Aktivitetsmæssig retfærdighed på et dansk asylcenter - en kvalitativ undersøgelse University College Nordjylland Ergoterapeutuddannelsen E12V – 7. Semester Modul 14 Opgavens art: Bachelorprojekt. Afleveringsdato: 5. juni 2015. Omfang inkl. mellemrum: 70.895 Intern vejleder: Sanne HeidemannLehmann. Forfatterne: Andrea Bubic, Maiken Kunnerup Nielsen, Marie Brund, Mikael Karlsen & Dzenita Bajic. Denne opgave - eller dele heraf - må kun offentliggøres med forfatter(ne)s tilladelse jf. Be- kendtgørelse af lov om ophavsret nr. 202 af 27.02.2010. 0 Læsevejledning I dette projekt er der udarbejdet en læsevejledning for at gøre projektet læsevenligt. Der anvendes forkortelser, som ifølge ordbøger er anerkendte. Disse er: ift., bl.a., vha., mht. og hhv. Forfattere og modeller skrives første gang ved deres fulde navn, hvorefter de benævnes ved efternavn og forkortelser. De anvendte citater i projektet er skrevet i kursiv og i anførselstegn. Når passager fra sætninger inddrages samt når sætninger sættes sammen, angives de som (…). Bilag indgår sidst i projektet og henvisninger til disse findes i teksten. Bilagene har særskilt nummerering. Projektets målgruppe har tre benævnelser. Når målgruppen omtales generelt, benævnes de som asylansøgere. De tre personer, som indgår i undersøgelsen, betegnes som informanter. De øvrige asylansøgere på det gældende asylcenter betegnes som beboere. Når der i projektet anvendes betegnelsen forskere, er det en reference til projektets forfattere. Andrea Bubic _________________________________ Dzenita Bajic _________________________________ Maiken Kunnerup Nielsen _________________________________ Marie Brund _________________________________ Mikael Karlsen _________________________________ 1 Resumè Titel: Aktivitetsmæssig retfærdighed på et dansk asylcenter. Problembaggrund: De seneste år er tilstrømningen af asylansøgere til Danmark steget. Asylansøgerne opholder sig på de danske asylcentre på ubestemt tid, mens deres asylsag behandles. Tidligere studier viser, at denne ventetid påvirker asylansøgerne fysisk samt psykisk. Ud fra et ergoterapeutisk perspektiv er ventetiden en bekymring, da dette kan have en indvirkning på menneskets sundhed og trivsel. Ifølge Ann-Lee Morvilles PhD-studie falder asylansøgernes ADLevne efter ankomsten til Danmark, derfor vil dette projekt undersøge om dette fald kan skyldes de omgivelsesmæssige faktorer, og dermed oplevelsen af Occupational Deprivation. Problemformulering: Hvilke omgivelsesmæssige faktorer har betydning for oplevelsen af Occupational Deprivation hos asylansøgere på et dansk asylcenter? Metode og materialer: Projektet tager udgangspunkt i en kvalitativ undersøgelse, hvor cultural probes samt semistruktureret interviews anvendes til indsamling af data. Resultat: Projektets resultater viser, at de fysiske omgivelser påvirker informanternes muligheder for at deltage i betydningsfulde aktiviteter. Samtidig spiller de sociale omgivelser en betydelig rolle for informanternes hverdag på centeret. De kulturelle skel og sprogbarrierer er, ifølge informanterne, de største udfordringer ift. muligheden for at skabe nye relationer samt deltage i betydningsfulde aktiviteter. Alle tre informanter giver udtryk for, at de er motiveret for at udføre joblignende aktiviteter, men er begrænset i dette. Konklusion: De fysiske, sociale, kulturelle og institutionelle omgivelser forhindrer informanterne i deltagelse i betydningsfulde aktiviteter, og derved skabes en oplevelse af Occupational Deprivation. Det konkluderes endvidere, at oplevelsen af Occupational Deprivation ikke endeligt kan fjernes, uden at det lovmæssigt bliver muligt for informanterne at arbejde i Danmark, på lige vilkår med danskere. Perspektivering: Occupational Injustice med de underliggende begreber, Imbalance, Marginalization og Alienation, kunne i fremtidige studier inddrages, for at bidrage til et mere nuanceret billede af informanternes situation. Samtidig kunne der med fordel laves undersøgelser af 2 flere asylcentre i Danmark, og derved afdække, hvorvidt de institutionelle omgivelser generelt påvirker asylansøgernes hverdag. Emneord: Occupational Deprivation, asylansøgere, aktivitet, omgivelser og ergoterapi. 3 Abstract Title of study: Occupational Justice in a Danish asylum center. Background: The influx of asylum-seekers to Denmark has increased in recent years. Asylumseekers live in Danish asylum centres for an indefinite period their while applications are being processed. Previous studies have showed that this waiting period affects asylum seekers physically and mentally. From an occupational therapy perspective this waiting period concerns and might have an impact on human health and wellbeing. According to Ann-Lee Morvilles Ph.D. study the asylum-seekers ADL-ability is reduced after arriving to Denmark. This thesis will examine whether this decline may be due to environmental factors and therefore the experience of the Occupational Deprivation. Problem statement: Which environmental factors affect the experience of Occupational Deprivation of asylum-seekers in a Danish asylum center? Methods and Materials: The thesis is based on a qualitative study where cultural probes and semistructured interviews are used for data collection. Results: Results show that the physical environment affects the informants' opportunities to participate in meaningful occupations. At the same time the social environment is important for the informants' everyday life at the center. According to the informants the cultural boundaries and language barriers are the main challenges in relation to their ability to form new relationships and participate in meaningful occupations. All three informants express their motivation to perform work-related occupations, but are limited in doing so. Conclusion: The physical, social, cultural and institutional environment prevents the informants in participation in meaningful occupations creating an experience of Occupational Deprivation. Furthermore the thesis concludes that the experience of the Occupational Deprivation cannot be ultimately removed without legally allowing informants to work in Denmark on equal terms with Danish citizens. Perspective: Occupational Injustice with the four outcomes, Imbalance, Marginalization and Alienation, could be examined in future studies, contributing to a more nuanced picture of the 4 informants' situation. At the same time several asylum centers in Denmark could be examined and thereby identify whether the institutional environment affects asylum-seekers in general. Keywords: Occupational Deprivation, asylum-seekers, activity, environment and Occupational Therapy. 5 Indholdsfortegnelse 1. 2. 3. Problembaggrund ................................................................................................................................. 9 1.1 Problemformulering ....................................................................................................................12 1.2 Begrebsafklaring .........................................................................................................................12 Teori ...................................................................................................................................................12 2.1 Occupational Deprivation ............................................................................................................12 2.2 Canadian Model of Performance and Engagement .......................................................................13 Metode................................................................................................................................................16 3.1 3.1.1 Hermeneutik ............................................................................................................................16 3.1.2 Fænomenologi .........................................................................................................................17 3.1.3 Den hermeneutiske/fænomenologiske tilgang ..........................................................................17 3.2 4. Videnskabsteoretisk grundlag ......................................................................................................16 Metodevalg .................................................................................................................................17 3.2.1 Den kvalitative metode ............................................................................................................17 3.2.2 Cultural probes ........................................................................................................................18 3.2.3 Semistruktureret interview .......................................................................................................18 3.3 Litteratursøgning .........................................................................................................................18 3.4 Dataindsamling ...........................................................................................................................20 3.4.1 Informanter..............................................................................................................................20 3.4.2 Metodeudførelse ......................................................................................................................21 Cultural probes ........................................................................................................................21 Semistruktureret interview .......................................................................................................22 3.4.3 Transskription..........................................................................................................................23 3.5 Etiske overvejelser ......................................................................................................................23 3.6 Analyse af data ............................................................................................................................25 3.6.1 Trin 1 ......................................................................................................................................25 3.6.2 Trin 2 ......................................................................................................................................25 3.6.3 Trin 3 ......................................................................................................................................26 3.6.4 Trin 4 ......................................................................................................................................26 Analyse ...............................................................................................................................................27 4.1 4.1.1 4.2 Fysiske omgivelser ......................................................................................................................27 Teoretisk fortolkning ift. de fysiske omgivelser ........................................................................29 Sociale omgivelser ......................................................................................................................30 6 4.2.1 4.3 4.3.1 4.4 4.4.1 5. Teoretisk fortolkning ift. de sociale omgivelser ........................................................................31 Kulturelle omgivelser ..................................................................................................................31 Teoretisk fortolkning ift. de kulturelle omgivelser ....................................................................32 Institutionelle omgivelser ............................................................................................................33 Teoretisk fortolkning ift. de institutionelle omgivelser ..............................................................34 Diskussion ..........................................................................................................................................35 5.1 Teori............................................................................................................................................35 5.2 Resultater ....................................................................................................................................35 5.2.1 Geografisk isolation .................................................................................................................35 5.2.2 Betydningsfulde aktiviteter ......................................................................................................36 5.2.3 Forskelle i informanternes situation .........................................................................................37 5.3 Metode ........................................................................................................................................37 5.3.1 Intern validitet .........................................................................................................................37 Udvælgelse af informanter .......................................................................................................37 Dataindsamling........................................................................................................................38 Transskription af interviews .....................................................................................................39 Analyse ...................................................................................................................................40 5.3.2 Ekstern validitet .......................................................................................................................40 6. Konklusion .........................................................................................................................................41 7. Perspektivering ...................................................................................................................................41 References ..................................................................................................................................................43 Bilagsliste ...................................................................................................................................................47 7 ”I always always, I want to escape from the … the time in this center … or in this state … or this country … I escape … in my mind” - se bilag 6, linje 249-250. 8 1. Problembaggrund Begrebet Occupational Deprivation blev første gang introduceret af Ann Wilcock i ergoterapeutisk litteratur i 1998. Siden da har ergoterapeuter taget begrebet til sig og videreudviklet det. Essensen af begrebet er, at mennesker fratages muligheden for at deltage i betydningsfulde aktiviteter grundet årsager, der ligger udenfor deres kontrol. Blandt disse årsager er krig og konflikter, der har medført en øget tilstrømning af flygtninge og indvandrere fra Afrika og de mellemøstlige lande (1, p. 545). Ser man på antallet af asylansøgere i de 28 medlemslande af Den Europæiske Union (EU), fremgår det af en rapport fra EU’s statistikorganisation Eurostat, at der fra 2013 til 2014 var registeret en stigning på lidt over 190.000 asylsager, hvilket svarer til en stigning på 44 %. Figur 1. Registrerede asylansøgere i EU i perioden år 2008-2014 (kilde: 2, p. 1) Rapporten fra Eurostat anslår derudover, at Danmark er dét land i EU, der indtager en femteplads ift. at modtage flest asylansøgere ud fra befolkningsstørrelsen i de enkelte medlemslande. Danmark overgås kun af Sverige, Ungarn, Østrig og Malta, som har flere asylansøgere pr. tusind indbyggere (2, p. 1-2). Således er antallet af asylsager i Danmark steget fra 5.115 i 2010 til 14.815 i 2014. Opholdstilladelser på asylområdet er ligeledes steget fra 2.124 i 2010 til 6.110 i 2014 (3, p. 4). Figur 2 illustrerer, at en ansøger i 2013 i gennemsnit var i asylsystemet i omkring 560 dage. Behandlingen af en asylsag foregår i to faser, som er vist i tabel 1 (4, p. 19). Figur 2. Gennemsnitlige dage i et asylsystempr. person (2008-2013) (4, 19). 9 FASE 1 I denne fase FASE 2 foretager politiet en I denne fase skal Udlændingestyrelsen vurdere, grundregistrering af asylansøgeren. Ansøgeren om asylansøgeren er i risiko for at blive udsat udfylder et ansøgningsskema og bliver for konkret individuel forfølgelse, hvilket efterfølgende indkaldt til en samtale, hvor der bestemmes ud fra FN’s Flygtningekonvention. dokumenteres oplysninger og motiv for Opfylder asylansøgeren ikke betingelserne i ansøgning til Udlændingestyrelsen. På baggrund FN’s Flygtningekonvention, kan der tildeles en af samtalen og eventuelle andre oplysninger, såkaldt beskyttelsesstatus, hvis der er risiko for beslutter Udlændingestyrelsen om ansøgningen dødsstraf og tortur ved tilbagevendelse til skal behandles i Danmark eller i et andet land hjemlandet. Vurderingen sker på baggrund af (4, p. 12). oplysninger fra asylansøgeren og hjemlandet, samt Flygtningenævnets praksis. Udlændingestyrelsen beslutter, hvilken kommune asylansøgeren skal bo i under ansøgningsprocessen (4, p. 12). Tabel 1. De to faser i en asylansøgningsproces. Det er således en tidskrævende proces at søge asyl, da asylansøgerne lever i uvished om hvorvidt, der opnås opholdstilladelse. Ifølge et studie af Patricia J.M. Strijk et. al skal uvisheden ses i lyset af, at asylansøgerne er langt fra vante omgivelser. De er flygtet fra hjemlandet, og har efterladt familiemedlemmer, sprog, kultur, arbejde samt traditioner, og på den måde en del af deres identitet (5, p. 3-4). Asylansøgerne opholder sig som udgangspunkt på et af de 47 asylcentre fordelt rundt i Danmark, mens de venter på, at deres asylsag behandles. Herunder er der fire modtagelses- og udrejsecentre, otte børneindkvarteringscentre samt to omsorgscentre (6). Udbuddet af aktiviteter på centrene afhænger bl.a. af de frivillige, der er tilknyttet centeret. Derudover går de voksne beboere på sprogskole og børnene tilbydes skolegang og SFO. Der er endvidere mulighed for deltagelse i de lokale fritidsklubber, diverse kurser, interne arbejdspraktikker og forskellige aktiveringsprojekter, herunder rengøring og vedligeholdelse af arealer (7). 10 Ovenstående viser, at der er gjort forsøg på at skabe rammer for asylansøgerne, så ventetiden bliver udholdelig. Ud fra en ergoterapeutisk synsvinkel er det bekymrende, at mennesker efterlades i en ventesituation. Mennesker har et grundlæggede behov for at udføre aktivitet og søger derigennem udvikling og forståelse af egen identitet. Forhindres aktivitetsdeltagelse kan det således påvirke sundhed og trivsel (8, p. 2). Hertil kommer Ann-Le Morvilles PhD-studie Daily occupations among asylum seekers – Experience, performance and perception fra 2014, der viser, at størstedelen af asylansøgerne allerede ved ankomsten til asylcentrene har sundhedsproblematikker (9, p. 21). Mange asylansøgere lider af psykiske lidelser som depression, angst og posttraumatisk stress, hvilket påvirker deres aktivitetsdeltagelse i hverdagen negativt (9, p. 27). Under normale omstændigheder ville rehabilitering være oplagt for at undgå forværring af sundhedsproblematikkerne. Debatten om psykisk sygdom for danske statsborgere fokuserer på tidlig indsats for at forhindre et langvarigt sygdomsforløb, men asylansøgere er ikke underlagt samme vilkår. Morvilles delstudie tre viser, at der sker et fald i asylansøgernes ADL-evne i en 10 måneders periode under ophold på asylcentrene. Delstudiets resultater viser p-værdier for de motoriske og processuelle færdigheder på hhv. 0,017 og <0,001, hvilket antyder, at behovet for rehabilitering er øget efter den 10 måneders periode (9, p. 58). Dette er problematisk, idet der i den politiske debat lægges op til, at asylansøgerne skal bidrage til samfundet gennem arbejde, så snart de får opholdstilladelse (10). I Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement (CMOP-E) ses aktivitetsudøvelse som et resultat af et dynamisk samspil mellem personen, omgivelserne og aktivitet (11, p. 34-35). Modellen er en del af det canadiske materiale, hvor ergoterapifaget ses i et bredere perspektiv. Fokus er her ikke isoleret til sundhedsfaglige problematikker, men udbredes til sociale og politiske problemstillinger. Det gør den i form af, at den berører begreberne inklusion og eksklusion samt social retfærdighed, som giver ergoterapeuter et socialt og sundhedsfagligt ansvar. Det canadiske materiale lægger op til, at ergoterapeuter kan arbejde med både individuel- og social forandring, hvor påvirkninger af omgivelserne kommer i fokus (12, p. 201, 223). Med udgangspunkt i Morvilles observerede fald i ADL-evnen hos asylansøgerne, er spørgsmålet, om dette fald kan henføres til omgivelserne og dermed til oplevelsen af Occupational Deprivation. 11 Dette projekt vil derfor undersøge, hvilken sammenhæng, der er mellem omgivelserne og oplevelsen af Occupational Deprivation på et dansk asylcenter. 1.1 Problemformulering Hvilke omgivelsesmæssige faktorer har betydning for oplevelsen af Occupational Deprivation hos asylansøgere på et dansk asylcenter? 1.2 Begrebsafklaring Omgivelsesmæssige faktorer: I dette projekt omfatter de omgivelsesmæssige faktorer; fysiske, sociale, kulturelle og institutionelle fra CMOP-E (12, p. 93-100). Disse beskrives i teoriafsnittet. Occupational Deprivation: Længerevarende udelukkelse fra deltagelse i betydningsfulde aktiviteter som følge af udefrakommende faktorer (13, p. 305). Asylansøger: En udlænding, som søger om ret til at opholde sig og blive beskyttet som flygtning i et andet land. Personen er endnu ikke blevet anerkendt som flygtning, og har derved ikke opnået midlertidig opholdstilladelse (14). Asylcenter: En asylansøger i Danmark bor almindeligvis på et asylcenter, imens ansøgning om asyl behandles (14). 2. Teori Dette afsnit vil beskrive begrebet Occupational Deprivation samt de omgivelsesmæssige faktorer i CMOP-E. Disse er anvendt som referenceramme for indsamlingen af empiri og analyse. 2.1 Occupational Deprivation Ann Wilcock definerede tilbage i 1998 Occupational Deprivation som; “the influence of an external circumstance that keeps a person from acquiring, using or enjoying something” (15, p. 145). Definitionen indeholdte ikke begrebet Occupation, og Gail Whiteford videreudviklede efterfølgende definitionen til; ”A state of preclusion from engagement in occupations of necessity and/or meaning due to factors that stand outside the immediate control of the individual” (16, p. 201). 12 Med ovenstående definition er begrebet blevet knyttet tættere til ergoterapi. Essensen af Occupational Deprivation er således, at et individ fratages muligheden for at deltage i betydningsfulde aktiviteter grundet omgivelsesmæssige faktorer, der ligger udenfor deres kontrol (16, p. 201). Occupational Deprivation har visse ligheder med begrebet Occupational Disruption. Occupational Disruption opstår, når en persons normale aktivitetsmønstre forstyrres pga. betydelig livsbegivenheder, miljøforandringer, sygdom eller skader med udsigt til fuld helbredelse. Det der adskiller begrebet fra Occupational Deprivation er, at der er tale om en midlertidig tilstand, der med støttende foranstaltninger går over af sig selv (16, p. 201). Ergoterapeuten Ann Wilcock har i samarbejde med Elizabeth Townsend introduceret Occupational Justice gennem flere publikationer (15, 17, 18). De ser Occupational Justice som indlejret i den ergoterapeutiske praksis ud fra antagelsen om, at betydningsfulde aktiviteter er essentielle for menneskelig eksistens. Når mennesker oplever en begrænsning i mulighederne for at deltage i betydningsfulde aktiviteter, kan det ses som Occupational Injustice (18, p. 76-77). Med udgangspunkt i Occupational Justice opstilles fire aktivitetsmæssige rettigheder, samt fire tilhørende uretfærdigheder (18, p. 80 & 12, p. 134). Blandt disse er; Retten til at udvikle sig i retning af sundhed og social integration gennem deltagelse i betydningsfulde aktiviteter. Occupational Deprivation opstår, når mennesker fratages denne rettighed (18, p. 81). 2.2 Canadian Model of Performance and Engagement De omgivelsesmæssige faktorer kan påvirke oplevelsen af Occupational Deprivation. Der er i projektet udelukkende kigget på de omgivelsesmæssige faktorer ud fra CMOP-E. Omgivelserne i modellen defineres som; ”(…) de kontekster og situationer, der forekommer uden for personen og som fremkalder en reaktion hos denne” (11, p. 46). Ud fra definitionen ses den tydelige sammenhæng mellem omgivelser og Occupational Deprivation, idet begge vedrører faktorer uden for personen. 13 Figur 3. CMOP-E-modellen (12, p. 61). Figur 3 illustrerer, at mennesket er forbundet med omgivelserne, og at aktivitet forekommer i interaktion mellem mennesket og dets omgivelser. Mennesket ses i modellen som indeholdende fysiske, affektive og kognitive funktioner med det åndelige i centrum. Aktivitetsudøvelse er således et resultat af et dynamisk samspil mellem personen, omgivelserne og aktivitet (11, p. 34-35). Omgivelserne i CMOP-E består af to væsentlige elementer; fysiske og sociale. De supplerer ikke kun konteksten for aktivitetsudøvelse, men former ligeledes aktivitetsvalget, påvirker sundhed og trivsel, samt strukturerer valgmulighederne for social inklusion eller eksklusion (12, p. 93-94). De fysiske omgivelser omfatter naturlige og menneskeskabte faktorer. Disse kan både fremme og hæmme aktivitetsengagementet. De sociale omgivelser kan underopdeles i institutioner og kultur. I det følgende gennemgås de enkelte omgivelseselementer separat, men i virkeligheden kan de ikke isoleres, idet hvert element påvirker de andre elementer. Endvidere påvirker omgivelserne og menneskets betydningsfulde aktiviteter hinanden (12, p. 93-94). De fysiske omgivelser omfatter den fysiske verden, der består af alle levende og ikke-levende ting, som forekommer naturligt i verden. De naturlige omgivelser har potentiale til at påvirke, hvilke betydningsfulde aktiviteter mennesker udfører, hvornår og hvordan de udfører dem, samt hvilke og hvor mange de engagerer sig i. Klimaforholdene i Danmark kan eksempelvis være med til at ændre aktivitetsmønstre hos asylansøgere, der har været vant til at opholde sig i varmere klima (12, p. 94). Den konstruerede fysiske verden er ligeledes en del af de fysiske omgivelser og omfatter bygninger, legepladser, teknologi, redskaber og udstyr (13, p. 316-317). De midlertidige forhold på et 14 asylcenter kan eksempelvis gøre det svært for asylsøgere at indgå i betydningsfulde aktiviteter, såsom traditionel madlavning, idet faciliteter og redskaber er anderledes fra hjemlandet. De sociale omgivelser består af forskellige lag, som opdeles i mikro-, makro-, og mesoniveauer. Mikroniveauet vedrører de personlige ansigt-til-ansigt interaktioner i det daglige liv (12, p. 97). Aktivitetsdeltagelsen påvirkes her af de mennesker, asylansøgerne møder i hverdagen. Venner, kollegaer og familie på dette niveau, kan eksempelvis være skiftet ud med nye venskaber og relationer til asylcentrets personale. Makroelementerne repræsenterer sociale strukturer som organisationer, love og regler. De kan beskrives som sociale konstruktioner, der har indflydelse på, hvad der anses for normale eller unormale betydningsfulde aktiviteter (12, p. 97). Eksempelvis er rygning forbudt på asylcentrene, hvilket kan være svært for asylansøgere at forstå, hvis de kommer fra lande, hvor dette er tilladt. Mesoelementerne kan være sociale grupper, der findes mellem mikro- og makroniveauet, såsom asylansøgernes familier og arbejdsrelationer i hjemlandet (12, p. 97). Occupational Deprivation fremhæves af Whiteford som et begreb, der bl.a. kan være baseret på kulturelle værdier, hvilket kan skabe en skjult eksklusion (19, p. 79). Asylansøgere placeres eksempelvis i mindre byer, hvor de risikerer at blive socialt ekskluderet fra betydningsfulde aktiviteter af lokalsamfundet, fordi de er asylansøgere. De kulturelle omgivelser, der er et særligt træk ved de sociale omgivelser, afspejler forventninger fra og til andre samt til sig selv. Disse er med til at bestemme, hvad der anses for passende betydningsfulde aktiviteter. De kulturelle omgivelser giver mening til de ting mennesker foretager sig og er konstant tilstede i betydningsfulde aktiviteter. De omhandler således traditioner, værdier og etik i samfundet, hvilket giver livet mening (12, p. 98-99). Samtidig kan de også være en kilde til Occupational Deprivation hos asylansøgere, idet eksempelvis kulturelle og religiøse forskelle kan besværliggøre integration og dermed aktivitetsmæssig deltagelse (18, p. 202). De institutionelle omgivelser er en del af de makrosociale omgivelser, bestående af formelle og uformelle strukturer, der organiserer samfundet socialt, økonomisk, politisk og juridisk. De fremmer samfundsordenen, styrer samfundet og er med til at påvirke menneskers betydningsfulde aktiviteter i hverdagslivet (12, p. 99). Dette stemmer overens med Whiteford, som fremhæver, at asylansøgere er underlagt et sæt af love og regler. Dette kan være med til direkte at begrænse deres muligheder for at indgå i betydningsfulde aktiviteter, som eksempelvis arbejde. Dette kan føre til Occupational Deprivation (19, p. 79). 15 3. Metode Dette afsnit vil beskrive den videnskabsteoretiske tilgang og metode, der anvendes. Der redegøres efterfølgende for litteratursøgningsprocessen, og herefter beskrives, hvordan dataindsamlingen og dataanalysen udføres. Afslutningsvis redegøres for de etiske overvejelser. 3.1 Videnskabsteoretisk grundlag For at kunne besvare projektets problemformulering kræves det, at der skabes en forståelse for de subjektive tanker og følelser asylansøgerne har i hverdagen på et asylcenter. Det er således relevant at inddrage humanvidenskabelig kvalitativ forskning, da denne søger en forståelse af fænomener og er kendetegnet ved en fortolkende tilgang af menneskelige forhold i form af handlinger og aktiviteter (20, p. 93-94). Den humanvidenskabelige retning vægter mennesket som et sansende subjekt med tanker relateret til den livsverden, som det befinder sig i. Grundlæggende har det humanistiske menneskesyn forståelse som et kernebegreb, og har derved fokus på at udlede subjektive antagelser, for at indsamle viden udmøntet i kvalitativt data (20, p. 93-94). Indenfor humanvidenskaben, er der i dette projekt taget udgangspunkt i en hermeneutisk/fænomenologisk tilgang for at tydeliggøre interviewtekstens mening (20, p. 94-95). 3.1.1 Hermeneutik Hermeneutik tager udgangspunkt i fortolkningslæren og har meningsfortolkning som et centralt tema. Hermeneutik tager afsæt i begrebet om den hermeneutiske spiral, som er forankret i den humanvidenskabelige tradition (20, p. 95-99). Den hermeneutiske spiral bygger på sammenhængen mellem de enkelte dele og helheden i forbindelse med forståelse og fortolkning af eksempelvis interviewtekster (20, p. 98). Forud for mødet med asylcenteret har forskerne på forhånd allerede nogle forventninger, fordomme og viden, der i den hermeneutiske tradition betegnes som forforståelser. Disse forforståelser indgår i et konstant dynamisk samspil med empirien, hvor forskerne i et forsøg på at forstå asylansøgernes hverdag på centeret, må bringe egne forforståelser i spil (20, p. 96-99). 16 For at forstå betydningen af interviewtekstens enkelte dele, altså asylansøgernes udsagn under interviewene, må der ligeledes tages hensyn til helheden, som omhandler deres nuværende situation på asylcenteret. Det er vigtigt at opnå forståelse for asylansøgernes holdninger gennem en fortolkning af de enkelte udsagn i sammenhæng med omgivelserne. Ud fra disse fortolkninger kan forskerne opnå en ny forforståelse, hvorefter der kan skabes en ny viden (22, p. 56-61). 3.1.2 Fænomenologi En underliggende antagelse i fænomenologien er, at virkeligheden er som folk opfatter den (23, p. 38-39). Det er derfor afgørende for fænomenologien, at sikre en åben og fordomsfri metodisk tilgang, hvor forskerne engagerer sig ved at være tro mod asylansøgernes ståsted. Den fænomenologisk orienterede forsker forsøger eksempelvis at sætte ord på en asylansøgers erfaringer og holdninger til den oplevede hverdag på et asylcenter (23, p. 38-39). Den fænomenologiske tilgang indebærer ideelt set, at forskeren møder asylansøgeren fordomsfrit og intuitivt. Essensen er altså ikke noget forskeren tilføjer eller fortolker (24, p. 66-67). 3.1.3 Den hermeneutiske/fænomenologiske tilgang Formålet med anvendelse af den hermeneutiske tilgang i projektet er at nå frem til en forståelse af asylansøgernes holdninger ud fra deres perspektiver på hverdagen. Det er særligt under selve udarbejdelsen af interviewguiden samt under analyseprocessen, at projektets hermeneutiske tilgang er anvendt. Det er forskernes forforståelser, der ligger til grund for, hvilke spørgsmål, der stilles i interviewguiden, samt hvilke supplerende opgaver, der udleveres til informanterne. Fænomenologien er anvendt under udførelsen af interviews, under transskriberingsfasen samt i udarbejdelsen af meningskondensering, da denne lægger op til en fortolkningsfri tilgang. 3.2 Metodevalg 3.2.1 Den kvalitative metode Til at belyse projektets problemformulering er der anvendt en kvalitativ tilgang i form af opgaver med spørgsmål og billeder samt semistruktureret interviews som dataindsamlingsmetoder. Den kvalitative forskning er valgt, idet den dels søger at opnå forståelse for, hvorledes mennesker beretter og oplever verden, og dels fordi det er asylansøgernes egne erfaringer og holdninger til livet på asylcenteret, der ønskes undersøgt. Den kvalitative metode giver mulighed for at gå i dybden med et afgrænset emne, hvor målet er at skabe forståelse frem for forklaring af informanternes oplevede Occupational Deprivation. Målet 17 for projektet er således at indsamle personlige fortællinger og tolke disse ift. undersøgelsens emne (25, p. 48-49). Forskerne arbejder ud fra en teoretisk forståelse af emnet, men forskerne har ikke indblik i, hvordan undersøgelsen forløber eller hvilke data, der fremskaffes (25, p. 48). 3.2.2 Cultural probes Cultural probes er en innovativ dataindsamlingsmetode, som kan indsamle viden om informanterne og deres aktiviteter. I modsætning til interviews, tillader denne metode, at informanterne selvrapporterer, hvor forskerne efter udlevering af cultural probes har minimal indflydelse på udfaldet. Dette er valgt for at give informanterne mulighed for at reflektere over deres hverdag i vante omgivelser på en kreativ måde. Metoden benytter sig af et proping kit, der kan indeholde forskellige værktøjer (26). 3.2.3 Semistruktureret interview Et semistruktureret interview er en måde, hvorpå intervieweren kan indhente viden om informanternes livshistorie. Interviewtilgangen har en særlig teknik, der på den ene side ikke indbyder til en åben samtale, men på den anden side heller ikke er en lukket spørgeskemaundersøgelse. Interviewet udføres på baggrund af en i forvejen udarbejdet interviewguide, der har fokus på bestemte teoretiske begreber (27, p. 45). Disse begreber er opstillet for at få informanternes meninger om konkrete emner frem. Det semistrukturerede interview skal sikre indsamling af relevante oplysninger, der er nødvendige for at besvare problemformuleringen. Interviewguiden bidrager med struktur, mens cultural probes giver plads til spontane og uventede beskrivelser af informanternes hverdag (27, p. 134). 3.3 Litteratursøgning Litteratursøgningen var opdelt i to faser som kort er beskrevet nedenfor. I Den problemindkredsende fase var søgningen rettet mod brede, almene søgeord der kunne hjælpe med at komme tættere på et relevant emne. Søgningerne var med til, at få en idé om, hvilke forfattere der skrev om forskellige emner, og hvilke områder der generelt bliver lagt vægt på for tiden (28, p. 36). Der blev hurtigt enighed om, at undersøgelsens målgruppe skulle være asylansøgere. Dette betød at litteratursøgningen i denne fase blev rettet mod, at få større indsigt i hvilke problematikker asylansøgere havde, og hvordan disse kunne relateres til ergoterapi. Der blev 18 foretaget emneordssøgninger på Google.dk med kombinationer af søgeord som Asylum seekers, Occupational Therapy og Refugees. I den efterfølgende emnepræciserende fase var fokus på at præcisere søgningen yderligere (28, p. 36). Selvom emnet var valgt, var der fortsat tvivl om, hvilken konkret problemformulering undersøgelsen skulle arbejde med. Det var vigtigt at finde litteratur, der kunne bygge baggrunden for en problemformulering op, og til dette blev der benyttet en blanding af systematisk søgning og kædesøgning (28, p. 37). Mange artikler blev fundet vha. kædesøgninger, hvor udgangspunktet var en kendt artikel eller bogreferencer. Styrken ved kædesøgning er, at den sikrer en vis kvalitetskontrol, idet der benyttes litteratur som andre forskere har brugt som udgangspunkt for deres overvejelser (28, p. 37). Til den systematiske søgning blev databaserne Cinahl og PubMed brugt. Cinahl har været den primære database til litteratursøgning under uddannelsen, og var således det naturlig valg som udgangspunkt. Databasen indekserer knap 300 tidsskrifter indenfor sygepleje og beslægtede emner som ergoterapi (28, p. 42). PubMed er verdens største medicinske database, og den blev valgt for sin omfattende mængde referencer til 20 millioner artikler fra ca. 5400 tidsskrifter. Til trods for at emneområdet primært er medicinsk, findes der også en del artikler om bl.a. ergoterapi (28, p. 41). Den overordnede søgestrategi til den systematiske søgning var opdelt i fire hovedemner – Asylansøgere, hverdagsliv, livskvalitet og ergoterapi. Emnerne blev valgt ud fra de erfaringer der kom frem i den problemindkredsende fase. Hvert hovedemne blev opdelt i en række forskellige søgeord, der blev bestemt ud fra en fælles brainstorm. Eksempelvis blev hovedemnet asylansøgere opdelt i søgeordene Asylum seekers, Asylum og refugees. I begge databaser blev der foretaget en emneordssøgning på søgeordet først, idet denne som regel giver en mere præcis søgning (28, p. 38). Det er dog ikke alle ord og begreber der endnu har fået tildelt et emneord i databaserne og derfor blev der lavet fritekstsøgninger på flere af søgeordene. Fritekstsøgningen søger i alle ord i databasen og er derfor mere upræcis (28, p. 38). De enkelte emnesøgninger blev kombineret vha. OR der resulterede i en pulje af artikler der indeholdte en eller flere af søgeordene. Herefter blev de fire samlede emnesøgninger kombineret vha. AND for at finde frem til en fællesmængde af artikler der berørte alle emner. Resultaterne var dog kun syv for Cinahl og nul for PubMed. Efterfølgende blev der lavet nye kombinationssøgninger 19 med to og tre af de overordnede emner, for at finde frem til flere artikler. Alle søgninger fremgår af Dosisguiden. Se bilag 1. Udover kædesøgninger og systematiske søgninger på PubMed og Cinahl, er Google inddraget for at finde supplerende litteratur til emner indenfor bl.a. videnskabsteori og asylsystemet. 3.4 Dataindsamling Kontakten til asylcenteret blev skabt vha. deres hjemmeside, hvor kontaktinformationer var oplyst. Ved telefonisk kontakt blev der indgået en aftale om besøg på centeret, rundvisning samt oplæg omkring vores projekt med centerlederen. Der blev udleveret inklusionskriterier for de personer, der kunne indgå i projektet i forbindelse med dataindsamlingen. Herefter skulle centerlederen finde informanter til pilotinterview, cultural probes og interviews. Efterfølgende blev der taget kontakt til hver enkelt informant for at sikre samtykke til deltagelse i projektet. 3.4.1 Informanter Inklusionskriterier: Kvinder og mænd. Tre-fem informanter. Alder over 25 år. Minimum seks måneder i Danmark. Et sprogligt niveau på dansk eller engelsk, der gør det muligt at gennemføre et interview. Eksklusionskriterier: Har fast bopæl udenfor asylcenteret. Har været i Danmark i over tre år. Inklusionskriteriet med tre-fem informanter blev vedtaget, da der er større sandsynlighed for at få et bredere perspektiv på problemformuleringen. Derudover skulle informanterne være over 25 år, da det sikrer, at de har oplevet en voksens aktivitetsidentitet. Dermed har de ansvar for sig selv og eventuelt familie, samt har været i arbejde. Informanterne skal have opholdt sig i Danmark i minimum seks måneder for at sikre, at de kender asylcenteret og dets aktivitetsudbud tilstrækkeligt. Det skal være muligt at interviewe informanterne 20 på dansk eller engelsk uden brug af tolk, således data ikke går tabt i samtalen mellem informanterne og forskerne. Tolk anvendes, hvis dette ikke er muligt. Eksklusionskriteriet, der vedrører ophold udenfor centeret, blev valgt for at sikre, at informanterne er påvirket af samme omgivelsesmæssige faktorer, og derved relevant for problemformuleringen. Der blev opstillet eksklusionskriterier for informanternes ophold i Danmark på maksimum tre år for at øge sandsynligheden for, at informanterne kan huske deres hverdag fra hjemlandet, samt det første indtryk af asylcenteret. Informanterne er alle mænd i alderen 25-40 år, og har opholdt sig på et dansk asylcenter i over seks måneder. Tabel 2. Overblik over undersøgelsens informanter. 3.4.2 Metodeudførelse Cultural probes Informanterne fik hver udleveret en boks, som indeholdt en introduktion til cultural probes, et brev med første opgave, samt farveblyanter, kuglepen, notesblok, engangskamera og slik. Se bilag 2 og 3. Ved første møde blev informanterne introduceret til boksens indhold, opgaverne samt projektets formål. Herefter blev der aftalt en dato for, hvornår indsamlingen af den første opgave skulle ske, og hvornår udleveringen af anden opgave skulle finde sted. Der blev udarbejdet et skema, hvorpå 21 der var nedskrevet mulige datoer for indsamling og udlevering af opgaver for at skabe overblik og struktur over processen. Informanterne blev stillet tre opgaver omhandlende deres liv i forskellige tidsperioder; fortid, nutid og fremtid. Opgaverne bestod af en beskrivelse af deres betydningsfulde aktiviteter i hhv. hjemlandet, på asylcenteret og i et fremtidsperspektiv. Se bilag 4. Disse opgaver blev udleveret på asylcenteret af de samme to forskere for at skabe en tryg situation for informanterne. Informanterne fik tre dage til at udføre hver opgave. Ved indsamlingen af den første opgave, blev der lavet en evaluering, hvor informanterne havde mulighed for at stille spørgsmål ift. forståelsen af den udleverede opgave. Den næste opgave blev herefter udleveret, og samme proces blev gentaget for den anden og tredje opgave. Denne proces varede to uger, hvorefter der blev planlagt interviews med hver enkelt informant. Semistruktureret interview Forud for interviewene var der udformet en interviewguide med udgangspunkt i en hermeneutisk tilgang, hvor de stillede spørgsmål var præget af forskernes forforståelse. Se bilag 5. Dette betød, at udformningen af interviewguiden blev dannet ud fra en formodning om, at informanterne har en oplevelse af Occupational Deprivation, som har relevans for selve projektet (27, p.133-134). Interviewguiden blev udarbejdet ud fra begrebet Occupational Deprivation, hvilket var styrende for spørgsmålenes opbygning (27, p. 134). Spørgsmålene skulle dels bidrage til at fremstille viden til projektet, og dels være med til at fremme en positiv interaktion med informanterne. Derudover var spørgsmålene udarbejdet for at sikre, at relevant information om informanternes omgivelser blev indsamlet, samt for at skabe struktur og overblik, således projektets emne kunne belyses. Dette var forsøgt udført ved, at spørgsmålene var udformet korte, forståelige og uden akademiske vendinger. Interviewguiden var desuden udarbejdet på dansk og engelsk. Forud for interviewene blev der udført et pilotinterview, for at afprøve de udarbejdede spørgsmål og give mulighed for at tilpasse interviewguiden, således at problemformuleringen kan besvares. 22 Derudover kan pilotinterviewet være med til at begrænse mulige misforståelser under de efterfølgende interviewsituationer. 3.4.3 Transskription Interviewene blev transskriberet fra mundtlig til skriftlig form, der senere udgjorde dataanalysen (27, p. 202). Se bilag 6, 7 og 8. Der blev udarbejdet en specifik skriveprocedure for transskriptionsprocessen, for at sikre ens retningslinjer for transskriberingen og hermed mindske fejlkilder. Hver linje blev nummereret fortløbende. I transskriptionen blev intervieweren angivet med bogstavet I og informanterne med hhv. A, B og C. I projektet anvendes fiktive navne; Ali, Bashir og Calel. Transskriberingen blev udført så ordret og præcist som muligt. Ordkonstruktioner som ”øh” og ”ehm” blev ikke medtaget i transskriberingen, og pauser blev angivet i form af ”…”. Følelsesudtryk blev ikke medtaget, da analysens fokus er på mening og ikke sammenhæng. ”Griner” eller andet følelsesmæssigt blev derfor ikke medtaget (27, p. 202-203). Under transskriberingen kan der forekomme vurderinger og beslutninger om, hvad der er vigtig og hvad der kan undværes. Dette blev forsøgt minimeret ved, at transskriberingerne var foretaget af personer, som ikke deltog i interviewene (27, p. 202). 3.5 Etiske overvejelser Overvejelser om de etiske aspekter i projektet har været særdeles vigtige, da forskerne under de tre interviewundersøgelser indgik i en personlig interaktion med informanterne, som derved kunne påvirkes i forbindelse med undersøgelsen. Steinar Kvale og Svend Brinkmann foreskriver specifikke etiske retningslinjer, som gør sig gældende i forskningssammenhænge, og skal sikre, at informanternes integritet respekteres. Retningslinjerne omfatter bl.a. forskernes rolle, informeret samtykke, fuld fortrolighed om oplysninger samt overvejelser om mulige konsekvenser for deltagelse i undersøgelsen (27, p. 8693). De etiske overvejelser har været til stede under hele projektforløbet, dog særligt fremtrædende i udarbejdelsen af interviewspørgsmålene samt i kontakten med informanterne inden og under interviewudførelsen. 23 Inden påbegyndelse af interviewene underskrev informanterne og centerlederen på asylcenteret en samtykkeerklæring, hvori der fremgik information om projektets formål, lydoptagelse af interview samt anonymisering af de indsamlede oplysninger og udsagn (27, p. 89). Anonymisering var bl.a. sikret under transskriberingsfasen, hvori der ikke blev oplyst navne eller andre følsomme oplysninger, men hvor der blev gengivet en loyal transskription af informanternes udsagn (27, p. 81). Derudover blev informanterne informeret om, at lydoptagelserne, der blev foretaget under interviewet, ville blive slettet efter projektets afslutning. Endvidere blev informanternes identitet sløret ved anvendelse af billedmateriale i forbindelse med cultural probes. På baggrund af de opstillede inklusions- og eksklusionskriterier, udvalgte centerlederen informanterne til undersøgelsen. Det var derfor afgørende at understrege overfor informanterne, at deltagelse var frivillig, og at de til enhver tid kunne melde sig ud af projektet. I udarbejdelsen af interviewspørgsmålene og under interviewsituationen tog forskerne hensyn til de etiske dilemmaer, der måtte opstå, hvis samtalen berørte følsomme emner. Asylansøgerne er flygtet fra krigsplagede områder, hvor de har efterladt sig familie og deres hjem, hvilket bringer dem i en sårbar situation i et fremmed land. Da informanterne samtidig har en asylsag i Udlændingestyrelsen, kræves det, at forskerne forholder sig til konsekvenserne af undersøgelsen mht. den mulige risiko for skade, den kan påføre informanterne (27, p. 92). Det har således været vigtigt, at intervieweren fulgte op på informanternes udsagn med sensitivitet ift. de stillede spørgsmål. Etiske spørgsmål meldte sig også, da mødet mellem intervieweren og informanten foregik i et tværkulturelt samspil. Nogle af de kulturelle faktorer, der spillede en rolle i forbindelse med interviewene, var kønsforholdet mellem informanten og intervieweren, samt de sproglige barrierer. (27, p. 164). Overvejelser om kønsforhold omhandlede, hvorledes det var muligt at lade en kvinde interviewe de tre mandlige informanter. Der blev valgt en mandlig interviewer til udførelse af samtlige interviews, for at sikre de bedste betingelser for en ligeværdig dialog (27, p. 164). De sproglige barrierer var endnu en overvejelse, som vedrørte de misforståelser, der kunne opstå under interviewene og de efterfølgende transskriberinger. Interviewene og de udleverede cultural probes indbød til selvrefleksion hos informanterne. Dette kunne medføre stress og ændringer i deres selvopfattelse, hvis der efterfølgende ikke blev fulgt op på de gennemførte interviews (27, p. 81). Der var gjort overvejelser om et opfølgende møde med 24 informanterne, hvor opgavens resultater kunne drøftes og eventuelle tanker om interviewene vendes. 3.6 Analyse af data Nedenstående illustrerer, hvordan datamaterialet er analyseret ud fra meningskategorisering og meningskondensering. Billed- og dagbogsmaterialet er analyseret ud fra Erwin Panofskys ”Ikonografi og ikonologi”. Analysen af data er opdelt i fire trin. 3.6.1 Trin 1 De indsamlede data består af tre interviews og cultural probes, som indeholder billeder og dagbogsmateriale. Se bilag 9. Efter transskriberingen blev de tre interviews og dagbogsmateriale gennemlæst, for at opnå en forståelse af helheden og eventuelle temaer i besvarelserne. Ud fra det præ-ikonografiske niveau blev objekter, personer, aktiviteter og placering på billedmaterialet identificeret (28, p. 150). Se bilag 10. Illustration af trin 1 3.6.2 Trin 2 Gennem meningskategorisering blev hovedkategorien Occupational Deprivation opstillet, for at strukturere og danne overblik over informanternes udsagn. Se bilag 11. Derudover gjorde kategorisering det muligt at se forskelle og ligheder mellem udsagnene. Billedmaterialet forstås i dette trin på et ikonografisk niveau, hvilket vil sige, at der udføres en deskriptiv fortolkning af billedernes objekter (28, p. 150). 25 Illustration af trin 2 3.6.3 Trin 3 Informanternes udsagn fra interviews og dagbogsmateriale blev efterfølgende meningskondenseret, hvilket vil sige, at lange udsagn blev sammenfattet, hvor hovedbetydningen blev omformuleret i få ord (27, p. 227-228) Se bilag 12. Illustration af trin 3 3.6.4 Trin 4 De kategoriserede og kondenserede udsagn blev kædet sammen med begrebet Occupational Deprivation og de fire omgivelsesmæssige faktorer i CMOP-E; fysiske, sociale, kulturelle og institutionelle. Dette blev udført for at sætte datamaterialet i en teoretisk helhed (27, p. 239). Billedmaterialet blev fortolket ud fra et ikonologisk niveau, hvor billedernes betydning og budskab blev fremhævet (28, p. 150). 26 Illustration af trin 4 4. Analyse I følgende afsnit redegøres for analyse og fortolkning af empirien. Efter gennemlæsning af transskriptionerne, blev udsagnene dekontekstualiseret i fire hovedtemaer, hvor hvert tema blev analyseret. I fortolkningen blev udsagnene rekontekstualiseret ift. teorien. Gennem analysen henvises der til de transskriberede interviews og dagbogsmaterialet i form af linjetal. Billedeksempler inddrages fra cultural probes. 4.1 Fysiske omgivelser Ali og Bashir udtalte i forbindelse med de geografiske faktorer, at de oprindelig er fra storbyer med et stort aktivitetsudbud. Se bilag 6, linje 17 og bilag 7, linje 294. Bashir fortalte om asylcenterets beliggenhed; ”(…)It is small and they don’t have a lot of population, when you go out it is quite (…) sometimes when I go out, there is nobody here, I am alone”. Se bilag 7, linje 296-299. Ali: ”(…) not much people in this town (…)”. Se bilag 6, linje 320. Ift. anvendelsen af teknologi, berettede Ali; ”The telephone … no skype (…) I … find WhatsApp or any line … any programs, communication programs”. Se bilag 6, linje 150-152. Ligeledes udtalte Bashir; “(…) sometimes they are on Facebook and sometimes we call them and talk together on skype”. Se bilag 7, linje 183-184. Ali nævnte om anvendelse af computer og telefon; ”(…) it give relax to me, yeah … if I have short time, empty time to call my wife in the morning, and … give a positive news”. Se bilag 6, linje 281-282. Billede 1 illustrerer Ali siddende ved sin computer og gøre brug af internettet. Se bilag 10. 27 Bashir anvendte internettet til at lytte til musik: ”(…) it is relaxing and when you have lot of tension you listen to music you feel free, you know”. Se bilag 7, linje 85-86. Bashir og Calel udtalte i forbindelse med transportmuligheder; ”It is where the bus stop, the bus stop here when we go Y and sometimes we have private bus, when people who need to go clinic in Y”. Se bilag 7, linje 358-359. Calel; ”(…) Sometimes the bus and sometimes the train. Sometimes my friend have a car”. Se bilag 8, linje 160. På billede 7 ses et busstoppested nær asylcenteret. Se bilag 10. Ali blev spurgt ind til, hvilke aktiviteter, der tilbydes på centeret: ”No no, this center haven’t any activities”. Se bilag 6, linje 415. Til samme spørgsmål udtalte Bashir: “(…) they give us jobcenter, today I have jobcenter (…) so we clean the houses and outside”. Se bilag 7, linje 221-225. Senere i interviewet fulgte han op med; “(…) sometimes, I feel alone because in here we don’t have nothing to do, we go to school then come back here sit all day and thinking thinking, you got a lot of stress. If you don’t have something to do, you know, you think too much”. Se bilag 7, linje 28-31. Ali og Bashir fortalte i forbindelse med de lokale muligheder for aktiviteter; “(…) I go to the library and go to the fitness”. Se bilag 6, linje 343-344. Bashir berettede; “(…) we play football and sometimes we play Volleyball here outside”. Se bilag 7, linje 140. Bashir udtalte ift. praktisering af religion; ”(…) We don’t have a mosque here in Y. So sometimes on Friday you go Y (…) if you don’t have near you house and you travel, there is sometimes you don’t have the ticket, so you have to stay at home(…)”. Se bilag 7, linje 112-119. I forbindelse med den obligatoriske dansk undervisning på en lokal sprogskole, udtalte Ali;“(…) we have four times in the week to go to the school … went to the school at eight and a half … and return to the house (…)”. Se bilag 6, linje 288-289. Billede 3 viser, en skolerelateret aktivitet. Se bilag 10. 28 Da Bashir og Ali blev spurgt ind til deres hverdagsaktiviteter, udtalte Bashir; “(…) I wake up eight O’clock and 8:45 I go to school. Then come back 11.15, so 11.15 I have nothing to do, I just sit here (…)”. Se bilag 7, linje 129-130. Ali; ”(…) I rest or sove in dansk”. Se bilag 6, linje 302. Billede 5 viser, værelseskammeraten til Bashir, der ligger i sengen med sin telefon. Se bilag 10. 4.1.1 Teoretisk fortolkning ift. de fysiske omgivelser Alle tre informanter kommer oprindeligt fra storbyer, hvorimod de nu er placeret i en mindre by. Geografiske faktorer kan have betydning for, om der opstår Occupational Deprivation, og hvordan dette påvirker informanterne (13, p. 317). De konstruerede fysiske omgivelser kan både øge og hæmme informanternes mulighed for at udføre betydningsfulde aktiviteter (12, p. 95). Ved adgang til teknologi som computer, internettet og telefon, kan der skabes kontakt til familie og venner i hjemlandet. Bashir beretter, at internettet ikke kun anvendes som et kommunikationsredskab, men gør det bl.a. muligt for ham at håndtere stress og beskæftiger ham, når han ikke har noget at foretage sig på asylcenteret. De konstruerede fysiske omgivelser giver her mulighed for deltagelse i betydningsfulde aktiviteter, når de er konstrueret for at fremme kommunikation mellem mennesker (12, p. 95). De konstruerede fysiske omgivelser kan være designet således, at de øger tilgængeligheden bl.a. igennem transportmuligheder (12, p. 94-95). Informanterne udtalte, at de benytter sig af transportmuligheder, hvilket giver dem mulighed for at besøge andre byer og deltage i flere aktiviteter. Bashir berettede, at praktisering af religion er en udfordring, der kræver, at han må tage udenbys, da der ikke er placeret en moske i området. De fysiske omgivelser påvirker herved, hvor mange og hvilke aktiviteter, informanterne kan engagere sig i (12, p. 94). Søvn og hvile blev af informanterne beskrevet som en gennemgående aktivitet i deres hverdag, da der efter danskundervisning ikke er andre faste aktiviteter. For meget tid og for lidt at lave, kan 29 medføre en tilstand af Occupational Deprivation (13, p. 317). Alle mennesker er aktivitetsorienterede væsener, og dét at foretage sig noget betydningsfuldt er centralt for informanternes liv. De betydningsfulde aktiviteter, som de deltager i og den tid, der bruges på udøvelsen af disse aktiviteter, bestemmes bl.a. af omgivelsernes fysiske faktorer (12, p. 83). 4.2 Sociale omgivelser Bashir fortalte om det sociale netværk på asylcenteret; ”(...) we sit together and try to make a good life”. Se bilag 7, linje 31-32. Endvidere udtalte han; “(…) if you have a lot of friends, who tell you to make good activities, you have to have friends to help you (…)”. Se bilag 7, linje 405-406. Billede 4 viser to beboere, der står og snakker over en kop kaffe udenfor asylcenteret. Se bilag 10. Bashir udtrykte om sit sociale netværk; ”(…) I have here 10 months; he have been here three years, so he have a lot of friends. Sometimes he go Y, Y, Y. I am the only one who here all day”. Se bilag 7, linje 97-99. Han fortalte derudover; “(…) one of my friends have the guitar and sometimes I try to. He tried to teach me (…)”. Se bilag 7, linje 52. Bashir fortalte, om religiøse aktiviteter på asylcenteret; ”(…) sometimes we in group do Islam here and we is in the room in the basement, so we pray there (…)”. Se bilag 7, linje 119-120. Ift. sociale aktiviteter på asylcenteret, svarede Bashir; ”(…) Saturday, Sunday night we make food together also we like eat together”. Se bilag 7, linje 196-197. Bashir har taget billede 6, som illustrerer et køkken, hvor der kan udføres betydningsfulde aktiviteter. Se bilag 10. Køkkenet danner en ramme om en daglig aktivitet, som alle informanterne gør brug af. Bashir forklarede, hvordan fraværet af familiemedlemmer påvirker ham på asylcenteret; “(…) i feel very lonly here whenever i remember about my family i feel very sad with out your family your life 30 will be difficult”. Se bilag 9, linje 52-54. Ligeledes udtalte Ali; “(…) I have many people but … my children that’s a special feeling”. Se bilag 6, linje 140. Alle informanter forsøger at vedligeholde kontakten til deres netværk i hjemlandet. Ali fortalte; ”(…) my good life events … all to Facebook and … communicate with my friends (…)”. Se bilag linje 252-253. Bashir; ”(…) on the Internet and sometimes we talk on the phone”. Se bilag 7, linje 76. Calel berettede; “In Kurdistan I have friends. But now no. Because I’m three years outside”. Se bilag 8, linje 67. 4.2.1 Teoretisk fortolkning ift. de sociale omgivelser Informanterne prøver at skabe gode rammer for et bedre liv på centeret sammen med de andre beboere, da et socialt netværk kan skabe muligheder for at udføre aktiviteter. Aktiviteter udføres ikke kun selvstændigt, men også i interaktion med andre personer eller i grupper (12, p. 83). Derudover forsøger informanterne at skabe sociale aktiviteter sammen med de andre beboere. Sommetider mødes beboerne for at bede sammen i et rum på centeret, da den nærmeste moske ikke er placeret i nærområdet. Bashir fortalte, at han er ved at lære at spille guitar af en nær ven på asylcenteret. Aktivitetsdeltagelsen påvirkes således af de mennesker, informanterne møder i hverdagen (12, p. 97). Udover de etablerede bekendtskaber på asylcenteret prøver informanterne at vedligeholde kontakten til hjemlandet. Bashir berettede, at internettet har hjulpet ham til at opretholde kontakten til hjemlandet. Adgang til teknologiske kommunikationsredskaber, såsom internettet, kan mindske den sociale isolation (13, p. 308). Derimod er det ikke lykkedes Calel at holde kontakten vha. internettet, grundet den lange periode på asylcenteret. 4.3 Kulturelle omgivelser Bashir og Ali blev spurgt ind til, om de oplever kulturelle forskelle i hverdagen, hvortil Bashir svarede; “(…) I am trying to learn the Danish language, because when I started in school, the pronunciation, it is very difficult, but now I understand a little dansk (…) if you don’t know that much dansk, you feel a little shy, you know”. Se bilag 7, linje 152-155. 31 Ali; ”(…) that’s the conversation … if I haven’t any conversation … or I don’t talk with any dansk people … I can’t … because the language, dansk … cannot … you can’t teach, learn it, write … you must be talk ”. Se bilag 6, linje 312-314. Endvidere fortalte Ali; ”(…) in Syria, when you, all family … when you make a good food or a famous food … go to your neighbors (…) give a … a high feeling … a human feeling”. Se bilag 6, linje 582-587. Billede 2 illustrerer en kage, som Ali har bagt. Se bilag 10. Informanterne blev spurgt ind til, hvordan de oplever den danske befolkning. Ali svarede; “(…) cold people … and negative people … but I don’t know any reason for this (…)”. Se bilag 6, linje 225. Bashir fortalte; ”(…) Somalia people you know, they can, they don’t go one person outside, if we go outside we go together, five person, six persons. So here you can see one person go here, sometimes if you go alone here, you see no body here (…)”. Se billag 7, linje 166-168. Ali berettede; ”(…) but after this there is a police woman come to the school in Y and … police woman come to school … in Syria this is not happened (…) In Syria all police are men … all police men enter the school, but the school have respect (…)”. Se bilag 6, linje 539-544. Hertil fortalte han om en episode, hvor en kvindelig politibetjent mødte op på en skole, hvor han befandt sig, hvilket ikke er almindeligt i Syrien. 4.3.1 Teoretisk fortolkning ift. de kulturelle omgivelser Kultur kan være forbundet med visse traditioner, der påvirker informanternes aktivitetsudførelse. Den indvirkning, som et kulturelt miljø kan have på informanternes aktiviteter, kan blive påvirket af, i hvor høj grad informanterne identificerer sig med og omfavner deres kultur (12, p. 98-99). Sproget kan skabe mulighed for interaktion og deltagelse i aktiviteter i den nye kultur (13, p. 317318). Ali forstår vigtigheden af at lære det danske sprog, for at kunne deltage i aktiviteter. At være fælles om et sprog gør det muligt for informanterne at interagere med hinanden og udvikle en forståelse for de aktiviteter, der er i den givne kultur (13, p. 317). Det der anses for passende betydningsfulde aktiviteter, er forbundet med samfundet, livserfaringer, den religiøse opdragelse samt de sociale interaktioner. På den måde kan kulturen gøre livet meningsfuldt (12, p. 99). I den 32 sammenhæng forklarede Ali, at det giver ham en varm menneskelig følelse at kunne give mad til sine naboer. De kulturelle omgivelser afspejler forventninger som informanterne kan have til sig selv og samfundet, hvilket er med til at bestemme, hvad der anses for passende i den givne kultur (12, p. 99). Informanterne gav alle udtryk for at de oplever en kulturel forskel ved den danske befolkning. 4.4 Institutionelle omgivelser Ali udtrykte i forbindelse med sin asylsag, at han har en negativ holdning til det politiske system: ”(…) I have negative opinion about the government here. Se bilag 6, linje 39. Han fortsatte; (…) I haven’t any trust with the government (…) because, all of the government, lies lies lies”. Se bilag 6, linje 526-530. Bashir forklarede, hvordan en afvisning af hans asylsag har påvirket ham; ”(…) if your case is rejected you don’t have permission to stay here and the government told you, you have to leave the country, you have 15 days, you feel, you come here, you leave your family to have a better life, and you can’t find noting on stay here. So you think too much and a lot of tension and stress”. Se bilag 7, linje 379382. Under interviewet blev informanterne spurgt om, hvorledes asylcenterets aktivitetsudbud, kunne forbedre deres hverdag. Calel svarede; “For the people here, just have the same problem, everyone stay in their home. Like this. But you don’t can’t … work … this very problem”. Se bilag 8, linje 215-216. Efterfølgende blev Calel spurgt ind til, om han ønsker at arbejde; ”Work yes, not like for any country you can’t work. Not Denmark, because they give you some money to eat (…) You cannot go to the outside to work (…)”. Se bilag 8, linje 218-219. Bashir underbyggede dette med; “(…) sometimes I try to make interview and make history but it is not possible, we don’t have the permission to do that”. Se bilag 7, linje 238-239. Bashir skrev i dagbogsmaterialet om sin tidligere arbejdsdag: “ In my past i was a busy man i used to work 13 hours a day so i am not used to seat at home, that is why i feel boring (…)”. Se bilag 9, linje 72-73. Ali berettede, at han i sit tidligere liv havde en travl hverdag: ”In Syria I haven’t any time empty, I love my life (…) But now … I have a lot”. Se bilag 6, linje 85-91. Han fortsatte; “(…) 33 but that’s … I have interesting in my job … because I have a purpose in my life … I am not tired from this work”. Se bilag 6, linje 245-246. Bashir blev under interviewet spurgt, om det er muligt for ham at realisere sine drømme under de nuværende omgivelser: ”(…) I did not talk about my dreams to them, when we need the help, we go ask them, but they can’t help us more”. Se bilag 7, linje 273-274. Calel fortalte, hvordan asylopholdet har påvirket ham: ”(…) because I’m in the Denmark and it is stopping everything (…)”. Se bilag 8, linje 186. Ift. den økonomiske støtte berettede Ali; ” (…) the money, not enough to all the requires (…)”. Se bilag 6, linje 389. Dette understøttede Bashir; “(…) sometimes it is enough and sometimes it is not enough”. Se bilag 7, linje 208. Ali gav udtryk for, at han vha. madplaner, får pengene til at række: ”I have a … when I take the money … we book a plan, two weeks plan”. Se bilag 6, linje 398. Samtidig går han i den nærmeste Røde Kors-butik, da det er billigt at handle der: “(…) Maybe go with my … some friends to the … cross … you know cross shopping?(…) some things we need, that’s very cheap … yeah, sometimes”. Se bilag 6, linje 380-385. 4.4.1 Teoretisk fortolkning ift. de institutionelle omgivelser De forskellige institutioner i samfundet er bundet af juridiske retningslinjer, og de kan muliggøre eller begrænse oplevelsen af medborgerskab og integration i det nye samfund (12, p. 100). De institutionelle omgivelser kan påvirke informanterne, da de er underlagt love og regler grundet deres situation, og kan derved fremme og hæmme muligheder for at engagere sig i betydningsfulde aktiviteter, eksempelvis arbejde (12, p. 99). Informanterne gav udtryk for, at de ønsker at arbejde, idet det giver dem et formål i livet, men at de ikke har muligheden for dette. Dét at være i et lønnet arbejde er en betydningsfuld aktivitet, som kan medvirke til at opnå en social status og accept i samfundet, samt skabe struktur i hverdagen (13, p. 309). Med få aktiviteter til at strukturere dagen og begrænset variation, kan der skabes en følelse af rastløshed og kedsomhed (16, p. 203). Bashir har forsøgt at udføre interviews på asylcenteret og derved følge sin interesse i journalistik, men har ikke tilladelse til dette. På grund af manglende arbejde, har informanterne svært ved at fylde deres hverdag ud. Dette skaber stress, da de er efterladt mange timer uden at foretage sig betydningsfulde aktiviteter. 34 Under de institutionelle omgivelser spiller økonomi en afgørende rolle for, hvordan informanternes aktivitetsmuligheder kan påvirkes. Samtidig kan økonomien have indflydelse på, hvor mange ressourcer informanterne har til rådighed (12, p. 99-100). Ud fra informanternes udsagn er den økonomiske støtte som de modtager, ikke altid tilstrækkelig og dermed kan det begrænse dem i aktiviteter. Informanterne forsøger at strukturere deres økonomi ved at udarbejde madplaner, handle ind i genbrugsforretninger samt skære ned på alkohol- og tobaksforbrug. 5. Diskussion Nedenstående afsnit vil diskutere undersøgelsens væsentligste resultater ift. andre teoretiske tilgange; Model of Human Occupation (MOHO) samt Aaron Antonovskys begreb om Oplevelse af sammenhæng. Slutteligt ses der nærmere på undersøgelsens interne og eksterne validitet. 5.1 Teori Begrebet Occupational Deprivation er ikke beskrevet tilstrækkeligt deltaljeret mht. omgivelserne, hvilket Whiteford erkender ved at udtrykke et ønske om en større teoretisk udvikling af begrebet (1, p. 545). Dette resulterede i, at det var nødvendigt at inddrage omgivelseselementerne fra CMOP-E. Modellen har givet udfordringer, da den ikke altid formår at gå i dybden med de enkelte omgivelseselementer. Særligt har de sociale omgivelser været svære at anvende i vores analysedel, da disse er opdelt i mikro-, makro- og mesoniveauer. Disse niveauindelinger giver en overfladisk forståelse af de sociale omgivelser, og er derfor ikke medtaget i analysen. I stedet måtte vi inddrage en generel beskrivelse af informanternes sociale omgivelser. Endvidere understreger CMOP-E, at aktivitetsengagement ikke kun er et resultat af omgivelserne, men ligeledes af personen, der udfører aktiviteterne (12, p. 59-60). Ud fra vores erfaring kunne samtlige elementer fra modellen med fordel inddrages, og dermed skabe en grundigere undersøgelse af oplevelsen af Occupational Deprivation hos den enkelte informant (12, p 59-60). Dette kunne sætte større fokus på det dynamiske samspil mellem omgivelser, personen og de betydningsfulde aktiviteter, og derved skabe flere nuancer i undersøgelsens resultater. 5.2 Resultater 5.2.1 Geografisk isolation Resultaterne viser, at informanterne oplever, at de fysiske omgivelser har indflydelse på deres mulighed for at deltage i betydningsfulde aktiviteter. Ifølge Whiteford kan den geografiske 35 isolation, som er opstået i forbindelsen med ankomsten til Danmark og opholdet på asylcenteret, have en indvirkning på informanternes aktivitetsmuligheder (13, p. 306). Vores resultater viser dog, at informanterne benytter sig af transportmuligheder, hvilket medvirker til, at de bryder den geografiske isolation, og dermed skaber flere aktivitetsmuligheder for dem selv. De teknologiske muligheder på asylcenteret er ligeledes en medvirkende faktor til at reducere oplevelsen af den geografiske isolation ved, at informanterne fortsat kan vedligeholde kontakten til hjemlandet. Omvendt er Gary Kielhofners grundtanker, at selvom de teknologiske muligheder er med til at skabe virtuel kontakt, kan disse ikke opveje behovet for den fysiske interaktion mellem mennesker (29, p. 114-118). Selvom Kielhofner understreger, at den virtuelle kontakt ikke er tilstrækkelig, vurderer vi, at informanternes oplevelse af Occupational Deprivation ydereligere vil forstærkes, hvis de ingen mulighed har for at kommunikere med familie og venner i hjemlandet. 5.2.2 Betydningsfulde aktiviteter Ifølge Whiteford er asylansøgere isoleret fra det øvrige samfund (13, p. 317), hvorimod vores resultater indikerer, at informanterne har mulighed for at deltage i aktiviteter udenfor asylcenteret. Problematikken er dog, at disse aktiviteter ikke er betydningsfulde for informanterne. Whiteford beskriver, at mennesker er aktive væsener, der har behov for at indgå i aktiviteter (13, p. 308). Hun lægger ikke vægt på, at disse aktiviteter skal være betydningsfulde, modsat Kielhofner, der understreger vigtigheden af, at nogle af disse aktiviteter skal være betydningsfulde for den enkelte (29, p. 15). Kielhofners tanker stemmer overens med vores resultater, hvor informanterne gav udtryk for, at de mangler betydningsfulde aktiviteter, på trods af aktivitetsudbuddet på asylcenteret og i lokalsamfundet. Vores resultater viser derudover, at arbejde er en særlig betydningsfuld aktivitet for alle tre informanter. De har mulighed for at udføre frivilligt arbejde, men som det fremstilles af Whiteford, giver lønnet arbejde en social status i samfundet, som et frivilligt arbejde ikke altid kan opfylde (13, p. 308). Ali og Bashir har tidligere haft højtstående stillinger, hvor de søgte at opnå succes igennem deres arbejde. Et frivilligt arbejde ville muligvis ikke tilfredse dem i deres søgning efter et formål i livet. Til gengæld kan et frivilligt arbejde i lokalsamfundet skabe nye netværk, aktiviteter og forbedring af informanternes sproglige evner. På den måde kan der opnås et tilhørsforhold til den nye kultur og derved en følelse af at bidrage til det danske samfund. 36 5.2.3 Forskelle i informanternes situation Alle tre informanter er placeret på samme asylcenter under samme vilkår. Ali og Bashir har en positiv tilgang til hverdagen, hvorimod Calel er særligt påvirket af situationen. Ift. den valgte teoretiske tilgang i undersøgelsen, har det ikke været muligt at belyse ovenstående forskelle i informanternes tilstand. Aaron Antonovskys begreb om Oplevelse af sammenhæng beskriver, hvorledes nogle mennesker kan klare svære situationer og kriser, hvorimod andre ikke har samme psykiske robusthed (30, p. 34-36). Oplevelse af sammenhæng kan således anvendes til at forstå, hvorfor de tre informanter takler deres situation forskelligt. Ifølge Antonovsky skal dette ses i sammenhæng med, at Calel har en svag Oplevelse af sammenhæng, sammenlignet med de to øvrige informanter. Der kan være flere forklaringer på, at Calel er mere påvirket af sin situation. Dette kan bl.a. skyldes, at han har opholdt sig på asylcenteret i en længere periode end de andre to informanter. Derudover er Calel blevet skilt fra sin kone efter ankomst til Danmark, hvilket ligeledes kan være en medvirkende forklaring. 5.3 Metode 5.3.1 Intern validitet Dette afsnit tager udgangspunkt i Kvales definition af validitet, der omhandler, hvorvidt en metode undersøger dét, den har til formål at undersøge (27, p. 272). Med andre ord ses der nærmere på, hvorvidt cultural probes og semistruktureret interviews har undersøgt, hvilke omgivelsesmæssige faktorer, der påvirker informanternes oplevelse af Occupational Deprivation. Validering skal som udgangspunkt være gennemgående for hele forskningsprocessen (27, p. 274). De vigtigste elementer af processen er diskuteret nedenfor. Udvælgelse af informanter Udvælgelsen af informanter blev overladt til centerlederen på asylcenteret. Hun havde kendskab til alle beboerne, og dermed hvilke, der kunne være åbne overfor at deltage på baggrund af inklusionskriterierne. Ét af kriterierne var det sproglige – informanterne skulle tale og forstå enten engelsk eller dansk for at undgå tolk som mellemled. Det blev efterfølgende erfaret, at deres engelskniveau var basalt og derfor var kommunikation mellem informant og interviewer til tider en udfordring. Dette skabte misforståelser både i form af spørgsmålene til informanterne og deres besvarelse hertil, hvilket kan have påvirket undersøgelsens resultater, da vi muligvis kan have fejlfortolket det sagte under interviewene og analysen. 37 Et mere aktivt samarbejde med centerlederen, hvor vi havde mulighed for at foretage en forhåndsvurdering ift. inklusionskriterierne, kunne have afklaret, om informanterne var egnede til deltagelse. Dette kunne eventuelt være opnået ved, at vi havde ført en længere samtale med dem for at vurdere deres sproglige niveau inden interviews og udlevering af cultural probes for på den måde at afklare, om tolk var en nødvendighed. Dataindsamling Pilottest af cultural probes blev fravalgt, idet det blev antaget, at personlig instruktion på engelsk ville være tilstrækkeligt til at producere validt datamateriale fra informanterne. Informanterne havde givet udtryk for at have forstået, hvad de enkelte opgaver gik ud på, men de var ikke altid i stand til at gøre rede for, hvorfor de havde taget de enkelte billeder, og mange af billederne havde kun begrænset relevans ift. undersøgelsens problemformulering. Inddragelse af tolk kunne sikre, at opgavernes formål var forstået, og kunne give dem mulighed for at besvare opgaverne på deres modersmål. Dagbogsmaterialet indeholdt dog relevante refleksioner over både datid, nutid og fremtid, der var brugbare ift. senere analyse. Vi har gennem projektet erfaret, at cultural probes stiller store krav til, at informanterne har overskud til egne refleksioner, da metoden er brugerdreven. Dette overskud er muligvis ikke altid til stede, da informanterne i forvejen befinder sig i en sårbar situation. Vi kunne i stedet have udarbejdet én enkelt opgave fremfor tre opgaver for at simplificere opgaveudførelsen for informanterne. Spørgsmålet er dog fortsat, hvorvidt dataindsamlingsmetoden er brugbar overfor målgruppen. Validiteten af det indsamlede materiale kunne være styrket ved pilottest af metoden. Cultural probes kunne være uddelt til informanten, der medvirkede i pilotinterviewet. Dette kunne være en løsning, men på baggrund af, at opgaverne og spørgsmålene forstås individuelt, ville denne metode muligvis ikke være tilstrækkelig for at sikre en forståelse hos alle informanter. Interviewguiden blev testet vha. et pilotinterview, og dette resulterede efterfølgende i, at interviewguiden blev uddybet og præciseret (27, p. 186-187). Den udvalgte informant har opholdt sig i Danmark i ca. tre år og har et fornuftigt kendskab til både engelsk og dansk. Dette medførte, at overvejelser om inddragelse af tolk ikke blev til mere. Vi kan nu se, at det gav nogle udfordringer både i transskriptionen og forståelsen under interviewsituationen, at tolken blev fravalgt. Tolken 38 kunne bidrage til en dybere forståelse af informanternes udsagn under interviewet, da informanterne virkede begrænsede i deres udsagn grundet deres sprogbarriere. Informanterne havde ikke mødt den primære interviewer før, hvilket gjorde, at det var vigtigt at etablere en kontakt til de enkelte informanter meget hurtigt (27, p. 148-150). Dette virkede til at lykkedes i alle tilfælde, da informanterne var imødekommende og åbne overfor den primære interviewer. Kontakten, og dermed fortroligheden, kunne muligvis være højnet yderligere, hvis den primære interviewer havde været med i forbindelse med udlevering af cultural probes. Alle interviews foregik på engelsk, men hverken interviewere eller informanter har engelsk som deres primære talte sprog. Det kunne have højnet kvaliteten af interviewene betydeligt, hvis der havde været en tolk tilstede under interviewene. Dette kunne give flere nuancer i de enkelte besvarelser og dermed kvaliteten af de producerede data. En tolk kunne under interviewet med Calel med fordel være inddraget, da han flere gange under interviewet misforstod spørgsmålene. En anden overvejelse er, at informanternes situation er sårbar. Selvom undersøgelsens resultater ikke har indvirkning på deres asylsag, er der risiko for, at deres svar har været påvirket af denne situation og således ikke er helt i overensstemmelse med virkeligheden. Calel svarede eksempelvis på spørgsmålet omhandlende myndighedernes indflydelse på hans muligheder for at arbejde i Danmark: ”I’m not going to say anything about the system, I like the system”. Se bilag 8, linje 264. Denne bekymring er forsøgt minimeret ved at informere om, at datamaterialet anonymiseres og ikke videregives. Som supplement til de enkelte interviews, kunne et fokusgruppeinterview anvendes som dataindsamlingsmetode. Dette kunne åbne op for mere spontane og forskellige synspunkter, og på den måde skabe en dynamisk dialog mellem informanterne og intervieweren (27, p.170). På den anden side kunne et fokusgruppeinterview medføre, at én af informanterne ville dominere samtalen, hvilket kunne resultere i, at de øvrige informanter bliver passive. Dette vil afspejle sig i resultaterne, da disse således ikke vil repræsentere alles holdninger. Derudover kunne det tænkes, at informanterne ikke ønsker at diskutere følsomme emner i gruppen. Transskription af interviews Inddragelse af tolk under transskriberingsprocessen kunne ydereligere have sikret projektets validitet, da hverken informanterne eller de personer, der transskriberede interviewene, havde engelsk som modersmål. Eftersom tolk blev fravalgt, er der en risiko for, at de producerede data kan 39 indeholde sproglige misforståelser af informanternes udsagn. Dette kan yderligere medføre fejlfortolkning, og at vores resultater således ikke afspejler informanternes reelle holdninger (27, p. 206-210). Personerne, der transskriberede, var ikke involveret i selve interviewene, hvilket reducerede risikoen for fortolkninger i oversættelsen fra lyd til skrift. Efter afsluttet interviews, har interviewerne en generel idé om indholdet, hvorved der skabes en ny forforståelse. Denne forforståelse kan hæmme en fænomenologisk bearbejdning af lydmaterialet. Kvaliteten af de enkelte transskriptioner kunne være højnet yderligere, hvis to personer separat havde transskriberet hvert interview. Herved kunne risikoen for misforståelser og generelle problemer med at høre visse passager af interviewene reduceres. Derudover kunne informanterne blive bedt om at læse transskriptionerne igennem for at bekræfte rigtigheden af det sagte (27, p. 206-210). Analyse Den kvalitative metode påvirkes af de forforståelser forskerne er præget af, og det har derfor været vigtigt, at analysen blev foretaget i fællesskab. Dette kan skabe en mere nuanceret diskussion af data, hvilket derved kan sikre projektets validitet. En udfordring kan være, at en enkelt persons forforståelse kan blive styrende gennem analysebearbejdningen, hvis andres forforståelser ikke kommer til udtryk. Informanterne kunne med fordel inddrages i analyseprocessen, hvilket kunne have styrket analysens konklusion. Informanterne kunne således bekræfte, hvorvidt fortolkningerne var korrekte og var tro mod deres holdninger. 5.3.2 Ekstern validitet Undersøgelsens problemformulering er inspireret af Morvilles PhD-studie, og underbygget med andre studier indenfor ergoterapi og asylansøgere. Således er der gennem grundig litteratursøgning, gjort et forsøg på at afdække de berørte emneområder og herved sikre, at projektets formål har relevans ift. det øvrige forskningsfelt. Vi må dog erkende, at vores søgning har været begrænset til to primære databaser, Cinahl og PubMed, som er suppleret med primærkilder til fundne bøger og artikler. Dette betyder, at vi ikke med sikkerhed kan garantere, at der ikke er foretaget lignende studier. 40 6. Konklusion Ud fra ovenstående analyse vil undersøgelsens resultater konkluderes. På baggrund af undersøgelsens resultater forhindrer de fysiske, sociale, kulturelle og institutionelle omgivelser informanterne i at deltage i betydningsfulde aktiviteter, og derved skabes en oplevelse af Occupational Deprivation. Resultaterne har vist, at opholdet i Danmark på et asylcenter, har indvirkning på informanternes hverdag i form af manglende struktur og variation, samt en isoleret tilværelse med begrænset aktivitetsmuligheder. Asylcenterets aktivitetstilbud er ikke tilstrækkelige til at skabe mening i livet for informanterne. Empirien har vist, at alle tre informanter er motiveret for at deltage i joblignende aktiviteter, der vil sætte dem i stand til at udvikle arbejdsrelaterede kvalifikationer og herved sikre deres egen og familiens fremtid. Dette er dog ikke muligt, idet retten til at arbejde, er reguleret lovmæssigt af de institutionelle omgivelser, som dermed bliver en direkte årsag til informanternes oplevelse af Occupational Deprivation. Indirekte spiller de kulturelle forskelle og sproglige udfordringer ligeledes en betydelig rolle. Det kan således konkluderes, at ergoterapeuter skal have mere fokus på at skabe forandring i en større politisk og samfundsmæssig kontekst, hvis oplevelsen af Occupational Deprivation overhovedet skal kunne reduceres hos informanterne. 7. Perspektivering Dette afsnit vil præsentere perspektiver ift. forslag til fremtidige undersøgelser med et ergoterapeutisk fokus. Projektets problemformulering lægger op til en snæver teoretisk vinkel på asylansøgernes hverdag på asylcenteret. Fremtidige undersøgelser kunne med fordel inddrage et bredere perspektiv, hvor Occupational Injustice med de underliggende begreber Occupational Imbalance, Marginalization og Alienation kan anvendes som teoretisk referenceramme (13, p. 338). Begrebet Occupational Deprivation tillader kun, at forskerne betragter asylansøgere ud fra én bestemt vinkel ift. hverdagen på et asylcenter. Et bredere teoretisk perspektiv kunne bidrage til en større forståelse og et mere nuanceret billede af asylansøgernes situation. På baggrund af vores resultater kunne fremtidige studier med fordel undersøge, hvorvidt det er en generel tendens, at de institutionelle omgivelser har en indvirkning på asylansøgernes hverdag. For 41 at undersøge dette, kunne flere asylcentre i landet inddrages i en videre undersøgelse, for på den måde at sammenligne dem og klarlægge om der er en eksisterende problematik. Såfremt dette viser sig at være tilfældet, kan ergoterapeuter med baggrund i den Canadiske Model for Klientcentreret Muliggørelse (CMCE) benytte en række muliggørende færdigheder i form af at forfægte og samarbejde. Disse færdigheder kan anvendes for at skabe større opmærksomhed samt oplyse omkring asylansøgernes situation, og herigennem påvirke omgivelserne på et højere politisk og samfundsmæssigt niveau. Derudover kan ergoterapeuter skabe fokus på asylansøgernes muligheder for at arbejde ved at indgå i et samarbejde på tværs af sektorer og organisationer. Hensigten med samarbejdet er at lette de nuværende betingelser og regler, der er opstillet for asylansøgerne, og derved muliggøre deltagelse på det danske arbejdsmarked (12, p. 169-175). 42 References 1. Whiteford G. From occupational deprivation to social inclusion: Retrospective insights. Br J Occup Ther [Internet]. 2011 [cited 2015 jan 2]; Dec 2011 74(12): 545. 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Bilag 3: Billede af cultural probes boks. Bilag 4: Cultural probes opgaver. Bilag 5: Interviewguide. Bilag 6: Transskribering af interview med Ali. Bilag 7: Transskribering af interview med Bashir. Bilag 8: Transskribering af interview med Calel. Bilag 9: Transskribering af dagbogsmateriale fra Bashir. Bilag 10: Billedanalyse. Bilag 11: Meningskategorisering af Ali, Bashir og Calel. Bilag 12: Meningskondensering af Ali, Bashir og Calel. Bilag 13: Samtykkeerklæring til centerleder. Bilag 14: Samtykkeerklæring til informanter. Bilag 15: Formidling. 47 Bilag 1 Dosisguide. - guide DOkumenteret Systematisk InformationsSøgning Titel: Aktivitetsmæssig retfærdighed på et dansk asylcenter – En kvalitativ undersøgelse Problemstilling: Hvilke omgivelsesmæssige faktorer har betydning for oplevelsen af Occupational Deprivation hos asylansøgere på et dansk asylcenter? Stikord på dansk: Aktivitetsmssig frarøvelse, asylansøgere, aktivitet, omgivelser og ergoterapi Stikord på engelsk: Occupational Deprivation, asylum seeker, occupation, environment, Occupational Therapy 2. Beskriv din søgestrategi Database eller informationskilde Begrundelse for valg af database eller informationskilde Dato / periode for søgning Kvalitativ artikeldatabas med stort udbud af sundhedsfaglige artikler. Denne database er brugt som udgangspunkt for søgninger, da den indeholder mange ergoterapeutiske artikler. Februar til juni 2015 PubMed Medicinsk database, der er brugt til supplerende søgninger. Dels for at underbygge søgninger i Cinahl og dels for at finde nye artikler der evt. belyser andre vinkler på problemstillingen. Februar til juni 2015 Google.com Søgninger er brugt til at finde konkrete artikler i forbindelse med kædesøgninger. Den er ligeledes brugt til at finde supplerende informationer om emner til opgavens problemstilling. Eksempelvis kan nævnes videnskabsteori og regler vedr. asyl. Februar til juni 2015 Cinahl 1 3. Beskriv din søgestrategi Database 1 – Cihnal: Tema 1: Asylansøgere Tema 2: Hverdagsliv Tema 3: Livskvalitet Tema 4: Ergoterapi Kontrollerede emneord: Refugees Kontrollerede emneord: Occupational Justice Activities of daily living Kontrollerede emneord: Social inclusion Quality of life Kontrollerede emneord: Occupational Therapy* Fritekst: Fritekst: CMOP-E Kontrollerede emneord: Quality of life Kontrollerede emneord: Occupational Therapy Fritekst: Asylum seeker* Asylum* Fritekst: Boredom Occupational Deprivation Occupational Justice Database 2 – PubMed: Kontrollerede emneord: refugees Fritekst: Asylum seeker Asylum Kontrollerede emneord: Activities of daily living Boredom Fritekst: Social inclusion Fritekst: Occupational justice Occupational deprivation Fritekst: CMOP-E 4. Beskriv dine selektionskriterier Publikationsår Sprog Database 1 – Cinahl: Engelsk og dansk Database 2 – PubMed: Engelsk og dansk Aldersgruppe Publikationstype 2 5. Søgeresultat Database 1 – Cinahl: Tema 1: Asylansøgere Tema 2: Hverdagsliv Tema 3: Livskvalitet Tema 4: Ergoterapi Refugees – 4201 Occupational Justice – 5 Activities of daily living - 41765 Social inclusion* 4032 Quality of life 65879 Occupational Therapy – 18704 CMOP-E* - 37 Quality of life 124543 Occupational Therapy - 10527 Social inclusion 7946 Canadian model of performance and engagement - 4 Asylum seeker* 1996 Asylum* - 5014 Boredom* - 4511 Occupational Deprivation* - 447 Occupational Justice* - 704 Database 2 – PubMed: Refugees – 6901 Asylum seeker 771 Asylum - 2143 Activities of daily living - 52961 Boredom - 530 Occupational Justice - 547 Occupational deprivation - 645 5. Søgeresultat (fortsat) Asylansøgere AND Hverdagsliv F.eks. Asylansøgere AND Hverdagsliv AND livskvalitet F.eks. Asylansøgere AND Hverdagsliv AND livskvalitet AND Ergoterapi F.eks. Asylansøgere AND Ergoterapi Database 1 – Cinahl: 180 27 7 107 Database 2 – PubMed: 37 7 0 16 3 Bilag 2 Introduktionsbrev for cultural probes. Hej! Du har nu fået udleveret en æske, som indeholder et engangskamera, kuglepenne, blyanter, farveblyanter, post-its, skriveblokke og lidt søde sager Det har du fået, da vi er ved at skrive en opgave, der handler om din hverdag. Tanken er, at disse ting skal bruges til at beskrive din hverdag her på asylcentret. Eksempelvis kan du tage billeder, tegne eller skrive en note om, hvad du kan lide at lave her på asylcentret samt hvad du ønsker, at der også var på asylcentret. Du må gerne være kreativ og bruge din fantasi. Der er ingen grænser og ingen forkerte svar! Mange tak for hjælpen. Det sætter vi stor pris på. Venlig hilsen Marie, Andrea, Maiken, Mikael og Dzenita. Hi! You've received a box containing a disposable camera, pens, pencils, crayons, post-its, writing pads and some sweets We are writing an assignment about your everyday life. The idea is that these things can be used to describe your everyday life here at the asylum center. For example, you can take pictures, draw or write a note about what you like to do here and as well as what you wish you could do at the asylum center. You can be creative and use your imagination. There are no limits and no wrong answers! Thank you so much for your help. We truly appreciate it. Sincerely, Marie, Andrea, Maiken, Mikael and Dzenita. 1 Bilag 3 Billede af cultural probes boks. 1 Bilag 4 Cultural probes opgaver. Opgave 1: Beskriv fortid Hvilke aktiviteter betød mest for dig tidligere - F.eks. fritidsinteresser, arbejde, familieaktiviteter, religiøse aktiviteter, andet? Task 1: Decribe your past What activities meant the most to you in the past – for example spare time interests, work, doing things with family, religious activities, other activities? Opgave 2: Beskriv nutid på asylcenteret Hvilke aktiviteter betyder mest for dig nu? F.eks. fritidsinteresser, arbejde, familieaktiviteter, religiøse aktiviteter, andet? Savner du nogen aktiviteter i din hverdag? F.eks. fritidsinteresser, arbejde, familieaktiviteter, religiøse aktiviteter, andet? Task 2: Describe your present life at the asylum center What activities means the most to you now – for example spare time interests, work, doing things with family, religious activities, other activities? Do you miss any activities in your daily life – for example spare time interests, work, doing things with family, religious activities, other activities? Opgave 3: Beskriv en bedre fremtid på asylcenteret Kunne du forestille dig nogle aktiviteter der ville give en bedre hverdag på asylcenteret? Task 3: describe a better future for you at the asylum center Could you imagine any activities that would give you a better daily life at the asylum center – for example spare time interests, work, doing things with family, religious activities, other activities? 1 Bilag 5 Interviewguide. Baggrund Background 1. Dit navn og alder? Your name and age? 2. Hvor kommer du fra? Where are you from? 3. Hvor lang tid har du opholdt dig her i How long have you been in Denmark? Danmark? 4. Hvordan kan det være, at du er kommet til Why did you come to Denmark? Danmark? 5. Er du kommet til Danmark alene? Did you come by yourself? 6. - Hvilken betydning har dette for dig i - How does this affect you in your daily life? hverdagen? Fortid Past 7. Hvad lavede du i dit hjemland? What did you do in your home country? 8. – Uddannelse? - Education? 9. – Job? - Work? – Fritid? - Spare time? Hvilken betydning har arbejde/uddannelse What does work/education mean to you? for dig? (økonomi, identitet, social status) (finance, identity, social status) – Hvad betyder netværk for dig i hjemlandet? - What did relations mean to you in your home country – Hvad lavede du med venner og familie? - What did you do with family and friends? Kan du beskrive din hverdag i dit hjemland? How would you describe a typical day in your home country? – Hvilke rutiner havde du dér? - What routines did you have? – Hvilken betydning havde disse aktiviteter - What meaning did these activities have for for dig? you? Nutid Hvordan ser din hverdag Present ud nu på What does a typical day for you at the asylum asylcentret? center look like? - Foretager du dig noget udenfor asylcentret? - Do you have any activities outside the 1 asylum center? Sprogets betydning i hverdagen (både med Meaning/implication of language in the danskere og med andre på centeret) everyday life (both with Danes and other residents at the center) - Hvordan ser dit netværk ud nu? - What do you think about your relations now - Hvad laver du med venner og familie? - What do you do with family and friends? - Du får økonomisk støtte – dækker den dine - You get financial support from the Danish behov? government – does it cover the needs you have? Hvilke aktiviteter tilbydes her på asylcentret? What kind of activities are offered at the - Gør du brug af disse? Hvis ja, hvilke? asylum center? Which of these activities do you participate in? - Har du selv aktivt gjort noget for at opsøge - Have you done anything to find new aktiviteter? (kan du give eksempler?) activities (give examples?). Hvad betyder det for dig, at asylcentret How do you feel about these activities? tilbyder disse aktivitet for dig? Oplever du, at der mangler nogle aktiviteter Do you feel that there are any activities på asylcentret, som du ønsker at lave? missing that you would like to do? Fremtid Future Hvilke ønsker og drømme har du for What wishes and dreams do you have for the fremtiden? future? - Hvordan understøtter eller hæmmer dine - How does your present activities at the nuværende aktiviteter på centeret disse? asylum center support or prevent these wishes and dreams? Hvordan er din oplevelse af dit asylforløb What is your experience of the asylum indtil nu? application process this far? - Hvordan oplevede du, at du blev placeret på - What did you feel about being placed at this dette asylcenter (manglende indflydelse)? Occupational Deprivation center (lack of influence)? Occupational Deprivation Vi er interesseret i begrebet Occupational We are interested a term called Occupational Deprivation. Det omhandler en tilstand, hvor Deprivation. It is when you cannot participate 2 du ikke er i stand til at deltage i in activities that you really want to because of betydningsfulde aktiviteter grundet things outside of your control. omstændigheder udenfor din kontrol. - Er det noget, du kan relatere til? - Is this something you can relate to? 3 Bilag 6 Transskribering af interview med Ali. Interviewer (I). Informant (A). 1 I: We have some question written down. So we just want to go through them. And whatever 2 you feel, you can just answer it, and if you have any questions on the way, you just tell us 3 A: Okay 4 I: So first of all, just for the record your name and age? 5 A: My name? 6 I: Yeah 7 A: My name is A 8 I: And your age? 9 A: 38 … years 10 I: Yeah. And originally, where are you from? 11 A: … jeg kommer … I am coming from Syria 12 I: yeah. What part of Syria is that? 13 A: What? 14 I: What part of Syria. North, south? 15 A: I’m from south Syria 16 I: Okay, yeah. A large city or a small city? 17 A: … I’m from … a middle city… Y, that’s the area around Syria 18 I: Okay 1 19 A: Around Damaskus 20 I: Ah okay, so it’s close to a really big city 21 A: Yeah 22 I: So how many people live in that place? 23 A: … about … 404.000. 24 I: Ah okay, so it big. By Danish standards it’s very big 25 A: Yeah yeah 26 I: So … How come you came to Denmark? Why did you come to Denmark? Was that a 27 coincidence … just why did you come to Denmark or not Greece, or England or Germany? 28 A: Why? 29 I: Yeah. Why did you end in Denmark or come to Denmark instead of perhaps Germany or 30 Italy? 31 A: When I … go to the Sweden, their police catch me 32 I: Ah okay. Yeah that’s why 33 A: I … don’t want to come to Denmark in the beginning 34 I: Okay 35 A: In the beginning, yeah. Because the Sweden government have a … I believe with the 36 Sweden government. But I don’t have any information about the Denmark government … 37 yeah… not negative, but I don’t have the information, but now I have negative 38 I: It’s okay to have 39 A: Yeah, I have negative opinion about the government here 40 I: There’s gonna be an election soon, and it’s all about politics and it is 41 A: Yeah yeah yeah 2 42 I: It’s a lot of focus on especially on this area, for some reason it just … everytime there is an 43 election there’s a lot of focus on it and people in Denmark are really really divided 44 A: Yeah yeah yeah 45 I: Some want to be really really strict and some feel, we have to help people 46 A: Yeah 47 I: it’s sometime really uncomfortable because you are the people who are like stuck in the 48 middle of this huge discussion 49 A: Yeah but … because I am from Syria I have … many difficulties in my life … my family is 50 waiting for me … waiting for positive news 51 I: Yeah 52 A: To come to me, yeah. But until now I haven’t any any any positive … news. Yeah. That’s 53 make difficult and make problems 54 I: So how do you feel about this long process? 55 A: … I feel very sad. Very very very sadly … because the war in Syria haven’t any… signal 56 to end. All was 57 I: The conflicts 58 A: Yeah yeah yeah 59 I: When it started I thought it was gonna end in a perhaps a couple of years. It is surprising 60 how long is gone on now. 61 A: What? 62 I: No, I just said … I didn’t think the war would last that long in Syria. It didn’t seem like it 63 would last that long. At the beginning … In Syria 64 A: Yeah, in Syria that’s 4 years now 65 I: It’s a long time now 66 A: Yes a long time. No war like this war. It is a dirty war 3 67 I: Yeah 68 A: Have a negative effect … this war become or give a very negative … effect to the people 69 and … the children have many many negative effect … their science process, the university… 70 when the war comes … my job in Syria ... I’m a manager of a production of washing machine 71 I: Ah, yeah 72 A: Yeah … today, every day I have product … 400 washing machine. Yeah. In the past but … 73 now the factory is destroyed. And the war comes and stop it, yeah… in their homes. This is a 74 very problem 75 I: Yeah, of course 76 A: This war … I haven’t in the story any war like this … All though Hitler … because this is 77 from inside. We haven’t any real picture to our enemy, government or … ISS … all Islamic 78 I: State? 79 A: No no, Islamic state, yeah. ISS, Islamic state … but there is many things 80 I: Just to get a little back to this … next questions is what did you do in your home country, 81 and we know you were working as a factory manager 82 A: Yeah, I’m a manager … because my science degree, I’m engineer, I’m a machine engineer 83 I: Ah okay yeah. So did you have any spare time interest? What did you do when you did not 84 work, what did you do in Syria? 85 A: In Syrian I haven’t any time empty, I love my life 86 I: Very busy life 87 A: Yeah, and this … this work or job are a complex job. Have an effect, a negative effect to 88 my family … because there is no empty. I have in my section … 139 workers 89 I: Okay yeah, that’s many people 90 A: Yeah it is many people, and many difficult … and the production is a difficult process … 91 production … I haven’t any empty time in the life in Syria. But now … I have a lot 92 I: But what about the weekends? You also work on the weekends? 4 93 A: In the weekend I … the weekend in Syria is Friday 94 I: Yeah 95 A: Friday to the … special workers. But the general or government workers have Saturday 96 and Friday. 97 I: Free? 98 A: Free 99 I: Yeah 100 A: But we … because I work in the special work … my factory, our factory, special work, not 101 to the government. In Syria there is factory to the government and factory to the 102 I: Private sector? 103 A: To the man … business man 104 I: Yeah 105 A: Yeah. Because that I have one day, holiday and … free in the weekend. 106 I: Yeah 107 A: This one day … sometimes because there is a pray. Do you know pray? 108 I: Yeah 109 A: This Friday we have pray and the middle of this pray, we go to the mosque, yeah. This give 110 a … stop to any strong ideas to go, to any area … but although I give … I take my family and 111 my mom, my mamma … to the … we have a good nature in Syria. We go to the, near the 112 rivers and the mountain 113 I: Yeah 114 A: And … eating some meat 115 I: To eat something, yeah 116 A: Yes. Yeah and my … baby, my … children … in the summer and in the spring, yeah. 117 Because the weather in Syria is very very nice 5 118 I: Yeah 119 A: We have a good … not like this 120 I: Cold? 121 A: Yeah. Very cold … we have 4 seasons, like here 4 seasons … winter is winter, 3 months. 122 And spring is good weather … and summer is high to the 40 degrees. Yeah … in the end of 123 the summer 124 I: Yeah 125 A: Because Syria and the Middle East is good weather 126 I: Yeah. Not like here were you have nine months of winter 127 A: Yeah 128 I: It could feel like that … but you said family … did you come to Denmark alone? Or with 129 your family? 130 A: What? 131 I: Did you come by yourself to Denmark? 132 A: Yeah I come 133 I: Only you? 134 A: Yeah. My family is in Syria 135 I: Okay 136 A: Yeah, I said to you it’s very difficult 137 I: So, you think a lot about your family every day? Because they are still in Syria 138 A: Yeah 139 I: Does it make you feel like lonely? Or … Do you have people to talk to here? 140 A: Yeah yeah … I have many people but … my children that’s a special feeling 141 I: Yeah, of course 6 142 A: Because … my children say papa 143 I: Yeah 144 A: I have three children 145 I: Yeah, how old are they? 146 A: Six years, five years … and the smallest two years, yeah 147 I: All are really wonderful ages 148 A: Yeah 149 I: So can you talk to them on skype or computer, or any? 150 A: The telephone … no skype. The service of the internet not speedily in Syria, yeah 151 I: Mmh 152 A: Because that I … find WhatsApp or any line … any programs, communication programs 153 I: Yeah, so … when you were working as a factory manager in Syria … what does work mean 154 to you? Is it because of … you work because you want to earn money or is it because you feel 155 like you get some status in the society, or what is your motivation for working in Syria? 156 A: Yeah … I … in the main purpose, the first purpose I want to … to be succeed, in my life. 157 Because I have study many years … and because I want to the personality reason, yeah 158 I: Yeah 159 A: To give my results of my study. Yeah. And the second reason … also for money, but the 160 money is not the main. Because I’m not, in Syria a poor man, I’m in the middle. I have my 161 family, my father and my … our brothers have a shopping in this town. In my town, yeah 162 I: Yeah 163 A: And I have, in Syria, a car … a good car. That’s a Kia. Kia 40. That’s good. Full option, 164 that’s a new car 165 I: Yeah, a very new car 166 A: That’s gone in the war. All of this is gone. 7 167 I: Yeah, so what … your family is still living … your wife and children are still living in the 168 house now? 169 A: Yeah … not in my house … my house is destroyed 170 I: Totally destroyed? 171 A: Yeah, my house and our town is destroyed. Now my family live besides this town … 172 because this town became a military area 173 I: Ah okay 174 A: Because that, any people cannot live … in Syria … maybe if you are sit down … like this 175 … maybe … boom 176 I: Yeah 177 A: Yeah yeah. That’s in anywhere, any place … if you go to the Damaskus, the people go to 178 the war, and the war … done 179 I: Break out? 180 A: Yeah, break out 181 I: Terrible 182 A: Yeah yeah, very terrible … in Syria … this view is very suddenly and very stranger … in 183 Syria we haven’t any war for a long … 30 years 184 I: Yeah, it’s a long time 185 A: But now … the baby if he is here … normally no problem … that’s a very problem, very 186 high problem … because the generation who become, which become after this time … the 187 persons of him, of this day … maybe go to the reasons … people … because this fuel … 188 normally 189 I: Yeah, they will think it’s normal 190 A: Yeah yeah, normal … because that the world have … the world and Obama and America, 191 and also Denmark … also that once world … that number one world … have a … must give a 8 192 solution to this war, yeah … not to stop … you must stop this war … the main reason to this 193 war, Bashar Al Assad , yeah 194 I: Yeah 195 A: Because all army … we have strong army in Syria 196 I: Yeah 197 A: This army at all-time be ready to fighting Israel and fighting … because that … have a 198 strong army … this is strong army … where go to the … people 199 I: Yeah 200 A: Okay … they have strong weapons … not with guns, with chemical weapons 201 I: Yeah … so just to return to your life in Syria … are you very dependent on relations to 202 other people. Do you know a lot of people in the past? Are you very depending on other 203 people to get things done. Was that a normal part of your day? 204 A: Not like in the past 205 I: No … but in the past you was … you knew a lot of people 206 A: Yeah yeah, because of … people in Syria not like this, we have … in Syrian we have very 207 I: Warm? 208 A: Yeah yeah yeah … and in Syrian people are very romantic 209 I: So it means a lot to you still to be able to talk with other people? 210 A: Yeah yeah yeah 211 I: Yeah … so mostly you 212 A: This this … sorry 213 I: Yeah 214 A: This … life or … former life in Syria 215 I: Yeah 9 216 A: Because I’m … roady … in this, in my life … because that I have problem in Denmark 217 I: Yeah 218 A: Not like in Syria … in Syria … our town … all the people we know … them … yeah, and 219 all the time we took, yeah 220 I: Yeah 221 A: But in Denmark … no romantic … or, if you want anything 222 I: Mmh 223 A: Come, a few … you don’t know … X … if you want … just, tok tok … no talk 224 I: We are cold … cold people? 225 A: Yeah, cold people … and negative people … but I don’t know any reason for this … 226 because, maybe because the war from Hitler … yeah, I don’t know 227 I: So how would you describe a typical day in your home country before the war … you 228 would get up, when would you … when you got up and eat breakfast and what would you do 229 then? 230 A: Yeah yeah … I would get up to the … at six O’clock, yeah … I take a cup of coffee and … 231 at in the 6 and a quarter must be, go to the … my job 232 I: Yeah 233 A: After one time, I arrive to my job, yeah … at seven and a quarter the workers comes, the 234 workers comes to the, this … moment … at seven and a half we start the production … and at 235 12 and a half we have rest to one O’clock 236 I: Okay yeah 237 A: At four o’clock we finished … four o’clock we finished, maybe we have overtime, yeah … 238 that’s … much happened, because we have many productions planes … yeah … overtime 239 from four O’clock to eight O’clock, yeah … at eight O’clock finished, we finish, yeah 240 I: Okay yeah 241 A: And go to our … our homes … I arrived at nine o’clock, yeah … 10 242 I: Yeah 243 My family … the children, wake up … whit my wife 244 I: It’s a very long day 245 A: Yeah … but that’s … I have interesting in my job … because I have a purpose in my life 246 … I am not angry from this work 247 I: So what about your typical day here at the asylum center. It’s very different now … a 248 normal day here at this center, you know … what is it like now? 249 A: I always always, I want to escape from the … the time in this center … or in this state … 250 or this country … I escape … in my mind 251 I: Mmh 252 A: To wonder a good life … my good life events … all to Facebook and … communicate with 253 my friends … I have many friends in the world, yeah … I have in Sweden from 17 years … 254 my friend in Sweden, yeah … and I have from five years in Scotland 255 I: Yeah 256 A: All of this engineer 257 I: Yeah 258 A: From my friend in the university … in Studia 259 I: Australia? 260 A: Yeah, Australia … and … there is many engineer in the Saudi Arabia … in Syria … some, 261 until now … I communicate with them, and what about 262 I: Yeah, how are you 263 A: Yeah, and my … there is many friend from … male or female … no problem … because 264 we have a free … not like Saudi Arabia, yeah 265 I: Yeah 11 266 I: Just to return to your day here. When do you get up here … is that nine O’clock, 10 267 O’clock, eight O’clock, when do you wake up here? 268 A: I wake up at … seven and a half, yeah 269 I: Mmh, then you make breakfast? 270 A: No breakfast, I have Syrian coffee 271 I: it’s strong I can imagine? 272 A: Yeah 273 I: So you get a cup of coffee and then what do you do normally? 274 A: Yeah, cup of coffee and … check the news about my country … if any, if Bashar Al Assad 275 go down 276 I: Yeah, you’re hoping 277 A: Yeah … that’s hopeless … if anything happened about the town, my family … because I 278 can obtain the news fastly … fastly than my wife 279 I: Faster? 280 A: Yeah, faster … because that, when I show that haven’t no … no bad news happened 281 around them, that’s … it give relax to me, yeah … if I have a short time, empty time to call 282 my wife in the morning, and … give a positive 283 I: News? 284 A: Feeling and … positive news about me or about their news 285 I: Yeah 286 A: That’s give … a good day to my life, my family … and give my day a good start 287 I: Yeah, of course 288 A: Yeah … and I’m ready to go to school … we have four times in the week to go to the 289 school … went to the school at eight and a half … and return to the house … and then take 290 breakfast with my friend or with my friend … and take breakfast, and my breakfast is Arabic 291 breakfast, very delicious … yeah, because in Denmark … not likes it … because Syria have a 12 292 … famous food … you haven’t any information about Syria … but many people from France, 293 from England have information, yeah … but Denmark is very far from, yeah 294 I: Yeah, it is. 295 A: Many people go to Syria and like their foods … their kind of foods, yeah 296 I: Yeah, I can imagine as well 297 A: Yeah yeah, you can go obtain this from Google … and we have a kind … good kinds of … 298 foods, yeah … our breakfast … cheese, yoghurt, olives, eggs, maybe … not special … and 299 sometimes we have hummus, you know hummus? 300 I: Mmh 301 I: And then you take a break, or what do you do in the afternoon? 302 A: Yeah, that’s, yeah … I rest or sove in dansk 303 I: Yeah, sove 304 A: Sleep one hour or two hours … and now in this time … this past week and this week … I 305 go to the fitness 306 I: Yeah okay 307 A: Yeah, fitness … and one or two hours in the day I go to the fitness 308 I: Yeah 309 A: I have two purpose from this activity … I want to talk dane … new friends from Denmark 310 ... because I want to improve my language … dansk 311 I: Mmh 312 A: Yeah, that’s the conversation … if I haven’t any conversation … or I don’t talk with any 313 dansk people … I can’t … because the language, dansk … cannot … you can’t … teach, learn 314 it … write … you must be talk 315 I: Yeah, instead of just reading about it, you need to use it 316 A: Yeah … the difficulty in the talk, not in the write … 317 I: Yeah 13 318 A: Because that I … want to have new friends … 319 I: Yeah 320 A: Yeah, some … because that the people is … not much people in this town … in Y there’s 321 many people … Y 322 I: Very small, yeah 323 I: So is it difficult for you to communicate, to talk with people in Danish? 324 A: No no no 325 I: They understand you? 326 A: Yeah … if they … if I can’t understand their dansk, I talk with English 327 I: Yeah 328 A: Or with signal 329 I: Yeah … so you feel, communicating with people, talking with people, is actually not a 330 problem here in 331 A: Yeah, not a problem … I haven’t any problem … and people between 20 and 25 … there is 332 no difficulties, yeah … but small, it’s difficult … because I haven’t any ideas about … you 333 problem, my problem 334 I: Yeah 335 A: But … I have a good opinion from his age, from 25 336 I: That’s good 337 A: Yeah 338 I: So you … is the fitness center, is that the only activity you have outside of this center. Or do 339 you do anything else outside? 340 A: Yeah … I, maybe I go to the library 341 I: Is there a few books in Syria? What do you do in the library? 14 342 A: Not, we have Arabic … and dansk … I have this book from school … I want to improve 343 my language … the purpose … improve my language … to go to the library or go to the 344 fitness 345 I: Yeah 346 A: This difficulties … or this … difficult, you can start with the life … in this town, in this 347 country 348 I: Yeah 349 A: And go to the relaxed life … that’s my problem and the … must be giving a solution 350 I: Yeah 351 A: Because that I … I can’t wait, the government … because that I have … an idea or 352 negative thoughts … or negative believe to all government or … politic 353 I: Yeah, the politics … so, what about the relations you have with people now. You said in 354 Syria it was really important, you knew everybody in the town and … now it’s totally 355 different … you talk a lot with people around you here in the center? 356 A: Here? 357 I: Yeah 358 A: Yeah … I talk with many people and … the various … nations … various nations, many 359 nations … from Argentina … I have friend … I have friend, girl or boy … and I have from 360 Syria … yeah, friends … I know him in this center … and from Somalia … 361 I: Mmh 362 A: Yeah, I have friends from Somalia … and I have friends from Ukraine 363 I: Yeah … so talking with people is a big part of your day 364 A: Yeah … but until now we are beginning in this center … in the beginning … 365 I: Yeah 366 A: Yeah, and I like this, to talk with many people and give a good … 15 367 I: Yeah … so, here at the center … what do you do with your friends, if you have any 368 activities … do you do anything here? 369 A: Sometimes we go to the work, among the small town 370 I: Yeah, okay 371 A: And go to the mall 372 I: Yeah, okay 373 A: There is two malls in this town … not like in Y … they have a big town … and go to the 374 mall and go to the … there is a football play 375 I: Oh, yeah 376 A: Yeah yeah … and maybe … playing with this handball 377 I: Oh, yeah 378 A: Two team from … various teams … from Syria, Argentina, Somalia … no problem 379 I: Yeah, it’s just for fun 380 A: Yeah, and go to the … in Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, three days … maybe go with my 381 … some friends to the … cross … you know cross shopping? 382 I: Cross, shopping? Nåe, røde kors … the Red Cross Center 383 A: Yeah, røde cross 384 I: Yeah 385 A: To buy somethings we need, that’s very cheap … yeah, sometimes 386 I: So, when you say it’s very cheap … you get some money from the Danish government 387 while you are here and a little bit of money … does that cover your need, or do you feel it is 388 difficult to really buy anything? Do you feel it is enough for you to get by? 389 A: Yeah … the money, not enough to all the requires, but … maybe because I have not… not 390 have smoke 391 I: That’s good for you … it’s very expensive 16 392 A: Yeah … but sometimes I take the pipe 393 I: Waterpipe? 394 A: Yeah, waterpipe … that’s not same as smoke … smoke is very … because it’s easily to 395 I: Yeah 396 A: Yeah … because of that, the money is enough to me 397 I: Yeah 398 A: I have a … when I take the money … we book a plan, two weeks plan, yeah 399 I: Yeah 400 A: What we can eating … what we can, be anything … that’s good … that’s enough with the 401 money 402 I: So you try to plan every day, say … we make this and this, or I’m make this and this? 403 A: Yeah 404 I: It’s a good idea 405 A: Yeah … I can … take 10.000 kroner and lost it … and I can take 1000 and lost it … I can 406 … yeah, that’s personality 407 I: So what kind of activities are offered here at the center, right here in these facilities. What 408 can you do here? 409 A: What? 410 I: Just what kind of activities … you can cook food and talk with friends … is there other 411 things you can do here. Play billiard or anything … is there anything you can do here at the 412 center? 413 A: Not activities, activities no 414 I: No real activities here for you? 415 A: No no, this center haven’t any activities 416 I: No okay 17 417 A: But we make foods in this 418 I: Yeah 419 A: And maybe go with some foods to another friends 420 I: Yeah, you eat together 421 A: Not eat together … and give … and another time they … if you have a good food or a 422 famous good food … take it, yeah 423 I: Mmh, and give it to 424 A: Yeah, last week we take … sweet foods … foods, we make … 425 I: Ah okay 426 A: Yeah, we take it to the children … the children, the boy said to me ‘Hi’ … I said come and 427 give the dish with, this food … after two days or three days … he bring … a kind of food 428 from Pakistan 429 I: Yeah 430 A: Family … women with the children, this children, this woman … give their another food 431 to us, yeah 432 I: Yeah, nice … so have you done anything … or has there been any like initiatives to start 433 any activities here at the center? 434 A: Any ideas? 435 I: Yeah, perhaps … or have you thought about anything or tried to just start something up … 436 something about a hairdresser downstairs sometimes 437 A: Yeah … I don’t see any activities here at this center … but maybe … haven’t any … the 438 boss man or … the boss woman … and any opinion or any ideas about their future, yeah … 439 that’s because … the thoughts they think, that job … a few, a few look at your job or at … a 440 job mind, not human mind … maybe give a hardly method … hard method, or in Syria, a 441 rocky method … the person is not relaxed, he have … and in Y, he come to … the boss came 442 to my room and said … we can take 18 443 I: Strict maybe? 444 A: Yeah … because the … but in Y, all the apartment is modern, that’s very expensive 445 I: Yeah 446 A: No no … no problem … because, not kids 447 I: No no 448 A: But not, no 449 I: Could you imagine any activities that could be done here that could perhaps make your day 450 better … here at the center. Could there be started anything, that might make your day better? 451 A: Not, I haven’t any … real ideas … about this 452 I: For you it really just a waiting period here, so you can go on to the next 453 A: yeah 454 I: Yeah … so, we talk a bit about your future. What wishes and dreams do you have right 455 now? For the future 456 A: To the future I … I want to firstly … I want to meet my family 457 I: Yeah 458 A: Yeah, that’s the one purpose … because the situation not good … and after this I … I hope 459 to work and … my special engineer 460 I: Yeah 461 A: Yeah and … I wish to find real friends from dansk or from any country, no problem … in 462 this country 463 I: Yeah 464 A: And I haven’t any … any problem with the … religions 465 I: Yeah 466 A: No problem, because I have many friends is here they’re Christians … from various kinds, 467 because in Syria … not all Muslim … I haven’t any … bad thoughts or black thoughts about 468 this human, this people … I want to know more, yeah … about the people, Danmark 19 469 I: Yeah 470 A: That’s in the future 471 I: Yeah 472 A: And I want to … I have many ideas to … improvement or to use … friendly to nature 473 I: So, you have some wishes and dreams about your future. What do you feel about the 474 activities here now. Do they support or prevent you from realizing those dreams you fell … 475 what you do now … is that positive or negative in regard to your future dreams? 476 A: The activities, or which one? 477 I: yeah 478 A: Not … that’s support a little bit … not high, which I hope that … that’s a bit of that, no 479 I: Yeah, that’s why you say that language is so important for you to learn, because it’s part of 480 the way to the goal 481 A: Yeah … and in Y we are friend with our teacher … a teacher from Columbia … with the 482 husband from Denmark, yeah … we become friendly … come to our and take dinner … good 483 food from Syria and … my friend go to her house and take dinner … and we have a teacher 484 from Denmark is X and X … yeah, but now … because in the beginning you have a good 485 teacher, Y 486 I: Mmh … so, just to sum up. Your experience of the asylum process so far is not very 487 positive … do you feel it’s also because you feel you cannot influence what’s going on, it’s 488 like outside of your control? You are just waiting here while somebody else is making a 489 decision for you … you understand? 490 A: No no … you mean that I can’t go because I fear from the control or the problems? 491 I: No, it’s more like … you don’t know if the Danish government will … you can stay here or 492 you cannot stay here, I mean … how do you feel about that. It’s like, it’s not up to you in a 493 way to decide if you can stay in Denmark 494 A: Yeah, I … all people don’t like go, or not go 495 I: Yeah 20 496 A: That’s the mind of army, or politics 497 I: Yeah … so how does it make you feel when you hear somebody has gotten a note from the 498 government that says that they cannot stay here, and then have to go back to their home 499 country. How does that make you feel? When that happens sometimes 500 A: This pressure or with press or with force? 501 I: No no no, just … during the process of asylum, some people are told they cannot stay here, 502 even though they have applied for asylum, they cannot stay in Denmark. They have to go 503 back to their home country. You know? 504 A: Yeah … when the war stop … I go to my country 505 I: Yeah 506 A: I don’t … over respect dansk people or any people in the world … but my … my country 507 is very … have a good place in my heart 508 I: Yeah, I can hear 509 A: But the war, that’s the reason 510 I: Yeah, of course 511 A: But when the reasons … when the reasons stop … that’s the final … I go to my country … 512 I can go 513 I: Yeah 514 A: But … there is many difficulties 515 I: Yeah … just one last question, then talk quickly about the pictures … we are interested in 516 something called occupational deprivation … it’s a term that describes when people want to 517 participate or do activities, but cannot do it because of something outside of their control. You 518 understand? 519 A: About some people or? 520 I: Just … it’s in a way a situation some people here at the asylum center will experience, 521 because they want to do something, like you want to work, but you cannot because the 522 government says you have to first be recognized as a refugee, then you can start … it’s like 21 523 something outside … you cannot decide what you want to do in a way. How does that make 524 you feel? 525 A: That’s … how … this feeling … gives a negative … a negative opinion, not give a 526 negative ideas or black ideas, yeah … because the same reason I haven’t any trust with the 527 government 528 I: Yeah 529 A: All … with the queen … yeah yeah … that’s that’s … all opinion in Arabic world … 530 because, all of the government, lies lies lies … Syria rich country 531 I: Yeah 532 A: Syria, all Arabic world or country … our government … because that we have thoughts … 533 black thoughts about the governments, about the police, about the army … about all in the 534 government … yeah yeah 535 I: Yeah 536 A: And when I come to Denmark, the person who catch me … that’s a good man and … I 537 have respect with him 538 I: Yeah 539 A: But that’s give good ideas to me … or a good start to me and them … but after this there is 540 a police woman come to the school in Y and … police woman come to school … in Syria this 541 is not happened 542 I: No 543 A: yeah. In Syria all police are men … all police men enter the school, but the school have 544 respect? … the police man, woman from Y … go to the school and talk to the refugees in the 545 class 546 I: She come with some rules, or? 547 A: She is come to this class and … when I come to Denmark 548 I: yeah 22 549 A: yeah … because that … until now I haven’t any opinion about the dansk or Danmark 550 I: Yeah 551 A: Yeah … because that … until now … I want to … when the war stop in Syria, I want to go 552 I: Yeah 553 A: Yeah, to return, yeah … and useful to my country, my economic, my … yeah yeah … 554 because my … after this dirty war, our country need 555 I: They need people like you 556 A: Yeah … people like, people like me, like 557 I: High educated 558 A: Yeah yeah … that’s the message of you life, if you haven’t a message in your life, you will 559 be the not good, yeah 560 I: Yeah 561 A: The message of your life, yeah … must be … all that you are … not the free … to not give 562 a personal purpose … but you have a general purpose 563 I: Yeah … finally, you took a few pictures … there are few or just one you want to tell us a 564 little bit about? 565 A: This 566 I: This one? Okay 567 A: This one is 568 I: But why did you take some of the pictures? Is there one picture that means … something 569 special to you? 570 A: Special? 571 I: Yeah, some special meaning to you 572 A: But, only this 573 I: Like you took pictures of the computer … so, why did you take that picture? 23 574 A: I watch song on Facebook … I have very much music … Arabic music 575 I: Yeah 576 A: From my country, but … I can’t watch it … every time, yeah 577 I: Yeah 578 A: Because that I … watch it in the Facebook … Facebook go with yourself out … out, many 579 difficulties … or many problems and the life, all the day … because that I love this case 580 I: Yeah … what about the picture of the cake? What make you take a picture of the cake? That 581 is the … oh, that’s the one you talked about you baked to the children 582 A: Yeah … in Syria, when you, all family … when you make a good food or a famous food 583 … go to your neighbors 584 I: And give? 585 A: Yeah yeah … all peoples have a … that’s give a good … emotion 586 I: Yeah, giving is … 587 A: And give a … a high feeling … a human feeling 588 I: Yeah 589 A: Yeah yeah … that’s … if you give … any children … I hope if I can … if I can … I hope if 590 I can give all children in the world what he need … I can … I want 591 I: Yeah 592 A: Because that … the children live in … another life … not in the difficult as I … sadly … 593 he haven’t any … the children in his mind haven’t any … any ideas about … why he can’t … 594 he can’t obtain this thing … yeah, you know 595 I: Mmh 596 A: The children … in his mind haven’t any ideas about why he can’t watch it or take this 597 thing … haven’t any ideas about why 598 I: Yeah 24 599 A: Haven’t any idea because the war or because the … if he want to eat this foods … if you 600 can give this food, must be giving 601 I: Yeah 602 A: Yeah, because the children live an … another life, not an … like 603 I: Yeah, we understand 604 A: Yeah … our prophet Muhammed have sayings, you know sayings 605 I: Yeah 606 A: Says, not Coran, short speak … he said from 1000 years, from 1000 and 400 years … he 607 said … let the children … live as they like … because they belong to another age, not to your 608 age … do you know that? 609 I: Yeah 610 A: Let’s the children make anything in their life, because they … they bond, they bond … 611 they come to the world with their … to another age, not your age, yeah 612 I: Mmh 613 A: Because that … they speak to me … because that, you must … must take good careful 614 with the communication of their … communicate with the children … because … they have 615 live in another life, not in your life 616 I: Yeah, of course 617 A: Yeah 618 I: Do you have any questions for us? 619 A: I haven’t any questions until now … I hope we become friends, if you want? 620 I: Yeah, of course! But thank you very much, it’s been a great help for us, that you, yeah … 621 you invited us into your home here and talked about your life. It means a lot to us. 622 A: You welcome 623 I: We will treat everything you told us with great respect 624 A: Okay 25 625 I: Thank you very much 626 A: Welcome 26 Bilag 7 Transskribering af interview med Bashir. Interviewer (I). Informant (B). 1 I: Just because we are taping it, your name and age? 2 B: My name? 3 I: Yeah 4 B: B 5 I: And your age? 6 B: 26 years old 7 I: Okay 26 years old 8 B: Yeah 9 I: And where are you from? 10 B: I am from Somalia 11 I: And why did you come to Denmark, instead of like other countries, Sweden, Germany. 12 Why did you end here in Denmark? 13 B: I love to live here in Denmark 14 I: Yeah 15 B: Because in Somalia we have more than 25 years, there is a lot of different world so, and I 16 used to work as a journalist in Somalia 17 I: Yeah we read that 18 B: So as a journalist we have a big problem, I think that you know about it 19 I: Yeah 20 B: So that is the problem I came here, to set my life and have a good education here 1 21 I: Yeah okay 22 I: So did you come by yourself or did you come along with other people, that you knew in 23 Somalia? 24 B: I come by myself 25 I: Okay, was it a difficult journey to? 26 B: Yeah, it was a difficult journey, I passed a lot of countries then I came here 27 I: So you came here by yourself, how does that effect your life here, is it difficult, do you feel 28 alone? 29 I: Yeah sometimes, I feel alone because in here we don’t have nothing to do, we go to school 30 then come back here sit all day and thinking thinking, you got a lot of stress. If you don’t have 31 something to do, you know, you think too much. But sometimes I have a lot of friends, we sit 32 together and try to make a good life 33 I: Then it is okay. Because you had a really busy life in Somalia compared to know 34 B: Yeah I woke up six O clock and nine O clock at night I come back home. I was to much 35 busy. And here all day I sit at home, nothing to do 36 I: And it seems like you had a pretty dangerous work you did in Somalia 37 B: Yeah, it was really dangerous 38 I: Was that a coincident that you like…. Worked in dangerous places or was it because you 39 really wanted to? 40 B: You know if you are a journalist as a reporter, you have to go anywhere to make news. 41 That is why we go anywhere dangerous in the world 42 I: You have to get the news 43 I: Was that always a dream for you to become a journalist? 44 B: Yeah, it is my dream, I would love to work as a journalist here in Denmark. If I got 45 opportunity I am not going to miss it 46 I: So you wrote that you worked as a journalist and that you really love music? 2 47 B: Yeah, I like listening to music 48 I: Do you play any instruments also? 49 B: No, I try to learn 50 I: So have you tried to perhaps pursued that interest in the asylum center, learn to play 51 anything? 52 B: Yeah, one of my friends have the guitar and sometimes I try to. He tried to teach me, but 53 now he went back to Titanien, he played good music. But I could not learn, it is difficult to 54 learn you know 55 I: Yeah, you have to be very good with your fingers 56 I: So…. You mentioned in what you wrote that it was like a passion to you, the journalism 57 work you did in Somalia, so you really feel like it’s close to your heart? 58 B: Yeah it’s close to my heart. 59 I: But what is it about the journalism that… You love so much? 60 B: You know, to make news to know everything about other people life’s, the problem in their 61 life, they have you know, you can understand all the feelings of the people, when you make 62 the news. That is why I like journalism 63 I: So it is actually the people… the human side of the journalism that you are interested in and 64 just getting to know other people and why they do things, that they do 65 B: Yeah 66 I: I can relate to that, so it is not because of money or 67 B: No no no 68 I: So do you… Are any of your family journalists or is it just you? 69 B: No, only me. I have one brother, but he is not a journalist. I am the only journalist in my 70 family 71 I: Okay, is your brother here in Denmark? 3 72 B: No. he is in Somalia. I am only here alone 73 I: Are you in contact with them? 74 B: Yeah 75 I: On the Internet or? 76 B: Yeah on the Internet and sometimes we talk on the phone. 77 I: Okay. So in Somalia, did you do anything special with your family and friends when you 78 where together? 79 B: Yeah, we do sometime, when we have holiday, you know, surprise parties 80 I: And play music and 81 B: Yeah 82 I: So... You don’t have any other hobby outside listening to music and enjoying music? 83 B: No I only like listen to music 84 I: Yeah. It is relaxing and 85 B: Yeah it is relaxing and when you have lot of tension you listen to music you feel free, you 86 know 87 I: So you use this here in the center sometimes? 88 B: Yeah I listen only 89 I: So you feel it helps you to come down 90 B: Yeah, I only use it alone and sometimes we don’t have nobody to talk, just to talk to friends 91 on social network, sometimes if you don’t have any friends to talk, there is no one online, so 92 you listen to music and sit here 93 I: Yeah, it can become very lonely 94 B: Yeah very very, if you don’t have a family here and you know good friends. You can 95 understand how the life is 4 96 I: Yeah of course. It becomes very quiet, because not many people to talk with 97 B: We live here two persons, sometimes you go to his friends, he have a lot of friends in Y. I 98 have here 10 months; here have been here three years, so he have a lot of friends. Sometimes 99 he go Y, Y, Y. I am the only one who here all day 100 I: Okay. So a typical day in Somalia for you, like you said, you get up really early and you go 101 to bed really late, what about in the weekends, when you are not working? 102 B: Yes, weekend only Friday 103 I: Only Fridays for you 104 B: Yes, so in the Friday, you know we go to the mosque and pray, every Friday and other 105 times with my family, my mother, brother and I have a wife. So in the night we go all for 106 dinner, then come back home 107 I: So every Friday here, is there like something in your heart that makes you think about the 108 Fridays in Somalia with your family? 109 B: Yeah, yeah. We used to go out with my family, but know I am here alone and I can’t go 110 out. 111 I: So … What about practicing Islam here, it must be difficult in the center? 112 B: Yeah. We don’t have a mosque here en Y. So sometimes on Friday you go Y 113 I: Okay, you go to Y, there is a place there you can go? 114 B: Yeah 115 I: Okay, do you do that every Friday? 116 B: Yeah, every Friday 117 I: Every Friday yeah. But do you still feel that you need something? 118 B: Yeah, if you don’t have near you house and you travel, there is sometimes you don’t have 119 the ticket, so you have to stay at home, sometimes we in group do Islam here and we is in the 120 room in the basement, so we pray there. And sometimes we go to Y to pray 5 121 I: So…. Well we had a question, what meaning does the activities you did in your country 122 mean to you, but actually you already answered that, because journalism is your passion, 123 music is your passion, you are a very passionate person 124 B: Yeah 125 I: So… We will like to ask you about a typically day here in the asylum center? What is it 126 like? You get up at about nine? You wrote about nine O clock or? 127 B: No, I wake up, you know, I go to school four days a week 128 I: Oh yeah 129 B: So we been at school nine O’clock, to walk 15 minutes, so I wake up eight O’clock and 130 8:45 I go to school. Then come back 11.15, so 11. 15 I have nothing to do, I just sit here. 131 Sometimes me and my friends make food and eat together, and all night we talk, then 10 132 O’clock we go to sleep, so we wake up in the morning to go to school 133 I: Life is very very different from the past 134 B: Yeah, it is very different 135 I: How does it make you feel? 136 B: I feel alone 137 I: So you mention that you sometimes go out of the city or that you go to Y and Y a few times 138 and at least you go to Y to pray. Do you do anything else outside this asylum center, like sport 139 or anything? 140 B: Yeah, we play football and sometimes we play Volleyball here outside 141 I: Okay that is fun 142 B: Yeah, to have fun, you know 143 I: Yeah, but is it difficult to find something to do normally? 144 B: Yeah we have nothing to do here 145 I: No? 6 146 B: If you don’t have a job or something else and all day you are at home, you know, some 147 friends have their family, mother, sisters, brothers and some they are alone and some have 148 their wife’s and children. 149 I: Yeah. So we have a question about language, because you come to a country where most 150 people speak Danish, is that a big problem for you, the language part, the language barrier, 151 because it is sometimes difficult to communicate, talk with other Danish people? 152 B: Yeah it is, but know I am trying to learn the Danish language, because when I started in 153 school, the pronunciation, it is very difficult, but now I understand a little dansk 154 I: Oh okay, have you tried to speak with Danish people in the city, how was that going? 155 B: It is good, but if you don’t know that much dansk, you feel a little shy, you know 156 I: Yeah of course, I can imagine 157 B: Yeah 158 I: What do you think about the Danish people? 159 B: Yeah, they are good people 160 I: They are good people 161 B: Yeah they are always have a smile on their face 162 I: But I can imagine that Danish people are quite different from Somalia people? Just 163 sometimes you say people are reflecting of the climate, when it is cold outside Danish people 164 sometimes can be a little bit closed and difficult to talk to, I can imagine compared to perhaps 165 Somalia people? 166 B: Yeah, the Somalia people you know, they can, they don’t go one person outside, if we go 167 outside we go together, five person, six persons. So here you can see one person go here, 168 sometimes if you go alone here, you see no body here, when you walk five minutes, 10 169 minutes, you see one person walking here 170 I: It is different. So do you feel it is a great obstacle the language or do you feel that you 171 already improving a lot? 172 B: Yeah. No, improving a lot 7 173 I: So you English is good, that helps a lot here en Denmark 174 B: I don’t know that much English 175 I: I think it is good, you are doing very well 176 B: Just little good 177 I: So relations in the past in Somalia, you knew a lot of people? Like? 178 B: My friends or what? 179 I: Yeah, just friends, workmates, did you know a lot of people in Somalia, was that a part of 180 your job as a journalist? 181 B: Yeah, I know a lot of people, we contacted them on Facebook 182 I: So what about your relations now, are they most on Facebook? 183 B: Yeah, sometimes they are on Facebook and sometimes we call them and talk together on 184 skype so 185 I: What about other people in the center, you don’t, do you talk to any of them? 186 B: My friends? 187 I: Yeah. So you have a lot of friends in the center too? 188 B: Yeah I have a little, five or six friends 189 I: Okay that is good. So have they all been here a long time or did they just come? 190 B: Yeah…. Two, one the one who live with me, he is from Somalia, he lived here in three 191 years. I: Yeah, that is a long time 192 B: And one I think you meet him before he is my good friend, I think he lived here four years 193 I: Yeah, it is a long long time 194 B: He also speaks dansk good 195 I: Yeah yeah. So when you are here with friends, you mostly play sports and talk? 8 196 B: Yeah, we play sport and talk and Saturday, Sunday night we make food together also we 197 like eat together 198 I: So is it a special kind of food you make, from Somalia or? 199 B: Sometimes we make food from Somalia, Syria, and Pakistan different countries 200 I: So you get a bit of financial support from the Danish government, some money from the 201 Danish government every two weeks? I think 202 B: Yeah 203 I: Is that enough to cover your needs just the things you need to buy, or do you feel it is 204 difficult? 205 B: It is different, the money we take, when the case is open, you can take 1200, they say it is 206 face two, but when you got two negative the immigrations rejects your case 207 I: Okay 208 B: So sometimes it is enough and sometimes it is not enough 209 I: Yeah okay. I can imagine. So what do you mostly spend money on? Is it mostly food? 210 B: Yeah sometimes we buy close and the food we eat. And the credit card when we have on 211 the phone to call ours family in Somalia. 212 I: Do you have enough money to like travel to other parts of the country like if you want to go 213 to Y a couple of time in the week? 214 B: No 215 I: Not enough money? 216 B: We don’t go, if we wan’t, we wan’t to make sure we go here, we have two shops here and 217 we make shop in here. Sometime Friday, we go in Y. That is the only where we travel. 218 I: Okay, otherwise you have to have a bicycle, but it is a long way. 219 I: So what kind of activities are offered here in the asylum center for you to do, do you feel 220 like there is anything offered or is it? 9 221 B: Yeah they give us jobcenter, today I have jobcenter, but I tell them I have interview and I 222 can’t come to jobcenter 223 I: Okay 224 B: And it is not the jobcenter, the place you live is good to clean. Yeah, so we clean the 225 houses and outside 226 I: Yeah. How do you feel about that? 227 B: Yeah, it is a good, you know it is good to have a clean place to live, so it must be clean 228 I: But still it is quite different from being a journalist? This is the only kind of work you do 229 B: Yeah 230 I: Do you feel like missing any activities here? 231 B: Yeah. You know what I do before. I miss a lot. 232 I: So it is not like, a PlayStation or? 233 B: No… I don’t have a chance to play PlayStation. 234 I: So it is the job you are missing? 235 B: Yeah 236 I: Could you actually imagine interviewing other people here in the center and perhaps 237 writing a story about their life’s maybe and I don’t know, publishing them? 238 B: Yeah, sometimes I try to make interview and make history but it is not possible, we don’t 239 have the permission to do that 240 I: Oh okay yeah. Because it could have been a good way to use your skills 241 B: Yeah 242 I: So the things you can do here, how do you feel about it, is it too little or…. Because is it 243 boring to be here 244 B: Yeah you know, you wake up morning, you go to school only two hours and you come 245 back. But the other hours you are at home, just eat food, sit here 10 246 I: Yeah, so it is really to little… So if you can imagine… Are there any activities that you 247 think, that could be really good to have here? 248 B: Yeah, if I can work as a journalist or something else to keep yourself busy, I would like. 249 But I don’t have the chance 250 I: In the Danish media right now there is a lot of talk about, the people who come to Denmark, 251 should already have some kind of work after they been here two months, but how do you feel 252 about it, if perhaps you would be put in a place where you have to repair bicycle or something 253 completely different from what you are educated in doing? How would you feel about that? 254 B: No, if you know how to fix a bicycle I would do it, but if you don’t, you can’t do this. If 255 they give us another kind of job, like shooting pictures, filming I can do it. 256 I: Okay, so that would be okay with you, you would feel that would be a good thing? 257 B: Yeah a good thing 258 I: Just a few questions more about your future, what wishes and dreams do you have for the 259 future? I know that you have written about it, but if you just can retell it? 260 B: You know I always like to work as a journalist you know, any kind of TV or radio station, 261 so I like to be a big journalist. And to have a good name I like to be a journalist in my future 262 I: Yeah of course, I can imagine that. So do you know if there is any chance of taking the 263 education you have en Somalia and get I like upgraded or yeah, just in some way so official 264 so you could use it here in Denmark as well? 265 B: You know, we have a lot of Somalia TV and you know the TV I worked for before and 266 they don’t have any reporter here and they told me to send report here, but I tell them that I 267 don’t have the permission to do this here, I live in a asyl center. My case got rejected I got 268 two negatives, so I can’t do it here. But if I got a positive, I can do it. 269 I: Yeah, that would have been good, that could be a perfect solution for you then 270 B: Yeah 271 I: So what you do right now, how does the present activates here at the asylum center, do you 272 feel that they support or prevent you from realizing your dreams? 11 273 B: No, I did not talk about my dreams to them, when we need the help, we go ask them, but 274 they can’t help us more. 275 I: So, it is really not helping you in any ways right now? To realizing your dreams to become 276 a journalist in Denmark? 277 B: Yeah 278 I: So what is your experience of this whole process of seeking asylum here in Denmark? Is it 279 frustrating, is it slow, can you put a few words? 280 B: No my, I told you, my case is rejected here, so they told me to leave the country in 15 days 281 and I am still here you know. You know, I go to another country, they will send me back here 282 I: So is it , do you feel it is frustrating to like, you can not influence the process in any way, 283 you are just kind of waiting and seeing what is going to happen? 284 B: Yeah, I just waiting my luck that is why I am still here. 285 I: …. How do you feel about being placed on this center, it is like you had no influence on 286 being placed right here? You could have been in another center, perhaps closer to a larger 287 town or city? Do you feel like it is frustrating to, when you came to Denmark, you where just 288 placed here? 289 B: I have a lot of friends who come here before me and they told me how to life here, they 290 told me before you go, to Sandholm, and I don’t have a lot of friends, if you have more 291 friends you can just, I want to live en this place, so I make friends here and I am happy to live 292 here. 293 I: That is good, but where you live in Somalia, was that a big city or small town? 294 B: Yeah, big city 295 I: So it is very very different from here? Y is really really small 296 B: Yeah. It is small and they don’t have a lot of population, when you go out it is quite 297 I: We were driving here, and we said wow it is really outside en the country, so far away 298 from, it just feel that way 299 B: Yeah, sometimes when I go out, there is nobody here, I am alone 12 300 I: We have asked you a lot of questions… The project we are making, we are bachelor 301 students in Occupational therapy, and what we are interested in looking into something called 302 Occupational deprivation, and that is a situation where you have something you want to do, 303 like you want to work as a journalist but something outside your control is actually stopping 304 you from doing it, you can say, that is the Danish government or that it is because you are 305 being in this asylum system. Is this something you can relate to? That kind of frustration of 306 not having any control over your own situation, you own destiny? 307 B: You know, sometimes you can’t get what you need, if you don’t have any resident or 308 agreement to stay here, you can’t wish more dreams, so you don’t know about your future. 309 You live as a refugee, so 310 I: So you try to accept that? 311 B: Yeah 312 I: That is… I feel sorry for you 313 B: No problem 314 I: No, you feel like a really good guy so, when you meet people here you just feel, it is so 315 frustrating, why it takes so long and you get rejections and because 316 B: Yeah some people they come here only one month and they go, and I just stay here 10 317 months and some of my friends they live here three years four years. So it is difficult for us 318 I: I can imagine. You toke some very good pictures, with your camera, and we brought them 319 today, and let’s take a look at them. They are very good, and it was a beautiful day. We will 320 put them, so everybody can see them. It is a lot of pictures. We just want to, ask you about, if 321 there is any particular pictures, you want to talk about, is there a special reason perhaps why 322 you took does pictures? We can start with these. Can you see them? 323 B: Yeah. 324 I: Do you have any pictures you think that…. Otherwise you took a picture of the kitchen? 325 B: This is the place we cook and this is the place we sleep, I used to sleep here, but now I 326 sleep down. You know, the bed is to old, when you sleep up, they make that sound you know, 327 cak cak cak 13 328 I: Oh yeah 329 B: That is why is you can’t sleep there. On this place, it is on the post we check the post, 330 when we have post or 331 I: Yes picture number two 332 B: Yeah, they put here 333 I: What is what you say? 334 B: Yeah, if you have post or 335 I: Oh yeah okay 336 B: You want to go to clinic or. The time you go clinic or. The post you have 337 I: So this is where you can see activities or? 338 B: Yeah 339 I: So there is not so many pictures of the inside, but this is another one, what did make you 340 take this picture? Picture number three here 341 B: Yeah, this is the office 342 I: This is the office area? So you spend a lot of time walking through here? 343 B: We sit here and drink coffee and take laptop down. And watch movies there. 344 I: Oh okay. That is nice. And then you have a picture of the tree, picture number five, okay it 345 is wrong, it is completely wrong. This is picture 23 of the tree, what make you take pictures of 346 the trees? We messed up the pictures, we even wrote numbers on the back. 347 B: It is here, the place we been before. 348 I: Do you ever play minigolf? 349 B: Here? 350 I: What is it called, mini…. Miniature golf? 351 B: No no we don’t. We only use this volleyball and sometimes we play fodbold over there. 14 352 I: Okay. This pictures of the trees, is that also the picture of the trees outside here 353 B: Yeah, my friend did make this 354 I: We talked about that it is actually really beautiful picture, just of the tree. Naked trees 355 B: You know, I love to take a lot of pictures 356 I: Yeah, your pictures are really good. They are very clear…. You have a picture of the bus 357 stop, this? It is number four 358 B: It is where the bus stop, the bus stop here when we go Y and sometimes we have private 359 bus, when people who need to go clinic en Y 360 I: Yeah okay, then they go with the bus. We have number 22, and it is a complete mess… It 361 is with your friend 362 B: Yeah, he is sleeping 363 I: Det kan være at vi skal ligge nogle af de andre billeder op, så kan vi spørge om nogle af 364 dem How did you feel about taking pictures, was that okay? 365 B: Yeah I like making pictures 366 I: We thought it could be a good way to reflect on things, before we interview you. A lot of 367 pictures from outside here 368 B: Yeah, I make them, because the place we live 369 I: Do you like to be outside? 370 B: Yeah I like, sometimes I make my mobile pictures 371 I: How about the weather? Is that a big problem? 372 B: No no, when it is to much cold, we don’t have much cold in Somalia. Only summer, it is a 373 hot place. You see, our skin is black 374 I: So do you miss Somalia a lot? If you could, would you go back? 375 B: When I remember my family I miss a lot, but then you remember the fighting and 376 problems in Somalia, you feel it is better to stay here 15 377 I: Yeah. Do you feel trapped in between Denmark and your home country? It is like you are 378 trapped in between these two countries 379 B: Yeah if you don’t , if your case is rejected you don’t have permission to stay here and the 380 government told you, you have to leave the country, you have 15 days, you feel ,you come 381 here, you leave your family to have a better life, and you can’t find noting on stay here. So 382 you think too much and a lot of tension and stress 383 I: Yeah, is there any particular picture you would like to talk about? This one outside, two of 384 your friends? 385 B: This one is X, you know, it is not allowed to smoke inside, so they smoke here 386 I: Do you smoke? 387 B: Me I used to smoke before, but I quit smoking 388 I: That is good. There is a lot of strict police about smoking in public places in Denmark, you 389 can’t smoke inside of public offices and places like that 390 B: Yeah, you know, the other people who come from another country, they smoke inside their 391 room, and inside the work places, so when you come in new country, new place, and you 392 don’t know how to live this, you try to smoke inside. If you smoke here, you have to pay 500 393 kr 394 I: Very strict 395 B: We go outside to smoke. 396 I: Yeah, you kind of learn that really quickly. 397 B: I hope it is good, the picture I made. 398 I: Oh yeah, it is very good pictures, and beautiful. Could you imagine living in a different 399 camp, from this one, perhaps closer to like more activities like in Y or Y? 400 B: Yeah, Y have a lot of population 401 I: So that could be nice? 402 B: Yeah 16 403 I: What would you do if you lived closer to, would you there be different activates you would 404 do, that you don’t do now? 405 B: You know, if you have a lot of friends, who tell you to make good activities, you have to 406 have friends to help you. But en Y or Y, Y I don’t have friends. So I have to stay here 407 I: Yeah of course, you are happy with this place? 408 B: Yeah. So I have some friends 409 I: That is good, I think that is all the questions, thank you. Do you have any questions for us? 410 B: No no 411 I: Thank you so much for your time, it has been amazing that you would help us, we are really 412 grateful because, you are opening you heart about your situation and can promise you that 413 everything you have said, will be treated with respect 414 B: You are welcome 415 I: It is, how to say it, in Danish television they are talking a lot about refugees and asylum 416 seekers, and for me personally, I feel it is frustrating, it is like a generally category the people 417 they are talking about, we get to know the real people behind the idea of what is a refugee and 418 what is a asylum seeker. Just like you have a really personal story and your situation is really 419 difficult 420 B: Yeah, it is really difficult, no only they give the positive Syrian people, the people who 421 come from Syria, there is some Somalia people who got the positive. 422 I: It is frustrating because we are not the government, and sometimes I wish we could be 423 because then you could contribute. It is frustrating both for us and you. 17 Bilag 8 Transskribering af interview med Calel. Interviewer (I). Informant (C). 1 I: Just for the record here. Your name and age? 2 C: C 3 I: Yeah, and how old are you? 4 C: I’m … 29 5 I: Okay yeah 29. And originally where are you from? 6 C: I’m from Kurdish Iran. 7 I: Kurdish Iran okay. For how long time did you been in Denmark? 8 C: Maybe for three years now 9 I: three years? That’s a long time? 10 C: Yeah 11 I: … So why did you come to Denmark? Instead of Sweden or Norway? 12 C: My country have problems because you now Kurdish don’t have a country. Yeah? 13 I: Yeah 14 C: I’m coming outside ... just Denmark no. In the Europe 15 I: Yeah 16 C: I’m coming to Europe 17 I: So is that a bite of coincides you are here? 18 C: Yeah. But now … I have children here born in Denmark 19 I: Okay yeah 1 20 C: So they stay here 21 I: So did you come by yourself originally or did you have your wife with you? Family? 22 C: Yes, my family is in Y 23 I: Okay yeah. So what did it mean to you that you didn’t come here by yourself? At the start? 24 Did it mean you have somebody to talk to or? Was that good thing or a bad thing that you 25 didn’t come by yourself to Denmark? 26 C: No good thing 27 I: It was a good thing? 28 C: Yeah 29 I: So what did you do in your home country? 30 C: In my country? 31 I: Yeah. In the past? Where you a student or did you have work? 32 C: I’m Kurisk, and Kurdisk have problem, dont have any ID. 33 I: Yeah 34 C: I have a problem because I can’t go to the school. Because I don’t have ID. 35 I: Okay so you have 36 C: Just I have one ID in the Denmark 37 I: Yeah 38 C. Before I don’t have id 39 I: So did you do … Could you work or could you do that 40 C: No for me no 41 I: Nothing? 2 42 C: No. Because I don’t have I id, and you go to school with id and don’t have id 43 I: Okay. So what did you do? 44 C: Just work 45 I: What kind of work? 46 C: Before I was in a petrol 47 I: Okay 48 C: Petrol and photograph … and fitness gym 49 I: Okay yeah. And what about spare time? 50 C: Spare? 51 I: Yeah just when you’re not working, what did you do? Do you have any interest playing 52 music or sport? 53 C: No I read books 54 I: Okay you read books 55 C. Yes 56 I: Yeah 57 C: Book about religion for the Islam and Christianity and Jews 58 I: Okay 59 C: Because I like 60 I: Religious books? 61 C: Yeah. 62 I: Yeah … and what did the work mean to you? When you work? Was that because you 63 wanted money or because it gives 3 64 C: Yes money. If you have money you can pay every work 65 I: Yeah yeah yeah … so what about relations in the past? Did you have a lot of friends and 66 people you know in Kurdistan? 67 C: In Kurdistan I have friends. But know no. because i’m three years outside 68 I: Yeah. But it was important for you in Kurdistan, to know a lot of people? If you want 69 something you always know somebody or? 70 C: Yeah before Kurdistan broke and fall, but know Kurdistan broke and eaten. Broken 71 I: Okay 72 C: Not come back 73 I: Big mess. So when you are with family and friends in Kurdistan, what will you normally 74 do? Watch TV or? Eat together? What would you do? 75 C: Now I don’t have a contact 76 I: No in past. Before 77 C: Before? 78 I: Yeah. Would you go out in see the nature and 79 C: Before I have a shop in the Kurdistan, go outside, and don’t have a problem with the 80 people and friend 81 I: Yeah 82 C: But know I don’t have contact 83 I: No. A typical day for you in Kurdistan? In the past. What would that be? You would wake 84 up you will get up at what time? eight, three? 85 C: Yeah. eight. Everyday 86 I: And then what. Eat breakfast? 4 87 C: Now here we have the weekend and two days, but here no seven days’ work 88 I: Yeah. So just to get back to Kurdistan, just to get an idea of what you did in the past, before 89 you come here. You would get up and eat breakfast and what do you after what? 90 C: Sometime eats breakfast, sometimes not 91 I: Okay 92 C. In the wok you can 93 I: Oh you can eat there. So how long did you work? All day? 94 C: Maybe 10 hours or 12 hours 95 I: Long time 96 C: Yeah 97 I: So you get home and then what did you do after work? 98 C: After work, then you come back you have some friend you go, and your family 99 I: Yeah 100 C: With the family go outside 101 I: And you eat or what did you do outside? 102 C: Yeah sometime you go to the restaurant or some place. All your family, yeah 103 I: Yeah. So … a typical or normal day here at the asylums center, what is that like? What time 104 do you get up now here? 105 C: Here … I don’t sleep. Here every time I have a sitrus, because I man been three years here. 106 I: Yeah 107 C: I don’t … maybe sometime. But know I have friends here, sometime police is coming put 108 to the … what do you say in English? 109 I: Handcuff? 5 110 C: Yeah. After deport for the country. Because you not understand here 111 I: Yeah 112 C: Every time I ready for this 113 I: So… but just to get an idea of your day here. So ... what happens here? 114 C: Here i’m go to the office and sometimes my English, a little understand English, but for the 115 Kurdish I understand several languages Kurdish. So Pakistan and Arabic. I’m going to office 116 and help 117 I: Yeah okay 118 C: Before I have a job in Y. Sometimes service 119 I: Okay service … So know do you do anything outside the center? Play sports. Go to the 120 fitness center? 121 C. No no 122 I: No? 123 C: Just i’m going to the Kirk 124 I: The kirk? 125 C: Yes the Kirken 126 I: Oh okay yes Kirken. Aarh den Arabize kirke. So what does it mean to you to go there? Is it 127 a place of peace and quiet? 128 C: No i’m a student here, about Christianity 129 I: Yeah okay. So you mention language? 130 C: Is it a big problem for you to … because of Danish and English 131 C: Yeah English a little bit good, but Danish is difficult. If i’m not going to the school i’m not 132 going to understand 6 133 I: Yeah. So is it a big problem to talk with the Danish people outside the center, like the 134 Danish people? 135 C: Yeah yes I can 136 I: You can talk with them? 137 C: Yeah I can 138 I: You are just talking English then? 139 C. Yeah lidt English I can yeah 140 I: So ... what … do you have many friends here in the center? 141 C: In Denmark yes. In Jylland and Sjælland yes I have friends in Denmark 142 I: So it is very important for you to have many friends? 143 C: Yeah good. I have friends Danish people, before I’m in the Y I have friend, I work here to 144 the free curses. Free documentary. To the X 145 I: Okay yeah. Do you get a little bit of money from the Danish government? Just every two 146 weeks? 147 C: Yes every two weeks 148 I: Is that enough for you to get what you need or do you feel it is to little? 149 C: When you don’t drink or don’t smoke, yeah it is good 150 I: But it is not really a lot of money? 151 C: No no no, but it is good. Maybe some countries you don’t give 152 I: Like Greece? They don’t get any money for example 153 C: And Italy and some in Europe 154 I: Have you been to other countries? Before? 7 155 C: No. but I understand yeah. Because I have been here for three years and when new people 156 coming i’m listening to the people 157 I: And you know their stories? 158 C: Yeah 159 I: So what about ... do you go to other palaces like Y, Y or Y. Do you go with bus sometimes? 160 C: Yeah… Sometimes the bus and sometimes the train. Sometimes my friend have a car 161 I: Oh perfect. So you have money to go to other places if you want to? 162 C: Yes 163 I: Okay. So … what kind of activities can you do here at the center? What kind of things can 164 you do here? Is there any offered? 165 C: No nothing because I don’t have a positive on here, I have positive I can’t make something 166 here. 167 I: Because you have no positive you cannot? 168 C: When you have positive, you can make everything. Because now, I to my country I have a 169 lot of money but I don’t coming here because I know have a problem. I don’t have a positive, 170 I come back make work or something or no … in the Kurdish I can give back this money. But 171 now here no. It stopped everything 172 I: Yeah. So … have you done anything to try to find anything … what do you do here? How 173 do you past time here? What can ... do you talk with people or watch TV? 174 C: Watch TV yeah. Watch TV and reading, and going to my family cause my wife in the Y, 175 and my children. I have three children 176 I: Yeah. Do you go often to Y? 177 C: Yeah 178 I: Just a bit about your future? What wishes and dreams do you have for the future? 8 179 C: What sorry? 180 I: Wishes or dreams do you have about the future? Anything you would like … if you think 181 about the perfect future, what is it like? … do you understand? 182 C: No sorry 183 I: What would you like to do? 184 C: I’m? 185 I: Yeah just if you could like think about the perfect thing to do, what would it be? 186 C: No nothing, because i’m in the Denmark and it is stopping everything. Because you know 187 i’m 10 time going to the interview 188 I: Yeah 189 C: this … stopping everything 190 I: So you don’t think about anything you just want to go throw that first? 191 C: Yes 192 I: Yeah. I can imagine. 193 C: Now a new interview … so 11 times i’m going to the Y. And I don’t know want they want. 194 I: How does that make you feel? You have been to some many interviews? How does that 195 feel? 196 C: Sorry? 197 I: How do you feel like going to so many interviews? 198 C: I don’t like, but sometimes when you come and interview … but this is problem because I 199 don’t have any id. In my country this problem. Sometimes they say: Who are you? And they 200 don’t understand me. 201 I: Yeah 9 202 C: Yeah because I don’t have any id. It’s a problem 203 I: Yes 204 C: Now my children are born here in Denmark, like me they don’t have any id 205 I: Yeah. So … does that make you very frustrated or very sad? 206 C: Yeah about stay here, just stopping everything 207 I: Yeah. Do you feel there is anything … if you could think about things to do here at the 208 center that would make your life a little more better, can you think about anything? There 209 perhaps would make your life better here at the center? Anything you could do? 210 C: I make everything? 211 I: Yeah just … right know you don’t do many things in the day, is there anything perhaps if 212 the center could organize something 213 C: For the people? 214 I: Yeah 215 C: For the people here, just have the same problem, everyone stay in their home. Like this. 216 But you don’t can … work … this very problem 217 I: So you would like to work? 218 C: Work yes, not like for any country you can’t work. Not Denmark, because they give you 219 some money to eat, every this two week. You cannot go to the outside to work. When new 220 people go to the outside to work, this is very very good because … not can every time you 221 think this is positive. When i’m going to the outside, I have a work, I don’t every time think 222 about this 223 I: Yeah 224 C: Yeah 225 I: You focus on that you do instead of being alone and thinking 10 226 C: Yes now i’m three years stay here 227 I: It must be hard for you? 228 C: Yeah not for me. Because I have a friend – three years and a friend 10 years stay. This is a 229 problem and bad because I have a friend going to Y , its problem every time you are home. 230 When you go outside tjekking or police coming and say: why are you working here 231 I: Yeah 232 C: This problem about people here 233 I: Yeah. So … what is your experience with this process of seeking asylum here in Denmark? 234 It is a very very long time for you? 235 C: Yeah 236 I: Is it frustrating or you just feel ... just waiting? Hoping for it to be result? … do you 237 understand what I mean? 238 C: No not really, sorry 239 I: … what is your … how do you feel about all this waiting, waiting, waiting? You don’t know 240 if you gonna be in Denmark or you have to back to Kurdistan? How does that make you feel? 241 C: Sometime I speak about my office here. I want to come back to my country but they said 242 wait. Give me positive and they say wait 243 I: Yeah. So you want to go back to your country or do you wanna stay in Denmark? 244 C: I want to stay because I have børn, children here. Because now if you come back in my 245 country they will say who is this children. So this is problem 246 I: Yeah. So … what did you feel about coming here to this place in Y? 247 C: Before in the Y, but asyl in Y moved me here 248 I: How does that feel? You have no influence 249 C: No. This asyl just moved me here 11 250 I: Does that make you feel a little angry or frustrated? 251 C: No no no not angry 252 I: It’s ok? 253 C: Because yeah, because this asyl, when you say you moved to another asyl this is no 254 problem 255 I: Okay 256 C: Yeah. They have a system of it 257 I: Yeah. So you just accept that 258 C: Yeah. Just the finally thing. We are writing a project as bachelor students and we tried to 259 look into what happens with people who are in a situation where they want to do something 260 like you want to work, but you cannot because something outside of your control, which is the 261 government here, they say: you cannot work. How does what make you feel? Like somebody 262 saying you cannot do things that you really want to do here in Denmark 263 C: I’m not going to say anything about the system, I like the system 264 I: Okay 265 C: But I don’t have any id and I think this is a problem. I don’t like this but you cannot do, I 266 just wait 267 I: Yeah 268 C: I have many many friends whey say come here and work, police don’t understand and 269 don’t like 270 I: Yeah 271 C: Because I have children I have wife, this is not good when you are going out of the system 272 I: Yeah 12 273 C: Now i’m working here, when i’m done going to this school, coming this police saying 274 you’re done coming to school and you don’t coming in this school. Like for the ... about 275 money 276 I: Yeah 277 C: This true. When you are done going to this school, money come down yeah. This normal 278 I: Yeah 279 C: Now like … police tell me, you don’t can’t going to the work outside. Because you in the 280 way. When i’m going outside this is a problem. I don’t listening to this 281 I: Yeah 282 C: Yeah 283 I: You have take a few pictures and just to end with that. Last time we did this we messed up 284 the pictures. Let’s see if we can do it the right way this time. This is number one … number 285 two yeah 286 C: It’s X. 287 I: A lot of pictures. Er det vendt rigtigt. Jeg kan ikke se om det vender på hovedet … den er 288 god nok 289 C: Today moving X 290 I: Is he moving today? 291 C: Yeah 292 I: Ah. … His a friends of yours? 293 C: Yeah, Syrian guy. Because I understand Arabic 294 I: How do you feel when people you now and friends are moving? 295 C: This is problem because I many many friends in the Denmark, coming for asyl 13 296 I: Yeah. There is a lot of pictures. Are there any particular pictures, any of these pictures you 297 want to tell us about? Why did you take them? 298 C: This is not my picture 299 I: This is not your pictures? 300 C: No. It is for the Amen. For this guy 301 I: Really? 302 C: Yes 303 I: Okay. That’s a mistake then. Så har vi fået de forkerte billeder eller hvad? Det skulle gerne 304 være dem. That is art … yeah. I don’t know what happens. None of them are yours? 305 C: No this 306 I: You didn’t take the pictures? 307 C: Not my camera. Because my camera … I just picture outside this, for the 308 I: You did that? 309 C: Yeah but this … this picture I understand for the photograph and this for the outside. Here 310 you can. But this for the TV. These to pictures 311 I: Yeah 312 C: Yeah like this for the TV 313 I: Okay 314 C. This outside, outside, outside, outside, this TV, this TV, this outside, this TV, this Tv , this 315 TV 316 I: And then like 317 C: This outside, this TV, this TV and this is like when you are here 318 I: Arh okay 14 319 C: This TV. And this is me 320 I: What is you sitting right there 321 C: And this my friend but in the TV 322 I: Yeah 323 C: But I don’t know where my camera i’m giving this man 324 I: Yeah okay. You gave that man 325 C: Yeah 326 I: Ah okay 327 C: Like maybe church 328 I: Maybe. I guess so 329 I: That is okay. That is too bad. Yeah 330 C: Because now my pictures is starting here … i’m starting here out the train station after my 331 wife in the home. After in the kirken. Yeah 332 I: Do you remember any of the pictures you took? Are there any particular pictures you 333 remember? 334 C: Me? 335 I: Yeah 336 C: Here … in the kirken 337 I: Yeah 338 C: All day 339 I: Yeah, I get it. You took that picture all day? They did you take that picture? 340 C: Because after all day 15 341 I: Ah, yeah, så er der ikke rigtig noget vi kan gøre ved det. Nej. Did you take a picture of a 342 bus stop? 343 C: Bus? 344 I: Just where the bus stops? Did you take a picture of that 345 C:Yes yeah 346 I: Why did you take a picture of that? A lot of people have taken a picture of the bus stop. I 347 just 348 C: The bus stop and train station 349 I: Yeah you take pictures there. It is too bad about the pictures but there is nothing to do about 350 it. No 351 C: Sorry 352 I: It is okay. Do you have any questions for us? We kind of got all our questions asked 353 C: No, but thanks. But after I have speak with my friend X, because maybe camera with him 354 or? 355 I: I don’t know what happen, so we didn’t collect the cameras so we don’t know. It is okay, 356 don’t worry about it, it is fine. We just want to say, thank you very much for your time 357 C: You welcome, thanks. Sorry about my English 358 I: No no no, it’s fine. 16 Bilag 9 Transskribering af dagsbogsmateriale fra Bashir. 1 Task 1 2 Work 3 I am working as a journalist in Somalia. I was a TC-Camariman in HCTv News. I went 4 everyday for a job morning 6.00 kl. And come backe 21.00 kl. Sometimes I have to work 5 parttime in my office. Me and me couloges go outside to make video for news. Sometimes we 6 go very dangerous places and more outlaws gangs we also go to make interviews of our 7 polition and normal people who lost there familie in bomb blast or someone kidnap there 8 children. We also go to make interview of Somalis pirate. 9 Family 10 On weekends I always tried to spend a time with my family but sometimes I have a special 11 task from my job but when ever I have holiday I spend my time with my family specialy with 12 my wife. We go outside some time for picnis and food in restaurant and sometimes we visit 13 our family relatives and sometimes friends for get to gether we used to have a lot of fun. In 14 my home there is a lot of small plantes and I like to spend my free time with them. I also like 15 cooking sometimes I food for my family I also like movies when I feel free I also like to 16 whatch movies like action movies. 17 Religion 18 On Friday is very special day for muslims pray I also attemted every Friday. Friday is the holy 19 day of the week for muslims and it is mandatory for men to offer the early afternoonprayer 20 known as Jumma. In congregation during Friday lunchtime muslims are required to to take a 21 break from their work or other workly activities they involved in and head to the mosque or 22 prayer halls to offer the noon prayer. Islam is bsed on five Pillians this means it is based on 23 five very important things that we must follow. 1 Shahadah to believe in and workship only 24 Allah to believe that muhammed (pbuh) is his messenger. 2 Salah we must pray the salah five 25 times a day the daily prayers are fajr, zohr, ars, magrib and isha. 3 Zakah we purify our 26 wealthy by giving a small amount to the poor. This is given from out extra wealth. 4 Sawm 27 mena s fasting in the month of ramadhan eve fast from befor fajr until magrib (sunset). 5 Hajj 28 is the pilgrimage to Makkah we perform the hajj at least once in our lifetime if we can do it. 1 29 Interest 30 Music is one of the few activities that involves using the whole brain and that is why it 31 interests me. It is intrinste to all cutures and can have surprising benefits not only for learning 32 languages, improving memory and focusing attention but also for physical coordination and 33 development. Of cause music can be distracting if it’s too loud or too jarring or if it competes 34 for our attention with what we’re trying to do but for the most part exposure to many kinds of 35 music has beneficial effects. My favirote hoppy is listening to music its a very entertaining 36 thing to do music gives me fun things to do music is very important to every day life you can 37 listen to it or create it your self. 38 Daily life activities 39 Every morning i wake up 7:45 go to bathroom take a shower and brush my teeth get ready for 40 school eat my breakfast wich is always smoothie couse it’s easy to make. Then i get going for 41 school i have to walk 15 minute i come back from school 11:15 wen i reach home i go to bed 42 to rest an hour. Then start cooking lunch everyday i have my lunch 1:00, finish lunch open my 43 laptop and chat my friends on facebook. In the afternoon me and my friends who live the 44 asylcenter we seat together drink coffe and talk for hours in a winter we cant play foodbold 45 couse outside it is too cold that is why we seat at home trying to have a fun at home 46 sometimes we cook food together and eat we watch movies we try to make our time good 47 couse we dont have a work to do, that is why we try to keep our self busy. We go schcool 4 48 days a week after schcool we are at home all day and nothing to do just having fun watching 49 movies cooking food together teling stories about our contries we share our feelings couse we 50 are like family sometimes we remember our old days in our homeland and we feel home sick 51 missing our childhood friends and family what i miss the most is my family couse I am far 52 away from them every single minut they are in my mind sometimes i feel very lonly here 53 whenever i remember about my family i feel very sad with out your family your life will be 54 dificult. Sometimes i remember my colleagues the way we work together, i have been out for 55 just 1 year some of my friends moved on before i did and the ones i consider friends i am in 56 regular touch some people who are still in the salt mine, and will be for years to come. I 57 regard as friends and i am still in touch peharps monthly. Other i have little or no contact with 58 even thout we were friendly it is what it is. Part of the challenge of keeping up os that many of 59 the people i am frinds with live hundreds of miles away. 2 60 You can get a better daily life if you have something to do. But here we live a asylcenter and 61 we dont have nothing to do, only we go school, and after school we are at home all day. But 62 we try to make our daily life better and we hope to have a good daily life in a future. Our 63 daily life became boring couse all day we are at home we dont have a job or somthing to do 64 just seat at home watch movie talk to friends, if you spend alot of your everyday moments and 65 time in the future or the past or you have difficult focusing and you feel this may have a 66 negative effect on your life then maybe you want to learn to live more in the present moment. 67 To keep your self busy and tell your self that you have a good daily life we know seating at 68 home it’s not good for mentaly couse if you seat at home and you dont have nothing to do 69 then you think too much and it can give you more stress and it’s not good to have a stress if 70 we have something to do like job or somthing like helping people you will be busy if i got a 71 job or somthing make my self busy my daily life will be better than now. 72 In my past i was a busy man i used to work 13 hours a day so i am not used to seat at home, 73 that is why i feel boring but one day it will be good and i hope that i got somethin to make my 74 self busy and make me feel proud to my self. 75 76 I was a journalist and i like to work as a journalist in the future couse workning as a journalist is my passion and i hope one day i will work as a journalist in Danmark. 3 Bilag 10 Billedanalyse. Ali: Billede 1 Præ-ikonografisk niveau: Indendørs, mand, computer, internethjemmeside, computerbord, computermus, hvid t-shirt, mørke farve. Ikonografisk niveau: Ali sidder ved sin computer og surfer på Facebook. Han sidder i sit hjem på asylcenteret. Billede 2 Præ-ikonografisk niveau: Indendørs, kage, bradepande, vindueskarm, gardin, solstråler, græs, hæk, tobak. Ikonografisk niveau: Der er placeret en kage i en vindueskarm, hvor man kan se, at der er spist noget af kagen. Solen skinner ind ad vinduet. Der er udsigt til en hæk, hvor grønne arealer viser sig. Billede 3 Præ-ikonografisk niveau: Indendørs, mand, papir, tobak, blyant, mikroovn, spand, vindueskarm, vindue, taske, t-shirt, hæk, sol, skrivebord. Ikonografisk niveau: Ali sidder ved sit skrivebord med et stykke papir og notere ting ned. Han ser koncentreret ud, og sidder tæt ved vinduet, hvor solens stråler lyser rummet op omkring ham. Der er rodet på skrivebordet. 1 Bashir: Billede 4 Præ-ikonografisk niveau: Udendørs, to mænd, røde jakker, trappe, store vinduespartier, gelænder, grene, kaffekop, joggingbukser, sandaler. Ikonografisk niveau: To mænd står udenfor asylcenteret på en trappe, og drikker en kop kaffe. Mændene smiler og står tæt på hinanden. Omkring dem ses grene og solen skinner på dem. Billede 5 Præ-ikonografisk niveau: Indendørs, mand, værelse, køjeseng, madras, jakke, dyne, rød og grøn pude, kuffert, tæppe, telefon. Ikonografisk niveau: Mand ligger i sin seng med en telefon i hånden og ser afslappet ud. Værelset forestiller et mindre soverum med en lille køjeseng, hvor der ligger en madras på gulvet. Billede 6 Præ-ikonografisk niveau: Indendørs, køkken, skuffer, emhætte, komfur, skuffer, skabe, mikroovn, håndvask, karklud, sølvpapir, termokande, lænestol, opvaskemiddel. Ikonografisk niveau: På billedet ses et rent køkken, hvor der på køkkenbordet står en termokande, opvaskemiddel og en mikroovn. Der er mulighed for at lave mad ved komfuret. Ved køkkenet står placeret en lænestol. 2 Billede 7 Præ-ikonografisk niveau: Udendørs, busstoppested, græsplæne, hække, træ, asylcenter, huse i baggrunden, skyfri himmel, fortov, vej, lygtepæle. Ikonografisk niveau: På billedet ses et busstoppested ved asylcenteret i grønne omgivelser med huse i baggrunden. En lang og tom vej løber langs fortovet ved centeret. 3 Bilag 11 Meningskategorisering af Ali, Bashir og Calel. Meningskategorisering, Ali: Occupational deprivation Linje 16-21: I: Okay, yeah. A large city or a small city? A: … I’m from … a middle city… That’s the area around Syria I: Okay A: Around Damaskus I: Ah okay, so it’s close to a really big city A: Yeah Linje 33-37: A: I … don’t want to come to Denmark in the beginning I: Okay A: In the beginning, yeah. Because the Sweden government have a … I believe with the Sweden government. But I don’t have any information about the Denmark government … yeah… not negative, but I don’t have the information, but now I have negative Linje 39: A: Yeah, I have negative opinion about the government here Linje 49-50: A: Yeah but … because I am from Syria I have … many difficulties in my life … my family is waiting for me … waiting for positive news Linje 68-70: A: Have a negative effect … this war become or give a very negative … effect to the people and … the children have many many negative effect … their science process, the university… when the war comes … my job in Syria ... I’m a manager of a production of washing machine Linje 85-91: 1 A: In Syrian I haven’t any time empty, I love my life I: Very busy life A: Yeah, and this … this work or job are a complex job. Have an effect, a negative effect to my family … because there is no empty. I have in my section … 139 workers I: Okay yeah, that’s many people A: Yeah it is many people, and many difficult … and the production is a difficult process … production … I haven’t any empty time in the life in Syria. But now … I have a lot Linje 139-140: I: Does it make you feel like lonely? Or … Do you have people to talk to here? A: Yeah yeah … I have many people but … my children that’s a special feeling Linje 149-152: I: So can you talk to them on skype or computer, or any? A: The telephone … no skype. The service of the internet not speedily in Syria, yeah I: Mmh A: Because that I … find WhatsApp or any line … any programs, communication programs Linje 156-161: A: Yeah … I … in the main purpose, the first purpose I want to … to be succeed, in my life. Because I have study many years … and because I want to the personality reason, yeah I: Yeah A: To give my results of my study. Yeah. And the second reason … also for money, but the money is not the main. Because I’m not, in Syria a poor man, I’m in the middle. I have my family, my father and my … our brothers have a shopping in this town. In my town, yeah Linje 206-208: A: Yeah yeah, because of … people in Syria not like this, we have … in Syrian we have very I: Warm? A: Yeah yeah yeah … and in Syrian people are very romantic Linje 223-226: 2 A: Come, a few … you don’t know … X … if you want … just, tok tok … no talk I: We are cold … cold people? A: Yeah, cold people … and negative people … but I don’t know any reason for this … because, maybe because the war from Hitler … yeah, I don’t know Linje 244-246: I: It’s a very long day A: Yeah … but that’s … I have interesting in my job … because I have a purpose in my life … I am not angry from this work Linje 245-246: A: I always always, I want to escape from the … the time in this center … or in this state … or this country … I escape … in my mind Linje 252-254: A: To wonder a good life … my good life events … all to Facebook and … communicate with my friends … I have many friends in the world, yeah … I have in Sweden from 17 years … my friend in Sweden, yeah … and I have from five years in Scotland Linje 280-286: A: (…) it give relax to me, yeah … if I have a short time, empty time to call my wife in the morning, and … give a positive (…) That’s give … a good day to my life, my family … and give my day a good start Linje 288-293: A: (…) I’m ready to go to school … we have four times in the week to go to the school … went to the school at eight and a half … and return to the house … and then take breakfast with my friend or with my friend … and take breakfast, and my breakfast is Arabic breakfast, very delicious … yeah, because in Denmark … not likes it … because Syria have a … famous food … you haven’t any information about Syria … but many people from France, from England have information, yeah … but Denmark is very far from, yeah Linje 301-302: 3 I: And then you take a break, or what do you do in the afternoon? A: Yeah, that’s, yeah … and rest or sove in dansk Linje 307-314: A: Yeah, fitness … and one or two hours in the day I go to the fitness I: Yeah A: I have two purpose from this activity … I want to talk dane … new friends from Denmark ... because I want to improve my language … dansk I: Mmh A: Yeah, that’s the conversation … if I haven’t any conversation … or I don’t talk with any dansk people … I can’t … because the language, dansk … cannot … you can’t teach, learn it, write … you must be talk Linje 318: A: Because that I … want to have new friends Linje 320-322: A: Yeah, some … because that the people is … not much people in this town … in Y there’s many people … Y I: Very small, yeah Linje 323-328: I: So is it difficult for you to communicate, to talk with people in Danish? A: No no no I: They understand you? A: Yeah … if they … if I can’t understand their dansk, I talk with English I: Yeah A: Or with signal Linje 338-344: I: So you … is the fitness center, is that the only activity you have outside of this center. Or do you do anything else outside? 4 A: Yeah … I, maybe I go to the library I: Is there a few books in Syria? What do you do in the library? A: Not, we have Arabic … and dansk … I have this book from school … I want to improve my language … the purpose … improve my language … to go to the library or go to the fitness Linje 358-360: A: Yeah … I talk with many people and … the various … nations … various nations, many nations … from Argentina … I have friend … I have friend, girl or boy … and I have from Syria … yeah, friends … I know him in this center … and from Somalia Linje 373-374: A: There is two malls in this town … not like in Y … they have a big town … and go to the mall and go to the … there is a football play Linje 380-384: A: Yeah, and go to the … in Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, three days … maybe go with my … some friends to the … cross … you know cross shopping? I: Cross, shopping? Nåe, røde kors … the Red Cross Center A: Yeah, røde cross I: Yeah A: To buy somethings we need, that’s very cheap … yeah, sometimes Linje 389-390: A: Yeah … the money, not enough to all the requires, but … maybe because I have not… not have smoke Linje 398-403: A: I have a … when I take the money … we book a plan, two weeks plan, yeah I: Yeah A: What we can eating … what we can, be anything … that’s good … that’s enough with the money 5 I: So you try to plan every day, say … we make this and this, or I’m make this and this? A: Yeah Linje 415: A: No no, this center haven’t any activities Linje 419-431: A: And maybe go with some foods to another friends I: Yeah, you eat together A: Not eat together … and give … and another time they … if you have a good food or a famous good food … take it, yeah I: Mmh, and give it to A: Yeah, last week we take … sweet foods … foods, we make I: Ah okay A: Yeah, we take it to the children … the children, the boy said to me ‘Hi’ … I said come and give the dish with, this food … after two days or three days … he bring … a kind of food from Pakistan I: Yeah A: Family … women with the children, this children, this woman … give their another food to us, yeah Linje 449-453: I: Could you imagine any activities that could be done here that could perhaps make your day better … here at the center. Could there be started anything, that might make your day better? A: Not, I haven’t any … real ideas … about this I: For you it really just a waiting period here, so you can go on to the next A: yeah Linje 454-459: I: Yeah … so, we talk a bit about your future. What wishes and dreams do you have right now? For the future A: To the future I … I want to firstly … I want to meet my family 6 I: Yeah A: Yeah, that’s the one purpose … because the situation not good … and after this I … I hope to work and … my special engineer Linje 464-468: A: And I haven’t any … any problem with the … religions I: Yeah A: No problem, because I have many friends is here they’re Christians … from various kinds, because in Syria … not all Muslim … I haven’t any … bad thoughts or black thoughts about this human, this people … I want to know more, yeah … about the people, Danmark Linje 473-478: I: So, you have some wishes and dreams about your future. What do you feel about the activities here now. Do they support or prevent you from realizing those dreams you fell … what you do now … is that positive or negative in regard to your future dreams? A: The activities, or which one? I: yeah A: Not … that’s support a little bit … not high, which I hope that … that’s a bit of that, no Linje 481-482: A: Yeah … and in Y we are friend with our teacher … a teacher from Columbia … with the husband from Denmark, yeah … we become friendly … come to our and take dinner … good food from Syria and … my friend go to her house and take dinner (…) Linje 504-507: A: Yeah … when the war stop … I go to my country I: Yeah A: I don’t … over respect dansk people or any people in the world … but my … my country is very … have a good place in my heart Linje 526-527: A: (…) I haven’t any trust with the government (…) because, all of the government, lies lies 7 lies Linje 539-545: A: But that’s give good ideas to me … or a good start to me and them … but after this there is a police woman come to the school in Y and … police woman come to school … in Syria this is not happened I: No A: yeah. In Syria all police are men … all police men enter the school, but the school have respect? … the police man, woman from Y … go to the school and talk to the refugees in the class Billedmateriale: Linje 574: A: I watch song on Facebook … I have very much music … Arabic music Linje 580-587: I: Yeah … what about the picture of the cake? What make you take a picture of the cake? That is the … oh, that’s the one you talked about you baked to the children A: Yeah … in Syria, when you, all family … when you make a good food or a famous food … go to your neighbors I: And give? A: Yeah yeah … all peoples have a … that’s give a good … emotion I: Yeah, giving is … A: And give a … a high feeling … a human feeling Meningskategorisering, Bashir: Occupational deprivation Linje 22-35: I: So did you come by yourself or did you come along with other people, that you knew in Somalia? B: I come by myself 8 I: Okay, was it a difficult journey to? B: Yeah, it was a difficult journey, I passed a lot of countries then I came here I: So you came here by yourself, how does that effect your life here, is it difficult, do you feel alone? I: Yeah sometimes, I feel alone because in here we don’t have nothing to do, we go to school then come back here sit all day and thinking thinking, you got a lot of stress. If you don’t have something to do, you know, you think too much. But sometimes I have a lot of friends, we sit together and try to make a good life I: Then it is okay. Because you had a really busy life in Somalia compared to know B: Yeah I woke up six O clock and nine O clock at night I come back home. I was to much busy. And here all day I sit at home, nothing to do Linje 30-31: B: But sometimes I have a lot of friends, we sit together and try to make a good life Linje 44-45: B: Yeah, it is my dream, I would love to work as a journalist here in Denmark. If I got opportunity I am not going to miss it Linje 50-54: I: So have you tried to perhaps pursued that interest in the asylum center, learn to play anything? B: Yeah, one of my friends have the guitar and sometimes I try to. He tried to teach me, but now he went back to Titanien, he played good music. But I could not learn, it is difficult to learn you know Linje 68-76: I: So do you… Are any of your family journalists or is it just you? B: No, only me. I have one brother, but he is not a journalist. I am the only journalist in my family I: Okay, is your brother here in Denmark? B: No. he is in Somalia. I am only here alone 9 I: Are you in contact with them? B: Yeah I: On the Internet or? B: Yeah on the Internet and sometimes we talk on the phone. Linje 85-92: B: Yeah it is relaxing and when you have lot of tension you listen to music you feel free, you know I: So you use this here in the center sometimes? B: Yeah I listen only I: So you feel it helps you to come down B: Yeah, I only use it alone and sometimes we don’t have nobody to talk, just to talk to friends on social network, sometimes if you don’t have any friends to talk, there is no one online, so you listen to music and sit here Linje 93-95: I: Yeah, it can become very lonely B: Yeah very very, if you don’t have a family here and you know good friends. You can understand how the life is Linje 97-99: B: We live here two persons, sometimes you go to his friends, he have a lot of friends in Y. I have here 10 months; here have been here three years, so he have a lot of friends. Sometimes he go Y, Y, Y. I am the only one who here all day Linje 111-112: I: So … What about practicing Islam here, it must be difficult in the center? B: Yeah. We don’t have a mosque here en Y. So sometimes on Friday you go Y Linje 118-120: B: Yeah, if you don’t have near you house and you travel, there is sometimes you don’t have the ticket, so you have to stay at home, sometimes we in group do Islam here and we is in the 10 room in the basement, so we pray there. And sometimes we go to Y to pray Linje 127: B: No, I wake up, you know, I go to school four days a week Linje 129-130: B: So we been at school nine O’clock, to walk 15 minutes, so I wake up eight O’clock and 8:45 I go to school. Then come back 11.15, so 11. 15 I have nothing to do, I just sit here. Linje 146-148: B: If you don’t have a job or something else and all day you are at home, you know, some friends have their family, mother, sisters, brothers and some they are alone and some have their wife’s and children. Linje 149-155: I: Yeah. So we have a question about language, because you come to a country where most people speak Danish, is that a big problem for you, the language part, the language barrier, because it is sometimes difficult to communicate, talk with other Danish people? B: Yeah it is, but know I am trying to learn the Danish language, because when I started in school, the pronunciation, it is very difficult, but now I understand a little dansk I: Oh okay, have you tried to speak with Danish people in the city, how was that going? B: It is good, but if you don’t know that much dansk, you feel a little shy, you know Linje 162-169: I: But I can imagine that Danish people are quite different from Somalia people? Just sometimes you say people are reflecting of the climate, when it is cold outside Danish people sometimes can be a little bit closed and difficult to talk to, I can imagine compared to perhaps Somalia people? B: Yeah, the Somalia people you know, they can, they don’t go one person outside, if we go outside we go together, five person, six persons. So here you can see one person go here, sometimes if you go alone here, you see no body here, when you walk five minutes, 10 minutes, you see one person walking here 11 Linje 179-184: I: Yeah, just friends, workmates, did you know a lot of people in Somalia, was that a part of your job as a journalist? B: Yeah, I know a lot of people, we contacted them on Facebook I: So what about your relations now, are they most on Facebook? B: Yeah, sometimes they are on Facebook and sometimes we call them and talk together on skype so Linje 188-189: I: Yeah. So you have a lot of friends in the center too? B: Yeah I have a little, five or six friends. Linje 196-197: B: Yeah, we play sport and talk and Saturday, Sunday night we make food together also we like eat together. Linje 203-208: I: Is that enough to cover your needs just the things you need to buy, or do you feel it is difficult? B: It is different, the money we take, when the case is open, you can take 1200, they say it is face two, but when you got two negative the immigrations rejects your case I: Okay B: So sometimes it is enough and sometimes it is not enough Linje 212-217: I: Do you have enough money to like travel to other parts of the country like if you want to go to Y a couple of time in the week? B: No I: Not enough money? B: We don’t go, if we wan’t, we wan’t to make sure we go here, we have two shops here and we make shop in here. Sometime Friday, we go in Y. That is the only where we travel. 12 Linje 219-222: I: So what kind of activities are offered here in the asylum center for you to do, do you feel like there is anything offered or is it? B: Yeah they give us jobcenter, today I have jobcenter, but I tell them I have interview and I can’t come to jobcenter Linje 238-239: B: Yeah, sometimes I try to make interview and make history but it is not possible, we don’t have the permission to do that Linje 248-249: B: Yeah, if I can work as a journalist or something else to keep yourself busy, I would like. But I don’t have the chance Linje 246-247: B: No, if you know how to fix a bicycle I would do it, but if you don’t, you can’t do this. If they give us another kind of job, like shooting pictures, filming I can do it. Linje 254-255: B: You know I always like to work as a journalist you know, any kind of TV or radio station, so I like to be a big journalist. And to have a good name I like to be a journalist in my future Linje 273-274: B: No, I did not talk about my dreams to them, when we need the help, we go ask them, but they can’t help us more. Linje 280-281: B: No my, I told you, my case is rejected here, so they told me to leave the country in 15 days and I am still here you know. You know, I go to another country, they will send me back here. 13 Linje 293-299: I: That is good, but where you live in Somalia, was that a big city or small town? B: Yeah, big city I: So it is very very different from here? Y is really really small B: Yeah. It is small and they don’t have a lot of population, when you go out it is quite I: We were driving here, and we said wow it is really outside en the country, so far away from, it just feel that way B: Yeah, sometimes when I go out, there is nobody here, I am alone Linje 307-309: B: You know, sometimes you can’t get what you need, if you don’t have any resident or agreement to stay here, you can’t wish more dreams, so you don’t know about your future. You live as a refugee, so Linje 316-317: B: Yeah some people they come here only one month and they go, and I just stay here 10 months and some of my friends they live here three years four years. So it is difficult for us Linje 379-382: B: Yeah if you don’t , if your case is rejected you don’t have permission to stay here and the government told you, you have to leave the country, you have 15 days, you feel ,you come here, you leave your family to have a better life, and you can’t find noting on stay here. So you think too much and a lot of tension and stress Linje 390-393: B: Yeah, you know, the other people who come from another country, they smoke inside their room, and inside the work places, so when you come in new country, new place, and you don’t know how to live this, you try to smoke inside. If you smoke here, you have to pay 500 kr Linje 398-400: I: Oh yeah, it is very good pictures, and beautiful. Could you imagine living in a different 14 camp, from this one, perhaps closer to like more activities like in Y or Y? B: Yeah, Y have a lot of population Linje 404-405: B: You know, if you have a lot of friends, who tell you to make good activities, you have to have friends to help you. But en Y or Y, Y I don’t have friends. So I have to stay here Dagbogsmateriale: Linje 35-36: My favirote hoppy is listening to music its a very entertaining thing to do music gives me fun things to do music is very important to every day life you can listen to it or create it your self. Linje 45-47: (…) we seat at home trying to have a fun at home sometimes we cook food together and eat we watch movies we try to make our time good couse we dont have a work to do, that is why we try to keep our self busy. Linje 47-54: We go shcool 4 days a week after shcool we are at home all day and nothing to do just having fun watching movies cooking food together teling stories about our contries we share our feelings couse we are like family sometimes we remember our old days in our homeland and we feel home sick missing our childhood friends and family what i miss the most is my family couse I am far away from them every single minut they are in my mind sometimes i feel very lonly here whenever i remember about my family i feel very sad with out your family your life will be dificult. Linje 60-62: You can get a better daily life if you have something to do. But here we live a asylcenter and we dont have nothing to do, only we go school, and after school we are at home all day. But we try to make our daily life better and we hope to have a good daily life in a future. 15 Linje 64-66: if you spend alot of your everyday moments and time in the future or the past or you have difficult focusing and you feel this may have a negative effect on your life then maybe you want to learn to live more in the present moment. Linje 69-71: (...) it’s not good to have a stress if we have something to do like job or somthing like helping people you will be busy if i got a job or somthing make my self busy my daily life will be better than now. Linje 72-74: In my past i was a busy man i used to work 13 hours a day so i am not used to seat at home, that is why i feel boring but one day it will be good and i hope that i got somethin to make my self busy and make me feel proud to my self. Meningskategorisering, Calel: Occupational deprivation Linje 21-28: I: So did you come by yourself originally or did you have your wife with you? Family? C: Yes, my family is in Y I: Okay yeah. So what did it mean to you that you didn’t come here by yourself? At the start? Did it mean you have somebody to talk to or? Was that good thing or a bad thing that you didn’t come by yourself to Denmark? C: No good thing I: It was a good thing? C: Yeah Linje 67: C: In Kurdistan I have friends. But know no. because I’m 3 years outside. Linje 103-105: 16 I: Yeah. So … a typical or normal day here at the asylums center, what is that like? What time do you get up now here? C: Here … I don’t sleep. Here every time I have a sitrus, because I man been three years here. Linje 114-116: C: Here I’m go to the office and sometimes my English, a little understand English, but for the Kurdish I understand several languages Kurdish. So Pakistan and Arabic. I’m going to office and help Linje 119-128: I: Okay service … So know do you do anything outside the center? Play sports. Go to the fitness center? C: No no. I: No? C: Just I’m going to the Kirk. I: The kirk? C: Yes the Kirken. I: Oh okay yes Kirken. Aarh den Arabize kirke. So what does it mean to you to go there? Is it a place of peace and quiet? C: No I’m a student here, about Christianity. Linje 131-132: C: Yeah English a little bit good, but Danish is difficult. If I’m not going to the school I’m not going to understand. Linje 145-149: I: Okay yeah. Do you get a little bit of money from the Danish government? Just every two weeks? C: Yes every two weeks I: Is that enough for you to get what you need or do you feel it is to little? C: When you don’t drink or don’t smoke, yeah it is good 17 Linje 160: C: Yeah… Sometimes the bus and sometimes the train. Sometimes my friend have a car Linje 163-168: I: Okay. So … what kind of activities can you do here at the center? What kind of things can you do here? Is there any offered? C: No nothing because I don’t have a positive on here, I have positive I can’t make something here I: Because you have no positive you cannot? C: When you have positive, you can make everything Linje 172-175: I: Yeah. So … have you done anything to try to find anything … what do you do here? How do you past time here? What can ... do you talk with people or watch TV? C: Watch TV yeah. Watch TV and reading, and going to my family cause my wife in the Y, and my children. I have three children Linje 185-187: I: Yeah just if you could like think about the perfect thing to do, what would it be? C: No nothing, because I’m in the Denmark and it is stopping everything Linje 215-222: C: For the people here, just have the same problem, everyone stay in their home. Like this. But you don’t can … work … this very problem. I: So you would like to work? C: Work yes, not like for any country you can’t work. Not Denmark, because they give you some money to eat, every this two week. You cannot go to the outside to work. When new people go to the outside to work, this is very very good because … not can every time you think this is positive. When im going to the outside, I have a work, I don’t every time think about this 18 Linje 226-229: C: Yes now I’m three years stay here. I: It must be hard for you? C: Yeah not for me. Because I have a friend – five years and a friend 10 years stay. This is a problem (…) Linje 237-238: C: Sometime I speak about my office here. I want to come back to my country but they said wait. Give me positive and they say wait Linje 241-242: I: So you want to go back to your country or do you wanna stay in Denmark? C: I want to stay because I have børn, children here. Because now if you come back in my country they will say who is this children. So this is problem. Linje 279-280: (…) you don’t can’t going to the work outside. Because you in the way. 19 Bilag 12 Meningskondensering af Ali, Bashir og Calel. Meningskondensering, Ali: Occupational deprivation Linje 16-21: Han er fra en større by I: Okay, yeah. A large city or a small city? A: … I’m from … a middle city… That’s the area around Syria. I: Okay. A: Around Damaskus. I: Ah okay, so it’s close to a really big city. A: Yeah. Linje 33-37: Ingen bestemmelse over hvilket land han kom A: I … don’t want to come to Denmark in the til. beginning I: Okay A: In the beginning, yeah. Because the Sweden government have a … I believe with the Sweden government. But I don’t have any information about the Denmark government … yeah… not negative, but I don’t have the information, but now I have negative Linje 39: Han har en negativ mening om regeringen A: yeah, I have negative opinion about the government here Linje 49-50: Familien venter på at han giver dem positive A: Yeah but … because I am from Syria I nyheder have … many difficulties in my life … my family is waiting for me … waiting for positive news Linje 68-70: Krigen har haft en negativ effekt ift. hans job 1 A: Have a negative effect … this war become som manager for produktionsfirmaet. or give a very negative … effect to the people and … the children have many many negative effect … their science process, the university… when the war comes … my job in Syria ... I’m a manager of a production of washing machine Linje 85-91: Førhen var han beskæftiget med sit job og A: In Syrian I haven’t any time empty, I love havde næsten ingen fritid, hvorimod han nu my life på centeret har meget fritid. I: Very busy life A: Yeah, and this … this work or job are a complex job. Have an effect, a negative effect to my family … because there is no empty. I have in my section … 139 workers I: Okay yeah, that’s many people A: Yeah it is many people, and many difficult … and the production is a difficult process … production … I haven’t any empty time in the life in Syria. But now … I have a lot Linje 139-140: Han føler sig ensom og savner sine børn, I: Does it make you feel like lonely? Or … trods hans venskaber på centeret. Do you have people to talk to here? A: Yeah yeah … I have many people but … my children that’s a special feeling Linje 149-152: Kommunikerer med familien vha. af diverse I: So can you talk to them on skype or teknologiske programmer, trods distancen. computer, or any? A: The telephone … no skype. The service of the internet not speedily in Syria, yeah I: Mmh A: Because that I … find WhatsApp or any 2 line … any programs, communication programs Linje 156-161: Meningen med arbejde er at det skaber A: Yeah … I … in the main purpose, the first succes, efter en del års studie og samtidig purpose I want to … to be succeed, in my giver det løn. life. Because I have study many years … and because I want to the personality reason, yeah I: Yeah A: To give my results of my study. Yeah. And the second reason … also for money, but the money is not the main. Because I’m not, in Syria a poor man, I’m in the middle. I have my family, my father and my … our brothers have a shopping in this town. In my town, yeah Linje 206-208: Syrisk kultur er anderledes fra dansk. A: Yeah yeah, because of … people in Syria not like this, we have … in Syrian we have very I: Warm? A: Yeah yeah yeah … and in Syrian people are very romantic Linje 223-226: Han opfatter det syriske folk som varme og A: Come, a few … you don’t know … X … danskere som kolde. if you want … just, tok tok … no talk I: We are cold … cold people? A: Yeah, cold people … and negative people … but I don’t know any reason for this … because, maybe because the war from Hitler … yeah, I don’t know Linje 244-246: Han havde et meningsfuldt liv. 3 I: It’s a very long day A: Yeah … but that’s … I have interesting in my job … because I have a purpose in my life … I am not angry from this work Linje 245-246: Forsøger mentalt at flygte fra virkeligheden. A: I always always, I want to escape from the … the time in this center … or in this state … or this country … I escape … in my mind Linje 252-254: Han har venner fra andre lande som han A: To wonder a good life … my good life holder kontakten via Facebook. events … all to Facebook and … communicate with my friends … I have many friends in the world, yeah … I have in Sweden from 17 years … my friend in Sweden, yeah … and I have from five years in Scotland Linje 280-286: Det giver ham en god start på dagen når han A: (…) it give relax to me, yeah … if I have a er i kontakt med hans kone. short time, empty time to call my wife in the morning, and … give a positive (…) That’s give … a good day to my life, my family … and give my day a good start Linje 288-293: Han går I skole 4 gange om ugen. A: (…) I’m ready to go to school … we have Danmark har ikke kendskab til Syriens four times in the week to go to the school … madkultur. went to the school at eight and a half … and return to the house … and then take breakfast with my friend or with my friend … and take breakfast, and my breakfast is Arabic breakfast, very delicious … yeah, because in Denmark … not likes it … because Syria have a … famous food … you haven’t any 4 information about Syria … but many people from France, from England have information, yeah … but Denmark is very far from, yeah Linje 301-302: Han bruger eftermiddagen på at sove. I: And then you take a break, or what do you do in the afternoon? A: Yeah, that’s, yeah … I rest or sove in dansk Linje 307-314: Formålet med at gå I fitness er at forbedre det A: Yeah, fitness … and one or two hours in danske sprog, samt at etablere nye venskaber. the day I go to the fitness I: Yeah A: I have two purpose from this activity … I want to talk dane … new friends from Denmark ... because I want to improve my language … dansk I: Mmh A: Yeah, that’s the conversation … if I haven’t any conversation … or I don’t talk with any dansk people … I can’t … because the language, dansk … cannot … you can’t teach, learn it, write … you must be talk Linje 318: Han ønsker at opbygge et nyt socialt netværk. A: Because that I … want to have new friends Linje 320-322: Vrå er en lille by med få indbyggere ift. A: Yeah, some … because that the people is Hjørring. … not much people in this town … in Y there’s many people … Y I: Very small, yeah Linje 323-328: Han finder det ikke svært at kommunikere I: So is it difficult for you to communicate, to med danskere, selvom han nogle gange må 5 talk with people in Danish? bruge tegnsprog. A: No no no I: They understand you? A: Yeah … if they … if I can’t understand their dansk, I talk with English I: Yeah A: Or with signal Linje 338-344: Aktiviteter udenfor centeret består af at gå på I: So you … is the fitness center, is that the bibliotetet og læse bøger for at forbedre det only activity you have outside of this center. danske sprog. Or do you do anything else outside? A: Yeah … I, maybe I go to the library I: Is there a few books in Syria? What do you do in the library? A: Not, we have Arabic … and dansk … I have this book from school … I want to improve my language … the purpose … improve my language … to go to the library or go to the fitness Linje 358-360: Han taler med mennesker fra forskellige A: Yeah … I talk with many people and … nationer på centeret. the various … nations … various nations, many nations … from Argentina … I have friend … I have friend, girl or boy … and I have from Syria … yeah, friends … I know him in this center … and from Somalia Linje 373-374: Y er en større by end den by centeret er A: There is two malls in this town … not like placeret i. in Y … they have a big town … and go to the mall and go to the … there is a football play Linje 380-384: Han køber ind i Røde Kors fordi det er billigt. A: Yeah, and go to the … in Wednesday, 6 Thursday, Friday, three days … maybe go with my … some friends to the … cross … you know cross shopping? I: Cross, shopping? Nåe, røde kors … the Red Cross Center A: Yeah, røde cross I: Yeah A: To buy somethings we need, that’s very cheap … yeah, sometimes Linje 389-390: Den økonomiske støtte er ikke tilstrækkelig. A: Yeah … the money, not enough to all the requires, but … maybe because I have not… not have smoke Linje 398-403: Han laver madplaner for at pengene rækker. A: I have a … when I take the money … we book a plan, two weeks plan, yeah I: Yeah A: What we can eating … what we can, be anything … that’s good … that’s enough with the money I: So you try to plan every day, say … we make this and this, or I’m make this and this? A: Yeah Linje 415: Centeret har ingen aktiviteter. A: No no, this center haven’t any activities Linje 419-431: God mad deles gerne med andre fra centeret. A: And maybe go with some foods to another friends I: Yeah, you eat together A: Not eat together … and give … and another time they … if you have a good food or a famous good food … take it, yeah 7 I: Mmh, and give it to A: Yeah, last week we take … sweet foods … foods, we make I: Ah okay A: Yeah, we take it to the children … the children, the boy said to me ‘Hi’ … I said come and give the dish with, this food … after two days or three days … he bring … a kind of food from Pakistan I: Yeah A: Family … women with the children, this children, this woman … give their another food to us, yeah Linje 449-453: Opholdet på asylcenteret opleves som en I: Could you imagine any activities that could venteperiode. be done here that could perhaps make your day better … here at the center. Could there be started anything, that might make your day better? A: Not, I haven’t any … real ideas … about this I: For you it really just a waiting period here, so you can go on to the next A: yeah Linje 454-459: Hans ønsker for fremtiden er at blive I: Yeah … so, we talk a bit about your future. genforenet med familien og arbejde som What wishes and dreams do you have right ingeniør. now? For the future A: To the future I … I want to firstly … I want to meet my family I: Yeah A: Yeah, that’s the one purpose … because 8 the situation not good … and after this I … I hope to work and … my special engineer Linje 464-468: Han har venner med forskellige religiøse A: And I haven’t any … any problem with overbevisninger. the … religions I: Yeah A: No problem, because I have many friends is here they’re Christians … from various kinds, because in Syria … not all Muslim … I haven’t any … bad thoughts or black thoughts about this human, this people … I want to know more, yeah … about the people, Danmark Linje 473-478: Aktiviteterne som tilbydes på centeret støtter I: So, you have some wishes and dreams ham ikke tilstrækkeligt i realiseringen af hans about your future. What do you feel about the drømme. activities here now. Do they support or prevent you from realizing those dreams you fell … what you do now … is that positive or negative in regard to your future dreams? A: The activities, or which one? I: yeah A: Not … that’s support a little bit … not high, which I hope that … that’s a bit of that, no Linje 481-482: Han havde et venskabeligt forhold til læreren. A: Yeah … and in Y we are friend with our teacher … a teacher from Columbia … with the husband from Denmark, yeah … we become friendly … come to our and take dinner … good food from Syria and … my friend go to her house and take dinner (…) 9 Linje 504-507: Han ønsker at komme tilbage til sit hjemland. A: Yeah … when the war stop … I go to my country I: Yeah A: I don’t … over respect dansk people or any people in the world … but my … my country is very … have a good place in my heart Linje 526-527: Han stoler ikke på regeringen. A: (…) I haven’t any trust with the government (…) because, all of the government, lies lies lies Linje 539-545: Det sker ikke at møde en kvindelig A: But that’s give good ideas to me … or a politikvinde i Syrien. De er alle mænd. good start to me and them … but after this there is a police woman come to the school in Y and … police woman come to school … in Syria this is not happened I: No A: yeah. In Syria all police are men … all police men enter the school, but the school have respect? … the police man, woman from Y … go to the school and talk to the refugees in the class Billeder Han lytter til arabisk musik via Facebook. Linje 574: A: I watch song on Facebook … I have very much music … Arabic music Linje 580-587: Det giver en menneskelig følelse. I: Yeah … what about the picture of the cake? What make you take a picture of the cake? That is the … oh, that’s the one you talked 10 about you baked to the children A: Yeah … in Syria, when you, all family … when you make a good food or a famous food … go to your neighbors I: And give? A: Yeah yeah … all peoples have a … that’s give a good … emotion I: Yeah, giving is … A: And give a … a high feeling … a human feeling Meningskondensering, Bashir: Occupational deprivation Linje 22-35: Sammenlignet med hans tidligere liv, føler I: So did you come by yourself or did you han sig rastløs og stresset fordi der ikke er come along with other people, that you knew noget at lave på centeret. in Somalia? B: I come by myself I: Okay, was it a difficult journey to? B: Yeah, it was a difficult journey, I passed a lot of countries then I came here I: So you came here by yourself, how does that effect your life here, is it difficult, do you feel alone? I: Yeah sometimes, I feel alone because in here we don’t have nothing to do, we go to school then come back here sit all day and thinking thinking, you got a lot of stress. If you don’t have something to do, you know, you think too much. But sometimes I have a lot of friends, we sit together and try to make 11 a good life I: Then it is okay. Because you had a really busy life in Somalia compared to know B: Yeah I woke up six O clock and nine O clock at night I come back home. I was to much busy. And here all day I sit at home, nothing to do Linje 30-31: Nogle gange mødes han med venner og B: But sometimes I have a lot of friends, we prøver at skabe et godt liv på centeret. sit together and try to make a good life Linje 44-45: Hvis han fik muligheden vil han gerne B: Yeah, it is my dream, I would love to work arbejde som journalist I Danamrk. as a journalist here in Denmark. If I got opportunity I am not going to miss it Linje 50-54: Han forsøger at indfri sin interesse ved at I: So have you tried to perhaps pursued that lære spille guitar med sin ven. interest in the asylum center, learn to play anything? B: Yeah, one of my friends have the guitar and sometimes I try to. He tried to teach me, but now he went back to Titanien, he played good music. But I could not learn, it is difficult to learn you know Linje 68-76: Hans bror bor I Somalia, dog har han kontakt I: So do you… Are any of your family med ham via Facebook. journalists or is it just you? B: No, only me. I have one brother, but he is not a journalist. I am the only journalist in my family I: Okay, is your brother here in Denmark? B: No. he is in Somalia. I am only here alone I: Are you in contact with them? 12 B: Yeah I: On the Internet or? B: Yeah on the Internet and sometimes we talk on the phone. Linje 85-92: Musik hjælper ham til at håndtere stress, føle B: Yeah it is relaxing and when you have lot sig fri og beskæftiger ham når han ikke har of tension you listen to music you feel free, noget at foretage sig på centeret. you know I: So you use this here in the center sometimes? B: Yeah I listen only I: So you feel it helps you to come down B: Yeah, I only use it alone and sometimes we don’t have nobody to talk, just to talk to friends on social network, sometimes if you don’t have any friends to talk, there is no one online, so you listen to music and sit here Linje 93-95: Uden familie og venner er livet ensomt. I: Yeah, it can become very lonely B: Yeah very very, if you don’t have a family here and you know good friends. You can understand how the life is Linje 97-99: Han har ikke fået etableret et socialt netværk, B: We live here two persons, sometimes you hvilket begrænser ham i at besøge andre byer go to his friends, he have a lot of friends in Y. og derfor opholder han sig meget på centreret I have here 10 months; here have been here alene. three years, so he have a lot of friends. Sometimes he go Y, Y, Y. I am the only one who here all day Linje 111-112: Han har ikke mulighed for at dyrke hans I: So … What about practicing Islam here, it religion. must be difficult in the center? 13 B: Yeah. We don’t have a mosque here en Y. So sometimes on Friday you go Y Linje 118-120: Når der er mulighed for det tager de til Y til B: Yeah, if you don’t have near you house at bede, ellers gøres dette på centeret i and you travel, there is sometimes you don’t kælderen, ved eget initiativ. have the ticket, so you have to stay at home, sometimes we in group do Islam here and we is in the room in the basement, so we pray there. And sometimes we go to Y to pray Linje 127: Han går i skole fire dage om ugen. B: No, I wake up, you know, I go to school four days a week Linje 129-130: Udover skole er der ikke andet at foretage sig B: So we been at school nine O’clock, to på centeret. walk 15 minutes, so I wake up eight O’clock and 8:45 I go to school. Then come back 11.15, so 11. 15 I have nothing to do, I just sit here. Linje 146-148: Uden familie og job har han intet at foretage B: If you don’t have a job or something else sig. and all day you are at home, you know, some friends have their family, mother, sisters, brothers and some they are alone and some have their wife’s and children. Linje 149-155: Han oplever sprogbarrierer i dagligdagen i I: Yeah. So we have a question about forhold til at kommunikerer med danskere. language, because you come to a country where most people speak Danish, is that a big problem for you, the language part, the language barrier, because it is sometimes difficult to communicate, talk with other Danish people? 14 B: Yeah it is, but know I am trying to learn the Danish language, because when I started in school, the pronunciation, it is very difficult, but now I understand a little dansk I: Oh okay, have you tried to speak with Danish people in the city, how was that going? B: It is good, but if you don’t know that much dansk, you feel a little shy, you know Linje 162-169: Han oplever kulturelle forskelle, da det i I: But I can imagine that Danish people are Somalia er almindeligt at gå i grupper, quite different from Somalia people? Just hvorimod han oplever at folk ofte går alene i sometimes you say people are reflecting of Danmark. the climate, when it is cold outside Danish people sometimes can be a little bit closed and difficult to talk to, I can imagine compared to perhaps Somalia people? B: Yeah, the Somalia people you know, they can, they don’t go one person outside, if we go outside we go together, five person, six persons. So here you can see one person go here, sometimes if you go alone here, you see no body here, when you walk five minutes, 10 minutes, you see one person walking here Linje 179-184: Vedligeholder kontakt med venner gennem I: Yeah, just friends, workmates, did you Facebook og Skype. know a lot of people in Somalia, was that a part of your job as a journalist? B: Yeah, I know a lot of people, we contacted them on Facebook I: So what about your relations now, are they most on Facebook? 15 B: Yeah, sometimes they are on Facebook and sometimes we call them and talk together on skype so Linje 188-189: Han har fem til seks venner på centeret. I: Yeah. So you have a lot of friends in the center too? B: Yeah I have a little, five or six friends. Linje 196-197: I weekenderne laver de mad sammen. B: Yeah, we play sport and talk and Saturday, Sunday night we make food together also we like eat together. Linje 203-208: Økonomien er ikke altid tilstrækkelig. I: Is that enough to cover your needs just the things you need to buy, or do you feel it is difficult? B: It is different, the money we take, when the case is open, you can take 1200, they say it is face two, but when you got two negative the immigrations rejects your case I: Okay B: So sometimes it is enough and sometimes it is not enough Linje 212-217: Han har ikke nok penge til at rejse rundt i I: Do you have enough money to like travel Danmark. Han rejser kun til en nærliggende to other parts of the country like if you want større by. to go to Y a couple of time in the week? B: No I: Not enough money? B: We don’t go, if we wan’t, we wan’t to make sure we go here, we have two shops here and we make shop in here. Sometime Friday, we go in Y. That is the only where we 16 travel. Linje 219-222: Der tilbydes aktiviteter på asylcenteret. I: So what kind of activities are offered here in the asylum center for you to do, do you feel like there is anything offered or is it? B: Yeah they give us jobcenter, today I have jobcenter, but I tell them I have interview and I can’t come to jobcenter Linje 238-239: Han prøver at følge sin interesse i B: Yeah, sometimes I try to make interview journalistik, men har ikke tilladelse til at gøre and make history but it is not possible, we dette. don’t have the permission to do that Linje 248-249: Han vil gerne arbejde som journalist, men B: Yeah, if I can work as a journalist or han har ikke mulighed for det. something else to keep yourself busy, I would like. But I don’t have the chance Linje 246-247: Hvis han ikke har kenskab til jobbet, kan han B: No, if you know how to fix a bicycle I ikke udføre det. would do it, but if you don’t, you can’t do this. If they give us another kind of job, like shooting pictures, filming I can do it. Linje 254-255: Han vil gerne skabe et godt omdømme B: You know I always like to work as a igennem arbejde. journalist you know, any kind of TV or radio station, so I like to be a big journalist. And to have a good name I like to be a journalist in my future Linje 271-272: Han fik at vide at han skulle forlade landet, B: No my, I told you, my case is rejected here men han er her stadig. , so they told me to leave the country in 15 days and I am still here you know. You know, if I go to another country, they will 17 send me back here. Linje 273-274: Han taler ikke med dem om hans drømme, da B: No, I did not talk about my dreams to de ikke kan hjælpe ham. them, when we need the help, we go ask them, but they can’t help us more. Linje 280-281: Han asylsag blev afvist, men han er stadig i B: No my, I told you, my case is rejected landet. here, so they told me to leave the country in 15 days and I am still here you know. You know, I go to another country, they will send me back here. Linje 293-299: Han føler sig alene i Y, da det er en stille og I: That is good, but where you live in mindre by med få indbyggere, sammenlignet Somalia, was that a big city or small town? med hans hjemby. B: Yeah, big city I: So it is very very different from here? Y is really really small B: Yeah. It is small and they don’t have a lot of population, when you go out it is quite I: We were driving here, and we said wow it is really outside en the country, so far away from, it just feel that way B: Yeah, sometimes when I go out, there is nobody here, I am alone Linje 307-309: Når han ikke har opholdstilladelse har han B: You know, sometimes you can’t get what ikke så mange muligheder. you need, if you don’t have any resident or agreement to stay here, you can’t wish more dreams, so you don’t know about your future. You live as a refugee, so Linje 316-317: Det er udenfor hans kontrol hvor længe han B: Yeah some people they come here only og andre skal opholde sig på centeret. 18 one month and they go, and I just stay here 10 months and some of my friends they live here three years four years. So it is difficult for us Linje 379-382: Han kommer til Danmark for at få et bedre B: Yeah if you don’t , if your case is rejected liv, men det er ikke sikkert at han får lov til at you don’t have permission to stay here and blive I Danmark, hvilket er frustrerende. the government told you, you have to leave the country, you have 15 days, you feel ,you come here, you leave your family to have a better life, and you can’t find noting on stay here. So you think too much and a lot of tension and stress Linje 390-393: Når man kommer til et et nyt land, ved man B: Yeah, you know, the other people who ikke hvordan hvordan befolkningen lever. come from another country, they smoke inside their room, and inside the work places, so when you come in new country, new place, and you don’t know how to live this, you try to smoke inside. If you smoke here, you have to pay 500 kr Linje 398-400: Den nærliggende I: Oh yeah, it is very good pictures, and indbyggertal. by har et større beautiful. Could you imagine living in a different camp, from this one, perhaps closer to like more activities like in Y or Y? B: Yeah, Y have a lot of population Linje 404-405: Et socialt netværk skaber muligheder for at B: You know, if you have a lot of friends, udføre aktiviteter, dog oplever han at han who tell you to make good activities, you ikke har disse muligheder. have to have friends to help you. But en Y or Y, Y I don’t have friends. So I have to stay 19 here Dagbogsmateriale: Musik er en vigtig aktivitet i hans hverdag. Linje 35-36: My favirote hoppy is listening to music its a very entertaining thing to do music gives me fun things to do music is very important to every day life you can listen to it or create it your self. Linje 45-47: De prøver at få det bedste ud af hverdagen på (…) we seat at home trying to have a fun at centeret, da de ikke har job og beskæftige sig home sometimes we cook food together and med. eat we watch movies we try to make our time good couse we dont have a work to do, that is why we try to keep our self busy. Linje 47-54: De opfatter hinanden som familie og prøver (...) we are at home all day and nothing to do at skabe et fælleskab på centeret da de har just having fun watching movies cooking hjemve. Han savner familien og uden dem er food together teling stories about our contries livet svært. we share our feelings couse we are like family sometimes we remember our old days in our homeland and we feel home sick missing our childhood friends and family what i miss the most is my family couse I am far away from them every single minut they are in my mind sometimes i feel very lonly here whenever i remember about my family i feel very sad with out your family your life will be dificult. Linje 60-62: Hvis man har noget at lave, får man et bedre You can get a better daily life if you have hverdagsliv. De forsøger at gøre deres something to do. But here we live a hverdag bedre og håber på en bedre fremtid. 20 asylcenter and we dont have nothing to do, only we go school, and after school we are at home all day. But we try to make our daily life better and we hope to have a good daily life in a future. Linje 64-66: Hvis man bruger for meget tid I fortiden eller if you spend alot of your everyday moments fremtiden, kan det have en negativ effekt på and time in the future or the past or you have nutiden. difficult focusing and you feel this may have a negative effect on your life then maybe you want to learn to live more in the present moment. Linje 69-71: Det er ikke godt at have stress, hvis man (...) it’s not good to have a stress if we have ønsker at få et job eller hjælpe andre something to do like job or somthing like mennesker. helping people you will be busy if i got a job or somthing make my self busy my daily life will be better than now. Linje 72-74: I hjemlandet var han en travl mand og han In my past i was a busy man i used to work var ikke vant til at have så meget fritid. 13 hours a day so i am not used to seat at home, that is why i feel boring but one day it will be good and i hope that i got something to make my self busy and make me feel proud to my self. 21 Meningskondensering, Calel: Occupational deprivation Linje 21-28: Det var en god ting at han til Danmark med I: So did you come by yourself originally or hans familie. did you have your wife with you? Family? C: Yes, my family is in Y I: Okay yeah. So what did it mean to you that you didn’t come here by yourself? At the start? Did it mean you have somebody to talk to or? Was that good thing or a bad thing that you didn’t come by yourself to Denmark? C: No good thing I: It was a good thing? C: Yeah Linje 67: Han har mistet sine bekendtskaber. C: In Kurdistan I have friends. But know no. because I’m 3 years outside. Linje 103-105: Han kan ikke sove på asylcenteret. I: Yeah. So … a typical or normal day here at the asylums center, what is that like? What time do you get up now here? C: Here … I don’t sleep. Here every time I have a sitrus, because I man been three years here. Linje 114-116: Han kan hjælpe med at oversætte for andre C: Here I’m go to the office and sometimes beboere. my English, a little understand English, but for the Kurdish I understand several languages Kurdish. So Pakistan and Arabic. I’m going to office and help. Linje 119-128: Han studerer kristendom ved en kirke. 22 I: Okay service … So know do you do anything outside the center? Play sports. Go to the fitness center? C: No no. I: No? C: Just I’m going to the Kirk. I: The kirk? C: Yes the Kirken. I: Oh okay yes Kirken. Aarh den Arabize kirke. So what does it mean to you to go there? Is it a place of peace and quiet? C: No I’m a student here, about Christianity. Linje 131-132: Han synes at dansk er svært. C: Yeah English a little bit good, but Danish is difficult. If I’m not going to the school I’m not going to understand. Linje 145-149: Den økonomiske støtte er tilstrækkelig, hvis I: Okay yeah. Do you get a little bit of money man ikke ryger og drikker. from the Danish government? Just every two weeks? C: Yes every two weeks I: Is that enough for you to get what you need or do you feel it is to little? C: When you don’t drink or don’t smoke, yeah it is good Linje 160: Transportmuligheder for at komme udenfor C: Yeah… Sometimes the bus and sometimes centeret. the train. Sometimes my friend have a car Linje 163-168: Uden opholdstilladelse oplever han at det I: Okay. So … what kind of activities can you udfordrende at udføre aktiviteter. do here at the center? What kind of things can you do here? Is there any offered? 23 C: No nothing because I don’t have a positive on here, I have positive I can’t make something here I: Because you have no positive you cannot? C: When you have positive, you can make everything Linje 172-175: Han udfylder sin dag ud med at se TV, læse I: Yeah. So … have you done anything to try og besøge familien, der bor i en nærliggende to find anything … what do you do here? by. How do you past time here? What can ... do you talk with people or watch TV? C: Watch TV yeah. Watch TV and reading, and going to my family cause my wife in the Y, and my children. I have three children Linje 185-187: Opholdet på centeret har medført at I: Yeah just if you could like think about the tilværelsen er gået i stå for ham. perfect thing to do, what would it be? C: No nothing, because I’m in the Denmark and it is stopping everything Linje 215-222: Han har ikke mulighed for at arbejde, så C: For the people here, just have the same længe han opholder sig på asylcenteret. problem, everyone stay in their home. Like this. But you don’t can … work … this very problem. I: So you would like to work? C: Work yes, not like for any country you can’t work. Not Denmark, because they give you some money to eat, every this two week. You cannot go to the outside to work. When new people go to the outside to work, this is very very good because … not can every time you think this is positive. When im going to 24 the outside, I have a work, I don’t every time think about this Linje 226-229: Han synes det er et problem, når nogle af C: Yes now I’m three years stay here. hans venner må opholde sig adskillige år på I: It must be hard for you? asylcenteret. C: Yeah not for me. Because I have a friend – five years and a friend 10 years stay. This is a problem (…) Linje 237-238: Han skal vente på at få opholdstilladelse. C: Sometime I speak about my office here. I want to come back to my country but they said wait. Give me positive and they say wait Linje 241-242: Han ønsker at blive boende I Danmark, da I: So you want to go back to your country or hans familie ligeledes opholder sig her i do you wanna stay in Denmark? landet. C: I want to stay because I have børn, children here. Because now if you come back in my country they will say who is this children. So this is problem. Linje 279-280: Han har ikke mulighed for at søge arbejde (…) you don’t can’t going to the work udenfor centeret. outside. Because you in the way. 25 Bilag 13 Samtykkeerklæring til centerleder. Samtykkeerklæring Ansøgning til klinisk dataindsamlingssted om tilladelse til at foretage dataindsamling i forbindelse med bachelorprojekt: Uddannelse: Ergoterapeutuddannelsen, University College Nordjylland. I perioden: Jan-Jun 2015. Projekt: Bachelorprojekt . Projektets problemformulering: Hvordan kan oplevelsen af occupational deprivation hos asylansøgere ifølge dem selv reduceres på et asylcenter? Dataindsamlingsmetode: (sæt x) Interview af enkelt personer: X Gruppeinterview: Spørgeskema: Observation: Andet: X Cultural Probes Deltagere: Pilotinterview med en beboer. Interviews og cultural probes med tre beboere. Spørgeskema til en centerleder. 1 Information: Alle deltagere bliver mundtligt informeret om projektet ved opstart. Derudover er der vedlagt skriftligt materiale i kasserne med cultural probes der beskriver forløbet og dets opgaver. To fra gruppen udleverer cultural probes og tre tilknyttede opgaver og følger løbende op på forløbet. Afslutningsvis interviewes de tre beboere, hvor resultater fra cultural probes inddrages. Med venlig hilsen Maiken Kunnerup Nielsen, Marie Brund Hansen, Andrea Bubic, Dzenita Bajic og Mikael Karlsen Kontaktoplysninger: Andrea-bubic@hotmail.com/25682281 Ovenstående er godkendt af Vejleder: Sanne Heidemann-Lehmann Vejleders underskrift: ____________________________________ Den ansvarlige kliniske leder: Undertegnede imødekommer hermed ovennævnte ansøgning: Dato: Navn: Stilling: Underskrift:________________________________ 2 Bilag 14 Samtykkeerklæring til informanter. Samtykkeerklæring This consent applies to interview made on the ____________________________ Education: Occupational therapist, University College Nordjylland Project: Bachelorproject Written by: Maiken Kunnerup Nielsen, Mikael Karlsen, Dzenita Bajic, Marie Brund Hansen, Andrea Bubic. Purpose of the project: I confirm to have been informed by the occupational therapy students that: Participation being voluntary and it is without consequence to say no. I may at any time pull out from participation. No information is passed on where my identity will be recognizable. Participation in the project is without risk. The interview will be recorded. The pictures and text from the notebook may be used in the project. All the people in the pictures will be anonymous. Confidential information will be deleted after the project is completed. I hereby give my consent to the interview on the above conditions. Name: _____________________________________________ Date: _________________ 1 Bilag 15 Formidling. Målgruppe Det er aftalt med asylcenteret, der har været involveret i bachelorprojektet, at der laves en præsentation fredag 12. juni 2015. Målgruppen for formidlingen bliver centerlederen og andre interesserede ansatte samt de involverede informanter. Formidlingen vil være åben, hvilket betyder at alle interesserede beboere på asylcenteret er velkommen. Form Formidling af projektets undersøgelse, resultater og konklusion tager udgangspunkt i en Powerpoint præsentation på engelsk. Præsentationen anvendes til at strukturere formidlingen, men må ikke være distraherende og vil derfor kun indeholde få stikord og sætninger på hver slide. Udgangspunktet er, at præsentationen gennemgås mundtligt på engelsk. Sproget skal være simpelt, for at sikre at budskabet overbringes forståeligt. Her er specielt tænkt på informanterne, der alle har et basalt engelskniveau. Ved fremlæggelse af resultaterne, lægges der op til dialog med de tre involverede informanter for at sikre forståelse og enighed. Fra starten af formidlingen vil det blive understreget, at det er i orden at stille spørgsmål undervejs. Jo mere dialog formidlingen stimulerer, jo større er chancen for, at formidlingens budskab forankres hos modtagerne. Indhold Formidlingen vil indeholde en gennemgang af baggrunden for projektet og underbygge dets relevans. Herefter vil teorien kort beskrives. Fokus vil ligge på at forklare, hvad Occupational Deprivation er og opdelingen af omgivelserne i fire dele. Efterfølgende vil undersøgelsens forløb med cultural probes og interviews beskrives og udfordringerne med at bruge disse. Afslutningsvis gennemgås undersøgelsens resultater og konklusion. Denne del vil også indeholde en diskussion af resultaterne. Selvom formidlingen skal være tro mod projektets opbygning, vil hovedparten af indholdet være koncentreret omkring resultater og konklusion, der er relevant for målgruppen. For at sikre en forståelse af disse, er det dog nødvendigt at inddrage problembaggrunden, teorien og metoden i mindre grad. 1
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