A.D. 2014 A.L. 6014 November T r est l e Boa rd Warrant Dated January 11, 1854 121 Farnsworth Avenue Bordentown, NJ 08505-0646 (609) 298-0091 http://www.mountmoriah28.com Regular Communications 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 7:30pm F rom t he E a st B rethren, I recently heard from a brother mason that he was not getting anything out of Masonry and it was not what he hoped it would be. I hope the conversation we had convinced him to not only stay in Masonry but to seek more light in it. We should view Masonry as an opportunity. It gives us a chance to do and to be, among men, something we otherwise could not obtain. No man kneels at the altar and rises up the same man. At the altar we leave behind a feeling of living for ourselves alone. When we rise up we leave behind selfishness and place the interest of others in our view. We leave behind egotism and replace it with love for our fellow man. Many newly made masons may feel that the Fraternity offers no value to them. Brethren, our Fraternity offers one of the greatest functions of any institution available. It provides a common meeting place where all of us regardless of our creed, our social position, our ideas or our wealth may gather together as one. Masonry gives us all a chance to do and to be; however humble the part, in making the world a better place. A chance to be a little nearer to the Grand Artificer of the Universe. I feel this opportunity is especially available at Mt. Moriah and I am so thankful that I petitioned my membership here. I recently was conversing with a Past Master who traveled quite frequently and was getting annoyed at what he saw taken place in other lodges. He commented that he was glad that he would be back in his home lodge again where Masonry truly resides. How fortunate we all are to be members of a great lodge!! I look forward to seeing you in Lodge. Sincerely, Rob Pigott Worshipful Master F rom t he W est Gr a nd Lodge Const it ut ion a nd L aws: T it l e 7 A ppe ndi x 9.4.1—Vot i ng / Ba l lot i ng Schedul e The determination of all questions by members of lodges to be decided by their votes, is by First. The secret ballot, by balls and cubes, deposited in a box so constructed as to conceal the act of selection and deposit. Second.By written ballot Third. The manual or voting sign Schedul e f or Vot i ng Necessary for Affirmative Results Method Unanimous Secret Ballot Unanimous or only one cube Secret Ballot Petition for affiliation Unanimous Secret Ballot Petition for dual membership Unanimous Secret Ballot Conferring and Rescind title of Honorary Member Two-thirds Secret Ballot On waiver of jurisdiction over Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft when permitted Unanimous Secret Ballot On waiver of penal jurisdiction over petitioner Three-fourths Secret Ballot On waiver of territorial jurisdiction over petitioner Three-fourths Secret Ballot Two-thirds Secret Ballot The Secret Ballot by Balls and Cubes Petition for Initiation On initiation after objection to an elected candidate On withdrawal of charges of unmasonic conduct, upon written consent of all parties Necessary for Affirmative Results Method Unanimous Secret Ballot Majority Secret Ballot Two-thirds Secret Ballot On restoration within 5 years from suspension for non-payment of dues Majority Secret Ballot On restoration after 5 years from suspension for non-payment of dues Unanimous Secret Ballot On restoration of membership, whe suspension is for any cause other than non-payment of dues Unanimous Secret Ballot Necessary for Affirmative Results Method The Secret Ballot by Balls and Cubes Petition for Initiation On declaring degree of punishment after trial and conviction On Suspension of member for non-payment of dues The Written Ballot is Used Exclusively In Electing Grand Lodge Officers Majority Secret Ballot Lodge Officers Majority Secret Ballot Necessary for Affirmative Results Method Two-thirds Manual Sign Request for an extension of time for initiation of an elected candidate Majority Manual Sign Request for dimit Majority Manual Sign Request by a dual member for certificate of withdrawal Majority Manual Sign Three-fourths Manual Sign Unanimous Manual Sign The Manual Sign is Used in Voting On To withdraw petition from membership before investigating committee has reported Request to be excused from voting To empower brother to cast vote of lodge in election of officers Request for certificate of good standing to apply for dual membership No vote necessary On restoration after definite suspension resulting from trial and conviction No vote necessary Sincerely, Jose Gonzalez Senior Warden F rom t he Sout h T h a nk sgi v i ng B rethren one of our favorite holidays is fast approaching. Thanksgiving it is celebrated all across our nation on the fourth Thursday in November. It is spent with family and loved ones, with many varying traditions, such as the local High School Thanksgiving football game, or an early morning of small game hunting, or maybe even a friendly game of touch football in the backyard just to name a few. All culminating in a family dinner with everyone sitting around a table filled with all our favorite dishes, with that roast turkey, the centerpiece of the feast. When we all have had our fill, and have had our pumpkin pie or whatever our favorite dessert may be. Take a moment to contemplate the origins of Thanksgiving. We have all learned in school about the harvest feast of the Pilgrims that settled at Plymouth Massachusetts. We also learned that the first settlers of Jamestown had a day of Thanksgiving when they set foot on the shores of VirgiN/A, and there is some debate which Thanksgiving was celebrated first. Brethren, we don’t really know who was the first to have a Thanksgiving celebration in America, but we do know who began the practice of giving thanks that we celebrate today. It began in Seventeen eighty nine, when Elias Boudinot who lived in Burlington and is buried in Saint Mary’s Episcopal Church. Elias was a member of the House of Representatives, and introduced a resolution that a joint committee of both houses request that the President recommend to the people of the United States a day of public Thanksgiving and prayer. Elias Boudinot gave us the resolution, but the following Proclamation of Brother George Washington as president of the United States set in motion and established the Thanksgiving Day we celebrate. Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and-----Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me “to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:” Now therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for his kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favor, able interpositions of his providence in the course of and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted; for civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us. And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations, and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions; to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise , just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations { especially such as have shown kindness to us}, and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and generally, to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best. Given under my hand at the City of New York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789. Go. Washington. Brethren, on Thanksgiving Day as you are enjoying the fellowship of your family and loved ones, take a moment and give thanks to our Great Creator for all that you have, and for the blessing of living and raising your family in this great nation of ours, and remember that it was a Mason and founder of these United States, Brother George Washington who recommended this Holiday. Respectfully, Ted D’Annunzio, Sr. Junior Warden Mount Moriah Lodge #28 & Eastern Star #257 present a Family-Style Roast Beef Dinner T o b e n e f i t t h e L o dg e November 1 at 5pm Menu: Roast Beef, mashed potatoes, green beans, applesauce, dessert, coffee & tea $15 per Person 100 tickets available from the Craftsman Club Please contact Bro. Ted D’Annunzio at (609) 499-2949 for more information. The Masonic Charity Foundation Fa l l 2014 Dear Brethren: It is my pleasure to announce that applications are now available for students interested in applying for the scholarship funds that will be granted in 2015 by the Masonic Charity Foundation of New Jersey and by the Grand Lodge of New Jersey. The enclosed notice provides a summary of the 2015 scholarship program requirements. Additional information and applications are available for downloading from the Foundation’s website at www.njmasonic.org, as well as from the Grand Lodge’s website at www.newjerseygrandlodge.org. Completed applications must be postmarked by February 17, 2015. Given the ever-increasing cost of higher education, we encourage you to spread the word about these scholarships to students in need. Doing so will help us to award these funds to the most deserving applicants. Sincerely and fraternally, Angelo A. Caprio Committee Chair Admissions, Resident & Charity Services The Masonic Charity Foundation of New Jersey offers these scholarships to students interested in pursuing higher education For complete details about each scholarship's eligibility requirements, or for an application, visit: www.njmasonic.org or www.newjerseygrandlodge.org Masonic Charity Foundation of New Jersey 902 Jacksonville Road, Burlington, NJ 08016-3896 (609) 589-4032 Chairman of the Board Scholarship Serewitch DeMolay Scholarship $10,000 $20,000 ($2,500 per year for 4 years) ($5,000 per year for 4 years) For Graduating High School Seniors in Any Major For Graduating NJ High School Seniors in Any Major GPA: B or 3.0 | Combined SATs: 1800 Must be relative of NJ Mason* (3) Available GPA: C+ or 2.2 over last 2 years Combined SATs: 1300 | Active DeMolay required | (1) Available Patterson Engineering Scholarship $16,000 ($4,000 per year for 4 years) For Graduating NJ High School Seniors in Engineering GPA: C+ or 2.5 over last 2 years Combined SATs: 1250 | Relative of NJ Mason preferred*, not required (1) Available Emphasis on teacher recommendation and student’s statement Emphasis on teacher recommendation and student’s statement William Mayer Memorial Scholarship $4,000 ($2,000 per year for 2 years) For Graduating High School Seniors in Any Major GPA: C or 2.0 over last 2 years Combined SATs: N/A | Must be relative of NJ Mason* | (2) Available Scholarship for an Associate’s Degree Sponsored by the Grand Lodge of NJ Sol & Reba Serewitch Scholarship Asbury Jordan Lodge Scholarship $5,000 $4,000 ($5,000 for 1 year) ($1,000 per year for 4 years) For Graduating NJ High School Seniors in Any Major For Graduating High School Seniors in Any Major GPA: C+ or 2.2 over last 2 years Combined SATs: 1300 | Must be relative of NJ Mason* | (1) Available GPA: B or 3.0 over last 2 years Combined SATs: 1400 | Relative of NJ Mason preferred*, not required (1) Available Taylor Scholarship Scholarship in honor of Christian Mogensen and John D. Post $4,000 ($1,000 per year for 4 years) For Graduating NJ High School Seniors in Any Major GPA: B or 3.0 | Combined SATs: 1500 Must be relative of NJ Mason* (2) Available Must perform 30 hours of community service each summer prior to fall semester Culver DeMolay Scholarship $4,000 William Mayer Memorial Scholarship $4,000 ($2,000 per year for 2 years) For 4-Year College Student GPA: C or 2.0 over last 2 years Combined SATs: N/A | Must be relative of NJ Mason* | (2) Available Scholarship for an Graduate Degree Sponsored by the Grand Lodge of NJ ($1,000 per year for 4 years) For Graduating NJ High School Seniors in Any Major GPA: B or 3.0 over last 2 years Combined SATs: 1500 | Active DeMolay preferred | (3) Available Compl et ed A ppl ic at ions Must Be Post m a r k ed by F ebru a ry 17, 2015 *The applicant must be the child, step-child, grandchild or step-grandchild of a living or deceased Master Mason in good standing in a Masonic Lodge of the Grand Lodge of NJ The Grand Lodge of New Jersey presents The Annual Feast of St. John Saturday, December 6 5:30pm - Social Hour 6:30pm - Welcome & Opening Excercise 6:45pm - Dinner 8pm - Program MCF Fellowship Center 114 Oxmead Road Burlington, NJ T his e v e nt w il l f e at ur e: “Hap” Nightingale’s Beefsteak Dinner; cash bar (wine & beer included in price); themed Tricky Tray Baskets; Gift Certificates, sports, & entertainment memorabilia. Tickets are $40 per person Reservation Deadline: Friday, November 11 No tickets will be sold at the door Speaker A professional actor of stage, screen and radio since 1999, Brother Dean Malissa has been the official portrayer of George Washington at Mount Vernon since 2009. He has also appeared as Washington in several TV productions, the White House, the National Archives, the SmithsoN/An, Liberty Hall, and many other historical venues and societies throughout the country. He has even portrayed Washington in France and China. Dean is also a member of the National Speakers Association. Brother Dean will entertain us with his trueto-life portrayal of America’s iconic Founding father. Guests will be entertained and educated as they meet Washington himself…real authentic clothing, real hair (Washington never wore a wig)…but no wooden teeth! He will be able to answer all of the guests’ questions (in character) related to George Washington. Be prepared for a most memorable, one-of-a-kind presentation! Tickets Tickets may be purchased by mailing a check along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope with the names of attendees to: The Grand Lodge of New Jersey 100 Barrack Street, Trenton, NJ 08608 or pay by credit card by calling (609) 239-3950. Tickets mailed from the office must be paid for in advance. No tickets will be sold at the door. Table reservations may be made for groups of 8 or 10. Craftsman Club News Dinner on December 8 at 6:30pm Great opportunity to have a fine meal and fellowship at a modest price, $7 per person. Open to Mount Moriah Lodge #28 Members, their Families, & Friends All tickets must be purchased in advance. No tickets at the door. Tickets are available in advance of each dinner at our regular communications, or by contacting WB Holmes L. Hay at (609) 298-3912. Poker Night Spend an Evening of Fellowship with your Brothers November 20, 2014 at 7:30pm Mt. Moriah Lodge #28, Lewis Parker Lounge $10 buy in with 1 re-buy Pizza will be ordered · Bring your favorite beverage Please register in advance by calling Bro. Anthony Rittwager at (609) 760-6178 or Bro. Jim Potts at (609) 306-5447 Our Lodge T rust ees Trustee to 2015: Trustee to 2016: Trustee to 2017: Trustee to 2018: Trustee to 2019: R.W F. Gerry Spence, PDDGM Bro. Richard E. Shenowski D.B. Raymond E. Jones R.W. Dennis R. Bator R.W. Joseph Varga (609)841-2265 (609)291-9745 (609)298-5563 (609)731-3418 (609)499-0138 Our Lodge Com mitt ees Ritual Sickness and Distress R.W. Richard F. LaBaw, Jr., Chair R.W. William F. Walling W.B. Roger K. Fischer W.B. George A. Chidley Bro. Jose G. Gonzalez Bro. Barry Oros Finance R.W. P. Brian Sisz, GLTr, Chair M.W. Edgar N. Peppler Bro. Joseph Lippincott Community Outreach Bro. Ted M. D’Annunzio, Chair W.B. George A. Chidley Mentoring W.B. David S. Blew, Chair Bro. Arthur S. Pelzer, Jr. Bro. Ted J. D’Annunzio Bro. Michael J.Galati Dues Collection R.W. P. Brian Sisz, GLTr, Chair W.B. George A. Chidley Bro. Robert J. Pigott Bro. Jose G. Gonzalez Charity R.W. Carl H. Doan, Chair R.W. Richard H. Trout R.W. P. Brian Sisz, GLTr Audit Bro. David S. Workman (CPA), Chair W.B. Dean J. Buhrer W.B. David S. Blew Lew Parker Scholarship Bro. Robert B. McCormick, Chair Bro. Albert Bela Ari Bro. Robert E. Oliver Blood Bank W.B. Roger K. Fischer, Chair W.B. Dean J. Buhrer Bylaws R.W. Carl H. Doan, Chair M.W. Edgar N. Peppler R.W. Henry P. Fratz, DDGM R.W. William F. Walling Masonic Home Bro. Joseph Franken, Chair Bro. William Federico Liason to Eastern Star Bro. Robert B. McCormick Our L i v i ng Pa st M a st er s 1965 1966 1967 1971 1972 1977 1980 1981 1982 1983 1985 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Joseph Varga, PJGD Edgar N. Peppler, PGM Frank Katona Robert C. Guest Richard H. Trout, PSGD John McCoy Ronald R. Meadows Herbert W. Borgstrom, Jr. Robert W. Alpaugh Harry S. Forman, Jr. Michael Grenz, PGC, PGMar Dean R. V. Allen Thomas V. Petito Joseph R. Shields, Jr. Holmes L. Hay William F. Walling, PGC F. Gerry Spence, PDDGM 1997 1999 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Carl H. Doan, PGC Mark Dempsky James F. Anderson Charles V. Anderson Richard F. LaBaw, Jr., PGSB William D. Pigott Henry P. Fratz, DDGM Roger K. Fisher David S. Blew Ned A. Koble Joseph B. Varga P. Brian Sisz, PGC, GL Trustee William J. Morelli, GC Dean J. Buhrer George A. Chidley Our Aff il i at ed Pa st M a st er s 1958 Henry Petersen (Continental Lodge) 1973 Robert E. McElhone (Joseph H. Brown Lodge) 1981 Robert E. Petersen (Warren Lodge) 1982 Kenneth E. Ibach (Auburn Lodge) 1988 Frank L. Blades (Woodstown Lodge) 1990 William J. Booher (Pyramid) 1994 John R. Parke (Gothic Fraternal) 1997 Michael A. Ramirez (Mariner’s Lodge) 1997 Dennis R. Bator (Palestine Lodge) 1997 Ronald R. Meadows (South Pine Lodge) 2001 Earl H. Reeder (Raritan Valley) 2003 Scott Wiese (Princeton) M a son’s Progr ess Awa it i ng M a st er M a son Degr ee November 24-25th Francis X. Stein • (published August) Awa it i ng F el low Cr a ft Degr ee November 24th Bro. Paul John Pigoncelli Bro. Peter Charles Possert November 25th Bro. Edgar Ross Peppler Bro. Christopher Michael LaBaw In a nd About t he T e mpl e Brethren, you and your Masonic friends are cordially invited to participate in the following Masonic events: November ?? November 4, 7:00pm: DLI, Medford No. 178, 25 Bank Street, Medford, NJ. Only WM, SW & Qualification Team (Marshal & Chaplain selected by WM) are to attend. ?? November 12, 6:30pm: Table Lodge. (See ad) ?? November 16, 7:00pm: Master Mason Degree Rehearsal. Officers in Advance Stations. All Officers are required to attend. ?? November 20, 7:30pm: “Poker Night” at Lewis Parker Room. (See ad) ?? November 23, 6:00pm: 7:00pm Rehearsal for Master Mason Degree. Past Masters Only. Candidate Exam and Officer Rehearsal for Master Mason Degree. ?? November 24, 7:00pm: Monday Master Mason Degree/Past Masters Night & Nomination of Officers for 2015. All Officers are required to attend. ?? November 25, 7:00pm: Emergent Meeting/Master Mason Degree. MW Gerald J. Sharpe, Grand Master, NJ, to attend. All Officers are required to attend. All are invited to attend. ?? November 27, 7:00pm: Mentoring Session. All are invited to attend. ?? November 29,10:00am: Mentoring Session. All are invited to attend. ?? November 30, 8:15am: Bagels & Coffee 9:30, 10:45am: Sunday services, Wheelchair Push, Masonic Home. All are welcome! Our residents rely on us to fill this need. We start helping our family members at 9:00am, so come early so you have time to socialize with your Brothers. December ?? December 6, 8:00am: Breakfast and Work Party. 7:30pm: Grand Lodge Annual Feast of St. John. (See ad) ?? December 8, 6:30pm: Craftsman Club Dinner, Roast Beef. (See ad) ?? December 10, 7:30pm: Election of Officers for 2015 & Qualifications of WM. ?? December 13, 10:00am: Open Installation of Officers for 2015. Support Our Sponsor s Peppler Funeral Homes Bordentown Bro. Edgar N. Peppler, Jr., Mgr. NJ Lic. 3926 (609) 298-1333 Allentown Karen E. Peppler, Mgr. NJ Lic. 4584 (609) 259-7391 • • Sportsmen’s Center Pownall Electric US Highway 130 136 Irvington Avenue Bordentown, NJ 08505 Yardville, NJ 08620 (609) 298-5300 (609) 585-0591 Bros. Paul & Brian Sisz • Bro. Joseph Pownall Freedom Financial Advisors Lucas Chevrolet • Retirement, Estate, Tax & 1622 Route 38, Wealth Management Lumberton, NJ 08048 132 Farnsworth Avenue (609) 267-0200 Bordentown City, NJ 08505 Jim Lynch • (609) 291-8363 • Bro. David Workman, CPA Burlington Cleaners 201 South Route 130 CMS Geothermal Burlington, NJ 08016 130 Farnsworth Avenue (609) 386-1616 Bordentown, N. J. 08505 Bro. Ted M. D’Annunzio • (609) 298-3018 • Bro. Patrick Jones Herdt Fencing 183 Bordentown-Crosswicks Road Bob’s Barber Shop Crosswicks, NJ 08515 2786 S. Broad St., Trenton, NJ (609) 888-4222 (609) 298-2201 • Bro. Mike Galati Daniel MacNeil Wilson, LLC Group Insurance Brokerage, Life, Health, Annuities 16 Bernath Drive Hamilton, NJ 08690 (609) 587-9092 (tel) (609) 338-1865 (cell) dmwgmnj2004@verizon.net Mount Moriah Lodge #28 F. & A.M. Legendary Ta b l e Lodge Our honored guest and speaker will be M W Ger a l d J. Sh a r pe Grand Master of Masons of the State of New Jersey Wednesday, November 12 at 6:30pm Valley of Central Jersey 103 Dunns Mill Road, Bordentown, NJ 08505 $35 per person in advance $50 at the door (limited availability) We encourage you to get your tickets early. Tickets will be available in September. For more information and tickets: Robert J. Pigott, WM (609) 723-4577 Jose Gonzales, SW (609) 499-1413 Ted M. D’Annunzio, Sr., JW (609) 499-2949
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