NOVEMBER 2014 | Issue 62 1 The Official Source for Florida Volleyball news! November 2014 | Issue 62 USA’S TARA CROSS-BATTLE (3RD FROM LEFT) TAKES HER SPOT IN THE VOLLEYBALL HALL OF FAME.…PAGE 4 IN THIS ISSUE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Welcome to the November edition of Vol-eNews! This month we have an exciting issue that is packed full of the latest Florida volleyball news. I want to start by welcoming our two newest Jr. Administrative Board (JAB) members to the Florida Region leadership team: Jose Morales, Tallahassee Juniors in District 1 Pedro Davila, Toreros Volleyball Academy in District 2 Both of these club directors won the recent JAB election and will serve a two-year term that begins on Nov 1, 2014 and goes through Oct 31, 2016. Thank you to Lori Eaton and Russel Williams for their service to the Florida Region as JAB representatives over the past many years. I had the great pleasure of attending the recent induction ceremonies at the International Volleyball Hall of Fame in Holyoke, MA (the birthplace of our great sport). This is always a great reminder of the amazing people that have overcome great obstacles to accomplish impressive feats and make a positive impact on the sport of volleyball. Six inductees attended from Russia, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Brazil (x2), and our very own Tara Cross-Battle from the USA. Be sure to read the article in this month’s edition of Vol-eNews and visit to learn more about the International Volleyball Hall of Fame. With the addition of our new Sitting Volleyball initiative here in Florida, we can now confidently say that we offer virtually every version of volleyball that you can possibly play. Sitting Volleyball offers a fun and challenging option for both disabled and able bodied athletes. Please join us at an upcoming Sitting Volleyball open house near you to learn more about the game and get involved. We challenge you to play at least one game of Sitting Volleyball during the 2014/2015 season! SITTING VOLLEYBALL OPEN HOUSES & CLINICS… Join us for an event near you to learn more about enhancing the sport in Florida!...Page 3 ___________________________________________ OFFICIALS UPDATE… New season, new rule…find out what YOU need to know about team jerseys for the 2014/2015 season…Page 5 ____________________________________________ Finally, on behalf of our entire membership, I want to recognize the USA Volleyball Women’s National team for earning the title of World Champions recently at the FIVB World Volleyball Championships in Italy. This was an impressive run for our women’s team and the Florida Region is very proud of the coaches, staff, and athletes. Be sure to read all of the latest volleyball news in this month’s edition to see how you can get involved. We need your help to grow the game here in Florida! Best regards, Steve Bishop Executive Director/President (Proudly serving our members since 2005!) SUNSHINE STATE GAMES STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS… Join us November 8th for the Sunshine State Games Grass Volleyball Series State Championship in Tavares, FL.... Page 2 …and Much More! Copyright © 2009-2014 – Florida Region of USA Volleyball, Inc. – All Rights Reserved Mary Andrew, Commissioner – Steve Bishop, Executive Director – NOVEMBER 2014 | Issue 62 2 2014 SUNSHINE STATE GAMES STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS… Ready to kick some GRASS for charity? The Sunshine State Games Grass Volleyball Series is coming to a close for the 2014 season, but we still have one more very important stop…the STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS at Hickory Point Recreational Facility in Tavares, FL! Join us on Saturday, November 8th for fun, music, and lots of VOLLEYBALL! All ages and skill levels are invited to register. The divisions include: Recreational Adult Coed 6's Competitive Adult Coed 4's Junior 6's (Girls/Boys 16 & Up Only) Proceeds will benefit Camp Boggy Creek, a local charity whose mission is to foster a spirit of joy by creating a free, safe and medically-sound camp environment that enriches the lives of children with serious illnesses and their families. LIKE US! FOLLOW US! For more event pictures & info, find us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram! Click on this link to find out more info about the tour and to register today! HICKORY POINT BEACH FALL SCHEDULE UPDATE… Whether you’re interested in our next tournament, joining a night league, or simply grabbing your friends to take advantage of open & public court play…Hickory Point Beach has something for everyone! UPCOMING TOURNAMENTS NOV 8, 2014 Sunshine State Games Grass Volleyball Series Championships @ Hickory Point (On the grass soccer fields) Adults COED (Competitive 4's & Recreational 6's), Juniors 6's (16 & above) The Winter Coed League enjoys their “Wednesday Nights Under the Lights!” OPEN COURTS/ PUBLIC PLAY INFO: Mondays Every Monday from 5:00pm til Dark Skill Levels: Competitive Doubles for AA/A/BB, Recreational 4's or 6's for Beginners Cost: FREE, No Partner/Team Needed Wednesdays Every Wednesday from 5:00pm til Dark Skill Levels: Competitive Doubles for AA/A/BB, Recreational 4's or 6's for Beginners Cost: FREE, No Partner/Team Needed NOV 15, 2014 Ultimate Ruler Coed Tournament (Produced by Jay Sadecky). Adults (AA, A/BB), $25 per person No Partner Needed! DEC 13, 2014 Kris Kringle Coed Tournament, 7th Annual (Produced by Jay Sadecky). Adults COED (AA, A/BB), $25 per person, Partner Required! To register for Hickory Point Events or for more info, visit LEAGUE INFO The Winter Coed League is in progress. The next league is scheduled for February 2015. The courts are waiting for you at Hickory Point Beach! Cost: $20 per person/$40 per team Team check-in: 6 PM, Play @ 6:30 & 7:30 PM Contact Scott at (352) 742-0080 w/questions Copyright © 2009-2014 – Florida Region of USA Volleyball, Inc. – All Rights Reserved Mary Andrew, Commissioner – Steve Bishop, Executive Director – NOVEMBER 2014 | Issue 62 3 QUICK ANNOUNCEMENTS Click on the image to your left to watch a video about sitting volleyball! (Video courtesy of USA Sitting Volleyball) THE 2015 FLORIDA REGION CALENDAR IS HERE!... The 2015 Florida Region Calendar is available THIS MONTH! Be sure to get your copy for only $12 (and with the holidays coming up, it will make a great stocking stuffer too!) All of the proceeds go towards Florida Region scholarships. Visit for info on how to order yours today! MEMBERSHIP COUNT UPDATE… For the 2014/2015 season, our membership goal is 13,500. Please let others in your area know about the program opportunities offered by the Florida Region of USA Volleyball. QUICK VOLLEYBALL FACTS 2nd The ranking of the popularity of volleyball as it compares to other sports around the world. It is exceeded only by soccer. SITTING VOLLEYBALL OPEN HOUSES & CLINICS This season, the Florida Region of USA Volleyball is joining an initiative to bring sitting volleyball into our region to grow the game and to reach out to volleyball enthusiasts with physical limitation, as well as to those without. We invite you to get involved and help us as we introduce sitting volleyball to the Florida Region. Our tour kicks off Thursday, November 6th at our Sitting Volleyball Press Conference in Jacksonville. We are holding multiple Open Houses and Clinics across the state. Our Open Houses will offer information on playing, officiating and coaching sitting volleyball. It will also be a chance for everyone to get out and PLAY! Find an Open House and/or a clinic near you: Jacksonville November 6th, 2014 Sitting Volleyball Press Conference 11 AM JJVA Training Center 11661 Phillips Highway Jacksonville, FL 32256 Jacksonville November 23rd, 2014 Open House* 3PM – 5 PM JJVA Training Center 11661 Phillips Highway Jacksonville, FL 32256 * This event will feature a special guest instructor, Bill Hamiter, US Olympic Coach for Sitting Volleyball! Bill will be holding a special course from 2 PM – 3 PM, before the Open House. Daytona Beach January 10th, 2015 Florida Region Coaching Clinic* AM Wave 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM PM Wave 3:30 PM – 7:30 PM Ocean Center 101 N. Atlantic Avenue Daytona Beach, FL 32118 * With instructor, John Kessel. Tampa January 18th, 2015 OPEN HOUSE 3 PM – 5 PM All People’s Life Center 6105 E. Sligh Avenue Tampa, FL 33617 Palm Beach/Lake Worth February 8th, 2015 OPEN HOUSE 3PM – 5 PM CMAA Therapeutic Recreation Complex 3893 Poinciana Drive Lake Worth, FL 33467 Orlando May 2nd, 2015 All-Star Sitting Volleyball Exhibition Time TBA Orange County Convention Center 9990 International Drive Orlando, FL 32819 Orlando 1930 The year that the first two-man beach volleyball game was played. December 7th, 2014 OPEN HOUSE 3 PM – 5 PM The Conrad Academy 2008 N Goldenrod Road Orlando, FL 32807 For more information about sitting volleyball, please follow this LINK. Copyright © 2009-2014 – Florida Region of USA Volleyball, Inc. – All Rights Reserved Mary Andrew, Commissioner – Steve Bishop, Executive Director – NOVEMBER 2014 | Issue 62 4 2014/2015 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL UPDATE… We are excited to have you renew your membership with the Florida Region for the 2014/2015 season! Before you head to our website to renew, please be aware of some of the changes to the online system: The membership renewal start date is September 1st. When renewing your membership, you MUST choose UNDECIDED as your club affiliation if you are renewing before November 1st, 2014. This change was implemented to give athletes the chance to try out for multiple clubs before having to make a decision on their membership. After November 1st, users will be able to log-in and choose the club of their choice. USA’S TARA CROSS-BATTLE JOINS THE 2014 INTERNATIONAL VOLLEYBALL HALL OF FAME… The Florida Region was honored to be in attendance at the 2014 International Volleyball Hall of Fame Induction Celebration! USA’S Tara Cross-Battle was among the six inductees in the class of 2014. Other inductees included Joop Alberda (Netherlands), Nalbert Bitencourt (Brazil), Miloslav Ejem (Czech Republic), Sandra Pires (Brazil) and Roza Salikhova (USSR). Tara’s claim to fame was when she became the United States' first four-time Olympic Games volleyball player having competed in the Games in 1992, 1996, 2000 and 2004. In her debut Olympics, she helped the United States to the bronze medal in Barcelona. Upon receiving her honor on stage, with her daughter and son by her side, she summed up her outlook on her volleyball career. Tara said, “I went from a silly game, to the Hall of Fame.” Congratulations to Tara! If you would like to check out more pictures from the 2014 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, be sure to check out the Volleyball Hall of Fame’s Facebook page. JR. CLUB SPOTLIGHT… You can also catch the entire video stream of the ceremony by visiting EVENT-SHOUT-OUTS Congratulations to The Village Elders 60’s Volleyball Team from The Villages, FL on winning the GOLD medal in the bronze division at the 2014 Huntsman World Senior Games! Club: Prostyle Volleyball Club Hometown: Tallahassee, FL Director: Erica Bunch Founded: 2011 Programs For: Girls Indoor 12U – 18U & Girls Beach Website: Want more pictures and updates? Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter & Instagram! Let’s give it up for Team USA! They made history by beating China 3-1 and winning the first world championship gold medal for the U.S. Women’s program at the FIVB World Championship at the Mediolanum Forum in Milan! Congratulations on this amazing accomplishment! Check out the entire story HERE. Copyright © 2009-2014 – Florida Region of USA Volleyball, Inc. – All Rights Reserved Mary Andrew, Commissioner – Steve Bishop, Executive Director – NOVEMBER 2014 | Issue 62 5 EVENT-SHOUT-OUTS CONTINUED… OFFICIAL’S UPDATE… By Sue Wainio-Oato, Official’s Coordinator The new season is here and there is a new rule in effect for team jerseys when a Libero is used in the match. It is now required that either the Libero or their teammates wear a solid color jersey. The solid color jersey must clearly contrast from the predominant color(s) of the teammates’ jersey. Predominant colors are those that appear on approximately half of the body of the uniform jersey. To be considered solid colored: a. Sleeves must be the same color as the body of the jersey. b. Piping/trim not exceeding 1 inch in total at its widest point may be placed along the seams and may be a different color than the uniform jersey. c. Lettering and collars can be a different color than the body of the jersey. d. Numbers must be a contrasting color and meet all other specifications in Rule 4.3.3 and associated USAV regulations. The information is posted on the Florida Region web site, click here for details. Also on that site you will find a link to a video that explains the new solid color jersey rule in detail, with examples of compliant and non-compliant jerseys. It is recommended that club officials who are ordering uniforms watch this important video from USA Volleyball in order to be certain that the uniforms for the club will be compliant with the new rule, should the club and / or teams utilize a Libero during their matches. FORMER FLORIDA REGION JUNIOR ATHLETES GO ORANGE AND BLUE!... The Florida Region is proud of our former junior athletes who are part of the 2014/2015 University of Florida Gators Women’s Volleyball Team! The Gators are currently ranked #8 in the nation with a 16-3 record. We wish them all the best of luck with their very promising volleyball careers…GO GATORS! #20: Nikki O’Rourke (Tampa Bay Juniors) #6: Mackenzie Dagostino (Tampa Bay Juniors) #25: Lindsey Rogers (Tallahassee Juniors) #7: Gabby Mallette (JJVA) #30: Holly Pole (Gainesville Juniors) #11: Madison Monserez (OVA) Pictures courtesy of Tim Britt, FSU VOLLEYBALL IS ON FIRE!... PARTNER SPOTLIGHT… The Florida Region would like to give a shout out to the undefeated, 21-0 Florida State Women’s Volleyball Team! (As of October 31st) They are currently ranked #3 in the nation. It looks like football may not be the only top ranked athletic program at FSU! Their winning streak ties the best in school history. Good luck to Coach Poole and the entire team, keep up the great work! The Florida Region is honored to partner with Rx Massage Therapy as the official massage therapy provider for the Florida WAVE Men’s and Women’s Indoor Pro Teams. And more great news from FSU Volleyball: Florida Region athlete and FSU senior, Katie Mosher, has been nominated for a NCAA Award! Ben Keyes, Owner and Licensed Massage Therapist, has an in-depth background in kinesiology, anatomy, and physiology. He is a specialist in working with athletes of every level and sport. Ben has more than ten years of experience in clinical settings. He is proficient in assessing origins of pain and dysfunction, and employs a multitude of massage techniques that restore function quickly. One of his unique talents is taking a complex system of anatomy or function and explaining it in clear and concise terms which he is able to do because he truly understands how the body works. It takes one minute to vote and you can do that HERE! Thanks for your vote and good luck, Katie! Katie Mosher played club for USA South Volleyball and participated in the Team Florida HP program for many years. She has been selected as a finalist for the 2014 Senior CLASS Award. To be eligible for this award, a student-athlete must be classified as an NCAA Division I senior and have notable achievements in four areas of excellence - community, classroom, character and competition. Copyright © 2009-2014 – Florida Region of USA Volleyball, Inc. – All Rights Reserved Mary Andrew, Commissioner – Steve Bishop, Executive Director – NOVEMBER 2014 | Issue 62 2014/2015 INDOOR EVENT SCHEDULE… 6 REMINDERS… 2015 Team Florida HP Indoor Tryout Schedule January 9th (Boys) Ocean Center, Daytona Beach, FL January 30th (Girls) Ocean Center, Daytona Beach, FL February 20th (Girls) Prime Osborn Conv. Center, Jacksonville, FL March 6th (Boys & Girls) Miami Beach Conv. Center, Miami Beach, FL March 20th (Girls) Tampa Conv. Center, Tampa, FL The Florida Fest Boys’ Bid Tournament will be held January 31st – February 2nd at the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, FL. This will be in conjunction with the Daytona 100 event. Click the link below to see a list of Girls and Boys tournaments hosted in the Florida Region! The Indoor Event Schedule also includes ALL the USA Volleyball Junior National Qualifiers across the nation! 2014-2015 INDOOR EVENT SCHEDULE Copyright © 2009-2014 – Florida Region of USA Volleyball, Inc. – All Rights Reserved Mary Andrew, Commissioner – Steve Bishop, Executive Director – Are you an adult looking for an indoor volleyball league or open gym? Follow this LINK for a list. If you have one to add to the list, please email Heather, our Sr. Events Coordinator at this EMAIL. Thanks! NOVEMBER 2014 | Issue 62 7 2015 FLORIDA VOLLEYBALL FESTIVAL… Be sure to join us for the 2nd annual Florida Volleyball Festival in Daytona Beach, FL! This event runs from Jan. 9th – 11th. Events include: Florida Boys’ Pre-Q Florida Girls’ Club Cup Coaching Clinic Boys’ HP All-Star Tryout Regional & National Officials Clinic Molten Adult Friday Night Series For more information, view the schedule of events or to register, please follow this LINK. FLORIDA REGION JR. FORUM MEETINGS… GIRLS JR. FORUM MEETING 2015 FLORIDA TOUR OF CHAMPIONS… The Florida Tour of Champions is a USA Volleyball sanctioned tournament series in the Florida Region. Teams that are interested in competing in a competitive series that will take them to some of the best volleyball tournaments in the Region will want to play in the 2014 Florida Tour of Champions! The top finishing team in each division of the entire Tour of Champions (10u-18u) will win FREE entry into the 2014 Florida Girls' Jr. Regional Volleyball Championships. For more information or to register, please follow this LINK. EVENT SCHEDULE Jan 31st – Feb 1st Daytona Beach 100 Daytona Beach, FL Feb. 21st – 22nd JJVA Jax Jam Jacksonville, FL March 7th – 8th Cloverleaf Miami Beach, FL st nd March 21 -22 Molten Pre-Q Tampa, FL QUICK TIP FOR COACHES… As a coach, it is your responsibility to recognize, reduce and respond to bullying among your athletes. One of the greatest lessons athletes take away from sport is the experience of being on a team where coaches and individuals support one another. Actions that demean or intimidate athletes, either physically or emotionally, can affect performance and team cohesion. Since bullying often occurs among peers, coaches can set an example with a zero-tolerance policy and emphasize teamwork and mutual support. Giving athletes a way to report behavior without fear of reprisal is also important. Examples of bullying include both physical and emotional behaviors: Hitting, pushing, punching, beating, biting, striking, kicking, choking or slapping Throwing at or hitting an athlete with objects such as sporting equipment Teasing, ridiculing and intimidating Spreading rumors or making false statements Using electronic communications, social media or other technology to harass, frighten, intimidate or humiliate (“cyber bullying”) Visit the SafeSport website for more tips! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT - Starting in 2013, girl's indoor junior club directors are no longer required to attend the Annual Jr. Forum Meeting unless you were a new club director in the 2013/2014 season and did not attend the Annual Jr. Forum Meeting in November of 2013 (these club directors are required to attend the Annual Jr. Forum Meeting in November 2014). Also, any new club director(s) of any club, no matter how many years the club has been active, must attend the Annual Jr. Forum Meeting in November 2014. The format of the new meetings has been changed to an educational/best practices format. The Florida Region staff will now prepare an annual written update and distribute that to all clubs via email and on this page of the region website. Note: Clubs that are required to attend and do not will incur a $500 fine and will not be recognized as a USAV club in good standing until the fine has been paid in full. This is a standing mandate from the Florida Region Board of Directors. West Palm Beach – Nov. 22nd, 2014 Holiday Inn West Palm Beach Airport 9 AM – 4 PM REGISTER HERE Ocala – Nov. 23rd, 2014 Hilton Ocala 9 AM – 4 PM REGISTER HERE SESSIONS AVAILABLE -New Club Director Meeting -Club Admin Training -AES/WebPoint Training -Branding/Marketing/Promotions -Bookkeeping/Accounting -Risk Management -Grass Roots Programming -Indoor IMPACT Coaching Clinic BOYS JR. FORUM MEETING The Boys' Jr. Forum Meeting will be held on June 12th, 2015 in conjunction with the Boys' Jr. Regional Volleyball Championships in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Please visit the website at a later date for more information on the meeting. Copyright © 2009-2014 – Florida Region of USA Volleyball, Inc. – All Rights Reserved Mary Andrew, Commissioner – Steve Bishop, Executive Director – NOVEMBER 2014 | Issue 62 2015 FLORIDA WAVE TRYOUTS… 8 ATHLETE SPOTLIGHT… For this edition of Athlete Spotlight…we’re seeing DOUBLE! Sisters Madelyne and Cassandra May Anderson have taken both the beach and indoor volleyball world by storm! The Florida WAVE is part of the Premier Volleyball League (PVL), a pro volleyball league sanctioned by USA Volleyball. This is a grassroots based league that is unique and has unlimited potential as teams come online across the United States. Since USA Volleyball has 40 regions there could be as many as 40 professional volleyball teams in the future. Do you think you have what it takes to be a part of the Florida WAVE? If you are a male or female aged 18 years or older and are a post-collegiate athlete, then we would love for you to come and show us what you got! Men’s and Women’s Florida WAVE Tryouts January 9th, 2015 Ocean Center 101 N. Atlantic Ave. Daytona Beach, FL 32118 Keep checking our website,, for updated information regarding WAVE tryouts. Good luck! 2014 Florida Womens WAVE: PVL Championship Runners-Up! 12 year old Madelyne is ranked #3 in the nation in the USAV 12U Beach Doubles division. However, she has played up in the 14U division, where she is ranked #12.In Florida that means she is ranked #1 for 12U and #2 for 14U! For the indoor side, Madelyne plays for Palm Beach Juniors on the 13 Elite Team. They qualified for JO’s and competed in Minneapolis, MN this past summer. Her team came in 9th in the state! 14 year old Cassandra is ranked #17 in the nation in the USAV 14U Beach Doubles division and #4 in Florida. And yes, her sister Madelyne is her beach partner! Cassandra also plays for Palm Beach Juniors on the 14 Elite Team, which came in 15th place in Florida this past season. She currently plays for Lake Worth High School as an outside hitter and defensive specialist. She was also the recipient of our Florida Region Scorekeeper Award for 2014! Madelyne (left) and Cassandra (right) Name: Madelyne May Anderson Age: 12 Club: Palm Beach Juniors Hometown: Palm Beach Gardens, FL Position: S/OH Name: Cassandra May Anderson The sisters came in 5th at the Milwaukee Beach National Tournament this past July and also qualified for two California National Tournaments. Age: 14 Both sisters are home schooled and are coached in beach by their mother, Marianne E. May. Hometown: Palm Beach Gardens, FL We are sure to see great things from these siblings! Good luck, Madelyne & Cassandra! Club: Palm Beach Juniors Position: OH/DS To nominate someone for Athlete Spotlight, please email their name, club, accomplishment(s) and a picture to DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO BE A TEAM FLORIDA HP ALL-STAR?... Check out our brand new video! Listen to these three junior volleyball athletes and see what they have to say about the Team Florida Indoor HP All-Star Program. Watch the video by clicking on the image to the left or by following this LINK. Copyright © 2009-2014 – Florida Region of USA Volleyball, Inc. – All Rights Reserved Mary Andrew, Commissioner – Steve Bishop, Executive Director – NOVEMBER 2014 | Issue 62 CORPORATE PARTNERS… ASICS - The Official Outfitter of the Team Florida Indoor HP All-Star Program and the Florida WAVE Professional Volleyball Teams! 9 BUSINESS PARTNERS… REGION INFORMATION… Florida Region of USA Volleyball, Inc. 15010 US Highway 441 Eustis, FL 32726 T: (352) 742-0080 F: (352) 414-5304 E: W: STAFF: Steve Bishop, Executive Director/President Michele Sisser, Registrar/Office Manager Heather Cormier, Sr. Events Coord.-Indoor Sue Wainio-Oato, Official’s Coordinator Scott Bishop, Events Coordinator-Outdoor Ashley Shewey, Marketing Coordinator BOARD MEMBERS: 1st Place Volleyball - The Official Branding Partner for the Team Florida Indoor HP All-Star Program and the Florida WAVE Professional Volleyball Teams! Mary Andrew, Commissioner/Board Chair Doug Darling, Asst. Commissioner Donna Beasley, Secretary/Treasurer Sam Skelton, Indoor Chair Nancy Cothron, Outdoor Chair Darin Clark, Official’s Chair Steve Bishop, Executive Director/President Plus two JAB members from below. JUNIOR ADMIN BOARD (JAB) REPS: Jose Morales, District 1, Clubs I-O *Carrie Prewitt, District 1, Clubs T-Z Landon Thomas, District 3, Clubs A-H Pedro Davila, District 2, Clubs P-S *Designates voting Board member ROX Volleyball - The Official Outfitter of the Team Florida Beach HP All-Star Program! INTERNSHIPS AVAILABLE… Internships are available for the following: Molten - The Official Volleyball for the Florida Region! Office/Administrative Intern Events Intern (Indoor) Events Intern (Outdoor) Individuals interested in an internship should contact Michele Sisser, Office Manager at Quote of the Month “There may be people that have more talent than you, but there’s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do.” – Derek Jeter Copyright © 2009-2014 – Florida Region of USA Volleyball, Inc. – All Rights Reserved Mary Andrew, Commissioner – Steve Bishop, Executive Director –
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