Nov 9, 2014 St. Joseph Parish Rectory—573-492-6595 Pastor—Fr. Greg Oligschlaeger 408 East Kellett Martinsburg, MO 65264 School— 573-492-6283 ELC— 573-492-6398 Email: Facebook: St. Joseph Catholic Church Deacon Ron Deimeke- 573-492-6417 Bulletin info email: Website: MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Mon Nov 10—No Mass Tue Nov 11-6:00 pm-COR-Garrett Welschmeyer Wed Nov 12—7:45 am-Charles Wieschhaus Thu Nov 13—7:45 am-Kenny Fennewald Fri Nov 14—7:45 am-Edward Bertels Sat Nov 15—5:30 pm-People of the Parishes 7:30 pm-SSM St. Francis Chapel-Ed Schafer Sun Nov 16—8:00 am-COR-Leo Schafer —10:00 am–Mary Ann Brinker Please Keep in Your Prayers: Karen Brooks, Andy Eckler, Betz Becker, Don Woods, Marta Robinson, Steve Welschmeyer, Ricky Wieberg Bonnie Deimeke, Michael Ahrens, Bill Dryden, Catherine Holtkamp, Jeanette Stelzer, Wayne Kestler, Kaylee Long, Peggy Davidson, Gary Beauchamp, Jeanne Welschmeyer, Dennis Atim, Kellie Bertels, Mary Ellen Wieberg, Ethel Meadows, Sarah Gering, Richard Van Boening, Mina Stone, Molly Deimeke, Sandy Canterbury, Susan Schipper, Doug Shramek Shirley Nation, Virginia Guibor, Margie Wieberg, Jason Robinson, Layne Rohan, Bob Nation NOTES FROM OUR PASTOR: Dear Parishioners, Remember that there is Mass at St. Mary’s-Audrain Hospital (Former Audrain Medical Center) at 7:30PM in St. Francis Chapel on every Saturday night. Psalms 42:2 “As the deer longs for streams of water, so my soul longs for you, O God.” Weekend Masses: Saturday-5:30 pm SJC Sunday-8 am COR; 10 am SJC Confessions: 30 minutes before Mass Saturday, Nov 15, 2014 Emily Hoyt & Lauryn Robnett Servers Sharon Welschmeyer Lector Greeters Jim Purvis Kent & Angela Buckman Offertory Gifts Eucharistic Ministers Sherri Deimeke, Vicki Schuler Sunday, Nov 16, 2014 Jolene Hollensteiner & Anna Gangloff Rita Gangloff Dan & Rita Gangloff Family Henry & Kathleen Borgmeyer Eucharistic Ministers Charlie Schafer, Jeff Fennewald, Vicki Duenke Servers Lector Greeters Offertory Gifts Children's Liturgy Weekday Servers Book Poindexter & Kristan Kleinsorge Kaitlyn Bohr & Jolene Hollensteiner Ushers—Saturday Robert T. Becker, Cletus Deimeke Jim Hale, Robert Schuler David Schmeling, Ed Wieberg Ushers—Sunday Henry Borgmeyer, AJ Jensen ON THE CALENDAR: Sun, Nov 9– Parish Breakfast—8 am—Noon at the KofC Hall - High School & Grade School PSR in SJ School after 10 am Mass - RCIA Inquiry Session after 10 am Mass Tue, Nov 11-Veterans Day—Mass at COR at 6:00 pm Wed, Nov 12—-Scripture Study @ Rectory after Mass -Finance Council Meeting—7 pm Thu, Nov 13-SJS Basketball-HOME– vs—Middle Grove at 6 pm -School Advisory Board Meeting—6:30 pm Fri, Nov 14-SJ School Early Release—1:30 pm Sat, Nov 15-Knights of Columbus Game Night—after Mass I often tease about the ‘Holy Days of Deer Season’, and yet as the rifle season begins this next weekend, I believe that there are some excellent and relevant comparisons between the discipline of the hunt and the enrichment of our spiritual life. Think of the preparation it takes to deer hunt well. The scouting, looking for the signs, setting up the blind or stands, and finding the deer paths and where the deer bed down, takes a lot of time. Prayer is our preparation to understand God’s will for us. Think of how much more you may get out of Mass when you get there early and prepare by reading the scriptures ahead of time and being quiet so you might encounter the Lord. When we prepare ourselves, it is more likely that we will recognize more of the signs of God’s work around us. God wants to be with us. There’s no chance that God will snort and run the other way when we see God. It takes patience to deer hunt. This is a great lesson for spiritual life. Just as hunting happens on the animal’s schedule and depends on the climate and other elements. We need to be patient and allow God’s providence to happen in God’s time. Isn’t ironic that people can sit in a deer stand for 8 hours at a time to wait for the prey and yet have a hard time understanding why their prayers were not immediately answered by God. God knows what is best for us and sometimes the climate is not right to grant our request. Sometimes that longing for the Lord helps us to better appreciate God’s grace when the prayer is answered. Hunters will sit in terrible weather waiting for the trophy buck, but will have difficulty giving an hour to the Lord at Mass. Hunting can teach us the lesson of how to wait well for the prize. The prize of God’s help and Salvation at Mass is greater than any prize Boone & Crocket or Pope & Young could award. Finally many hunters witness to me about how close to God they feel in the midst God’s creation. Long hours waiting for game give them excellent opportunities to pray and give thanks to God. I agree. It is a blessed moment to arrive to your stand in the dark and watch the woods come alive. I’m sure each hunter could come up with similar analogies to the tranquility of hunting and one’s spiritual life that I have shared here. I pray that you become enlivened in faith through your hunting season retreat. In this month of Thanksgiving, let us give thanks to God for all our blessings. Let this deer season not be a distraction from Mass and our spiritual life, but rather enrich our faith and help us to set goals for how we will pray and serve God in the busy-ness of life. Let us pray for God’s blessing and safety for all hunters through this deer season. ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL CALENDAR: Mon, Nov 10-Basketball-HOMECOMING vs St. Brendan at 6 pm Wed, Nov 12-Consolidated Electric assembly—9 am Thu, Nov 13-Health Screening -School Store-1:30—2:15 pm -Basketball-HOME-vs Middle Grove @ 6 pm Fri, Nov 14-7:45 Mass-3rd & 4th Grades NOTES FROM MR. STRUCK: It is really hard to believe that we are into November. It has been a relatively quiet week compared to last week. Aunt Marilyn was here again on Monday for her library activity for each class. She does such a wonderful job with the students. On Tuesday, Father Tony Rinaldo was here to talk to the students about vocations. Grades 3-8 attended the assembly and received a great message. Last Saturday, at the Regional Speech Meet. Katie, Bertels, Kaitlyn Heim, Deann Brooks, Anna Gangloff, Delanie Windmann, Gabe Hale, and Clayton Welch all represented St. Joseph School. Out of 5 results, we received 4 blue ratings and 1 red rating. Congratulations to all these students and Mrs. Joyce Smith. Our big event for this week is our homecoming game and activities. Games will be at Community R-6 on Monday, November 10. In addition we will be recognizing all players, parents, cheerleaders, coaches, and graduates of St. Joseph School. Have a great week. God Bless. FRIED CHICKEN TIME AGAIN IN MARTINSBURG! Friday, November 14 at American Legion Post 552 serving from 5—8 pm. Homemade mashed potatoes & gravy plus dessert and all the other goodies! Adults $10 & Children $5 PICTORIAL DIRECTORY-January 2015 –Save these dates for your Family Portrait-Our parish directory and record won’t be complete without you! Pictures will be taken—January 13—17 and January 21—24. Caroline Nation is coordinating this for both parishes again and will be gathering pictures of our parish groups and activities throughout this year. Contact her if you have photos to share or the parish Shutterfly share site at: Stewardship Thought: In today’s readings, Jesus reminds his disciples that they are God’s temple, the Spirit of God residing within them. As disciples, how are we serving and honoring our God? How are we bringing others to God’s love? St. Joseph Parish Breakfast—Today! Sunday, November 9 from 8 am to Noon at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Martinsburg. Featuring WholeHog Sausage, Bacon, Eggs, Pancakes & Mixed Fruit, plus Biscuits & gravy!! Sponsored by the Parish Finance Council for the benefit of the parish. Adults $8—Children $4. Happy Birthday & Anniversary to: Nov11-Andrew Poindexter Nov 12-Joyce Smith, Nicki Poindexter Nov 13-Lucy Deimeke Nov 14-Gary Stuckenschneider, Julie Buckman The next Martinsburg-Montgomery County Area Ultreya will be held Saturday, November 15 following the 5:30 p.m. Mass at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Martinsburg. We will gather for a meal and fellowship in St. Joseph School following mass. Please bring a covered dish to share; meat, beverage and tableware will be provided by the Martinsburg area Cursillistas. Hope to see everyone there!. Martinsburg Area Community Betterment –Memory Tree Dove Ornaments may be purchased for $5 at the Martinsburg Library, Fennewald Pump Service, Ultimate Image, The Finishing Touch, or Fennewald Welding. The ornaments will decorate Memory Tree which will be lit at 6 pm on Sunday, December 7th. Please order by December 3rd. Santa will visit the Martinsburg Fire House at 5 pm on December 7th as part of the Tree lighting festivities! Congratulations to Zach & Jennie Beamer who were married in our parish this Saturday! Today we support our family and friends who have served this nation with distinction. The Collection for the Archdiocese for the Military Services will provide the Gospel, the sacraments and other forms of spiritual support to the men and women of the United States armed forces wherever they serve, no matter the circumstances. Please prayerfully consider a generous contribution to the first-ever national Collection for the Archdiocese for the Military Services. Knights of Columbus Family Game Night—Sat. Nov 15 after Mass–All parish families are invited to bring your favorite game and snacks to share with other families for an evening of fun at the KofC Hall. K of Cs will provide popcorn & soft drinks. Hope to see many of you there!! As of October 31st, 12 families or 6.1% of our parish families have donated $2,535 toward our parish’s Catholic Stewardship Appeal goal of $10,476. We thank all those who have generously given to the annual Catholic Stewardship Appeal. And, we ask those who have not sent in your pledge to please consider a gift to support training of our future priests; training for teachers, catechists and those who form our young adults in the faith; and providing help to those in need. Each of us is called to respond in faith, knowing and trusting that God recognizes your willingness to live out the message of the Gospel. Financial Report: Expense Income Difference October 2014 Fiscal YTD-25% $ 52,671.42 $ 92,288.92 $39,617.50 $226,842.03 $240,090.35 $13,248.32 Week: Oct Collection Nov 2nd Catholic Missourian Organ Fund Harvest Maintenance Human Development Actual: $ 26,997.33 $ 7,118.33 $ 895.00 $ 14,074.98 $ 3,620.00 $ 212.00 $ 20.00 Goal: $24,400 $6,100 $2,600 Difference: $2,597.33 $1,018.33 ($1,705.00) $10,000 ($6,380.00) Happy Anniversary to: Nov 14—Charles & Rita Meador CWO Meeting on Tuesday, Nov 11 after Mass-at approximately 6:30 PM. Celebration of Faith and Culture! Join Bishop Gaydos and parishioners from across the diocese and across the world on the Feast of Christ the King. The celebration will include a multicultural Mass, followed by a potluck buffet with tasty international food and live entertainment. This will be an opportunity to acknowledge and give thanks for the diversity of gifts and unity of faith that strengthens our Church. It all begins at 2:00 pm at St. Joseph Cathedral on Sunday, November 23 (and should conclude by 6:30.) Bring your family or friends! The only cost is a covered dish to share. For more information, go to, click on Nov. 23 Celebration of Faith and Culture. The next Martinsburg-Montgomery County Area Ultreya will be held Saturday, November 15 following the 5:30 p.m. Mass at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Martinsburg. We will gather for a meal and fellowship in St. Joseph School following mass. Please bring a covered dish to share; meat, beverage and tableware will be provided by the Martinsburg area Cursillistas. Hope to see everyone there! Retreats from Conception Abbey -Common Book Retreat for Advent - Friday evening - Sunday noon, November 14 – 16, 2014 This year’s book: God with us: rediscovering the meaning of Christmas. We’ll provide you with this beautifully illustrated book and spend the weekend getting you started on it with some initial thoughts on the season of Advent. Then you can take the book home and continue to read it during the Advent season. The AGC team will guide the weekend, which will include time for quiet reading, prayer and conversation. ($170 for single accommodations, $150 per person for double accommodations). For reservations contact the Abbey Guest Center: phone 660944-2809 or email Catholicism Video Series to resume!: Two opportunities—Sunday after the 8 am Mass and on Tuesday after Mass. Suzanne Espen will lead the Sunday sessions and Mary Gooch will lead the Tuesday sessions. Knights of Columbus Family Game Night—Sat. Nov 15 after Mass–All parish families are invited to bring your favorite game and snacks to share with other families for an evening of fun at the KofC Hall, Martinsburg. KofCs will provide Stewardship Thought: In today’s readings, Jesus popcorn & soft drinks. Today we support our family and friends who have served this nation with distinction. The Collection for the Archdiocese for the Military Services will provide the Gospel, the sacraments and other forms of spiritual support to the men and women of the United States armed forces wherever they serve, no matter the circumstances. Please prayerfully consider a generous contribution to the first-ever national Collection for the Archdiocese for the Military Services. St. Joseph Parish Breakfast—Today— Sunday, November 9 from 8 am to Noon at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Martinsburg. Featuring Whole-Hog Sausage, Bacon, Eggs, Pancakes & Mixed Fruit, plus Biscuits & gravy!! Sponsored by the Parish Finance Council for the benefit of the parish. Adults $8—Children $4. FRIED CHICKEN TIME AGAIN IN MARTINSBURG! Friday, November 14 at American Legion Post 552 serving from 5—8 pm. Homemade mashed potatoes & gravy plus dessert and all the other goodies! Adults $10 & Children $5 reminds his disciples that they are God’s temple, the Spirit of God residing within them. As disciples, how are we serving and honoring our God? How are we bringing others to God’s love? As of October 31st, 3 families or 5.8% of our parish families have donated $790 toward our parish’s Catholic Stewardship Appeal goal of $3,734. We thank all those who have generously given to the annual Catholic Stewardship Appeal. And, we ask those who have not sent in your pledge to please consider a gift to support training of our future priests; training for teachers, catechists and those who form our young adults in the faith; and providing help to those in need. Each of us is called to respond in faith, knowing and trusting that God recognizes your willingness to live out the message of the Gospel. Financial Report: Expense Income October 2014 Fiscal YTD–25% $ 4,153.14 $ 4,465.08 $ 311.94 $16,904.82 $19,477.50 $ 2,572.68 Week: October Collection November 2nd Catholic Missourian Actual: $ 4,034.00 $ 1,288.00 $ 330.00 Goal: $2,800 $700 $700 Difference Difference: $1,234.00 $588.00 ($370.00) Nov 9, 2014 Pastor—Fr. Greg Oligschlaeger Email: Deacon Ron Deimeke-573-492-6417 Bulletin info email: Church of the Resurrection Rectory—573-492-6595 School— 573-492-6283 ELC— 573-492-6398 Weekend Masses: Saturday—5:30 pm Confessions: 30 minutes before Mass Sunday—8 am COR; 10 am SJC 409 East Bates Wellsville, MO 63384 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Mon Nov 10—No Mass Tue Nov 11-6:00 pm-COR-Garrett Welschmeyer Wed Nov 12—7:45 am-Charles Wieschhaus Thu Nov 13—7:45 am-Kenny Fennewald Fri Nov 14—7:45 am-Edward Bertels Sat Nov 15—5:30 pm-People of the Parishes 7:30 pm-SSM St. Francis Chapel-Ed Schafer Sun Nov 16—8:00 am-COR-Leo Schafer —10:00 am–Mary Ann Brinker Please Keep in Your Prayers: Kaylee Long, Maybelle Buckley, Mary Jane Kelly, Jim Gooch, Annie Vomund, Mina Stone, Andy Eckler, Norm Bowers, Doug Dueing, Bill Dryden, Dennis Atim, Debbie Horvath, Betz Becker, Susan Schipper, Mary Ellen Wieberg, Sandy Canterbury, Kellie Bertels, Shirley Nation, Virginia Guibor, Peggy Davidson, Margie Wieberg, Jason Robinson, Amanda Hoosen, Doug Shramek, Bob Nation, Paul Thomas If you know that someone needs to be added or removed from the list, please email or call the parish office. Liturgical Roles For Next Week: Sunday, November 16, 2014 Ushers Servers-Candles Offertory Gifts Lector Eucharistic Ministers Greeter Collection Musician Song Leader Rosary Leader Tom Machens, Don Nation Avery Carline & Dion Thurman Angela Andrews Family Joan Hank Mary Gooch, Margaret Nilges, Rita Oliver Tudy Debo Jim Gooch & Doug Shramek Mary Kay Thomas Leanna Thurman George Jacobi ON THE CALENDAR: Sun, Nov 9– St. Joseph Parish Breakfast—8 am—Noon - KofC Hall - High School & Grade School PSR in SJ School after 10 am Mass - RCIA Inquiry Session after 10 am Mass Tue, Nov 11-Veterans Day—Mass at COR at 6:00 pm -CWO Meeting following Mass—6:30 pm Wed, Nov 12—-Scripture Study @ Rectory after Mass Sat, Nov 15-Knights of Columbus Game Night—after Mass NOTES FROM OUR PASTOR: Dear Parishioners, Remember that there is Mass at St. Mary’s-Audrain Hospital (Former Audrain Medical Center) at 7:30PM in St. Francis of Assisi Chapel on every Saturday night. Psalms 42:2 “As the deer longs for streams of water, so my soul longs for you, O God.” I often tease about the ‘Holy Days of Deer Season’, and yet as the rifle season begins next weekend, I believe that there are some excellent and relevant comparisons between the discipline of the hunt and the enrichment of our spiritual life. Think of the preparation it takes to deer hunt well. The scouting, looking for the signs, setting up the blind or stands, and finding the deer paths and where the deer bed down, takes a lot of time. Prayer is our preparation to understand God’s will for us. Think of how much more you may get out of Mass when you get there early and prepare by reading the scriptures ahead of time and being quiet so you might encounter the Lord. When we prepare ourselves, it is more likely that we will recognize more of the signs of God’s work around us. God wants to be with us. There’s no chance that God will snort and run the other way when we see God. It takes patience to deer hunt. This is a great lesson for spiritual life. Just as hunting happens on the animal’s schedule and depends on the climate and other elements. We need to be patient and allow God’s providence to happen in God’s time. Isn’t ironic that people can sit in a deer stand for 8 hours at a time to wait for the prey and yet have a hard time understanding why their prayers were not immediately answered by God. God knows what is best for us and sometimes the climate is not right to grant our request. Sometimes that longing for the Lord helps us to better appreciate God’s grace when the prayer is answered. Hunters will sit in terrible weather waiting for the trophy buck, but will have difficulty giving an hour to the Lord at Mass. Hunting can teach us the lesson of how to wait well for the prize. The prize of God’s help and Salvation at Mass is greater than any prize Boone & Crocket or Pope & Young could award. I have always admired mounted deer heads and turkey mounts, in fact I think all forms of taxidermy are incredible. Trophies from the hunt remind us of the thrill of the experience and the beauty of the fish or animal. Do we have images of our faith on our walls at home? A crucifix prominently placed and images of saints can be excellent reminders of our Catholic heroes and mentors and the spiritual triumphs they attained. Finally many hunters witness to me about how close to God they feel in the midst God’s creation. Long hours waiting for game give them excellent opportunities to pray and give thanks to God. I agree. It is a blessed moment to arrive to your stand in the dark and watch the woods come alive. I’m sure each hunter could come up with similar analogies to the tranquility of hunting and one’s spiritual life that I have shared here. I pray that you become enlivened in faith through your hunting season retreat. In this month of Thanksgiving, let us give thanks to God for all our blessings. Let this deer season not be a distraction from Mass and our spiritual life, but rather enrich our faith and help us to set goals for how we will pray and serve God in the busy-ness of life. Let us pray for God’s blessing and safety for all hunters through this deer season.
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