Horizon 2020 Roadmap for Inclusive Societies (Social Sience and Hunmanites) June 2015 Content 1. Lobby in the EU......................................................................................................................... 2 2. Contacts .................................................................................................................................... 2 Members of the Danish reference group (referencegruppe) for Societal Challenge 6: Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies ................................................... 2 Danish representatives of Programme Committees, experts, and National Contact Points for the SSH challenge ............................................................................................................................... 3 Advisory Groups ............................................................................................................................ 4 3. EU-initiatives ............................................................................................................................. 5 Net4Society ................................................................................................................................... 5 1. Lobby in the EU Lobbying in the EU means that an organisation, company or an individual is trying to influence the decisions of politicians or officials in the EU institutions in a particular direction. In Brussels, the Capital Region Denmark EU Office (creoDK) represents its partners: University of Copenhagen (KU), the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Copenhagen Business School (CBS) and the Capital Region of Denmark. creoDK engages with EU decision makers and seeks influence on EU research policy. The purpose of creoDK is to promote good research ideas – knowing the timing of the decision making process, contacts and stakeholders. In an EU lobby context, it often pays to be proactive. creoDK aims at facilitating the most favourable conditions for our scientists to participate more effectively in EU funding programmes by seeking influence on the phrasing and the priorities in the biannual Work Programmes, prepared by the European Commission within the framework of Horizon 2020 – EU’s Research and Innovation programme. Furthermore, creoDK aims at bringing forward hitherto neglected research topics to the EU research agenda. This roadmap provides an overview of contacts, initiatives and stakeholders that may be useful when promoting specific interests within the Social Science and Humanites-related research area in Horizon 2020. For more information on timing, please refer to the indicative timeline for development of Work Programme 2018-2019. You are always welcome to contact creoDK for further questions: creoDK@regionh.dk 2. Contacts Members of the Danish reference group (referencegruppe) for Societal Challenge 6: Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation - DASTI (Styrelsen for Forskning og Innovation) has established reference groups corresponding to nine thematic sections of Horizon 2020. The purpose of the reference groups is to provide DASTI with greater insight into the strengths and potentials of Danish research and thus create the foundation for the Danish priorities in the Work Programmes within Horizon 2020. The reference groups play an important role in preparing the Danish contribution to the new work programmes as they form the scientific base for DASTI’s input to the negotiations with the European Commission. The reference group must represent the joined Danish interests within the section concerned. The reference group on Inclusive Societies is consulted in relation to Societal Challenge 6., The table below lists the members of the reference group for Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 6 ”Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies”: 2 Reference group for Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies: Members of reference group Name: Per H. Jensen Palle Rasmussen Anne Marie Pahuus Christoffer Green-Pedersen Mikael Rask Madsen Nils Holtug Serden Ozcan Benedikte Brincker Garbi Schmidt Gorm Rye Olsen Per Dannemand Andersen Kirsten Drotner Thorbjørn Knudsen Ellen Marie Braae Cathrine Hasse Andreas Kaus Jensen Jens Erik Kofod Mette Abrahamsen Johnny Laursen Titel: Professor Professor Prodekan Professor Professor Associate professor Associate professor Associate professor Professor (MSO) Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor adviser Research adviser Project manager Dean Organisation: Aalborg University Aalborg University Aarhus University Aarhus University The faculty of law University of Copenhagen CBS CBS RUC RUC DTU University of Southern Denmark University of Southern Denmark University of Copenhagen University of Copenhagen DI Professionshøjskolen Metropol DEA Aarhus University Other members of the reference groups can be found at the Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s webpage. Danish representatives of Programme Committees, experts, and National Contact Points for the SSH challenge The European Commission has established Programme Committees with representatives from all EU Member States and associated states matching 14 thematic sections of Horizon 2020. The Programme Committees assist the European Commission in drawing and quality assuring the work programmes, and the Programme Committees make the final adoption of the Work Programmes before they are published. Furthermore, the Programmes Committees are continually informed about the implementation of Horizon 2020 within the given section. Denmark has appointed a delegation for each of the Programme Committees, which typically consists of representatives from DASTI (Styrelsen for Forskning og Innovation), an academic expert, and a representative from the Ministry responsible for the thematic section. The Danish members of the programme committee focusing on the Societal Challenge ”Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies” can be found below; the other Danish members of the Programmes Committees can be found at the Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s webpage. 3 Governments representatives and Head of Delegation Experts Representatives from Line Ministries and other agencies National Contact Point (NCP) Head of section Anne-Mette Skjoldan Petersen Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation Bredgade 40 DK- Copenhagen K Phone: (+45) 7231 8278 E-mail: amsp@fi.dk Head of section Sidsel Hougaard Innovationsfonden Østergade 26 a, 4th floor DK-1100 Copenhagen K Phone: +45 6190 5056 E-mail: sidsel.hougaard@innofond.dk Jakob Just Madsen Head of Office DANRO (Danish EU Research Liaison Office) Rue du Trône 98, 1. floor B-1000 Brussels Phone: +32 (0) 2213 41 64 E-mail: jjm@fi.dk Jytte Kaltoft Bendixen EU Liason Officer DANRO (Danish EU Research Liaison Office) Rue du Trône 98, 1. floor B-1000 Brussels Phone: +32 (0) 2213 41 65 E-mail: jkb@fi.dk Suppleant Professor Garbi Schmidt Roskilde Universitetscenter (RUC) Universitetsvej 1 DK-4000 Roskilde Tlf: +45 4674 3117 E-mail: garbi@ruc.dk Senior advisor Johnny Laursen Aarhus University Phone: +45 8716 2338 E-mail: hislau@hum.au.dk Sophie Bruun Danish Ministry of Culture Jens Chr. Skous Vej 5 DK-8000 Aarhus C Tlf. : +45 8716 2338 E-mail: hislau@hum.au.dk Special advicer Stefanie Bondy Jørgensen Styrelsen for Forskning og Innovation Bredgade 40 DK-1260 København K Tlf.: +45 72 31 82 17 E-mail: stbj@fi.dk Nybrogade 2 DK-1203 Copenhagen K Phone: : +45 33 92 98 15 E-mail: sbr@kum.dk Advisory Groups In addition to the Danish reference groups and the Programme Committees, the European Commission has also established Advisory Groups (AG) matching 18 thematic sections of Horizon 2020. AG members provide inputs to the focus areas within the two-year Strategic Programmes and Scoping papers prior to the drafting of the biannual Work Programmes. The members of the AG are appointed in their personal capacity and do not represent an institution or a country/Member State. Inputs from the AG’s complements inputs from for example ETP’s. There are three Danish members of the AG for Inclusive Societies. Other Danish AG members can be found at the Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s webpage. 4 Navn Organisation Advisory Group Emilie Normann Aalborg Universitet Christian Bason MindLab Jeremy Milliard Teknologisk Institut Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Contacts within the European Commission The European Commission is responsible for the implementation of Horizon 2020. In the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) Directorate B is responsible for this research area. DG RTD (Research and Innovation) Directorate B Acting director: Peter Droell Reflective societies Head of Unit: Philippe Keraudren For more information about the European Commission’s Staff Directory, go to Euwhoiswho Send an e-mail to the European Commission by writing: “first name”.”last name”@ec.europa.eu. 3. EU-initiatives Net4Society Net4Society is an international network for National Contact Points (NCPs), that are offering advice to researchers on the Inclusive Societies Challenge. Net¤Society supports developments of network and creation of consortia, offers advice on funding opportunities in Horizn 2020 and works for the visibility of social science and humanities in general. Read more here. 5
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