bbs bild- u. lichtsysteme GmbH D - 83707 Bad Wiessee Münchner Str. 52 Telefax: (49)8022-24648 HRB-Nr. 74409, Registergericht München, 05.10.1984 Telefon: (49)8022-6445 CEO: Gerhard Brugger VAT: DE 131 169 574 HD Kit: LCD L3C07U-85G13 1920 x 1080 pixels (HD) 0,74“ runs up to 3 panels Epson HD panel + controller + adapter board + polarizer + flatcable Specifications: video signal from DVI socket power supply Photo software available dimensions controller dimensions flexible circuit adapter Settings (by software) Bit assignment: 12 bit digital LCD Controller 12bit RGB 1920 x 1080 pixel (EPSON L3C07U–85G13) 0,74“ + 5V (+/- 3%), stabilized, 0,7A +20V (19-25V), stabilized, 0,5A necessary for exposing photographic paper to compensate panel shading and gradation. 134 x 128 mm 66 x 45 mm mirror: left + right mirror: up + down 11(msb) G7 10 G6 9 G5 8 G4 7 G3 6 G2 5 G1 4 G0 3 B7 2 B6 1 B5 0(lsb) B4 Adjustment Software Board Layout with connectors
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