St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cooks Valley Township – 4540 State Hwy. 40, Bloomer, WI Web Site: – Mailing Address: 4540 State Hwy. 40, Bloomer, WI 54724 SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE St. John The Baptist, Cooks Valley Saturday, 8:00 p.m. Sunday, 9:30 a.m. St. Paul’s, Bloomer Saturday, 4:00 p.m. Sunday, 8:00 & 11:00 a.m. DAILY MASS SCHEDULE St. John The Baptist, Cooks Valley Tuesday & Thursday, 8:30 a.m. First Friday Mass, 10:30 a.m. St. Paul’s, Bloomer Monday-Thursday, 7:30 a.m. Friday – School Mass, 8:00 a.m. FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION Adoration begins immediately following the 8:30 a.m. Mass Thursday and ends with the 10:30 a.m. First Friday Mass. HOLY DAY MASS SCHEDULE Please check bulletin ROSARY Recited every Sunday morning at 9:00 am PARISH STAFF Pastor – Fr. John Potaczek Secretary: Candyce Sarauer For all sacramental or emergency needs, please call Fr. Potaczek at 715-568-3255. TELEPHONE St. John’s – Cooks Valley ................................568-3778 Fax................................................568-9778 Email………………… St. Paul’s – Bloomer .......................................568-3255 PARISH COUNCIL Finance David Loew ....................................................568-2754 Liturgy Kevin Butek ....................................................962-3433 Family Life Mary Kay Fanetti ...............................................568-3521 Buildings and Grounds Jeff Hilger ..........................................................568-5917 Ken Schmitt, custodian......................................568-5508 Education Deb Klukas ....................................................962-4186 ALTAR SOCIETY President Cindy Swartz ....................................................568-2584 Vice President MaryJo Schley...................................................568-5644 Secretary Amy Leavens ....................................................568-4704 Treasurer Jean Schindler...................................................962-3026 MUSIC MINISTRY SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturdays 7:00-7:45 p.m. MARRIAGE PREPARATION Couples should contact the pastor before the wedding date is set. Allow eight months for preparation before the wedding date. BAPTISM PREPARATION Parents must receive baptismal preparation prior to the baptism of their first child. Please contact the parish office. Organist James Willi ........................................................568-2158 Choir Director Christi Larson ....................................................568-2662 NEW PARISHIONERS We welcome all new parishioners! Please contact the parish office for registration. BULLETIN DEADLINE is Tuesday afternoon. Call the parish office with bulletin information, 568-3778 or e-mail: FREE CATHOLIC MINISTRY NATIONWIDE 1-800-627-7846 or to find out Mass times at a church near your travel destination. DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA NOVEMBER 9, 2014 Ministry Schedule Saturday and Sunday – Nov. 15-16 Servers Sat., Nov. 8 8:00 pm Sun., Nov. 9 9:30 am Tues., Nov. 11 8:30 am Thurs., Nov. 13 8:30 am Sat., Nov. 15 8:00 pm Sun., Nov. 16 9:30 am Vigil: Dedication of Lateran Basilica +Joe Swartz Dedication of the Lateran Basilica +Denis and Terry Prince St. Martin of Tours, Bishop +Elenor Ziegler St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin Rosary Altar Society, Liv/Dec Vigil: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time +Jim Schindler 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time +Elenor Ziegler Rosary is Recited Every Sunday Morning at 9 a.m. 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration begins after the Thursday Mass before First Friday 2014 Easter candle burns in memory of Bernadine Michels Saturday: Jarod Loew, Dennis Sonnentag, Trystan Czech Sunday: Frederick Blair, Will Ottinger, Joseph Shakal Lectors Saturday: Linda Boehm Sunday: Kathryn Shakal Extraordinary Ministers of Communion Saturday: Clayton Shakal Sunday: Connie Eide and Courtney Ottinger Rosary Leader for Sunday Andy Shakal Money Counters Jim or Mary Willi and Christine Hall Sacristans Nov. 8-14: Rita, Maria, and Clare Shakal Nov. 15-21: Laurie Schmitt Altar Society Circles to Host Dinner What’s on the Pastor’s Mind. . . . Chicken & Gravy Over Biscuits or Mashed Potatoes That Man Is You program has presented some very interesting information. For me, much of it is not new. But it is helpful to be reminded and see it in a new light. Gentlemen, if you are thinking about coming for any of the sessions, please do. The Knights of Columbus have played a big role in this and I see how they are doing more and reaching out. I cannot encourage enough the men of the parish to get involved. If you think they need to do new things or in a new way, join them and stop into the meetings offering your time and ideas. St. Paul is getting organized for service at Sojouner House. There is always more room for those who want to be a part of serving those in need. Pray that our parishes get involved in it and other local opportunities like the food pantry or Clothes Closet. Our Lord mentions that what you do for the least of my brothers and sisters you do for ME. So what are we doing? Sunday, Nov. 16 Serving from 10:30 am– 1:30 pm Peas and Carrots, Coleslaw, Cranberries, Dessert Free Will Offering – Drawing For Prizes Hosted by St. Barbara and St. Margaret Circles ONCE A MONTH – 24 Hour Adoration. Together St. Paul and St. John parishioners have been coming together since 2007 to adore the Lord in Adoration once a month. Over the years our numbers have dropped from about 240 to around 40 people. Needless to say, we need help. Please prayerfully consider taking one of these hours at St. John's. The hours that need help on 1st Fridays are: 12 midnight, 1 am, 3 am, 8 am, and 9 am. The Thursday before hours that need help are: 9 am, 10 am, 11 am 3 pm . You can call Rita Shakal @ 5685243. Subs are available and remember it is only one hour per month, NOT per week. Diocesan Annual Appeal – Goal $14,069 Thank you to those who have already sent in their pledge/payments. At this time we have $5,250.00 in pledges with a balance of $8,819.00 yet to go. This represents 37.32% of our goal, with $4,580.00 of pledges paid. Christian Giving–Nov. 2 Adults $ 1,458.40 Offertory 96.00 Students 4.30 Total $1,558.70 Fr. John Potaczek Rosary Altar Society will meet this Thursday, November 13. Rosary at 6:45 pm, meeting to follow. Circle chairman, please start working on your circle updates for the 2015 list so we can get them out in December. Thank you. The Annual St. John's CCD Food Drive is currently underway. Students are asked to bring nonperishable food items by Wednesday, November 19th. The items will be taken to the Bloomer and Colfax Food Pantries. Pastoral and Finance Councils will meet Tuesday, November 18, at 7:00 and 8:00 pm. DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA A Special Thanks to those who donated the Potatoes, Rutabagas, and Cabbage for the Pork Steak Dinner to help towards the success of this annual dinner. Baptized in Christ Ashleigh Rose Prince Child of Bryan and Monica Prince Thank you to our great volunteers that helped with the Colfax Rehab November birthday party on Friday, November 7! The residents enjoyed an afternoon of bingo followed by delicious birthday cake (made by Darlene Zwiefelhofer), ice cream and coffee. Food Pantry Holiday Collection – Once again this holiday season St.John’s will be collecting paper products (toilet paper, paper towels, Kleenex, diapers) for the Bloomer and Colfax food pantries. If you want to help, leave your donations under the coat rack in the church vestibule by December 12th. Thank you! Sentiment for Seminarians. St. Paul’s Council 6585, Knights of Columbus, is again supporting the Sentiment for Seminarians program for the seminarians in the state. Last year they collected $1,725.00 in gas cards and gift cards purchased through Scrip to assist these future priests. Your support was amazing! This year they have again decided to take up a collection at all of the Masses on November 15 and 16 to purchase gas cards and gift cards through Scrip for the men who are in the seminary. With your help, they will be able to distribute these cards to these young men to help defray their travel costs and personal needs. Thank you again for your support! “That Man is You!” We meet at St. Paul’s Saturday Mornings at 6:30am for a light breakfast and coffee and faith building fraternity. We finish by 8:00am. For those unable to join us on Saturday morning, we are holding a 2nd Session on Thursday Mornings from 6:00am to 7:30am at St. John’s – Cooks Valley. For more information contact Tim Guski at (715)821-5295 or Session 8: Laying a Foundation for the Future • Selfishness Versus Selflessness • Education and Family are Engines for Economic Expansion • The Family and Human Capital • Family Dinner is Essential • Reality of Peer Pressure • The Family Forms Children as Foundation for Future To learn more go to the Paradisus Dei link: or contact: Tim Guski (715)821-5295 or NOVEMBER 9, 2014 A Prayer for our Veterans Let us pray for our brothers and sisters as they go forth with courage and determination to face the forces of violence, weapons of destruction and hearts filled with hate. And let us remember those who have died fighting for our freedoms. I. Banns of Marriage are announced for Alex DeCook and Jacinta Jaramillo on December 12, 2014 at St. John the Baptist Church, Cooks Valley. St. Paul’s Catholic School News Veteran’s Day Program. All parishioners are invited to St. Paul’s Catholic School’s Veteran’s Day Program on Tuesday, November 11th from 8:30-9:15 am in our gymnasium. We will be honored to have veterans from several branches of the military present during this program. During this time we will pay tribute to the dedication and sacrifices of members of our Armed Forces in service to our great nation. All parishioners and families are welcome! Students will be Thanksgiving Food Collection. collecting food items for the Bloomer Food Pantry to distribute before Thanksgiving. Parishioners wishing to donate may drop off items in the school’s lobby or in the containers in back of Church. The students will present these items to Father John at the all school Mass on November 14th at 8:00 A.M. Reminders: Shop the Scholastic Book Fair – Located in the Conference Room; Nov. 8 – After Mass at 4:00 pm, Nov. 9 – Between Masses. Upcoming Events Bingo, St. Peter’s Church, Tilden, Sunday, Nov. 9. Bingo Games: 2:00 p.m., $1/bingo card. Lunch: 4:00 p.m., $6 meal tickets. Roast beef & gravy, mashed potatoes, green bean hotdish, salads, bread, cake or Bars. Annual Christmas Bazaar and Dinner, Holy Family Church Hall, Stanley, Sunday, Nov. 9. Booths open at 10 am; chicken and polish sausage dinner with trimmings begin at 10:30 am. Bingo, raffles, visit with Santa. Ladies Expo and Craft Sale at the Pines Ballroom, Bloomer, Friday, November 14, 4-9 pm. Lunch will be available; 30 plus vendors including Pampered Chef, Tupperware, Scentsy, homemade dumplings, bake sale and crafts. If you have any questions, please call Darla Turner at 715-568-5193. DISCOVER the Joy of Christ How Real is Jesus to You? Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus? We Catholics tend to dismiss that as a Protestant question. If we answer it at all, we have learned to say that of course we have a personal relationship with Jesus, because we receive His grace through the Sacraments, beginning with Baptism. And we receive Jesus Himself most profoundly in Holy Communion. We know this by faith. That is all true, but the question wants to know if we have a sense of personal connection, of familiarity, with Jesus, similar to the feeling of connection we have with a spouse, a family member or a really close friend. Because unfortunately it is possible to experience our sacramental encounters with Jesus in a way that is mechanical, impersonal, detached from the heart. Of course it is clear that we can see and touch and speak with family members and friends in an immediate and obvious way, while God is invisible to us, or hidden under the appearances of bread and wine. But that handicap doesn’t get us off the hook, because God has a key to our hearts that is more powerful and available than anyone else. In the Gospel of John, Jesus tells us that He is the Vine and we must be joined to Him as branches. In fact He tells us that that is the only way our lives can bear fruit. Listen to the intimate language He uses: “Remain in Me, as I remain in you…. Remain in My love” (15:4,9). Then consider the invitation in the Book of Revelation: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will enter his house and dine with him, and he with Me” (3:20). It really is mind-boggling – Jesus, the Only-Begotten Son of God, is knocking on the door of our lives, inviting us to the most profound friendship. But He will not force His way in. It is up to us. If we open, He is sure to respond. Many men and women in the history of the Church have opened the door to Jesus and chosen to remain in His love. Their relationship with Him has been the center of their lives every single day, and they have experienced the joy and fulfillment our hearts were made for. Think of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, St. Padre Pio, St. Faustina – the list goes on and on. Have they experienced also times of spiritual dryness and suffering? Of course, but Jesus never stopped being the love of their lives and the source of all meaning and fulfillment. It is false modesty to say that their path is not our path, that we are just “ordinary” people. There is only one real path in life, and it is that of a living, breathing, close friendship with Jesus, Who told us, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life” (Jn 14:6). After much searching along false paths, St. Augustine finally discovered this truth and cried out with joy, “O Lord, you have made us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless till they rest in You.” How to get there? Is it too much for us? Just ask. “Jesus, please help me to know You better. I don’t want to just know about You, I want to know You.” Talk to Him often during the day, tell Him your joys, your troubles, your hopes. Read slowly from the Gospels, meditating on the words and deeds of Jesus, asking Him to help you to see how they apply to you. Then rest in silence and listen. Do this for a few minutes each day. Visit Jesus in Eucharistic adoration, awakening your devotion with prayer, Scripture and silent contemplation. Find inspiration in reading about the saints. Ask Jesus to help you see and touch Him in works of mercy toward the poor, the homeless, the lonely. Ask His forgiveness in Confession. Make your heart ready each time you receive Him in Communion. Begin and end your day by giving yourself to Jesus. Ask Mary to help you. In all this, you will not be perfect, you will stumble. Keep going. Yes, you are busy, but set aside some time each day. Because He is EVERYTHING, and in your heart of hearts you know that remaining in His Love is exactly what your life should be about. Ebola continues to devastate three countries in West Africa: Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. The number of cases is climbing rapidly—and the number of deaths has now surpassed 4,000. The rate in which these numbers are climbing is both tragic and distressing. Catholic Relief Services is committing $1.5 million in private funds to continue our emergency response. To do this, we urgently need your help. There is no vaccine and no cure: Early detection and supportive care are the only ways to help people infected with the Ebola virus. But a shortage of treatment centers and basic supplies, as well as rumors and misinformation, are preventing many from seeking medical care and only perpetuating the spread of this deadly virus. To make matters worse, the disruption of regular medical services is causing a rise in deaths from malaria, measles, yellow fever— even childbirth. The people affected are not only those who have died from Ebola, but survivors, orphans and health workers—all who are facing rejection by their communities. Local economies have been severely disrupted, and people are losing their livelihoods. Without the means to purchase food, hunger is rampant. Yes, this is an alarming situation. But we shouldn’t let fear prevent us from supporting our brothers and sisters in their time of need. Our Church has always tended to the sick. It’s what our faith calls us to. We know that education is the only way to stop Ebola. CRS staff, and our Church and government partners are using radio to broadcast critical messages about the virus. We’re training health volunteers to go door-to-door, especially in rural communities, to share information about prevention and treatment. And volunteers are distributing medical equipment to ensure people have access to routine health services. CRS is also distributing food and hygiene supplies, providing counseling to families and evaluating needs for the upcoming planting season to support longterm recovery. We recently had the privilege to meet with Father Peter Konteh, one of our partners from Sierra Leone. Father Konteh, the director of Caritas Freetown, was visiting the United States to testify before Congress, along with Dr. Kent Brantly, the American doctor who survived the Ebola virus. Their plea is urgent. They are asking the international community to help contain the spread of this deadly disease. Father Konteh says the outbreak is more dangerous than the civil war that ended 10 years ago. “We knew where the enemy was coming from and where to avoid bullets.” he says. “And during the war, we could live as refugees. But in the Ebola crisis, borders are closed, flights are not coming and no other country will accept you as a refugee.” “The situation is at a point where it’s hopeless and people are giving up. But the role of the Church is to give hope to the people, and we try to enhance that hope,” says Father Konteh. “There’s always a light at the end of the tunnel. We are sad for those who died. So my message is that we are a symbol of hope for our people and will continue to give them hope.” We cannot cure Ebola, but we can bring help and hope to a daunting situation. Please show your compassion to affected communities in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia. Your support is critical. To donate, visit or the diocesan website at Sales & Service Richard Schley MONUMENT, LLC “Serving Families Since 1917” (715) 568-5644 Between Eau Claire & Chippewa Falls Emergency Cell: (715) 933-1830 16101 Cty. Hwy A 715-723-5576 OR 1-800-236-5576 Bloomer, Wis. 54724 Horan Funeral Home 723-4404 420 Bay St., Chippewa Falls 100% Grass‐fed Beef Shadick’s Foods 1502 16th Avenue – 715-568-4430 7:00 am – 9:00 pm Shadick’s C-Store 18928 Hwy 40 – 715-568-1461 5:00 am – 10:00 pm Seasonal Availability Club Calves Ken & Laurie Schmitt 715‐568‐5508 Blue Diamond Family Dental Thomas J Rufledt, DDS Gregory A Mihm, DDS David J Irwin, DDS Christopher Goettl, DDS 1502 Main St., Bloomer 715-568-2363 Locally Owned and Operated Propane•Fuel Oil•Gas•Diesel (715) 723-2828 1080 W. River Street Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 Seeds & Stuff Pioneer brand seed products General Farm Products Pet, Lawn, Garden Products Grain Handling Equipment 5 miles east of Colfax on Hwy. 40 962-3587 or 962-3154 Kent (Sid) Hoke MP.L.C. 224199 Dan (Slick) Hoage MP.L.C. 220974 Take your Faith beyond Sunday and into the rest of the week! Schriver - Thompson Funeral Home & Cremation Services Farm Market 1806 17th Ave., Bloomer Family owned and operated by Matt Thompson 568-2310 ALBERTVILLE TAVERN Food & Spirits Nightly Specials Open Wed. – Sun. for Lunch It’s a pleasure to serve you! Patti Nowak & Nick Anderson 874-6217 Plumbing Service Remodeling Construction Sewer Systems Hot Water Heating Systems The St. John’s Dairy Farmers say, “Your body is God’s temple, drinking MILK keeps it healthy” Community Clothes Closet Open Tuesdays 4-7 pm Fridays 11 am – 3 pm 1005 9th Avenue (Behind Southworth Chevrolet) New “Fully Insured” Phone: (715) 962-4155 Fax: (715) 962-4156 568-5250 568-5152 Bloomer Floral & Gift For Every Reason and Season 1316 Main St. Bloomer, WI 54724 David & Benjamin Olson 1516 Larson Street, Bloomer Over 60 Years of Service 715-568-5600 E-Mail Rita & Kevin Lenfant, owners Not Just a Flower Shop! 601 Main Street, Bloomer, WI 54724 Open Daily Phone (715)568-1514 Hours: M-F 7am – 6pm Sat 8am – 4pm Sun 10am – 2pm 715‐658‐1285 MC Trucking Mark & Carol Clements ShaleBlack DirtGravel Fill Sand Trucking & Excavating Needs Bloomer, Wisconsin 54724 568-2826 Visit our Website: Serving the Bloomer Community since 1912, And Now Serving You. OF BLOOMER 715-568-1100 Michael Sarauer Hay Sales - Custom Baling Large Square Bales 568-5540 or 715-456-2668 Nate’s Towing Nate Prince, Owner 24-Hour Service 715-556-4174 Please patronize the Advertised businesses who help make it possible for our weekly bulletin! To advertise on this Bulletin call 568-3778 Remember St. John In Your Will Our Legal Title is: St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 4540 State Hwy. 40, Bloomer WI 54724 715-559-8184 14617 40th Street – Bloomer, WI 54724
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