in Biomedicine and Public Health

Risk and Hope
in Biomedicine and Public Health
Conference at Aarhus University, August 25-26, 2015
Health enhancement and perfectionism – between risk and hope
Hope. Based upon probabilities or possibilities of practice change
Hope and reproductive technologies
Health risk - personal or public issue
Risk evaluations in Public Health. Statistical models, expert knowledge and lay perspectives
User perspectives on hope and risk in biomedicine and health enhancement
Isabelle Stengers (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Nikolas Rose (King’s College London),
Alfred Nordmann (Darmstadt), Marianne Boenink (Twente), Philippa Levine (Austin, Texas),
Ayo Wahlberg (University of Copenhagen), Emily Martin (not confirmed),
Verner Møller (Aarhus University), Mads Rosendahl Thomsen (Aarhus University),
Karin Christiansen (VIA University College), Uffe Juul Jensen (Aarhus University)
Time and place
The conference will take place from 1 pm, August 25 to afternoon 26 at Aarhus University,
Admission is free but registration required at:
Karin Christiansen, Keld Thorgaard and Uffe Juul Jensen
Contact person
Uffe Juul Jensen (
The conference is arranged by
Center for Health, Humanity and Culture
Department of philosophy and history of ideas
School of Culture and Society
Aarhus University
The conference is sponsored by the Velux Foundation