T h e Vi s i o n...

T h e Vi s i o n a r y
A Newsletter of St. Mary Magdalen Parish
November 2014
Volume XXI Issue 11
from Fr. Dave Howell
On Saturday, November 15, Bishop Boyea will confirm 55 of our members during the 4:30 Liturgy. Through
the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Church will seal these gifted young people with the Holy Spirit so that they will
be strengthened to assume their place among us as full members of the Church.
In August, I met with each of them individually. The meetings provided an ideal time for us to discuss their
understanding of the Sacrament, the role of the Holy Spirit in their lives and their prayer life. It also gave me an opportunity to get to know each of them better. Many candidates spoke of how they are now willing to accept the responsibilities of an adult in the Church. Many were very thoughtful and their comments were often insightful. I really
enjoyed my time with them and I was truly impressed with their sincerity and openness.
I ask you to keep them in your prayers as they prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Many have or will
soon be receiving their driving licenses and take on their first adult responsibilities. In the not too distant future they
will be choosing colleges, careers and mates. This celebration comes at an important juncture in their lives, a time
when they surely need the guidance and wisdom of the Holy Spirit!
We tend to think of Thanksgiving as a day, a national holiday celebrated with parades, football, family and turkey. While it is all this, it certainly
can become much more!
The Liturgy of Thanksgiving mor ning (9 am) has gr own to sever al hundr ed par ticipants.
They come with gifts for the poor and hearts full of gratitude. The highlight always seems to be
the Communion meditation, a verbal tapestry woven from the many prayers of thanksgiving
gathered from us the weekends before. It is truly one of the most Spirit-filled Liturgies of the
whole year, one that many participants look forward to.
Don't Wait for Thanksgiving Day! Ponder the many blessings that ar e a par t of your life! Wr ite them
down for your own sake and keep the list close at hand. There is no better way to banish the anxieties and lift the
burdens of life than to read through the list, remembering the many blessings of our life!
Make somebody's day! If you r eally want to make this Thanksgiving special, send a car d, wr ite a note
or make a call to someone to whom you are grateful. Let him\her know why you are grateful. If we could let just
one person know of our gratitude each day, we could make the darkening days of November the brightest month in
the year!
ADVENT BY CANDLELIGHT Saturday, December 6, from 7-9 pm.
Join us for our annual Advent by Candlelight gathering as we share an evening of reflection
while we prepare to welcome Jesus into our lives this holiday season. Enjoy community, dessert, and entertainment.
Hosts and Hostesses are asked to reserve a table to decorate and provide a desert. Hostess instructions and a reservation form can be found in the gathering area on the Community
Life table and on our website: www.saintmarymagdalen.org
Seating is limited. Reservations are important.
from the PASTORAL
Our Pastoral Council continues the work on its part of our five year Parish Pastoral Plan. The subgroups were
formed to research possibilities, collect information and propose different methods for their particular part of the plan.
Much of this work will involve members meeting with their own ministry teams so that we can coordinate our efforts.
The Council would like to commend Dick Walker and John Ditri for the many hours they have worked to solve the
roofing situation. We appreciate your time and your expertise in this situation.
The Council would also like to commend Nancy Nychypor and Bernie Walker for all their hard work in making the
Shrine of the Cross reflect the beauty of God’s love. We are truly grateful.
The Members of the Pastoral Council
Chair: Mary Alice Galloway
Ralph Hazen
Clarence Kroll
Mike Rhoads
Tim Mulcaster
Ginger Bosn
Emily Wolfe
Rob Cooney
Peter Kelly
Jillian Killian, Secretary
from the FINANCE
Darlene March
Jodi Williamsen
Sr. Maryetta Churches
Eileen Denhard
Kelly Blazo
Fr. David F. Howell
July 2013 - June 2014
For Month Ending September 30, 2014
Actual Fiscal
Capital Campaign
Religious Ed/Preschool
Sep 30
Year to Date
Annual Fiscal
Building Mortgage
Religious Ed/Preschool
REMAINING BALANCE 11/1/14 - Building Mortgage - $3,701,355
The Members of the Finance Council
Eric Silvestri
Bob Henderson
Matt Uphoff
from the TIME
Dominic DiCicco
Holly Moltane
Jim Panning
Robert Sinke
Anne Marie Lawson
Marsha McBride
David Williamsen
Debra Barker
Dianne Hardy
Bookkeeper, Dave Wisniewski
Fr. David F. Howell
Our Time & Talent Council met on October 29. They reviewed the Fall Ministry Fair which was generally very
successful. Several hundred people signed up to share their time and talent with our community and other worthwhile charities. This year we invited LOVE, INC and Catholic Charities to also participate, but as of the 10\29 meeting we are uncertain as to how successful their efforts were to involve parishioners in their ministries.
There are two parts of the Pastoral Plan that call for leadership from the Time & Talent Council. One is to
make sure that everyone who signs up to serve is contacted and welcomed to ministry within a month of signing up.
We have begun working on a plan to make that happen. The second area is to encourage more of our people to
identify and share their talents with the community.
The Members of the Time and Talent Council
Don Powell
Ed Bixler
Eileen Denhard
Jill Saxton
John Finn
Katie Panczak
Kristin Turner
Rob Kehn
James Chevalier
Dan VanTiem
Mary Kay Edoff
David Rychlick
Mike Olsem
Father David Howell
from Mary Mahar
November is another busy month in our faith formation! We have been settling into our classes, getting ready to celebrate Confirmation in November, planning for our all families Youth Thanksgiving Liturgy and FOOD DRIVE being
held by our grades 7&2 on November 20 at 6 pm. Even our parents have been busy attending meetings to learn
more about the Sacraments their youth are preparing for! Our 10th grade youth are in their final discernment for
Confirmation scheduled for Saturday, November 15. With their final class on November 9, they will be talking about
their spiritual gifts and will meet all together one last time! All of our 9th grade youth, parents and catechists will host
the reception after the Confirmation Liturgy.
If you wish to have your child in Sacramental preparation this year and have not already registered them for a Sacrament, please call Karen or Mary in the office to make arrangements.
Replacing our traditional Children’s Nativity: This year we need youth (grade 1+) to try out for a Special Christmas
Eve reenactment of the Gospel! We will also be looking for youth in grades 3+ to sing/play in the Choir on Christmas Eve. Signups for tryouts will be in the Gathering Area!
As we settle down from a busy fall, take the time to share stories with your family this Thanksgiving. Let them know
how you enjoyed your time as a child, share with your children what they did when they were small, and most of all,
from all of us in Formation, have a great Thanksgiving!
November Dates to Remember:
November 6, 13
November 5/12
November 5/6
Children’s choir practice for youth Mass
Try outs and rehearsal for the Christmas Gospel 6-6:30
Youth food collection for Food Boxes/Gleaner’s begins
(marked closet in gathering area)
November 14
Confirmation rehearsal at 6pm for candidates, parents and sponsors
November 15
Confirmation Liturgy 4:30
November 16
NO 9th grade classes
November 17
Formation Team meeting 6:30 - all parents are welcome to attend!
November 20
Youth/Family Thanksgiving Liturgy 6:00, Food Box assembly 7:00
November 26-30
Thanksgiving break!
December 4,11,18 Children’s Choir practices for Christmas Eve Liturgy
Dec. 3
Classes resume
2nd grade Parent Night during class times at 4:30 and 6:30
Dec. 4
2nd grade Parent Night during class time at 5:30
from Kathie Anderer
Wow! Time sure flies when you are having fun! October is now behind us and we are on to
new adventures. We had so much fun at our Halloween parties. We had a little bit of everything in the way of costumes… Our teachers came as Super Heroes. We also had our school
pictures taken and they should be back in time to slip into Christmas cards. Can you believe
that it is that time already? Now, on to November.
We will have our first field trip to the Hands On Museum in Ann Arbor. It was so much fun last
year…that we decided to return for another trip. The week of November 10th is brown week.
November is also a month for giving Thanks. May we all take this time to count our blessings.
This would be a good time to give thanks for all of the many people who help to make our Preschool so special. A BIG and special thank you to the wonderful teachers for all their dedication and the many hours of service they give so generously. To the custodians, Dan Tuthill, Kathy Gehring, and Mark
Wolf for the wonderful job they do keeping things in good working order and keeping the West Wing so nice for us.
To all of the people who volunteered to do our chapel for us this year. To the office staff for their faithful service and
guidance. To Father Dave for his help and guidance and to our Pre School Board for their time and service. We are
so blessed to be a part of St. Mary Magdalen and we are THANKFUL! Last, but not least, to our preschool families
for sharing their children with us. The children are such a blessing to us all.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy the season with family and friends… (Now, please pass the turkey!)
from Margaret Callaghan
November. The month of giving thanks, holiday prep, colder weather, shorter hours of daylight, and of family!
Many of you know this is my favorite holiday when families get together to eat and be merry. No fuss about gifts except the ones from God that we call family and friends. Take the time to be present with those you are with at the
time you are with them. Do something different this year like play a board game or dance in the kitchen; have a cookie exchange and share recipes. This year for me and my family it will be a bit different without my brother. I know
many of you share in the sorrow of missing a loved one. For some this may be the 20th year, or the 3rd, and yet for
others, like myself, it will be our first holiday season since his passing in March. God is good and I am reminded of
that every day with the outpour of love from friends and daily reminders about what a gift Andrew was in the eyes of
his daughter and the strength of his wife. How does God remind you daily of his gifts in your life?
The weekend has been secured with a deposit and calendars are being marked! For what you ask…..Our
annual Winter Weekend Getaway! (WWG) It will be Friday January 31-February 2nd this year again at Edgetts’
Lodge. The cost for the weekend is $100 for lodging and 5 meals. Skiing/snowboarding rentals if you need to and lift
tickets are extra. Check out http://caberfaepeaks.com to find out exactly how much you might need. All the good
times, laughs and memory making moments are free of charge! We will need confirmation and a deposit of $50 from
those planning to participate by the end of the month. The remaining balance will be due December 21st.
The Kids Against Hunger packaging process is Saturday November 1st. I am anxious to see all of us come
together, bag the food and have it shipped off to so many people in need. What a great opportunity to work as family
side by side helping those in need far away and right here in our own country. That weekend my son celebrates his
13th birthday. Not only is he a gift to me and Tom, but that day in service he will be gift to others as we all will be doing our part to share our bounty and our talents to help feed the hungry.
We are scheduled to meet all of the Sunday’s in November except the 30th, and of course the 2nd which is
Jamboree that takes place in Lansing. All high school students are welcomed and encouraged to come and join us
those Sunday evenings from 7-9pm in the youth room. If you would like to help with food for the group and could provide something in the way of sloppy joe’s, pizza, nacho’s with toppings, or bags of candy, chips or cookies your donation would be greatly appreciated. Many of the involved teens come right from religious ed and are hungry for
something more than a grab bag of chips and a granola bar. You can contact me at yminister1@gmail.com or via the
office phone at 810-229-8624.
We have been off to a great start with many new faces mixed in with so many two or three year EDGE’ers.
Our meetings have been full of faith, good discussion and lots of energy! Our meeting dates in November are Monday’s the 10th and the 24th. We meet in the youth room from 7-8:30pm. Plan to come, bring a friend and enjoy the
evening. You will be surprised at how much you will learn about your faith, yourself and about the community you
belong to when you get involved.
I saw this online from something I saw posted from a friend and I loved its message. Something to think
about….If you want beautiful eyes, see the kindness in others. If you want beautiful lips, speak words of kindness. To
have a healthy heart, participate in random acts of kindness, help those in need. It’s not about the makeup we put on
or about the clothes we wear. See others through His eyes and be kind in your words and your actions. The joy and
love that will come from within is beauty the world will see and in the world today we could all use a bit more beauty!
This year, we will be doing a smaller re-enactment during the Christmas Gospel at both the 4:00 and 6:15 Masses.
There will be 6 actors and about 6 angel singers for each Mass, as the deacon will read the Gospel.
Auditions for the acting roles (Mary, Joseph, Shepherds, and Angel of the Lord) will take place on November 5 and
12 at 6:00 pm. Rehearsals for the acting roles and the angel choir singers will be on the Wednesday evenings in
December, also at 6:00 pm. Please note that this is different from the Children’s Choir directed by Katheryne Friske,
although children are more than welcome to be in both groups.
Children in 1st – 8th grades are welcome to participate. Please sign up to audition for the acting roles and for a place
in the singing angels group. There will be limited space, so it is imperative to sign up. There will be two separate
sign-up sheets, one for the 4:00 Mass and one for the 6:15 Mass. The sign-up sheets can be found in the Gathering
Please call Erin Wolfe at 810-923-8494 with any questions. Also, watch the bulletin for more detailed information.
from Sr. Joyce Hoile, OSF
On Saturday, November 23, after K of C Spaghetti Dinner, we will have a Euchre Tournament at 7 pm in
the second quad. There is a $5 fee for each participant with money prizes awarded.
Please bring a snack to share; soft drinks and something harder are provided by the Committee members. Please
sign up at the Community Life Display
Advent by Candlelight Saturday Dec. 6 from 7-9 pm
(from Page 1) will be held in the
Community Room. Hosts and Hostesses may reserve a table to decorate and provide a desert. Take a break
from the holiday rush to welcome family and friends to your table.
Tables seat 8. If you have less people, the Committee can fill your table and you can make new friends
and enjoy interesting conversations. If you have more than 8, your tables will be next to each other. Hostess instructions and the reservation form can be found in the gathering area on the Community Life table and on our
website: www.saintmarymagdalen.org
from Sue Weir
Charity is the response to an immediate need; Justice seeks to end the need.
Promotion of Peace is a Key Principle of Catholic Social Teaching. Promoting peace is a positive action
oriented concept. Pope John Paul II said, “Peace is not just the absence of war. It involves mutual respect and
confidence between people and nations. It involves collaboration and binding agreements.” Peace is the fruit of
justice and is dependent upon the right order among human beings.
Time to clean out your closets! Please bring your donations of gently used clothing,
shoes, (especially winter coats and outerwear are needed) in bags, not boxes. (please
use the bag we provide!). Place them in the pods in the back of the parking lot anytime
during the weekend. Receipts will be available. Thank you in advance for another successful clothing drive.
Right to Life Christmas Cards will be on sale in the gathering area during the weekends of
Nov 15/16 and Nov 22/23. Proceeds benefit Livingston County Right to Life.
The Advent Giving Tree will go up in the Gathering area on November 22. Please consider taking a tag and returning needed items to the Advent Tree by Dec. 15. Your generosity benefits the seniors, disabled and poor in
our community.
Warm the Children is an opportunity for you to help families shop for new winter clothing for children whose families cannot otherwise afford it. The program is funded through The Charitable Foundation, sponsored by the Ann
Arbor News. Volunteers will shop with local families at the Target Store in Brighton. Please contact Sue Weir
( bskweir@aol.com) for more information.
Our next meeting is Tuesday, November 12 @ 7:00 p.m. All are welcome!
from Ken Anderer, grand knight St. Mary Magdalen Council 12295
This fall has been a very busy time for your Knights. Mom-to-Mom Sales, Pancake Breakfasts, Coney Island Dinners, and a Council Picnic. Activity in October has slowed a bit, but
November will be busy again. Watch for another Pancake Breakfast on November 9th and a
Spaghetti Dinner on November 22nd.
The response to the membership drive on October 11th and 12th , has been very gratifying. We will welcome several new members into Our Order, in the month of November. Any Catholic gentlemen, 18 year or older, is invited to join the KofC, and find how much fun you can have, while participating in very rewarding service
projects. Contact me anytime a kanderer@gmail.com or call me at 810-333-2130.
Advent by Candlelight 2014
Theme – A Joyous Journey
St. Mary Magdalen invites you to an evening of reflection and friendship held on December 7 at 7pm.
ALL ARE WELCOME; women, men, teens, families, friends.
Hostesses are asked to set and decorate a table,
furnish 4 candles & holders, and provide a dessert.
The round tables seat up to 8 guests. Use your
imagination to the fullest to decorate with the
Joyous Journey theme. (Please NO SANTA)
Required for all tables:
Table covering: cloth, paper or plastic in the color of your choice and a centerpiece with 4 candles.
Place settings: water glass, dessert plate, cup,
napkin, fork & spoon.
I would love to serve as hostess at this year
Please print carefully as we will make name tags
for you and your guests. If you have more than a
total of 8 people, please complete a second
If you have less than 8 names, will you:
(choose one):
______ fill the table yourself or
______ have the committee add guests to
complete my table.
Hostess‘ Name _______________________
Phone ______________________________
Dessert: your favorite one that does not require
refrigeration, - can be homemade or purchased.
Guests Names
Wine optional: wine glasses and corkscrew.
1. ___________________________________
Coffee, tea, cream and sugar will be provided
from the kitchen.
2. ___________________________________
3. ___________________________________
For more information call Elaine at 734-449-1411
or email ewoods214@yahoo.com
4. ___________________________________
5. ___________________________________
6. ___________________________________
7. ___________________________________
I can’t hostess this year but I would love to
attend (we’ll find a seat just for you)
Name _________________________________
Phone ________________________________
Please complete this form and drop it in the basket in the gathering space in the Community Life area
ON THE JOURNEY from Diane Kubus
If you would like to more about becoming Catholic or if you would like your children to begin the process of learning
it is never “too late” to begin Faith Inquiry! Adults meet on Mondays from 7 - 8:30pm. The children (7 yrs. and older)
meet on the same night (separate from the adults).
Please call me in the parish office or email:
The Rite of Christian Initiation is a journey of faith and we, the community are on this journey with the inquirers. Our
faith journey never ends and is constantly changing. In a very real sense, our life journey is a faith journey... Our
journey to God.
In reality people don’t become Catholic by attending “classes” or by becoming “educated”. Although the process includes education, it is by the sacramental process itself, within the life of the Catholic community, that a person becomes Catholic. So we share stories and experiences and ask many questions. The inquirers will make the
decision whether or not they will become Catholic. In the meantime we continue to open ourselves to God and allow
God to transform us every day of our lives. Isn’t that what we are all called to do every day? Our life journey, our
continuous journey of faith is where we grow in our relationship with God and with each other. How can we fully express our gratitude to God for so great a gift? This month we celebrate Thanksgiving Day because we are grateful
for all the blessings in our lives. Every day is a day of thanksgiving on our journey of faith!
Call me if you are interested in becoming Catholic and we can talk about the process and beginning a faith journey
for you! Blessings on the Journey!
from Devon Wolfe
The Bishops of the Michigan Province have called for churches throughout the state to observe a Year of Marriage
for the next liturgical year beginning the first Sunday of Advent on November 30. Plans for this observance are in
the works and throughout the next year I’ll be devoting this space to topics concerning marriage. In the meantime, I
would like to highlight a couple of upcoming events that are already scheduled to help married couples deepen their
love for each other.
On November 14, Livingston County Catholic Charities is holding a We C.A.R.E. workshop for married couples right
here at St. Mary Magdalen from 6:30 to 9:30pm. As I mentioned in my September homily, being able to communicate effectively and to resolve conflicts constructively is one of the most important relationship skills we can bring to
our marriage. This workshop is designed to help married couples do just that. You can reserve by calling Jaynee or
Mark at 517-545-5944. Childcare will be available, but you must reserve childcare by November 6.
In January, we will once again offer the popular Eight Great Dates program. It's a program that starts with a catered
dinner and then moves into an evening workshop that features a different communication topic each week. Erin and
I experienced the Eight Great Dates program two years ago and found it to be a wonderful and informative refresher
that helped us to deepen our own marriage commitment, while at the same time not having to cook for 8 consecutive Friday nights! How can you beat that?
Finally, we invite everyone to pray for this upcoming Year of Marriage and for all who are impacted by marriage:
those preparing for marriage, those who are married, and those who are widowed or divorced.
To achieve peace in our world, we must rely on our faith to give us the desire to seek peace as Jesus does; our
hope to motivate us to work for peace; and our love to give us what we need to bring peace to others.
from Sr. Maryetta Churches
We give thanks and praise to all who made items for the craft and bake sale, those who purchased gifts and those
who packaged meals for Kids Against Hunger. What an awesome job! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
We also give thanks and praise for all those who raised money and walked the Crop Walk. It was a wonderful day
and many people helped feed the hungry in our community. Thanks to all who participated, pledged and walked!
from Dave Scharf
Bible trivia. Where would your family place if you contemporize the events of Scripture?
By putting 19 ahead of each year and "contemporizing" the events, one gets a better sense of the laps of time between these events and their relationship to each other. By considering first century events like twentieth century
ones chronologically, we can better see the Written Word as the Church's inspired reflection on the interpretation of
its experience of Jesus Christ. Numbers in parentheses are Acts of the Apostles references. Bold face indicates
New Testament book.
1930 Formation of the Church in Jerusalem(2)
1931/2 Stoning of Stephan, first martyr(7,8)
1931/2 Saul's conversion(9)
1934/35 Paul's first visit to Jerusalem(as a Christian)
1944 Paul's second visit to Jerusalem(11:27-30)
1945-48 Paul's first missionary journey:Galatia(13-14)
1950 The Council in Jerusalem
1950-53 Paul's second missionary journey:Greece(16-18)
1951 1 Thessalonians (from Corinth)
1952 2 Thessalonians (from Corinth)
1954-57 Paul's third missionary journey:Ephesus(19,20)
1955/6 1 Corinthians(from Ephesus 16:8)
1956/7 2 Crointhians(from Philippi)
1956/7 Galatians(from Philippi)
1957 Paul in Jerusalem(20:16)
1958-60 Paul in Caesaria
1960-61 Paul's journey to Rome (27,28)
1961-63 Paul's first Roman captivity (28:16)
c.1962 Philemon
c.1962 Colossians
c.1962 Ephesians(to churches in Asia Minor)
c.1963 1 Thimothy(between first &second captivities)
c.1963 Titus (between first and second captivities)
c.1963-65 Paul's second captivity
c.1965 2 Timothy
c.1965 Hebrews
c.1965 Paul executed (during Nero's reign, 63-67)
c.1970 The Gospel according to Mark
c.1975 The Gospel according to Luke; Acts
c.1985 The Gospel according to Matthew
1990's The Gospel according to John
1990's The Book of Revelation
from Jim Chevalier
Know, and fix in your heart, that the Lord is God in the heavens above and on earth below, and that there is no other
God. The Word of God, through whom all things were made, was Himself made flesh so that as perfect man He
might save all of us and bring all things into Himself. The Lord is the final end of human history, the point toward
which history and civilization are moving, the focus of the human race, the joy of all hearts and the fulfillment of their
desires. The Father raised Christ from the dead, lifted Him up on high and set Him at his right hand, appointing Him
judge of the living and the dead. In His Spirit we have been brought to life and gathered into unity, and so make our
pilgrim way toward the goal of human history. The Lord himself says: “See, I am coming soon; I bring my recompense with me, to give to everyone what his deeds deserve. I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”
SERVANT TO MANY from Gary Prise
When I preached about Kids Against Hunger in July, and encouraged people to take “Seed Money”, and cause it to
grow, I never imagined the harvest it would produce. People were asked to share how they intended to multiply the
starter money. A number of people responded to the request. Let me begin with the youngest in our community:
Marc sold home baked goods, Caleb and Gabe sold fire wood, Emily sold photographs she took, Katie sold homemade bread, Julianna sold pom-pom critters and head bands, Sarah sold wooden words (Faith, Hope, etc.), Connor/
Mckenna/Mallory/Keegan sold home baked goods and bracelets, Lillie sold home baked goods and necklaces,
Katie/Amanda sold homemade bars of soap, Trevor had a concession stand at his subdivision garage sale, Celia
sold bookmarks and key chains, Caitlyn sold ice cream and lemonade at her subdivision garage sale, Tommy sold
carved rocks, Maeve sold handmade stationary, Krystalyn sold bracelets and flower crowns, and Melinda sold home
baked goods. There were a number of adults who also sold items or came up with other clever ways of multiplying
the seed money, including: a game night fund raiser, gourmet dinners auctioned off, steps for hunger fund raiser, a
variety of homemade food items, collected scrap metal and sold it, wooden items and furnished doll houses, handmade cards, jewelry and clothing items, handbags, and a whole host of craft items. If I failed to mention your contribution specifically forgive me; the important thing is our Lord recognized what you did, “For I was hungry and you
gave me food” (Mt. 25:35), well done good and faithful servant.
Lynn & Terry Licht
Diane & Harold Allen
Kathleen & Michael Kokitka
Patricia & Richard Mularoni
O Lord our God,
We thank you for all that you have given us… for all of creation and for all of humanity. For you have
given us holiness of life. You have blessed us and are with us in every moment of every day.
We thank you for the love of family and friends; for our moms and dads, husbands and wives, sisters,
brothers...grandmas and grandpas.... our children and grandchildren …
for gift of new life in every child born into the world.
We thank you Lord for the blessing of all those who have died and are with you now; they have blessed
our lives with love and so many beautiful memories that we hold forever in our hearts.
We thank you for the sharing of our lives.
We thank you today for our communities, our neighbors and teachers; for our schools… for music and our
pets, for our wonderful homes and for the work that we do. We are so blessed to live in a country that has
plentiful food and all the necessities of life. We are grateful for all of the efforts that have been made to
keep us safe. We will always be grateful to those who have sacrificed so much …for those who have given
their lives – and for the sacrifices of their families. We are grateful for all the efforts made throughout the
world to bring peace and justice to all people.
We thank you for our good health. In times of sickness You have given us hope and healing. We thank
you for sobriety … for the strength to continue to fight our battles with illness and addiction… for the gifts
of patience, and wisdom and for all those who have supported us and
helped us through our difficult times.
We are very grateful Lord, that in your great love and mercy, You forgive us when we fail. You lift us up
and embrace us in your love and help us to begin again.
The gift of your peace within heals us and makes us whole.
In the goodness of your love You have given us the great gift of our faith.
We are grateful that you have brought us together in our parish community where we celebrate the gift of
your life in the Eucharist that strengthens us and nurtures us and for the gift of your Word that forms our
lives; We are grateful for prayer... for the many opportunities we have to thank you and
praise you and for our quiet times alone with you.
You have touched our lives time and time again with your Holy Spirit, awakening within us the gifts of
your love and enabling us to share them with others. Thank you for enabling us to minister to and
sustain one another in so many ways.
We thank you most of all for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord,
For our sharing in his life ...and death ...and resurrection.
Yes, Father, we are grateful even for that which remains unknown…
For you, our faithful and loving God are with us always…
…now and forever. Amen.
9am Liturgy, Thanksgiving Day, 2013
November 1 (Saturday) A L L S A I N T S D AY
This holy day of obligation celebrates all those good and holy people who have gone before us and now are with
God, the unknown saints. The Liturgy of this holyday of obligation will be celebrated at 9am
November 2 (Sunday) A L L S O U L S D AY
This feast is a day of prayer for all those who have died. The Feast of All Souls will be celebrated at all three weekend Liturgies. Anyone who wishes to offer a special prayer for deceased family or friends, is invited to bring a small
candle to be placed in one of the bowls of sand before the altar. After the 11 am Liturgy, the Eucharist will be
placed in the monstrance on the altar. Throughout the afternoon, everyone, especially our Ministers of Prayer and
Pastoral Council members are encouraged to spend time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
November 9 (Sunday) ROSE MASS
The 11 am will be celebrated for all those in our community who
serve in the field of health care. We want to honor their service and bless their ministry. They are also invited to
breakfast afterward.
November 15 (Saturday) CONFIRMATION
Bishop Earl Boyea will confirm 55 of our youth during the
4:30 Liturgy.
November 22/23 (weekend) FEAST OF CHRIST the KING This feast ends the Church Year and
looks forward to the “end of days” when Christ returns in glory!
November 27 (Thursday) THANKSGIVING DAY Liturgy will be celebrated at 9 am.
November 29 (Saturday) The Beginning of ADVENT The year 2014 ends for Christians on Saturday,
Nov. 29. The new Church Year of 2015 begins at 4 pm!
Office Hours Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 4:30pm
2201 S. Old U.S. 23 Highway Brighton, MI 48114-7609
(810) 229-8624 Fax (810) 229-6471 www.saintmarymagdalen.org
Fr. David F. Howell
Sr. Maryetta Churches, O.P.
Mary Mahar, Director
Karen MacDonald, Adm. Asst.
Sr. Joyce Hoile, O.S.F.
Steven H. Schulte, Director
H. David Scharf
James Chevalier
Gary Prise
Devon Wolfe
Diane Kubus, Director
Margaret Callaghan
Jillian Killian
Debbie Dehanke
Sandi Phillips
Dave Wisniewski
Kathie Anderer, Director
Dan Tuthill
Mark Wolf
Kathleen Gehring