SeqCap RNA Enrichment System More comprehensive transcriptome, less sequencing Total RNA Stranded cDNA Library Preparation Researchers are currently able to perform whole-transcriptome sequencing (RNA-Seq) of cDNAs derived from RNA to evaluate expression levels, variant splicing events, SNPs, and InDels throughout the transcriptome. But the standard RNA-Seq approach has significant drawbacks. Because the whole-transcriptome is largely comprised of highly abundant transcripts, many rare events are not detected due to the depth of sequencing necessary to resolve them. The SeqCap RNA system is designed to overcome these drawbacks. By helping you target your transcripts of interest in your transcriptome of interest, this system offers unprecedented discovery power. Hybridization Benefits of the SeqCap RNA system: Probes n Discover with more confidence: Achieve unprecedented depth and sensitivity for rare transcript detection with hundreds to thousands fold of high-fidelity enrichment. Capture and Washing Washing Amplification and QC n Broaden your research scope: Maximize the discovery and characterization of novel exons, splicing variants, mutations and gene fusions through the ability to target your transcripts of interest with up to 200 Mb custom designs. n Experience improved efficiency: Dramatically increase your sample capacity with the same amount of sequencing through optimized workflow. The SeqCap RNA system comes with the most comprehensive lncRNA (long non-coding RNA) design as the fixed content and a broad range of custom offerings to meet your research needs. Learn more about these advantages at Sequencing For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Effective answer to the RNA-Seq challenge The challenge with standard RNA-Seq is the overwhelming number of sequencing reads that derive from a small subset of genes. Relatively few of the reads are from the bottom 50% of genes as measured by transcript abundance (see Figure 1). The end result is limited sensitivity to low-abundance transcripts while wasting most sequencing resources. This challenge can be overcome by targeting the transcripts with NimbleGen’s proprietary sequence capture technology. The SeqCap RNA system can focus sequencing resources on a subset of genes, enrich rare transcripts, and enable the search for putative transcripts in target genomic regions. The improved utilization of sequencing allows for the processing of more samples and obtaining data more quickly, while reducing cost. Figure 2 shows a comparison of standard RNA-Seq to SeqCap RNA reads from Human Brain Reference RNA. As shown, 2.8 million SeqCap RNA reads provide the same detection sensitivity as 142.8 million standard RNASeq reads. This means that this SeqCap RNA design is significantly more efficient, requiring 50 times fewer reads to achieve sensitivity to similar abundance transcripts. The capture enrichment in the experiment also shows that this improvement in targeted sequencing does not negatively impact the ability to report transcript abundance. A B p Figure 1: The challenge of abundant transcripts. RNA-Seq data generated from ribo-depleted Human Brain Reference RNA finds that the 1% most abundantly expressed genes account for approximately 69% of sequencing reads. Data from 142.8 M paired-end reads were used to generate this figure. p Figure 2: Performance in preserving transcript abundance and sensitivity to rare transcripts as measured with ERCC (External RNA Controls Consortium) spike-in controls. RNA-Seq (A) vs. SeqCap RNA (B) demonstrates that capture preserves transcript abundance. Captures were performed with a 1.8 Mb design targeting 256 genes associated with neurological disorders and 83 ERCC control transcripts. Standard RNA-Seq experiment used ribo-depleted input RNA while the SeqCap RNA experiment used total RNA. 2| Make a quantum leap in your discovery power It’s easy to understand that the ability to discover dramatically more variants is the prominent benefit the SeqCap RNA workflow has over standard RNA-Seq. Results for isoform detection using the lncRNA design are shown in Figures 3 and 4. The results are presented two ways. In Figure 3, the SeqCap RNA workflow detected 5 to 20 times more lncRNA isoforms, exceeding the FPKM cutoff values from RNA-Seq, and indicating enhanced sensitivity to a greater number of transcripts isoforms. Figure 4 shows that in both experiments, SeqCap RNA data subsampled to 1 M reads detected more transcript isoforms than RNA-Seq data subsampled to 20 M reads, indicating >20 times increased discovery power or sequencing throughput. One important application of target enrichment in RNA-Seq is tissue-specific enrichment designs. Such designs allow researchers to overcome the negative impact of tissue-specific top expressors and identify significantly more low-abundance but differentially expressed transcripts. Figure 5 shows how this can be done systematically with the SeqCap RNA system, starting with a standard RNA-Seq step. A p B Figure 4: Greater isoform discovery with SeqCap RNA. Ambion Human Kidney Total RNA (A) and Human Liver Total RNA (B) were sequenced with standard RNA-Seq (black) and SeqCap RNA (red) to determine the number of lncRNA transcript isoforms detected when subsampled to various number of reads (x-axis). Captures were performed with the SeqCap lncRNA Enrichment Kit. q Figure 5. Overview of tissue-specific enrichment design. 1 RNA sample A Poly A enrich or ribo-deplete total RNA BSynthesize cDNA library 2 RNA-Seq A Sequence cDNA library 3 Primary data analysis A B A Trim and align RNA-Seq reads B Quantify gene expression 4 Identify capture targets ASort genes by gene expression (e.g. FPKM) B Identify genes responsible for top 80% of reads (adjust percent read cutoff for your sample type, if appropriate) C Identify other genes for exclusion (e.g. rRNA, mitochondrial, ribosomal proteins) p Figure 3: Greater isoform sensitivity with SeqCap RNA. Ambion Human Kidney Total RNA (A) and Human Liver Total RNA (B) were sequenced with standard RNA-Seq (blue) and SeqCap RNA (red) to determine the number of lncRNA (long noncoding RNA) transcript isoforms with FPKM values exceeding 4 different cutoffs. Captures were performed with the SeqCap lncRNA Enrichment Kit. All sequencing subsampled to 20 M reads. 5 Create capture design A Provide gene identifiers or coordinates for gene list that exclude highly expressed and other genes previously identified 6 Capture and sequence |3 Achieve workflow simplicity and efficiency The SeqCap RNA workflow is optimized to provide multiple advantages: n Working over a wide range of RNA input amounts, including as low as 10 ng of total RNA, while maintaining linearity of transcript abundance n Retaining accurate strand origin information with the Kapa stranded cDNA library construction solution n Eliminating the need for costly and time-consuming rRNA depletion step standard in RNA-Seq experiments n Supporting pre-capture multiplexing for increased efficiency and reduced cost per sample n Allowing for detection of challenging GC-rich and low abundance transcripts See what others can’t see in RNA-Seq data, and see it clearly, with the SeqCap RNA Enrichment System. Ordering Information SeqCap lncRNA Design: Comprehensive design for maximal coverage lncRNA annotation from two data sources: nHuman Body Map catalog lincRNA (long-intergenic noncoding RNAs) track in UCSC genome browser. Cabili et al. (2011) Genes Dev. 25: 1915. RNA-seq dataset of ~4 billion reads across 24 tissues and cell types. Includes lincRNAs and TUCPs (transcripts with uncertain coding potential). nGENCODE v19 Product Cat. No. SeqCap lncRNA Enrichment Kit 07 277 270 001 4 reactions 07 277 288 001 48 reactions 07 277 296 001 384 reactions 07 277 300 001 12 reactions (hg19) representing 32,808 lncRNA 07 279 078 001 48 reactions and TUCP transcript isoforms. 07 279 086 001 348 reactions 07 279 183 001 12 reactions 07 279 191 001 48 reactions 07 279 205 001 348 reactions 07 279 213 001 12 reactions 07 279 221 001 48 reactions 07 279 230 001 348 reactions 07 277 261 001 24 reactions 07 277 253 001 96 reactions SeqCap RNA Choice Enrichment Kit Target up to 7 Mb of genomic regions SeqCap RNA Choice XL Enrichment Kit Target 7 – 100 Mb of genomic regions SeqCap RNA Developer Enrichment Kit Target up to 200 Mb of genomic regions Individual Kits and Reagents KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq Library Preparation Pack Size Data presented in this document was processed by Roche NimbleGen unless otherwise stated. For patent license limitations for individual products please refer to: For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. NIMBLEGEN and SEQCAP are trademarks of Roche. All other product names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Design captures 17.35 Mb region Published by: Roche NimbleGen, Inc 500 S. Rosa Rd Madison, WI USA © 2014 Roche NimbleGen, Inc. All rights reserved. 07442408001 u 10/14
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