PROGRAM: Repræsentantskabsmøde & Heldagstemamøde Fredag den 11. september 2015 kl. (9.00)10.00-16.00 Den Sorte Diamant, København, Konferencesal Blixen Version 19.06.15 ________________________________________________________________________________ 09.00AM – 10.00AM Welcome reception (breakfast and coffee bar in the atrium) 10.00AM – 10.20AM Start of meeting and opening remarks. Prof Michael Borre, Chair of 10.20AM – 10.45AM DMCG elections (chairman + 4 members to the executive board) 10.45AM – 12.00PM Session I (held in English) – Danish National TNM Committee - 10.45-11.00 Establishment of the Danish National TNM Committee. Prof Michael Borre, Chair of, Department of Urology, Aarhus University Hospital - 11.00-11.30 KEYNOTE SPEAKER Global Advisory Group National Committees: National and International Roles, Influence, and Achievements. Prof Malcolm Mason, Chair of the TNM Evaluation Committee and Chair of the TNM UK Global Advisory Group, Cancer Research Wales Professor of Clinical Oncology - 11.30-11.45 TNM staging in the Danish Colorectal Cancer Group (DCCG). Peter Ingeholm, Chair of the DCCG database, Department of Pathology, Herlev Hospital - 11.45-12.00 Introduction til CanStaging – a tool for cancer staging. Gerda Engholm, Senior Statistician, Danish Cancer Society 12.00PM – 12.45PM Reception & networking in the atrium (tapas by Restaurant Søren K) kl. 12.45 –13.00 Valg resultater og evt. yderligere afstemningsrunde Kl. 13.00 – 14.15 Session II – Multidisciplinære Team (MDT) Konferencer - 13.00-13.15 Siden sidst fra MDT-guidelinesgruppe. Lene Lundvall, Formand for MDT og DGCG, klinikchef, Gynækologisk klinik, Rigshospitalet - 13.15-13.45 Gennemgang af de nye MDT guidelines. Henrik Lajer, Gynækologisk klinik, Rigshospitalet og Lone Nørgaard Petersen, Onkologisk klinik, Rigshospitalet - 13.45-14.15 Implementering af de nye MDT guidelines. Jens Hillingsø, klinikchef, Kirurgisk gastroenterologisk og transplantation klinik, Rigshospitalet kl. 14.15 – 14.30 Kaffepause kl. 14.30 – 16.00 Session III – Infrastruktur for Klinisk Kræftforskning - 14.30-15.15 Resultater fra valideringsprojekter og forskning fra DMCG databaser 1) Kl.14.30 The Danish Lymphoma Registry has a high Coverage and high Data Quality. Peter de Nully Brown, DLG database formand, Hæmatologisk klinik, Rigshospitalet 2) Kl. 14.45 Dansk Palliativ Database: Forekomsten af symptomer og problemer ved påbegyndelseaf specialiseret palliativ indsats. ph.d. studerende Mathilde Adsersen 3) Kl. 15.00 DMCG database og speaker følger - 15.15-15.40 Temarapporterne fra Dansk Kræftforskningsforum – Hvorfor skal disse frem igen? Jens Overgaard, medlem af DAHANCA og DMCG-FU, professor i onkologi, onkologisk afd., AUH - 15.40-15.55 Diskussion i plenum Kl. 15.55 – 16.00 Afslutning og tak for i dag. Keynote Speaker: Professor Malcolm Mason Professor of Clinical Oncology Malcolm Mason is the Cancer Research Wales Professor of Clinical Oncology at Cardiff University. He graduated from St Bartholomew’s Hospital in London, and trained in Oncology at the Institute of Cancer Research & Royal Marsden Hospital. He is the current chair of the UK National Cancer Research Network Prostate Cancer Clinical Studies Group. He has been responsible for a several practicechanging national and international clinical trials in cancer, most notably the recent intergroup study which demonstrated that radiotherapy could halve the mortality from locally advanced prostate cancer. He is the Director of the Wales Cancer Bank, the first national population-based tumour bank to be launched in the UK. He also works for the Union for International Cancer Control on their TNM programme for cancer staging, for which he is the Co-Chair of the Process Task Force, a member of the Core Group, and the Chairman of the UK National TNM Committee. Mødet er åbent for alle DMCG medlemmer samt inviterede gæster. Online tilmelding via linket her: For yderligere oplysninger kontakt sekretariat, Mary Nguyen Nielsen:
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