for those. new roofs, at joints and finishing points of exterior panel cladding. It is marketed in 30 m rolls, which are 5 cm wide. AAG EPDM Har du projekter inden for nybyggeri, om- og tilbygning eller renovation er AAG din leverandør af kvalitetsprodukter inden for EPDM membraner og tagduge. Dilatation Band På et marked, som er i konstant udvikling, og hvor kravene til EPDM’ens egenskaber stadig øges, åbner AAG verdenen for EPDM’ens muligheder og møder dine behov med et bredt og solidt leverandørnetværk, som sikrer dig mange fordele. ANVENDELSESOMRÅDER Terasse inddækning Facader og fundament Tagindækning og konstruktioner Kunstige søer og damme Tunnel konstruktion Band With Interlining CE GODKENDELSE These are usedEPDM for water insulation at the MEMBRANER Membranerne er CE godkendte og lever interlining op til de Europæiske TS EN Textured clothsstandarder are laminated dilatation areasVores in all kinds of structures. EPDM membraner produceresItsom sorte og teksturerede membraner både 13956, TS EN 13859, TS EN 13967, TS EN 13361, TS EN 13362, TS EN 13491, TS EN using butyl adhesives. This is a self-adhesive med long og uden Tykkelserne ligger mellem 0,5 mm og 3 mm. 13492, TS EN 13493, TS EN 15382. Alle er brandhæmmende og lever op til klasse T is a material with lifeforstærkninger. and with high elastic band that can fill in the cavities. It is kravene for brandhæmmende tagmembraner. flexibility that can yield by 300% and is UV Som standard leveres rullerne i bredder op til 2000 mm og længder af 25 eller 50 used for water impermeability at critical resistant. Manufactured using 1-2 mm thick meter. AAG kan levere bredere ruller afhængig af dit projekt. EN VIDEN TIL FORSKEL points (wet floor corner details, under the EPDM membrane, both sides are finished Du kan gøre brug af vores viden erfaring, of og windows, ud fra dine tegninger ogroof lids blindogframes frame of with 3 cm welted holes and is marketed as EGENSKABER specifikationer får du hurtigt et konkret tilbud. Med AAG som samarbejdspartner etc.) It is marketed in 30 m rolls, which are with Høj resistens UV og ozon 25 m long roles, a widthoverfor varying er du sikret en personlig løsning. Vi rådgiver dig i den rigtige retning og 10 cmpris. wide. garanterer flere fordele til samme between 10-45cm.Vandafvisende Temperaturbestandig mellem -40° C og +120° C Bestandig over for planterødder, salt og kemikalier af vand og jord KONTAKT Brudforlængelse på 300% Ønsker du yderligere information eller har spørgsmål til vores produktprogram Holdbarhed op til 30 år inden for EPDM, er du velkommen til at kontakte os på eller Brandhæmmende With all its accessories and supporting material, Lineflex EPDM membranes provide you ainsulation complete system. insulation på telefon 98 15 80 22. With all its accessories and supporting material, Lineflex EPDM membranes provide you a complete Allsystem that EPDM Butyl Bands EPDM andand Butyl Bands applications, required for yourare buildings areby supplied by the applications, required for your buildings supplied the Butyl Coated Band EPDMEPDM Membrane Membrane EPDM membrane EPDM membrane systems. systems. EPDM Cord Tape A B It is used as water proofing barrier on junctions of cutting and cladding sides with EPDM membranes are laminated using the building. It is an UV competent, flexible butyl adhesives. This is a self-adhesive band EPDMismembrane is manufactured as a EPDM membrane manufactured as a A and long life material. that can stick very well to almost all kinds blacktextured and colour, textured membrane, black and colour, membrane, ad of surfaces. Its high elasticity makes it a either in reinforced form or not and at either in reinforced form or not and at ca product that can fit everywhere. A perfect various thickness, various thickness, namelymm0.5 mm-1.0 mmnamely 0.5 mm-1.0 m insulation can be ensured against water, 1.2 mm-1.5 mm-2.0 1.2 mm-1.5 mm-2.0 mm and 2.5 mm. The mm and 2.5 mm. The to moisture and dust at joints of all kinds of width of the width of therolls membrane rolls varies from membrane varies from bo structures like the roof sheets, edges and 100 to 150 cm 100 to 150 cm and is 25 and 50 m in length and is 25 and 50 m in length pr joints of the chimneys, exterior panels etc. for those. for those. ne It is marketed in 30 m rolls, which are 10 AAG | Aalborg Gummivarefabrik A/Scm| Sundsholmen | DK-9400 Nørresundby | Tel. +45 9815 8022 | Fax: +45 9815 9903 | | ex wide and 1mm 3thick. 30
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