OFFICIAL SAMPLE BALLOT INSIDE Thomas “Tommy” Hardee Madison County Supervisor of Elections 239 SW Pinckney Street Madison, FL 32340-2466 ********************ECRWSS***** Local Postal Customer NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID MADISON, FL PERMIT NO. 195 ECRWSS PCT 1A • To vote for a candidate whose name is not printed on the ballot, fill in the oval, a Steve on Southerland Jeff Atwater Y REPfor a write-in REP the blank line provided candidate. OFFICIALname GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT Gwen Graham William "Will" Rankin N DEM DEM MADISON COUNTY, FLORIDA DIS DIS REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS CHIEF Write In Shall NOVEMBER 4, 2014 COMMISSIONER Shall J of the the of be ret be ret Y Y N N DIS MEM Shall of the be ret Ba l lo t DISTRICT 2 FINANCIAL OFFICER OF AGRICULTURE TO VOTE, COMPLETELY FILL IN THE OVAL GOVERNOR NEXTfor TO YOUR AND CHOICE. (Vote One) (Vote for One) (Vote for One) • Use a black or blue ball point pen. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR • If you make a mistake, don't hesitate to ask for(Vote a new ballot. for One)If you erase or make other marks, your vote may Steve Southerland Jeff Atwater REP REP Adam Putnam REP not count. • To vote for a candidate whose name is Gwen not printed on the ballot, fill in the oval,Thaddeus and write in the candidate'sDEM Graham William "Will" Rankin DEM DEM Thad Hamilton name on the blank line provided for a write-in candidate. Rick Scott Write In Lopez-Cantera REP Write COMMISSIONER In Carlos DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL OF AGRICULTURE Only Voters in REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS CHIEF AND GOVERNOR Shall Judge Robert Benton Shall Judge Tim (VoteOsterhaus forT.One) Charlie Crist Congressional 2 DISTRICTDistrict 2 FINANCIAL OFFICER DEM of LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR the First District Court of of the First District Court of Appeal Appeal Annette Taddeo (Vote for1A,4, One) 5, 6, PrecinctS (Vote for One) be retained in office? be retained in office? Adam Putnam REP 7A, 9, And 10A Adrian Wyllie Jeff Atwater Greg Roe T Y 2001 2001 VOTE BOTH SIDES O 2001 Sa m pl e S YES LPF Steve Southerland YES Madison Ag Center, Sirmans REP REP Thaddeus Thad Hamilton DEM N PCT 1A OFFICIAL GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT Rick Scott NO Voting House, GreenvilleDEM Gwen Graham William "Will" RankinFLORIDA NO In DEM REP Write ME MADISON COUNTY, Carlos Lopez-Cantera Farid Khavari DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL Senior Citizens Center, NPA DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL Lateresa A. Jones Write In Vol. Fire Station, NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Shall Judge Joseph Lewis, Jr. COMMISSIONER Hamburg Clay Roberts Shall Robert T. Benton of the Judge First District Court of Appeal Charlie Crist OF NEXT AGRICULTURE TO Cherry VOTE,GOVERNOR COMPLETELY FILL IN THE OVAL TO YOUR CHOICE. Lake Voting House, DEM of the First District Court of Appeal AND Glenn Burkett Annette Taddeo be retained in office? (Vote forMatos One) NPA • Eridu Use a black or blue ball point pen. be retained in office? Recylcing Center And Jose Augusto LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR T • Madison If you a for mistake, hesitate toGENERAL ask for a newELECTION ballot. If you erase or make (Vote One) don't YESother marks, your vote may PCT 1A make OFFICIAL BALLOT County Courthouse Adrian Wyllie not count. Adam Putnam S REP YES LPF MADISON FLORIDA Greg Roeon the ballot, InCOUNTY, • To vote for Annex a candidate whose name is Write not printed fill in the oval,NO and write in the candidate's NOVEMBER 2014 DEM DISTRICT Thaddeus Thad 4, Hamilton NO COURT OF APPEAL name on the blank line provided for a write-in candidate. Rick Scott Farid Khavari Shall Judge Scott Makar TO VOTE, COMPLETELY FILL IN THE OVAL NEXT TO YOUR CHOICE. DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL REP Write In NPA MEMBER OF SCHOOL BOARD Carlos Lopez-Cantera Lateresa A. Jones •PCT DISTRICT COURT OF of the First District Court ofAPPEAL Appeal Use a black or blue ball point pen. 1A OFFICIAL GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT Shall Judge Joseph Lewis, Jr. ATTORNEY GENERAL REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS CHIEF DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL DISTRICT 1 • If you make a mistake, don't hesitate to ask for a new ballot. If you erase or make other marks, your vote may be retained in office? Shall Judge Tim Osterhaus (Vote for One) MADISON COUNTY, FLORIDA of the First District Court of Appeal ShallGlenn Judge Robert T. Benton DISTRICT 2 FINANCIAL OFFICER (Vote for One) not count. of the First District Court of Appeal Charlie Crist Burkett 4, 2014 be retained in office? NOVEMBER DEM of isthe First District Court of Appeal NPA • To Annette for One) whose (Vote One) vote (Vote for Taddeo a candidate name not printed onfor the ballot, fill inREP the oval, and write in the candidate's Pam Bondi YES Jose Augusto Matos be retained in office? retainedcandidate. in office? name on the blank line provided forbe aOVAL write-in TO VOTE, COMPLETELY FILL IN THE NEXT TO YOUR CHOICE. Terrence Lamont Boatman YES George Sheldon NO DEM • Use a black or blue ball point REP pen. Steve Southerland Jeff Atwater YES REP DISTRICT Adrian Wyllie COURT OF APPEAL 1Amake OFFICIAL GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT Susie Bishop Williamson •PCT YES LPF to Bill NO If you don't hesitate askWohlsifer for ballot. If you erase make other marks, your vote may Write Ina new LPF or REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS CHIEF Greg Roea mistake, Shall Judge Tim Osterhaus Gwen Graham William "Will" Rankin NO DEMMADISON DEM not count. DISTRICT 2 FINANCIAL OFFICER COUNTY, FLORIDA DISTRICT COURT OFofAPPEAL of the First District Court Appeal NO printed • To vote(Vote for a candidate on the ballot, fill in the oval, and write in the candidate's for One) whose name is not (Vote for One) DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL Shall Judge Scott Makar be retained in office? NOVEMBER 4, 2014 Write Farid In Khavari COMMISSIONER DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL Shall Judge Clay Roberts name on theA. blank line provided for a write-in candidate. NPA of the First District Court of Appeal ATTORNEY GENERAL Lateresa Jones Shall Judge Joseph Lewis, Jr. CHOICE.of the First District Court of Appeal OF AGRICULTURE TO VOTE, COMPLETELY FILL IN THE OVAL NEXT TO YOUR Only Voters in REP Steve Southerland Jeff Atwater YES REP be retained in office? GOVERNOR AND (Vote for One) DISTRICT COURT • Use a black or blue ball point pen. of the First (Vote Districtfor Court of Appeal One) be retained in office? OF APPEAL Congressional District 3 REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS CHIEF LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Graham William Rankin NO DEM or Shall Judge Tim Osterhaus Glenn Burkett • IfGwen you make a mistake, don't DEM hesitate ask for "Will" a new ballot. If you erase make other marks, your vote may beto retained in office? NPA Pam Bondi YES DISTRICT 2 FINANCIAL OFFICER REP of the (Vote for Matos One) PrecinctS Jose Augusto First District Court Appeal DISTRICT COURT OFofAPPEAL not count. Write Putnam YES REP PCT 1B In(Vote for One) & 11 OFFICIAL Adam GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT COMMISSIONER (Voteon for One) 1B,2,3,7B,8,10B Shall Judge Clay Roberts be retained in office? • To vote for a candidate whose name is George not printed the ballot, fill in the oval, and write in the candidate's YES Sheldon NO DEM OF COUNTY, AGRICULTURE MADISON FLORIDA of theNO First District Court of Appeal AND Thaddeus Thad Hamilton DEM Madison Madison nameGOVERNOR onAg theCenter, blank line provided for a write-in candidate. (Vote for One) NO Write In Bill Wohlsifer be retained in office? LPF Steve Southerland Jeff Atwater YES REP REP LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR NOVEMBER 4, 2014 RickCenter, Scott Rec Lee City Hall,REP Write In COURT OF APPEAL DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL MEMBER OF SCHOOL BOARD (Vote for One) DISTRICT Carlos Lopez-Cantera Gwen Graham WilliamPutnam "Will" Rankin NO DEM Cherry Lake Voting House, TO VOTE, COMPLETELY FILL DEM IN THE OVAL NEXT TO OF YOUR CHOICE. REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS CHIEF Adam REP ShallYES DISTRICT COURT APPEAL Judge Tim Osterhaus Shall Judge Scott Makar DISTRICT 1 Use a Vol. black or blue ball point pen. Shall DISTRICT 2 Madison FINANCIAL OFFICER COURT OFofAPPEAL Pinetta Fire Dept., of DISTRICT the First District Court Appeal Judge Robert T. Benton of the First District of Appeal Write In Crist (Vote for One) Thaddeus ThadCourt Hamilton NO DEM or ATTORNEY GENERAL COMMISSIONER Charlie If you make a mistake, don't hesitate to ask for a new ballot. If you erase make other marks, your vote may (Vote for One) (Vote for One) Shall Judge Clay Roberts DEM County Couthouse Annex & of the First District Court of Appeal be retained in office? be retained in office? Rick Scott Annette Taddeo (Vote for One) AGRICULTURE notCarlos count. ofONLY the First District Court of BOARD Appeal 1 REP be retained WriteOF Inin VOTERS IN DISTRICT GOVERNOR MEMBER OF SCHOOL Lopez-Cantera office? Madison VotingAND House (Vote for One) Terrence Lamont Boatman To vote for a candidate whose name is not printed on the ballot, fill in the oval, and write in the candidate's be retained in office? COURT OF APPEAL DISTRICT 1 1 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR REP Steve Southerland Jeff YES Precinct REP Pam Bondi YESAtwater REP DISTRICT Adrian Wyllie Shall Judge Robert T. Benton (Vote One) name on the blank line provided for a write-in candidate. (Vote for One) Charlie Crist Susie Bishopfor Williamson YES LPF GregGraham Roe DEM Gwen William "Will" Rankin NOMadison Ag Center DEM DEM First Putnam District Court of Appeal Adam YES REP George Sheldon NO DEM of the Annette Taddeo be retained in office? DISTRICT COURT OF NO DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL APPEAL Terrence Lamont Boatman Write In Thaddeus Thad Hamilton DEM Shall NO REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS CHIEF Bill Wohlsifer LPF COMMISSIONER Judge Tim Osterhaus Farid Khavari Shall Judge Clay Roberts DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL Adrian Wyllie Rick Scott DISTRICT 3 FINANCIAL OFFICER NPA Susie Williamson OF AGRICULTURE YES LPF of the First District Court of Appeal Lateresa A. Jones 1A Style 1 - ID 2001 Greg Roe REP Write In Joseph of MEMBER the FirstBishop District Court ofBOARD Appeal Shall Judge Lewis, Jr. GOVERNOR AND OF SCHOOL Carlos Lopez-Cantera (Vote for One) (Vote for One) (Vote for One) be retained in office? NO COURT OFofAPPEAL of DISTRICT the First District Court Appeal LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR DISTRICT 1 Farid Khavari Shall Judge Robert T. Benton Glenn Burkett be retained in office? DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL (Vote for One) (Vote for One) Charlie Crist NPA NPA Shall Lateresa A. Jones Ted Yoho Jeff Atwater YES REP REP Jose Augusto Matos Adam Putnam DEM of the First District of Jr. Appeal Judge JosephCourt Lewis, Annette Taddeo of First District Court of Appeal bethe retained in office? YES Terrence Lamont Boatman Marihelen Wheeler William "Will" Rankin NO DEM Thaddeus Thad Hamilton DEM Glenn Burkett be retained in office? NPA Adrian Wyllie Rick Scott DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL JoseInAugusto Matos NO In Write Howard Term Limits Lawson REP Susie Bishop Williamson YES LPF NPA Write COMMISSIONER Greg Roe MEMBER OF SCHOOL BOARD Carlos Lopez-Cantera Shall Judge Clay Roberts YES DISTRICT COURT OF OF APPEAL APPEAL 1/1 DISTRICT COURT OF AGRICULTURE DISTRICT 1 NO of the First District Court of Appeal VOTE BOTH SIDES O VOTE BOTH SIDES OF BALLOT Ba l lo t NO. 1 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT m pl e CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. 3 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ARTICLE V, SECTIONS 10,11 Sa Prospective Appointment of Certain Judicial Vacancies 2001 Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution requiring the Governor to prospectively fill vacancies in a judicial office to which election for retention applies resulting from the justice’s or judge’s reaching the mandatory retirement age or failure to qualify for a retention election; and allowing prospective appointments if a justice or judge is not retained at an election. Currently, the Governor may not fill an expected vacancy until the current justice’s or judge’s term expires. OFFICIAL SAMPLE BALLOT Thomas “Tommy” Hardee Madison County Supervisor of Elections 239 SW Pinckney Street Madison, FL 32340-2466 POLLS ARE OPEN FROM 7:00 A.M. TO 7:00 P.M. For additional election information visit our web site at: THIS SAMPLE BALLOT MAY BE TAKEN TO THE POLLS FOR REFERENCE Florida law requires a voter to present a photo ID and signature ID when they vote. Acceptable documents: Florida Drivers License Neighborhood Association ID Student ID Military ID Public Assistance ID Florida Issued Identification Card U.S. Passport Retirement Center ID Debit/Credit Card You are also required to vote in the precinct where you legally reside. Your address, along with your precinct name and number are designated on your Voter Information Card. If you have moved or had an address change since you last voted, please contact the elections office at 850-973-6507. If you have any questions concerning your precinct, please call the Supervisor of Elections office. It is my goal and intention to serve the people of Madison County and do the best job for you and to uphold the integrity of this office and elections. Remember, your vote does make a difference. Make your vote count, vote TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2014. Polls are open 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Sincerely, Tommy Hardee Supervisor of Elections, Madison County, Florida Madison County Precinct Numbers and Names 1 Madison 2 Madison 3 Lee 4 Sirmans 5 Greenville 6 Hamburg 7 Cherry Lake 8 Pinetta 9 Eridu 10 Madison 11 Madison Agriculture Center 181 NW Ag Center Cir, Madison, FL 32340 Madison Recreation Center 243 SW Arnold St, Madison, FL 32340 Lee City Hall 286 NE CR 255, Lee, FL 32059 Voting House, Sirmans 118 SW Okaloo Way, Greenville, FL 32331 Senior Citizens Bld 166 SW Onslow St, Greenville, FL 32331 Hamburg Vol. Fire Station 7286 NW Lovett Rd., Greenville, FL 32331 Voting House, Crossroads 7983 N SR 53, Madison, FL 32340 Pinetta Vol. Fire Dept 509 NE Persimmon Dr., Pinetta, FL 32350 Recycling Center 11389 SW Overstreet Av, Lamont, FL 32336 Board Room, Madison County Annex 229 SW Pinckney St., Room 107 Madison, FL 32340 Voting House, Bunker St. 146 SE Bunker St, Madison, FL 32340 2014 GENERAL EARLY VOTING DATES - October 25 - November 1, 2014 Monday - Friday - 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Saturdays & Sunday - 7:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Early Voting Sites: Madison County Boardroom Annex ● 229 SW Pinckney St. ● Madison, FL - Room 107 Lee City Hall ● 286 NE CR 255 ● Lee, FL Greenville Senior Citizens Building ● 166 SW Onslow St. ● Greenville, FL Pinetta Volunteer Fire Department ● 509 NE Persimmon Drive ● Pinetta, FL
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