09-10-2015 Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Informationsmøde om Klima og Bioøkonomi i EU Horizon2020 DTU Risø, 8/10 2015 PROTEIN2FOOD: Sådan kom vi i mål Sven-Erik Jacobsen seja@plen.ku.dk Dias 1 Short presentation • • • • • • Horizon2020 Project application Other EU projects Assistance EU project PROTEIN2FOOD General recommendations 09-10-2015 Slide 2 1 09-10-2015 Horizon2020 - The most important changes Description FP7 Horizon2020 Focus Research Research and Innovation Budget 55 billion € ~ 79 billion € Components Excellent Science, Industrial Cooperation, Capacities, People, Ideas, Leadership, Societal challenges, Euratom, JRC Spreading Excellence, Science for Society, EIT, JRC, Euratom Funding rate (up to) for research 75% 100% Funding rate (up to) for 50% Demonstration/ Innovation projects 70% 100% for non-profit organizations Overhead/indirect costs Different models (20% 60% or actual) 25% Time-to-grant 12 months in average after submission reduced to 8 months of proposal Ex-ante financial viability check All beneficiaries exceeding 500,000 EUR EU contribution Coordinators Audit certificates to be submitted All beneficiaries exceeding 375,000 EUR EU contribution - cumulative in periods All beneficiaries exceeding 325,000 EUR EU contribution - only one at the end of the project Interest on pre-financing Reported by the coordinator No need to declare Thematic approach "Cooperation" 10 themes Will be under "Industrial leadership" and "Societal challenges" 09-10-2015 Frontier Research, ERC Slide 3 New in FP7 - Ideas block Extended under the "Excellent Science" pillar Project application Project idea Project finalisation Screening of idea Lobbying Lobbying Establishment of a consortium EU audit Amendment of contract and consortium Life cycle for a Framework Programme Project Participation in project meetings Management, accounts and audits 09-10-2015 Slide 4 Proposal writing Evaluation Contract negotiation Scientific reporting Project- and finance management Kick off meetings, annual meetings Project set-up at the University 2 09-10-2015 Project idea Project finalisation Screening of idea Lobbying Lobbying Establishment of a consortium EU audit Proposal writing Amendment of contract and consortium EU project preparation Evaluation Participation in project meetings Contract negotiation Management, accounts and audits Scientific reporting 09-10-2015 Slide 5 Project- and finance management Kick off meetings, annual meetings Project set-up at the University Project idea Screening of idea Lobbying Establishment of a consortium Project preparation Proposal writing 09-10-2015 Slide 6 3 09-10-2015 Project idea Screening of idea Lobbying Based on call Establishment of a consortium Proposal writing Start funds Workshop 09-10-2015 Slide 7 Project idea Screening of idea Based on call Lobbying Establishment of a consortium Experience Interest Uniqueness Start funds Proposal writing Workshop 09-10-2015 Slide 8 4 09-10-2015 SFS 15 -2014: Protein of the future Type of action: Research and Innovation Action Call for Sustainable Food Security Safe food and healthy diets and sustainable consumption Specific challenge: The growing demand for meat and other protein-rich food sources, in many parts of the world, is of increasing concern in the light of growing population figures, environmental sustainability issues and land-use and food security concerns. Questions related to optimal production and processing methods, location (EU or other), health effects, environmental impact, and legal issues remain unanswered. Consumer acceptance of new and/or improved sustainable protein sources, as well as other factors related to market uptake, require further clarification if global food security together with environmental and socio-economic sustainability is to be ensured. Scope: A multidisciplinary approach, covering the whole food supply chain (from ‘farm to fork’) of new and/or existing protein sources should be taken. The market potential for the producer and added value for the consumer should be considered, together with food safety and quality parameters, regulatory issues, health and diet-related risks and benefits, and gender issues. Appropriate dissemination and knowledge uptake activities should be included, as well as industry participation with a specific focus on SMEs. In line with the objectives of the Union’s strategy for international cooperation in research and innovation, proposals are encouraged to include participants from third country27. A sustainability assessment in line with the ILCD handbook28 should be conducted. Proposals should be focused on how new and/or adapted protein sources can provide innovative, cost-effective and resource-efficient alternatives to traditional sources with more positive impacts on human health, the environment and biodiversity. The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU in the range of EUR 9 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not 09-10-2015 preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts. Slide 9 Expected impact: A significant increase in the quality of proteins and of the sustainability of their production and processing. A support to EU policies on agriculture, nutrition, health, environment, development and sustainable food security by increased market uptake of existing and/or new proteins that contribute to a healthy diet. A strengthening of international research, industrial cooperation and the EU economy, with a specific focus on SMEs and small-scale food processing. An increase in new market opportunities, in the short and medium term, as measured in terms of market share, turnover, employment and intellectual property. A clear contribution to social innovation due to Fair Trade/fairer trade, as well as an increase in socio-economic and environmental sustainability. 09-10-2015 Slide 10 5 09-10-2015 Procedure Horizon2020 PROTEIN2FOOD 2013: Initiative by Italy and Ireland Small workshop Change of coordinator Feb. 2014: Full workshop Proposal phase 1 June 2014: Proposal phase 2 ISAFOM 09-10-2015 Slide 11 Other EU projects EU FP7 Sustainable water use securing food production in dry areas of the Mediterranean region (SWUP-MED). (2009-2013). www.swup-med.dk UB, ITQB, NERC. ISAFOM An integrated strategy for the conservation and use of underutilized Latin American agrobiodiversity (LATINCROP). 2013-2017. www.latincrop.org. CSA. 09-10-2015 Slide 12 6 09-10-2015 EU-FP6 “Water resource strategies and drought alleviation in Western Balkan agriculture (WATERWEB)”. www.waterweb.dk UB, ITQB “A Centre for Sustainable Crop-Water Management (CROPWAT), 2007-2010. Coordinated Action coordinated by Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia. UB www.cropwat.agrifaculty.bg.ac.yu Safe and high quality food production using low quality waters and improved irrigation systems and management (SAFIR, 2005-2009). www.safir4eu.org NERC (AaU) 09-10-2015 Slide 13 COST Putting halophytes to work – From genes to ecosystems (COST action), 2009-2014. www.cost-halophytes.org/ 09-10-2015 Slide 14 7 09-10-2015 Assistance KUs EU kontor (primært koordinator projekter) SCIENCE forskning og innovation (national funds (council and funds) and individual programs like Marie Curie and ERC Eurocenter, generel vejledning og rådgivning, fx om regler og baggrundsviden om opslag, de overordnede processer osv. Forsknings- og Innovationsstyrelsen: Startmidler PLEN: Project office 09-10-2015 Slide 15 Challenges General: Growing population Climate changes • Specific: Growing demand for meat in many parts of the world Unsustainable protein production Water footprint in EU (lcd) GGE: Food 30%, meat 70% of food PROTEIN 2 FOOD Development of high quality food protein through sustainable production and processing Global food security Environmental and socio-economic sustainability 8 09-10-2015 Enhedens navn Production, 1000t Legumes in Europe 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1950 1960 1970 Area, ha 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Yield, kg/ha 12000000 2500 10000000 2000 8000000 1500 6000000 1000 4000000 500 2000000 0 og dato 1950 Sted 1960 1970 Dias 17 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Department of Plan and Environmental Sciences WP Interaction PROTEIN 2 FOOD Dias 18 9 09-10-2015 Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Dias 19 Expected results • • • • • Enhance the protein production by 25% through new effective breeding techniques and optimised crop management, with an increase by 10% of the EU’s arable land destined to protein-crop production, using also marginal soils. Accelerate protein transition from animal-based protein to plant based protein in Europe with clear impact on reduction of carbon footprint. Increase EU agro-biodiversity by introducing promising high quality crops and legumes. Prototypes of new protein-rich protein food with exceptional market potential. Improve the EU’s visibility in the area of food processing and technology through high impact factors scientific publications. 10 09-10-2015 Crop Crop Quinoa Faba bean Amaranth Lupin Buckwheat Chickpea Pea Lentil Enhedens navn Key indicators Country Italy Romania Netherlands Denmark Crop Quinoa Amaranth Legumes Quinoa Lupin Faba bean Quinoa Lupin Lentil Year 1, ha 1 1 1 1 2,5 3 1 1 1 Year 5, ha 40 20 50 15 2,5 30 15 15 4 •EU protein production + 20% •Animal protein consumption -10% •Protein crop production +10% Sted og dato Dias 22 11 09-10-2015 Dissemination of project results Communication channels 1. The stakeholder forum • Industries: Food industry, Agricultural institutions, Small and large companies, Consumer associations, health professionals, control authorities etc. 2. Scientific papers and leaflets 3. Project website 4. E-newsletters 5. Press releases 6. Trade magazines 7. Training of farmers 8. Social media 9. Partners of Protein2Food 10. Participation in and presentations at conferences 11. Food fairs Enhedens navn Leaflet Sted og dato Dias 24 12 09-10-2015 Enhedens navn Does legumes have a potential for food? Sted og dato Dias 25 General recommendations Establish contacts (lobby) Be aware of new calls Read calls critically and detailed Is the call within your area of expertise Is the call within your area of interest Apply for start funds Think of the consortium Make a time schedule Establish contacts for the consortium Arrange planning workshop Distribute tasks 09-10-2015 Slide 26 13 09-10-2015 Enhedens navn Thanks seja@plen.ku.dk Sted og dato Dias 27 14
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