sequences are identical each other (Figure S39b); for osa-miR159f, the precursor sequences had two nucleotide substitutions and two indels among the six species and the mature miRNA sequences are identical each other (Figure S39d); for osa-miR1847, the precursor sequences had four nucleotide substitutions and two indels among the six rice species and the mature miRNA sequences are identical each other (Figure S39c). In addition to the dynamic changes of copy number, the detection of nucleotide mutations in certain lineages of AA-genome Oryza species may be related to phenotypic variation including flower development and adaptations to drought and phosphate starvation. References 1. 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Cytogram of fluorescence intensity of the six AA-genome Oryza species including O. sativa ssp. japonica. cv. Nipponbare nuclei isolated with an improved Otto buffer. Coefficient of variation values (CVs): 3.75% (a); 3.37% (b); 3.25% (c); 3.51% (d); 4.07% (e); 3.36% (f). X: relative fluorescence; Y: number of nuclei. Figure S3. Length distributions of scaffolds for the five assembled rice genomes. Figure S4. Flowchart for estimating the assembly quality of the five sequenced rice genomes. b a Run RepeatMasker against all 6 rice genome sequences Run RepeatMasker against both BES data and the 5 assembled genomes Use MUMMER to map the 5 assembled genomes to SAT Use MUMMER to map BES to the 5 Filter sequences > 90% similarity and remove assembled genomes overlapping sequences Calculate genome Calculate gene coverage coverage Estimate sequence Estimate sequence similarity similarity Filter sequence with > 90% similarity and remove multi-hits Count the rates of orientation errors Figure S5. Examples of scatter plot displays of the assembled genome sequences that were mapped to the short arms of Chromosomes 3 generated by OMAP. Scatter plot displays are shown for the GLA (a), GLU (b) and MER (c) alignments. Figure S6. Number of different types of non-coding RNA genes identified in the six AA-genome Oryza species. (a) tRNA genes; (b) rRNA genes; (c) snoRNA genes; (d) snRNA genes; (e) miRNA genes. Branch lengths are proportional to the divergence times indicated in the scale bar. Figure S7. Number of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) detected in the six AA-genome Oryza species. All SSRs were classified into one of two subgroups according to their lengths; ≥ 20 bp (red) and < 20 bp (blue). Figure S8. Phylogenetic relationship and divergence dates of the six AA-genome Oryza species inferred from 2,305 orthologous gene sequences. All nodes were supported at 100% with O. brachyantha as the outgroup. Figure S9. Consensus networks constructed from 100 individual gene trees. The thresholds were (a) 0.1, (b) 0.15 and (c) 0.2. The planar graph was constructed with Splits-Tree 4.12.8. Figure S10. Genomic alignment of the GS5 (LOC_Os05g06660) region across AA-genome Oryza species. Gene models are shown in blue rectangles. TEs are shown in red for DNA transposons and green for retrotransposons. Lines connect orthologous TEs. Figure S11. Molecular evolution of the GS5 gene in six AA-genome Oryza species. dN/dS values were estimated for each branch of the GS5 gene tree with the reconstructed sequences at ancestral nodes. Numbers above the lineage indicate dN/dS values; branch lengths are proportional to the number of substitutions. Figure S12. Overall length distribution of insertions and deletions across the five rice genomes. SV: structural variants. 0.8 Percentage of SV 0.7 NIV 0.6 GLA 0.5 BAR GLU 0.4 MER 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1-10 10-50 50-100 100-500 Length (bp) 500-1k >1k Figure S13. TE annotation of indels of 140-160 bp (a) and 230-250 bp (b) in the five sequenced rice genomes. Figure S14. Size distribution of indels within different genomic regions among the five rice species relative to SAT. Five bars from bottom to top for each length range shown are for NIV, BAR, GLA, GLU and MER, respectively. 40-50 30-39 Intergenic 20-29 Intron 10-19 3' UTR Length (bp) 9 5' UTR 8 Exon 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 Count Figure S15. Size distribution of insertions and deletions within protein-coding sequences of five rice genomes. Insertions and deletions that are multiples of a single codon (3 bp) were overrepresented in protein-coding regions. 20,000 Insertion Count 15,000 Deletion 10,000 5,000 0 1 2 3 4 5 Length (bp) 6 7 8 9 Figure S16. Chromosomal distribution of NBS-encoding genes among the seven Oryza genomes. The positions of NBS-encoding genes of NIV, GLA, BAR, GLU and MER were based on the BLAT alignments using the SAT genome (MSU v7.0). The numbers below the figure indicate the number of annotated NBS-encoding genes, showing (for instance) just over 480 such genes in NIV. Figure S17. Comparative analysis of Pid3 homologues in seven rice species. (a) The average base identity of all the Pid3 homologues (window: 10 aa). The x-axis indicates the longitudinal position as well as domain structure of the Pid3 gene; the y-axis shows the average base identity, which was calculated as the maximum number of identical amino acids in the alignment for each position divided by the number of amino acids at each location; (b) detailed sequence information for aa 700-780 of the Pid3 homologues. The amino acid at position 737 is indicated in red. Figure S18. Summary of amino acid variation in the Pi-ta homologues among the six rice species. The locations of domains are shown at the top of the figure. Numbers indicate the positions of amino acids in the Pi-ta homologue protein (AF207842). Figure S19. Alignment of protein-coding sequences of the S5 orthologues in AA-genome Oryza species. Missing sequences represent either indels or assembly gaps. Figure S20. Alignment of protein-coding sequences of SaM orthologues in AA-genome Oryza species. Missing sequences represent either indels or assembly gaps. Figure S21. Alignment of protein-coding sequences of SaF orthologues in AA-genome Oryza species. Missing sequences represent either indels or assembly gaps. Figure S22. Alignment of protein-coding sequences of mtRPL27 ortholgoues in AA-genome Oryza species. The missing sequences are indels. Figure S23. Alignment of protein-coding sequences of HWH1 orthologues in AA-genome Oryza species. Figure S24. Read mapping results for TRJ, IND, NIV, RUF, GLA, BAR, GLU, LON and MER using LOC_Os07g05900 (PROG1) as the reference sequence. Of these species, BAR, GLA, MER and LON have the fewest mapped reads, most of which were homologous to specific regions of PROG1. Red and green lines indicate single reads, while blue lines represent paired-end reads. The size of the gene is indicated by the bp numbers on the top lines. Figure S25. Experimental validation and comparative genomic analysis of PROG1 orthologues in AA-genome Oryza species. (a) Results for PCR amplification of PROG1 in the AA-genome Oryza species. (b) Comparative genomic analysis of the PROG1-orthologous regions. PROG1 is absent in BAR, GLA, and MER. The green, red, and light blue boxes indicate retroelement TEs, DNA-TEs and protein-coding genes, respectively. Solid and dashed black lines show the orthologous relationships of genes and TEs, respectively. (c) Alignment of predicted amino acid sequences of PROG1. SAT_HM149649, IND_HM149647, RUF_HM149748, RUF_HM149763 and NIV_HM149768 that were downloaded from NCBI. Figure S26. Branch-specific dN, dS and ω values in each terminal branch. Shown are values of (a) ω (dN/dS); (b) dN and dS for each species, which were estimated in branch model tests. Figure S27. Likelihood Ratio Tests (LRTs) used to detect positive selection in the studied Oryza species. Panel (a) shows the test for selection on any branch of the phylogeny, and panels (b–i) show the lineage-specific tests, with branches under positive selection highlighted in red. The numbers below each subfigure represent the number of positively selected genes at a significance level of P < 0.05 (FDR < 0.05). Each branch is labeled with the corresponding estimate of ω from the branch model test (a). Figure S28. Comparisons of expression levels between positively selected genes (PSGs) and non-PSGs. For each tissue, expression levels of non-PSGs (blue) and PSGs (red) are indicated, and these PSGs were detected by lineage-specific LRTs for each species. Values for expression levels are shown in log2 (FPKM). SAT tissues are indicated by abbreviations as follows: LE, Leaves-20 days; PE-I, Pre-emergence inflorescence; PT-I, Post-emergence inflorescence; AN, Anther; PI, Pistil; SE-5, Seed-5 DAP; SE-10, Seed-10 DAP; EM-25, Embryo-25 DAP; SH, Shoots; SD, Seedling four-leaf stage; EN-25, Endosperm-25 DAP; DAP, Days after pollination. Figure S29. Comparisons of the percentages of PSGs for each species. The blue bars represent the percentages of PSGs detected by lineage-specific LRTs among 2,272 orthologous gene families for each species. The red and green bars represent the percentages of PSGs among the genes assigned to the categories of ―reproduction‖ and ―response to stimulus‖, respectively. Figure S30. Ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis pathway as presented in the KEGG database. Predicted PSGs (FDR < 0.05) are indicated by red boxes. All arrows, connectors and nodes are graphically designated in accordance with KEGG guidelines. Figure S31. GO annotation of miRNA targets across the AA-genome Oryza species. (a) miRNA target genes in SAT; (b) miRNA target genes in NIV; (c) miRNA target genes in GLA; (d) miRNA target genes in BAR; (e) miRNA target genes in GLU; (f) miRNA target genes in MER. The whole non-TE transcript data sets for the SAT genome were used as the background control. Figure S32. GO annotation of miRNA target genes across the AA-genome Oryza species. pv1 represents the P-value for SAT, pv2 represents the P-value for NIV, pv3 represents the P-value for GLA, pv4 represents the P-value for BAR, pv5 represents the P-value for GLU, and pv6 represents the P-value for MER. The red to gray scale represents the degree of significance, with red being the most significant and gray indicating a lack of significance. Figure S33. Nucleotide substitution frequencies of non-coding RNA genes in comparisons with genomic components across the AA-genome Oryza species. Nucleotide substitution frequencies for the whole genome were calculated by using 1 kb sliding windows along each genome. The horizontal axis indicates different genomic elements, while the vertical axis indicates nucleotide substitution frequencies. Figure S34. Average nucleotide substitution frequencies of non-coding RNA genes in comparison with genomic components across the AA-genome Oryza species. Branch lengths are proportional to the divergence times as indicated by the scale bar. (a) tRNA genes; (b) snoRNA genes; (c) snRNA genes; (d) mature miRNAs; (e) pre-miRNAs; (f) miRNA targets; (g) 1 kb upstream regions; (h) 5‘ UTRs; (i) CDS; (j) introns; (k) 3‘ UTRs; (l) 1 kb downstream regions; (m) intergenic regions; (n) whole genome. Figure S35. Nucleotide substitutions in mature miRNA sequences and their putative target sites across the six AA-genome Oryza species. The horizontal axis represents the number of nucleotide substitutions, while the vertical axis denotes the number of mature miRNA sequences (a) and miRNA target sites inside miRNA target genes (b). Figure S36. GO annotation of miRNA genes and their putative target sites in the six AA-genome Oryza species. The conserved miRNAs and target sites refer to miRNAs and their target sites without nucleotide substitutions; the non-conserved miRNAs and target sites designate miRNAs and their target sites that had at least one nucleotide substitution. (a) miRNAs; (b) miRNA target sites. Figure S37. Alignment of osa-miR169b orthologues across the six AA-genome Oryza species. osa-miR169b has been associated with adaptation to drought. Sequences in the red rectangle show mature miRNAs within the pre-miRNAs, while asterisks indicate nucleotide substitutions. Figure S38. Alignment of osa-miR399f orthologues across the six AA-genome Oryza species. osa-miR399f has been associated with adaptation to phosphate starvation. Sequences in the red rectangle show predicted mature miRNAs within the predicted pre-miRNAs, while asterisks indicate nucleotide substitutions or small indels. Figure S39. Sequence alignments of miRNAs related to flower development across the six AA-genome Oryza species. (a) osa-miR159a; (b) osa-miR159e; (c) osa-miR1847; (d) osa-miR159f. Sequences within the red rectangles are predicted mature miRNAs within the predicted pre-miRNAs, while asterisks indicate nucleotide substitutions or small indels. Supporting Tables Table S1: The five sequenced AA-genome Oryza species in this study. Geographical Species Accession No.a Category Origin O. nivara Laos 88812 Wild O. glaberrima Ivory Coast 103486 Cultivated O. barthii Burkina Faso 101252 Wild O. glumaepatula Brazil 88793 Wild O. meridionalis Australia 105298 Wild a All accessions were provided by the Genetic Resources Center (GRC), International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). Table S2: Libraries and read statistics for the sequence assemblies of the five AA-genome Oryza species. Species NIV Insert Read Raw Clean Size Length Data Data (bp) (bp) (Mb) (Mb) Total 52453.19 28386.21 72.78 Paired-ends 31865.10 21923.59 56.21 Data Type Lane Information 240 120 9996.13 7163.28 18.37 NivP02 350 100 17031.44 10684.36 27.40 NivP03 350 100 4837.54 4075.94 10.45 20588.09 6462.62 16.57 NivM01 1980 85 5735.16 3083.62 7.91 NivM02 2200 75 2130.04 998.59 2.56 NivM03 2700 75 2205.38 188.69 0.48 NivM04 4070 85 1897.68 658.83 1.69 NivM05 4260 40 2341.51 189.00 0.48 NivM06 4360 75 893.70 195.24 0.50 NivM07 4460 60 925.62 472.73 1.21 NivM08 6260 75 733.81 100.78 0.26 NivM09 7460 60 1052.60 267.32 0.69 NivM10 7480 40 2342.59 271.59 0.70 NivM11 8580 75 330.00 36.24 0.09 Total 32975.96 21265.67 55.96 Paired-ends 21649.96 16018.76 42.15 GlaP01 310 100 4908.23 4237.69 11.15 GlaP02 340 75 16741.74 11781.07 31.00 11326.00 5246.91 13.81 Mate pair BAR Coverage NivP01 Mate pair GLA Fold Sequence GlaM01 2150 75 2406.06 1139.25 3.00 GlaM02 2150 75 2500.57 1349.00 3.55 GlaM03 2670 75 1596.43 348.48 0.92 GlaM04 3940 60 1013.53 658.65 1.73 GlaM05 3990 85 1527.09 998.63 2.63 GlaM06 7320 40 2282.31 752.90 1.98 Total 42062.01 18911.68 51.11 Paired-ends 24951.93 15167.43 40.99 BarP01 230 36 7191.85 4543.28 12.28 BarP02 230 75 8462.70 5145.40 13.91 BarP03 430 120 4107.11 1311.30 3.54 BarP04 460 100 5190.27 4167.46 11.26 17110.08 3744.25 10.12 Mate pair BarM01 1920 75 2159.30 609.51 1.65 BarM02 2500 75 4792.98 1038.52 2.81 BarM03 3980 85 5706.63 918.11 2.48 GLU BarM04 3980 40 1912.54 537.76 1.45 BarM05 7230 40 2538.63 640.34 1.73 Total 46473.26 31891.82 86.19 Paired-ends 29608.96 23269.09 62.89 GluP01 260 80 10517.84 8591.10 23.22 GluP02 320 100 5787.14 4756.05 12.85 GluP03 400 100 13303.98 9921.94 26.82 16864.30 8622.72 23.30 Mate pair MER GluM01 1820 40 210.18 98.28 0.27 GluM02 1850 55 4185.34 2974.98 8.04 GluM03 3500 40 2746.03 1755.62 4.74 GluM04 5460 40 2656.93 1045.23 2.82 GluM05 7700 40 2143.00 742.02 2.01 GluM06 7700 36 2314.39 718.17 1.94 GluM07 8620 50 2608.44 1288.42 3.48 Total 58674.11 22859.49 60.16 Paired-ends 24719.84 17142.28 45.11 MerP01 260 36 6043.28 3805.70 10.02 MerP02 260 75 13159.89 8783.62 23.11 MerP03 420 100 5516.66 4552.96 11.98 33954.27 5717.21 15.05 Mate pair MerM01 2060 60 3767.06 1252.07 3.29 MerM02 2120 75 3375.84 1019.84 2.68 MerM03 2480 75 6520.76 427.69 1.13 MerM04 2960 50 3914.99 1139.04 3.00 MerM05 4070 85 1902.23 771.62 2.03 MerM06 4380 75 1933.27 311.90 0.82 MerM07 7250 50 7625.51 410.75 1.08 MerM08 7750 40 4914.62 384.29 1.01 Table S3: Genome sizes of the five sequenced AA-genome Oryza species estimated by flow cytometry and k-mer analysis. SAT (estimated genome size = 389 Mb) was employed as a standard, and the conversion factor used was 1 pg = 978 Mb (Doležel et al. 2003). Species 2C-value SD (pg) Estimate Size (Mb) Previously Reported Results Flow Cytometry 17 k-mer Size (Mb) References NIV 0.698 0.004 341.32 395.00 448 Ammiraju, Luo et al. 2006 GLA 0.778 0.007 380.44 370.00 357 Martinez, Arumuganathan et al. 1994; Uozu, Ikehashi et al. 1997 420 Ammiraju, Luo et al. 2006 BAR 0.757 0.008 370.17 376.00 401 Myiabayashi, Nomomura et al. 2007 GLU 0.794 0.057 388.27 366.00 475 Uozu, Ikehashi et al. 1997 MER 0.845 0.060 413.21 388.00 493 Uozu, Ikehashi et al. 1997 Table S4: Assembly statistics for the five sequenced AA-genomes. Species NIV GLA BAR GLU MER 13 7 7 9 11 59.72 55.96 51.11 86.19 74.7 ~300 bp 36.21 42.15 26.19 36.07 33.13 ~500 bp - - 14.8 26.82 11.98 2 Kb 10.95 7.47 4.46 8.31 10.1 4 Kb 3.88 4.36 3.93 4.74 2.85 6 Kb 0.36 - - 2.82 - 8 Kb 1.48 1.98 1.73 7.43 2.09 BES* 0.14 0.11 - - - 375012451 344859159 335092604 334669472 340778775 237573 129688 117674 52825 34304 28477 Library Number Sequence Coverage (×) Assembled Length (bp) 133015 241242 (511541)** (722125)** 32133 65818 (36897) ** (76929)** Contig N50 (bp) 19023 25248 16126 17474 14633 Contig N90 (bp) 5090 6459 4019 5099 3695 Scaffold Number 6249 3831 9694 7016 9431 36840 29972 45851 36810 49517 13178141 5832171 1480305 848808 947518 360430 129641 198278 121993 116901 115463348 138287780 10206661 0 0 0.1-1 Mb 170895313 164370361 252911941 207495389 195595494 10-100 Kb 81246620 38726316 62745354 121128494 135247238 1-10 Kb 6204666 2393991 5880475 4875733 7935337 1 bp-1 Kb 5728704 6261546 14182849 4812289 8244828 395 370 376 366 388 339758745 327867452 318231159 315643039 321989115 30591 26141 36157 29794 40086 35253706 16991707 16861445 19026433 18789660 Coverage (%) 94.94 93.21 89.12 91.44 87.83 GC Content (%) 39.23 41.63 42.14 42.35 42.11 Scaffold N50 (bp) Scaffold N90 (bp) Contig Number Longest Scaffold (bp) Longest Contig (bp) >1Mb Scaffold Length (bp) Estimated Length (Mb) No gap Length (bp) Gap Number Gap Length (bp) * BES sequence data were downloaded from; ** Assembled lengths of Scaffold N50 and Scaffold N90 after adding BES data for NIV and GLA. Table S5: Scaffold length distributions of the five assembled AA-genome Oryza species. Species Scaffold Length Number Scaffold Length (bp) NIV GLA BAR GLU MER Average Length (bp) Percentage (%) >1 Kb 4474 373771467 83543 98.49 >10 Kb 2866 367524707 128236 96.84 >50 Kb 1130 323373789 286171 85.21 >100 Kb 599 286342198 478034 75.45 >200 Kb 374 255609882 683449 67.35 >300 Kb 270 230458927 853552 60.73 >500 Kb 169 190971191 1130007 50.32 >800 Kb 85 138631109 1630954 36.53 >1 Mb 59 115457626 1956909 30.42 >1 Kb 2211 343970402 155572 98.21 >10 Kb 1535 341583236 222530 97.53 >50 Kb 881 323878164 367626 92.48 >100 Kb 579 302793594 522960 86.46 >200 Kb 379 274493226 724257 78.37 >300 Kb 287 251316829 875668 71.76 >500 Kb 170 206042109 1212012 58.83 >800 Kb 100 162038725 1620387 46.27 >1 Mb 73 138332401 1894964 39.50 >1 Kb 4870 331838005 68139 95.90 >10 Kb 2371 325977159 137485 94.21 >50 Kb 1548 303570597 196105 87.73 >100 Kb 1001 263476074 263213 76.15 >200 Kb 480 189113314 393986 54.65 >300 Kb 267 136622094 511693 39.48 >500 Kb 102 73858265 724101 21.35 >800 Kb 27 27040229 1001490 7.81 >1 Mb 8 10206541 1275818 2.95 >1 Kb 5301 333900144 62988 98.58 >10 Kb 3946 328995299 83374 97.13 >50 Kb 2086 279490598 133984 82.52 >100 Kb 1091 207822351 190488 61.36 >200 Kb 344 104409334 303516 30.83 >300 Kb 121 49866729 412122 14.72 >500 Kb 24 14053576 585566 4.15 >800 Kb 1 850278 850278 0.25 >1 Kb 6506 338842328 52082 97.62 >10 Kb 4335 330916366 76336 95.34 >50 Kb 2148 273346289 127256 78.75 >100 Kb 1057 195435307 184896 56.31 >200 Kb 315 92846733 294752 26.75 >300 Kb 105 42794909 407571 12.33 >500 Kb 17 11101312 653018 3.20 >800 Kb 2 1783512 891756 0.51 Table S6: Comparisons of the assembled quantities and percentages of transposable elements in the six AA-genome Oryza species. Sequence Size (Mb) SAT* Est. Genome Size by 17-mer Analysis 389 Assembled Size (No Gaps) Gap Size LTR retrotransposons Other TEs NIV GLA BAR GLU MER 395 370 376 366 388 372.23 339.76 327.87 318.23 315.64 321.99 16.77 55.24 42.13 57.77 50.36 66.01 118.91 69.16 71.09 72.53 69.19 75.88 34.22 40.07 37.52 39.63 40.28 39.64 * Assembled lengths and percentages of transposable elements were estimated by using the reference genome of SAT (International Rice Genome Sequencing Project 2005). Table S7: Assessment of the assembly quality of the five sequenced AA-genome Oryza species. Genome Masking Masked Length of Repeat Sequences (Mb) Remained Length of Genomic Sequences (Mp) Percentage of Unmasked Sequences (%) Statistic of Genome Alignments Sequence Length Mapped to SAT (Mb) Mapped Percentage to the SAT Genome Mapped Percentage to the Repeat Sequence-free SAT Genome Percentage of Protein-coding Gene Regions (%) Statistic of Aligned Gene Numbers 50% a 80% a 90% a Truncated b a b SAT NIV GLA BAR GLU MER 170.3 181.8 148.5 138.5 142.1 147.5 202.9 197.7 201.8 207.5 196.6 199.6 54.38 52.09 57.61 59.97 58.04 57.50 194.5 192.1 188.9 185.0 157.3 52.1 51.5 50.6 49.6 42.1 95.8 94.7 93.1 91.2 77.5 98.7 98.6 98.6 97.9 97.8 37613 35486 33912 154 37793 36155 35045 80 37250 35076 33677 136 37081 35028 33696 152 35256 32062 30245 180 39988 39988 39988 0 Coverage of genes. Numbers of genes that are cut into more than one contig. Table S8: Assessment of the assembly quality of four sequenced AA-genome Oryza species by using the orientations of BES data from OMAP. Species BES Pairs BES Pairs in the Same Scaffolds Mismatched BES Pairs Number of Correct BES Pairs Disorientation Percentage (%) NIV 13469 10652 97 10555 0.9106 GLA 11036 9252 118 9134 1.2754 GLU 2615 592 5 587 0.8446 MER 3555 718 705 1.8106 13 Table S9: RNA-Seq analysis of four tissues in five AA-genome Oryza species. RNA source tissues Read length (bp) Number of pair-end reads* Clean data (Gb) NIV 30-d-roots 30-d-shoots panicles at booting stage flag leaves at booting stage 100 100 100 100 ~43M ~32M ~28M ~42M ~8.61 ~6.56 ~5.65 ~8.44 GLA 30-d-roots 30-d-shoots panicles at booting stage flag leaves at booting stage 100 100 100 100 ~36M ~33M ~50M ~32M ~7.29 ~6.69 ~10.03 ~6.37 BAR 30-d-roots 30-d-shoots panicles at booting stage flag leaves at booting stage 100 100 100 100 ~34M ~31M ~30M ~25M ~6.86 ~6.29 ~6.09 ~4.99 GLU 30-d-roots 30-d-shoots panicles at booting stage flag leaves at booting stage 100 100 100 100 ~37M ~40M ~46M ~38M ~7.37 ~8.02 ~9.33 ~7.51 MER 30-d-roots 30-d-shoots panicles at booting stage flag leaves at booting stage 100 100 100 100 ~36M ~37M ~35M ~31M ~7.13 ~7.35 ~7.16 ~6.27 Species *M indicates million. Table S10: Summary of transcript assemblies for five AA-genome Oryza species. Species 30-d-roots Panicles at Flag leaves at booting stage booting stage 30-d-shoots Total NIV 35858 42172 41016 40394 52801 GLA 34928 36930 39274 34243 49453 BAR 27249 39342 34773 32471 46834 GLU 40184 42065 40460 35352 54602 MER 34391 39311 36380 29854 48949 Table S11: Summary of gene annotation for six AA-genome Oryza species. Type SAT NIV GLA BAR GLU MER Number of protein-coding genes 39045 41490 41476 42283 41605 39106 Gene Average gene length (bp) 2853 2243 2258 2175 2208 2170 Features Average exon/intron length (nt) 318/418 282/416 291/411 285/408 283/411 275/408 9.5 9.0 8.0 8.4 8.1 8.7 # Pfam 32102 25304 25862 26024 25862 24844 # Interpro 32369 23125 23647 23881 23657 22827 # Gene Ontology 23032 17541 17947 18189 17951 17268 Average gene density (Kb per gene) Function annotation Table S12: Validation of gene model predictions at transcript and gene levels. NIV Number % GLA Number % BAR Number % GLU Number % MER Number % 49432 35360 22713 26516 18110 40177 --71.5 46.0 53.6 36.6 81.3 49285 35724 22685 28153 18991 40147 --72.5 46.0 57.1 38.5 81.5 49885 34637 22031 26137 7991 39088 --69.4 44.2 52.4 16.0 78.4 49002 34000 22272 28969 18791 39347 --69.4 45.5 59.1 38.4 80.3 45159 27403 18159 24902 7134 33578 --60.7 40.2 55.1 15.8 74.4 41490 28750 16952 19967 13161 32680 --69.3 40.9 48.1 31.7 78.8 41479 29057 17001 21510 13912 32729 --70.0 41.0 51.9 33.5 78.9 42283 28276 16609 19760 7149 31917 --66.9 39.3 46.7 16.9 75.5 41605 27708 16837 22559 13930 32269 --66.6 40.5 54.2 33.5 77.6 39106 22683 14115 19813 11345 27957 --58.0 36.1 50.7 29.0 71.5 Transcript Level Total predicted gene models Protein supporteda EST supportedb RNA-Seq supportedc Protein, RNA-Seq, and EST supported Protein, RNA-Seq or EST supported Gene Level Total predicted genes Protein supported EST supported RNA-Seq supported Protein, RNA-Seq and EST supported Protein, RNA-Seq or EST supported a Protein supported criterion: identity ≥ 30%; coverage ≥ 90%; EST supported criterion: identity ≥ 95%; coverage ≥ 90%; c RNA-Seq supported criterion is based on the Cufflinks prediction. b Table S13: Summary of non-coding RNA genes in the six AA-genome Oryza species. tRNA rRNA(8S) rRNA(18S) rRNA(28S) snoRNA snRNA miRNA SAT NIV GLA BAR GLU MER Number 726 551 491 588 621 598 Total length (bp) 53989 40949 36395 43625 46314 44227 Average length (bp) 74 74 74 74 75 74 % of genome 0.014% 0.010% 0.010% 0.012% 0.013% 0.011% Number 1 8 22 14 24 54 Total length (bp) 115 935 2485 1729 2645 6071 Average length (bp) 115 117 113 124 110 112 % of genome 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.001% 0.002% Number 17 1 1 - 3 5 Total length (bp) 27249 1421 1479 - 5868 8226 Average length (bp) 1603 1421 1479 - 1956 1645 % of genome 0.007% 0.000% 0.000% - 0.002% 0.002% Number 11 1 - 2 2 2 Total length (bp) 46696 6758 - 10261 5207 8194 Average length (bp) 4245 6728 - 5131 2604 4097 % of genome 0.012% 0.002% - 0.003% 0.002% 0.002% Number 317 259 232 229 194 195 Total length (bp) 33604 24762 22241 22159 18772 19179 Average length (bp) 106 96 96 97 97 98 % of genome 0.009% 0.006% 0.006% 0.006% 0.005% 0.005% Number 112 116 121 120 125 117 Total length (bp) 15797 16486 16949 16778 17690 16274 Average length (bp) 141 142 140 140 142 139 % of genome 0.004% 0.004% 0.005% 0.004% 0.005% 0.004% Number 366 276 271 276 263 251 Total length (bp) 53869 36663 35966 36133 34585 33169 Average length (bp) 147 133 133 131 132 132 % of genome 0.014% 0.009% 0.010% 0.010% 0.009% 0.009% Table S14: Summary of the annotated repeat sequences in the six AA-genome Oryza species. Transposable Elements DNA transposons En-Spm Harbinger Helitron Maverick MuDR TcMar-Stowaway Tourist hAT z-other RNA Transposons Non-LTR Retrotransposons LINE SINE LTR Retrotransposons Copia SAT NIV BAR GLA GLU MER Length (bp) Percentage (%) 20090983 Length (bp) Percentage (%) 24090389 Length (bp) Percentage (%) 24505071 Length (bp) Percentage (%) 24693858 Length (bp) Percentage (%) 25371900 Length (bp) Percentage (%) 24994918 5.16 6.1 6.62 6.57 6.93 6.44 2805006 2584241 2526039 2636283 2779125 3029844 0.72 0.65 0.68 0.7 0.76 0.78 97011 143956 131518 142526 129170 135463 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03 2148771 2131002 1913359 2107114 1982534 2045802 0.55 0.54 0.52 0.56 0.54 0.53 7905 11769 12137 11168 14128 8684 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.002 4559725 5448015 5738379 5676209 5828267 5679693 1.17 1.38 1.55 1.51 1.59 1.46 3936841 5180210 5414113 5372359 5513758 5332976 1.01 1.31 1.46 1.43 1.51 1.37 2566960 3439971 3502963 3423993 3545358 3442465 0.66 0.87 0.95 0.91 0.97 0.89 1380939 1794311 1831556 1828443 2000529 1846473 0.35 0.45 0.5 0.49 0.55 0.48 2587825 3356914 3435007 3495763 3579031 3473518 0.67 0.85 0.93 0.93 0.98 0.9 122536262 75583313 73877795 77179173 73824245 80558927 31.5 19.14 19.97 20.53 20.17 20.76 3629501 4497448 4714383 4651013 4636697 4674008 0.93 1.14 1.27 1.24 1.27 1.2 2588878 3152909 3329039 3278464 3238994 3258973 0.67 0.8 0.9 0.87 0.88 0.84 1040623 1344539 1385344 1372549 1397703 1415035 0.27 0.34 0.37 0.37 0.38 0.36 118906761 71085865 69163412 72528160 69187548 75884919 30.57 18 18.69 19.29 18.9 19.56 27060173 15551090 15320520 16201531 15029060 18619349 Gypsy Other* Other Repeats Low complexity Satellite Simple repeat Unknown Total Genome Size (Mb) Assemble Length 6.96 3.94 4.14 4.31 4.11 4.8 38114939 17698081 16557837 17591545 17054732 18149396 9.8 4.48 4.48 4.68 4.66 4.68 53731649 37836694 37285055 38735084 37103756 39116174 13.81 9.58 10.08 10.3 10.14 10.08 10499690 9562772 10220690 10288062 10276229 9972115 2.7 2.42 2.76 2.74 2.81 2.57 2302220 1386516 1430813 1492140 1376953 1376072 0.59 0.35 0.39 0.4 0.38 0.35 139144 151338 166224 161311 181810 180798 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 2598175 1142940 1308776 1403625 1371482 1152710 0.67 0.29 0.35 0.37 0.37 0.3 5460151 6881978 7314877 7230986 7345984 7262535 1.4 1.74 1.98 1.92 2.01 1.87 153126935 109236474 108603556 112161093 109472374 115525960 39.36 27.65 29.35 29.83 29.91 29.77 389 372.23 395 339.76 370 327.87 376 318.23 366 315.64 388 321.99 4.31 13.98 11.39 15.36 13.76 17.01 (No Gaps)(Mb) Gap Percentage (%) * Indicates LTR retrotransposons that could not be classified into Gypsy or Copia superfamilies. Table S15: Summary of types and number of simple sequence repeats in the six AA-genome Oryza species. Types Monomer Dimer Trimer Tetramer Pentamer Hexamer Total Number SAT NIV GLA BAR GLU MER Subtype number 2 2 2 2 2 2 n ≥ 12 16423 13559 16518 16176 13691 13416 Subtype number 4 4 4 4 4 4 n ≥ 6 37254 24429 25290 23925 26082 24057 Subtype number 10 10 10 10 10 10 n≥ 4 82067 53647 60912 56947 59595 53871 Subtype number 33 33 33 33 33 33 n≥ 3 49408 43198 44119 44041 43655 43520 Subtype number 102 102 102 102 102 102 n≥ 3 17023 13432 13741 13413 13876 13016 Subtype number 335 323 329 327 328 329 n ≥ 3 10221 7086 7634 7140 7719 6948 212396 155351 168214 161642 164618 154828 Table S16: Summary of the 1:1 orthologous genes with high confidence among seven Oryza genomes. OrthoMCL (Raw) OrthoMCL (No change) Reads mapping (coverage = 1; 34.2 ≤ depth ≤ 68.4) Synteny (SAT vs. BRA) Length (length ≥ 300aa) # 1:1 orthologous # Filtered 8276 --- 7692 584a 4224 3468b 3845 379 2305 1540 Note: Raw: e-value ≤ 1e-5; coverage ≥ 50%; I = 1.5. No change: the number of 1:1 orthologs that did not change even when e-values were varied from 1e-1 to 1e-30 and I parameters were varied from 1.5 to 5. a gene sets that change with the adjustment of e-values and MCL i-parameters. b gene sets with read depth < 34.2 and coverage < 100%. Table S17: Coverage of orthologous genomic regions in six AA-genome species. Length of aligned region Species Size of genome (bp) The average gene number Gene Coverage (bp) number per block SAT 372317567 317005864 85.1% 40435 13.6 NIV 375012451 283915139 75.7% 39258 13.2 GLA 344859159 276440309 80.2% 39902 13.4 BAR 335092604 270918152 80.8% 39182 13.2 GLU 334669472 267174953 79.8% 39258 13.2 MER 340778775 254573564 74.7% 36106 12.2 Table S18: Proportions of sequence lengths of orthologous genomic segments across six AA-genome Oryza species. Length (Kb) Number Percentage (%) Length (Kb) Number Percentage (%) 0-20 535 19.17 120-140 137 4.91 20-40 429 15.37 140-160 114 4.08 40-60 334 11.97 160-180 85 3.05 60-80 269 9.64 180-200 103 3.69 80-100 202 7.24 > 200 591 21.18 100-120 172 6.16 2971 100.00 Total Table S19: Genomic divergence between SAT and the other five AA-genome Oryza species. Pairwise Species Protein sequences SAT - NIV Orthologous Singletons dS dN 0.0075 0.0031 0.0047 Orthologous Genomic Segments 0.0114 SAT - GLA 0.0102 0.0033 0.0055 0.0141 SAT - BAR 0.0107 0.0037 0.0054 0.0129 SAT - GLU 0.0114 0.0039 0.0065 0.0150 SAT - MER 0.0316 0.0079 0.0154 0.0414 SAT - BRA 0.2299 0.0494 0.1042 0.1452 Table S20: General features of GS5 genomic regions in the six AA-genome Oryza species. Sequence Features SAT NIV GLA BAR GLU MER Genome size (Mb) 389 395 370 376 366 388 Sequence length (Kb) 31.5 31.3 32.1 32.7 34.2 34.5 Number of intact genes 3 3 3 3 3 3 Gene density (genes/10 Kb) 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 GC content (%) 37.1 36.3 36.0 35.6 35.6 36.0 DNA transposon length (Kb) 1.8 2.3 2.7 2.5 3.4 2.5 Retrotransposon length (Kb) 3.6 3.9 5.0 5.0 6.1 5.4 Genic region (%) 46.9 44.8 44.7 48.2 44.3 43.0 TE region (%)b 17.1 15.7 24.0 22.9 27.8 22.9 a a Introns and untranslated regions are included. b Simple sequence repeats and low-complexity regions are excluded. Table S21: Composition and classification of TEs in GS5 genomic regions in the six AA-genome Oryza species. SAT # Length (bp) NIV # Length (bp) GLA # Length (bp) BAR # Length (bp) GLU # Length (bp) MER # Length (bp) Class I: LTR LTR-copia LTR-gypsy LINE Class II: DNA DNA-tourist DNA-stowaway DNA-MuDR DNA-hAT DNA-hAT-Ac Unknown 9 2 4 1 1595 667 921 443 14 2 4 1 1894 667 950 444 19 2 1 1 3323 1131 111 447 15 2 2 1 3219 1134 166 447 21 2 / 1 4525 1122 / 446 16 3 4 / 3475 999 919 / / 2 6 1 1 / 1 / 130 1046 328 172 / 159 2 2 6 4 1 / 1 237 130 1004 640 172 / 170 2 1 10 1 / / 2 240 154 1658 332 / / 391 2 1 8 1 / / 2 240 154 1397 332 / / 391 2 2 10 2 / / 4 240 505 1655 405 / / 616 1 2 7 1 / 1 4 115 129 1148 81 / 333 736 Table S22: Sites under positive selection detected by Bayes Empirical Bayes (BEB) analysis of the GS5 gene. Site 1 2 3 6 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 23 25 26 27 28 29 182 Amino acid V Q F Y D E R H R A L E L W L N G I *: P > 95%; **: P > 99%. P (ω>1) 1.000** 1.000** 0.999** 0.923 0.879 0.847 0.707 0.916 0.859 0.642 0.720 0.900 0.509 0.993** 0.509 0.994** 0.969 0.934 Posterior mean±SE for ω 10.048±0.721 10.047±0.727 10.043±0.752 9.343±2.529 8.940±3.049 8.624±3.404 7.278±4.363 9.281±2.620 8.733±3.316 6.649±4.583 7.395±4.306 9.135±2.816 5.377±4.771 9.985±1.045 5.377±4.771 9.991±1.015 9.765±1.735 9.446±2.367 Table S23: General features of PROG1 genomic regions in the six AA-genome Oryza species. Sequence Features SAT NIV GLA BAR GLU MER Genome size (Mb) 389 395 370 376 366 388 Sequence length (Kb) 279.0 253.3 201.6 192.5 226.8 196.3 Number of intact genes 42 26 27 21 28 22 Gene density (gene/ 10 Kb) 1.5 1.0 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.1 GC content (%) 42.3 40.5 41.2 40.5 41.0 40.6 DNA transposon length (Kb) 26.1 24.0 24.1 24.4 22.2 22.8 Retrotransposon length (Kb) 39.0 31.0 19.9 17.1 24.1 10.9 Genic region (%) 38.67 28.65 32.43 28.45 30.53 26.70 TE region (%)b 23.33 21.71 21.83 21.56 20.41 17.17 a a b Introns and untranslated regions are included. Simple sequence repeats and low-complexity regions are excluded. Table S24: Composition and classification of TEs in PROG1 genomic regions in the six AA-genome Oryza species. SAT NIV # Length (bp) # Length (bp) LTR-copia LTR-gypsy LINE SINE unclassified Class II:DNA TE 4 11 6 3 10 1144 22020 1310 692 12928 2 16 14 7 12 574 21588 2427 1520 4436 DNA-En-Spm DNA-tourist DNA-stowaway DNA-MuDR DNA-hAT DNA-hAT-Ac Unclassified 13 19 25 10 1 4 16 8582 4023 4974 4173 209 1035 3094 5 18 40 15 1 6 16 1909 3613 7024 5655 209 1976 2983 GLA # BAR GLU MER Length (bp) # Length (bp) # Length (bp) # Length (bp) 3 7 6 3 9 1626 3771 1316 467 12715 2 10 7 5 8 872 10853 1343 1159 2867 7 15 12 6 8 1913 13954 4588 798 2744 3 2 6 2 11 932 3370 1061 503 4990 9 21 33 15 1 3 12 2997 4036 5166 8771 209 879 1923 7 23 35 11 1 5 12 2597 4487 5287 7942 209 1513 2266 4 18 36 20 1 5 18 2436 3999 6286 4471 199 1498 3326 12 11 40 16 1 4 10 4030 1799 7266 4537 207 1024 1569 Class I: RNA TE Table S25: Statistics for structural variation in the five assembled rice genomes*. Genome Putative Indels (≤ 50 bp) Putative Indels (> 50 bp) Number / Length (Mb) Number / Length (Mb) Total Length (Mb) Max. length (bp) Insertion ** Deletion Insertion ** Deletion Insertion *** Deletion Insertion Deletion NIV 194,145 (255) /1.16 (0.05) 211,676 / 1.33 38,755 (4320) / 28.26 (6.10) 29,252 / 8.83 29.43 (6.15) 10.16 43,019 19,347 GLA 256,511 (361) / 1.53 (0.04) 269,243 /1.61 44,761 (4351) / 33.82 (5.33) 31,993 /10.37 35.36 (5.37) 11.96 43,487 40,230 BAR 253,728 (535) / 1.54 (0.10) 259,575 / 1.55 42,382 (4853) / 31.60 (5.32) 32,809 / 10.48 33.14 (5.42) 12.02 41,786 20,658 GLU 260,632 (714) / 1.58 (0.26) 262,587 / 1.58 46,621 (5880) / 33.73 (7.82) 31,472 / 10.92 35.31 (8.07) 12.50 47,650 15,141 MER 438,856 (448) / 2.73 (0.06) 480,954 / 2.94 76,068 (10126) / 52.88 (9.28) 58,072 / 19.18 55.61 (9.34) 22.12 46,275 20,829 * Putative indels were extracted from the refined sequence alignments with the SAT genome as a reference. Minimum length of indels detected in all five genomes is 1 bp (not shown in this table). Insertions are considered as gap-related insertions if these loci overlapped with inter/intra-contig gaps. As the lengths of assembly gaps cannot be exactly calculated, we excluded gaps and counted non-N sequences of all insertions including gap-related ones. ** Total No. of insertions (No. of gap-related insertions) / Total length of non-N insertion sequences (total predicted length of gaps). *** Total length of non-N insertion sequences (total predicted length of gaps). Table S26: Structural variants across the six AA-genome Oryza species. Short ( ≤ 50bp) Long ( > 50bp) Pattern* Regular** Random*** Total Deletion Insertion Deletion Insertion Deletion Insertion 000001 37667 70690 383148 348299 420815 418989 000010 11504 36979 132876 121122 144380 158101 000100 7892 25008 45130 40123 53022 65131 001000 8499 22784 38522 39827 47021 62611 010000 12846 32439 118434 97675 131280 130114 100000 835 2323 18807 16123 19642 18446 001100 6209 10867 103392 83601 109601 94468 110000 646 2204 15229 13673 15875 15877 111100 1382 4470 20183 22948 21565 27418 001110 2444 2568 25866 30790 28310 33358 011110 1450 1323 18740 23074 20190 24397 011100 1347 983 12724 14429 14071 15412 010010 2048 939 11658 11186 13706 12125 000110 1456 667 4993 4807 6449 5474 011000 1610 319 2822 2615 4432 2934 011010 539 127 1652 1687 2191 1814 110010 689 2276 11027 13011 11716 15287 101110 661 3124 8320 12228 8981 15352 111010 213 1808 1989 3116 2202 4924 100010 262 909 4595 4776 4857 5685 101100 160 1025 3650 4514 3810 5539 110110 233 2093 1699 2688 1932 4781 111000 71 649 1221 1451 1292 2100 101010 31 549 678 852 709 1401 101011 387 1477 3255 3411 3642 4888 101000 48 395 869 1075 917 1470 100100 39 357 715 838 754 1195 110100 73 678 1129 1175 1202 1853 100110 43 635 550 695 593 1330 101001 171 593 2198 2074 2369 2667 110101 600 1397 4144 4070 4744 5467 * ‗1‘ stands for the orthologous presence in a species, and ‗0‘ signifies the absence. The order of numbers is followed by their phylogenetic relationships in the species tree (SAT/NIV/BAR/GLA/GLU/MER). For example, ‗111101‘ indicates that all species shared the same indel except GLU. ** The regular type indicates that the insertion/deletion event is clearly supported by robust phylogenetic relationships of the six studied species *** The random type includes all other insertion and deletion events that cannot be located by any phylogenetic relationships Table S27: Summary statistics for the six rice genome libraries. Genome size (Mb) Raw data (Gbp) Number of reads Raw coverage (×) Number of filtered reads * SAT 389 9.4 125,393,628 24.2 NIV 395 7.3 72,738,382 GLA 370 4.3 BAR 376 GLU MER Genome Read-depth per 5k bp window Insert size Discordant reads Average ** STDEV Average insert size Standard Deviation Count % 106,784,472 990.85 97.38 191.36 20.25 309,843 0.29 18.4 58,145,400 692.4 129.48 350.9 17.84 95,022 0.16 42,516,398 11.5 33,321,668 387.94 73.91 339.63 19.03 41,116 0.12 5.2 51,388,836 13.8 40,317,714 413.11 84.32 451.82 47.67 176,069 0.44 366 6.7 67,222,990 18.4 49,042,454 418.78 95.04 399.35 40.85 189,673 0.39 388 4.4 43,637,412 11.2 35,018,194 250.36 85.9 260.43 18.04 32,715 0.09 * Reads mapped against the SAT reference genome (MSU v7.0) using mrFAST; total number of mapped reads after filtering for quality scores (Phred quality > 20) and removing PCR duplicates; ** The average read depth and variance for 5-kb (unmasked) regions were determined using 2,305 single-copy loci. Table S28: Number of gene models excluding TEs with the longest isoform* of the six AA-genome Oryza species. Datasets Total number of annotated genes TE-related genes SAT NIV GLA BAR GLU MER Total 56101 41490 41476 42283 41605 39106 205963 17272 4515 4272 4353 4217 4309 38938 36975 37204 37388 34797 223123 Total number of genes for gene 38829 37930 family analysis *Longest isoform means the longest protein isoform for each predicted gene. Table S29: Number of genes and gene families for seven Oryza species. Data Families/Genes SAT NIV GLA BAR GLU MER BRA Total Families 30287 27628 29395 28767 27452 23645 17874 39293 35819 31165 32873 32554 31047 26845 21415 211718 3010 5810 5376 4331 6341 7952 8963 41783 126 68 34 71 75 134 311 21730 Families 30161 27560 29361 28696 27377 23511 17563 17563 Genes 35471 31019 32801 32202 30895 26571 20651 130636 Genes/Family 1.12 1.13 1.12 1.12 1.13 1.13 1.18 --- Totala Genes Putative annotation artifacts b Families Lineage-specificc Likelihood Analysis a Families Total number of gene families inferred from OrthoMCL clustering. Gene families without either paralogous or orthologous genes among the seven rice genomes. c Gene families that were not inferred to be present in the common ancestor of all seven rice genomes. b Table S30: Number of putative NBS-LRR genes identified in the seven Oryza species. Domains SAT NIV GLA BAR GLU MER BRA CC-NBS 56 64 63 61 43 53 22 CC-NBS-LRR 252 133 121 136 129 116 104 NBS-LRR 227 178 158 161 125 136 132 TIR-NBS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NBS only 95 113 107 117 94 110 48 Total 631 489 450 476 392 416 307 Table S31: Number of WRKY domains and predicted genes of the seven Oryza species in WRKY Groups I–III. Numbers of predicted genes are given in parentheses. Note: ATH indicates Arabidopsis thaliana, SB indicates Sorghum bicolor, and ZM indicates Zea mays. WRKY SAT NIV GLA BAR GLU MER BRA SB ZM ATH I_N 20 8 15 10 11 8 11 10 36 19 I_C 20 8 15 10 11 8 11 10 36 19 II 72 57 47 43 48 41 53 57 129 53 III 36 27 26 28 34 34 23 27 37 16 149 100 103 91 104 91 98 104 239 107 (128) (92) (88) (81) (93) (83) (87) (94) (202) (88) Group Total Table S32: Number of predicted MADS-box gene families in the seven Oryza species. Category SAT NIV GLA BAR GLU MER BRA Mα 12 13 14 13 13 13 11 Mβ 9 5 8 8 9 7 6 Mγ 11 7 7 8 5 9 4 Type I (subtotal) 32 25 29 29 27 29 21 MIKCC 40 41 39 38 40 38 36 MIKC* 5 4 5 5 5 3 3 Type II (subtotal) 45 45 44 43 45 41 39 Total 77 70 73 72 72 70 60 Table S33: Statistics for novel genes identified from the five sequenced rice genomes in comparisons with SAT, based on read mapping. NIV GLA BAR GLU MER 395 370 376 366 388 No. of reads used for mapping (M)* 82055 58077 50973 152646 86927 Fraction of mapped reads (%) 83.93 76.53 81.63 71.35 63.88 No. of contigs > 2Kb 532 572 662 137 1262 No. of contigs mapped 160 135 155 42 575 No. of contigs unmapped 372 437 507 95 687 41.74 41.34 41.08 41.57 41.80 177/111 172/88 187/114 39/12 248/165 Average length of novel genes (bp) 992 958 927 722 972 Functionally annotated (%) 30.6 45.5 36.0 33.3 39.4 Genome size (Mb) GC content (%) No. of genes (AUGUSTUS/Blast 100) * (M) indicates million. Table S34: List of the thirty-one agronomically important genes screened in this study. Genes SE5 SD1 ID Function description References LOC_Os06g40080 LOC_Os01g66100 Izawa et al. 2000 Monna et al. 2002 Gn1a LOC_Os01g10110 Adh1 GH2 LOC_Os11g10480 DQ234272* qSH1 GW2 LOC_Os01g62920 LOC_Os02g14720 Ghd7 LOC_Os07g15770 GIF1 LOC_Os04g33740 GW5 DQ991205* HWH1 LOC_Os02g40840 Phr1 PROG1 LOC_Os04g53300 LOC_Os07g05900 qSW5 LOC_Os05g09520 S5 EU889293* SaF EU337974* SaM EU337977* BADH2 DEP1 LOC_Os08g32870 LOC_Os09g26999 MOC1 Sh4 GS3 LOC_Os06g40780 LOC_Os04g57530 LOC_Os03g30450 OsSPL14 LOC_Os08g39890 mtRPL27 AB496674* Rc LOC_Os07g11020 Confers photoperiodic control of flowering Encodes a mutant enzyme involved in gibberellin synthesis Causes cytokine accumulation in inflorescence meristems and increases the number of reproductive organs, resulting in enhanced grain yield; regulates the number of secondary branches on primary branches at the panicle base Represses coleoptile elongation under submergence Encodes a primarily multifunctional cinnamyl-alcohol dehydrogenase A major quantitative trait locus of seed shattering in rice Loss of GW2 function increased cell numbers, resulting in a larger (wider) spikelet hull; it accelerated the grain milk filling rate, resulting in enhanced grain width, weight and yield Major effects on several traits in rice, including number of grains per panicle, plant height and heading date Grain-filling; encodes a cell-wall inverstase required for carbon partitioning during early grain-filling A major QTL underlying rice width and weight; likely acts in the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway to regulate cell division during seed development Encodes a GMC oxidoreductase; causes inter-sub-specific hybrid necrosis Phenol reaction (PHR) phenotype Inactivation of PROG1 expression leads to erect growth, greater grain number and higher grain yield A deletion in qSW5 resulted in a significant increase in sink size owing to an increase in cell number in the outer glume of the rice flower Encodes an aspartate protease; causes inter-sub-specific hybrid female sterility (embryo sac sterility) Encodes an F-box protein; causes inter-sub-specific hybrid male sterility (pollen abortion) SUMO E3 ligase-like gene; causes inter-sub-specific hybrid male sterility (pollen abortion) Controls fragrance in the grain Reduces length of the inflorescence internode, an increased number of grains per panicle and a consequent increase in grain yield; erect panicle; controls the number of both primary branches and secondary branches on primary branches at the panicle top Controls tillering Responsible for the reduction of grain shattering Functions as a negative regulator of grain size and organ size; regulates stigma length and participates in stigma exertion Pleiotropic gene, affecting unproductive tiller number, grain yield per panicle and lodging resistance Nuclear-encoded mitochondrial ribosomal protein L27; mutation causes inter-specific hybrid male sterility (pollen abortion) A positive regulator of proanthocyanidin ,control the colo Ashikari et al. 2005 Saika et al. 2006 Zhang et al. 2006 Konishi et al. 2006 Song et al. 2007 Xue et al. 2008 Wang et al. 2008 Weng et al. 2008 Jiang et al. 2008 Yu et al. 2008 Jin et al. 2008; Tan et al. 2008 Shomura et al. 2008 Chen et al. 2008 Long et al. 2008 Long et al. 2008 Kovach et al. 2009 Huang et al. 2009 Lu et al. 2009 Zhang et al. 2009 Mao et al. 2010; Takano-Kai et al. 2011 Jiao et al. 2010; Miura et al. 2010 Yamagata et al., 2010 Gross et al. 2010 GS5 LOC_Os05g06660 LAX2 LOC_Os04g32510 Wx Hd1 qGW8 LOC_Os06g04200 LOC_Os06g16370 LOC_Os08g41940 TAWAWA1 LOC_Os10g33780 r of pericarp Controls grain size by regulating grain width, filling and weight Encodes a novel nuclear protein and regulates the formation of axillary meristems SNP in intron affecting mRNA splicing Photoperiod pathway gene Effects grain width and yield; negative regulator of panicle branching A regulator of rice in florescence architecture, functions through the suppression of meristem phase transition * Accession number is named according to the NCBI database. Li et al. 2011 Tabuchi et al. 2011 Su et al. 2011 Huang et al. 2012 Wang et al. 2012 Yoshida et al. 2013 Table S35: Computational identification of gain and loss of thirty-one agronomically-important genes in the AA-genome Oryza species through whole genome read mapping. Gene SE5 SD1 Gn1a Adh1 GH2 qSH1 GW2 Ghd7 GIF1 GW5 HWH1 Phr1 PROG1 qSW5 S5 SaF SaM BADH2 DEP1 MOC1 Sh4 GS3 OsSPL14 mtRPL27 Rc GS5 LAX2 Wx Hd1 qGW8 TAWAWA1 IND + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + TRJ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + RUF + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + NIV + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + BAR + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + GLA + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + GLU + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + LON + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + MER + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ‗+‘ means that the gene is present, and ‗-‘ indicates that the gene appears to have been lost. Table S36: Expression patterns of the thirty-one agronomically-important genes in four tissues across the five AA- genome Oryza species. The number shown is expression value (FPKM, Reads Per Kilo bases per Million reads) of these genes in the four different tissues. NIV B* GLA C* BAR GLU C MER Tissues A* D* A B C D A B D A B C D Adh1 BADH2 DEP1 GH2 Ghd7 GIF1 Gn1a GS3 GS5 GW2 GW5 HD1 HWH1 IPA1 LAX2 MOC1 mtRPL27 phr1 PROG1 prog1 qGW8 qSH1 qSW5 Rc S5 SaF SaM SD1 SE5 Sh4 TAWAWA1 10299 8576 1652 16170 7483 7958 10197 33848 24514 11744 5898 31646 48738 26541 6542 28691 A 8336 15074 B C 3329 18897 D 9828 2713 3005 4596 9967 3353 4111 4512 3059 1970 2220 3090 6144 3548 5279 5981 6389 1988 2879 3697 192 3907 228 749 211 1206 98 402 0 1991 56 687 178 2621 256 174 581 4110 283 521 164356 21255 1587 94373 163304 25088 5827 148769 112585 6631 7640 162260 87135 32170 34174 99385 130792 5351 20828 234470 0 55 563 0 0 14 0 0 50 13 3095 105 34 89 223 23 0 25 691 65 4280 693 207 5407 6068 1059 430 3695 1024 486 309 7599 4670 1416 464 11970 6898 479 190 6674 321 205 744 363 623 1114 3011 202 97 334 2389 495 325 386 834 608 38 227 356 314 284 170 1247 254 216 481 1400 88 163 538 213 91 97 174 442 249 892 2070 3265 1568 1572 1012 861 852 1259 1106 2572 1190 1519 1418 347 865 1273 1572 514 1147 1469 2340 1111 1130 1646 1723 4351 2354 1060 1112 1099 1162 825 1200 1070 1484 1457 1509 1752 966 1356 1735 2280 1595 0 41 0 0 0 53 0 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 935 380 378 515 357 508 2479 344 249 3514 2507 147 422 1037 2644 374 218 7789 857 759 13882 2403 4897 11719 12281 3073 13825 24659 5433 1429 1029 4021 3868 2016 2861 3262 12781 2611 4967 11840 1388 1887 1422 1116 1580 975 1167 1048 1411 1878 1089 1990 2134 2084 1029 562 1358 1379 1166 1085 1930 1128 5862 3923 276 855 603 1738 828 698 636 1385 907 1275 1056 1204 1099 546 1763 1995 943 558 979 595 1749 583 701 746 627 588 555 504 753 751 1144 999 931 916 1365 918 590927 191602 187425 387943 220387 105172 196974 120095 171031 193060 157190 190673 116696 80106 99259 150896 129312 116224 166221 383693 2659 14998 22488 4974 1199 21871 18912 2637 4893 2663 21673 2823 722 3969 19689 15560 560 1188 19397 6031 169 1990 1492 651 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 374 1002 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 242 0 0 295 0 0 0 0 256 222 100 1253 150 136 156 863 187 128 26 426 148 256 145 394 218 304 105 619 4454 4519 3059 7419 2647 5295 1997 8764 3950 4817 2101 14811 6485 6232 4576 4948 10269 5761 2586 9951 106 403 841 285 147 150 161 215 47 208 201 81 177 311 70 326 152 141 35 256 232 332 136 386 179 240 303 192 188 194 182 160 147 110 144 245 421 515 982 262 0 0 0 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 167 0 358 125 0 119 288 0 154 154 105 0 51 29 586 128 208 356 141 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2375 3713 432 926 967 2179 4386 2447 328 3059 1382 774 132 1559 5991 1590 736 3013 1207 1744 178 946 1637 1580 278 935 1074 1160 656 527 4145 1425 19709 10546 79422 6851 9505 14329 11482 4134 5321 6846 34952 5066 6015 11611 15232 5470 8521 6682 45375 5394 482 456 396 455 145 55 63 151 65 104 127 413 399 220 226 348 381 323 128 456 16182 15523 3358 3669 6556 4735 3338 2860 12383 9407 1283 1863 6813 7706 1515 3575 10810 6067 6861 5815 Wx 4280 2241 3345 *A: Root; B: Shoot; C: Leaf; D: Panicle. 4124 2856 2032 3544 2485 2041 2208 6015 1688 3211 2507 4360 9111 2586 2402 3191 3320 Table S37: Read mapping results for PROG1-orthologous genes in the AA-genome Oryza species. Species IND TRJ RUF NIV GLA BAR GLU LON MER Number of reads 42 25 40 24 7 7 66 15 11 Length of consensus sequences* 389 389 457 397 67 95 474 260 124 *The nucleotide length of PROG1is 504 bp in SAT. Mapped average coverage (×) 5.31 5.39 3.60 2.84 0.43 0.41 4.87 1.12 0.66 Table S38: Summary of branch-specific ω, dN, and dS values in PAML. Species/brancha ω(dN/dS) Std. Error dN Std. Error dS Std. Error 1# SAT 0.47986 0.02654 0.00138 0.00012 0.00290 0.00017 2# NIV 0.45181 0.01893 0.00166 0.00009 0.00363 0.00012 3# GLA 1.99500 0.28259 0.00069 0.00013 0.00035 0.00005 4# BAR 1.62731 0.17815 0.00057 0.00004 0.00040 0.00006 5# GLU 0.40689 0.01965 0.00193 0.00018 0.00473 0.00034 6# MER 0.28136 0.00475 0.00723 0.00022 0.02569 0.00057 7# b 0.36116 0.02817 0.00090 0.00019 0.00239 0.00029 8# c 0.33086 0.01451 0.00139 0.00009 0.00420 0.00015 9# d 0.64212 0.25295 0.00040 0.00005 0.00111 0.00015 a # of each branch is consistent with that labeled in the phylogenic three shown in Figure S27a. b Common ancestor of SAT/NIV. c Common ancestor of GLA/BAR. d Common ancestor of SAT/NIV/GLA/BAR. Table S39: Numbers of PSGs detected in PAML analysis. Lineage-specific PSGsd All PSGs Branch P < 0.05 FDR < 0.05 P < 0.05 FDR < 0.05 All branchesa 522 268 - - SAT 98 64 49 44 NIV 153 122 74 69 GLA 72 40 24 23 BAR 97 74 23 35 GLU 115 69 45 38 MER 338 234 208 165 Ancestral Asian cultivated riceb 55 20 15 8 Ancestral African cultivated ricec 93 37 36 18 Total (non-redundancy) 797 537 474 400 a The genes under selection along any branch of the phylogenetic tree based on the site model; b The branch leading to Asian cultivated rice and its wild progenitor; c The branch leading to African cultivated rice and its wild progenitor; d These genes showed significant evidence for positive selection only in one branch. Table S40: Enrichment analyses for functional categories of predicted PSGs. Type Category Terms Gene Number PSGs All P-values (A) All non-redundant PSGs BP GO:0048856 anatomical structure development 45 133 1.90E-02 BP GO:0032501 multicellular organismal process 83 278 2.30E-02 BP GO:0009791 post-embryonic development 50 154 2.40E-02 BP GO:0032502 developmental process 86 291 2.50E-02 BP GO:0007275 multicellular organismal development 82 276 2.60E-02 BP GO:0009653 anatomical structure morphogenesis 34 97 2.70E-02 BP GO:0050896 response to stimulus 97 343 4.20E-02 BP GO:0000003 reproduction 47 151 4.80E-02 (B) Asian-rice clade BP GO:0009791 post-embryonic development 26 154 6.30E-04 BP GO:0032501 multicellular organismal process 38 278 1.40E-03 BP GO:0000003 reproduction 24 151 2.20E-03 BP GO:0007275 multicellular organismal development 37 276 2.30E-03 BP GO:0032502 developmental process 38 291 3.10E-03 BP GO:0050896 response to stimulus 41 343 8.80E-03 BP GO:0006950 response to stress 29 226 1.20E-02 BP GO:0048856 anatomical structure development 19 133 1.70E-02 BP GO:0022414 reproductive process 11 63 2.00E-02 CC GO:0030312 external encapsulating structure 7 32 2.40E-02 CC GO:0005618 cell wall 7 32 2.40E-02 BP GO:0009790 embryonic development 11 72 4.30E-02 BP GO:0009908 flower development 8 47 5.00E-02 (C) African-rice clade BP GO:0006950 response to stress 23 226 1.10E-02 BP GO:0050896 response to stimulus 30 343 2.40E-02 BP GO:0009628 response to abiotic stimulus 15 141 2.70E-02 (D) SAT-lineage BP GO:0009653 anatomical structure morphogenesis 9 97 1.90E-03 BP GO:0048856 anatomical structure development 10 133 4.40E-03 BP GO:0050896 response to stimulus 18 343 5.70E-03 MF GO:0003677 DNA binding 13 231 1.20E-02 BP GO:0009056 catabolic process 10 157 1.30E-02 BP GO:0016043 cellular component organization 10 163 1.70E-02 BP GO:0007275 multicellular organismal development 14 276 2.10E-02 BP GO:0032501 multicellular organismal process 14 278 2.20E-02 BP GO:0006950 response to stress 12 226 2.40E-02 BP GO:0032502 developmental process 14 291 3.10E-02 (E) NIV-lineage CC GO:0030312 external encapsulating structure 7 32 2.80E-03 CC GO:0005618 cell wall 7 32 2.80E-03 (F) GLA-lineage BP GO:0030154 cell differentiation 4 64 2.80E-02 BP GO:0048869 cellular developmental process 4 64 2.80E-02 BP GO:0032502 developmental process 10 291 2.80E-02 BP GO:0007275 multicellular organismal development 9 276 4.90E-02 (G) BAR-lineage CC GO:0005634 nucleus 17 313 2.40E-02 BP GO:0016043 cellular component organization 10 163 4.20E-02 MF GO:0005515 protein binding 15 287 4.50E-02 MF: molecular function; BP: biological process; CC: cellular component. P-values represent the one-tail Fisher‘s Exact Probability Values. Table S41: Chromosomal distribution enrichment of the predicted PSGs. Gene Number All Category Chromosome detected P-values PSGs 2,272 gene families Non-redundant PSGs 6 30 179 3.90E-02 SAT 7 10 177 2.80E-02 GLA 9 7 111 3.00E-03 BAR 10 8 100 1.90E-02 Note: Total predicted non-redundant PSGs and PSGs for each lineage are considered, and the over-represented results are given here. P-values indicate the one-tail Fisher‘s Exact Probability Values. Table S42: List of PSGs assigned to flower development and pollination. Orthologous Category MSU Loci MSU Functional Description Gene Names LOC_Os01g07790.1 Polygalacturonase, putative, expressed LOC_Os02g14730.1 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase family PG protein, expressed LOC_Os02g34850.1 Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase ASHH2, ASHH2 putative, expressed LOC_Os02g41550.4 FAD binding domain of DNA photolyase CRY2 domain containing protein, expressed LOC_Os03g07580.1 OsNucAP1 - Putative nucleoporin MOS3/SAR3 Autopeptidase homologue, expressed Flower LOC_Os03g12660.1 Cytochrome P450, putative, expressed LOC_Os04g49450.1 MYB family transcription factor, putative, expressed development (GO:0009908) LHY LOC_Os05g05310.1 Fibronectin type III domain containing VIL1 protein, expressed LOC_Os07g06970.1 HEN1, putative, expressed HEN1 LOC_Os09g13610.1 PFT1, putative, expressed PFT1 LOC_Os10g02770.1 Glycosyl hydrolases family 16, putative, XTH expressed LOC_Os10g27470.1 KH domain containing protein, putative, PEP expressed LOC_Os10g35110.2 Alpha-galactosidase precursor, putative, expressed LOC_Os10g42640.1 Expressed protein LOC_Os01g23740.1 OsPDIL2-2 protein disulfide isomerase PDIL PDIL2-2, expressed LOC_Os01g32750.1 Pollination (GO:0009856) TATA binding protein-associated factor, TAF6 putative, expressed LOC_Os03g18200.1 Heat shock protein DnaJ, putative, expressed TMS1 LOC_Os04g34450.1 Expressed protein SEC5 Table S43: Summary of the conserved miRNA genes in the six AA-genome Oryza species. miRNA SAT NIV GLA BAR GLU MER MIR156 MIR159 MIR160 MIR162 MIR164 MIR166 MIR167 MIR168 MIR169 MIR171 MIR172 MIR319 MIR390 MIR393 MIR394 MIR395 MIR396 MIR397 MIR398 MIR399 MIR408 MIR413 MIR415 MIR416 MIR417 MIR418 MIR426 MIR435 MIR437 MIR438 MIR440 MIR443 MIR528 MIR529 MIR530 MIR531 MIR535 MIR815 MIR816 12 6 6 2 6 13 10 2 17 9 4 2 1 2 1 25 8 2 2 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 5 5 3 1 3 9 8 7 5 2 1 1 1 1 32 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 7 4 1 4 3 2 2 9 7 2 2 1 1 19 5 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 7 4 6 5 -* 1 5 3 1 7 3 2 1 2 1 28 5 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 5 8 6 2 4 6 1 1 8 6 1 2 1 1 26 4 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 4 3 3 6 1 3 4 7 1 6 4 2 2 1 2 1 26 3 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 MIR827 MIR1317 MIR1318 MIR1319 MIR1423 MIR1424 MIR1425 MIR1426 MIR1427 MIR1429 MIR1430 MIR1431 MIR1433 MIR1436 MIR1437 MIR1441 MIR1442 MIR1847 MIR1848 MIR1849 MIR1851 MIR1852 MIR1853 MIR1854 MIR1855 MIR1856 MIR1857 MIR1858 MIR1859 MIR1862 MIR1863 MIR1864 MIR1865 MIR1866 MIR1867 MIR1868 MIR1869 MIR1871 MIR1872 MIR1874 MIR1875 MIR1876 MIR1878 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 7 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 5 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 3 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 7 1 2 1 1 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 2 9 1 1 6 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MIR1879 MIR1880 MIR1881 MIR1883 MIR2055 MIR2091 MIR2092 MIR2093 MIR2094 MIR2096 MIR2099 MIR2101 MIR2102 MIR2103 MIR2104 MIR2105 MIR2106 MIR2118 MIR2121 MIR2123 MIR2125 MIR2275 MIR2862 MIR2863 MIR2866 MIR2867 MIR2868 MIR2869 MIR2870 MIR2871 MIR2872 MIR2874 MIR2875 MIR2876 MIR2877 MIR2878 MIR2879 MIR2880 MIR2905 MIR2920 MIR2922 MIR2923 MIR2924 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 2 3 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 6 4 11 2 4 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 6 8 1 13 7 1 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 15 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 3 5 1 9 1 2 4 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 2 1 12 1 6 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 - MIR2925 MIR2926 MIR2927 MIR2928 MIR2930 MIR2931 MIR3979 MIR3982 MIR5053 MIR5056 MIR5071 MIR5073 MIR5076 MIR5077 MIR5078 MIR5081 MIR5082 MIR5144 MIR5147 MIR5150 MIR5151 MIR5152 MIR5155 MIR5157 MIR5158 MIR5159 MIR5162 MIR5337 MIR5338 MIR5339 MIR5340 MIR5484 MIR5485 MIR5486 MIR5487 MIR5488 MIR5489 MIR5490 MIR5491 MIR5492 MIR5493 MIR5494 MIR5495 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 - MIR5496 MIR5497 MIR5499 MIR5500 MIR5501 MIR5503 MIR5504 MIR5506 MIR5508 MIR5509 MIR5510 MIR5511 MIR5513 MIR5514 MIR5515 MIR5516 MIR5517 MIR5518 MIR5519 MIR5520 MIR5521 MIR5522 MIR5523 MIR5524 MIR5525 MIR5526 MIR5528 MIR5529 MIR5530 MIR5531 MIR5534 MIR5535 MIR5536 MIR5537 MIR5539 MIR5543 MIR5544 In Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 366 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 276 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 7 271 * ‗-‘ indicates that this miRNA gene was not detected. 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 1 1 1 1 5 3 276 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 1 3 7 5 1 263 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 3 1 251 Table S44: Nucleotide substitution of non-coding RNA genes across the AA-genome Oryza species. Total numbera Selected numberb Mutation frequency tRNA 726 314 0.60% snoRNA 317 128 1.03% snRNA 112 41 2.61% Mature miRNA 614 225 1.47% Pre-miRNA 546 165 1.91% miRNA target 3802 1593 1.61% 1 Kb upstream region 41439 5117 4.15% 5’ UTR 27248 23460 2.47% 3’ UTR 26960 13165 2.21% CDS 167120 87572 0.96% Intron 134263 63231 2.09% 1 Kb downstream region 41439 6741 3.46% Intergenic region 41450 3358 3.76% Whole genome 372311 60488 2.77% Genome component a The number of genomic components in the SAT genome. Genomic components were selected within orthologous genomic regions in five AA-genomes that share at least 90% sequence length of SAT with the other five genomes. b Table S45: Copy numbers of miRNA genes that are related to flower development across the six AA-genome Oryza species. miRNAs SAT NIV GLA BAR GLU MER MIR156 MIR156a MIR156b MIR156c MIR156d MIR156e MIR156f MIR156g MIR156h MIR156i MIR156j MIR156k MIR156l MIR159 MIR159a MIR159b MIR159c MIR159d MIR159e MIR159f MIR160 MIR160a MIR160b MIR160c MIR160d MIR160e MIR160f MIR162 MIR162a MIR162b MIR164 MIR164a MIR164b MIR164c MIR164d MIR164e MIR164f MIR166 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 5 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 9 4 1 -* 1 1 1 7 1 2 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 6 1 2 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 6 3 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 MIR166a MIR166b MIR166c MIR166d MIR166e MIR166f MIR166g MIR166h MIR166i MIR166j MIR166k MIR166l MIR166m MIR166n MIR172 MIR172a MIR172b MIR172c MIR172d MIR390 MIR408 MIR444 MIR529b MIR1438 MIR1442 MIR1847 MIR1848 MIR1884b MIR2123 MIR2123a MIR2123b MIR2123c MIR3979 MIR5144 MIR5150 MIR5535 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 2 2 1 - 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 2 2 3 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 6 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 2 2 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 6 2 4 1 1 - * ‗-‘ shows that this miRNA gene was not detected; miRNA gene families that vary in number are indicated in bold.
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