St James Notice Sheet Sunday 9th November 2014 If you are visiting us for the first time, or returning after some time away, you are most welcome. This notice sheet contains useful dates and information. Please take it home, so you have a record of what is going on at St James. Our Rector is the Rev. David Ward. ROTA 9/11/14 1st Reading Remembrance Sunday (3rd before Advent) Davie MacAllan Gospel Martin Coane Sidespersons Chalice Intercessions Crucifer • Wisdom Ch 6 v 12-16 Matthew Ch 25 v 1-13 Jenny & Richard Evans Steve Boult & Fiona Jones Ian Whyte Harriet Red hangings COLLECT Almighty Father, whose will is to restore all things in your beloved Son, the King of all: govern the hearts and minds of those in authority, and bring the families of the nations, divided and torn apart by the ravages of sin, to be subject to his just and gentle rule; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. POST COMMUNION PRAYER God of peace, whose Son Jesus Christ proclaimed the kingdom and restored the broken to wholeness of life: look with compassion on the anguish of the world, and by your healing power make whole both people and nations; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. SERVICES NEXT WEEK 9.00am 10.30am BCP Holy Communion Parish Communion and Sunday School SERVICE BOOKS Large print and braille format are available on request. If you would like to include a notice in the weekly pew sheet please let me have BRIEF details in writing by Wednesday of that week. My email address is Offertory If you are a visitor to this church you may place your gift in the collection plate in the usual way. If you would like our Treasurer to reclaim any tax through Gift Aid, please use the buff coloured envelope provided. Place your gift in the envelope, complete the form and then give it in during the collection. Church Flowers THE FLOWERS IN CHURCH FOR NOVEMBER ARE IN MEMORY OF MARGARET BARON, FLORRIE AND AUBREY PACKER, AND FRANK WARING. THE ALTAR FLOWERS ARE KINDLY PROVIDED BY: 2nd SHEILA COWBURN 9th SHEILA COWBURN 16th MR & MRS D PACKER 23rd MR & MRS D PACKER 30th ADVENT THERE ARE NO FLOWRS IN CHURCH DURING ADVENT Would You Like To Sponsor Flowers For A Special Anniversary Or Memorial? All The Names Are Mentioned In Brindle Voice Each Month. For Details, Contact Joan Hopcraft 01254 854465 SPECIAL SERVICES AT ST JAMES CHURCH Remembrance Sunday 9 November 10.45am Advent Carol Service 30 November 6.30pm Nine Lessons & Carols 21 December 6.30pm Nativity Play Christmas Eve 4.00pm Midnight Communion Christmas Eve 11.30pm Parish Communion Christmas Day 10.00am VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR 9 0’CLOCK SERVICES I invite volunteers for reading and preparing the church for the 9 o’clock services. If this is something you can help with then please have a word with me after the service. Thank you David Mothers Union Mothers' Union meets again on 19th November at 7.30 p.m. in the Community Hall, this month it is Christine Kearnen, from Holy Trinity telling us why she became a Lay Reader. Christine has a deep faith, and she is always extremely entertaining with a fantastic ability to tell you all about her experiences in an engaging and often funny way. Also can members remember to bring with them wrapped tombola prizes for the Mothers' Union stall at the Christmas Fair. Everyone welcome, look forward to seeing you there. Christmas Hamper Thank you to everyone who has offered to bring something for the hamper, could we please receive your items items by: Sunday, 16 November Many thanks, Annette & Jim Children’s Society Since the last report and on return from holiday, we have opened a further five boxes and the total collected is now £481.83 Many Thanks Cherith and Fred Mediaeval Stained Glass Panel Following the dedication and unveiling of the stained glass panel at the back of church on Sunday, some small greetings cards featuring the panel, and an explanation of it, will be on sale shortly to help raise the money needed to complete the restoration of the other windows in church. They will be available either as blank note cards or with a Christmas card insert. For more details see Pauline Hindle. ADVENT CALENDARS The Advent calendars have now arrived. I will give them out as I receive payment. I would appreciate it if you could ‘round up’ to £4 and put the correct money in an envelope with your name on it. There are a few spare calendars for anyone who did not order them but first come, first served! Thank you, Lynn Brindle Band Christmas Concert Community Hall on Saturday evening, 6th December. Tickets £6.00 per person to include a glass of Mulled wine and a mince pie. Always very popular, tickets are available from Susan Burgess, Susan Horrocks and Eileen Bannister. Diary Dates SJ SJ AS AS AS CHRISTMAS FAIR Saturday 22nd November 11am -2pm If you are able to help with the Fair in any way – setting up, clearing away, running a stall, helping in the café, etc please sign up on one of the lists on the notice boards or speak to Lynn or Dave Packer. We still need promises of cakes, wrapped gifts for the MU tombola, toys, books, plants, good as new, bric a brac, sweets, chocolate, wine, raffle prizes…. You will shortly be asked also to assist in selling raffle st tickets with the Christmas hamper as 1 prize. Please be prepared to take away a book of 5 to sell at £1 each as soon as they are available. Thank you in advance. Goose Chase 1:45 pm and 7:45 pm Thursday 20 NOVEMBER 2014 Drams studio Walton-le-dale arts college and high school Brindle road Bamber bridge Preston pr5 6rn Goose Chase lasts one hour, and is recommended for age 5 and up. NOW BOOKING FOR CHRISTMAS 2014 Tickets can be ordered from David Woodhouse tel 01772 742088 £4 child, £6 adult, family £15 Jam Jar Appeal If you have any jars, especially small ones we need some for the Christmas Fair. Please leave them in the box at the back of church with any other donations. ARE YOU 11 – 18 YEARS OLD? If so you are invited to take part in a youth weekend organised by All Saints Higher Walton to celebrate their 150th anniversary. 1 Party Saturday 29th November 7.30 – 10pm in the ‘Greenhouse’ – the hall on the church car park. Bring and share party food; silly games;some competitive. 2 Worship Sunday 30th November Service from 9.15 – 10.15 led by Nathan Iles, Mission director of Youth for Christ 3 Ten pin bowling After the service 11.30am at Lakeside Bowling, 50 Greenbank St Preston PR1 7PH. Cost approx. £6to be paid in advance. Buy your own lunch. To take part Contact 07751 973024 or to confirm. Sue & Steven Boult have 7 car spaces for anyone wanting to take part. Speak to them if you would like a lift or make your own way. SJ HT SJ AS SJ SJ Mon rd 3 Nov Tuesday th 4 Nov Sat th 8 Nov Sat th 15 Nov Thurs th 20 Nov Sat nd 22 Nov Sat th 6 Dec Sat th 13 Dec Sun th 14 Dec Mon th 29 Dec st Sat 31 Jan 2015 Ladies’ Night 7.30pm in BCH – SOLD OUT Parish trip to hear Archbishop Sentamu in Blackpool WW1 exhibition in church 10-4 Christmas Fair at Higher Walton School £1 ‘Goose Chase’ production at Walton le Dale High School Christmas Fair 11-2 in BCH Christmas Fair 2pm Hoghton Village Hall Christmas concert with band and choir, 7.30pm in church Christmas Concert with Brindle Band 7pm in church £5 After Christmas Quiz 7.30pm in BCH Burns’ Night 7.30pm in BCH Band Concerts: Summary Brindle Band are playing in the Community Hall on the th 6 Dec- A Community Hall event. th On the 14 , Brindle Band are playing at All Saints’ Church Higher Walton – organised by All Saints Church (AS) th On the 13 Charnock Brass are performing in St James’ Church (SJ) RAFFLE TICKETS FOR CHRISTMAS DRAW We need YOUR help! Books of tickets are now available from Annette or Jim after the service. The draw will take place on Saturday, 22 November during the Christmas Fair. There are a number of wonderful prizes including a magnificent and well stocked Christmas Hamper, a stack of chocolates donated by the Cavendish Arms, whisky etc… If you would be able to sell any tickets to your relatives, friends or neighbours we would be most grateful. Thank you
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