+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To Discover, Equip, and Live Out

To Discover, Equip, and Live Out
Pastoral Team
Rev. John P. Bergstadt – Phone Ext. 211
Manny Torres & Nicholas Williams
Business Administrator
Deacon Manny Torres – Phone Ext. 213
Pastoral Associate
Sister Kathy Lange, SCSC - Phone Ext. 214
Pastoral Minister
Ruth Holloway – Phone Ext. 209
Coordinator of Liturgy and Music
Karen Bernsteen – Phone Ext. 232
Director of Faith Formation
Sister Gretchen Krueger, O.P. – Phone Ext. 204
Faith Formation Facilitator Grades 1-6
Susan Casleton – Phone Ext. 205
Coordinator of HS Faith Formation/Confirmation
Amy Koehler – Phone Ext. 212
Coordinator of Youth Ministry
Jody Engebos – Phone Ext. 215
School Principal
Vicki Marotz – Phone Ext. 223
Parish Trustees
Gary Lockstein
Bob Buss
Councils & Committee Chairpersons
Pastoral Council- Jeff Taylor
Meets first Thursday of the month
Finance Council- John Style
Meets third Monday of the month
Social Concerns- Lori Janowski
Site Advisory Council- Kelly Williams
Board of Faith Formation- Dave Wojcik
Stewardship- Roseann Mader
Welcoming - Vern Ruhland
Building & Grounds – Mark Heinzen
Councils & Committee Meetings are
open to all parishioners.
Parish Office 434-2145 Faith Formation Office 434-2417 School Office 434-3822
Parish Office fax# (920) 434-5015
School Office fax# (920) 434-5016
Welcome to Saint John the Baptist Catholic Parish – Howard, Wisconsin
This Week at St. John’s
O God, Hear Our Prayer
Saturday, Nov. 1
Leo Van De Yacht (Anniv.)
Sunday, Nov. 2
8:00am People of the Parish
10:00am Donna Chambers
Tuesday, Nov. 4
Liturgy of the Word
Wednesday, Nov. 5
Edward Madigan Family
Thursday, Nov. 6
Barb Koury
Friday, Nov. 7
Saturday, Nov. 8
Mass of Reparation
Sue Mier
Ralph Barlament
Sunday, Nov. 9
8:00am People of the Parish
10:00am Donna Chambers
Scripture Readings
November 9, 2014
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Reading I Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12
Reading II 1 Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17
Gospel John 2:13-22
Stewardship of Treasure
From the week of October 26, 2014
Weekly Contribution Budget
Weekly Envelopes
Loose Collection
+ 872.78
World Mission Collection (to date)
Children’s Stewardship
Here are just a few of the many “offerings” to God from the
youth at St. John the Baptist.
*I worked hard at school.
*I helped up a fellow compeditor when they were down.
*I Visited my Great Grandparents.
*I mowed the lawn twice.
*I helped someone up after they fell.
***Spelling taken directly from the envelopes!
*20 youth envelopes were turned in for October 26…….$28.50
Prayer shapes everything we do. The family is the first
community children experience. May prayer encompass all
that your family does.
During the six weeks of Lent our children submitted their
prayers as a sign of their Stewardship to God. We continue
with their prayers:
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Boy Scout Troop 1113 – 6:30pm, Ministry Center
Confirmation - 7:00pm, School
Monday, November 3, 2014
Adult Faith Formation - 9:30am & again at 6:30pm, Narthex
Faith Formation Gr. 1- 8 – 6:00pm, School & Church
Women’s Bible Study – 6:00pm, Fireplace Room
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Women’s Bible Study – 9:15am, Fireplace Room
Children’s Choir – 3:30pm – Church
Men’s Choir – 6:00pm – Church
Living Waters – 7:15pm, Church
New Member Registration – 7:00pm, Fireplace Room
Men’s Bible Study – 7:00pm, Conference Room
AA – 8:00pm, Corner Room
Wednesday, Novmeber 5, 2014
Breaking Open the Sunday Readings – 6:30am & 6pm, Narthex
Senior Citizen Card Party – 12:30pm, Commons
RCIA – 6:30pm, Fireplace Room
Serenity Bereavement Group – 6:30pm, Conference Room
Faith Formation Gr. 1-8 – 6:00pm, School & Church
High School Faith Formation – 7:30pm, School
Thursday, Novmeber 6, 2014
Day of Adoration – begins with 8:30am Mass
Women’s Bible Study – 9:45am, Fireplace Room
Pastoral Council – 6:30pm, Fireplace Room
SJB Prayer Group –7:00pm, Sacristy
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Women’s Bible Study – 8:00am, Fireplace Room
Blood Pressure Screening after the 4:30pm Mass, Family Rm.
Celebrate the Music Concert – 7:00pm, Church
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Boy Scout Troop 1113 – 6:30pm, Ministry Center
Coffee & Donuts – after the 8 & 10am Masses –
Hosted by Stewardship Committee
Blood Pressure Screening after the morning Masses in the
Family Room
Schedule of Worship
8:30am - Liturgy of the Word with Communion
Wednesday thru Friday 8:30am – Mass
4:30pm – Mass
8:00am & 10:00am – Masses
Holy Days As Announced
9:30am – 10:30am (Or by appointment)
Baptism Class is held the last Thursday of each month.
Please call the Parish Office Center at 434-2145 to register.
Baptism will be celebrated on Baptism Sunday at any Mass.
By arrangement with Fr. John or Deacon Manny eight months in
Sacrament of the Sick Individually, by appointment –
Communally, as announced.
November 2, 2014
The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed
Stewardship Corner
November 2, 2014 - All Soul’s Day
“Those who trust in him will understand truth, and the faithful
will abide with him in love, because grace and mercy are upon
his elect, and he watches over his holy ones.”
Wisdom of Solomon 3:9
Here’s the ironic thing about people who are generous. Those that
give freely and cheerfully do not do it to be rewarded. They do it
to show their love for God and their neighbors. Yet, because of
their generosity, they typically are given more than they gave
Scrip News
Cheer on the Packers at their home game on November 9th. Use
SCRIP for all of your grocery items like burgers, brats, chips,
paper plates and drinks. We carry Piggly Wiggly, Festival,
Woodmans, Copps and Walmart in inventory. Pick some up
Volunteers for: Nov 8 & 9
Jerry & Marie Berg
Nov 15 & 16
Joy Abel & Amanda Hanley
Nov 22 & 23
Lynn & Brian McKean
Current Food Pantry Needs
Our pantry continues to have the following needs: crackers of
any kind, pancake mix, syrup, canned chicken, complete boxed
meals, Dinty Moore stew, cereal, mayonnaise, jelly, frosting,
cake/brownie mixes, salad dressings, toothbrushes, toothpaste,
liquid hand soap, dish soap, paper napkins, shampoo, and body
wash. Thanks to everyone who has been so supportive and
generous in donating to the food pantry.
New Member Registration
Are you new to St. John’s? Have you registered in the parish yet?
Sr. Kathy Lange, Pastoral Associate, will be available to register
new families on Tuesday evening, November 4 th, at 7 p.m. in the
Fireplace Room (to the left of the main entrance inside the
church). We look forward to meeting you and sharing the many
opportunities for growing in faith and becoming involved in the
parish. If you have registered, but did not have all your family
members available for a picture, stop by to have your picture
taken for our “New Member Board.” If you have any questions,
please contact Sr. Kathy at klange@sjbh.org or 920-434-2145,
Ext. 214.
Rosebud Program
This is just a reminder to take a look at the vase of silk
roses in the back of church near the vesting sacristy.
You will find colored roses that represent various
situations—pregnancy, birth, adoption, miscarriage,
stillbirth, infant death, and more. You are invited to
place a rose into the vase signifying a particular
situation, and prayers will be offered for your intention.
Coordinating prayer cards are available there as well.
Before you leave Church today…
 Stop in the Sunday Office to purchase SCRIP.
Celebrate the Music
Please come and join us for a night of song and
fellowship! The music ministry is proud to
present our 3rd annual concert
where we “Celebrate the Music”!
11 of our wonderful groups will perform songs of
worship, inspiration, and praise. Please come and bring
your family and friends. You don’t want to miss this
special evening, Saturday, Nov. 8 at 7pm in church. A
free will offering will be collected to benefit the music
Please join us!!
Day of Adoration - Thursday, November 6
“Christ offers you His friendship. He gave His Life so that those
who wish to answer His call can indeed become His friends.
His is a friendship which is deep, genuine, loyal and total,
as all true friendships must be.”
The above words were spoken by St. John Paul II
at World Youth Day.
Will you accept Christ’s offer of friendship by coming to spend
some time with Him? Our day starts with 8:30am Mass. Then
time to be with Him throughout the day, and ends with
Benediction at 7:00pm. He’ll be waiting for you.
Breaking Open the Sunday Readings
The schedule for Breaking Open the Sunday Readings coincides
with the Youth Faith Formation Program on Wednesdays
evenings from 6 – 7:00 p.m. in the Narthex. The Wednesday
mornings sessions are from 6:30-7:30 a.m. in the Fireplace
Room. Everyone is invited! If you have a bible, please bring it
along, but it isn’t required. No need to sign up; just show up
when you can. This is the week to give it a try! For more
information, feel free to call Jerry Berg, 327-0515.
St. John’s Prayer Group
St. John’s Prayer group has been meeting every Thursday night
at 7:00pm in the Church Sacristy for the past six years. It is
always open to anyone who wants to grow in their faith.
Through music, scripture, personal testimony, and various forms
of prayer, we lift up our country, our parish, our families and our
youth. If you have a personal prayer request, call Marilyn
Johnson at 434-0332. We will lift up your need in prayer. Please
consider joining us.
Find the Perfect Gift to prepare for the Advent Season:
An Evening with Bishop David Ricken.
Sunday, November 16th at Riverside Ballroom.
Doors open at 5:00 pm. Evening includes Bishop Ricken’s
presentation on The Joy and Power of Advent.
Dinner and Silent Auction - beautiful Advent Wreaths and Holy
Christmas items, Nativity scenes, Advent candles, etc.
Join Bishop Ricken and give meaning to your Advent in a
powerful way! Registration and details at
www.ThePowerOfLife.org. Questions? 920-362-6377
November 2, 2014
The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed
SJB Youth Group
School News
Jody Engebos 920-737-7357
St John the Baptist Howard Youth WSYM
The 2014-15 GRACE Annual Appeal directly supports students
with financial needs. Over two hundred students qualified this
year for a grant through the FACTS program.
Oil City, Pennsylvania
July 4-10, 2015!
The next Catholic Heart Work Camp is set!
Last year SJB had 33 people and a waiting
list!! I already have a few registrations!
Now accepting registrations – email jengebos@sjbh.org for
more information! (Total trip cost will be around $500)
FMSC Youth Ministry update!
Wednesday 4-6:00 15 youth; 6:30-8 55 youth;
8:30 – 10 15 youth
I am so grateful to the powerful people who brought this
program to Green Bay! There were more youth there who
signed up on their own, with families, sports teams or
class. So many people, working for others, giving the
I wonder how many SJB people were there over the
course of the week? Hmmm……
I hope you enjoyed your nice clean car! SJB youth
earned nearly $800 at this year’s car wash!
All money earned or donated by the parish will be going
to help these ‘car washers’ go on their summer trips to
either Steubenville- Atlanta or MN or Catholic Heart
WorkCamp in Oil City, PA.
The GRACE Appeal will be held at St. John the Baptist Parish
on the weekend of November 15. You will be viewing a video
created by Father Dane and the GRACE administrative staff.
Many students from GRACE schools will be speaking and
sharing why they feel their Catholic education has been so
important. Please share what you can afford to keep Catholic
education alive and growing and to make it possible for all
children. Thank you.
Ms. Marotz
Principal of St. John the Baptist School
Parents interested in enrolling their child(ren) at St. John Paul II
Classical School for the 2015-2016 school year can do so at the
GRACE Office, 1087 Kellogg Street, or by accessing the early
registration form at www.sjpclassicalschoolgreenbay.org. A
deposit is required to complete the application. This new
GRACE school will open with PreK-3 classes and grow by one
grade each year. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come,
first-served basis. The school will also sponsor a before & after
school program. For information at the GRACE Office, call
(920) 499-7330, ext. 303.
Young Adult Ministry
Upcoming Events
Serving individuals 18-39 in the Diocese of Green Bay
Please donate any towels or car washing supplies to Youth
6th SJB annual trip!!
We filled ‘Mary’s Big Blue Bus’ again!
42 local youth enjoyed a great day of adoration,
Reconciliation, Mass, key note speakers,
awesome music and great food!
November 6, 2014
Young Adult Catholic Professionals Luncheon
Robin Van Zeeland will discuss "Incorporating Faith into
Professionalism" with Catholic young adult professionals over
lunch at St. Brendan's Inn & Restaurant, Green Bay.
Thursday, November 6, from 11:30am to 12:30pm
November 15, 2014 | Encounter | Appleton
Faith Formation News
Catechists Still Needed!
Our Faith Formation Program continues to grow and with that we
have a need for catechists for Grades 1-6, Middle School, and
High School. No one can carry the load alone, nor can just a few.
It takes all of us as a Parish family. God is calling you to do your
part! Please pray about this and be open to where the Spirit may
be leading you.
Young adults gather for praise and worship with music,
fellowship, Adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament, reconciliation and reflection by a priest at
St. Thomas More Parish, Appleton.
Saturday, November 15 from 7:00 – 9:00pm
Event Contact - Phil Lawson, Young Adult Ministry
Discipleship and
Formation Coordinator:
(920) 272-8304 | plawson@gbdioc.org
November 2, 2014
The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed
Hospital Visitation
If you go to the hospital, staff at the hospital should ask you what
parish you belong to and if you would like to receive a visitor
from the parish. Please let them know that you belong to St. John
the Baptist and that you would like a visit. When you do this, the
hospital (Bellin, St. Mary’s and St. Vincent’s) is supposed to call
the parish and let the parish know that you are in the hospital.
Sister Kathy Lange, our Pastoral Associate and Ruth Holloway,
our Pastoral Minister, visits our hospitals regularly. Also, Deacon
Nick Williams is part of the pastoral care staff at St. Mary’s. We
are sorry if you have been in the hospital and not received a visit,
but often the parish staff is unaware that you have been
hospitalized or get to the hospital to visit too late and the person
has already been discharged.
Please remember that the parish has a “Helping Hands” group
who are available to make meals or provide transportation for
parishioners who have recently been hospitalized.
Helping Hands
Let Us Help - Are you ill or recovering from surgery and finding
it difficult to prepare meals or get to appointments? Do you no
longer drive but would like to attend Mass or run errands? Then
Helping Hands can help. We are a group of caring volunteers
eager to help you during a difficult or challenging time. Help is
only a phone call (or e-mail) away! If you or someone you know
could use a Helping Hand, please contact Roseann Mader 4343732 (rmader3@new.rr.com); or Sherry Van Helvoirt 434-4997
Girlfriends in God
Advent Evening of Reflection
“Waiting in Joyful Hope”
Location: St. Matthew Parish Green Bay
Date and Time: December 4th, 6:30-8:30p.m.
Sometimes it seems as though we spend our lives waiting.
Daydreaming about an upcoming vacation, worrying over a
medical test, preparing for the birth of a child—our days are
filled with a restlessness regarding what the future holds.
But Advent is a time of joyful waiting as we deepen our faith and
come into intimate contact with our own longing for God and for
peace. It is a time to make friends with our tears, our restlessness,
our hunger and thirst. When our hearts are open, when our hands
are open, when our mouths are open and ready to ask for freedom,
healing and peace, then we are ready to begin Advent. Come and
begin your Advent with an evening of reflection sure to restore
your sense of peace and balance as we enter into one of the
“busiest” times of the year. Be refreshed with prayer, the
fellowship of other women and a delicious dessert and fruit buffet
and enter Advent having taken a little time for yourself.
Cost for the event is $20
Checks payable to Diocese of Green Bay (include Acct#40 445).
Send checks to: Dept. of New Evangelization, P.O .Box 23825,
Green Bay, WI 54305-3825.
Include name, address, phone number, email address, and
Questions? Shelia, 920-272-8276 or sschaut@gbdioc.org.
Visit us online at www.gbdioc.org/girlfriends.
Area Happenings
BINGO @ St. Patrick, 211 N. Maple St.
2nd & 4th Fridays: Nov. 14, Dec. 12, Jan. 9 & 23, Feb. 13 & 27,
March 13 & 27, April 10 & 24 & May 8. Doors open at 5
pm. Bingo starts 7 pm. Food, prizes and OVER $1200.00
CASH given away at EVERY Bingo.
St Agnes Parish Men’s Club annual fall booyah carryout sale
on Sunday November 2 from 9:00am until noon or sold out.
Located - corner of 9th and Fisk St. Carryout containers available
or bring your own. All proceeds to help defray Church fence
Fall Festival at St. Benedict Parish in Suamico
Festivities begin after the 10:30am Mass on November 2nd
Event includes: Booyah, and many other food items, kids games,
craft projects and the Ladies Altar Society Craft Sale!
Bowling for Babies Event!
Bowl for a good cause! Adoption Choice, Inc. is holding this 1 st
Annual Bowling for Babies on Saturday, November 8th at the
Ashwaubenon Lanes. November is National Adoption
Awareness Month and proceeds support agency services and
programs. Cost is $10 per person ($12 at the door) and includes
2 hours of bowling and shoe rental. Check in at 12:30pm and
bowl from 1-3. Also featuring a silent auction! To register, call
499-2787, www.adoptionchoiceinc.org.
Carry-Out Booyah by St Joseph Athletic Club
Sunday, November 9, 9:00am till gone, $3/bowl
936 9th Street, Green Bay
Gourmet – All You Can Eat Pancake & Porkie Breakfast
Sunday, November 9, 2014 from 8:00am to Noon
St. Bernard Parish - 2040 Hillside Lane, Green Bay.
Adults: $6.00
Children 5 – 10: $3.00 Under 4 – free
Also featuring a Bake Sale.
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council 10243.
Xavier Theatre presents “Joseph and the Amazing
Technicolor Dreamcoat” at the Xavier Fine Arts Theatre.
Performances will run November 14-22. To purchase tickets,
visit www.xaviertheatre.com or call the box office at (920) 7338840. Phone messages may be left at any time and will be
returned. The Xavier box office is staffed Mondays and
Wednesdays from noon until 3:00 pm for walk up sales
Lighthouse Catholic Media
We invite you to take a look at the new
CDs in the Kiosk in the Day Chapel.
There are some new titles from Lighthouse
Catholic Media, including: All Things are
Possible for God, Changed Forever—The
Sacrament of Baptism, Contemporary
Sainthood, Evangelizing Catholics, Keep
Holy the Sabbath: Reclaiming Sunday,
Rising Above: From Tragedy to Triumph, The Jesus Question,
What’s So Great About Being Catholic?, and We Must Go Out.
We ask a $3 donation for each CD.
November 2, 2014
The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed
A season of stewardship
October 19/20 An attitude of faith
Your will, nothing more and nothing less
October 25/26
An attitude of prayer and worship
November 1/2
An attitude of service.
All Souls’ Day
November 8/9
An attitude of gratitude –
November 8
Celebration of music by parish
musicians 7:00 p.m.
An Attitude of Prayer and Worship
Do we pray? How do we pray? Last week, I made an
appeal for prayer – prayer at Mass. For the sake of
children who watch us, of adolescents that take their cue
from our behavior, of those deciding if they will return to
church and, most of all, for our own sake, will we stay until
Mass is over and we have sung the final song?
We say about our families that “blood is thicker than
water”. At Mass we profess that we are “one body” in
Christ. We come as one body. We should leave as one
body. Please…no leaving before the final blessing or even
better, until the final song is sung.
We want to be considerate of others by making every
effort to come on time. From experience we know that, if
we come close to the starting time for mass, we shall have
to park quite a ways away and it could take ten minutes to
get into church. A little earlier start, a little earlier
arrival will honor the prayer life that we have in
Parents, we are so proud of you for nurturing your
families in faith. Watching you teach them to take water
from the font and to bless themselves, explaining parts of
the Mass to them and, maybe, even sitting up front so they
can see better. Some have a ‘church book’ i.e. prayers and
pictures that keep before them why we have come. Thanks
to Mrs. Seidl and Mrs. Casleton and all the young people
who provide church time.
Thanks to those who, in increasing numbers are reading the
readings ahead of time. We love to hear the stories of how
you find the readings richer than ever. The scripture
readings provide the foundation of prayer.
We believe that Jesus has chosen to remain among us in the
Consecrated Bread on the altar and in the tabernacle
between Masses. When we enter Jesus’ house, we
genuflect or stop and bow to acknowledge that presence;
“Jesus, my Lord and my God.” Let’s not forget our Host
when we gather each weekend!
Fr. John
All of us who are baptized are missionary disciples.
We are called to become a living Gospel in the world.
(Pope Francis tweeted 2/25/14)
How am I a living Gospel in the world by the way
I share my talents in service in my parish and
Registering in the Parish or
Updating Records
If you would like to join St. John the Baptist Catholic Parish,
please fill out this form and place it in the collection basket
or mail it to the Parish Office – 2597 Glendale Ave, Green
Bay, WI 54313, and we will get in touch with you to register.
This is not a registration form. You may also call Sr. Kathy
Lange, Pastoral Associate, or Ruth Holloway, Pastoral
Minister to schedule an appointment to register.
If you are already a registered Parish member and need to
make changes, you may use this form to update your records.
Please fill out this form and place it in the collection basket
or return it to the Parish Office.
Phone Number_______________________________________
City___________________________ Zip Code____________
 New Parishioner
 New Address
Moving, please remove our name
New Phone Number
November 2, 2014
The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed
Liturgical Ministries
The complete schedule is online at www.sjbh.org/parishcal.html
Ministers: Check your mail / email. The unavailability request for the December-March schedule have been sent out.
Please reply by November 3.
Nov. 8
Nov. 9
Nov. 9
Eucharistic Minister
Kathy Lange
Keri Steffens
Lisa Ives
Lisa Piechota
Mary Jo Romenesko
Mary Van De Yacht
Pat Lane
Wendy Hopp
Dave Bertrand
David Schlegel
Diane Stepien
Faye Klasen
Jacalyn Amschler
Liz Beyers
Michelle Stratman
Pat Femling
Craig Gezella
Gene Ostert
Gloria D'souza
Joy Abel
Karen Bodoh
Lori Gezella
Marilyn Johnson
Mary Sylla
Ruth Holloway
Yvonne Duffek
1-Mike Gorniak
2-Patricia White
Jeff Baker
Jim Gannon
Julie Baker
Katie Gannon
Dede Rife - Head
Jay McMahon
Jeff Taylor
John Plumb
Marilyn Bardwell
Sam Plumb
Jerry Tilly
John Daugherty
Kay Daugherty
Mary Jo Polzak
Dave Bainbridge
Joe Bertrand
John O'Connor - Head
Jonas Wells
Richard Boyer
Sue O'Connor
Men’s Choir
Benjamin Jensen
Bob Cavender
Dianne Cavender
Ella Jensen
Dave Devenport
David Bjorkman - Head
Joan Brusky
Mary Lou Bartoletti
Mike Abel
Peter Mueller
Ronald Treml
Steve Jensen
Joyful Noise
Altar Servers
Bridget Kapic
William Kapic
1-Bill Hendricks Jr
2-Deb Rentmeester
Altar Servers
Caleb Rentmeester
Jenna Breitrick
1-Theresa Ostert
2-Brianna Bodoh
Altar Servers
Austin Whipple
Ethan Abel
Notes from the Health & Wellness Committee
COPD Awareness Month
COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is an obstructive lung disease that over time makes it hard to breathe. COPD is a
disease that involves inflammation and thickening of the airways. As the disease gets worse, it becomes more difficult to remain active
due to shortness of breath. COPD is the third leading cause of death in the US. At this time there is no cure for COPD. It is estimated
that up to 24 million people have this disease.
The symptoms of COPD are: Chronic cough, shortness of breath while doing everyday activities, frequent respiratory infections,
blueness of the lips or fingernail beds, fatigue, producing a lot of mucus, and wheezing .
Treatment steps in COPD include:
1. Stop smoking.
2. Take your medicines as prescribed by your doctor. These are usually inhalers or nebulizers that can open your airways and keep them from getting
swollen. If your COPD is severe, oxygen therapy may be used to help with shortness of breath.
3. Pulmonary rehabilitation is a program that teaches you about COPD, how to exercise, how to manage your disease and provides support and
4. Avoid Possible Triggers: Declare your home a smoke free zone. Keep humidity levels under 50 percent. Fix all leaks and drips in the home.
Standing water and high humidity encourage the growth of mold and other pollutants. Put away food, cover trash and use bait to control pests. Avoid
burning wood because it adds pollution indoors and out. Don't use scented candles or fragrances. Use cleaning, household and hobby products that
are less toxic.
5. Help fight pollution: Work with others in your community to help clean up the air you breathe. Get life-saving updates on your local air quality.
6. Protect Your Health: Taking certain steps to protect your overall health will also help protect your lungs. With COPD, a cold or other respiratory
infection can become very serious. Wash your hands often. Use hand sanitizer. Avoids crowds during the cold and flu season Ask family members
and friends to be considerate of your COPD and the need to protect yourself from infection and only visit when they are healthy. Good oral hygiene
can protect you from the germs in your mouth leading to infections. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and see your dentist at least every 6 months.
Get vaccinated against flu and pneumonia, and encourage family and those around you to do the same.
Source: American Lung Association