TWO Fall Bull Sales Saturday, November 1, 2014 Monday, November 10, 2014 At 10:00 a.m. (ET) Heifers At 12:00 noon (MT) And 12:00 noon (ET) Bulls Burlington Livestock Exchange Burlington, Colorado Muskingum Livestock Auction Zanesville, Ohio (Just west of town on old Highway 24) (Just north of I-70 Exit 155) Lunch will be provided by PCC prior to the sale Storm Date: Monday, November 17, 2014 Motel Accommodations: Motel Accommodations: Comfort Inn..............................740-454-4144 Comfort Inn..............................719-346-7676 (Ask for a Pharo Cattle Company $30 Discount) (Ask for a Pharo Cattle Company 10% Discount Rate) Best Western.............................719-346-7777 (Ask for a Pharo Cattle Company 10% Discount Rate) PCC Office Phone: 800-311-0995 Sale Day Phones: 740-452-9984 (Zanesville, OH) 719-346-8900 (Burlington, CO) Weston Walker: 1-855-364-2190 Gary Rhoades: 1-800-315-1970 Cody McDaniel: 1-855-482-6888 ~ CATALOG INDEX ~ Our History, Philosophy and Program ····· 2 & 3 Sale Information ······························ 4 & 5 Pre-Sale Meeting Information ···················· 5 Quick-Sort Program ······························· 6 Bull Warranty ······································ 6 Stay-At-Home Options ···························· 7 Bull Delivery ·································· 8 & 9 Sale Data Explained ······························ 10 Ultrasound, Low-Maintenance & Longevity ·· 11 Hair Coat, Fleshing Ability & Disposition ···· 12 Explanation of Evaluation Scores ·············· 13 Ohio Female Sale ································· 14 Ohio Black Angus Bulls ························· 14 Ohio Red Angus Bulls ··························· 21 Colorado Black Angus Bulls ···················· 24 Paradigm Shift ···································· 50 Colorado Red Angus Bulls ······················ 51 Colorado Crossbred Bull ························· 77 Herd Quitter ······································· 78 Colorado Black-Hided Red Angus Bulls ······ 79 2 + 2 = 5 (Hybrid Vigor) ························· 83 Colorado Red Composite Bulls ················· 84 Colorado Tarentaise Bull ························ 89 Colorado Black Composite Bulls ··············· 90 The Optimum Cow ······························· 95 Masculinity, Nutrition & Marbling ············· 96 Colorado Ultrasound Data ······················· 97 Cooperative Producers ·························· 104 1 Our History: Kit and Deanna Pharo wer e r aised on family farms and ranches in Eastern Colorado, not far from their existing ranch location. After fifteen years of pursuing other endeavors, they finally had an opportunity to lease a fairly sizable chunk of grassland and get started with a ranch of their own. increase profits by increasing production. Not so. They discovered that the easiest money to make is the money they do not spend. Instead of increasing production, they looked for ways to reduce cost of production without reducing production. Their ranch began as a commercial operation with profit-driven philosophies. The years away from the ranch made it possible for them to view ranching from a little different perspective. Although they very much enjoy the lifestyle, they treat the ranch as a business that is expected to make a profit every year. At first they thought they could The biggest problem they encounter ed was finding a seedstock producer who could provide the genetics they needed to produce profitable cattle. They did not exist. Seeing this as an opportunity, Kit and Deanna decided to become that type of seedstock producer. Our Philosophy: Optimum production is always mor e profitable than maximum production. Bigger is not always better ! Optimum pr oduction is the point at which net profits are maximized. Profit is what we really want to maximize. supplement. We let the environment sort out the "good ones”, while we show absolutely no sympathy for open, late or dry cows. They must produce and wean a calf every year or they are culled. There are no excuses! Fit their environment. T o a ch ieve Desirable end product. We not only optimum production we must produce cows want a cow that fits her environment; we also that fit our environment, instead of artificially expect her to produce a desirable and profitable changing the environment to fit our cows. Since end product. Her calves must feed efficiently, most ranchers have and meet the requirecows that are too big “We like feeding calves sired by Pharo ments established by and inefficient, they are Cattle Company bulls. Due to the selection t h e c u r r e n t b e e f i nforced to feed harvested placed on these cattle for fleshing ability and dustry. The current and purchased feed to depth of body, we have found that they have industry wants a steer k e e p t h e i r c o w s i n superior gain and feed efficiency. These that can produce a 650 production. This quickly calves are also in the top 10% of all the cattle to 800 pound Choice takes most of the profit we feed for quality grade.” carcass with a Yield out of ranching. We Grade of 3 or less. Gary Teague, manager of two Colorado feedlots want a cow that can Contrary to popsurvive strictly on what ular opinion, we believe the ranch produces with minimum inputs. A it’s possible to produce ideal replacement heifers cow ought to be supporting the ranch, instead and ideal feeding steers with the same bull. To of being supported by the ranch! prove this point we enrolled our steer calves in In order to produce momma cows that fit a feed and carcass test three years in a row. We our environment, we require our cows to run on are extremely pleased with the results. The short native grass year-round with very little feed averages are posted below. Live Weight: 1225 % Choice: 75% Carcass Wt.: 775 Yield Grade: 2.3 Rib Eye Area: 13.3 2 Our Program: Breed Selection. Not ever y br eed has the type of cattle that can effectively meet the requirements established by our philosophies. We have investigated many different breeds in an attempt to find cattle with the right biological type to fit our environment and production goals. This is an ongoing process. Our seedstock program currently includes: Angus, Red Angus, Hereford, Tarentaise and Composites of these breeds. These are all moderate-sized breeds with extremely strong maternal traits. Tarentaise is a Continental br eed that originated in the French Alps. They are noted for their fertility, milk production. meat-to-bone ratio, and udder conformation. Compared to the British breeds, Tarentaise have a higher growth rate, higher milk production, and produce a leaner carcass. Compared to most of the other Continental breeds, they excel in calving-ease and fertility, while having a smaller mature size. Tarentaise is the most moderate-sized exotic breed that we know of. We no longer produce many purebred Tarentaise. However, they continue to provide the foundation for most of our composite cattle. Red and Black Angus h a ve a lwa ys been very popular British breeds. They are noted for their calving ease, maternal traits and their ability to marble. With so much to offer, we believe they should have an integral part in most crossbreeding systems. Our biggest challenge, though, has been finding cattle within these two breeds that still do what they were designed to do. Rick Bourdon got it right when he said, “Many seedstock producers take cattle that are close to optimal for a particular niche, breed them in a different direction, and end up with cattle that are not really optimal for anything.” Red a nd Bla ck Angus lose their advantages when bred to compete with the larger exotic breeds. If you want an animal that grows and milks like a Holstein, buy a Holstein. Our Composite cattle were designed to provide the right genetic combination to fit our environment, as well as our production goals. They are 25 to 50 percent Continental breeding (Tarentaise, Simmental and/or Gelbvieh), 25 to 75 percent Red or Black Angus, and 0 to 25 percent Hereford. They can be red or black in color. Our Composite cows have the ability to wean our heaviest calves while holding their condition and rebreeding. Why Composites? Cr ossbr ed cattle have always been much more efficient than straightbred cattle, but most crossbreeding systems are complicated and frustrating. They require too many breeding pastures, too many different breeds of bulls and too much time and management. Traditional crossbreeding also produces a lack of uniformity in calf size, cow size, muscling and milk production since several different breeds of bulls are used. Composite bulls provide you with all the advantages of breed complementarity and hybrid vigor without all the problems associated with the typical crossbreeding system. Instead of using several different breeds of bulls you can use composite bulls to achieve the same results. You would not have to individually identify and sort cows into different breeding pastures to be bred by different breeds of bulls. In fact, you could run all of your cows in one herd with one set of composite bulls. This makes a rotational grazing system possible. Hereford is another Br itish br eed. I grew up with a herd of commercial Hereford cows. They never weaned the biggest calves but they had the unique ability to wean one every year. It didn’t seem to matter how bad the year was. I attribute this to their superb adaptability. They were true range cows that could survive on whatever Mother Nature provided for them. In addition to their adaptability, we like Herefords for their unequaled disposition, their hair coat and their conformation. They remain the obvious choice for crossing with Angus and Red Angus. Most people will agree that the black baldy or red baldy cow is extremely hard to improve upon and those baldy calves have never gone out of style. 3 Selling Bulls for 24 Years . . . . . . and Counting Sale Information Only the best sell. These 315 ranch-raised bulls uniquely represent both our philosophies and our breeding program. They have been carefully bred and selected to meet the demands of the commercial cowman. Several herd mates that did not live up to our expectations have already been culled. We keep extensive records on our cattle and we follow a very strict selection and culling program that is based on facts and figures, as well as on frequent observations and evaluations. Cataloged. The bulls have been cataloged on the following pages according to the sale they will be sold in and their breed groups. Each bull is identified with a lot number that corresponds to the number on his red or yellow PCC ear tag. The sale order at both sales is expected to follow the lot numbers from low to high. Red ear tags will be used to identify lot numbers for the Missouri sale, while yellow ear tags will be used to identify lot numbers for the Colorado sale. For the most part, bulls will be cataloged by sire groups (1/2 and 3/4 brothers). We will start each group with the highest rated bull within that group. We have provided extensive information on each bull to help you make the right selections. This information is explained on page 10. We urge you to look for bulls that are strong in the traits your cowherd is weak in, but always remember to keep “balance” in mind because single trait selection can quickly wreck a cowherd. Registration certificates on all registered bulls will be transferred to the buyer. Health and Fertility. We maintain a very thorough health and vaccination program. These bulls have all passed a health and breeding soundness examination and have been cleared for interstate transportation. All bulls tested negative for PI-BVD. They are guaranteed breeders! Semen Interests. On designated bulls we retain the right to collect, use and market semen at some future date. As purchaser of the bull you will receive a 25 percent revenue-sharing semen interest, along with full possession of the bull. If done at all, semen will be collected at your convenience and at PCC’s expense. This in no way affects your use of the bull! Anyone with a semen interest will be allowed to collect and store semen for in-herd use with no obligation to others with a semen interest. In the event semen is marketed and revenue is produced the resulting proceeds, minus incurred expenses, shall be divided among those who own a semen interest. Designated bulls will be marked “RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST” in the catalog. Cowboy Auction. Although our unique cowboy auction has an auction format, it has no fasttalking auctioneer and no loud, in-your-face bid takers. Everyone who has attended one of our Cowboy Auctions has appreciated and enjoyed it. Every bull will have a base price posted in this catalog. When it is time to sell a particular bull, we will ask those who are interested, at the base price, to raise their buyer number. If there is only one number in the air, the bull will be sold to that number at the base price. If there is more than one number in the air, we will increase the price in $250 increments until only one number remains. This provides a very simple, low-pressure way to purchase bulls. You will always know what the bid is and you will always know who is bidding against you. The only problem with our Cowboy Auction is there can be a tie bid when the last two (or more) buyer numbers drop out at the same time. When that happens we will give the bid to the bidder with the lowest buyer number. The other bidder(s) will then be required to increase the bid by $50 or $100 (up to the next $100 increment) to stay in the auction. If he increases the bid, then the bidder with the lowest buyer number can raise the bid another $100, and so on. We can usually break a tie in 5 or 10 seconds. 4 Guaranteed Calving Ease. Most of the bulls offered in this sale could be successfully used on first-calf heifers. We rate each bull for calving ease with 1 to 5 “stars”. Our 5-star bulls would be the absolute best, but those with “3” and “4” stars are also recommended for use on most heifers. For the most part, our 2-star bulls are breed average for calving ease. This is what everyone else is selling. We are so confident in the calving ease of our 5-star calving ease bulls that we are going to do something that is unheard of in this business. We are going to provide a one-year calving ease guarantee on all of our 5-star bulls. For every calf you have to pull that was sired by one of our 5-star calving ease bulls we’ll pay you $25 — no questions asked. If a caesarean or other veterinary assistance was required, we’ll pay your vet bill. We want you to be able to look forward to your next calving season. Genetic Defect Guarantee. Unlike many of our competitors, we will not sell a bull that is a potential carrier of any known genetic defect without DNA testing him to prove (guarantee) that he does not have a genetic defect gene. We guarantee that all of the bulls selling in this sale do not carry a gene for any known genetic defect. High-Altitude Guarantee. We will guarantee that our bulls will score 45 or less on a PAP test. If your PCC bull scores higher than 45, you can return him and replace him with another bull (if available) or receive credit for the full purchase price. Repeat Buyer Discount. There is nothing more valuable to us than a happy customer who keeps purchasing your first bull at this sale, you will qualify for a 5% discount at our next sale. Quantity Discounts. To make it easier for you to purchase all your bulls at one sale, we offer quantity discounts. If you purchase five or more bulls, we will give you a 5% Discount on all the bulls you purchase at this sale. If you purchase ten or more bulls, we will give you a 10% Discount on all the bulls you purchase at this sale. Do the math — that’s one FREE bull for every nine that you purchase! You cannot go together with others to receive this discount. You cannot combine above discounts to receive a higher discount. Announcements from the Auction Block, and supplemental information provided at the sale, will take precedence over the printed matter in this catalog. Colorado Pre-Sale Meeting. You are invited to our pre-sale meeting Sunday night (Nov. 9 th) at 7:00. This meeting will be held at the sale barn just west of Burlington, Colorado. As always, this meeting is FREE and open to the public. Feel free to invite your friends and neighbors. Our featured guest speaker will be James Coffelt who is first and foremost a businessman. James is a first-generation rancher. He owns and operates Ohio Land and Cattle — a ranch in Eastern Ohio that supports 500-plus cows. James is one of PCC’s cooperative producers. James believes the combination of land and cattle is one of the greatest wealth-building opportunities that exists. He has the unique ability to see opportunities and possibilities that most cow-calf producers are unable to see. Among other things, James will discuss the current beef industry, owning and leasing land, cash flow, hunting and other enterprises, grass-finished beef, ultra-low-input management and tax management — all from the perspective of his ranch and his experience. 5 Quick-Sort Program Sorting Criteria We now have the ability to help you quickly sort out the bulls that fit your wants and needs. This program will save you hours and hours of time and frustration. We have an easy, do-it-yourself version available in our online (internet) catalog. Just enter the criteria you want to sort for, and before you can go get a cup of coffee the sorting will be completed. If you prefer, we can do the sorting for you. Call us at 1-800-311-0995. We suggest you DON’T select for any more criteria than absolutely necessary — unless you have an unlimited bull-buying budget. If your budget has some limits, however, we strongly urge you to keep your list of potential bulls as long as possible. Please keep in mind that more is NOT always better. Breed Sire Base Price Registered or Not Frame Size PCC Overall Rating Disposition Fleshing Ability Calving Ease Thickness Score Muscling Score Masculinity Score Hair Coat Score Fly Resistance Score ADG Ratio Dam Udder Score Dam Age Birth Weight EPD Weaning Wt. EPD Yearling Wt. EPD Milk EPD Scrotal Circ. Marbling Ratio Tenderness Score NO ONE else in this business provides as much useful information as we do. Allow us to do a Quick Sort with you or for you. Call 1-800-311-0995 Bull Warranty… It’s unfortunate, but sometimes young bulls will become injured prior to or during their first breeding season. Often these injuries are life threatening. In an effort to better serve our customers, we are offering an optional warranty on all bulls sold through this bull sale. This warranty will cover loss of use injuries, as well as death. If you have a warranty claim, we will refund your purchase price. This warranty coverage is available in two levels: Basic or Extended. Basic — 30-Day Warranty The Basic 30-day Warranty covers the bull for 30 days after the sale. We require it on all bulls purchased through one of our three Stay-At-Home options, as well as on all bulls that will be delivered to one of our delivery points. However, it is also available on other purchases. This basic coverage is intended to cover liability issues and to protect the buyer’s interests until the animal is safe and sound at its new home. The cost of this Basic Warranty is 2% of the purchase price. It will automatically be added to the purchase price of all Stay-At-Home purchases, as well as to purchases that will be delivered to one of our delivery points. Extended — Breeding Season Warranty The Extended Breeding Season Warranty covers the bull through his first breeding season. It starts on sale day and will last through 45 days into the bull’s first breeding season. When you purchase this warranty you must provide the date that you intend to turn the bull out for breeding purposes. The coverage will last for 45 days after that date. We are willing to rely on your honesty. The cost of this Extended Warranty is 7% of the bull’s purchase price. This coverage is completely optional. You can take it or leave it, but remember it takes the place of any other loss-of-use guarantee provided by Pharo Cattle Company. 6 Stay-At-Home Options... We pr efer ever yone to be in attendance on sale day. Realistically, however , we know ther e will be some scheduling conflicts and distance limitations. In these cases, we have arranged for you to be able to participate in our bull sale on an absentee basis. Once again, we have three Stay-At-Home options for you to choose from to complement our FREE and Very Afforda-BULL delivery options. When you register to participate via one of our Stay-At-Home options, PLEASE call PCC at 1-800-311-0995 to let us know what delivery point you want to use. In an effort to cover liability issues and to protect the buyer’s interests, we require that a Basic 30-Day Warranty be purchased for all bulls purchased through our Stay-At-Home options. The cost of this coverage is 2% of the purchase price. See bottom of page 6 for details. We invite you to stop by to evaluate the bulls prior to sale day. If that’s not possible, we can provide a video tape or DVD of the bulls for home viewing — call Superior Productions at 1-800-431-4452. The bulls can also be viewed online prior to the sale. Watch our weekly emails for details. Sight-Unseen Bidding. If you are unable to attend our sale, we can arrange to have someone confidentially handle your bidding for you. We guarantee that your bulls will be purchased at the lowest price possible. Your bids will never be abused! Over the years, 25 to 30 percent of our bulls have been sold to customers who use our Sight-Unseen (SUS) program. If you will allow us to help select the bull(s) that best fit your needs, we will guarantee satisfaction on your sight-unseen purchases. Please call Kit or Tyson at 1-800-311-0995, Weston Walker at 1-855364-2190, Gary Rhoades at 1-800-315-1970 or Cody McDaniel at 1-855-482-6888 so we can discuss your needs. Our Sight-Unseen (SUS) program takes most of the risk out of purchasing bulls. Helping you with your purchases, however, places a lot of responsibility on us, so please call early! Except for an emergency, all Sight-Unseen bids must be received by 5:00 pm on Wednesday, October 29, for the Ohio Sale and 5:00 pm on Friday, November 7, for the Burlington Sale (three days before each sale). Internet Bidding. Superior Productions offers the convenience of bidding via the internet at Regar dless of your inter net connection, you will be able to view the same video feed as seen on RFD TV. To use this option, go to and follow the outlined steps. You will receive an email confirming your membership. Then you need to go back online, sign in and get registered to bid for the PCC Bull Sale. When you register to bid, be sure to ask Superior to email you their PCC Click-To-Bid tutorial. This will provide exact instructions on how to participate in our unique Cowboy Auction via the internet. Phone Bidding via RFD TV. Superior Productions will broadcast our Fall Bull Sales to thousands of homes across the nation on RFD-TV — Dish Network channel 232. Please call Superior Productions at 800-431-4452 to register to bid. At that time, they will give you a PCC buyer number and the bid line number that you will use on sale day to place bids. Paying for Purchases. Repeat customers who make purchases via one of our Stay-At-Home options will be contacted after the sale and asked to mail a check to Pharo Cattle Co. (address on back cover) as soon as possible after the sale. We will trust you — until you prove you cannot be trusted. ACH Transactions (Electronic Funds Transfer). We now have the capability of handling your bull purchases by using an Electronic Funds Transfer. This has proven to be very quick and easy for everyone involved. If you choose to utilize this payment option, call us at 1-800-311-0995 before the sale. We will need permission to make an electronic draw from your account. PLEASE use the Direct Debit Authorization Form provided in the back of this catalog. NOTE: This payment method will be required of a ll new customer s who purchase bulls through one of our Stay-At-Home options. 7 Eastern Bull Delivery . . . We ar e offer ing thr ee ver y Affor da-BULL Delivery Routes from our Eastern Bull Sale. James Coffelt will be delivering along I-70 east and west and along I-77 south as noted below. He can meet you along the interstate and transfer bulls to your trailer. You must be at the designated meeting place at the designated time. Contact James Coffelt at 330-328-4470 to make delivery arrangements. For an additional fee of $4 per mile one way (off of the interstate route), James will deliver directly to your farm. Contact James Coffelt at 330-328-4470 to make on-farm delivery arrangements. If you plan to take advantage of our bull delivery service, you must notify PCC before the sale or when you clerk out at the sale as to which delivery route you want to use. If you don’t, your bull may miss his ride and you will have to come get him. To address liability issues, we require that our Basic 30-Day Warranty be purchased on all bulls being transported to these delivery points. The cost of this coverage is 2% of the purchase price. See page 6 for more details. New York Michigan Pennsylvania Ohio Illinois Indiana West Virginia Virginia Kentucky North Carolina Tennessee Afforda-BULL Delivery East on I-70 as far as Warfordsburg, PA ....... $200 West on I-70 as far as Indianapolis, IN ......... $200 South on I-77 as far as Wytheville, VA ......... $200 with Pharo Cattle Company prior to purchasing a bull. 8 NO exceptions! Colorado Bull Delivery . . . We ar e offer ing 9 FREE Deliver y Points and 29 ver y Affor da-BULL Delivery Points. Contact Pharo Cattle Company prior to the sale for specific delivery instructions for your location. If you plan to take advantage of our bull delivery service, you must notify PCC before the sale or when you clerk out at the sale as to which delivery point you want to use. Many bulls will be shipped the morning after the sale, with the rest being shipped on Wednesday. PCC representatives will contact you as soon as we have confirmed your bulls’ expected day and time of delivery. To address liability issues, we require that our Basic 30-Day Warranty be purchased on all bulls being transported to these delivery points. The cost of this coverage is 2% of the purchase price. See page 6 for more details. FREE Delivery Afforda-BULL Delivery Afforda-BULL Delivery CO — Ft. Collins CO — La Junta KS — Pratt KS — Salina KS — Wakeeney NE — Kearney NE — Stapleton NM — Folsom OK — Texhoma AL — Montgomery ............................... $575 CO — Monte Vista ................................ $150 IA — Meriden ...................................... $250 ID — Jerome ........................................ $375 KS — Sabetha ....................................... $175 MN — Goodhue ..................................... $350 MO — Memphis .................................... $300 MO — Springfield ................................. $275 MS — Fulton ......................................... $450 MT — Harlowton .................................. $350 MT — Miles City .................................. $300 ND — Dickinson ................................... $275 NE — Columbus ................................... $150 NE — Crawford .................................... $125 NE — Valentine .................................... $150 NM — Roswell ......................................$250 NV — Elko ............................................$400 NV — Fallon..........................................$525 OK — Oklahoma City ...........................$225 OR — Hines ..........................................$525 SD — Belle Fourche .............................$200 SD — Chamberlain ...............................$225 TX — Abilene .......................................$275 TX — Lockhart .....................................$425 TX — Shamrock ...................................$175 UT — Smithfield...................................$300 WY — Buffalo .......................................$250 WY — Glenrock ....................................$175 WY — Rawlins ......................................$175 with Pharo Cattle Company prior to purchasing a bull. 9 NO exceptions! Sale Information and Data — Explained Actual and Adjusted Weights: Actual birth weights, along with adjusted 205-day and off-test weights, are provided for most bulls. This is good information, but it doesn’t tell the whole story because the surrounding environment can greatly affect these weights. Therefore, you can’t use this information to make comparisons with other herds, but you can use it to make valid comparisons within a herd. Ratios make this very easy. Ratios: Ratios are provided for birth weights, 205-day weights, 470-day weights, and for rate of gain. A ratio shows how a bull compares to his within-herd contemporaries. A ratio of 100% is average, while a ratio of 105% is 5% above herd average, and a ratio of 95% is 5% below herd average. Birth weight ratios have been inverted. In other words, the lowest birth weights will have the highest ratios. EPDs: EPD is short for Expected Progeny Differences. It’s a prediction of the difference between the average progeny of one individual bull and the average progeny of other individual bulls. Since EPDs are able to take into account the differences that exist between environments, they can be effectively used to compare animals from different herds. Each breed association uses a different method for calculating their EPDs, so you cannot compare EPDs of bulls from two different breeds. Within a breed, though, EPDs can provide some very valuable information. For example, a bull with a birth weight EPD of –2.0 should sire calves that are 5 pounds lighter than a bull with a +3.0 birth weight EPD. We strive for optimum and balanced EPDs, rather than for extremes in any one trait. ADG on Test: Our forage-tested bulls were tested for their ability to perform on grass. Bulls that perform well in a forage test should sire cattle that are also efficient foragers. For social reasons, we can only run 35 to 50 bulls in a herd. This set of bulls was run in ten separate herds on similar, yet different, forage resources. Therefore, the ten herds differed substantially in their average daily gains. To avoid any confusion, we are not posting individual rates of gain. We are, however, posting individual gain indexes. This figure accurately compares each bull to his herd mates. Scrotal Circumference: Actual measurements are provided for our forage-tested bulls. Keep in mind, there is absolutely no fat in the scrotum of these range bulls. There is nothing but testicles! It doesn’t take much fat in the scrotum to increase the circumference by several centimeters. Testicle size seems to be a good indicator of early maturity. This trait can be passed on to a bull’s daughters. Frame Score: A frame score of 2.5 to 5 seems to be optimum for the cow herd, as well as the feedlot and packing plant. The smaller the frame, the more efficient the cow. The only difference between a frame 4 and a frame 5 is a couple of inches between the ground and the belly — which doesn’t weigh anything and is impossible to eat! Our most efficient cows have a frame score of 2 to 4 — with enough thickness to weigh 1000 to 1250 pounds. Frame score is hip height adjusted for age. Unfortunately, the formula used for young bulls is based on feedlot-developed bulls. It will not work on our forage-developed bulls. Therefore, we use XS, S, S/M, M, M/L and L (roughly equivalent to frames 2.5 to 5.5). Our Predictions: We have provided some predictions on how we feel each of these bulls should be rated for Calving Ease, Disposition, Fleshing Ability, Low Maintenance and Hair Coat. Each bull is rated with 1 to 5 stars, with 5 being the best and 3 being about average. Remember, 3 stars is not bad. Fleshing Ability, Disposition and Hair Coat are discussed on page 12. Maternal Information: Valuable information has also been provided on the mother of most bulls. Cow Age is the dam’s age at calving. Cow Weight is her actual weight at weaning, adjusted to a standard body condition score of 5. At calving we give each cow an Udder Score from 1 to 5. A score of 3 would be an average, yet very functional udder, while a score of 5 would be nearly perfect. On the registered bulls, we are also able to calculate a Cow Longevity score from 1 to 5 — with 5 being the best. It’s rare to have a bull with a young dam have 5 stars for cow longevity, but it is possible. 10 Ultrasound Scanning There has been a rapid-growing interest in grass-based genetics and grass-fed beef. For the past several years, we have sold bulls and semen to over 100 people who produce and market grass -fed beef. Although that is a small share of our overall market, it is still quite significant. program specifically for that purpose. We have been using this program since the spring of 2006. Cattle that can produce a superior carcass on nothing but grass will be able to do the same thing on grain. All of the bulls in our Colorado sale have been scanned by Clay Nash. We believe you will find this data to be quite impressive. The ultrasound data, along with more explanation, can be found on pages 96 to 103. For help in using this information, feel free to call Clay at 870-897-3167. We also suggest you read the article Dr. Williams wrote on page 96. Finding genetics that work well in a grass-based program is becoming more and more difficult in the industry’s corn-based genetic pool. To enable producers to more quickly identify cattle with the genetic makeup to excel in a grass-finishing program, scientists have perfected a live animal carcass software Low-Maintenance Many of the traits we now measure and have EPDs for do not have a direct effect on ranch profits. Several breed associations are working on ways to quantify and compare a few economically relevant traits (ERTs). These are traits that directly affect profits. The Angus Association has created a Cow Energy Value ($EN) EPD. The higher the number the better. The Red Angus Association has a similar EPD called the Maintenance Energy (ME) EPD. The lower the number the better. Nearly all the bulls promoted by the bigname AI companies and mainstream seedstock producers literally stink in the area of cow energy requirements. They have way too much milk, growth and size to fit in a real-world, commercial ranch environment. In contrast, nearly all of the genetics used by Pharo Cattle Company excel in this area — REALLY excel! There are two relatively new ERTs that everyone at Pharo Cattle Company is extremely excited about. They predict the amount of energy required by mature cows to maintain body weight. We’ve known for many, many years that this is something that can have a tremendous impact on ranch profits. Cow Longevity How can you identify the most efficient and most profitable cows in a cowherd? The answer is so simple that most people miss it. The most efficient and profitable cows in an unpampered cowherd will always be the oldest cows. These are cows that have done everything right without missing for at least twelve years. Cow longevity is the most important trait to select for because it encompasses all of the other important maternal traits. We have devised a formula, based on all the cows in a 4-generation pedigree, to calculate a longevity score for all of the registered bulls in this sale. Scores range from 1 to 5 stars, with 5 being the very best. Honest, unpampered, teenage cows have addressed all of the issues relative to fertility, energy requirements, frame size, production, structural soundness, mothering ability and disposition. These are time-proven cows that can seldom be improved upon. Our formula may not be perfect, but it allows us to determine which bulls are most likely to produce daughters that will keep going and going and going. In time, we will probably make slight adjustments to our formula. 11 H Hair Coat air coat is an excellent indicator of animal health and well-being. A healthy beef animal will have a vibrant-looking hair coat — slick and shiny in the summer and cuddly-looking in the winter. In contrast, an unhealthy beef animal will have a dull, dead-looking hair coat. An animal’s ability to shed off early in the spring is another very good indicator of health and well-being. The late Jan Bonsma had much to say about this subject. Among other things, he said, “In selecting livestock for functional efficiency there is no single factor which can give such positive results as early hair shedding. Animals can shed their hair early in the spring only if they are well adapted to their environment, are in good nutritional status, and have the correct hormonal balance.” We have been observing and scoring hair coat for many years. The fall of 2006, though, was the first time we put hair coat scores in a sale catalog. A 5-star hair coat is as good as they get. A 3-star hair coat is about average. If you live in a relatively hot and/or humid environment, hair coat is a trait you should pay special attention to. Bulls with a 4 or 5 star hair coat should work well in the south and southeast. T Fleshing Ability he bulls in this catalog have all been rated for fleshing ability. Simply put, this is the animal’s ability to put on and maintain good body condition, even with a limited amount of feed. When feed is plentiful they will rapidly improve their condition. Later this extra condition can serve as a reserve to help the animal survive the tougher times. Over the years, we have noticed that our easy fleshing cows seem to breed back earlier and stay in the cowherd much longer than our hard-keeping cows. There appears to be an extremely high correlation between fertility and fleshing ability. Therefore, fleshing ability has become one of the most important economic traits we select for. Hard-keeping cows will eventually fail to breed back in a program as tough as ours. Fleshing ability is a trait that needs to be bred in — NOT fed in. Easy-fleshing bulls should sire daughters that are easy-fleshing. Our sale bulls are rated with 1 to 5 “stars” for fleshing ability, with “5” being the best. We believe you should pay special attention to this trait if you are raising your own replacement females. P Disposition oor disposition in a cowherd can be created by rough handling, but it is also very heritable! A bull with a bad disposition will not only cause problems himself, he will also sire replacement females with similar disposition problems. Before you know it, your entire cowherd will become much more difficult to handle and work with. At calving we give each cow a score for disposition, from 1 to 5. If there is a problem, we eliminate it. I want a momma cow that is protective and concerned about her new baby, but not to the point that she creates a hazard to my health. Every time our cattle are sorted or run through the chute we monitor and record disposition problems. We will not tolerate cattle that are nervous, wild or hard to handle. All of our bulls have been put through a simple test that allows us to give them a score for disposition, from 1 to 5. We sort each bull off by himself in an alley and crowd him between two people. This measures the bull’s comfort zone, as well as his disposition. A bull that will stand calmly, with no signs of excitement or nervousness, will receive a high score. If a bull gets nervous and tries to run past us he will receive a low score. Each bull is rated with 1 to 5 “stars”, with “5” being the best. Let me emphasize that “3” stars is not bad — it is about average. Many of our customers say our 3-star disposition bulls are better than the bulls they have been purchasing from other seedstock programs. 12 The Traits We Evaluate… …and Score Fr om the ver y beginning, Phar o Cattle Company has been evaluating and scoring bulls for a variety of traits — traits that most seedstock producers have never even considered. Suffice it to say, we have always been Different for all the Right Reasons. Each bull is individually sorted off and evaluated by four to six people in a 12-foot sorting alley. A rating of “5” is best, with a “3” being average. Below are the traits we evaluate and score — as well as what we are looking for. Scores for some of these traits can only be found by using our unique Quick Sort program (see page 6). Fleshing Ability… The amount of condition (fat) that a bull car r ies under his hide. While some bulls are able to get fat on limited feed resources, others do good just to hold their own. For the most part, we use the ultrasound measurement for back fat thickness to score this trait. Thickness… This is basically a measur ement of depth and width. It has little to do with muscling. What we are looking for is the most pounds for every inch of height. High-volume animals with a lot of heart girth are the type required for low-input, grass-based programs. Muscling… Since we’r e in the beef business, we need animals with substantial muscling. The best place to look for natural muscling is in the twist area (between the rear legs). Light-muscled animals are narrow and cut up high in the twist. In contrast, heavy-muscled animals are deep and wide in the twist. Masculinity… A bull should look like a bull — and the sooner he does, the better. For the most part, we are looking for the presence or absence of secondary sexual characteristics. The neck and the head are the best places to look. We like a bull with a thick, wide neck that has a very pronounced crest on top. Bulls also need to have a “bull” head — not a “cow” head. Overall Rating… This is over all visual appear ance or eye appeal. While some bulls ar e extremely attractive, others are very plain in appearance. The most attractive bulls will usually have high scores for most of the other traits we evaluate and score — but not always. Hair Coat… Healthy, well-adapted bulls will have a lively looking hair coat year-round. During the winter months, the hair should have a soft “teddy bear” look and feel to it. In the summer, the hair coat should be short, slick and shiny — shiny enough to almost see your reflection. The presence of dull, dead hair will lower the hair coat score. Fly Resistance… This is not as difficult to evaluate and scor e as some think. We simply assess how many flies each bull has. There is often a big difference between bulls within the same herd. While a few bulls are black with flies, others will have very few flies. In the cool morning hours, flies will be on the animal’s back. As the day warms up, the flies will move to the shaded areas of the belly and legs. Disposition… Disposition is the last thing we evaluate and scor e. It is impor tant for a bull to be separated from his herd mates for an extended period of time before we can accurately evaluate his disposition. As you are evaluating the bull for other traits, his disposition (good or bad) will begin to express itself. We like to crowd the bull from both sides to test his flight zone. Bulls that remain very calm receive a high disposition score — while those that show signs of fear, nervousness and/or aggression will receive a low score. 13 Eastern Bull and Female Sale Saturday, November 1, 2014 This will be our first-ever Eastern Bull Sale. We have sold a substantial number of bulls in the East and Northeast for the past 12 years. We have been producing bulls in Ohio for the past five years. Until now, those bulls were hauled to Colorado to be developed and sold. The Angus and Red Angus bulls that will be selling in this sale were developed on grass in Ohio. They will be sold at 18 to 20 months of age. This sale will take place at Muskingum Livestock Auction in Zanesville, Ohio. To get this first-ever sale off to a good start, we decided to lead off with a PCC-Influenced Female Sale. The heifer s selling in this special sale will have low-maintenance Pharo Cattle Company genetics on both sides of their pedigree. Those that are bred will be bred to a Pharo bull. Our female sale will start promptly at 10:00 am Eastern Time. For more information on the heifers that will be selling, contact the consignors. James Coffelt — five registered Angus bred heifers (from a PCC Cooperative Herd). For more information, call 330-328-4470 or send an email to Justy Burleson — ten high-percentage Red Angus bred heifers. Call 740-645-8834 or send an email to Dave Spindler — five high-percentage Angus heifer calves and five high-percentage Angus bred heifers. Call 740-525-9596 or send an email to Heifers will be brought into the sale ring five at a time. Each group will have a base price and will be sold via our unique Cowboy Auction (see page 4). The high bidder will be able to take his or her choice of one heifer up to all five. ~ OHIO ANGUS ~ LOT 1 PCC OLC Jango Born: 5/26/13 Description: 100% Angus #17631302 Sire: PCC FSR Stubby Mat. Grand Sire: PCC SSCC Numer o Uno Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 59 105% -2.4 205 Day Weight 578 110% +33 Adjusted Off Test Weight 919 104% +56 Scrotal Circ: 33.5 Sire: PCC MH Rebel 2009 BW: -2.8 WW: +30 Fleshing Ability: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Top-sort bull — with very impressive 5-star muscling, fleshing ability and overall rating RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST MGS: PAR Five Star 203 YW: +54 Frame: S Longevity: *** Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 97% —— Milk —— —— +17 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 PCC FSR Stubby 2021X 2126A Milk: +21 14 ~ OHIO ANGUS ~ LOT 2 PCC OLC Army Born: 3/28/13 Description: 100% Angus #17525218 Sire: PCC FSR Stubby Mat. Grand Sire: PCC SSCC Numer o Uno Base Price: $3000 B.Wt. 68 91% -0.9 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Adjusted Off Test Weight 880 100% +51 205 Day Weight 478 91% +28 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 WW: +34 LOT 3 Milk: +17 PCC OLC Washington Born: 3/29/13 Longevity: ** Low Maintenance: ***** Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: ***** 2122A Mat. Grand Sire: PCC OH Payment Base Price: $3500 B.Wt. 60 103% -1.9 205 Day Weight 542 103% +32 Adjusted Off Test Weight 862 98% +55 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Frame: S Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 2 Forage Test Index —— 91% —— Milk —— —— +20 Disposition: ***** Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: ***** PCC OH Payment 2322R Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 2% Very impressive 4+ muscling, fleshing ability, thickness and overall rating RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Sire: OCC Legend 616L LOT 4 LOT 5 PCC OLC Rick Born: 5/4/13 BW: -1.3 2119A Description: 100% Angus #17542638 Sire: PCC FSR Stubby Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Description: 100% Angus #17525220 Sire: PCC FSR Stubby Actual: Ratio: EPDs: YW: +58 Forage Test Index —— 115% —— Comments: 3/4 brother to previous bull — Stubby over Numero Uno 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 10% High-gaining bull — w/ impressive 4+ muscling, fleshing ability and thickness Sire: J AD Doc RK32 1262R MGS: SSCC Phoenix 1731P BW: -0.9 Milk —— —— +18 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 PCC SSCC Numero Uno 1702W 2121A B.Wt. 58 106% -1.5 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 536 840 102% 95% +30 +50 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Milk —— —— +18 Frame: M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ** Low Maintenance: ***** Comments: Cow Wt: N/A Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** B.Wt. 62 100% -1.5 205 Day Weight 500 95% +24 Adjusted Off Test Weight 892 101% +43 Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 112% —— Frame: S/M Longevity: *** Comments: 15 Milk —— —— +18 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 3% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 4% Impressive 4+ overall rating, masculinity and hair coat RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST 2123A Mat. Grand Sire: Octar ar o Embassy S860 Scrotal Circ: 35.5 Calving Ease: ***** Milk: +17 Description: 100% Angus #17532181 Sire: PCC FSR Stubby Forage Test Index —— 87% —— YW: +65 PCC OLC Jamison Base Price: $3000 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 WW: +41 Born: 4/18/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC SSCC Sundown MGS: OCC Joker 620J Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 3% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 3% High-gaining bull — w/ 4+ muscling and fleshing ability Combines a 4-star hair coat with 4+ fly resistance ~ OHIO ANGUS ~ LOT 6 PCC OLC Paul Born: 3/23/13 Description: 100% Angus #17529445 Sire: PCC FSR Stubby Mat. Grand Sire: PCC TQ Daktr onic Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 2120A 205 Day Weight 501 95% +28 B.Wt. 63 98% -1.2 Adjusted Off Test Weight 842 96% +51 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Frame: S Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 2 Forage Test Index —— 97% —— Milk —— —— +18 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: ***** PCC TQ Daktronic P19T Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 4% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 4% Combines a 4-star hair coat with 4-star fly resistance. Sire: PAR Dakota Homer 95 BW: -2.7 WW: +22 LOT 7 LOT 8 PCC OLC Gavin Born: 4/3/13 B.Wt. 69 89% -0.5 205 Day Weight 572 109% +29 Adjusted Off Test Weight 916 104% +49 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: N/A Comments: Udder: ***** 1/2 brother to the previous six bulls 3-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 10% Impressive 4+ muscling, thickness and fleshing ability Cloudy left eye — guaranteed not to be a problem LOT 9 Description: 100% Angus #17531511 Forage Test Index —— 98% —— Milk —— —— +21 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 2139A 2124A Mat. Grand Sire: AD KA Er ica 818 Base Price: $2500 Quentin Cowdrey – Ohio Milk: +15 Description: 100% Angus #17532186 Sire: PCC FSR Stubby Actual: Ratio: EPDs: YW: +43 PCC OLC Bush Born: 4/27/13 “The bull we bought from you at the spring sale is awesome! We couldn't ask for a better bull. He covered our cows in less than 45 days. His 5-star disposition was important to us. Friends who have helped me and have been around him have been impressed.” MGS: DDA Fahr en 21X PCC OLC Charlie Born: 4/1/13 2138A Description: 100% Angus #17531510 Sire: Pinebank North America 552-10 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC TQ Daktronic Sire: Pinebank North America 552-10 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC TQ Daktronic Base Price: $3500 Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 68 100% -1.1 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 565 872 101% 98% +27 +45 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Milk —— —— +11 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Comments: Cow Wt: N/A Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 4 Forage Test Index —— 95% —— B.Wt. 65 104% -2.5 205 Day Weight 552 99% +27 Adjusted Off Test Weight 840 95% +48 Scrotal Circ: 35.5 Frame: M Calving Ease: **** Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Hair Coat: *** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Udder: ***** Cow Age: 4 Comments: 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 5% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% Both eyes slightly cloudy; guaranteed not to be a problem RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST 16 Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 89% —— Milk —— —— +13 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** 3/4 brother to previous bull — sire is a New Zealand bull Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Spot in right eye — guaranteed not to be a problem RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST ~ OHIO ANGUS ~ LOT 10 PCC OLC Matt Born: 4/11/13 Description: 100% Angus #17532179 Sire: PCC TQ Da King Mat. Grand Sire: CAF 5E Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 70 97% -0.4 205 Day Weight 550 99% +29 Adjusted Off Test Weight 894 101% +51 Scrotal Circ: 32.5 BW: -2.4 WW: +30 LOT 11 Milk: +16 PCC OLC Wagonier Born: 3/26/13 B.Wt. 71 95% -0.3 205 Day Weight 531 95% +27 Adjusted Off Test Weight 862 97% +46 Scrotal Circ: 38.0 Milk —— —— +12 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Fleshing Ability: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: ***** 2118A Description: 100% Angus #17541044 Mat. Grand Sire: KA By Design 723 205 Day Weight 613 110% +36 Adjusted Off Test Weight 999 113% +64 Scrotal Circ: 37.5 Calving Ease: *** Udder: **** PCC OLC Max B.Wt. 70 97% -0.1 Frame: S Longevity: *** Hair Coat: **** 3-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 10% 5+ masculinity — with 5-star thickness and overall rating Cloudy right eye — guaranteed not to be a problem RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Sire: PCC TQ Da King Forage Test Index —— 102% —— Calving Ease: *** Cow Wt: N/A Base Price: $3000 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 6 Low Maintenance: ***** Born: 4/20/13 Mat. Grand Sire: Shoshone Fr itz 6320 Base Price: $3000 Longevity: *** LOT 12 2111A Description: 100% Angus #17531499 Sire: PCC TQ Da King Actual: Ratio: EPDs: YW: +60 Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Comments: Sire: PAR Dakota Homer MGS: Feltons V Filibuster 6 Forage Test Index —— 106% —— Milk —— —— +16 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 5 PCC TQ Da King 1850T 2117A Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: ** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 4 Forage Test Index —— 119% —— Milk —— —— +19 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: ***** Comments: 3-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 10% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% Big scrotal bull — w/ impressive 5-star thickness, fleshing ability, masculinity and overall rating Comments: 3-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 15% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 10% High-gaining bull — with very impressive 5-star fleshing ability LOT 13 LOT 14 PCC OLC Collin Born: 4/1/13 Description: 100% Angus #17537884 Sire: PCC TQ Da King Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 2114A B.Wt. 68 100% -0.3 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Milk —— —— +17 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: M/L Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: N/A Sire: PCC TQ Da King Forage Test Index —— 123% —— B.Wt. 65 104% -1.4 Mat. Grand Sire: QA Blevins Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 514 845 92% 95% +23 +45 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** Comments: 3-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 10% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 5% Tremendous ability to gain in our all-grass forage program Frame: M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 102% —— Milk —— —— +14 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 6 2109A Description: 100% Angus #17529416 Base Price: $2500 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 6 Born: 3/14/13 Mat. Grand Sire: J OD Samson Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 545 945 98% 107% +30 +55 PCC OLC Sugar Ray Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** Comments: 1/2 brother to previous four bulls — sire was originally purchased by a PCC customer in NM for $11,000 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 3% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 2% 17 ~ OHIO ANGUS ~ LOT 15 PCC OLC Dillon Born: 3/20/13 Description: 100% Angus #17529432 Sire: PCC FSR Flame Mat. Grand Sire: KA Sniff the Wind Base Price: $3500 B.Wt. 70 97% -0.4 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 205 Day Weight 504 90% +28 Adjusted Off Test Weight 909 103% +47 Scrotal Circ: 38.0 Sire: PCC MH Rebel 2009 MGS: PAR Five Star 203 BW: -3.9 YW: +59 WW: +34 LOT 16 PCC OLC John Born: 3/31/13 Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: ***** 3-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 10% 5-star muscling, thickness, fleshing ability & overall rating Cloudy right eye — guaranteed not to be a problem RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST 2133A Description: 100% Angus #17531508 Sire: PCC FSR Flame Mat. Grand Sire: QA Blevins Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: S Fleshing Ability: ***** Comments: Milk: +17 Forage Test Index —— 125% —— Milk —— —— +16 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 3 PCC FSR Flame 2041X 2128A B.Wt. 71 95% -1.1 205 Day Weight 619 111% +36 Adjusted Off Test Weight 979 111% +59 Scrotal Circ: 39.5 “Your cattle are everything you advertise and we'd welcome them to our farm/ranch anytime.” Frame: M/L Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 6 Forage Test Index —— 111% —— Milk —— —— +18 Bob Boyce — Pennsylvania Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: **** Comments: 3-star (almost 4) calving — birth wt. EPD in the top 5% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 10% Big-scrotal bull — with solid 4-star thickness, muscling, fleshing, masculinity, overall, hair coat and fly resistance LOT 17 PCC OLC Ryan Born: 3/14/13 Description: 100% Angus #17529440 Sire: PCC FSR Flame Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 18 2127A B.Wt. 70 97% -0.6 Scrotal Circ: 38.5 Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: M Longevity: *** Cow Wt: N/A Sire: PCC FSR Flame Forage Test Index —— 90% —— Milk —— —— +20 B.Wt. 72 94% -0.7 Mat. Grand Sire: QA Copelan Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 567 940 102% 106% +35 +59 Scrotal Circ: 38.0 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 115% —— Frame: S/M Longevity: **** Comments: 18 Milk —— —— +17 Disposition: *** Cow Age: 6 3-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 10% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 10% 4+ fleshing — w/ 4-star muscling, thickness & masculinity Spot on right eye — guaranteed not to be a problem 2131A Description: 100% Angus #17531501 Base Price: $2500 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 6 Born: 3/26/13 Mat. Grand Sire: QA Copelan Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 567 861 102% 97% +32 +54 PCC OLC Austin Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: **** 3/4 brother to previous bull — 1/2 brother to lots 15 and 16 Mat. 1/2 brother sold to John Kratzenstein (NE) for $5250 3-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 10% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 5% ~ OHIO ANGUS ~ LOT 19 PCC OLC Mike Born: 4/30/13 Description: 100% Angus #17542636 Sire: MH Rambo 2001 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC TQ Daktr onic Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 68 100% -0.8 205 Day Weight 579 104% +33 Adjusted Off Test Weight 955 108% +53 Scrotal Circ: 32.5 Sire: OCC Homer 650H MGS: OCC Anchor 771A BW: -0.6 YW: +54 WW: +33 LOT 20 PCC OLC Madison Born: 4/30/13 Description: 100% Angus #17532187 Sire: MH Rambo 2001 B.Wt. 62 109% -1.1 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 205 Day Weight 509 91% +29 Adjusted Off Test Weight 845 95% +48 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Milk —— —— +1 Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Fleshing Ability: **** Cow Age: 7 B.Wt. 73 93% -0.1 Scrotal Circ: 32.0 LOT 23 Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 6 Comments: Cow Wt: N/A Udder: **** PCC OLC Rambo Jr Born: 3/24/13 Forage Test Index —— 71% —— Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Mat. Grand Sire: J OD Samson B.Wt. 68 100% -0.3 205 Day Weight 562 101% +31 Adjusted Off Test Weight 911 103% +53 Scrotal Circ: 37.5 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** Milk —— —— +9 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 108% —— Frame: M/L Disposition: *** Cow Age: 6 2102A Description: 100% Angus #17529447 Sire: MH Rambo 2001 Frame: S Longevity: *** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: N/A Base Price: $2500 Disposition: **** Calving Ease: *** Comments: 3-star (almost 4-star) calving ease Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% Combines a 4-star hair coat with 4+ fly resistance 2104A Milk —— —— +9 Forage Test Index —— 77% —— Frame: S/M Low Maintenance: ***** Mat. Grand Sire: J OD Samson Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 605 835 108% 94% +39 +62 Milk —— —— +2 Longevity: **** Description: 100% Angus #17531509 Base Price: $3000 Adjusted Off Test Weight 749 84% +36 Disposition: *** PCC OLC Silva Sire: MH Rambo 2001 205 Day Weight 498 89% +21 Hair Coat: **** Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 5% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% Impressive 4+ muscling, thickness and fleshing ability RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Born: 4/1/13 Mat. Grand Sire: Newpor ts Favour 18 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Udder: ***** 2100A Description: 100% Angus #17525213 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: N/A LOT 22 Udder: **** PCC OLC Jesse James B.Wt. 69 98% +0.0 Frame: S Longevity: *** Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Hair Coat: **** 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 10% Very impressive 5-star muscling, fleshing & overall rating Cloudy left eye — guaranteed not to be a problem RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Sire: MH Rambo 2001 Forage Test Index —— 104% —— Calving Ease: **** Cow Wt: N/A Base Price: $3000 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 3 Low Maintenance: ***** Born: 3/18/13 Mat. Grand Sire: MH Magua 27 Base Price: $3500 Longevity: *** LOT 21 2107A Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: ***** Comments: Milk: -5 Forage Test Index —— 116% —— Milk —— —— +6 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 4 MH Rambo 2001 2106A Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** Comments: 3/4 brother to the previous bull — Rambo over Samson 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 10% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Raymond Beedy (CO) for $5250 3-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 15% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% Combines a 4-star hair coat with 4+ fly resistance 19 ~ OHIO ANGUS ~ LOT 24 PCC OLC Rambo Born: 5/5/13 Description: 100% Angus #17542643 Sire: MH Rambo 2001 Mat. Grand Sire: Octor ar o Legend 027 Base Price: $2500 B.Wt. 72 94% -0.2 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 2108A 205 Day Weight 600 108% +32 Adjusted Off Test Weight 854 96% +51 Scrotal Circ: 32.0 “I ' m e x c i t e d a b o u t t h e bull I purchased. I sold my old bull today and plan to rebuild my cowherd with my new purchase." Frame: M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 7 Forage Test Index —— 78% —— Milk —— —— +3 Calving Ease: **** Jeff Markham — Virginia Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: ***** Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous five bulls — sire’s energy EPD is in the top 1/2 of 1% 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 10% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% LOT 25 PCC OLC King Born: 3/29/13 2112A Description: 100% Angus #17525219 Sire: PCC TQ Da King Mat. Grand Sire: Octor ar o MF Fabr on 152 “Bull delivered was in great shape. He started sniffing cows instantly off the trailer and he went to work right away. Completely comfortable using SUS after coming to PCC to visit just once." Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 70 97% -0.6 Born: 3/19/13 Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Sire: PCC TQ Da King Base Price: $2500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 66 103% -1.0 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 571 780 102% 88% +30 +53 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Comments: Cow Wt: N/A B.Wt. 68 100% -0.2 Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 4 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 2115A Description: 100% Angus #17531514 Mat. Grand Sire: KA Messenger 427 Base Price: $2500 Milk —— —— +17 Udder: ***** PCC OLC Jester Sire: PCC TQ Da King Forage Test Index —— 64% —— 205 Day Weight 483 87% +23 Adjusted Off Test Weight 787 89% +42 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Milk —— —— +11 Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Hair Coat: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 11 Comments: 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 5% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 5% Combines a 4-star hair coat with 4+ fly resistance Cloudy right eye — guaranteed not to be a problem 20 Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 94% —— Frame: S/M Calving Ease: **** Udder: ***** Hair Coat: **** Dam goes back to some WYE and Emulation 31 breeding 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 10% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 2% Combines a 4-star hair coat with 4-star fly resistance Born: 4/6/13 Mat. Grand Sire: KA Blythemaker 718 Calving Ease: **** Cow Wt: N/A LOT 27 Description: 100% Angus #17529425 Forage Test Index —— 94% —— Frame: S/M Longevity: *** Cow Age: 6 2110A Milk —— —— +15 Disposition: *** Comments: PCC OLC Toby Adjusted Off Test Weight 852 96% +45 Scrotal Circ: 37.5 Mike Clark — Virginia LOT 26 205 Day Weight 548 98% +27 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** 1/2 brother to previous two bulls, as well as to lots 10-14 3-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 15% Cow longevity — 11-year-old cow with a 5-star udder Cloudy right eye — guaranteed not to be a problem ~ OHIO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 28 Born: 4/9/13 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1645516 Sire: PCC LLL Weston B.Wt. 51 113% -6.0 205 Day Weight 503 95% +39 Adjusted Off Test Weight 818 99% +55 Scrotal Circ: 34.5 Milk —— —— +18 Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: *** Udder: ***** PCC OLC Toby Born: 4/5/13 B.Wt. 60 103% -2.9 205 Day Weight 552 104% +56 Adjusted Off Test Weight 973 107% +86 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Low Maintenance: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** PCC OLC Dillon Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Mat. Grand Sire: Steadfast Boza T71 B.Wt. 60 96% -4.2 205 Day Weight 537 101% +42 Adjusted Off Test Weight 796 96% +63 Scrotal Circ: 33.5 Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** 4255A Description: 99.6% 1B; Red Angus #1645515 Sire: PCC LLL Weston Calving Ease: **** Cow Wt: N/A Calving Ease: **** Cow Wt: N/A Frame: M Longevity: *** Cow Age: 2 Longevity: *** Base Price: $3000 Disposition: *** Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Born: 5/20/13 Forage Test Index —— 111% —— Milk —— —— +14 Forage Test Index —— 88% —— Milk —— —— +18 Disposition: ***** LOT 31 4252A Mat. Grand Sire: Buf Cr k Desper ado U082 Base Price: $3000 Adjusted Off Test Weight 843 92% +71 Comments: 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD is in the top 11% of the Red Angus breed 4 and 4+ ratings for muscling, thickness, fleshing ability, masculinity, overall rating and fly resistance Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1645526 Sire: PCC LLL Weston 205 Day Weight 512 96% +49 Cow Age: 2 Full brother sold to Fred Roedeske (ND) for $7000 Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 2% 5-star thickness, fleshing, masculinity and overall rating RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST LOT 30 Mat. Grand Sire: Br own L806T7351 Scrotal Circ: 36.5 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: N/A Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 64 96% -3.3 Frame: S Fleshing Ability: ***** Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Forage Test Index —— 108% —— 4251A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1645527 Sire: PCC LLL Weston Base Price: $3500 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 3 PCC OLC Kit Born: 3/28/13 Mat. Grand Sire: Steadfast Boza T71 Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 29 PCC OLC Captain Kirk 4253A Frame: M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: **** Cow Age: 3 Forage Test Index —— 89% —— Milk —— —— +18 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: **** Comments: 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD is in the top 15% of the Red Angus breed High-gaining bull — with 4+ muscling, fleshing ability, masculinity and fly resistance Comments: Mat. 1/2 brother sold to John Nino (CA) for $5000 Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 9% Solid 4-star thickness, masculinity, muscling, fleshing ability, overall rating, hair coat and fly resistance LOT 32 LOT 33 PCC OLC Jango Born: 3/27/13 4250A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1645867 PCC OLC Dilinger Born: 4/17/13 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1645517 Sire: PCC LLL Weston Mat. Grand Sire: Brown/Bola Anniversary P3911 Sire: PCC LLL Weston Base Price: $2500 Base Price: $2500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 55 105% -3.9 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 494 793 93% 96% +37 +54 Scrotal Circ: 35.5 Milk —— —— +19 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: N/A Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: S Disposition: *** Cow Age: 6 Forage Test Index —— 102% —— B.Wt. 68 85% -2.7 Mat. Grand Sire: Montvue Major D R007 205 Day Weight 596 112% +43 Adjusted Off Test Weight 890 108% +63 Scrotal Circ: 36.5 Frame: M Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Hair Coat: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 4 Comments: 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 12% 4+ muscling — w/ solid 4-star thickness, fleshing ability, masculinity, overall rating, hair coat and fly resistance Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— +22 Calving Ease: **** Udder: ***** 4254A Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous five bulls — sire is a top-sort Johnny B Good son out of a Short Cut daughter 3-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 25% Combines a 4+ hair coat with 4-star fly resistance 21 Low-Maintenance Grass-Developed Bulls keep going, and going, and going... and going, and going, and going, and going... Johnny B Good Pledge Tough Times won’t last — but Tough Bulls will “All of the bulls we have purchased from you are still going strong. The oldest two are coming nine years old.” (Eddie Abraham — Texas) “The grass-developed bulls I purchased from you are great! During an extreme drought, they gained weight.” (Dan Flitner — New Mexico) “You said your bulls could gain weight during their first breeding season — and they did. That’s why we keep coming (Larry Gilstrap — Colorado) back to your sale.” “The 12 bulls we purchased from you are very aggressive breeders — and they held their condition better than our older bulls.” (Ed Weppner — Wyoming) “My forage-tested Pharo bull is able to stay fat on nothing but grass.” (Keith Boulden — North Dakota) 22 “We have purchased 45 grass-developed PCC bulls over the years, and none of them lost weight during their first breeding (Grover Thompson — season. They stay fat year-round.” Nebraska) “My Pharo bull has survived the drought quite well. I am very impressed with how he continues to put on weight and (Bob Arntz — Missouri) condition.” “I just sold my first PCC bull at age 12. He bred around 50 cows every year and always stayed in great shape.” (Dan Temaat — Kansas) “After a severe winter, our Pharo bulls are in much better condition than our other bulls. From now on, we will use nothing but Pharo bulls.” (Gary Howie — South Dakota) “We put our new PCC bull in with our heifers and he bred 47 head in 21 days — all by himself!” (Kathy Kissack — Wyoming) “I couldn't agree with you more about PCC bulls being able to breed more cows for more years than other bulls. I put my two grass-developed bulls out with 60 to 70 cows each — and they did great!” (Delvin LaDuke — North Dakota) “The ability of your bulls to breed a large number of heifers in a short period of time has greatly improved my (John Nino — California) profitability.” “Your bulls have proved themselves so well that we have been able to reduce the total number of bulls we use by 17 (Jim Espy — Wyoming) bulls.” “I put our newest forage-tested PCC bull out with 60 heifers, knowing he wouldn’t settle all of them. He settled 59 of the 60 — while gaining weight!” (Howard Knuppe — South Dakota) 23 ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 1 PCC Rogue Born: 5/8/13 Description: 100% Angus #17741058 Sire: PCC MH Rebel Mat. Grand Sire: MH Magua 27 Base Price: $4000 B.Wt. 60 120% -4.1 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 1006A 205 Day Weight 487 91% +21 Adjusted Off Test Weight 929 100% +41 Scrotal Circ: 31.0 PCC MH Rebel 2009 Sire: OCC Homer 650H BW: -3.5 LOT 2 YW: +44 PCC Colorado Rebel Born: 5/8/13 B.Wt. 65 106% -3.0 205 Day Weight 625 108% +27 Adjusted Off Test Weight 1011 99% +44 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Milk —— —— +20 Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1140 Udder: **** Milk: +19 1057A Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 2 Forage Test Index —— 87% —— Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: 946 Udder: ***** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Top-sort bull — with very impressive 5-star masculinity, thickness, fleshing, overall, hair coat and fly resistance RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST LOT 3 PCC Augustas Born: 5/23/13 PCC Dixie Erica Y1047 Dam of Colorado Rebel (Lot 2) 1007A Description: 100% Unr egister ed Angus Sire: PCC MH Rebel Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Emancipate 889E Base Price: $3500 B.Wt. 72 100% N/A 205 Day Weight 527 99% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 1022 110% N/A Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Milk —— —— N/A Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Wt: 944 Forage Test Index —— 125% —— Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 3 Low Maintenance: ***** Mat. Grand Sire: Ber al of Wye UMF 9288 Base Price: $4000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Longevity: *** Calving Ease: ***** Description: 100% Angus #17741052 Sire: PCC MH Rebel Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Fleshing Ability: ***** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Top-sort bull — with very impressive 5-star masculinity, thickness, fleshing ability and overall rating RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST MGS: OCC Emblazon 854E WW: +22 Frame: S Disposition: **** Cow Age: 6 Forage Test Index —— 112% —— Milk —— —— +14 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: **** OCC Emancipate 889E Comments: Mat 1/2 brother sold to Calvin Crandall (UT) for $5750 High-gaining bull — with 5-star masculinity, thickness, muscling, fleshing ability, overall rating and hair coat Sire: OCC Anchor BW: +0.6 24 WW: +23 MGS: Shoshone Vantage J B 23 YW: +38 Milk: +21 ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 4 PCC Freedom Fighter Born: 5/21/13 B.Wt. 70 105% -3.0 205 Day Weight 558 99% +26 Adjusted Off Test Weight 1008 104% +46 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Milk —— —— +17 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Scrotal Circ: 30.0 Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 10 Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: 1235 Comments: Udder: **** 1/2 brother to the previous four bulls Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 3% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% High-gaining bull — with 4+ fleshing ability 1065A B.Wt. 70 98% -1.7 205 Day Weight 520 90% +14 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC OH Pledge Adjusted Off Test Weight 957 93% +25 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Forage Test Index —— 98% —— Milk —— —— +5 Frame: S Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: 872 Udder: ***** Comments: Sire, J Eric, is a 100% Irish bred bull Top-sort bull — with very impressive 5-star masculinity, thickness, muscling, fleshing ability, overall and hair coat RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST PCC Dixie Erica Y1040 With Pay Day (Lot 6) LOT 7 PCC Pay Check Born: 5/14/13 Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 68 108% -2.0 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC CM For ge Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 621 1031 111% 106% +21 +36 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Sire: Woodstone Er ic 8063 WW: +1 YW: +2 Fleshing Ability: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Milk: -10 25 Cow Wt: 1082 Forage Test Index —— 101% —— Frame: S/M Longevity: ***** Comments: MGS: Car r igr oe Mar k 2 Milk —— —— +7 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 3 Woodstone J Eric 8715 1066A Description: 100% Angus #17749252 Sire: Woodstone J Er ic 8715 BW: -2.6 Calving Ease: ***** Description: 100% Angus #17749251 Base Price: $4000 Cow Age: 2 Frame: S/M Hair Coat: **** Udder: *** Forage Test Index —— 120% —— Milk —— —— +12 Fleshing Ability: **** PCC Pay Day Sire: Woodstone J Er ic 8715 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Adjusted Off Test Weight 981 102% +44 Disposition: **** Comments: Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Brian Hoffman (SD) for $6750 Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% High-gaining bull — w/ impressive 4+ and 5-star fleshing ability, masculinity, muscling, thickness and overall rating Born: 5/13/13 205 Day Weight 422 85% +23 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 1390 LOT 6 B.Wt. 73 100% -1.4 Frame: M Disposition: **** Cow Age: 7 Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Emblazon 854E Base Price: $3500 Forage Test Index —— 111% —— 2951A Description: 100% Angus #17803820 Sire: PCC MH Rebel Mat. Grand Sire: CM Mor gan 687M Base Price: $4000 PCC ICE Adams Born: 5/6/13 Description: 100% Angus #17741056 Sire: PCC MH Rebel Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 5 1058A Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** 1/2 brother to the previous bull High-marbling bull — with 5-star fleshing ability Very impressive 4+ masculinity, muscling and thickness RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 8 PCC On Target Born: 5/19/13 Description: 100% Unr egister ed Angus Sire: PCC Bench Mar k L81 Base Price: $4000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 70 98% N/A 205 Day Weight 588 102% N/A Mat. Grand Sire: PCC OH Pledge Adjusted Off Test Weight 1072 105% N/A Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Sire: OCC Br oadside BW: -0.9 LOT 9 Milk: +13 PCC Hallmark Born: 5/18/13 Base Price: $3500 B.Wt. 86 86% N/A 205 Day Weight 577 103% N/A Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Fleshing Ability: ***** Low Maintenance: N/A Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** 2601A 205 Day Weight 593 100% +30 Mat. Grand Sire: S 3 Lead It 615 Adjusted Off Test Weight 1006 99% +60 Scrotal Circ: 38.5 Calving Ease: *** Cow Wt: 1084 Udder: ***** Description: 100% Angus #17790399 B.Wt. 80 93% +0.6 Frame: M Longevity: N/A Hair Coat: **** PCC TF Axel Sire: PCC Bench Mar k L81 Forage Test Index —— 116% —— Milk —— —— N/A Calving Ease: **** Cow Wt: 918 Base Price: $3500 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 6 Low Maintenance: N/A Born: 5/21/13 Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Hunter 928H Adjusted Off Test Weight 1051 108% N/A Longevity: N/A LOT 10 1068A Description: 100% Unr egister ed Angus Sire: PCC Bench Mar k L81 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: YW: +45 Frame: M Fleshing Ability: **** Comments: Combines two of PCC’s favorite herd sires Highest rated bull in sale — with very impressive 5 and 5+ ratings for masculinity, muscling, thickness, overall rating and fly resistance MGS: Bear of Wye Umf 6591 WW: +20 Forage Test Index —— 109% —— Milk —— —— N/A Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 2 PCC Bench Mark L81 1069A Frame: M Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 5 Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— +18 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: 1185 Udder: *** Comments: Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Eddie Abraham (TX) for $5750 High-gaining bull — w/ very impressive 5-star fleshing ability, masculinity, thickness, overall and hair coat Comments: Impressive 4+ masculinity, muscling, thickness, fleshing ability and overall rating Combines 5-star hair coat with 4+ fly resistance Tremendous ability to marble on nothing but grass LOT 11 LOT 12 PCC Denmark Born: 5/17/13 Description: 100% Angus #17741013 Sire: PCC Bench Mar k L81 Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 1067A B.Wt. 76 97% -1.3 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 78 94% -0.8 Frame: M Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Comments: Sire: PCC Bench Mark L81 Mat. Grand Sire: Mon Reposa Rito (Idaho) Forage Test Index —— 94% —— Milk —— —— +13 Longevity: **** Cow Wt: 1124 Description: 100% Angus #17741010 Base Price: $3500 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 9 Born: 5/28/13 Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Kr uger 929K Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 580 964 103% 99% +25 +53 PCC Mark of Excellance 1073A 205 Day Weight 691 123% +29 Adjusted Off Test Weight 1109 114% +52 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: **** Milk —— —— +17 Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 10 Cow Wt: 1092 Forage Test Index —— 103% —— Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous four bulls Impressive 4+ ratings for muscling, thickness, fleshing ability and hair coat RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 4% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 2% Very impressive 5-star muscling — with 4+ thickness RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST 26 ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 13 PCC FSR Zed Born: 4/30/13 Description: 100% Angus #17764186 Sire: PCC FSR Real McCoy Base Price: $4000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 71 101% -1.9 205 Day Weight 624 124% +32 Adjusted Off Test Weight 1040 113% +52 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Milk —— —— +18 Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** PCC FSR Oberon Born: 5/19/13 Adjusted Off Test Weight 994 108% +57 Milk —— —— +17 Forage Test Index —— 108% —— Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 5 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: 1050 Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 2% Very impressive 5-star thickness, fleshing and overall Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST LOT 15 205 Day Weight 549 109% +34 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC MH Rebel Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 1200 Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 78 92% -1.8 Frame: S/M Longevity: *** Udder: ***** Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 2% Very impressive 5-star masculinity, muscling and thickness No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST 1981A Description: 100% Angus #17764189 Sire: PCC FSR Real McCoy Base Price: $4000 B.Wt. 64 112% -2.0 205 Day Weight 494 98% +37 Mat. Grand Sire: DDA Fahr en 21X Adjusted Off Test Weight 994 108% +60 Scrotal Circ: 34.5 Forage Test Index —— 121% —— Milk —— —— +15 Frame: M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 7 Forage Test Index —— 101% —— 1932A Description: 100% Angus #17764185 Sire: PCC FSR Real McCoy Base Price: $4000 Fleshing Ability: ***** Cow Age: 3 PCC FSR Fireball Born: 4/25/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Alamo 1125S Disposition: **** Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 14 1933A Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 1230 Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** DDA Fahren 21X Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 2% Impressive 5-star thickness, overall rating, hair coat and fly resistance — with 4+ masculinity, muscling and fleshing RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Sire: Fahren of Wye UMF 5830 MGS: Carty of Wye UMF 6952 BW: -1.9 WW: +24 LOT 16 Description: 100% Angus #17764179 Sire: PCC FSR Real McCoy Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 65 110% -2.6 Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Homer 650H Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 520 888 103% 97% +36 +58 Scrotal Circ: 34.5 Milk —— —— +21 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: 1168 Forage Test Index —— 89% —— Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 5 Joe Crofts — Wyoming Milk: PCC FSR Black Mamba 1931A Born: 4/3/13 “Just a short note to let you know how pleased we are with the calving-ease bull we purchased from you last year. Our last heifer calved this morning. We had no problems with our heifers this year!” YW: +44 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** Comments: 1/2 brother to previous three bulls — sire, Real McCoy, is a Ruger son out of a Rebel daughter Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Very low maintenance — energy EPD is in the top 10% 27 ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 17 PCC Dell Born: 5/9/13 Description: 100% Angus #17741208 Sire: PCC Ruger Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Kr uger 929K Base Price: $4000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 1190A B.Wt. 72 100% -1.5 Adjusted Off Test Weight 1042 99% +59 205 Day Weight 520 100% +36 Scrotal Circ: 39.0 PCC Ruger 1042T Sire: OCC Emancipate MGS: PCC Ir on Man 049 BW: -1.0 YW: +61 WW: +40 LOT 18 B.Wt. 69 104% -1.0 205 Day Weight 545 108% +35 Adjusted Off Test Weight 955 104% +57 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Fleshing Ability: **** Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** PCC SHS Bulletproof Born: 4/8/13 Udder: *** 1918A Description: 100% Angus #17764182 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC MH Rebel B.Wt. 63 114% -2.2 205 Day Weight 504 100% +34 Adjusted Off Test Weight 941 102% +57 Scrotal Circ: 35.5 Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Comments: Forage Test Index —— 106% —— Milk —— —— +21 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 3 Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 3% Very impressive 4+ rating for masculinity and thickness No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST LOT 20 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 1068 Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 2% Very low maintenance — energy EPD is in the top 10% Very impressive 4+ muscling, thickness and hair coat RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST 1501A Description: 100% Angus #17684503 Sire: PCC Ruger Mat. Grand Sire: PAR Five Star 203 Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 1210 Hair Coat: **** PCC FSR Captain Jack Sire: PCC Ruger Frame: S/M Low Maintenance: ***** Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 1285 Born: 4/11/13 Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— +19 Longevity: **** Comments: Low Maintenance: ***** Base Price: $3500 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 8 Longevity: **** LOT 19 Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Homer 650H Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Milk: +20 Description: 100% Angus #17764178 Sire: PCC Ruger Fleshing Ability: **** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 3% Very impressive 5-star muscling, thickness and overall rating — with 4+ masculinity and fleshing ability RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST PCC FSR Pandemonium 1915A Born: 4/3/13 Frame: M Disposition: **** Cow Age: 8 Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— +18 B.Wt. 78 93% -0.5 205 Day Weight 418 100% +32 Adjusted Off Test Weight 839 99% +56 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Frame: S Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 6 Comments: Cow Wt: 1150 Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— +18 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: *** Udder: **** PAR Five Star 203 Mat. 1/2 brother sold to John Niswonger (KS) for $5250 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD in the top 10% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 3% Very impressive 4+ rating for muscling and thickness Sire: OCC Homer 650H BW: -2.3 28 WW: +37 MGS: DHLL Night Man YW: +71 Milk: +14 ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 21 PCC FSR Gladiator Born: 4/3/13 Description: 100% Angus #17764180 Sire: PCC Ruger B.Wt. 64 112% -0.9 205 Day Weight 480 95% +37 Adjusted Off Test Weight 837 91% +59 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** PCC BA Suh B.Wt. 70 102% -1.0 205 Day Weight 547 103% +35 Adjusted Off Test Weight 981 107% +63 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: ** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: ***** Udder: *** PCC BA Pelini 2369A Description: 100% Angus #17796323 Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Homer 650H B.Wt. 78 97% -0.5 205 Day Weight 490 92% +26 Adjusted Off Test Weight 890 97% +51 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: *** 1/2 brother to the previous five bulls Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Greg Giles (KS) for $5250 3-star (almost 4) calving ease — birth wt. EPD in top 10% High-marbling bull — with impressive 4+ fleshing ability Sire: BAA Pr estige 969A Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Calving Ease: *** Cow Wt: 1250 Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 Low Maintenance: ***** Base Price: $4000 Milk —— —— +13 Frame: S/M Longevity: **** Born: 5/13/13 Forage Test Index —— 113% —— Forage Test Index —— 109% —— Milk —— —— +18 Fleshing Ability: **** LOT 24 2302A Mat. Grand Sire: PCC TQ Science Base Price: $4000 Adjusted Off Test Weight 890 97% +56 Disposition: **** Comments: Description: 100% Angus #17796318 Sire: BAA Pr estige 969A 205 Day Weight 440 87% +34 Cow Age: 7 3/4 brother to the previous bull Full brother sold to Howard Knuppe (SD) for $5100 4-star (almost 5) calving ease — birth wt. EPD in top 10% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 4% Born: 4/14/13 Mat. Grand Sire: N Bar Extr a B310 A144 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Calving Ease: **** Cow Wt: 1035 LOT 23 B.Wt. 87 82% -0.4 Frame: S/M Longevity: *** Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Forage Test Index —— 87% —— Milk —— —— +15 Fleshing Ability: **** Comments: Description: 100% Angus #17764184 Sire: PCC Ruger Base Price: $3000 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 5 PCC FSR Fifth Element 1919A Born: 4/16/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PAR Five Star 203 Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 22 1916A Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 10 Forage Test Index —— 104% —— Milk —— —— +12 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: **** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 5% Impressive 5-star fleshing ability and hair coat — with 4+ masculinity, muscling, thickness and overall rating RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Comments: 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD in the top 10% Impressive 5-star fleshing ability — with 4+ masculinity, muscling, thickness and overall rating RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST LOT 25 LOT 26 PCC BA Raiola Born: 5/13/13 Description: 100% Angus #17796325 Sire: BAA Pr estige 969A Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 2371A B.Wt. 76 100% -1.4 Scrotal Circ: 31.0 Milk —— —— +9 Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: M Longevity: **** Cow Wt: N/A Sire: BAA Pr estige 969A Forage Test Index —— 99% —— 2373A Description: 100% Angus #17796326 Mat. Grand Sire: MH Manning 40 Base Price: $3500 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 7 Born: 5/16/13 Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Homer 650H Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 532 913 100% 99% +28 +49 PCC BA Smith B.Wt. 75 101% -1.4 205 Day Weight 513 96% +25 Adjusted Off Test Weight 944 102% +43 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Frame: M Calving Ease: ***** Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Hair Coat: *** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Udder: **** Cow Age: 7 Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 112% —— Milk —— —— +9 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: *** Udder: **** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 3% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% High–gaining bull — w/ 4+ masculinity and fleshing ability 3/4 brother to the previous bull Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Nelson Talley (NC) for $6000 Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 3% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% 29 ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 27 PCC BA Frazier Born: 5/13/13 Description: 100% Angus #17796324 Sire: BAA Pr estige 969A B.Wt. 80 95% +0.3 205 Day Weight 554 104% +30 Adjusted Off Test Weight 911 99% +54 Scrotal Circ: 35.5 Milk —— —— +14 Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: *** Udder: **** PCC BA Rozier Born: 4/21/13 205 Day Weight 588 110% +32 Adjusted Off Test Weight 1001 109% +55 Frame: M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: N/A Comments: Udder: **** 3-star calving ease — birth weight EPD in the top 20% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 2% 4-star masculinity, muscling, thickness and overall Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness Dare to be a Herd Quitter 2319A Description: 100% Angus #17796319 Sire: BAA Pr estige 969A Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Sampson 876S Base Price: $2500 B.Wt. 76 94% +0.3 205 Day Weight 510 96% +33 Adjusted Off Test Weight 875 95% +56 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 HQ Frame: S Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 2 Forage Test Index —— 95% —— Milk —— —— +11 Disposition: **** Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: **** A Herd Quitter is someone who has enough courage to break away from the herd-mentality way of thinking. It is more about thinking for yourself than anything else. Comments: 3/4 brother to the previous bull and 1/2 brother to the previous six bulls — sire is an OCC Prestige son out of a Cole Creek cow 3-star calving ease — birth weight EPD in the top 20% LOT 30 PCC Black Bart Born: 6/11/13 Base Price: $4000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 74 93% -1.1 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC OH Pledge Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 581 1036 101% 101% +32 +55 Scrotal Circ: 34.5 Sire: MH Magua 27 WW: +37 Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: ** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: 966 Forage Test Index —— 102% —— Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 5% Outstanding 5+ fleshing ability — with 4+ masculinity, muscling, thickness, overall rating and fly resistance RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST MGS: PCC Ir on Man 049 YW: +58 Milk —— —— +17 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 2 PCC Sneaky Pete 1019X 1056A Description: 100% Angus #17741366 Sire: PCC Sneaky Pete BW: -0.8 Forage Test Index —— 107% —— Milk —— —— +11 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 4 Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Terry Holzer (ND) for $4750 3-star calving ease — birth weight EPD in the top 20% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 2% Impressive 4+ masculinity, muscling and fleshing ability LOT 29 Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Sampson 876S Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Calving Ease: *** Cow Wt: N/A Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 79 96% +0.2 Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Forage Test Index —— 93% —— 2381A Description: 100% Angus #17796331 Sire: BAA Pr estige 969A Base Price: $3000 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 7 PCC BA Berringer Born: 5/24/13 Mat. Grand Sire: J AD Pr udent Lad 6157 Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 28 2370A Milk: +13 30 ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 31 PCC 4-P Almeron Born: 5/2/13 Description: 100% Angus #17644069 Sire: PCC 4-P Top Notch Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Alamo 1125S Base Price: $4000 B.Wt. 64 100% -1.4 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 1410A 205 Day Weight 566 100% +27 Adjusted Off Test Weight 1013 99% +49 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 3 Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— +13 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: ***** PCC Alamo 1125S Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 3% Very impressive 4+ muscling, masculinity, thickness and fleshing ability RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Sire: OCC Emancipate LOT 32 LOT 33 PCC FSR Mad Max Born: 4/2/13 B.Wt. 65 110% -3.0 205 Day Weight 478 95% +32 Adjusted Off Test Weight 904 98% +55 Scrotal Circ: 32.5 Milk —— —— +19 Frame: S Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: *** Udder: ***** LOT 34 205 Day Weight 472 107% +35 Adjusted Off Test Weight 914 101% +57 Milk —— —— +21 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ** Low Maintenance: ***** Comments: Forage Test Index —— 97% —— Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Cow Age: 3 Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Very impressive 5-star thickness — with 4+ muscling Short tail — guaranteed not to be a problem RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST 1509A Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Ruger Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 1020 Comments: B.Wt. 66 110% -2.8 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Milk: +17 Description: 100% Angus #17684515 Sire: PCC FSR Rebellion Forage Test Index —— 103% —— YW: +39 PCC SHS Dark Horse Base Price: $4000 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 3 WW: +24 Born: 4/23/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Ruger Base Price: $4000 Cow Wt: 1050 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Very impressive 4+ masculinity, muscling and thickness Short tail — guaranteed not to be a problem RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST PCC SHS Bad Company 1506A Born: 4/2/13 Description: 100% Angus #17684512 Sire: PCC FSR Rebellion Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 1936A Description: 100% Angus #17764177 Sire: PCC FSR Rebellion Actual: Ratio: EPDs: BW: -0.4 MGS: Bear of Wye Umf 6591 B.Wt. 73 100% -2.7 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Ruger Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 421 913 95% 101% +28 +48 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Milk —— —— +19 Frame: S Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 3 Comments: Cow Wt: 925 “The PCC bull I bought last fall is doing well. I took the bull out of the cowherd last weekend. I walked him to the house without any problems. I could not do that with any of the other bulls I've owned.” Forage Test Index —— 108% —— Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: *** Bruce Carney — Iowa Udder: **** 3/4 brother to the previous two bulls Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 3% High-gaining bull — with 4+ rating for thickness 31 ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 35 PCC SHS Ironman Born: 4/8/13 Description: 100% Angus #17684513 Sire: PCC FSR Rebellion Mat. Grand Sire: MH Rambo Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 1507A B.Wt. 65 112% -3.5 205 Day Weight 445 100% +32 Adjusted Off Test Weight 956 106% +56 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 3 Forage Test Index —— 112% —— Milk —— —— +14 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1005 Udder: ***** MH Rambo 2001 Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 3% Impressive 5-star fleshing ability — with 4+ thickness Sire: OCC Homer 650H MGS: OCC Anchor 771A BW: -0.6 YW: +54 LOT 36 LOT 37 PCC SHS Rockstar Born: 4/15/13 Description: 100% Angus #17684514 Sire: PCC FSR Rebellion B.Wt. 75 97% -1.4 205 Day Weight 465 105% +34 Adjusted Off Test Weight 883 98% +56 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ** Low Maintenance: ***** Base Price: $4000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 8 B.Wt. 76 94% -2.8 Born: 3/30/13 Fleshing Ability: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: 1050 Forage Test Index —— 111% —— Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Longevity 836L B.Wt. 80 90% -2.0 205 Day Weight 555 110% +27 Adjusted Off Test Weight 910 99% +47 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** Milk —— —— +12 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: 1180 Forage Test Index —— 86% —— Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Cow Age: 8 Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 3% Very impressive 5-star thickness, fleshing ability and hair coat — with 4+ masculinity, muscling and overall rating RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST 1969A Description: 100% Angus #17764175 Sire: PCC FSR Yoda Frame: S Longevity: *** Udder: **** PCC FSR Jedi Base Price: $3500 Disposition: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: 1270 LOT 39 1968A Milk —— —— +13 Calving Ease: ***** Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous five bulls — sire, Rebellion, is a Rebel son out of a Homer daughter Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% 5+ fleshing ability — with outstanding ultrasound data Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Homer 650H Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 432 890 86% 97% +34 +57 Scrotal Circ: 34.5 Cow Age: 5 Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: **** Description: 100% Angus #17764174 Sire: PCC FSR Yoda Frame: M Disposition: **** Udder: ***** Forage Test Index —— 96% —— Milk —— —— +14 Hair Coat: *** PCC FSR Black Velvet Born: 3/27/13 Adjusted Off Test Weight 962 105% +50 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 3/4 brother to the previous bull Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 3% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 3% Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness LOT 38 205 Day Weight 568 113% +29 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 870 Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 75 96% -2.6 Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Cow Age: 3 Mat. Grand Sire: OCC J et Str eam 825J Base Price: $3000 Milk —— —— +15 1938A Description: 100% Angus #17764190 Sire: PCC FSR Rebellion Forage Test Index —— 91% —— Milk: -5 PCC FSR Mindbender Born: 5/21/13 Mat. Grand Sire: MH Rambo Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 1508A WW: +33 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous bull — sire, Yoda, is a Ruger son out of a Rambo daughter Very impressive 5-star thickness — with 4+ rating for masculinity, muscling and overall 32 ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 40 PCC PL Ranger Viking Born: 4/30/13 Description: 100% Angus #17807116 Sire: PCC OAO Open Range Base Price: $4000 B.Wt. 62 103% -1.6 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 41 2460A 205 Day Weight 584 108% +32 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Forage Test Index —— 107% —— Milk —— —— +11 Description: 100% Angus #17788615 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 50 114% -3.6 Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: ***** Comments: Very impressive 5-star fleshing ability — with 4+ rating for masculinity, muscling and thickness Short tail — guaranteed not to be a problem RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST PCC PL Ranger Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 53 107% -2.3 205 Day Weight 607 106% +39 Mat. Grand Sire: MH Magua 27 Adjusted Off Test Weight 930 107% +61 Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 2 Forage Test Index —— 111% —— Milk —— —— +11 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Judy Adams — Kansas 2450A Description: 100% Angus #17788613 Sire: PCC OAO Open Range “Our hired man wanted me to personally thank you for the bulls we have been getting from you (25 or 30 bulls since 1996). We are almost through calving heifers for this season and he said, "Those heifers are just spitting them out and I can sleep through the night without worry." Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: ***** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 2% High gaining bull — with very impressive 5-star fleshing ability and 4+ muscling PCC PL Range Roamer 2453A Description: 100% Angus #17788614 Sire: PCC OAO Open Range Base Price: $3000 B.Wt. 60 95% -1.0 Mat. Grand Sire: MH Magua 27 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 555 825 97% 95% +31 +49 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Milk —— —— +7 Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 93% —— Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Cow Age: 2 Frame: S Longevity: **** Born: 4/28/13 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Forage Test Index —— 88% —— Milk —— —— +12 Fleshing Ability: ***** LOT 42 Born: 5/11/13 Adjusted Off Test Weight 833 96% +46 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 3% Impressive 5-star fleshing ability and hair coat — with 4+ rating for muscling, thickness and overall RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST LOT 43 205 Day Weight 579 101% +30 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: N/A 2451A Sire: PCC OAO Open Range Mat. Grand Sire: PCC TQ Polk R51W Base Price: $4000 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 3 Born: 5/3/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Legendar y Adjusted Off Test Weight 939 107% +46 PCC PL Rapper Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** MH Magua (Mog-wa) 27 Comments: 3/4 brother to the previous bull and 1/2 brother to lots 40 and 41 — sire is an Emblazon son Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 2% 5-star fleshing ability — w/ outstanding ultrasound scores Sire: OCC Homer 650H BW: -2.6 33 WW: +31 MGS: OCC Anchor 771A YW: +52 Milk: +8 ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 44 PCC Rock Star Born: 5/20/13 Description: 100% Angus #17741103 Sire: Ber al of Wye UMF 9288 Base Price: $4000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 65 113% -2.7 205 Day Weight 479 85% +18 Mat. Grand Sire: CM Mor gan 687M Adjusted Off Test Weight 903 93% +27 WW: +15 LOT 45 Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1104 Udder: **** 1062A Description: 100% Angus #17741110 Sire: Beral of Wye UMF 9288 Base Price: $3500 B.Wt. 72 102% -2.3 205 Day Weight 507 90% +17 Mat. Grand Sire: Emulation N Bar 5522 Adjusted Off Test Weight 872 90% +26 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 6 Forage Test Index —— 90% —— Milk —— —— +16 Disposition: **** Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: 1148 Comments: Udder: ***** Emulation N Bar 5522 Full brother sold to Ted Unruh (CAN) for $6250 Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Extremely low maintenance — w/ 5-star fleshing ability RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST LOT 46 PCC Rock-N-Roll Born: 5/26/13 Sire: Emulation 31 BW: -1.2 MGS: Ankonian Dynamo 27542 WW: +31 YW: +51 Milk: +10 1063A Description: 100% Angus #17741106 Sire: Ber al of Wye UMF 9288 Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Milk: +19 PCC Rock On Born: 5/23/13 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: YW: +17 Fleshing Ability: ***** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Impressive 5-star fleshing ability — with 4+ masculinity, muscling, thickness, hair coat and fly resistance RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Sire: Alap of Wye UMF 8329 MGS: Angwin of Wye Umf 7097 BW: -3.6 Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Cow Age: 6 Forage Test Index —— 104% —— Milk —— —— +15 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Beral of Wye UMF 9288 1061A B.Wt. 85 87% +0.1 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC TQ Daktr onic Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 565 959 101% 99% +22 +34 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Frame: M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 4 Comments: Cow Wt: 992 Forage Test Index —— 97% —— Milk —— —— +17 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** PCC TQ Daktronic P19T 1/2 brother to the previous two bulls 3-star (almost 4) calving ease — birth wt. EPD in top 15% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness Sire: PAR Dakota Homer 95 BW: -2.7 34 WW: +22 MGS: DDA Fahr en 21X YW: +43 Milk: +15 ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 47 PCC Rowdy Born: 5/17/13 Description: 100% Angus #17741358 Sire: PCC OAO Obadiah 205 Day Weight 449 100% +26 B.Wt. 63 103% -1.3 Adjusted Off Test Weight 971 109% +43 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Milk —— —— +7 Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Born: 5/1/13 Adjusted Off Test Weight 867 97% +42 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Frame: S Hair Coat: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 7 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1122 Udder: **** Comments: 1/2 brother to previous bull — sire is a Rito 707 grandson out of a 16-year-old Banjo of Wye daughter 5-star fleshing — w/ 4+ muscling, thickness & masculinity RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST 1712A Description: 100% Angus #17797590 Sire: PCC SSCC Mojo Mat. Grand Sire: BAA Viking 5105A Base Price: $4000 205 Day Weight 584 100% +20 B.Wt. 74 104% -3.5 Adjusted Off Test Weight 943 103% +32 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Milk —— —— +25 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 4 Forage Test Index —— 105% —— Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: 1035 Comments: Udder: **** BAA Viking 5105A Full brother sold to Charles Harter (TX) for $7250 Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% 5-star masculinity — with 4+ thickness and overall rating RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Sire: BAA Slugger 310A MGS: Black Bull Doc Holiday BW: -1.5 WW: +10 LOT 50 B.Wt. 76 102% -1.9 205 Day Weight 618 105% +34 Adjusted Off Test Weight 829 91% +48 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 YW: +30 Frame: S Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: 1150 Forage Test Index —— 62% —— Milk —— —— +24 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 4 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: **** Comments: 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 2% 5-star masculinity and hair coat — combined with 4+ thickness, muscling and overall rating RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Sire: Dunlouise J ipsey Earl E16 MGS: SSCC Miss Basin WW: +26 1700A Mat. Grand Sire: PCC J AD Doc RK32 Base Price: $3500 PCC SSCC Mojo 1704X Milk: +10 Description: 100% Angus #17797587 Sire: PCC SSCC Mojo Actual: Ratio: EPDs: YW: +29 PCC SSCC Mac Born: 4/21/13 BW: -4.8 Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— +7 Fleshing Ability: ***** Udder: **** PCC SSCC Royal 205 Day Weight 428 96% +27 Disposition: **** Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 4% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% 5-star masculinity — with 4+ thickness and overall rating RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST LOT 49 Mat. Grand Sire: MH Magua 27 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 1204 Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 62 104% -2.1 Frame: M Fleshing Ability: **** Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Forage Test Index —— 118% —— 1111A Description: 100% Angus #17741326 Sire: PCC OAO Obadiah Base Price: $3500 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 9 PCC Trail Dust Born: 4/30/13 Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Emblazon 854E Base Price: $4000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 48 1113A Milk: +30 35 ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 51 PCC SSCC Stonegate Born: 5/9/13 Description: 100% Angus #17797597 Sire: PCC SSCC Mojo B.Wt. 80 96% -1.7 205 Day Weight 583 99% +25 Adjusted Off Test Weight 900 98% +35 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Milk —— —— +24 Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: *** Udder: **** PCC SSCC Bisley Born: 6/2/13 B.Wt. 84 92% -1.0 205 Day Weight 586 100% +21 Adjusted Off Test Weight 930 102% +32 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Low Maintenance: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: ***** B.Wt. 71 107% -2.2 Fleshing Ability: **** Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 70 108% -2.8 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 553 966 104% 105% +35 +59 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 6 Cow Wt: N/A Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Realist 641R B.Wt. 72 100% N/A 205 Day Weight 541 100% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 922 99% N/A Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: **** Milk —— —— N/A Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 4 Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Impressive 4+ muscling and fleshing ability — w/ 4-star masculinity, thickness and overall rating Combines 5-star hair coat with 4+ fly resistance 2352A Description: 100% Unr egister ed Angus Base Price: $3000 Milk —— —— +19 Udder: **** PCC BA Shields Sire: BAA Br ute 996A Forage Test Index —— 107% —— Hair Coat: **** Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 2% Very low maintenance — energy EPD is in the top 10% High-gaining bull — with 4+ masculinity and muscling RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Born: 5/2/13 Mat. Grand Sire: J auer Honesty 726 1020 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: N/A LOT 56 Base Price: $3500 Forage Test Index —— 111% —— Frame: S/M Low Maintenance: ***** LOT 55 Description: 100% Angus #17796328 Milk —— —— +18 Longevity: **** Comments: Sire: BAA Br ute 996A Adjusted Off Test Weight 963 104% +62 Disposition: **** Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous four bulls 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 5% Impressive 4+ masculinity, muscling, fleshing ability, overall rating and fly resistance Born: 5/18/13 Mat. Grand Sire: FCC Ruger 673R 205 Day Weight 537 101% +37 Cow Age: 6 2376A 2364A Description: 100% Angus #17796322 Sire: BAA Br ute 996A Udder: **** PCC BA Henery Hair Coat: *** Udder: **** PCC BA Osborne Scrotal Circ: 35.5 Cow Wt: 1196 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 852 Frame: S Longevity: **** Cow Age: 7 Longevity: *** Base Price: $4000 Disposition: *** Frame: S Fleshing Ability: **** Born: 5/6/13 Forage Test Index —— 99% —— Milk —— —— +26 Forage Test Index —— 96% —— Milk —— —— +24 Disposition: ***** LOT 54 1761A Mat. Grand Sire: SSCC Phoenix 1713P Base Price: $3000 Adjusted Off Test Weight 794 90% +33 Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 2% Impressive 4+ muscling — with solid 4-star masculinity, thickness, fleshing ability, overall rating and fly resistance Description: 100% Angus #17797605 Sire: PCC SSCC Mojo 205 Day Weight 488 95% +22 Cow Age: 2 Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Steve Libsack (MT) for $7500 Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 3% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 3% RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST LOT 53 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC SSCC Shar p Shooter Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 1100 Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 54 122% -4.8 Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Forage Test Index —— 89% —— 1735A Description: 100% Angus #17797602 Sire: PCC SSCC Mojo Base Price: $3500 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 10 PCC SSCC Spencer Born: 5/14/13 Mat. Grand Sire: Mon Reposa Rito (Idaho) Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 52 1725A Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** Comments: Impressive 5-star masculinity — with 4+ thickness Tremendous ability to marble on nothing but grass Short tail — guaranteed not to be a problem 36 ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 57 PCC BA Remington Born: 5/3/13 Description: 100% Angus #17796321 Sire: BAA Br ute 996A B.Wt. 80 95% -0.6 205 Day Weight 534 100% +29 Adjusted Off Test Weight 915 99% +54 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Forage Test Index —— 99% —— Milk —— —— +22 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** PCC PL Blackson Adjusted Off Test Weight 894 97% +64 Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: **** Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous four bulls — sire, Brute, is a OCC Linebred grandson of a Rainmaker daughter 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 5% Very good ultrasound data — especially for tenderness 2456A Mat. Grand Sire: DDA Ambush 13Y Base Price: $3500 B.Wt. 71 90% -1.6 205 Day Weight 570 105% +25 Adjusted Off Test Weight 909 103% +38 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Milk —— —— +12 Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 13 Comments: Forage Test Index —— 102% —— Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Cow Wt: N/A Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** PCC Bench Lass R5041 Sire, Blackout, is a Homer son out of a Five Star daughter Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 3% 5-star cow longevity — 13-year-old dam w/ great udder RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Dam of Full House (Lot 60) LOT 60 PCC Full House Born: 6/1/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Bench Mar k L81 Base Price: $4000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 74 100% -1.6 205 Day Weight 537 96% +19 Adjusted Off Test Weight 929 96% +38 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Sire: Mon Reposa Rito (Idaho) WW: +20 Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 3% Very impressive 5-star muscling — with 4+ masculinity, thickness and overall rating RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST MGS: MH Magua 27 YW: +38 Frame: S Longevity: **** Cow Wt: 1124 Forage Test Index —— 96% —— Milk —— —— +17 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 8 PCC Ace 1002W 1051A Description: 100% Angus #17741344 Sire: PCC Ace 1002W BW: -1.8 Forage Test Index —— 91% —— Milk —— —— +20 Description: 100% Angus #17730641 Sire: PCC FSR Blackout Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 205 Day Weight 545 102% +36 Cow Age: 9 Comments: 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 10% Very low maintenance — energy EPD is in the top 10% Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness Born: 5/24/13 Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Hunter 928H Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Calving Ease: **** Cow Wt: N/A LOT 59 B.Wt. 78 97% -1.0 Frame: M Fleshing Ability: **** 2379A Description: 100% Angus #17796329 Sire: BAA Br ute 996A Base Price: $2500 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 6 PCC BA Fryar Born: 5/21/13 Mat. Grand Sire: FCC Platinum 624P Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 58 2356A Milk: +16 37 ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 61 PCC Ace O' Spades Born: 6/2/13 Description: 100% Angus #17741346 Sire: PCC Ace 1002W Mat. Grand Sire: MH Magua 27 Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 1052A B.Wt. 78 94% -0.9 205 Day Weight 611 109% +29 Adjusted Off Test Weight 992 102% +47 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Milk —— —— +16 Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 6 Forage Test Index —— 94% —— Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: 1282 Udder: ***** MH Magua (Mog-wa) 27 Comments: 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 10% 5-star muscling — with 4 and 4+ ratings for masculinity, thickness, fleshing ability and overall rating Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness Sire: OCC Homer 650H LOT 62 LOT 63 PCC Milwaukee Born: 5/22/13 1000A Description: 100% Angus #17741343 Sire: PCC Ace 1002W B.Wt. 70 102% -2.4 205 Day Weight 563 105% +23 Adjusted Off Test Weight 891 95% +41 Scrotal Circ: 31.0 Milk —— —— +12 Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Mat. Grand Sire: MH Magua 27 205 Day Weight 534 100% +23 Adjusted Off Test Weight 886 95% +42 Forage Test Index —— 89% —— Milk —— —— +13 Frame: S Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 3 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: 930 Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% 4+ muscling and fleshing ability — with 4-star thickness Outstanding ultrasound data — especially for tenderness Born: 5/30/13 Udder: ***** 3/4 brother to the previous two bulls Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 5% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% 4+ muscling — with 4-star thickness and fleshing ability 1050A Description: 100% Angus #17741345 Sire: PCC Ace 1002W Mat. Grand Sire: Mon Reposa Rito (Idaho) Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Hair Coat: *** Udder: **** PCC Crazy Ace 1002A Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 990 LOT 64 B.Wt. 74 97% -1.0 Frame: S/M Longevity: *** Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Milk: +8 Description: 100% Angus #17741348 Sire: PCC Ace 1002W Forage Test Index —— 83% —— YW: +52 PCC Spade Base Price: $3500 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 8 WW: +31 Born: 6/9/13 Mat. Grand Sire: MH Magua 27 Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: BW: -2.6 MGS: OCC Anchor 771A B.Wt. 74 100% -1.0 205 Day Weight 519 93% +20 Adjusted Off Test Weight 948 98% +39 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Milk —— —— +16 Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 7 Comments: Cow Wt: 1156 Forage Test Index —— 105% —— Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: *** Mon Reposa Rito (Idaho) Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Cody Smith (TX) for $7000 Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 5% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% High-marbling bull — with 5-star fleshing and 4+ muscling Sire: Mon Reposa Shandar MGS: V F Traveler 722-4003 BW: -0.7 38 WW: +22 YW: +40 Milk: +21 ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 65 PCC Deputy Born: 6/8/13 Description: 100% Angus #17741349 Sire: PCC Ace 1002W B.Wt. 76 97% -1.0 205 Day Weight 482 86% +17 Adjusted Off Test Weight 831 85% +36 Forage Test Index —— 86% —— Milk —— —— +15 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 B.Wt. 62 117% -2.2 Frame: S Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Emblazon 854E 205 Day Weight 500 98% +30 Adjusted Off Test Weight 924 101% +51 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1130 Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Udder: ***** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Udder: **** PCC SSCC Drake Born: 4/13/13 1702A Description: 100% Angus #17797589 Sire: B3R X226 Bando N193 R264 Mat. Grand Sire: CM Morgan 687M B.Wt. 55 126% -4.1 205 Day Weight 520 89% +27 Adjusted Off Test Weight 792 86% +44 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Forage Test Index —— 83% —— Milk —— —— +9 Frame: S Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 3 An all-grass forage test will quickly separate the men from the boys. Born: 6/16/13 Hair Coat: **** 1/2 brother to the previous six bulls Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 2% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 2% Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness LOT 67 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: PCC SSCC Viken Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 1320 Base Price: $4000 LOT 68 Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Comments: Long-yearling bulls developed on native grass Forage Test Index —— 106% —— Milk —— —— +14 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 9 3/4 brother to the previous bull 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 5% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% Combines 4+ hair coat with 4+ fly resistance 3300A Description: 100% Angus #17805523 Sire: PCC Ace 1002W Base Price: $3500 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 5 PCC LCC Medora Born: 5/15/13 Mat. Grand Sire: Mon Reposa Rito (Idaho) Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 66 1053A Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: 970 Udder: ***** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Very impressive with 4+ muscling, thickness, fleshing ability and overall rating RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST LOT 69 1770A Description: 100% Angus #17797606 PCC SSCC Jeremiah Born: 5/3/13 1714A Description: 100% Angus #17797591 Sire: B3R X226 Bando N193 R264 Mat. Grand Sire: CM Morgan 687M Sire: B3R X226 Bando N193 R264 Mat. Grand Sire: CM Morgan 687M Base Price: $3500 Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 82 92% -0.7 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 631 1119 108% 122% +37 +58 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Milk —— —— +10 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: 1045 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: M Disposition: *** Cow Age: 3 Forage Test Index —— 142% —— B.Wt. 60 115% -3.8 205 Day Weight 553 108% +33 Adjusted Off Test Weight 890 97% +50 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Milk —— —— +13 Frame: S/M Calving Ease: **** Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Hair Coat: *** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Udder: ***** Cow Age: 3 Comments: 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD in the top 10% High-gaining bull — with impressive 4+ overall rating, masculinity, muscling, thickness and fly resistance Cow Wt: 900 Forage Test Index —— 101% —— Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** Comments: 3/4 brother to the previous two bulls Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Impressive 4+ fleshing ability — with 4-star masculinity, muscling, thickness and overall rating 39 ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 70 PCC SSCC Blackhawk Born: 5/1/13 LOT 71 1710A Description: 100% Angus #17797588 PCC SSCC Quigley Born: 5/15/13 1739A Description: 100% Angus #17797603 Sire: B3R X226 Bando N193 R264 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC SSCC Sharp Shooter Sire: B3R X226 Bando N193 R264 Mat. Grand Sire: Mon Reposa Rito (Idaho) Base Price: $3500 Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 65 113% -3.9 205 Day Weight 542 106% +27 Adjusted Off Test Weight 881 96% +45 Scrotal Circ: 34.5 Milk —— —— +14 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 68 113% -4.0 Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 3 Forage Test Index —— 103% —— Hair Coat: ***** Udder: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** LOT 72 LOT 73 Description: 100% Angus #17797592 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: 1040 Comments: PCC SSCC Master Jack 1715A Frame: S Fleshing Ability: **** Cow Age: 9 Forage Test Index —— 90% —— Milk —— —— +16 Disposition: **** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% Very impressive 4+ masculinity, muscling, thickness, fleshing ability and overall rating Born: 5/3/13 Adjusted Off Test Weight 807 88% +42 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 922 205 Day Weight 503 98% +27 Udder: ***** Dam is also the dam of our Mojo bull Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST PCC SSCC Hat Trick Born: 5/13/13 1732A Description: 100% Angus #17797599 Sire: B3R X226 Bando N193 R264 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC CM Holiday Sire: B3R X226 Bando N193 R264 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC CM Holiday Base Price: $3500 Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 61 114% -2.9 205 Day Weight 503 98% +29 Adjusted Off Test Weight 804 88% +48 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Milk —— —— +12 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Comments: Cow Wt: 1000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: S Disposition: **** Cow Age: 3 Forage Test Index —— 90% —— B.Wt. 64 110% -3.0 205 Day Weight 511 99% +30 Adjusted Off Test Weight 875 96% +49 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness Combines a 5-star hair coat with 4+ fly resistance Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Cow Age: 3 Forage Test Index —— 108% —— Milk —— —— +14 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 1040 40 Udder: **** 3/4 brother to previous bull — 1/2 brother to lots 67-71 Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness "Bull delivery is a great service. I didn't know when Beechnut would arrive, so Wednesday I took my cattle trailer to the harvest field with me. When the call came, I shook loose and picked him up. Had some errands to run, so what the heck, I took him to town with me. At the first stop I looked back at the trailer. No bull! Poked my head in the window. He was on the floor. Chewing his cud. Made my other stops. Still lounging. Got him home and dumped him in the corral with a new bunkmate. Immediately drank five gallons of water and headed to the feed rack. Next week, out with the bachelors." Charlie Kraus — Kansas Hair Coat: **** ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 74 PCC Decade Born: 5/17/13 Description: 100% Angus #17750445 Sire: B3R Tender Ten R065 Base Price: $4000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 1059A B.Wt. 65 113% -3.0 205 Day Weight 538 96% +28 Mat. Grand Sire: MH Magua 27 Adjusted Off Test Weight 943 97% +51 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Frame: S Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 3 Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— +19 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 964 Udder: ***** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Impressive 5+ fleshing ability — with 4+ masculinity, thickness and overall rating RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST LOT 75 PCC Ten High Born: 5/17/13 Dam of Decade (Lot 74) LOT 76 1060A Description: 100% Angus #17775825 Sire: B3R Tender Ten R065 Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: PCC Bench Lass X0063 B.Wt. 82 90% -0.7 205 Day Weight 598 107% +30 Scrotal Circ: 39.0 Description: 100% Angus #17803823 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 67 100% -1.4 Frame: M Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: 1176 Forage Test Index —— 108% —— Milk —— —— +17 2955A Sire: B3R Tender Ten R065 Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Emancipate 889E Base Price: $3500 Disposition: *** Cow Age: 7 Born: 5/12/13 Mat. Grand Sire: MH Magua 27 Adjusted Off Test Weight 1037 107% +50 PCC ICE Alvo 205 Day Weight 500 100% +29 Adjusted Off Test Weight 926 100% +50 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** Milk —— —— +22 Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 2 Forage Test Index —— 101% —— Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: 950 Udder: **** Comments: 3/4 brother to the previous bull 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 10% Very impressive 5-star muscling, thickness and fleshing ability — with 4+ masculinity and overall rating Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 3% Very impressive 4+ masculinity, muscling, thickness and fleshing ability Spot in left eye — guaranteed not to be a problem PCC Sale Day LOT 77 PCC ICE Ames Born: 5/12/13 Description: 100% Unr egister ed Angus Sire: B3R Tender Ten R065 Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 68 98% N/A Mat. Grand Sire: BAA Linebr ed 825A Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 505 915 101% 99% N/A N/A Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Milk —— —— N/A Fleshin Ability: ***** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Comments: Cow Wt: 1200 Forage Test Index —— 98% —— Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Cow Age: 2 41 2956A Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: **** 1/2 brother to the previous three bulls 5-star fleshing ability — with 4+ muscling and thickness Combines 5-star hair coat with 4-star fly resistance Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 78 Born: 5/4/13 Description: 100% Angus #17809078 Sire: PCC OAO Zeke B.Wt. 62 116% -1.4 205 Day Weight 529 95% +32 Adjusted Off Test Weight 852 93% +51 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Milk —— —— +9 Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Udder: ***** PCC FSR Double Shot Born: 5/9/13 205 Day Weight 456 90% +33 Adjusted Off Test Weight 858 93% +52 Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 7 Forage Test Index —— 98% —— Milk —— —— +13 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1180 Comments: Udder: ***** 3/4 brother to the previous bull 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 10% Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness 5-star cow longevity — 7-year-old dam w/ a 5-star udder 1978A Description: High% Unr egister ed Angus Sire: PCC OAO Zeke Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Pug 1003P Base Price: $3000 B.Wt. 80 90% N/A 205 Day Weight 525 100% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 967 99% N/A Scrotal Circ: 34.5 Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— N/A Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 4 Hair Coat: ***** Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 3% 4+ fleshing ability — with 4-star muscling and thickness Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness 5-star cow longevity — 6-year-old dam w/ a 5-star udder LOT 80 Mat. Grand Sire: PAR Five Star 203 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 1170 Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 78 92% -0.7 Frame: S Fleshing Ability: **** Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Forage Test Index —— 91% —— 1982A Description: 100% Angus #17764191 Sire: PCC OAO Zeke Base Price: $3000 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 6 PCC FSR Axl Born: 5/25/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PAR Five Star 203 Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 79 PCC FSR Black Powder 1975A Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1170 Udder: **** PCC Pug 1003P Comments: Very impressive 5-star muscling and thickness — with 4+ masculinity, fleshing ability and overall rating Combines 4-star hair coat with 4-star fly resistance Sire: OCC Legend 616L MGS: OCC Hunter 928H BW: +0.9 YW: +58 WW: +38 LOT 81 PCC FSR Crossfire Born: 5/14/13 Base Price: $2500 weaned some PCC boy do they look all the advice over years.” Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 86 83% -0.3 Mat. Grand Sire: J AD Matr ix M604 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 496 861 98% 94% +36 +53 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Jonathan Shupe — Michigan Frame: S Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Comments: Cow Wt: 1240 Forage Test Index —— 89% —— Milk —— —— +12 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 7 42 1979A Description: 100% Angus #17809076 Sire: PCC OAO Zeke “We just calves today and good! Thanks for the last couple of Milk: +4 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: *** Udder: ***** 1/2 brother to the previous three bulls 3-star (almost 4) calving ease — birth wt. EPD in top 10% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% 4+ muscling and fleshing ability — with 4-star thickness ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 82 PCC SSCC Webley Born: 5/13/13 Description: 100% Angus #17797600 Sire: PCC J AD Doc RK32 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC CM Tanker ALC Base Price: $3500 Adjusted Off Test Weight 1007 110% +64 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 85 91% +1.8 205 Day Weight 612 104% +40 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Sire: OCC Emblazon BW: +1.0 LOT 83 Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Calving Ease: ** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1140 Udder: ***** 1723A Description: 100% Angus #17797594 Sire: PCC J AD Doc RK32 Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Keno 681K Base Price: $3000 B.Wt. 91 83% +2.3 205 Day Weight 599 117% +42 Adjusted Off Test Weight 973 106% +68 Scrotal Circ: 34.5 Frame: M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 8 Calving Ease: ** Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: 1110 Comments: “We recently purchased a bull from you sight-unseen and are very pleased with him. The entire purchase/ delivery process went very well. Just settled in and made himself at home. What more could you ask for?” Forage Test Index —— 112% —— Milk —— —— +16 Disposition: **** Jerry Pelton — Texas Udder: **** Impressive 4+ muscling, thickness, fleshing and overall Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% High–gaining bull in our unique all-grass forage test 5-star longevity — 8-year-old dam with a 4-star udder LOT 84 PCC SSCC Sentinel Born: 5/7/13 LOT 85 1722A Description: 100% Angus #17797593 Sire: PCC J AD Doc RK32 Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Milk: +13 PCC SSCC Wesson Born: 5/7/13 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: YW: +81 Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: ***** Comments: Very impressive 5-star fleshing ability — w/ 4+ muscling, masculinity, thickness and overall rating High-performance bull — with very good ultrasound data 5-star cow longevity — 6-year-old dam w/ a 5-star udder MGS: Ideal 7451 of 8103 4465 WW: +51 Forage Test Index —— 115% —— Milk —— —— +16 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 6 PCC JAD Doc RK32 1262R 1733A B.Wt. 84 92% +0.6 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Milk —— —— +15 Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Comments: Cow Wt: 1180 Sire: PCC J AD Doc RK32 Mat. Grand Sire: Mon Reposa Rito (Idaho) Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: S/M Longevity: ***** 1729A Description: 100% Angus #17797598 Base Price: $3500 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 9 Born: 5/12/13 Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Keno 681K Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 606 949 103% 104% +35 +60 PCC SSCC Rolling Rock B.Wt. 74 105% -0.6 205 Day Weight 626 107% +40 Adjusted Off Test Weight 984 108% +66 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: **** Frame: M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 9 Cow Wt: 1070 Forage Test Index —— 104% —— Milk —— —— +17 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** Comments: Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Steve Libsack (TX) for $6300 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD in the top 10% 4+ thickness and fleshing ability — with 4-star muscling, masculinity, overall rating, hair coat and fly resistance 3/4 brother to the previous bull 3-star calving ease — birth weight EPD in the top 25% 4+ masculinity, muscling, thickness and fleshing ability No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem 43 ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 86 PCC SSCC Remington Born: 5/21/13 LOT 87 1746A Description: 100% Angus #17797604 PCC SSCC Crockett Born: 5/1/13 Description: 100% Angus #17797609 Sire: PCC J AD Doc RK32 Mat. Grand Sire: Mon Reposa Rito (Idaho) Sire: PCC J AD Doc RK32 Base Price: $2500 Base Price: $3000 B.Wt. 86 90% +1.1 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 205 Day Weight 552 108% +39 Adjusted Off Test Weight 845 92% +64 Scrotal Circ: 32.0 Milk —— —— +17 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: *** Udder: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: *** Udder: ***** 1/2 brother to the previous five bulls 3-star calving ease — birth weight EPD in the top 15% 4+ fleshing ability — with 4-star muscling and thickness Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness PCC FSR Egon 1956A Description: 100% Angus #17764176 Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Highline 687H Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Calving Ease: *** Cow Wt: 1080 Sire: PCC FSR Thunder B.Wt. 77 93% +1.0 205 Day Weight 485 96% +36 Adjusted Off Test Weight 874 95% +62 Scrotal Circ: 32.0 Michael Montgomery — Mississippi Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 10 Forage Test Index —— 94% —— Milk —— —— +5 Disposition: ***** Comments: Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: 1235 Udder: ***** Sire is a PCC Pug son out of a PCC Iron Man daughter Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% Impressive 5-star fleshing — w/ 4+ muscling and overall No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem 1071A Description: 100% Angus #17741022 Sire: MH Magua 27 Mat. Grand Sire: Feltons V Filibuster 6 Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: M Longevity: **** Comments: "I loved your Cowboy Auction. My father-in-law and I were fortunate enough to buy a bull at your fall bull sale. We used the Superior Livestock option. We couldn't be happier with the bull." Forage Test Index —— 99% —— Milk —— —— +13 Fleshing Ability: **** Born: 4/1/13 Born: 5/11/13 Adjusted Off Test Weight 874 95% +67 Disposition: **** LOT 88 PCC Vaquero 205 Day Weight 547 107% +42 Cow Age: 7 3/4 brother to the previous bull Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Linda Smedra (NE) for $5250 Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness 5-star longevity — 9-year-old dam with a 4-star udder LOT 89 Mat. Grand Sire: CM Mor gan 687M Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Calving Ease: *** Cow Wt: 1255 Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 83 94% +0.2 Frame: S Disposition: **** Cow Age: 9 Forage Test Index —— 86% —— 1711A B.Wt. 72 102% -1.2 205 Day Weight 530 94% +29 Adjusted Off Test Weight 932 96% +48 Scrotal Circ: 32.0 Frame: M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 6 Comments: Cow Wt: 1320 Forage Test Index —— 99% —— Milk —— —— +10 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: *** Udder: ***** Feltons V Filibuster 6 Mat. 1/2 brother sold to John Summerford (AL) for $6250 4-star (almost 5) calving ease — birth wt. EPD in top 4% 4+ fleshing ability and muscling — with 4-star thickness RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Sire: WCF Chinsegut 2134 MGS: WCF Filibuster 2273 BW: +3.0 44 WW: +39 YW: +54 Milk: +4 ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 90 PCC Final Answer Born: 5/25/13 Description: 100% Unr egister ed Angus Sire: MH Magua 27 B.Wt. 72 100% N/A 205 Day Weight 536 100% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 946 99% N/A Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— N/A Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 76 97% -1.3 Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 792 Udder: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** LOT 93 Description: 100% Angus #17797601 Sire: PCC FSR Hayden Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 74 91% +0.3 205 Day Weight 621 121% +34 Adjusted Off Test Weight 953 108% +57 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 2 Udder: ***** PCC ICE Alda Born: 5/6/13 B.Wt. 68 107% -2.4 205 Day Weight 530 107% +28 Adjusted Off Test Weight 961 100% +55 Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 8 Comments: Forage Test Index —— 93% —— Milk —— —— +19 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 1360 Hair Coat: *** Udder: *** Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Jerry Cool (NE) for $5000 Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% 4+ muscling, masculinity and fleshing — 4-star thickness No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem 2952A Description: 100% Angus #17803821 Sire: PCC MH Rebel Mat. Grand Sire: J AD Tr ailblazer M907 Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Hair Coat: **** Sire, Hayden, is a Tank son out of a Hunter daughter 3-star calving ease — birth weight EPD in the top 20% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 2% Solid 4-star muscling, masculinity, thickness and fleshing LOT 94 Mat. Grand Sire: J AD Extr a EXT 9702 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Calving Ease: *** Cow Wt: 922 Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 2954A Description: 100% Angus #17803822 Base Price: $3500 Milk —— —— +18 Udder: ***** PCC ICE Alliance Sire: PCC MH Rebel Forage Test Index —— 103% —— Hair Coat: **** 1/2 brother to the previous two bulls Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 4% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% Very good ultrasound data — especially for tenderness Born: 5/9/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC SSCC Wanted Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 1192 LOT 92 1734A Frame: M Longevity: **** Cow Age: 11 Forage Test Index —— 88% —— Milk —— —— +13 Fleshing Ability: **** Comments: PCC SSCC Shaw Adjusted Off Test Weight 934 96% +44 205 Day Weight 577 103% +25 Disposition: ***** Comments: Very impressive 4+ masculinity, muscling, thickness, fleshing ability and overall rating Very good ultrasound data — especially for tenderness No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem Born: 5/13/13 Mat. Grand Sire: Bear of Wye UMF 6591 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Calving Ease: **** 1072A Description: 100% Angus #17741023 Sire: MH Magua 27 Base Price: $3000 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 PCC Cowboy Up Born: 5/18/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Ir on Man 049 Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 91 1008A B.Wt. 74 98% -1.2 205 Day Weight 504 102% +24 Adjusted Off Test Weight 914 95% +46 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Frame: M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 8 Comments: Cow Wt: 1180 Forage Test Index —— 88% —— Milk —— —— +16 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Udder: *** PCC MH Rebel 2009 1/2 brother to the previous bull 4-star (almost 5) calving ease — birth wt. EPD in top 4% 4+ muscling and fleshing ability — with 4-star thickness No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem Sire: OCC Homer 650H BW: -3.5 45 WW: +22 MGS: OCC Emblazon 854E YW: +44 Milk: +19 ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 95 PCC ICE Amherst Born: 6/8/13 Description: 100% Angus #17803824 Sire: BAA Linebr ed 825A B.Wt. 81 90% +0.2 205 Day Weight 539 109% +29 Adjusted Off Test Weight 986 102% +53 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Forage Test Index —— 96% —— Milk —— —— +15 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 79 98% -0.8 Frame: M Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1175 Udder: *** Description: 100% Angus #17797608 Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 71 109% -2.0 205 Day Weight 529 90% +24 Adjusted Off Test Weight 857 94% +43 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** 205 Day Weight 564 100% N/A Mat. Grand Sire: PCC TF Pale Face Adjusted Off Test Weight 1014 99% N/A Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1235 Comments: B.Wt. 80 93% N/A Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Cow Age: 9 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Udder: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: N/A Base Price: $3000 B.Wt. 84 85% N/A Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Key West 614K Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 572 1011 107% 108% N/A N/A Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Frame: M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Wt: 1244 Forage Test Index —— 111% —— Milk —— —— N/A Disposition: *** Cow Age: 10 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Udder: *** Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous bull Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Terry Huffacker (OK) for $6750 4+ masculinity — w/ 4-star muscling, thickness, fleshing ability and overall rating MGS: Bear of Wye Umf 6591 YW: +45 1009A Description: High% Unr egister ed Angus (scur r ed) Sire: PCC Bench Mar k L81 WW: +20 Udder: ***** PCC Blue Duck Born: 5/31/13 BW: -0.9 Hair Coat: ***** Impressive 4+ muscling, thickness, fleshing and overall Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness Combines 5-star hair coat with 5-star fly resistance No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem LOT 99 Sire: OCC Br oadside Calving Ease: *** Cow Wt: 970 Comments: PCC Bench Mark L81 Frame: S/M Longevity: N/A Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— N/A Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 1/2 brother to the previous bull — sire is an Idaho son 4-star (almost 5) calving ease — birth wt. EPD in top 2% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 2% Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness 2600A Description: High% Unr egister ed Angus Base Price: $3000 Milk —— —— +14 Udder: *** PCC TF Abe Sire: PCC Bench Mar k L81 Forage Test Index —— 94% —— Hair Coat: ***** 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD in the top 10% 4+ thickness — with 4-star masculinity and overall rating Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 3% No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem Born: 5/17/13 Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Keno 681K Calving Ease: **** Cow Wt: 1035 LOT 98 1774A Frame: S/M Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 4 Forage Test Index —— 91% —— Milk —— —— +17 Longevity: *** LOT 97 Sire: PCC SSCC Pit Boss Adjusted Off Test Weight 940 103% +56 Fleshing Ability: **** Comments: PCC SSCC Legacy 205 Day Weight 619 106% +35 Disposition: **** Comments: Sire is a Homer grandson 3-star calving ease — birth weight EPD in the top 20% Impressive 5-star fleshing — with 4-star muscling, thickness and masculinity Born: 6/21/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC J AD Doc RK32 Scrotal Circ: 32.0 Calving Ease: *** 1772A Description: 100% Angus #17797607 Sire: PCC SSCC Pit Boss Base Price: $3500 Disposition: *** Cow Age: 8 PCC SSCC Geico Born: 6/17/13 Mat. Grand Sire: J AD Anchor K652 Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 96 2958A Milk: +13 46 ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 100 PCC LCC ‘Merica Born: 6/6/13 Description: 100% Angus #17823573 Sire: PCC BA Tanker B.Wt. 79 92% +0.4 205 Day Weight 464 91% +16 Adjusted Off Test Weight 816 89% +25 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Forage Test Index —— 88% —— Milk —— —— +10 Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: ***** 205 Day Weight 541 106% +24 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 9 Comments: Description: 100% Angus #17764181 Born: 5/6/13 Base Price: $3000 Adjusted Off Test Weight 998 109% +59 Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 3 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: 1160 Udder: ***** Born: 5/8/13 PCC FSR Korben Base Price: $2500 Milk —— —— +19 Forage Test Index —— 107% —— Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: 1082 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: *** Udder: ***** Comments: 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 2% Very low maintenance — energy EPD is in the top 10% Impressive 4+ muscling, thickness and fleshing ability 1945A B.Wt. 63 114% -0.4 Mat. Grand Sire: MH Tank 54 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 479 836 86% 91% +29 +47 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Frame: S Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— +14 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 3 Adjusted Off Test Weight 934 102% +58 Description: 100% Angus #17764188 Sire: PCC FSR Wolver ine Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 205 Day Weight 492 98% +34 Cow Age: 3 Comments: 4-star (almost 5) calving ease — birth wt. EPD in top 4% Very low maintenance — energy EPD is in the top 10% Impressive 4+ fleshing ability — with 4-star masculinity, thickness and muscling LOT 104 B.Wt. 85 84% -1.9 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Ruger Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Calving Ease: **** 1977A Description: 100% Angus #17809077 Sire: PCC FSR Wolver ine Milk —— —— +18 Udder: **** PCC FSR Backlash Mat. Grand Sire: PAR Five Star 203 Forage Test Index —— 105% —— Hair Coat: *** 1/2 brother to the previous bull Solid 4-star muscling, masculinity, thickness and fleshing Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness LOT 103 1943A Calving Ease: * Cow Wt: 1160 Sire: PCC FSR Wolver ine B.Wt. 70 102% -1.1 Frame: M Hair Coat: *** Udder: *** Forage Test Index —— 105% —— Milk —— —— +10 Fleshing Ability: **** PCC FSR Rizzo 205 Day Weight 567 113% +32 Adjusted Off Test Weight 959 105% +37 Disposition: **** 3-star calving ease — birth weight EPD in the top 20% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem Born: 4/3/13 Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Anchor 771A Calving Ease: *** Cow Wt: 1188 LOT 102 B.Wt. 82 89% +3.4 Frame: S Fleshing Ability: **** Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 3308A Description: 100% Angus #17807112 Sire: PCC BA Tanker Base Price: $2500 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 9 PCC LCC Sheridan Born: 6/7/13 Mat. Grand Sire: OCC J oker 620J Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 101 3307A Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: ** Udder: ***** MH Tank 54 Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous two bulls — sire, Wolverine, is a Rebel son 4-star (almost 5) calving ease — birth wt. EPD in top 5% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 2% Sire: Lodge of Wye BW: -0.2 47 WW: +13 MGS: OCC Br oadside 876B YW: +21 Milk: +8 ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 105 PCC BA Gill Born: 4/30/13 Description: 100% Angus #17796320 Sire: PCC FSR Snake Eyes 205 Day Weight 537 101% +35 B.Wt. 78 97% -1.4 Adjusted Off Test Weight 900 98% +59 Scrotal Circ: 34.5 Milk —— —— +13 Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** PCC BA Rodgers Born: 5/1/13 B.Wt. 81 93% +0.0 205 Day Weight 542 102% +34 Adjusted Off Test Weight 936 102% +58 Scrotal Circ: 38.0 Low Maintenance: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Hair Coat: **** Udder: *** Mat. Grand Sire: MH Viper 81 B.Wt. 60 100% -1.7 205 Day Weight 423 100% +20 Adjusted Off Test Weight 836 99% +39 Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Base Price: $3500 B.Wt. 71 91% -1.2 Mat. Grand Sire: BAX Elite 16-4182 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 465 822 104% 92% +27 +46 Scrotal Circ: 32.0 Fleshing Ability: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: 1006 Forage Test Index —— 81% —— Frame: S/M Longevity: **** Comments: 48 Milk —— —— +11 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 7 Milk: +11 1110A Description: 100% Angus #17764942 Sire: PCC Del Rio YW: +48 Udder: ***** PCC Pinedale Born: 4/29/13 WW: +26 Hair Coat: **** Sire, Coal Train, is an Idaho son out of a Magua daughter Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 2% Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem LOT 109 BW: -3.4 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 870 Comments: MGS: Emulation N Bar 5522 Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Frame: S/M Longevity: *** Cow Age: 2 PCC Del Rio 1031R Milk —— —— +12 Disposition: **** Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 3304A Description: 100% Angus #17807114 Scrotal Circ: 31.0 Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous two bulls. Sire, Snake Eyes, is a Five Star son out of a Moderator daughter 3-star calving ease — birth weight EPD in the top 15% Impressive 4+ muscling, thickness and fleshing ability Sire: MH Magua 27 Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** PCC LCC Ovando Sire: PCC Coal Tr ain Calving Ease: *** Cow Wt: N/A Calving Ease: **** Cow Wt: N/A Frame: S/M Longevity: *** Cow Age: 5 Longevity: *** Base Price: $3500 Disposition: *** Frame: S Fleshing Ability: **** Born: 4/2/13 Forage Test Index —— 102% —— Milk —— —— +15 Forage Test Index —— 90% —— Milk —— —— +15 Disposition: **** LOT 108 2350A Mat. Grand Sire: FCC Ruger 673R Base Price: $2500 Adjusted Off Test Weight 881 96% +60 Comments: 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD in the top 10% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 4% Solid 4-star muscling, masculinity, thickness and fleshing Description: 100% Angus #17797281 Sire: PCC FSR Snake Eyes 205 Day Weight 537 101% +33 Cow Age: 2 Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 3% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 2% Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST LOT 107 Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Pr estige 672P Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: N/A Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 72 100% -0.7 Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Forage Test Index —— 94% —— 2383A Description: 100% Angus #17796332 Sire: PCC FSR Snake Eyes Base Price: $3000 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 8 PCC BA Crouch Born: 5/28/13 Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Homer 650H Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 106 2347A Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Kevin Schultz (NE) for $6000 Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 4% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% 5-star fleshing ability — w/ 4-star muscling and thickness ~ COLORADO ANGUS ~ LOT 110 PCC PL Wall Lodge Born: 4/29/13 Description: 100% Angus #17730643 Sire: PCC CM Waldr on Mat. Grand Sire: DDA Lodge E3H Base Price: $2500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 68 83% +0.2 205 Day Weight 556 97% +24 Adjusted Off Test Weight 863 100% +30 Scrotal Circ: N/A Frame: S Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 2 Hair Coat: *** Udder: ***** Tom Thompson — Alberta, Canada 3-star calving ease — birth weight EPD in the top 20% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% Solid 4-star muscling, masculinity, thickness and fleshing No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem LOT 111 PCC Lucky Ace Born: 6/10/13 LOT 112 1055A Description: 100% Angus #17741347 Sire: PCC Ace 1002W B.Wt. 70 105% -2.4 205 Day Weight 568 101% +23 Adjusted Off Test Weight 970 100% +43 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Milk —— —— +14 Forage Test Index —— 99% —— Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Emancipate 889E B.Wt. 73 98% N/A 205 Day Weight 522 98% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 826 88% N/A Scrotal Circ: 31.0 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** Frame: S Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Comments: Cow Wt: 902 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: *** Udder: **** 1/2 brother to the previous bull, as well as Lots 60-66 Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Vince Holton (CO) for $5000 4+ fleshing ability — with 4-star muscling and thickness Very good ultrasound data — especially for marbling Need help selecting your bulls? Call 1-800-311-0995 49 Forage Test Index —— 77% —— Milk —— —— N/A Disposition: **** Cow Age: 4 Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 2% Impressive 5-star fleshing ability — with 4+ muscling 1003A Description: 100% Unr egister ed Angus Sire: PCC Ace 1002W Base Price: $2500 Disposition: *** Cow Wt: 1126 PCC Pitch Born: 6/14/13 Mat. Grand Sire: BAX Elite 16-4182 Base Price: $2500 Cow Age: 6 Calving Ease: *** Cow Wt: N/A Comments: “I believe I am the furthest ranch north of the U.S. to have PCC Bulls. The two bulls I purchased from you at your fall sale have gained weight over the winter on a forage diet. The temperature on some days dropped down to -54 degrees below zero, Fahrenheit.” Forage Test Index —— 106% —— Milk —— —— +11 Disposition: *** Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 2454A Paradigm Shift… Although the word “paradigm” has been a part of What is a para-dig-um ? the English language since the 15th century, it never received much use until the 1960’s. We didn’t hear the word used much in agricultural circles for another 20-plus years. Pronounced “para-dime”, the word has always been defined as “one that serves as a Kit pattern or model”. Since the 1960’s, we have used the word paradigm to refer to a set of assumptions, concepts and practices that constitute the way we view the world around us. Therefore, a paradigm shift would involve rejecting one worldview in favor of another one. It is a change from one way of thinking to another one. It is a transformation. Allow me to provide an example of a paradigm and a paradigm shift. There is ample evidence that early civilizations believed the earth they lived on was flat. That was their paradigm. Eventually someone came along to challenge that paradigm with the concept that the earth is round. It is not easy to move from one paradigm to another. It upsets a wide range of previously held beliefs. It requires one to admit that his previous assumptions were wrong. Over time, though, most people eventually adopted the paradigm that says the earth is round. However, there are still a few who adamantly proclaim the earth is flat. They belong to an organization called the Flat Earth Society. So, what does this have to do with us? We all have a set of par adigms that deter mine the way we live our lives. I often challenge ranchers to “think outside the box”. The “box” I am referring to is the paradigm that governs how they operate and manage their business. There may be better paradigms, but they will never know about them until they peek outside the box they have put themselves into. That is just the beginning, though. Making a paradigm shift will require even more effort. Most ranchers adhere to what I call the “production” paradigm. This paradigm revolves around the assumption that they must continually increase their production to succeed. For the past 40 years, ranchers have done whatever they could to increase their production — with little, or no, concern about their profits. They started calving in winter, they increased the amount of harvested and purchased feed they fed, they increased the size and maintenance requirements of their momma cows, they pampered their cattle, they doctored and treated their cattle for everything known to man, etc., etc. They increased their production, but they forgot that every increase in production comes with a cost. You cannot get something for nothing. Consequently, they unknowingly reached a point several years ago in which every increase in production was actually reducing their net profits. Their production-driven paradigm no longer makes sense. It needs to be replaced by a profit-driven paradigm. A paradigm shift always involves change — often major change. It’s not easy, because people hate change. People also hate to admit they were wrong about something. Therefore, making the shift from a production-driven paradigm to a profit-driven paradigm is much easier said than done. Making this transition even more difficult are all the people and companies that are dependent on the production paradigm. That’s right; there are many, many individuals and companies that associate the survival of the production-driven paradigm with their own survival — and rightfully so. I am referring to those who have built their business and their reputation on maximizing production. This group includes most seedstock producers, many university personnel and thousands of companies that produce and market production-enhancing products that increase our expenses. To shift, or not to shift — that is the question. Even though a par adigm shift won’t be easy, it will be necessary if ranchers want to remain profitable. ~Kit Pharo 50 ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 113 PCC CTM Johnny Cash 5100A Born: 5/9/13 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1661994 Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado Hobo Base Price: $4000 205 Day Weight 530 96% +44 B.Wt. 71 104% -3.7 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Adjusted Off Test Weight 882 92% +65 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 PCC Johnny B Good 4003R Sire: OCC No Doubt 622N BW: -4.7 LOT 114 Milk: +20 PCC CTM Johnny Manziel Born: 5/19/13 Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: 1030 Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** 5103A Mat. Grand Sire: R2R Zeke 13S7 Base Price: $4000 B.Wt. 75 98% -3.1 205 Day Weight 576 105% +44 Adjusted Off Test Weight 1002 105% +64 Scrotal Circ: 34.5 Milk —— —— +15 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 3 Forage Test Index —— 105% —— Calving Ease: ***** Rick Feine — Minnesota Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: 1280 Comments: "PCC Johnny B Good seems like a bull that has it all: calving ease, fleshing ability, carcass traits and forage gain-ability." Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Udder: ***** Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 3% 5-star thickness, masculinity, overall rating and hair coat Very good ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST LOT 115 PCC Stitch Born: 4/26/13 4100A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1647339 Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Cinco de Mayo Base Price: $3500 Adjusted Off Test Weight 893 91% +40 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Longevity: *** Calving Ease: ***** Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1661999 Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Actual: Ratio: EPDs: YW: +54 Fleshing Ability: **** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 3% Impressive 4+ and 5-star ratings for muscling, thickness, masculinity, overall rating, hair coat and fly resistance RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST MGS: BJ R C-Chief 811 WW: +39 Frame: S Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 3 Forage Test Index —— 87% —— Milk —— —— +17 B.Wt. 67 108% -4.4 205 Day Weight 448 91% +30 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Milk —— —— +20 Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 12 Comments: Cow Wt: 1200 Forage Test Index —— 91% —— Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ** PCC Cinco de Mayo H8130 Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Rick Marshall (NE) for $6750 Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 5% 5-star muscling, thickness, masculinity, overall and hair RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Sire: Buf Crk Copper 1924-5239 MGS: BecktonButte7940G BW: -3.7 51 WW: +26 YW: +42 Milk: +33 ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 116 PCC DC James Born: 4/6/13 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1641607 Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado High Base Price: $4000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 5024A 205 Day Weight 458 95% +37 B.Wt. 85 97% -2.9 Adjusted Off Test Weight 905 99% +51 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 4 Pictured at 10 years of age Hair Coat: *** Udder: **** PCC Colorado High 4042P 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct is in the top 7% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 5% 5-star muscling, thickness, masculinity and overall rating RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST LOT 117 PCC CTM Johnny Walker Born: 5/12/13 Sire: PCC Color ado Hobo BW: -3.2 B.Wt. 73 101% -3.5 205 Day Weight 460 84% +35 Adjusted Off Test Weight 854 89% +49 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 85 97% -5.2 Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: 1140 205 Day Weight 470 98% +31 Adjusted Off Test Weight 817 89% +43 Scrotal Circ: 32.0 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** 5015A Forage Test Index —— 80% —— Milk —— —— +20 Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 3 Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct EPD is in the top 5% of the Red Angus breed Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 6% RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Milk: +14 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado High Base Price: $3500 Milk —— —— +17 YW: +33 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1641620 Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Forage Test Index —— 98% —— MGS: Quahada Chf 725 PCC DC Bart Born: 3/30/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado High Base Price: $3500 WW: +28 LOT 118 5101A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1661995 Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Cow Age: 3 Calving Ease: **** Cow Wt: 1050 Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Forage Test Index —— 103% —— Milk —— —— +20 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: 1050 Udder: ***** Comments: 3/4 brother to the previous two bulls — combine two of PCC’s favorites (Johnny B Good and Colorado High) Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 1% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 5% LOT 119 PCC ICE Coleridge Born: 5/3/13 Description: 100% Unr egister ed Red Angus Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Mat. Grand Sire: Multi-Sire Red Angus Base Price: $3500 “Please send a catalog for the fall bull sale. I have always liked bulls that have a good strong hind quarter that carries down.” Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 60 110% N/A 205 Day Weight 510 104% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 955 102% N/A Scrotal Circ: 32.5 Sam Stokke — Montana Frame: S Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— N/A Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 5409A Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous six bulls Impressive 4+ and 5-star ratings for muscling, thickness, masculinity and overall rating No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem 52 ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 120 Dam of 5-Star Gold PCC I'm The Man Born: 5/8/13 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1647345 Sire: RF 5-Star Gold Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado Hobo Base Price: $4000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 205 Day Weight 538 109% +36 B.Wt. 76 96% -4.0 Adjusted Off Test Weight 1046 106% +51 Sire: RF Samson 9015 BW: -3.8 WW: +39 LOT 121 Born: 5/17/13 Low Maintenance: **** Milk: +14 Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1110 Udder: ***** Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 7% 5-star muscling, thickness, masculinity and overall rating Cow longevity — 11-year-old cow with 5-star udder RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST 4105A Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado Hobo Base Price: $4000 B.Wt. 75 97% -2.5 205 Day Weight 516 104% +40 Adjusted Off Test Weight 1024 104% +59 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Frame: M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: **** Cow Age: 12 Forage Test Index —— 104% —— Milk —— —— +16 Disposition: **** Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: 1195 Comments: Udder: *** PCC Colorado Hobo 3/4 brother to the previous bull 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct in the top 11% 5-star muscling, thickness, masculinity and overall rating RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST LOT 122 PCC SCC Charleston Born: 5/2/13 Sire: Buf Cr k Hobo 1961 BW: -2.6 Base Price: $3500 B.Wt. 87 87% -1.8 Scrotal Circ: 38.0 Milk —— —— +14 Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Comments: Cow Wt: 1030 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: YW: +82 Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** 4102A Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Déjà vu 922 B.Wt. 79 92% -3.1 205 Day Weight 530 107% +39 Adjusted Off Test Weight 1067 108% +57 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Calving Ease: *** Frame: L Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: **** Cow Wt: 1115 Forage Test Index —— 110% —— Milk —— —— +15 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 9 Milk: +11 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1647340 Sire: RF 5-Star Gold Forage Test Index —— 102% —— MGS: Lman Her o 9558 PCC Mango Base Price: $3500 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 4 Born: 5/7/13 Mat. Grand Sire: Mon Reposa Rito (Idaho) Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 573 972 104% 102% +45 +69 WW: +51 LOT 123 5812A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1653600 Sire: RF 5-Star Gold Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Longevity: ***** Calving Ease: ***** Description: 99.9% 1B; Red Angus #1647342 Sire: RF 5-Star Gold Actual: Ratio: EPDs: YW: +58 PCC Papa John Fleshing Ability: **** Comments: MGS: BKT Viking 8968 XM Frame: M Disposition: **** Cow Age: 11 Forage Test Index —— 104% —— Milk —— —— +17 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 RF 5-Star Gold 4550P 4103A Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: *** Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous three bulls Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Russ Houck (MT) for $6000 High-gaining bull — with 4+ muscling, fleshing ability, thickness, masculinity and overall rating Full brother sold to Dave Spindler (OH) for $6500 3-star (almost 4) calving — calving ease direct in top 20% 4+ and 5-star muscling, thickness, masculinity and overall RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST 53 ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 124 Born: 4/24/13 PCC DC Hank Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1641622 Sire: PCC D-7 Hoodoo B.Wt. 75 110% -3.1 205 Day Weight 456 95% +31 Adjusted Off Test Weight 943 103% +46 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Milk —— —— +23 Forage Test Index —— 112% —— Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: **** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** PCC Heartache Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 73 100% -3.7 Adjusted Off Test Weight 999 108% +60 Scrotal Circ: 35.5 Milk —— —— +19 Frame: S Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: 786 Udder: ***** 1/2 brother to previous bull Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 1% 5-star fleshing — w/ outstanding marbling and tenderness RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST PCC Bull Workday Forage Test Index —— 113% —— Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 9 Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— +23 4032A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1606618 205 Day Weight 602 106% +42 Adjusted Off Test Weight 821 97% +32 Fleshing Ability: ***** Comments: Sire: PCC LLL Johnny Mizzou Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Colorado Hobo Base Price: $4000 205 Day Weight 432 95% +20 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 Comments: 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 20% High-gaining bull — w/ very impressive 5-star muscling, thickness, masculinity, overall rating and fly resistance RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Born: 5/19/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Scrotal Circ: 34.5 Calving Ease: **** Cow Wt: 1000 LOT 126 B.Wt. 46 130% -6.9 Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** 5002A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1641643 Sire: PCC D-7 Hoodoo Base Price: $3500 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 3 PCC DC Ezra Born: 3/20/13 Mat. Grand Sire: DC T134 Canyon X377 Base Price: $4000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 125 5033A Cow Wt: N/A Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: *** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 2% High-gaining bull — w/ very impressive 5-star muscling, thickness, masculinity, overall rating and hair coat RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST LOT 127 PCC LLL Atlas Born: 6/2/13 5902A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1642695 Sire: PCC LLL Johnny Mizzou Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Colorado Hobo Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 60 128% -4.5 205 Day Weight 410 97% +43 Adjusted Off Test Weight 778 94% +62 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good BW: -3.4 WW: +44 YW: +63 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Comments: MGS: PCC Shor t Cut L05 Milk: +19 54 Frame: S Disposition: **** Cow Age: 6 PCC LLL Johnny Mizzou 5916W Cow Wt: 1056 Forage Test Index —— 90% —— Milk —— —— +16 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 2% Very low-maintenance — energy EPD is in the top 11% Impressive 4+ muscling, masculinity and overall rating RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 128 PCC Lover Boy Born: 5/14/13 4031A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1606612 Sire: PCC LLL Johnny Mizzou Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Colorado Hobo Base Price: $3500 “I was thrilled with the bull we purchased last year, sightunseen. I hope to pick up some more that are just as good.” B.Wt. 65 112% -4.6 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 205 Day Weight 562 99% +33 Scrotal Circ: 38.0 Gail Nason — Nebraska Born: 7/5/13 Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1030 Comments: PCC LLL Apache Forage Test Index —— 105% —— Milk —— —— +17 Disposition: *** Cow Age: 3 LOT 129 Adjusted Off Test Weight 930 101% +45 Udder: ***** 3/4 brother to previous two bulls Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 3% Very low-maintenance — energy EPD is in the top 10% Impressive 4+ thickness, masculinity and overall rating 5911A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1642696 Sire: PCC LLL J ohnny Mizzou Mat. Grand Sire: PCC OH Cash Cr op Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 82 93% -1.4 205 Day Weight 463 110% +47 Adjusted Off Test Weight 897 108% +66 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 5 Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** PCC OH Cash Crop 4429P 1/2 brother to previous three bulls 3-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 15% High-marbling bull — with very impressive 5-star fleshing Spot in left eye — guaranteed not to be a problem LOT 130 Born: 5/18/13 PCC R2R Tascosa Sire: OCC Medicine Man MGS: Lone Rock Tr apper 723G BW: -3.8 Base Price: $4000 B.Wt. 78 96% -2.2 Born: 5/16/13 Mat. Grand Sire: RF 5-Star Gold Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 603 1056 97% 104% +54 +80 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: *** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: **** B.Wt. 78 96% -1.8 Frame: M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: **** Cow Wt: 1175 Forage Test Index —— 102% —— Milk —— —— +15 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 5 Comments: 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 15% High-gaining bull — w/ 4+ and 5-star muscling, fleshing ability, thickness, masculinity, overall rating and hair coat RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST 4652A Mat. Grand Sire: RF 5-Star Gold Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 647 1049 104% 103% +60 +91 Scrotal Circ: 38.0 Calving Ease: **** Milk: +16 PCC R2R Tucker Sire: PCC DC Meatball Forage Test Index —— 115% —— Milk —— —— +16 YW: +47 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1669540 Base Price: $3500 Disposition: **** Cow Wt: 1230 WW: +33 LOT 131 4653A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1669536 Sire: PCC DC Meatball Cow Age: 5 Calving Ease: *** Cow Wt: 944 Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Forage Test Index —— 107% —— Milk —— —— +18 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: *** Udder: ***** Comments: 3-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 15% Big-scrotal bull — with very impressive 5-star thickness, masculinity and overall rating No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem 55 ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 132 Born: 5/23/13 PCC R2R Telico Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1669537 Sire: PCC DC Meatball Mat. Grand Sire: RF 5-Star Gold Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 79 94% -2.7 205 Day Weight 646 104% +50 Adjusted Off Test Weight 1035 101% +74 Scrotal Circ: 35.5 WW: +66 LOT 133 Born: 5/30/13 Milk:+18 PCC R2R Texon B.Wt. 77 97% -2.1 205 Day Weight 687 110% +57 Adjusted Off Test Weight 1113 109% +86 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: *** Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** 4650A Mat. Grand Sire: RF 5-Star Gold 205 Day Weight 661 106% +50 Adjusted Off Test Weight 1039 102% +72 Scrotal Circ: 38.0 Calving Ease: *** Cow Wt: 1270 Udder: *** Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1669535 B.Wt. 76 98% -3.3 Frame: M/L Longevity: ***** Hair Coat: **** PCC R2R Tarver Sire: PCC DC Meatball Forage Test Index —— 108% —— Milk —— —— +18 Calving Ease: **** Cow Wt: 1170 Base Price: $3000 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 7 Low Maintenance: **** Born: 5/12/13 Mat. Grand Sire: RF 5-Star Gold Base Price: $3000 Longevity: ***** LOT 134 4656A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1669538 Sire: PCC DC Meatball Actual: Ratio: EPDs: YW: +100 Frame: M Fleshing Ability: **** Comments: Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Ben Comerford (GA) for $6750 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 15% High-marbling bull — with very impressive 4+ and 5-star muscling, thickness, fleshing ability and overall rating Sire: OCC Kissimmee 754K MGS: Beckton Vegas C518 BW: -1.4 Forage Test Index —— 99% —— Milk —— —— +17 Disposition: *** Cow Age: 7 PCC DC Meatball 5017X 4654A Frame: L Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: *** Cow Age: 7 Forage Test Index —— 96% —— Milk —— —— +20 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1240 Udder: *** Comments: Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Rodney Lamb (NE) for $6000 3-star (almost 4) calving — calving ease direct in top 21% High-gaining bull — with outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness Comments: 3/4 brother to the previous four bulls — Meatball over 5-Star Gold 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 15% High-marbling bull — with impressive 4+ fleshing ability LOT 135 LOT 136 Born: 7/2/13 PCC CTM Astroid Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1661997 Sire: PCC DC Meatball Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 76 97% -1.7 Born: 5/27/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado High Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 627 1051 114% 110% +56 +80 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: M Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Mat. Grand Sire: Buf Cr k Lancer -F L297 B.Wt. 73 102% -4.5 205 Day Weight 581 93% +49 Adjusted Off Test Weight 978 96% +70 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: *** Udder: **** Comments: 3-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 15% High-gaining bull — with impressive 4+ and 5-star ratings for muscling, thickness, fleshing ability, masculinity and overall rating Milk —— —— +19 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: 1210 Forage Test Index —— 101% —— Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 8 4655A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1669534 Sire: PCC DC Meatball Forage Test Index —— 105% —— Milk —— —— +16 Longevity: ***** Cow Wt: 1170 PCC R2R Tarrant Base Price: $3500 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 5 5116A Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: *** Udder: **** Comments: 1/2 brother to previous six bulls — sire, Meatball, is an extremely easy-fleshing bull Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 2% Tremendous ability to marble in our all-grass program 56 ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 137 Born: 5/25/13 PCC Fools Gold Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1606630 Sire: PCC Good As Gold Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Shor t Cut L05 Base Price: $4000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 72 101% -3.0 205 Day Weight 615 108% +41 Adjusted Off Test Weight 1020 111% +59 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Dam of Fools Gold (Lot 137) Born: 6/3/13 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 205 Day Weight 571 101% +39 Adjusted Off Test Weight 928 101% +56 Scrotal Circ: 34.5 4020A Dam of Good As Gold Forage Test Index —— 102% —— Milk —— —— +19 Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 3 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 970 Udder: **** PCC Good As Gold 4010U Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 5% High-marbling bull — w/ impressive 4+ and 5-star ratings for muscling, thickness, masculinity and overall rating RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Sire: RF 5-Star Gold 4550P LOT 139 LOT 140 Born: 6/11/13 PCC Goldstar Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 4024A B.Wt. 72 101% -3.5 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 585 958 103% 104% +39 +57 Milk —— —— +21 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** YW: +56 4023A Mat. Grand Sire: PCC RF Center Stage B.Wt. 74 98% -3.5 205 Day Weight 579 102% +37 Adjusted Off Test Weight 968 105% +52 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Milk —— —— +17 Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Hair Coat: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 5 Comments: 3/4 brother to the previous two bulls Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 5% Very impressive 4+ and 5-star ratings for masculinity, overall rating and hair coat Cow Wt: 1060 Forage Test Index —— 111% —— Frame: S/M Calving Ease: ***** Udder: **** Milk: +19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1606639 Sire: PCC Good As Gold Forage Test Index —— 106% —— MGS: PCC Déjà vu 922 PCC Goldsmith Base Price: $3500 Disposition: ***** Cow Wt: 1126 WW: +38 Born: 6/10/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Shor t Cut L05 Scrotal Circ: 34.5 Cow Age: 4 BW: -2.5 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1606642 Sire: PCC Good As Gold Udder: ***** Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Shor t Cut L05 Base Price: $4000 B.Wt. 74 98% -3.9 Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: 1160 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1606633 Sire: PCC Good As Gold Calving Ease: ***** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 5% High-gaining bull — w/ very impressive 5-star muscling, thickness, overall and hair coat RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST PCC Colorado Dream W9042 PCC Stardust Frame: M Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 4 Forage Test Index —— 115% —— Milk —— —— +18 Scrotal Circ: 35.5 LOT 138 4018A Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** Comments: Goes back to Colorado Hobo and Johnny B Good’s dam on both sides of the pedigree Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 5% Tremendous ability to gain and marble on an all-grass diet 57 ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 141 PCC Punchy Born: 6/5/13 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1606635 Sire: PCC Good As Gold Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado Hobo Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 4022A B.Wt. 57 100% -2.8 205 Day Weight 443 100% +37 Adjusted Off Test Weight 784 87% +52 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Frame: S Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: *** Cow Age: 9 Forage Test Index —— 97% —— Milk —— —— +16 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1344 Udder: **** Comments: Two maternal 1/2 brothers sold to Grover Thompson (NE) for $5000 and $6500 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 5% 5+ disposition — gentle as a dead hog PCC Colorado Dream P1058 Dam of Punchy & Colorado Gold (Lots 141 & 142) LOT 142 Born: 6/5/13 PCC Colorado Gold Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1606634 Sire: PCC Good As Gold Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado Hobo Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 67 100% -2.8 205 Day Weight 516 100% +37 Adjusted Off Test Weight 857 95% +52 Milk —— —— +16 Scrotal Circ: 34.5 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: *** Dam of Gold Dust (Lot 143) PCC Gold Dust Born: 5/28/13 Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** 4019A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1606631 Sire: PCC Good As Gold Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Cow Wt: 1344 Calving Ease: **** Comments: Twin to Lot 141 — dam (pictured above) is a Colorado Hobo daughter out of Johnny B Good's dam 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 5% Extreme marbling — with excellent score for tenderness PCC Somethin’ Special P1062 LOT 143 Forage Test Index —— 97% —— Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Cow Age: 9 4021A B.Wt. 78 93% -2.8 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Déjà vu 922 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 574 886 101% 96% +35 +51 Scrotal Circ: 33.5 Frame: M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 9 Comments: Cow Wt: 1152 Forage Test Index —— 89% —— Milk —— —— +18 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: *** Udder: *** PCC Déjà vu 922 Mat. 1/2 brother sold to David James (CO) for $4500 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 11% 5-star cow longevity — the most important maternal trait No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem Sire: PCC Color ado Hobo BW: -3.8 58 WW: +32 MGS: BJ R C-Chief 811 YW: +43 Milk: +16 ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 144 PCC Lucky Nugget Born: 6/27/13 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1606645 Sire: PCC Good As Gold Mat. Grand Sire: MH Magua 27 Base Price: $2500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 4025A B.Wt. 73 100% -3.2 205 Day Weight 507 89% +37 Adjusted Off Test Weight 891 97% +55 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: **** Cow Age: 7 Forage Test Index —— 109% —— Milk —— —— +13 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: 1186 Udder: **** Comments: 1/2 brother to previous 7 bulls — sire is a 5-Star Gold son Maternal 1/2 brothers sold to Herman Meyer (ND) and Varley Grantham (FL) for $6500 and $8000 respectfully Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness Miss Boot Jack S6022 Dam of Lucky Nugget (Lot 144) LOT 145 Born: 4/30/13 PCC REI Adroit Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1662600 Sire: PCC DC King Solomon Base Price: $4000 “I really enjoy the Cowboy Auction format. The bidders know the amount they are bidding at all times.” Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 75 101% -4.8 205 Day Weight 537 107% +31 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC OH Cash Cr op Adjusted Off Test Weight 950 102% +46 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Todd Stoner — Colorado 5205A Frame: S Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 5 Forage Test Index —— 96% —— Milk —— —— +18 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: ***** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 6% High-marbling bull — w/ 4+ and 5-star thickness, fleshing ability, muscling, masculinity, overall and fly resistance RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST LOT 146 Born: 5/3/13 PCC REI Affiliate 5208A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1662594 Sire: PCC DC King Solomon Mat. Grand Sire: OH Color ado Chunky Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 69 110% -5.8 205 Day Weight 469 93% +31 Adjusted Off Test Weight 908 97% +44 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: **** Cow Wt: N/A “Thanks for the ranch tour. Your cattle looked great. The red bull I purchased this spring looks real good and appears to have gained weight while out with the heifers.” Frame: S Disposition: *** Cow Age: 8 Forage Test Index —— 103% —— Milk —— —— +16 Calving Ease: ***** Mike Detherage — Oklahoma Hair Coat: *** Udder: ***** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 3% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 7% High-marbling bull — w/ 4+ and 5-star thickness, fleshing ability, muscling, masculinity, overall and fly resistance 59 ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 147 PCC REI Ace Born: 6/3/13 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1662606 Sire: PCC DC King Solomon Base Price: $3500 “Our bull arrived and is doing fine. I appreciate your sight-unseen program and delivery options. Thanks.” Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 83 91% -3.0 205 Day Weight 546 109% +48 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Señor Bajo Adjusted Off Test Weight 1028 110% +70 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Carl Prater — Texas 5235A Frame: S Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: **** Cow Age: 5 Forage Test Index —— 113% —— Milk —— —— +12 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: ***** Comments: 3-star (almost 4) calving ease — calving ease in top 11% Impressive 5-star thickness and fleshing ability — with 4+ masculinity and fly resistance Tremendous ability to gain and marble on an all-grass diet LOT 148 Born: 4/27/13 PCC REI Advise 5204A Description: High% Unr egister ed Red Angus Sire: PCC DC King Solomon Mat. Grand Sire: PCC REI Chunky's Refinement Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 73 104% N/A 205 Day Weight 502 100% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 904 97% N/A Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Milk —— —— N/A Forage Test Index —— 94% —— Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: ***** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Hair Coat: **** Cow Age: 5 Cow Wt: N/A Udder: ***** PCC REI Chunky’s Refinement Comments: Full brother sold to Bobby Snoddy (VA) for $5750 Very impressive 5-star fleshing ability — with equally impressive 4+ thickness and muscling Combines a 4+ hair coat with 4-star fly resistance LOT 149 Born: 4/24/13 PCC REI Advent Base Price: $3500 BW: -3.7 YW: +46 WW: +37 Milk: +9 5202A B.Wt. 71 97% N/A Mat. Grand Sire: PCC REI Unit Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 531 947 105% 103% N/A N/A Scrotal Circ: 37.5 Milk —— —— N/A Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 101% —— Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 2 MGS: PCC Colorado Bonus Description: High% Unr egister ed Red Angus Sire: PCC DC King Solomon Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Sire: OH Colorado Chunky Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** PCC REI Unit 5221U Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous four bulls — sire is a top-sort Kissimmee son Extremely high-marbling bull — w/ very impressive 4+ fleshing ability and thickness Sire: PCC Señor Bajo BW: -3.5 60 WW: +58 MGS: Lman Gold 011A-2055E YW: +76 Milk: +6 ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 150 PCC ICE Ewing Born: 5/3/13 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1666801 Sire: MH Magua 27 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado Hobo Base Price: $4000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 68 97% -4.5 Adjusted Off Test Weight 940 100% +64 205 Day Weight 514 105% +41 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Sire: OCC Homer 650H BW: -2.6 LOT 151 YW: +52 Milk: +8 PCC LLL Absolute Born: 5/31/13 Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ** Low Maintenance: ***** Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: ***** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 8% Extremely high-marbling bull — w/ very impressive 4+ and 5-star muscling, thickness, fleshing and overall RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST MGS: OCC Anchor 771A WW: +31 Forage Test Index —— 95% —— Milk —— —— +11 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 MH Magua (Mog-wa) 27 5417A 5901A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1642707 Sire: PCC LLL Union J ack Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Shor t Cut L05 Base Price: $4000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 67 114% -2.7 205 Day Weight 436 103% +43 Adjusted Off Test Weight 902 109% +57 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Frame: M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 9 Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** PCC LLL Union Jack 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 7% High-gaining bull — with energy EPD in the top 3% Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST LOT 152 PCC DC Petra Born: 4/25/13 Sire: PCC OH Cash Cr op BW: -1.4 Base Price: $4000 B.Wt. 75 80% -3.3 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Milk —— —— +14 Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Comments: Cow Wt: 965 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: YW: +58 Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** 5037A Mat. Grand Sire: PCC DC Br uno B.Wt. 53 113% -6.7 205 Day Weight 465 102% +29 Adjusted Off Test Weight 828 98% +38 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Calving Ease: **** Frame: S Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: **** Cow Wt: 896 Forage Test Index —— 93% —— Milk —— —— +19 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 Milk: +16 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1641638 Sire: PCC High Plains Forage Test Index —— 114% —— MGS: PCC Shor t Cut L05 PCC DC Parker Base Price: $4000 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 Born: 4/22/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 485 927 106% 109% +37 +50 WW: +42 LOT 153 5039A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1641654 Sire: PCC High Plains Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Calving Ease: **** Cow Wt: 1048 Comments: UJ Forage Test Index —— 115% —— Milk —— —— +18 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: *** Udder: ***** Comments: Double-bred to Kit’s favorite Angel cow Extreme calving ease — birth weight and calving ease direct EPDs are in the top 1% of the Red Angus breed RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 11% Very impressive 4+ muscling, thickness and overall rating Tremendous ability to gain and marble on an all-grass diet RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST 61 ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 154 Born: 4/27/13 PCC DC Patton Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1641639 Sire: PCC High Plains B.Wt. 67 103% -6.1 205 Day Weight 448 98% +26 Adjusted Off Test Weight 797 94% +29 Scrotal Circ: N/A PCC P-L Husky Forage Test Index —— 90% —— Milk —— —— +14 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 60 105% -4.3 Frame: XS Fleshing Ability: **** Mat. Grand Sire: PCC P-L Cash Man Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** 205 Day Weight 558 97% +30 Adjusted Off Test Weight 886 93% +41 Scrotal Circ: 30.0 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 830 Udder: ***** 5732A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1655500 Sire: PCC PL Image Man Base Price: $4000 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 2 Born: 5/2/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Hanky Panky Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 155 5041A Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 3 Forage Test Index —— 88% —— Milk —— —— +16 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: ***** Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous two bulls — sire is a Short Cut son out of a Colorado Hobo daughter that is out of Kit’s favorite Angel cow Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 2% Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 5% High-marbling bull — with 4+ and 5-star thickness, muscling, masculinity, overall rating and fly resistance RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST LOT 156 LOT 157 Born: 5/6/13 PCC PL New Image 5733A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1655501 Born: 5/17/13 PCC P-L Red Image Description: 100% Unr egister ed Red Angus Sire: PCC PL Image Man Mat. Grand Sire: Lor enzen Deschutes 6612 Sire: PCC PL Image Man Base Price: $3500 Base Price: $2500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 59 106% -3.9 205 Day Weight 623 109% +41 Adjusted Off Test Weight 983 104% +65 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Milk —— —— +13 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 67 94% N/A Frame: M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: **** Cow Age: 3 Forage Test Index —— 97% —— Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: N/A Mat. Grand Sire: Lor enzen Pr o 8558 205 Day Weight 566 99% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 952 100% N/A Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Calving Ease: ***** Udder: **** Forage Test Index —— 104% —— Milk —— —— N/A Frame: M/L Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 3 Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight and calving ease direct EPDs are both in the top 12% High-marbling bull — with very impressive 4+ thickness Combines a 4-star hair coat with 4-star fly resistance 5738A Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: ***** Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous two bulls — sire is a Colorado Image son that goes back to Colorado Hobo and Homer High-marbling bull — with impressive 5-star fleshing ability LOT 158 Born: 5/11/13 PCC Johnny Gold Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1606607 Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good “I couldn't agree with you more about PCC bulls breeding more cows for more years than other bulls. I put my two PCC foragetested bulls out with 60 to 70 head of cows each this last breeding season and they did great.” Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Good As Gold Base Price: $4000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 74 93% -3.2 205 Day Weight 567 101% +38 Adjusted Off Test Weight 922 101% +55 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Delvin LaDuke — North Dakota Frame: S Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: 918 Forage Test Index —— 102% —— Milk —— —— +19 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 2 4011A Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 5% High-marbling bull — with very impressive 4+ and 5-star muscling, thickness, masculinity, overall and hair coat RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST 62 ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 159 PCC Clayton Born: 5/16/13 Description: 100% Unr egister ed Red Angus Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado Sunr ise Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 4000A B.Wt. 72 104% N/A 205 Day Weight 527 99% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 887 102% N/A Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Forage Test Index —— 107% —— Milk —— —— N/A Frame: S Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: ***** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Hair Coat: *** Cow Age: 3 Cow Wt: 958 Udder: **** PCC Colorado Sunrise 4012S Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — on both sides of pedigree High-gaining bull — with very impressive 4+ and 5-star muscling, thickness, masculinity and overall rating Cow efficiency — dam weaned 55% of her own weight Sire: OH Color ado Chunky MGS: PCC Color ado Hobo LOT 160 LOT 161 PCC Johnny Rotten Born: 5/11/13 4013A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1606608 Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good B.Wt. 65 106% -5.6 205 Day Weight 489 87% +27 Adjusted Off Test Weight 875 96% +38 Scrotal Circ: 33.5 Milk —— —— +18 Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Forage Test Index —— 111% —— Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Born: 5/3/13 B.Wt. 68 104% -4.7 Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 7 LOT 163 5410A Born: 5/11/13 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 2 Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 107% —— Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Mat. Grand Sire: RF Hur r icane 1015 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 489 891 82% 88% +21 +31 Scrotal Circ: 34.5 Milk —— —— +19 Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Hair Coat: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 10 Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 5% Impressive 4+ ratings for muscling, thickness, fleshing ability, masculinity and overall rating No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem Cow Wt: 1214 Forage Test Index —— 99% —— Frame: S/M Calving Ease: ***** Udder: **** 4908A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1645069 B.Wt. 68 105% -5.0 Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Udder: **** PCC BSR Red Man Base Price: $3500 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Hair Coat: **** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 3% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 3% Very impressive 4+ and 5-star muscling, thickness, overall rating and hair coat Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 1195 Base Price: $3500 Milk —— —— +18 Forage Test Index —— 95% —— Frame: S/M Longevity: **** Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Mat. Grand Sire: Red Hill B571 J ulian 84S B.Wt. 65 101% -3.5 Milk —— —— +21 Disposition: *** Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1666804 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 502 979 102% 104% +47 +67 Adjusted Off Test Weight 955 98% +72 Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** PCC ICE Creighton 205 Day Weight 518 102% +50 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 3/4 brother to the previous bull — Johnny over Sunrise Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 3% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 2% Tremendous ability to gain and marble on grass LOT 162 5405A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1666786 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 892 Milk: +17 Sire: PCC Johnny B Good Mat. Grand Sire: Loosli Cherokee Teton 316N Frame: S/M Longevity: *** YW: +37 PCC ICE Burwell Base Price: $3500 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 2 WW: +21 Born: 4/30/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado Sunr ise Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: BW: -6.4 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** Comments: Full brothers sold to Joel Keierleber (SD) and Justin Beachy (TN) for $5750 and $5000 respectively Impressive 4+ muscling, fleshing ability and masculinity Cow longevity — 10-year-old cow with a 5-star udder 63 ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 164 PCC ICE Bruning Born: 4/28/13 LOT 165 5404A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1666793 Born: 5/2/13 PCC ICE Chadron Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1666803 Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Mat. Grand Sire: Buf Cr k Gold Medal L091 Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Base Price: $3500 Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 67 105% -3.8 205 Day Weight 439 87% +46 Adjusted Off Test Weight 918 95% +69 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Milk —— —— +17 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 65 101% -3.8 Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 5 Forage Test Index —— 104% —— Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1165 Mat. Grand Sire: Buf Cr k Nice’n Easy 205 Day Weight 555 113% +57 Adjusted Off Test Weight 979 104% +79 Scrotal Circ: 38.0 Calving Ease: ***** Udder: **** Forage Test Index —— 95% —— Milk —— —— +18 Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 2 Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 5% Low maintenance bull — with impressive 4+ muscling, thickness, masculinity and hair coat No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem 5407A Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: **** Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 5% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 3% High-marbling bull — with impressive 4+ muscling and thickness “We really like the new bull we bought sight-unseen at your fall sale. We picked him up right after the truck got to Dadeville and when we got home he was lying down in the trailer. He got up and walked out and was so calm. We really like his looks! This made the 6th or 7th bull we have purchased from you and we have always been happy with the calves they produce, the condition of the bulls year-round and their dispositions.” Elayne Hillsman — Missouri LOT 166 PCC ICE Chappell Born: 5/3/13 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1666800 Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 167 5408A B.Wt. 64 103% -3.5 Mat. Grand Sire: RF Utopia 2115 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 494 939 101% 100% +37 +58 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Milk —— —— +21 Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: S Longevity: *** Cow Wt: N/A Sire: PCC RF MASH Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Mat. Grand Sire: Lchmn Pay Day 1465J B.Wt. 78 94% -0.8 205 Day Weight 430 96% +45 Adjusted Off Test Weight 997 104% +66 Scrotal Circ: 33.5 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** Milk —— —— +13 Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: **** Cow Wt: 1310 Forage Test Index —— 111% —— Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 8 4722A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1641205 Base Price: $3500 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 Born: 5/28/13 PCC D-7 Ambush Calving Ease: ** Hair Coat: *** Udder: ***** Comments: High-gaining bull with extreme marbling — on an all-grass diet Very impressive 5-star muscling, fleshing ability and overall rating — with 4++ thickness 1/2 brother to previous eight bulls — and lots 113-119 Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 5% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 5% Combines a 5-star hair coat with 5-star fly resistance 64 ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 168 PCC D-7 Amazon Born: 4/12/13 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1641202 Sire: PCC RF MASH B.Wt. 71 104% -4.0 205 Day Weight 470 107% +34 Adjusted Off Test Weight 965 103% +54 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Forage Test Index —— 101% —— Milk —— —— +22 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** PCC Bobby Forage Test Index —— 106% —— Milk —— —— +21 Frame: M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: **** Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 900 Udder: ***** Comments: 3-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 20% Extreme marbling bull — with impressive 5-star fleshing ability and 4+ thickness Combines a 4+ hair coat with 4-star fly resistance 4130A Mat. Grand Sire: Leachman EBV 6703 Base Price: $2500 B.Wt. 65 104% -2.1 205 Day Weight 401 95% +28 Adjusted Off Test Weight 844 103% +39 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: **** Cow Age: 13 Forage Test Index —— 111% —— Milk —— —— +22 Disposition: *** Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1236 Comments: Udder: ***** Leachman EBV 6703 Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Art Roane (TX) for $6000 3-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 28% High-gaining bull — with 4+ muscling and thickness Cow longevity — 13-year-old cow with 5-star udder LOT 171 PCC Joe Bean Born: 4/7/13 Sire: Leachman EBV 3531 MGS: FTF Double Chief N601 BW: -5.5 Base Price: $2500 B.Wt. 74 91% -2.2 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Milk —— —— +19 Frame: S Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Comments: Cow Wt: 1018 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Hair Coat: *** Udder: ***** 5035A Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado High B.Wt. 88 94% -0.8 205 Day Weight 485 101% +37 Adjusted Off Test Weight 927 101% +48 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Calving Ease: *** Milk —— —— +19 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: 1209 Forage Test Index —— 102% —— Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Cow Age: 4 Milk: +19 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1641611 Sire: PCC DC J on Boy Forage Test Index —— 86% —— YW: +57 PCC DC Jerry Base Price: $3000 Disposition: *** Cow Age: 8 Born: 4/22/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado Bonus 942 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 458 802 109% 97% +27 +36 WW: +36 LOT 172 4132A Description: 99.9% 1B; Red Angus #1646553 Sire: PCC RF MASH Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Adjusted Off Test Weight 938 98% +52 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1646551 Sire: PCC RF MASH Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 205 Day Weight 400 89% +34 Cow Age: 5 Comments: 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 15% Very impressive 4+ and 5-star fleshing ability, muscling, thickness, masculinity, overall rating and fly resistance 5-star cow longevity — 8-year-old cow with 4-star udder Born: 3/13/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Scrotal Circ: 36.5 Calving Ease: **** Cow Wt: 1160 LOT 170 B.Wt. 78 94% -1.6 Frame: M Fleshing Ability: ***** 4724A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1641213 Sire: PCC RF MASH Base Price: $3000 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 8 PCC D-7 Abundant Born: 6/12/13 Mat. Grand Sire: Beckton Epic K F075 Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 169 4735A Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: *** Udder: **** Comments: Pedigree is stacked for maternal greatness — sire, Jon Boy, is a Johnny B Good son 3-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 28% Impressive 4+ muscling, masculinity and overall rating 1/2 brother to previous four bulls 3-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 28% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD is in top 6% Cow longevity — 8-year-old cow with 5-star udder 65 ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 173 PCC CTM Arrow Born: 7/1/13 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1661996 Sire: PCC Déjà Too Mat. Grand Sire: PCC OH Cash Cr op Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Dam — Angel 382 Sire — PCC Déjà vu B.Wt. 78 94% -2.1 205 Day Weight 529 96% +29 Adjusted Off Test Weight 955 100% +39 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 BW: -5.1 WW: +13 LOT 174 Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1662410 Sire: PCC Déjà Too Base Price: $3500 B.Wt. 65 104% -4.3 205 Day Weight 482 95% +23 Adjusted Off Test Weight 823 95% +29 Scrotal Circ: 32.5 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Born: 5/17/13 Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** B.Wt. 73 93% -2.9 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 2 Comments: Cow Wt: 930 Sire: PCC Déjà Too Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado High B.Wt. 65 104% -4.8 205 Day Weight 520 102% +21 Adjusted Off Test Weight 880 102% +24 Scrotal Circ: 31.0 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: 844 Forage Test Index —— 103% —— Frame: S/M Longevity: **** Comments: 66 Milk —— —— +16 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 7% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD in top 9% Tremendous ability to gain and marble on an all-grass diet RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST 5105A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1662408 Base Price: $3500 Milk —— —— +16 Udder: ***** PCC CTM Affleck Born: 5/10/13 Forage Test Index —— 116% —— Hair Coat: *** Pedigree is stacked for maternal greatness Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 5% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD in top 7% RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST LOT 177 5109A Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 900 Comments: Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado High Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 501 909 98% 105% +27 +34 Frame: S Longevity: **** Cow Age: 2 Forage Test Index —— 85% —— Milk —— —— +17 Disposition: **** Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1662409 Sire: PCC Déjà Too Adjusted Off Test Weight 850 98% +39 Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** PCC CTM Archer 205 Day Weight 551 108% +29 Calving Ease: ***** Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 5% Very low-maintenance — energy EPD is in the top 15% Combines 4-star hair coat with 5-star fly resistance RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST LOT 176 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Cow Wt: 940 Comments: B.Wt. 70 97% -4.3 Frame: S Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 5111A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1662189 Base Price: $3500 Milk —— —— +17 Udder: ***** PCC CTM Capt. America Sire: PCC Déjà Too Forage Test Index —— 97% —— Hair Coat: *** 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 11% Very low-maintenance — energy EPD is in the top 15% 4+ masculinity — w/ 4-star muscling, thickness and overall RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Born: 5/25/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Secur ity Calving Ease: **** Cow Wt: 1490 LOT 175 5104A Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Comments: Milk: +16 PCC CTM Artuo Born: 5/7/13 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: YW: +10 Forage Test Index —— 105% —— Milk —— —— +14 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 5 PCC Déjà Too 4120X 5115A Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 3% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD in top 5% Cow efficiency — dam weaned over 60% of her weight Combines a 4-star hair coat with 4+ fly resistance ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 178 PCC CTM Abel Born: 5/20/13 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1670556 Sire: PCC Déjà Too B.Wt. 60 113% -4.3 205 Day Weight 515 101% +23 Adjusted Off Test Weight 830 96% +27 Scrotal Circ: 30.5 Forage Test Index —— 90% —— Milk —— —— +17 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado High Frame: S Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** 205 Day Weight 485 95% +22 B.Wt. 66 103% -4.3 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 5107A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1662193 Sire: PCC Déjà Too Base Price: $2500 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 2 PCC CTM Axl Born: 5/12/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado High Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 179 5110A Adjusted Off Test Weight 848 98% +25 Scrotal Circ: 32.0 Frame: S/M Calving Ease: ***** Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Hair Coat: *** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: 920 Udder: ***** Cow Age: 2 Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 5% Very low-maintenance — energy EPD is in the top 11% Solid 4-star ratings for muscling, thickness, masculinity, fleshing ability and fly resistance Udder: ***** PCC CTM Ashton Born: 6/6/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado High Base Price: $2500 B.Wt. 73 93% -3.3 205 Day Weight 470 92% +23 Adjusted Off Test Weight 846 98% +29 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Forage Test Index —— 107% —— Milk —— —— +17 Frame: S Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 2 5114A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1662190 Sire: PCC Déjà Too Alice Moore — New Mexico Hair Coat: *** Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 5% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD in top 6% Cow efficiency — with 5-star cow longevity Small lump on left shoulder — guaranteed no problem LOT 180 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 900 Comments: “I am very tickled with my PCC bulls. This was the best calving season we ever had.” Forage Test Index —— 103% —— Milk —— —— +18 Cow Wt: 900 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: *** Udder: ***** Comments: 3/4 brother to previous four bulls — double-bred to Kit’s all-time favorite Angel cow Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 7% Very low-maintenance — energy EPD is in the top 11% LOT 181 Born: 5/11/13 PCC CTM Arapahoe Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1662192 Sire: PCC Déjà Too Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Gold Standar d Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 67 101% -4.0 205 Day Weight 566 111% +32 Adjusted Off Test Weight 889 103% +43 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Frame: S Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: 956 Forage Test Index —— 92% —— Milk —— —— +18 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 5106A Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** PCC Gold Standard 4013T Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous eight bulls — sire is a Déjà vu son out of Kit’s favorite Angel cow Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 5% Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness Sire: RF 5-Star Gold 4550P BW: -3.6 67 WW: +34 MGS: PCC Colorado Hobo YW: +52 Milk: +19 ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 182 PCC TF Alfie Born: 5/17/13 Description: High% Unr egister ed Red Angus Sire: PCC Shor t Cut L05 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Buckar oo 570 Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 4550A B.Wt. 74 100% N/A 205 Day Weight 583 100% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 983 99% N/A Scrotal Circ: 35.0 PCC Short Cut L05 WW: +41 LOT 183 Born: 5/18/13 Milk: +16 B.Wt. 75 99% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 924 99% N/A Scrotal Circ: 34.5 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** Born: 5/19/13 PCC BSR Red Prophet B.Wt. 73 97% -3.6 205 Day Weight 514 101% +40 Adjusted Off Test Weight 924 95% +60 Forage Test Index —— 89% —— Milk —— —— +14 Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: **** Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 990 Hair Coat: *** Udder: ***** Comments: Full brothers sold to Ron Dobbins (NE) and Steve Van Pelt (NE) for $5800 and $8750 respectively Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 7% RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST 4909A Mat. Grand Sire: Sodak Oscar 7347-97 Base Price: $3000 B.Wt. 74 97% -3.3 205 Day Weight 666 111% +41 Adjusted Off Test Weight 1108 110% +61 Scrotal Circ: 38.0 Frame: L Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: **** Cow Wt: 1212 Forage Test Index —— 109% —— Milk —— —— +15 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 11 Mat. Grand Sire: OH Color ado Chunky Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1645066 Sire: PCC Color ado Hobo Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 5414A Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 8 Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous bull Very impressive 4+ and 5-star muscling, masculinity, thickness and overall rating Combines a 5-star hair coat with 4+ fly resistance LOT 185 Udder: **** Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1666784 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Calving Ease: **** Cow Wt: 908 Hair Coat: ***** PCC ICE Daykin Sire: PCC Color ado Hobo Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— N/A Calving Ease: *** Cow Wt: 1035 Base Price: $4000 Disposition: *** Cow Age: 2 Low Maintenance: N/A Born: 4/26/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good 205 Day Weight 514 100% N/A Longevity: N/A LOT 184 4551A Description: High% Unr egister ed Red Angus Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: YW: +56 PCC TF Andre Sire: PCC Shor t Cut L05 Fleshing Ability: **** Comments: 3-star (almost 4) calving ease Very impressive 5-star thickness, masculinity and overall rating Combines a 5-star hair coat with 5-star fly resistance Sire: Color ado Shor ty 894F MGS: Buf Cr k Hobo 1961 BW: -3.6 Frame: M Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— N/A Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** PCC Colorado Hobo Comments: Mat. 1/2 brothers sold to Harley Rozeboom (MN) and Lennie McDonald (MT) for $5500 and $4750 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 15% Cow longevity — 11-year-old cow with a 5-star udder Sire: Buf Cr k Hobo 1961 BW: -2.6 68 WW: +51 MGS: Lman Her o 9558 YW: +82 Milk: +11 ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 186 PCC CTM Ariat Born: 5/24/13 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1661960 Sire: PCC Color ado Hobo Mat. Grand Sire: OCC No Doubt 622N Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 5118A B.Wt. 78 94% -2.4 205 Day Weight 539 98% +45 Adjusted Off Test Weight 899 94% +69 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: *** Cow Age: 6 Forage Test Index —— 89% —— Milk —— —— +14 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1280 Comments: Udder: **** OCC No Doubt 622N Double-bred to the great Colorado Hobo bull Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Fred Roedeske (ND) for $6250 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 15% Impressive 4+ ratings for thickness and muscling Sire: PCC Color ado Hobo BW: -1.9 WW: +50 LOT 187 Tribute to a Born: 5/14/13 MGS: OCC Honesty 962H YW: +79 Milk: +11 PCC ICE Deshler 5415A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1666787 Sire: PCC Colorado Hobo Mat. Grand Sire: Pie MR PR 831 (Prime Rib) Base Price: $2500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 82 86% -1.3 205 Day Weight 487 96% +47 Adjusted Off Test Weight 982 101% +77 Scrotal Circ: 39.0 Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: *** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ** Hair Coat: *** Born: 5/4/13 Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 66 102% -2.0 Born: 5/8/13 Mat. Grand Sire: Hammel Ribeye 49R Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 545 947 95% 100% +41 +58 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Fleshing Ability: ***** Low Maintenance: **** Cow Wt: N/A Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: M Longevity: **** PCC P-L Cash All In Sire: PCC P-L Cash Man Forage Test Index —— 108% —— Milk —— —— +15 Udder: *** B.Wt. 66 95% N/A Mat. Grand Sire: Lor enzen Pr o 8558 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 588 969 102% 102% N/A N/A Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** Comments: 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 15% Impressive 5-star fleshing ability — w/ tremendous ability to gain and marble on an all-grass diet RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Frame: M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 102% —— Milk —— —— N/A Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 3 5728A Description: 100% Unr egister ed Red Angus Base Price: $3000 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 4 LOT 189 5726A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1655506 Sire: PCC P-L Cash Man Cow Wt: 1270 Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous three bulls — sire can be found two to four times in the pedigree of many of PCC’s Red Angus cows — as well as on the PCC office wall 3-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 21% PCC Colorado Hobo Mar. 14, 1996 - October 6, 2005 PCC P-L Cash In Frame: M Disposition: **** Cow Age: 7 LOT 188 Forage Test Index —— 108% —— Milk —— —— +16 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: *** Udder: ***** Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous bull — sire is a Cash Crop son that goes back to Medicine Man on both sides of pedigree 3-star calving ease — a little too much birth weight on the bottom side of pedigree to make 4-star 69 ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 190 PCC KOM Avignon Born: 5/23/13 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1648244 Sire: 5L Hobo Kid 1604-414W Base Price: $2500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 191 4425A B.Wt. 87 89% -1.2 205 Day Weight 534 103% +35 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Forage Test Index —— 92% —— Milk —— —— +16 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** 205 Day Weight 490 94% +37 B.Wt. N/A 0% -1.4 Frame: M Fleshing Ability: **** Mat. Grand Sire: RF Gale For ce Adjusted Off Test Weight 898 101% +59 Scrotal Circ: 32.0 Calving Ease: ** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1315 Udder: **** 4423A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1657327 Sire: 5L Hobo Kid 1604-414W Base Price: $2500 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 6 Born: 5/20/13 Mat. Grand Sire: KOMA Marias LD14 Adjusted Off Test Weight 873 98% +46 PCC KOM Allright Frame: M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: **** Cow Age: 6 Forage Test Index —— 111% —— Milk —— —— +19 Calving Ease: ** Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: 1370 Udder: **** Comments: 2-star calving ease bull — breed average for birth weight and calving ease direct EPDs Low-maintenance bull — energy EPD is in the top 19% 4+ muscling — with 4-star thickness, fleshing and overall Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous bull Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Travis Bauer (KS) for $6750 High-gaining bull — with outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness LOT 192 LOT 193 PCC WFF Acer Born: 6/10/13 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1662415 Sire: PCC D-7 Newt B.Wt. 69 100% -5.3 205 Day Weight 501 100% +46 Adjusted Off Test Weight 932 99% +67 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Milk —— —— +21 Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Born: 6/4/13 Adjusted Off Test Weight 813 99% +57 Frame: S Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 11 Forage Test Index —— 103% —— Milk —— —— +14 Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** PCC D-7 Ally 205 Day Weight 400 95% +41 Scrotal Circ: 32.0 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: 1017 Udder: **** Comments: Mat. 1/2 brothers sold to Jeremy Smith (SD) and Mark Bowman (NE) for $5000 and $5500 respectively 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 11% RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Sire is a Thompson son (No Doubt grandson) Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 4% Very low-maintenance — energy EPD is in the top 11% Cow efficiency — dam weaned 54% of her own weight LOT 194 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado Hobo Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 915 Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 67 101% -3.1 Frame: S/M Longevity: *** 4738A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1641229 Sire: OH Thompson Mat. Grand Sire: REI Chunky's Remediate Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Forage Test Index —— 100% —— 4133A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1647096 Sire: OH Thompson Base Price: $3500 Disposition: *** Cow Age: 2 PCC Frontier Born: 4/22/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC OH Last Call Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 4507A B.Wt. 78 94% -1.1 205 Day Weight 472 106% +44 Adjusted Off Test Weight 956 100% +66 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Milk —— —— +16 Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 4 Comments: Cow Wt: 922 Forage Test Index —— 95% —— Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: *** Udder: ***** OH Thompson 4203R 1/2 brother to the previous bull 3-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 36% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD in top 7% Tremendous ability to marble on nothing but grass 70 Sire: OCC No Doubt 622N MGS: Ozar k Hills Har po BW: -3.0 YW: +61 WW: +42 Milk: +15 ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 195 PCC KOM Akeley Born: 5/22/13 4424A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1657325 Sire: PCC Color ado Special Mat. Grand Sire: Koma King Bob H17 Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 80 97% -3.8 205 Day Weight 520 100% +38 Adjusted Off Test Weight 962 108% +61 Scrotal Circ: 39.0 PCC Colorado Special 4041P Sire: PCC Color ado Hobo BW: -3.3 WW: +42 LOT 196 Born: 4/29/13 PCC KOM Austen Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: *** Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: 1390 Udder: **** Milk: +16 4413A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1648235 Sire: PCC Color ado Special Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Fleshing Ability: **** Comments: Maternal 1/2 brothers sold to Joe Nield (WY) and Terry Malcolm (CO) for $6300 and $5750 respectively High-gaining bull — with 4+ muscling and masculinity RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST MGS: BJ R Chief 811 YW: +64 Frame: M Disposition: *** Cow Age: 12 Forage Test Index —— 121% —— Milk —— —— +18 B.Wt. 78 100% -2.4 205 Day Weight 565 109% +39 Mat. Grand Sire: RF Gale For ce Adjusted Off Test Weight 909 102% +59 Scrotal Circ: 34.5 Milk —— —— +18 Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: **** Cow Age: 6 “I really enjoy your newsletter. It provides a touch of reality and logic amidst the usual propaganda and herd mentality coming from other beef publications.” Forage Test Index —— 94% —— Calving Ease: **** Steve Keller — Colorado Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: 1340 Udder: **** Comments: Full brother sold to Arlen Mehrer (SD) for $6250 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 7% Solid 4-star ratings for muscling, thickness, masculinity, fleshing ability, overall rating and fly resistance LOT 197 Born: 4/30/13 PCC KOM Arden Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1648233 Sire: PCC Color ado Special Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 76 102% -3.6 Milk —— —— +15 Sire: PCC Color ado Special Forage Test Index —— 108% —— Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: **** B.Wt. 80 97% -3.0 Mat. Grand Sire: RF Gale For ce Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 506 802 97% 90% +37 +59 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Milk —— —— +17 Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Hair Coat: *** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: **** Cow Age: 5 Comments: 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 5% High-gaining bull — w/ solid 4-star muscling, thickness, masculinity, fleshing ability and overall rating Comments: 71 Cow Wt: 1255 Forage Test Index —— 81% —— Frame: S/M Calving Ease: **** Udder: *** 4420A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1648237 Base Price: $2500 Disposition: **** Cow Wt: 1355 PCC KOM Augustine Born: 4/28/13 Mat. Grand Sire: RF Gale For ce Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 476 873 92% 98% +31 +47 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Cow Age: 6 LOT 198 4421A Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** 3/4 brother to the previous two bulls Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Duane Frasier (KS) for $5000 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 7% Very good ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 199 Born: 5/28/13 PCC KOM Algardi 4426A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1648241 Sire: PCC Colorado Special Mat. Grand Sire: PCC LRAR 2 Good 2B True Base Price: $3000 B.Wt. 76 102% -3.6 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 205 Day Weight 543 105% +37 Adjusted Off Test Weight 898 101% +52 Milk —— —— +17 Scrotal Circ: 32.0 Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 3 Forage Test Index —— 97% —— Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: 1030 Udder: *** PCC LRAR 2 Good 2B True Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 3% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD in top 9% Extreme marbling — w/ solid 4-star muscling, thickness, masculinity, fleshing ability and overall rating Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good MGS: Messmer J ullian A935 LOT 200 LOT 201 Born: 4/25/13 PCC KOM Attila BW: -3.5 4417A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1670372 WW: +35 YW: +47 Milk: +20 PCC R2R Theney Born: 5/22/13 4659A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1669539 Sire: PCC Color ado Special Mat. Grand Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Sire: PCC Color ado High Mat. Grand Sire: Mr . R2R Mar vel A13N3 Base Price: $2500 Adjusted Off Test Weight 864 97% +60 Base Price: $3500 B.Wt. 75 104% -3.4 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 205 Day Weight 520 100% +40 Milk —— —— +18 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 72 104% -3.2 Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 4 Forage Test Index —— 94% —— Cow Wt: 1235 205 Day Weight 596 96% +29 Adjusted Off Test Weight 929 91% +35 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Hair Coat: *** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 3 Comments: 1/2 brother to previous five bulls Full brother sold to Herbert Cook (TX) for $5250 Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 3% Comments: Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Shor t Cut L05 B.Wt. 70 104% -3.5 205 Day Weight 605 107% +33 Adjusted Off Test Weight 930 101% +43 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 BW: -3.2 WW: +28 YW: +33 Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Comments: Milk: +14 72 Frame: S Longevity: **** Cow Wt: 884 Forage Test Index —— 93% —— Milk —— —— +16 Disposition: *** Cow Age: 3 MGS: Quahada Chf 725 4033A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1606606 Base Price: $3500 PCC Colorado High 4042P Udder: ***** PCC High Road Sire: PCC Color ado High Pictured at 10 years of age Hair Coat: **** Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Ray Novak (VA) for $5000 Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 7% 5-star masculinity — he ain’t no sissy bull RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Born: 5/11/13 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 1025 LOT 202 Sire: PCC Color ado Hobo Frame: S/M Calving Ease: ***** Udder: **** Forage Test Index —— 85% —— Milk —— —— +16 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** Full brother sold to Pete Cameron (WY) for $4750 Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 7% Impressive 4+ muscling, thickness, masculinity and hair RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 203 PCC BSR Robust Red Born: 5/27/13 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1645067 Sire: PCC Color ado High B.Wt. 79 91% -2.7 205 Day Weight 617 103% +32 Adjusted Off Test Weight 1011 100% +42 Scrotal Circ: 37.5 PCC R2R Trickham Milk —— —— +16 Forage Test Index —— 97% —— Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 72 104% -3.0 Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Mat. Grand Sire: R2R Zeke 13S7 Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: **** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1256 205 Day Weight 570 91% +34 Adjusted Off Test Weight 925 91% +48 Scrotal Circ: 34.5 Calving Ease: **** Udder: *** Forage Test Index —— 90% —— Milk —— —— +15 Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 3 Comments: 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 15% High marbling bull — w/ impressive 4+ fleshing ability, muscling and thickness 4658A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1670703 Sire: PCC Color ado High Base Price: $3000 Disposition: *** Cow Age: 10 Born: 5/14/13 Mat. Grand Sire: Pie J R YO 687 Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 204 4910A Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: 1110 Udder: **** Comments: 1/2 brother to previous three bulls — sire is a Colorado Hobo son out of Kit’s all-time favorite Angel cow 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 7% 4+ masculinity — w/ 4-star muscling, thickness & overall LOT 205 Born: 5/22/13 PCC Triple Shock 4004A Description: 100% Unr egister ed Red Angus Sire: OH Color ado Chunky 210 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC RF Fir estor m Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 70 107% N/A 205 Day Weight 489 92% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 836 96% N/A Scrotal Circ: 33.0 WW: +30 LOT 206 PCC SCC Pagosa Born: 5/16/13 Calving Ease: ***** Low Maintenance: N/A Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: 966 Udder: **** Milk: +15 5820A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1653605 Sire: OH Willow Mat. Grand Sire: Lchman Copper Rob 1204D Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: YW: +39 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Comments: Guaranteed calving ease 4+ fleshing ability and masculinity — with solid 4-star muscling, thickness and overall rating Sire: Color ado Shor ty 894F MGS: Glacier Hi King 652 BW: -5.0 Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Cow Age: 6 OH Colorado Chunky 210 Forage Test Index —— 103% —— Milk —— —— N/A B.Wt. 85 89% -1.6 205 Day Weight 542 99% +42 Adjusted Off Test Weight 959 101% +65 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Milk —— —— +20 Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 10 Comments: Cow Wt: 1020 Forage Test Index —— 106% —— Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: *** Udder: *** OH Willow 4216R Full brother sold to WC Sibley (TX) for $5900 3-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 21% Very low-maintenance — energy EPD is in the top 14% 4+ masculinity — w/ 4-star muscling, thickness & overall Sire: OCC No Doubt 622N BW: -3.3 73 WW: +36 MGS: Basin Hobo 79E YW: +52 Milk: +12 ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 207 Born: 5/27/13 PCC Quick Draw 4034A Description: High% Unr egister ed Red Angus Sire: PCC RF Center Stage Mat. Grand Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Base Price: $3500 Adjusted Off Test Weight 982 108% N/A B.Wt. 72 95% N/A Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 205 Day Weight 574 103% N/A Milk —— —— N/A Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 2 Forage Test Index —— 117% —— Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: 954 Udder: **** Sodak Oscar 0366 (sire of Center Stage) Comments: 4-star calving ease High-gaining bull — with very impressive 4+ ratings for fleshing ability, muscling, thickness, masculinity and overall rating Sire: Sodak Oscar 7324 LOT 208 LOT 209 Born: 5/13/13 BW: -2.0 PCC Center of Attention 4029A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1606610 WW: +39 Born: 5/15/13 Base Price: $3000 Base Price: $3000 B.Wt. 75 97% -3.2 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Milk —— —— +13 Scrotal Circ: 31.0 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 76 90% -2.0 Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 5 Forage Test Index —— 106% —— Cow Wt: 1018 Hair Coat: ***** Udder: **** 205 Day Weight 616 110% +45 Adjusted Off Test Weight 960 105% +61 Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Mat. Grand Sire: SJ RA 811 Utopia 025 Base Price: $3500 B.Wt. 60 120% -5.4 205 Day Weight 568 95% +33 Adjusted Off Test Weight 984 97% +46 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 WW: +39 YW: +54 Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: 1292 Forage Test Index —— 102% —— Frame: S/M Longevity: ***** Comments: 74 Milk —— —— +24 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 9 Milk: +20 4907A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1645054 Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good BW: -4.7 Udder: **** PCC BSR Johnny B Deere Born: 5/9/13 MGS: BJ R C-Chief 811 Hair Coat: ***** 1/2 brother to the previous two bulls 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 15% 4+ fleshing, muscling, thickness and fly resistance Cow efficiency — dam weaned 65% of her own weight LOT 210 Sire: OCC No Doubt 622N Calving Ease: **** Cow Wt: 942 Comments: PCC Johnny B Good 4003R Frame: S/M Longevity: ** Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Forage Test Index —— 99% —— Milk —— —— +15 Disposition: *** Cow Age: 2 Comments: 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 15% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD in top 3% Very impressive 4+ and 5-star muscling, thickness, overall rating, hair coat and fly resistance 4030A Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Good As Gold Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Calving Ease: **** Milk: +20 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1606615 Sire: PCC RF Center Stage Adjusted Off Test Weight 918 100% +39 YW: +46 PCC Prairie Boy Sire: PCC RF Center Stage Mat. Grand Sire: OCC No Doubt 622N 205 Day Weight 547 96% +31 MGS: Sodak Shanigan 3328 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: *** Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Herman Meyer (ND) for $5000 Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 2% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD in top 3% Very impressive 4+ muscling and masculinity ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 211 PCC Johnny Bravo Born: 5/22/13 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1606627 Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Mat. Grand Sire: PCC RF Center Stage Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 77 94% -3.8 205 Day Weight 502 89% +36 Adjusted Off Test Weight 835 91% +48 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 5 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1230 Comments: Udder: ***** PCC Colorado Dream U8055 Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 3% Solid 4-star muscling, thickness, masculinity and overall Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem LOT 212 PCC ICE Crete Born: 5/3/13 Dam of Johnny Bravo (Lot 211) LOT 213 5411A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1666807 Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good B.Wt. 67 98% -3.7 205 Day Weight 490 100% +36 Adjusted Off Test Weight 948 101% +54 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Forage Test Index —— 102% —— Milk —— —— +19 Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 2 B.Wt. 67 102% -4.6 Scrotal Circ: 38.0 Frame: S Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 2 Comments: Cow Wt: 842 Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado Sunr ise B.Wt. 60 115% -6.0 205 Day Weight 567 101% +33 Adjusted Off Test Weight 850 93% +46 Scrotal Circ: 36.5 Frame: S Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Hair Coat: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 2 Comments: Dark red — with attractive dapple appearance Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 2% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD in top 2% Very good ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness 75 Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 81% —— Milk —— —— +19 Calving Ease: ***** Udder: ***** 4012A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1606605 Base Price: $3000 Milk —— —— +17 Udder: **** PCC Johnny Sunrise Born: 5/11/13 Forage Test Index —— 87% —— Hair Coat: ***** 4-star calving ease Impressive 4+ fleshing ability, thickness and masculinity Extreme marbling on nothing but grass Combines a 5-star hair coat with 5-star fly resistance LOT 215 4010A Calving Ease: **** Cow Wt: N/A Comments: Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado Sunr ise Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 541 843 97% 93% +30 +43 Frame: XS Longevity: N/A Udder: **** Forage Test Index —— 101% —— Milk —— —— N/A Disposition: *** Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1606601 Base Price: $3000 Adjusted Off Test Weight 882 94% N/A Hair Coat: **** PCC Johnny Sunshine Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good 205 Day Weight 432 88% N/A Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 3% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD in top 2% 4+ fleshing w/ 4-star muscling, thickness and masculinity Combines a 4+ hair coat with 5-star fly resistance Born: 5/7/13 Mat. Grand Sire: SSCC Gr anite 173 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: N/A LOT 214 B.Wt. 68 97% N/A Frame: S/M Longevity: *** Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 5406A Description: High% Unr egister ed Red Angus Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Base Price: $3000 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 PCC ICE Lyman Born: 5/2/13 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado Cowboy Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Forage Test Index —— 95% —— Milk —— —— +15 Disposition: ***** Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 4017A Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** 3/4 brother to the previous bull — Johnny over Sunrise Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 2% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD in top 2% Combines a 5-star hair coat with 4-star fly resistance ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 216 PCC ICE Brewster Born: 4/24/13 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1666806 Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good B.Wt. 65 101% -4.8 205 Day Weight 417 85% +38 Adjusted Off Test Weight 875 93% +53 Scrotal Circ: 31.0 Milk —— —— +18 Forage Test Index —— 102% —— Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado Hobo B.Wt. 78 97% -4.2 205 Day Weight 488 97% +26 Adjusted Off Test Weight 943 101% +35 Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Hair Coat: *** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Udder: ***** Cow Age: 10 Forage Test Index —— 106% —— Milk —— —— +15 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: N/A 5210A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1662588 Sire: PCC REI Super Pud Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Comments: PCC REI Advocate Base Price: $3500 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 Born: 5/10/13 Mat. Grand Sire: Buf Cr k Shotgun U046 Base Price: $2500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: LOT 217 5403A Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: *** Comments: Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Steve Lantier (OK) for $6000 Guaranteed calving ease — with impressive 4+ muscling, thickness, masculinity, overall rating and hair coat RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST 1/2 brother to the previous six bulls Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 5% Extremely low-maintenance — energy EPD in top 9% Short tail — guaranteed not to be a problem LOT 218 Born: 4/24/13 PCC REI Affirmative 5201A Description: 99.9% 1B; Red Angus #1662608 Sire: PCC REI Super Pud Mat. Grand Sire: PCC REI Chunky's Refinement Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 72 105% -4.8 205 Day Weight 477 95% +27 Adjusted Off Test Weight 858 92% +35 Scrotal Circ: 35.0 PCC REI Super Pud 5216W Sire: PCC Shor t Cut L05 BW: -5.0 WW: +32 LOT 219 Born: 5/25/13 PCC REI Ahec Base Price: $2500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 74 102% -4.6 Milk —— —— +12 Born: 4/30/13 Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: **** Hair Coat: *** Udder: *** PCC REI Affect Forage Test Index —— 99% —— Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 81 93% N/A Mat. Grand Sire: PCC REI Unit Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 523 907 104% 97% N/A N/A Scrotal Circ: 33.5 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ** Frame: M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 90% —— Milk —— —— N/A Disposition: **** Cow Age: 3 Comments: Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 5% Impressive 4+ fleshing ability — with good ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness 5206A Description: High% Unr egister ed Red Angus Sire: PCC REI Super Pud Frame: S/M Longevity: *** Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: N/A Base Price: $2500 Disposition: *** Cow Wt: N/A Low Maintenance: ***** LOT 220 5230A Mat. Grand Sire: OH Titan 312 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 491 915 98% 98% +32 +45 Scrotal Circ: 35.5 Cow Age: 7 Milk: +12 Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1662596 Sire: PCC REI Super Pud Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Comments: Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Arlen Mehrer (SD) for $6500 Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 6% High-marbling bull — w/ impressive 4+ fleshing ability, thickness, masculinity and overall rating MGS: RF 5-Star Gold YW: +44 Frame: S Disposition: *** Cow Age: 5 Forage Test Index —— 89% —— Milk —— —— +17 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: *** Udder: ***** Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous three bulls — sire, Super Pud, was the most impressive bull to go through our 2010 all-grass forage test Solid 4-star thickness, muscling, masculinity & fly resist. 76 ~ COLORADO RED ANGUS ~ LOT 221 PCC D-7 Antic Born: 3/27/13 LOT 222 4734A Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1641262 Born: 5/6/13 PCC BSR Super Red Description: 100% 1A; Red Angus #1645056 Sire: OH Mystery Man 9557W Mat. Grand Sire: Beckton Herald HH E503 Sire: LRAR S-Mick 912 Base Price: $3000 Base Price: $2500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 71 104% -4.9 205 Day Weight 411 94% +42 Adjusted Off Test Weight 895 96% +68 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Milk —— —— +20 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: **** Comments: Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 83 86% -1.9 Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Cow Age: 11 Forage Test Index —— 98% —— Cow Wt: 1130 Mat. Grand Sire: MAF Mar ias D75 K15 205 Day Weight 655 109% +45 Adjusted Off Test Weight 1031 102% +58 Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** 4906A Frame: M/L Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: **** Cow Age: 5 Forage Test Index —— 92% —— Milk —— —— +23 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: 1160 Udder: *** Comments: 3-star calving ease — calving ease direct EPD in top 36% Extreme marbling — with impressive 4+ fleshing ability Cow efficiency — dam weaned 56% of her own weight Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Paul Peters (CO) for $5500 Guaranteed calving ease — calving ease direct in top 3% Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness 5-star cow longevity — 11-year-old cow w/ 5-star udder ~ CROSSBRED ~ LOT 223 Born: 4/14/13 PCC FSR Smash Hit Description: Red Whiteface/Polled Sire: HL Mr Br itisher 111X Base Price: $3000 “It looked like the breeding cattle on display at Husker Harvest Days were being fed a finishing ration. I am looking forward to your fall sale and hope to buy a Hereford bull to put on my solid black cows.” Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 72 115% N/A Mat. Grand Sire: BR Anchor 506 810 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 575 898 97% 96% N/A N/A Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Mark Hilker — Nebraska Frame: S Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Wt: 1155 Forage Test Index —— 94% —— Milk —— —— N/A Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 8 7545A Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: *** Udder: ***** Comments: Red-Whiteface — with two goggle eyes Maternal 1/2 brothers sold to Mike Sansinena (NV) and Lance Gartner (ND) for $4600 and $4750 respectively 5+ disposition — gentle as a dead hog 77 Herd Quitter… At first glance, the term “herd quitter” seems to have a negative HQ connotation. No one wants to be a quitter — but wait a minute… it depends on what you are quitting. For example, after chewing Copenhagen for twenty-three years, I quit in 1993. That was a good thing! There are things that we should quit. Therefore, being a quitter is not always bad. I use the term “herd quitter” to refer to people who have enough courage to break away from the status-quo, herd-mentality way of thinking. Following the crowd and doing what everyone else is doing is seldom the best way to manage your business. In fact, it may be the absolute worst way to manage your business. If you’re doing what everyone else is doing, you will never have a competitive advantage. If you don’t have a competitive advantage, it will be very difficult for you to compete — especially when the economy takes a downturn. Consider, if you will, a herd of cows. Cows, for the most part, are social animals. They like to be a part of a herd. It gives them a sense of comfort and security that they don’t have when they are alone. When cows move, they almost always move as a herd — whether they are being pushed or moving on their own. Once a herd has movement, it is very difficult to stop or turn. It develops a mind of its own. I refer to this as “herd mentality”. The only individual thinking that takes place is done by a few of the more wary animals who are always on the outside edges of the herd. If the cowherd is headed toward hidden danger of some sort, there is very little chance that it can be averted. The entire herd will be in trouble before anyone knows it. The only ones that will be able to avoid the danger will be the individual thinkers on the outside edges of the herd. These are the herd quitters. Rather than follow the herd into danger, they will break away from the herd. The herd quitters, no doubt, will be chided by other herd members for leaving the herd and for taking a different path — but in the end, the rest of the herd will wish they had followed the herd quitters. More and more ranchers are becoming herd quitters — and none too soon. They have quit following the conventional, status-quo herd of high-input, unsustainable agriculture. They have quit following outdated traditions. They have quit focusing their entire program on increasing weaning weights (and cow size). They believe that agriculture must be both profitable and enjoyable to be sustainable. They believe ranchers are in the business of converting free solar energy into a greattasting, high-protein food product — and if properly done, the cow will do nearly all of the work for them. They believe ranching is a great way of life — and they are excited about the future! Dare to be Different! Dare to be a herd-quitter! You can no longer afford to be a part of the outdated, status-quo beef industry. Even though the writing is on the wall and it isn’t that difficult to read and understand, most producers will not change until they are forced to change. Allan Nation, editor of the Stockman GrassFarmer, once told me, “Most people would rather fail conventionally than succeed unconventionally.” Sad… but true. Most people hate change. They are afraid to break away from the herd. Perhaps someone needs to start a support group for Herd Quitters (Hi, I’m Kit — and I am a herd quitter). That way we will know that we are not alone. We will be able to encourage and support one another as we endeavor to replace old, outdated paradigms. Folks, as long as we know we are on the right path, it doesn’t matter what everyone else is saying and doing. So what if they criticize and poke fun at us? We need to maintain our focus on building a fun, profitable and sustainable model for beef production. ~ Kit Pharo NOTE: We will be giving away Herd Quitter window / bumper stickers at our Fall Bull Sales. 78 ~ COLORADO BLACK-HIDED RED ANGUS ~ LOT 224 PCC REI Aptitude Born: 5/21/13 Description: Black-Hided Red Angus #1668917 Sire: PCC REI Super Pud Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Emancipate 889E Base Price: $3500 B.Wt. 70 98% -3.5 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 5225A 205 Day Weight 523 103% +34 Adjusted Off Test Weight 939 102% +46 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Frame: S Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 2 Forage Test Index —— 101% —— Milk —— —— +17 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: N/A Comments: Udder: ***** OCC Emancipate 889E 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 15% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 3% 4+ and 5-star muscling, thickness, masculinity and overall RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Sire: OCC Anchor BW: +0.6 MGS: Shoshone Vantage J B 23 WW: +23 LOT 225 YW: +38 Milk: +21 PCC REI Anthony 5200A Born: 4/24/13 Description: High% Unregister ed Black-Hided Red Angus Sire: PCC REI Super Pud Mat. Grand Sire: Moder ator PC 4034 Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 79 96% N/A 205 Day Weight 469 93% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 988 106% N/A Scrotal Circ: 36.0 PCC REI Super Pud 5216W Sire: PCC Shor t Cut L05 BW: -5.0 WW: +32 LOT 226 PCC REI Adduce Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Calving Ease: **** Cow Wt: N/A Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** Comments: Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Matt Richard (IA) for $5750 High-gaining bull — with very impressive 4+ and 5-star ratings for fleshing, thickness, muscling, masculinity and overall rating MGS: RF 5-Star Gold YW: +44 Frame: M Disposition: **** Cow Age: 9 Forage Test Index —— 121% —— Milk —— —— N/A Milk: +12 5224A Born: 5/21/13 Description: High% Unregister ed Black-Hided Red Angus Sire: PCC REI Super Pud Mat. Grand Sire: Moder ator PC 4034 Base Price: $2500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 84 94% N/A 205 Day Weight 594 110% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 941 104% N/A Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Milk —— —— N/A Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 9 Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 96% —— Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Udder: *** Moderator P C 4034 Comments: 3/4 brother to previous bull — Super Pud over Moderator Very impressive 5-star muscling, thickness and fleshing ability Sire: Moder ator BW: -2.0 79 WW: +26 MGS: Pr ogr essive Chap 8304 YW: +47 Milk: +9 ~ COLORADO BLACK-HIDED RED ANGUS ~ LOT 227 PCC REI Arrive LOT 228 5209A PCC REI Adapt 5213A Born: 5/3/13 Description: High% Unr egister ed Black-Hided Red Angus Born: 5/13/13 Description: High% Unregister ed Black-Hided Red Angus Sire: PCC REI Super Pud Sire: PCC REI Super Pud Mat. Grand Sire: PCC REI Upbeat Base Price: $3000 B.Wt. 67 102% N/A Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 205 Day Weight 470 93% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 872 94% N/A Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Base Price: $3000 Forage Test Index —— 98% —— Milk —— —— N/A Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: S B.Wt. 73 104% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 893 96% N/A 205 Day Weight 477 95% N/A Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Hair Coat: *** Cow Age: 2 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Ir on Man 049 Cow Wt: N/A Udder: ***** Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 9 Forage Test Index —— 97% —— Milk —— —— N/A Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: **** Comments: 4-star calving ease High-marbling bull — with 4+ fleshing ability along with solid 4-star thickness, muscling, masculinity, overall rating and fly resistance Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous four bulls Maternal 1/2 brothers sold to Larry Fiala (SD) and Terry Holzer (ND) for $5250 and $6100 respectively High–marbling bull — w/ 4-star thickness and muscling LOT 229 LOT 230 PCC Chewbacca Born: 5/24/13 Description: Black-Hided Red Angus #1606628 Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good B.Wt. 78 96% -4.1 205 Day Weight 529 100% +38 Adjusted Off Test Weight 886 102% +56 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: ***** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: **** Born: 5/4/13 B.Wt. 71 100% N/A 205 Day Weight 557 110% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 1031 106% N/A Forage Test Index —— 103% —— Milk —— —— N/A Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Hair Coat: *** Cow Age: 9 Cow Wt: 1300 Udder: ** Comments: 4-star calving ease Very impressive 4+ and 5-star ratings for fleshing ability, thickness, muscling, masculinity and overall rating Spot in right eye — guaranteed not to be a problem Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Brian Hauser (OK) for $4750 Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST PCC ICE Bradshaw 5419A Mat. Grand Sire: Multi-Sire Red Angus Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Calving Ease: ***** Cow Wt: 1140 LOT 231 5400A Description: Black-Hided Red Angus #1666810 Sire: PCC MH Rebel Mat. Grand Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Forage Test Index —— 106% —— Milk —— —— +16 Longevity: **** Comments: Sire: PCC MH Rebel Base Price: $3000 Disposition: *** Cow Age: 8 PCC ICE Bartlett Born: 5/9/13 Description: High% Unr egister ed Black-Hided Red Angus Mat. Grand Sire: MH Magua 27 Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 4001A B.Wt. 67 98% -5.5 205 Day Weight 491 100% +34 Adjusted Off Test Weight 872 93% +59 Scrotal Circ: 31.0 Frame: S Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 2 Comments: Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 85% —— Milk —— —— +19 Calving Ease: ***** Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** PCC MH Rebel 2009 Guaranteed calving ease — birth weight EPD in top 4% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 1% No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Sire: OCC Homer 650H BW: -3.5 80 WW: +22 MGS: OCC Emblazon 854E YW: +44 Milk: +19 ~ COLORADO BLACK-HIDED RED ANGUS ~ LOT 232 PCC ICE Litchfield LOT 233 5401A PCC ICE Rulo 5402A Born: 5/5/13 Description: High% Unr egister ed Black-Hided Red Angus Born: 5/6/13 Description: High% Unr egister ed Black-Hided Red Angus Sire: PCC MH Rebel Sire: PCC MH Rebel Mat. Grand Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 65 101% N/A 205 Day Weight 463 94% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 961 102% N/A Base Price: $3000 Milk —— —— N/A Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Forage Test Index —— 111% —— Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 67 100% N/A Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: ***** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: N/A 205 Day Weight 540 100% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 966 99% N/A Scrotal Circ: 38.0 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado Cowboy Udder: **** Frame: S Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 2 Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— N/A Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: **** Comments: 3/4 brother to the previous bull — uniquely combines one of PCC’s best Angus bulls w/ PCC’s best Red Angus bull 4+ muscling, thickness, fleshing ability and masculinity Short tail — guaranteed not to be a problem Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous three bulls 4-star (almost 5) calving ease — 67-pound birth weight Big-scrotal bull — w/ impressive 4+ muscling, thickness and overall rating LOT 234 LOT 235 PCC REI Accolade 5229A PCC P-L Wally Born: 5/24/13 Description: High% Unregister ed Black-Hided Red Angus Born: 5/17/13 Sire: PCC REI Super Toad Sire: PCC CM Waldr on Mat. Grand Sire: MH Popper Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 75 101% N/A 205 Day Weight 514 102% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 895 96% N/A Milk —— —— N/A Scrotal Circ: 32.0 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 5 Description: Black-Hided Red Angus #1655502 Mat. Grand Sire: Hammel M-League 86R Base Price: $3000 Forage Test Index —— 89% —— Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: N/A B.Wt. 61 103% -3.1 205 Day Weight 565 98% +41 Adjusted Off Test Weight 933 98% +62 Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Calving Ease: **** Udder: ***** Forage Test Index —— 99% —— Milk —— —— +18 Frame: M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: ***** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Age: 5 Comments: Sire’s pedigree contains Colorado Hobo, Colorado Chunky, 5-Star Gold and Kit’s favorite Angel cow Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Bob Ridgley (MO) for $5750 High-marbling bull — with impressive 5-star fleshing 5737A Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: **** Comments: 4-star calving ease — birth weight EPD is in the top 20% 4+ fleshing ability — w/ solid 4-star muscling, thickness, masculinity, overall rating and fly resistance Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness LOT 236 PCC REI Abound 5241A Born: 6/11/13 Description: High% Unregistered Black-Hided Red Angus Sire: PCC REI Upbeat Base Price: $2500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 73 104% N/A Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Déjà vu 922 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 473 936 94% 100% N/A N/A Scrotal Circ: 34.5 Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 108% —— Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 7 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ** Comments: Pedigree contains Emblazon, Emancipate, Colorado Hobo, Johnny B Good’s dam and Kit’s favorite Angel cow Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Russ Hauck (MT) for $6300 Tremendous ability to gain and marble on an all-grass diet PCC REI Upbeat 7200U Sire: MH Popper 2020P Milk —— —— N/A MGS: OCC Emancipate 81 ~ COLORADO BLACK-HIDED RED ANGUS ~ LOT 237 Born: 5/20/13 PCC SCC Frankie Description: Black-Hided Red Angus #1653608 Sire: OH Willow 4216R Mat. Grand Sire: CM Mor gan 687M Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 80 100% -2.7 205 Day Weight 554 101% +41 Adjusted Off Test Weight 909 96% +56 Scrotal Circ: 34.5 Sire: OCC No Doubt 622N BW: -3.3 WW: +36 LOT 238 Born: 4/1/13 B.Wt. 70 100% -3.3 205 Day Weight 622 125% +51 Adjusted Off Test Weight 912 99% +79 Scrotal Circ: 34.5 Fleshing Ability: *** Low Maintenance: ***** Cow Wt: 895 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 73 90% N/A Frame: S Longevity: *** Udder: **** PCC ICE Maskell 5416A Sire: PCC Ir on Man 049 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC OH Char coal 4225R Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— +17 Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1130 Base Price: $2500 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 Low Maintenance: ***** Calving Ease: **** Born: 5/11/13 Description: High% Unregister ed Black-Hided Red Angus Mat. Grand Sire: OH Willow 4216R Base Price: $2500 Longevity: **** LOT 239 5810A Description: Black-Hided Red Angus #1653601 Sire: PCC J AD Doc RK32 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Milk: +12 PCC SCC Big Al Frame: S Fleshing Ability: **** Comments: 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct in the top 15% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 3% Small spot left eye and no tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem MGS: Basin Hobo 79E YW: +52 Forage Test Index —— 91% —— Milk —— —— +17 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 6 OH Willow 4216R 5821A 205 Day Weight 541 110% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 975 104% N/A Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: *** Udder: ***** Comments: 4-star calving ease — calving ease direct in the top 15% Extremely low maintenance — energy EPD is in top 2% No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 2 Forage Test Index —— 97% —— Milk —— —— N/A Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: ***** Comments: 4-star calving ease Impressive 4+ fleshing ability — w/ solid 4-star muscling, thickness, masculinity, hair coat and fly resistance “We picked up the bull we bought SUS in very good shape. A week later we weighed him (1160 pounds) and turned him out with about 70 spring-calving cows. We left him by himself for two weeks before we turned in 2 more bulls. He was pulled 90 days later and we weighed him at 1225 pounds. He has been in the "bull lot" since and has fleshed up even more. We can't wait to see what he will look like after going through one of our lush spring seasons.” Cathy Sandberg — Oregon 82 Two Plus Two Equals Five Hybrid Vigor, also known as heter osis, is a marked increase in performance and output that can be achieved through crossbreeding. It is equivalent to 2 + 2 = 5. Although hybrid vigor is not totally free, it’s as close to free as we’re ever going to get. Hybrid vigor has a significant effect on growth and performance, but its greatest effect is on fertility, doability and longevity. Therefore, a crossbred cow has huge economic advantages over a purebred cow. Commercial ranchers need to be wor king with a crossbred cowherd, because they cannot afford to give up the advantages of hybrid vigor and breed complementarity. However, managing an effective crossbreeding system requires some forethought and discipline. You can’t just buy the cheapest bulls that meet your basic color requirements. Take time to make a plan and then stick with it. Pharo Cattle Company can provide all the genetic ingredients for a successful crossbreeding system. This sale has a great selection of Angus, Red Angus, and Composite bulls to choose from. We are a no-nonsense seedstock producer who has always selected for efficient, moderate-sized, maternal cattle. Our cows run on short native grass year-round with minimum supplementation. Here is an analogy that might make this concept a little easier to understand. Straight breeding (Angus x Angus) is like depositing money in a checking account. What you put in is exactly what you can take back out. On the other hand, crossbreeding is like depositing money in a savings account. Not only can you take out what you put in, you will also take out some accrued interest (hybrid vigor). Keeping it simple. If you would like the advantages of hybrid vigor and breed complementarity without all the problems and headaches involved in managing a crossbreeding system, you might consider using our Composite bulls. Traditional crossbreeding requires all cows to be identified and sorted into different breeding pastures to be bred by bulls of different breeds. For many this requires too much time and management. Most crossbreeding systems will also produce a lack of uniformity because calves are sired by two or more different breeds of bulls. Breed Complementarity is a n ot h er positive factor that can only be achieved through some form of crossbreeding. This involves taking the positive traits that exist in two different purebreds and putting them together in a crossbred animal. In other words, the traits of one breed will complement the traits of another breed when they are combined. A crossbred range cow should be 50% to 100% English (Angus, Hereford, Red Angus) breeding. She should never be over 50% Continental (Tarentaise, Gelbvieh, Simmental) breeding. Since some continental breeds are not maternal in nature they should seldom, if ever, be used to produce replacement heifers. Composite bulls enable you to run your entire cowherd together with one set of bulls, if so desired. Record keeping and sorting can be minimized. This also makes it possible for you to implement a rotational grazing system. Crossbred calves that seem to perform the best in the feedlot and on the rail will be 50% to 75% English breeding and 25% to 50% Continental breeding. Although 100% English bred calves cannot compete with continental-cross calves for cutability, they excel in the white table cloth market, as well as the grass-fed beef market. Our Composite bulls can simplify your breeding system, as well as move your program in the right direction. They’re 50% to 75% English breeding and 25% to 50% Continental breeding, and they can be either red or black in color. Check Out our Composite Bulls on the Next Several Pages 83 ~ COLORADO RED COMPOSITE ~ LOT 240 PCC REI Aspiration Born: 5/13/13 7204A Description: Composite; Red/Polled — 75% Angus/Red Angus; 25% Tarentaise — Sire: PCC REI Super Pud Mat. Grand Sire: OH Color ado Chunky Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 80 95% N/A 205 Day Weight 573 101% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 1028 100% N/A Scrotal Circ: 38.0 PCC REI Super Pud 5216W Sire: PCC Shor t Cut L05 BW: -5.0 WW: +32 LOT 241 Milk: +12 PCC ICE Royal Born: 5/6/13 Fleshing Ability: ***** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: **** Comments: 5+ thickness (WOW) — with 5-star fleshing, muscling, masculinity and overall rating Outstanding ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST MGS: RF 5-Star Gold YW: +44 Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 9 Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— N/A 7422A Description: Composite; Red/Polled — 52% Angus/Red Angus; 37% Tarentaise; 11% Hereford — Sire: PCC Buckar oo Mat. Grand Sire: PCC OH Pledge Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: 205 Day Weight 650 118% N/A B.Wt. 71 108% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 1084 110% N/A Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 3 Forage Test Index —— 101% —— Milk —— —— N/A Calving Ease: *** Cow Wt: 1030 Hair Coat: ***** Udder: *** PCC OH Pledge 2357P Comments: Red with wild (red/black) gene (brownish/black in color) Very impressive 5+ muscling — with 5-star thickness, masculinity and overall rating RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Sire: OCC Homer 650H BW: -1.9 WW: +25 LOT 242 MGS: OCC J oker 620J YW: +53 PCC TF Augustus Born: 5/25/13 Milk: +25 7604A Description: Composite; Red Br ockle/Polled — 49% Angus/Red Angus; 41% Tarentaise; 10% Hereford — Sire: PCC Buckar oo Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 78 95% N/A Mat. Grand Sire: MCC Elijah 934 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 613 970 101% 104% N/A N/A Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Wt: 845 Forage Test Index —— 111% —— Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Cow Age: 3 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** Comments: Red brockle face — with brindle coloring High-gaining bull — with 4+ and 5-star muscling, thickness, masculinity, overall rating and fly resistance RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST PCC Buckaroo 570 Sire: Hatfield Composite 140 Milk —— —— N/A MGS: Bow-N’s Bert 84 ~ COLORADO RED COMPOSITE ~ LOT 243 PCC ICE Kenesaw Born: 5/7/13 7423A Description: Composite; Red/Polled — 59% Angus/Red Angus; 31% Tarentaise; 10% Hereford — Sire: PCC Buckar oo Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Alamo Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 76 101% N/A 205 Day Weight 511 93% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 993 101% N/A Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Milk —— —— N/A “The calves sired by your composite bull, Buckaroo, are the stoutest and thickest calves on the ranch.” Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 3 Forage Test Index —— 113% —— Scott James — Wyoming Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: 990 Udder: ***** Comments: Dark red in color Impressive 5+ masculinity — with equally impressive 5-star muscling, thickness, and overall rating RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Dare to be a Herd Quitter LOT 244 PCC ICE Benkelman Born: 5/7/13 7425A Description: Composite; Red/Polled — 40% Angus/Red Angus; 25% Tarentaise; 35% Hereford — Sire: PCC Buckar oo Mat. Grand Sire: Multi-Sire Red Angus Base Price: $3000 HQ Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 74 104% N/A 205 Day Weight 570 104% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 948 97% N/A Scrotal Circ: 35.5 A Herd Quitter is someone who has enough courage to break away from the herd-mentality way of thinking. It is more about thinking for yourself than anything else. LOT 245 PCC ICE Tilden Born: 5/7/13 Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 9 Forage Test Index —— 88% —— Milk —— —— N/A Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: 1215 Udder: ***** Comments: Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Tony Hammer (CO) for $4500 Very impressive 5-star masculinity — with 4+ muscling and overall rating 7424A Description: Composite; Red/Polled — 47% Angus/Red Angus; 38% Tarentaise; 15% Hereford — Sire: PCC Buckar oo Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado Bonus Base Price: $2500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 90 85% N/A 205 Day Weight 504 92% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 965 98% N/A Scrotal Circ: 33.5 Milk —— —— N/A Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 8 Cow Wt: 1300 “Just thought I’d let you know that the Composite bull, Dakota Classic, we purchased three years ago is still producing a great set of calves. Glad to have made the minor investment for this high-quality bull.” Forage Test Index —— 108% —— Calving Ease: ** Hair Coat: ***** Mike Ridenour — Wyoming Udder: **** Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous four bulls — Buckaroo has been a long-time favorite in our Composite program Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Don Palmer (CO) for $4250 Stout bull — w/ 5-star masculinity and a 4+ overall rating 85 ~ COLORADO RED COMPOSITE ~ LOT 246 Born: 5/22/13 PCC ICE Farnum 7402A Description: Composite; Red/Polled — 50% Red Angus; 50% Tarentaise — Sire: PCC Colfax Mat. Grand Sire: Buf Cr k Counter chf 5107 Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 80 96% N/A 205 Day Weight 575 105% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 1136 116% N/A Scrotal Circ: 39.0 PCC Colfax 7004R Sire: PCC Foster H140 BW: +0.7 LOT 247 Born: 5/24/13 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A YW: +8 Milk: +0 PCC ICE Archer Born: 6/21/13 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 68 113% N/A Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Sire: PCC Colfax Forage Test Index —— 101% —— Milk —— —— N/A Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: **** Born: 6/3/13 Adjusted Off Test Weight 1045 106% N/A Forage Test Index —— 113% —— Milk —— —— N/A Frame: M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 4 Comments: Red with the wild (red/black) gene Impressive 4+ fleshing ability — with extreme marbling Cow longevity — 14-year-old cow with a 4-star udder has had five sons sell in our bull sales PCC ICE Gilead B.Wt. 82 93% N/A 205 Day Weight 563 102% N/A Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Cow Wt: 1250 LOT 249 7416A Mat. Grand Sire: Schu-Lar Freedom 307 ET Base Price: $2500 Disposition: **** Cow Age: 14 PCC ICE York — 25% Red Angus; 50% Tarentaise; 25% Hereford — Mat. Grand Sire: BAX Elite 16-4182 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 555 986 101% 100% N/A N/A Udder: **** Description: Composite; Red/Polled — 50% Angus; 50% Tarentaise — Base Price: $3000 Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1345 LOT 248 7403A Description: Composite; Red/Polled Sire: PCC Colfax Calving Ease: ** Comments: Extremely high-gaining bull — with very impressive 4+ and 5-star thickness, masculinity and overall rating Combines a 4-star hair coat with 4-star fly resistance RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST MGS: C-C Polled Coteau 64U WW: -1.0 Frame: M/L Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 11 Forage Test Index —— 131% —— Milk —— —— N/A Cow Wt: 985 Calving Ease: ** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ** Comments: Red — with brindle coloring High-gaining bull — with impressive 5-star masculinity and 4+ thickness Combines a 5-star hair coat with 4+ fly resistance 7408A Description: Composite; Red/Polled — 50% Red Angus; 50% Tarentaise — Sire: PCC Colfax Mat. Grand Sire: Beckton Lancer J 395 TZ Base Price: $2500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 78 98% N/A 205 Day Weight 545 99% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 900 92% N/A Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Frame: M Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 9 Cow Wt: 1200 “I’m very pleased with Lot #53. This is my sixth PCC bull — but the first one I purchased sightunseen. The Quick Sort was great, and the videos really helped. I don’t even consider buying bulls anywhere else!” Forage Test Index —— 83% —— Milk —— —— N/A Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** Glenn Riisoe — Kansas Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous three bulls — sire is much shorter and thicker than most of today’s Tarentaise bulls 5-star masculinity — he ain’t no sissy bull Spot in left eye — guaranteed not to be a problem 86 ~ COLORADO RED COMPOSITE ~ LOT 250 PCC Wanna B Good Born: 5/11/13 7101A Description: Composite; Red/Polled — 50% Red Angus; 50% Tarentaise — Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 83 95% N/A Mat. Grand Sire: Bluegr ass Ener gizer Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 503 924 97% 95% N/A N/A Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 11 Forage Test Index —— 94% —— Milk —— —— N/A Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1200 Udder: ***** Bluegrass Energizer Comments: Full brothers sold to Joe Cool (NE) and Calvin Schemper (KS) for $4750 and $8000 respectively 4+ and 5-star thickness, muscling, masculinity and overall RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Sire: Bluegrass Black 8-Ball MGS: MHWF The Intimidator BW: +4.0 WW: +18 LOT 251 YW: +25 Milk: -2 PCC TF Archie Born: 5/15/13 7606A Description: Composite; Red Whiteface/Polled — 75% Angus/Red Angus; 22% Tarentaise; 3% Hereford — Sire: PCC Shor t Cut L05 Mat. Grand Sire: MCC Elijah 934 Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 70 106% N/A 205 Day Weight 519 98% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 866 100% N/A Scrotal Circ: 33.0 PCC Short Cut L05 BW: -3.6 WW: +41 LOT 252 Born: 5/20/13 YW: +56 PCC ICE Milligan Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Comments: Sire: Color ado Shor ty 894F MGS: Buf Cr k Hobo 1961 Milk: +16 Frame: S Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 2 Cow Wt: 980 Forage Test Index —— 103% —— Milk —— —— N/A Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** Red whiteface — with brindle coloring Calving ease bull — with extreme marbling (144% ratio) Combines a 5-star hair coat with 5-star fly resistance Cow efficiency — dam weaned 53% of her own weight 7401A Description: Composite; Red/Polled — 50% Angus/Red Angus; 50% Tarentaise — Sire: Smitty Mat. Grand Sire: Multi-Sire Red Angus Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 68 113% N/A 205 Day Weight 528 96% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 954 97% N/A Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Milk —— —— N/A Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 3 Cow Wt: 924 Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** Comments: Red with the wild (red/black) gene Potential calving ease — 68-pound birth weight Impressive 4+ and 5-star ratings for thickness, masculinity, overall rating, hair coat and fly resistance Smitty Sire: PCC Colfax 7004R MGS: Ideal 3311 of GURU 427 3403 87 ~ COLORADO RED COMPOSITE ~ LOT 253 PCC ICE Hastings Born: 5/29/13 LOT 254 7437A Description: Composite; Red/Polled PCC ICE Hooper Born: 6/17/13 — 75% Angus/Red Angus; 25% Tarentaise — Sire: Smitty Actual: Ratio: EPDs: — 75% Angus/Red Angus; 25% Tarentaise — Mat. Grand Sire: RF Cool Br eeze 4031 Base Price: $3000 B.Wt. 70 100% N/A Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 551 1001 104% 106% N/A N/A Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Forage Test Index —— 110% —— Mat. Grand Sire: Buf Cr k J ulian TR P178 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 70 100% N/A Frame: M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 2 Sire: Smitty Base Price: $2500 Milk —— —— N/A 205 Day Weight 560 105% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 965 102% N/A Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: N/A 7443A Description: Composite; Red/Polled (scur r ed) Udder: ***** Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 2 Forage Test Index —— 99% —— Milk —— —— N/A Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: *** Comments: Tremendous ability to gain (110%) and marble (148%) on nothing but grass 4+ thickness — w/ 4-star muscling, fleshing and overall Combines a 4+ hair coat with 5-star fly resistance Comments: Extreme marbling — with very solid 4-star muscling, thickness, masculinity, fleshing ability, overall rating and fly resistance LOT 255 LOT 256 PCC ICE Hebron Born: 6/12/13 7441A Description: Composite; Red/Polled (scur r ed) PCC Red Rover Born: 4/26/13 — 75% Angus/Red Angus; 25% Tarentaise — Sire: Smitty Actual: Ratio: EPDs: — 66% Red Angus; 32% Tarentaise; 2% Hereford — Mat. Grand Sire: Red hill B571 J ulian 84S Base Price: $2000 B.Wt. 82 85% N/A Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 579 1016 109% 108% N/A N/A Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Forage Test Index —— 107% —— Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 68 116% N/A Frame: M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 2 Sire: PCC ICE Cowboy Magic Base Price: $3500 Milk —— —— N/A Calving Ease: ** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: N/A LOT 257 LOT 258 Born: 5/16/13 Description: Composite; Red/Polled Base Price: $2000 Born: 6/6/13 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 78 95% N/A Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Comments: Cow Wt: 965 7413A Description: Composite; Red/Hor ned Sire: PCC Colfax Forage Test Index —— 98% —— Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 89 86% N/A Frame: M Disposition: *** Cow Age: 3 PCC ICE Stanton Mat. Grand Sire: DHLL Night Man Base Price: $2500 Milk —— —— N/A Udder: **** — 38% Red Angus; 62% Tarentaise — Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Buckar oo Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 635 950 105% 102% N/A N/A Hair Coat: **** Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Tom White (KS) for $5750 Calving ease bull — with 4+ muscling and thickness Tremendous ability to gain and marble on grass RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST — 70% Red Angus; 25% Tarentaise; 5% Hereford — Sire: PCC ICE Cowboy Magic Calving Ease: **** Cow Wt: 958 Comments: 7600A Frame: S/M Longevity: N/A Cow Age: 12 Forage Test Index —— 110% —— Milk —— —— N/A Disposition: ***** Comments: Light red — with brindle coloring 1/2 brother to the previous three bulls — sire is a Colfax son that is 50% Tarentaise and 50% Angus High-gaining bull — with 4-star thickness and muscling PCC TF Arturo Mat. Grand Sire: Color ado Shor ty Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 442 934 85% 96% N/A N/A Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Cow Wt: N/A 7105A Description: Composite; Red/Polled 205 Day Weight 574 104% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 831 85% N/A Scrotal Circ: 38.0 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** Frame: M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 11 Cow Wt: 1200 Forage Test Index —— 60% —— Milk —— —— N/A Calving Ease: ** Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** Comments: Red with wild (red/black) gene — these animals are born red but turn darker (almost black) as they age Solid 4-star thickness, muscling, masculinity, fleshing ability, overall rating, hair coat and fly resistance Red — with brindle coloring Solid 4-star thickness, fleshing ability and masculinity Cow efficiency — dam weaned 65% of her own weight Spot in left eye — guaranteed not to be a problem 88 ~ COLORADO RED COMPOSITE ~ LOT 259 PCC ICE Norfolk Born: 6/3/13 LOT 260 7409A Description: Composite; Red/Polled Born: 5/15/13 — 38% Red Angus; 62% Tarentaise — Sire: PCC Colfax Base Price: $2000 B.Wt. 80 96% N/A Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Scrotal Circ: 41.0 Forage Test Index —— 106% —— Milk —— —— N/A Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 63 100% N/A Frame: M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 9 Sire: PCC PL Image Man Base Price: $2000 Disposition: **** 7901A — 65% Angus/Red Angus; 16% Tarentaise; 10% Hereford; 9% Other — Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado Hobo Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 506 961 92% 98% N/A N/A PCC P-L Buck's Image Description: Composite; Red/Polled (scur r ed) Scrotal Circ: 32.5 Calving Ease: ** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1250 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Buckar oo Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 539 814 100% 99% N/A N/A Udder: ** Comments: Dark cherry red with wild (red/black) gene Maternal 1/2 brothers sold to Kevin Kube (NE) and Mark Johnson (NE) for $4750 and $5500 respectively 4+ masculinity — w/ 4-star muscling and fleshing ability Frame: S Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 2 Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— N/A Calving Ease: **** Cow Wt: N/A Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** Comments: Buckaroo and Elijah are both in the dam's pedigree 4-star calving ease — 63-pound birth weight No tail switch — guaranteed not to be a problem ~ COLORADO TARENTAISE ~ LOT 261 Born: 5/23/13 PCC Bulltown King Description: Pur ebr ed Tar entaise/Hor ned #219666 Sire: PCC Colfax Mat. Grand Sire: C-C Polled Coteau 64U Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 76 100% +1.5 205 Day Weight 620 100% +2 Adjusted Off Test Weight 922 99% +11 Scrotal Circ: 30.0 Frame: M Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: **** Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Wt: 814 Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— +2 Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 3 7000A Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** PCC Colfax 7004R Comments: Purebred Tarentaise — linebred for correct size and type High-marbling bull — with 4-star muscling, thickness, masculinity, fleshing, overall rating and fly resistance RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Sire: PCC Foster H140 BW: +0.7 89 WW: -1.0 MGS: C-C Polled Coteau 64U YW: +8 Milk: +0 ~ COLORADO BLACK COMPOSITE ~ LOT 262 PCC ICE Thedford Born: 5/7/13 7419A Description: Composite; Black/Polled — 63% Angus/Red Angus; 34% Tarentaise; 3% Hereford — Sire: PCC TF Pale Face Mat. Grand Sire: RF 5-Star Gold Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 78 98% N/A 205 Day Weight 610 111% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 1036 106% N/A Scrotal Circ: 38.5 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A LOT 263 MGS: PCC Black Bonus PCC ICE Kearney Born: 5/9/13 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 77 100% N/A Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Forage Test Index —— 106% —— Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** PCC Black Bart 205 Day Weight 537 98% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 976 99% N/A Forage Test Index —— 103% —— Milk —— —— N/A Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 4 Comments: Another STUD! Very impressive 4+ and 5-star thickness, fleshing ability, muscling and overall rating RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Born: 5/3/13 Mat. Grand Sire: MCC Elijah 934 Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Cow Wt: 1265 LOT 265 B.Wt. 83 92% N/A Frame: M Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 7 Sire: PCC TF Pale Face Base Price: $3000 Milk —— —— N/A 7418A Description: Composite; Black Whiteface/Polled — 56% Angus; 41% Tarentaise; 3% Hereford — Mat. Grand Sire: SSCC Gr anite 173 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 565 1020 103% 104% N/A N/A Udder: **** PCC ICE Talmage Born: 5/3/13 — 69% Angus/Red Angus; 28% Tarentaise; 3% Hereford — Base Price: $3500 Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: 1240 LOT 264 7420A Description: Composite; Black/Polled Sire: PCC TF Pale Face Calving Ease: *** Comments: He is a STUD! Impressive 5+ masculinity — w/ 4+ and 5-star muscling, thickness and overall rating RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST PCC TF Pale Face Sire: MCC Elijah 934 Frame: M Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 7 Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— N/A Calving Ease: ** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: N/A Udder: ***** Comments: Black whiteface — with two goggle eyes 1/2 brother to previous two bulls — all three are STUDS! High-marbling bull — w/ 4+ and 5-star thickness, fleshing ability, muscling, masculinity and overall rating 7106A Description: Composite; Black/Polled — 57% Angus/Red Angus; 38% Tarentaise; 5% Hereford — Sire: PCC Black Bonus Mat. Grand Sire: Color ado Shor ty Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 75 105% N/A 205 Day Weight 517 100% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 996 103% N/A Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Milk —— —— N/A Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 12 Cow Wt: 1085 Forage Test Index —— 107% —— Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: *** Udder: *** PCC Black Bonus 999 Comments: High-gaining bull — w/ 4+ and 5-star thickness, muscling, masculinity and overall rating Spot in right eye — guaranteed not to be a problem RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST Sire: Bluegrass Energizer BW: +2.3 90 WW: +11 MGS: Excalibur X019 YW: +16 Milk: +0 ~ COLORADO BLACK COMPOSITE ~ LOT 266 PCC ICE Axtell Born: 6/6/13 LOT 267 7412A Description: Composite; Black/Polled Born: 5/27/13 — 50% Angus/50% Tarentaise — Sire: PCC Colfax Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 85 90% N/A 205 Day Weight 547 99% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 949 97% N/A Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Forage Test Index —— 94% —— Milk —— —— N/A Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Hair Coat: **** Udder: *** PCC ICE Paxton Adjusted Off Test Weight 928 95% N/A 205 Day Weight 494 90% N/A Forage Test Index —— 101% —— Milk —— —— N/A Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 7 Comments: High-marbling bull — with impressive 4++ thickness and 5-star muscling, masculinity and overall rating Cow efficiency — dam weaned 55% of her own weight in this stout bull calf Born: 6/5/13 Mat. Grand Sire: Cole Cr eek Tr ack Hunter 150R Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Calving Ease: ** Cow Wt: 984 LOT 268 B.Wt. 79 97% N/A Frame: S/M Fleshing Ability: **** Cow Age: 3 Sire: PCC Colfax Base Price: $3000 Disposition: **** 7405A — 50% Angus/50% Tarentaise — Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Alamo 1125S Base Price: $3000 PCC ICE Auburn Description: Composite; Black/Polled Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: 1260 Udder: **** Comments: Impressive 5-star thickness and masculinity — with 4+ fleshing ability and overall rating Combines a 5-star hair coat with 5-star fly resistance 7411A Description: Composite; Black/Hor ned — 25% Angus/Red Angus; 50% Tarentaise; 25% Hereford — Sire: PCC Colfax Mat. Grand Sire: Multi-Sire Red Angus Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 69 111% N/A 205 Day Weight 592 108% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 1061 108% N/A Scrotal Circ: 38.0 Frame: M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 9 Forage Test Index —— 109% —— Milk —— —— N/A Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: 1225 Udder: **** PCC Colfax 7004R Comments: Potential calving ease — 69-pound birth weight High-gaining bull — with impressive 4+ fleshing ability, muscling, thickness and masculinity Sire: PCC Foster H140 LOT 269 LOT 270 Born: 5/29/13 PCC ICE Gering BW: +0.7 7406A Description: Composite; Black/Polled WW: -1.0 Born: 6/4/13 Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 84 91% N/A Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: M Fleshing Ability: **** Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Wt: 1070 Sire: PCC Colfax Forage Test Index —— 112% —— Milk —— —— N/A Longevity: N/A Cow Age: 6 PCC ICE Bayard 7410A Mat. Grand Sire: MH Magua 27 Base Price: $3000 Disposition: **** Milk: +0 — 40% Angus; 60% Tarentaise — Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado Cowboy Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 590 1069 107% 109% N/A N/A YW: +8 Description: Composite; Black/Polled — 50% Angus/50% Tarentaise — Sire: PCC Colfax MGS: C-C Polled Coteau 64U B.Wt. 82 93% N/A 205 Day Weight 557 101% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 1026 105% N/A Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Calving Ease: ** Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** Comments: Maternal 1/2 brothers sold to Thane Grove (MI) and Joe Cool (NE) for $4250 and $5000 respectively High-marbling bull — with 5-star masculinity and 4+ fleshing ability, muscling, thickness and overall rating Frame: M Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 3 Cow Wt: 1110 Forage Test Index —— 109% —— Milk —— —— N/A Calving Ease: ** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** Comments: 1/2 brother to the previous four bulls Maternal 1/2 brother sold to Kirk Jackson (TX) for $7300 Extreme marbling — with very impressive 4+ muscling, thickness, masculinity and fly resistance 91 ~ COLORADO BLACK COMPOSITE ~ LOT 271 PCC ICE Bennington Born: 5/13/13 7433A Description: Composite; Black/Polled — 44% Angus/Red Angus; 47% Tarentaise; 9% Hereford — Sire: PCC Slugger 801 Mat. Grand Sire: MCC Huxtable 014 Base Price: $3500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 72 106% N/A 205 Day Weight 548 100% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 961 98% N/A Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Sire: Hatfield Composite 842 LOT 272 Born: 5/11/13 MGS: Mr TTR N114 PCC ICE Walton Born: 5/8/13 Base Price: $3500 B.Wt. 68 100% N/A Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Scrotal Circ: 34.5 Sire: PCC Ir on Man 049 Base Price: $3000 Milk —— —— N/A PCC ICE Ulyssess 7431A — 81% Angus; 19% Tarentaise — Mat. Grand Sire: MCC Elijah 934 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 488 885 100% 99% N/A N/A Udder: **** Description: Composite; Black/Polled — 84% Angus; 16% Tarentaise — Sire: PCC Ir on Man 049 Hair Coat: **** Potential calving ease — 72-pound birth weight High-marbling bull — w/ 4+ muscling and overall rating Combines a 4-star hair coat with 4-star fly resistance RETAINED SEMEN INTEREST LOT 273 7432A Description: Composite; Black/Polled Calving Ease: *** Cow Wt: 1205 Comments: PCC Slugger 801 (with dam at 6 months) Frame: M/L Disposition: **** Cow Age: 7 Forage Test Index —— 96% —— Milk —— —— N/A Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: S/M B.Wt. 66 100% N/A Mat. Grand Sire: MCC Elijah 934 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 484 870 100% 99% N/A N/A Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Milk —— —— N/A Scrotal Circ: 32.0 Frame: S Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: **** Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Calving Ease: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Hair Coat: *** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Hair Coat: *** Cow Age: 3 Cow Wt: 946 Udder: ***** Cow Age: 2 Comments: 4-star calving ease — 68-pound birth weight High-marbling bull — with impressive 4+ fleshing ability and overall rating, along with 4-star muscling, thickness and masculinity LOT 274 Born: 5/10/13 Cow Wt: N/A Udder: ***** Comments: 3/4 brother to previous bull — sire is a top-sort, calvingease Angus bull in our AI Sire Directory 4-star calving ease — 66-pound birth weight Solid 4-star muscling, thickness, fleshing and overall PCC P-L Elijah's Image 7900A Description: Composite; Black/Polled — 5/8 Angus/Red Angus; 1/8 Hereford; 1/8 Gelbvieh; 1/8 Tarentaise — Sire: PCC PL Image Man Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 71 100% N/A Mat. Grand Sire: MCC Elijah 934 Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 631 869 100% 99% N/A N/A Scrotal Circ: 36.5 Milk —— —— N/A Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 10 Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 100% —— Calving Ease: **** Hair Coat: ***** Udder: ***** Comments: 4-star calving ease — 71-pound birth wt. (10-yr-old cow) High-marbling bull — w/ solid 4-star muscling, thickness, masculinity, fleshing ability and overall rating Cow longevity — 10-year-old cow with a 5-star udder MCC Elijah 934 Sire: OCC Emancipate 889 92 MGS: C-C Polled Coteau ~ COLORADO BLACK COMPOSITE ~ LOT 275 PCC TF Ice Cream Born: 5/27/13 7605A Description: Composite; Black/Polled — 46% Angus/Red Angus; 44% Tarentaise; 10% Hereford — Sire: PCC Buckar oo Base Price: $3000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 83 89% N/A Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Br uiser Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 573 949 94% 102% N/A N/A Scrotal Circ: 37.0 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A LOT 276 MGS: Bow-N’s Bert PCC TF Ace Born: 5/22/13 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 78 95% N/A Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Forage Test Index —— 71% —— Actual: Ratio: EPDs: Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 12 Sire: Smitty Hair Coat: *** Udder: **** Born: 6/15/13 Adjusted Off Test Weight 924 98% N/A Milk —— —— N/A Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 78% —— Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Cow Age: 2 Comments: Black brockle face — with two goggle eyes Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Kim Barker (OK) for $3750 Solid 4-star muscling, thickness, masculinity, fleshing ability, overall rating and fly resistance PCC ICE Holbrook B.Wt. 68 102% N/A 205 Day Weight 604 114% N/A Scrotal Circ: 36.0 Calving Ease: *** Cow Wt: 1060 LOT 278 Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Alamo 1125S Base Price: $2500 Milk —— —— N/A 7436A Description: Composite; Black/Hor ned — 56% Angus/Red Angus; 38% Tarentaise; 6% Hereford — Mat. Grand Sire: PCC Color ado Anchor Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 607 837 100% 90% N/A N/A Udder: ***** PCC ICE Whitman Born: 5/29/13 — 65% Angus/Red Angus; 25% Tarentaise; 10% Hereford — Base Price: $2000 Hair Coat: *** Cow Wt: 1175 LOT 277 7603A Description: Composite; Black Br ockle/Polled Sire: PCC Buckar oo Calving Ease: ** Comments: Tremendous ability to gain (117%) and marble (123%) on nothing but grass Solid 4-star muscling, thickness, masculinity, fleshing ability and overall rating PCC Buckaroo 570 Sire: Hatfield Composite 140 Frame: M Disposition: ***** Cow Age: 5 Forage Test Index —— 117% —— Milk —— —— N/A Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Udder: *** Comments: Black — with a stub right horn High-marbling bull — with 4-star muscling, masculinity, thickness and fleshing ability Combines a 4+ hair coat with 5-star fly resistance 7442A Description: Composite; Black/Polled — 75% Angus/Red Angus; 25% Tarentaise — Sire: Smitty Mat. Grand Sire: PCC J ohnny B Good Base Price: $2500 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 73 95% N/A 205 Day Weight 475 89% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 912 97% N/A Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Milk —— —— N/A Frame: S/M Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 2 Cow Wt: N/A Forage Test Index —— 107% —— Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Udder: **** Comments: Unique pedigree — dam is a Johnny B Good daughter High-marbling bull — with above average gain in our all-grass forage program Combines a 4-star hair coat with 4+ fly resistance Smitty Sire: PCC Colfax 7004R MGS: Ideal 3311 of GURU 427 3403 93 ~ COLORADO BLACK COMPOSITE ~ LOT 279 Born: 5/23/13 PCC ICE Hampton LOT 280 7435A Description: Composite; Black/Polled (scur r ed) Born: 5/27/13 — 75% Angus/Red Angus; 25% Tarentaise — Sire: Smitty Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 68 102% N/A Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 608 960 114% 102% N/A N/A Scrotal Circ: 34.0 Forage Test Index —— 86% —— Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 75 102% N/A Frame: M Disposition: **** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 2 Sire: PCC Colfax Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Emblazon 854E Base Price: $2000 Milk —— —— N/A 205 Day Weight 442 80% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 900 92% N/A Scrotal Circ: 33.0 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Cow Wt: N/A 7404A — 50% Angus/50% Tarentaise — Mat. Grand Sire: PCC OH Char coal Base Price: $2000 PCC ICE Arlington Description: Composite; Black/Polled Udder: ***** Frame: S/M Disposition: *** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 10 Forage Test Index —— 107% —— Milk —— —— N/A Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: ***** Cow Wt: 1235 Udder: *** Comments: 1/2 brother to previous two bulls — sire is a Colfax son that is 50% Tarentaise and 50% Angus Potential calving ease — 68-pound birth weight Comments: Mat. 1/2 brother sold to Harold Gaugler (SD) for $4250 High-marbling bull — with above average gain in our all-grass forage program 4-star muscling, thickness, masculinity and overall LOT 281 LOT 282 Born: 6/5/13 PCC ICE Upland 7104A Description: Composite; Black/Polled Born: 5/7/13 — 50% Angus/50% Tarentaise — Sire: PCC Colfax Base Price: $2000 Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 75 105% N/A Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Wt: 1255 Forage Test Index —— 108% —— Actual: Ratio: EPDs: B.Wt. 78 98% N/A Frame: S/M Disposition: **** Cow Age: 9 Sire: PCC MH Rebel Mat. Grand Sire: Polled Bubba 917 Base Price: $2500 Milk —— —— N/A 7400A — 75% Angus; 25% Tarentaise — Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Kr uger 929K Adjusted 205 Day Off Test Weight Weight 455 937 88% 97% N/A N/A PCC ICE Spalding Description: Composite; Black/Polled (scur r ed) 205 Day Weight 608 111% N/A Adjusted Off Test Weight 1066 109% N/A Scrotal Circ: 35.0 Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: **** Udder: ***** Comments: Very good ultrasound data for marbling and tenderness Combines a 4-star hair coat with 5-star fly resistance Cow longevity — 9-year-old cow with a beautiful 5-star udder Frame: L Disposition: ***** Fleshing Ability: **** Longevity: N/A Low Maintenance: N/A Cow Age: 13 Cow Wt: 1185 Forage Test Index —— 107% —— Milk —— —— N/A Calving Ease: *** Hair Coat: *** Udder: **** Comments: Sire is one of PCC’s most popular Angus herd sires 5+ disposition — he is gentle as a dead hog Cow longevity — 13-year-old cow with a very nice 4-star udder Use our unique Quick Sort program to select your bulls. 94 The Optimum Cow… With rising land, feed and energy costs, there has been a lot of discussion lately about what the so-called “optimum” cow is. Most of the discussions I have heard or read lead you to believe optimum is different for different environments. A few will lead you to believe the optimum cow could be different for different people within the same environment. I’m not sure I agree with either of those viewpoints. I Typical PCC Angus Cow and Calf don’t think it is that complicated. For most ranchers, the optimum cow is the most profitable cow — the cow that can do the most for the least. When we consider cow efficiency, a smaller cow will always have an advantage over a bigger cow. Smaller cows can do more for less. If your ranch can support 100 head of 1400-pound cows, it will support 120 head of 1100-pound cows — on the exact same inputs. That’s 20% more cows producing 20% more calves — and I guarantee those 120 smaller cows will always produce more total pounds of beef than the 100 larger cows. On top of that, the calves out of the smaller cows (because they have smaller individual weights) will be worth more per pound. If smaller cows can produce more total pounds that are worth more per pound on the exact same inputs — then smaller cows are obviously much closer to optimum than bigger cows. So, how small can we go? Is there a point at which smaller cows cease to be more profitable than bigger cows? Since nearly all cow-calf producers are in the commodity business, the product they produce must fit within the current parameters of the commodity beef industry. If their product is too big or too small, it will be discounted. Therefore, we can only reduce cow size to the point that our calves still fit the parameters of the existing corn-based commodity beef industry. The optimum cow size at Pharo Cattle Company is a 2 to 4 frame cow that weighs 1000 to 1250 pounds. Cows that are bigger than this are not efficient or profitable enough to carry their own weight. Cows that are smaller than this, even though they are extremely efficient, may produce calves that are too small to work well in the existing corn-based system. Some will say, “Since I live in a better environment, I can have bigger cows.” I don’t see what difference that makes. I could have a whole herd of 1800-pound cows if I wanted to — but the herd wouldn’t be very big. No matter how good or how bad your environment is, you can run a higher number of smaller cows that will always out-produce a smaller herd of big cows. ~ Kit Pharo 14-Year-Old Hereford Cow What Does the Future Hold ? The current beef production model was built on cheap grain and cheap fuel. Times have changed! For the past 40 years, input costs have risen five times faster than cattle prices. What has worked so well for the past 40 years will NOT work for the next 40 years. As we move toward more of a grass-based system, optimum cow size may be reduced even more. 95 Masculinity, Nutrition — and Bull IMF by Allen R. Williams, Ph.D. For over a decade there has been confusion among cattlemen regarding the results of live animal carcass ultrasound and how to interpret data collected between seedstock producers. In no trait is this confusion more notable than with % IMF (intramuscular fat or marbling). This particular trait measurement is heavily impacted by several factors, including bull masculinity, degree of nutrition and bull activity (related to masculinity). These factors can greatly impact the degree to which IMF is expressed — although they do not, in any way, change the genetic potential. Bull Masculinity and Activity Bull masculinity and degree of testicular development clearly impact the expression and ultrasonic measurement of IMF. It is important to remember that the male sex hormone testosterone is a potent IMF inhibitor. In over a decade of collecting ultrasound IMF measurements on yearling to long yearling bulls, it has become very apparent that the level of masculinity and testicular development plays a significant role in the magnitude of the ultrasound IMF measurements. In other words, bulls that are thick-muscled, exhibiting signs of heavy development of secondary sex characteristics (crest to the neck, heavy shoulders, etc.) and have good to excellent testicular development will have IMF measurements that are biased downwards due to the inhibitory effect of testosterone. Statistical analysis of IMF data, coupled with scrotal circumference data, clearly indicates a significant negative correlation between bull masculinity and actual IMF. What this means is that in many instances (not all), bulls that have a very high ultrasound IMF are often not very masculine bulls. The lower testosterone activity in these bulls allows for greater phenotypic expression of IMF, but does not give a true picture of the IMF genetic potential as compared to the very masculine bulls. Bull Nutrition Level of nutrition leading up to the yearling stage greatly impacts expression of IMF. It has long been known that bulls developed on high concentrate rations will exhibit a higher magnitude of IMF deposition, at the same age, than bulls developed on lower concentrate or forage rations. That is one of the reasons most seedstock operations develop bulls on 50% or greater concentrate rations. The bulls gain quite a bit of condition (backfat) and lay down a higher level of intramuscular fat. Fat, slick bulls appeal to a lot of bull buyers. The problem is, you often don’t know what you are really buying because fat covers over a lot of faults and can give a very false impression of actual fleshing ability. Bull buyers also like to see high ultrasound IMF scores. Again, this can lead to misinterpretation by mistaking IMF due to high concentrate feeding with actual genetic potential for IMF. Bulls can only lay down IMF to the degree to which their nutritional environment will allow. Therefore, just as with bull masculinity and activity, it is important to compare bulls within contemporary groups only and not from ranch to ranch. The PCC Bulls in this Sale In the case of the PCC bulls, it is evident that many of these bulls are thick, heavily-developed bulls that exhibit a high degree of masculinity at 12-18 months of age. This masculinity, in and of itself, will inhibit phenotypic expression of IMF. Couple masculinity with high levels of activity — and then consider the fact that these bulls have had nothing but an all-grass diet. Add in the heat stress of this past summer and you have greatly impacted the degree to which IMF can be expressed via ultrasound IMF measurement. Therefore, it is important that these bulls be compared for their genetic potential for IMF — not for the magnitude of their actual IMF measurements. For your benefit in selecting bulls for IMF genetic potential, the decision was made to convert IMF measurements to an IMF ratio, calculated within each contemporary group. This allows for an accurate and true comparison between bulls and alleviates the temptation to compare solely based on the actual IMF measurement. I have analyzed actual carcass data from progeny produced from many of the prominent bloodlines utilized within PCC seedstock, and the results clearly show that there is true genetic potential for marbling or IMF. The majority of the progeny sired by these genetics will produce grass-fed and grain-fed cattle that grade USDA Choice, or better, at harvest. 96 Ultrasound Data . . . for Colorado Bull Sale The live animal carcass ultrasound used by Dr. Allen Williams and his associates is an automated, chute-side software system that captures images and calculates trait measurements on an objective basis. The traits determined by this ultrasound software are: Back Fat Thickness Ribeye Area/Hundred Weight (REA/CWT) Ribeye Shape Score Percent Intramuscular Fat Ratio (% IMF RATIO) Ribeye Area (REA) Tenderness Score On this and the following six pages, we have posted these measurements and scores (except Ribeye Area) for all of the bulls in this sale — by lot number. Dr. Williams considers the Ribeye Shape Score and the Tenderness Score to be the two most important traits because they are not affected much by environment or by the amount of feed consumed by the animal. In other words, these scores should be about the same whether the animal is being fed a hot feedlot ration or grazing poor quality forages with no supplement. Dr. Williams provided brief descriptions of these two traits below. Ribeye Shape Score: This scor e is indicative of desir ed shape of the r ibeye muscle. It is correlated to gain efficiency, as well as to eventual yield grade, cutability, and % retail product. The score ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, with an acceptable score being 0.35 or greater. An ideal score is 0.50 or greater. Tenderness Score: This scor e is cor r elated to the actual War ner -Bratzler Shear Force in a carcass ribeye steak at the 12th rib location. This score ranges from 10-50, with 20 being very tender, 30 being slightly tender, 40 being slightly tough, and 50 being tough. An ideal score is 25 or less, but 29 or less is considered acceptable in bulls. LOT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 BREED Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus BACKFAT 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.09 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.11 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.07 0.08 0.07 RIBEYE SHAPE 0.40 0.52 0.42 0.37 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.43 0.41 0.45 0.41 0.41 0.38 0.43 0.43 0.40 0.38 0.40 0.37 0.41 97 REA/CWT 1.21 1.15 1.11 1.05 1.15 1.19 1.16 1.04 1.14 0.95 0.99 1.09 1.02 0.96 1.01 1.15 1.00 0.95 1.01 0.97 % IMF RATIO 104% 95% 95% 70% 93% 84% 171% 74% 90% 131% 112% 113% 123% 43% 107% 91% 107% 106% 96% 74% TENDERNESS 26 27 27 25 28 29 26 26 29 27 27 25 26 26 27 26 27 27 28 24 Ultrasound Data . . . for Colorado Bull Sale LOT 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 BREED Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus BACKFAT 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.07 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.12 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.10 0.08 0.12 0.11 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.10 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.07 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.11 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.07 0.09 0.09 RIBEYE SHAPE 0.45 0.48 0.51 0.42 0.40 0.48 0.42 0.40 0.45 0.36 0.41 0.46 0.42 0.37 0.40 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.49 0.42 0.43 0.49 0.36 0.37 0.40 0.41 0.41 0.44 0.38 0.49 0.44 0.35 0.38 0.47 0.44 0.42 0.42 0.36 0.41 0.46 0.47 0.43 0.45 0.45 0.42 0.35 0.47 0.43 0.40 0.41 98 REA/CWT 1.05 1.06 1.05 1.23 1.13 0.99 1.06 1.07 1.09 1.17 1.07 0.98 0.97 1.00 1.03 1.05 0.96 1.07 1.03 1.16 1.10 1.33 1.19 1.15 1.11 0.90 0.99 1.19 1.10 1.10 1.02 1.22 1.18 1.02 1.00 1.05 1.02 1.12 1.15 1.34 1.17 1.02 1.16 1.08 1.18 1.09 1.23 1.13 1.14 1.15 % IMF RATIO 88% 115% 59% 119% 93% 87% 90% 111% 73% 109% 92% 108% 104% 102% 100% 119% 116% 115% 95% 117% 98% 79% 118% 128% 73% 125% 76% 85% 47% 62% 44% 64% 71% 90% 106% 134% 112% 76% 111% 102% 120% 98% 83% 131% 95% 102% 100% 65% 78% 100% TENDERNESS 24 28 26 25 26 25 28 25 27 27 28 27 25 25 28 24 25 29 27 26 26 27 25 26 28 25 26 26 28 29 29 26 25 28 25 29 25 25 30 27 25 25 26 29 26 25 29 25 25 27 Ultrasound Data . . . for Colorado Bull Sale LOT 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 BREED Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus BACKFAT 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.08 0.11 0.09 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.08 RIBEYE SHAPE 0.47 0.36 0.41 0.44 0.43 0.39 0.43 0.41 0.40 0.45 0.41 0.40 0.41 0.45 0.44 0.41 0.45 0.39 0.48 0.37 0.38 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.39 0.35 0.39 0.46 0.44 0.42 0.45 0.38 0.45 0.42 0.37 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.39 0.40 0.37 0.39 0.42 0.38 0.42 0.48 0.44 0.42 0.40 0.43 99 REA/CWT 1.25 1.22 1.10 1.20 0.99 1.16 1.02 1.24 0.98 1.07 1.25 1.17 0.95 1.05 0.94 0.99 1.04 1.16 1.19 1.28 1.10 1.00 1.15 1.31 1.11 1.12 1.29 1.16 1.11 1.25 0.95 0.99 1.13 1.20 1.07 1.21 1.01 1.36 1.05 1.27 1.25 1.26 1.03 1.04 1.10 1.01 1.34 1.08 1.09 0.93 % IMF RATIO 126% 122% 116% 123% 111% 129% 141% 107% 111% 99% 83% 96% 85% 93% 91% 110% 114% 123% 96% 91% 101% 94% 100% 92% 138% 69% 128% 138% 79% 152% 126% 78% 72% 76% 128% 69% 66% 126% 97% 97% 91% 112% 102% 105% 123% 65% 68% 135% 62% 52% TENDERNESS 27 25 24 27 26 25 25 24 26 29 27 26 26 24 26 25 24 25 25 25 25 27 27 26 25 25 26 25 25 24 25 25 26 25 26 24 27 26 26 26 26 28 25 25 25 29 28 24 28 25 Ultrasound Data . . . for Colorado Bull Sale LOT 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 BREED Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus BACKFAT 0.09 0.07 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.09 0.07 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.07 RIBEYE SHAPE 0.43 0.42 0.47 0.45 0.44 0.43 0.42 0.34 0.43 0.42 0.42 0.50 0.44 0.40 0.43 0.39 0.42 0.42 0.43 0.49 0.38 0.35 0.48 0.41 0.41 0.45 0.42 0.47 0.45 0.45 0.34 0.37 0.45 0.45 0.44 0.47 0.50 0.39 0.36 0.42 0.45 0.41 0.42 0.46 0.44 0.49 0.40 0.44 0.47 0.46 100 REA/CWT 0.99 1.16 1.00 1.03 1.09 0.96 1.26 0.97 1.28 1.03 0.95 1.07 1.11 1.09 1.09 1.18 1.13 1.30 1.12 1.09 1.23 1.11 1.09 1.16 1.11 1.01 1.04 1.27 1.09 1.22 1.04 1.02 1.21 1.10 1.10 1.06 1.17 1.14 1.29 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.07 1.08 1.01 1.25 0.84 1.04 1.08 1.12 % IMF RATIO 88% 75% 134% 101% 129% 130% 100% 120% 157% 103% 85% 117% 146% 118% 102% 124% 59% 125% 98% 105% 112% 143% 88% 110% 151% 152% 121% 85% 138% 158% 131% 111% 38% 75% 106% 115% 126% 161% 87% 120% 85% 83% 88% 83% 114% 63% 151% 89% 130% 93% TENDERNESS 24 27 27 26 24 24 24 25 28 25 28 28 25 27 26 27 27 25 27 26 26 25 26 24 26 28 25 28 26 28 25 26 28 26 29 29 26 26 25 24 26 27 28 26 29 27 28 27 28 27 Ultrasound Data . . . for Colorado Bull Sale LOT 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 BREED Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus Red Angus BACKFAT 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.09 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.11 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.07 RIBEYE SHAPE 0.50 0.50 0.40 0.50 0.45 0.37 0.44 0.42 0.44 0.46 0.39 0.41 0.42 0.44 0.41 0.39 0.46 0.40 0.45 0.43 0.41 0.47 0.40 0.49 0.48 0.41 0.44 0.39 0.39 0.41 0.36 0.43 0.48 0.46 0.41 0.40 0.42 0.43 0.41 0.46 0.45 0.44 0.34 0.37 0.33 0.43 0.42 0.41 0.36 0.47 101 REA/CWT 1.11 1.03 1.18 0.94 1.26 1.16 1.21 1.10 1.17 1.20 1.14 1.06 1.04 1.17 0.99 1.07 0.97 1.04 0.94 1.17 1.15 1.12 1.11 1.01 1.12 0.99 1.05 1.09 1.20 1.05 1.08 1.08 1.15 1.02 1.30 1.02 1.25 0.92 1.13 0.97 1.20 1.05 1.22 1.26 1.16 1.11 0.99 1.07 1.12 0.99 % IMF RATIO 57% 72% 48% 40% 55% 119% 93% 78% 63% 96% 125% 81% 82% 59% 57% 100% 76% 137% 70% 54% 117% 85% 105% 132% 97% 54% 56% 105% 141% 58% 89% 49% 108% 76% 136% 99% 104% 99% 104% 81% 143% 75% 186% 105% 94% 37% 48% 122% 104% 76% TENDERNESS 27 27 27 28 25 26 27 26 27 26 24 28 27 28 26 25 26 29 27 26 25 27 27 27 27 27 27 25 28 26 25 26 30 27 27 28 27 27 27 27 24 25 26 25 26 28 29 25 26 27 Ultrasound Data . . . for Colorado Bull Sale LOT 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 BREED Red Angus Red Angus Crossbred Black-Hided Red Angus Black-Hided Red Angus Black-Hided Red Angus Black-Hided Red Angus Black-Hided Red Angus Black-Hided Red Angus Black-Hided Red Angus Black-Hided Red Angus Black-Hided Red Angus Black-Hided Red Angus Black-Hided Red Angus Black-Hided Red Angus Black-Hided Red Angus Black-Hided Red Angus Black-Hided Red Angus Black-Hided Red Angus Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Tarentaise Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite BACKFAT 0.07 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.09 0.08 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.07 0.05 0.09 0.10 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.07 RIBEYE SHAPE 0.43 0.48 0.43 0.42 0.39 0.40 0.46 0.43 0.40 0.48 0.49 0.45 0.46 0.49 0.56 0.39 0.43 0.40 0.46 0.48 0.51 0.45 0.45 0.51 0.43 0.50 0.42 0.45 0.48 0.42 0.36 0.46 0.44 0.37 0.42 0.47 0.47 0.39 0.40 0.49 0.49 0.47 0.43 0.46 0.46 0.49 0.48 0.42 0.46 0.44 102 REA/CWT 0.93 1.09 1.03 1.15 1.07 1.18 1.24 1.32 1.13 0.99 1.17 1.23 1.21 1.16 1.12 1.24 1.25 1.06 1.11 0.95 0.98 1.05 1.07 1.06 1.01 1.07 1.04 1.08 1.12 0.96 1.18 1.22 1.18 1.21 1.16 1.09 0.99 1.38 1.14 1.30 1.27 1.03 0.96 1.08 0.97 1.36 1.22 1.07 1.03 1.19 % IMF RATIO 155% 145% 107% 78% 105% 76% 112% 127% 124% 88% 60% 115% 44% 133% 122% 149% 55% 36% 75% 120% 71% 105% 71% 75% 94% 103% 131% 54% 84% 74% 144% 62% 148% 176% 67% 118% 50% 47% 78% 106% 137% 77% 74% 110% 58% 119% 95% 87% 129% 154% TENDERNESS 26 29 28 27 27 28 28 27 26 30 28 31 26 27 25 29 29 27 29 24 29 30 29 30 28 32 30 30 27 31 29 30 28 27 28 28 30 30 27 29 32 28 29 28 30 31 32 28 28 27 Ultrasound Data . . . for Colorado Bull Sale LOT 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 BREED Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite BACKFAT 0.08 0.09 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.07 RIBEYE SHAPE 0.42 0.52 0.40 0.42 0.48 0.41 0.45 0.48 0.46 0.44 0.42 0.53 103 REA/CWT 1.02 1.25 1.22 1.02 0.99 1.20 1.23 1.02 0.95 1.18 1.09 0.98 % IMF RATIO 122% 119% 103% 120% 123% 64% 124% 121% 75% 126% 124% 66% TENDERNESS 28 31 29 29 27 28 30 27 27 28 26 31 Cooperator Herds Phar o Cattle Company is much mor e than one family and one ranch. In reality, we could be described as a multi-family owned and operated seedstock producer. The demand for Pharo Cattle Company bulls has increased tremendously over the past several years. In order to meet this demand and to keep our prices affordable, we thought it necessary to increase the number of bulls offered in our annual bull sales. This task is not as easy as it sounds because we refuse to sacrifice quality for quantity! The Solution. Over the year s our seedstock program has evolved into a network of outstanding cooperative producers. We’ve been able to increase our numbers, without sacrificing quality, by selecting the best bull calves from several select cooperator herds. I’m referring to producers who have philosophies, genetics, and breeding programs very similar to our own. For the most part, these are breeders we have been working very closely with for several years. Biographies for all of our cooper ative producers can be found on the next few pages. These producers have signed a contract with Pharo Cattle Company. In so doing, they have agreed to abide by some strict guidelines, including the following philosophies. Philosophies Behind Our Bulls 1. Honesty and integrity will never be compromised. 2. We will manage the natural resources placed under our control in a sustainable manner. 3. The breed of cattle is not nearly as important as the breeding program and the philosophies that produce the cattle. 4. Cows are run in a real-world environment, as tough or tougher than the environment most commercial cows are run in. 5. We let the environment sort out the good ones, while we show absolutely no sympathy for open, late, or dry cows. 6. We will never make an excuse for a cow. A cow must produce and wean a calf every year to remain in the herd. 7. By limiting feed resources, we try to apply sufficient pressure on the cowherd to force out the unadapted and infertile animals — at least 10 percent each year. 8. In addition to growth and performance, we select for some other vital economic traits like fertility, calving ease, moderate cow size, fleshing ability, structural correctness, disposition, and longevity. 9. Replacement heifers are developed on a low-cost, forage-based diet with minimum supplements. We only want the most efficient and most adapted heifers to make it into the cowherd. 10. A bull calf must be born unassisted from an efficient, moderate-sized cow that has never missed in order to make it into one of our bull sales. Bull Selection. When we go into these cooperative herds we are extremely selective. Performance is important, but we also select for calving ease, structural correctness, disposition, fleshing ability and thickness. In addition to all this, we require that the bulls’ mothers be efficient, moderate-sized cows that have never been pampered. We can’t afford to make any mistakes because our reputation is at stake. We only want the best of the best! As time goes on, and as these herds improve we have been able to select more and more of their bulls for our program. 104 Meet The Breeders 4-P — 4-P Farms Rod Pelton grew up as a farm boy in Eastern Colorado, and always thought that was what he wanted to do. However, after marrying the neighbor girl (Kit’s sister) and becoming familiar with the Pharo cattle operation, he realized that he really enjoys the benefits of spending time with the cattle as well. We have always agreed with Pharo Cattle Company’s philosophies and are excited about being Cooperative Producers. We specialize in easy fleshing, moderate sized cattle that know how to work for a living. Because of the drought, we were recently forced to relocate our herd to Nebraska and have been told that they brought rain with them to their new home! In addition to being Cooperative Producers, Kathy is also the Office Manager at Pharo Cattle Company. Rod and Kathy Pelton, phone 719-767-5451. BA — Bruns Angus Bruns Angus is located in the sandhills of North Central Nebraska near Bassett. Bruns Angus is operated by Kirk and Kristi Bruns, along with our three children Kara, Paige and Ben. Our cow herd is run year around on native sandhill pastures and wet meadows. We strive to produce cows that are moderate framed, functional and that are adapted to our low-input environment. We appreciate the opportunity to work with Pharo Cattle Company. Visitors are welcome any time. Kirk and Kristi Bruns, phone 402-841-3671. BSR — Bar S Ranch The Bar S Ranch is located in Northwest Kansas and is owned by Riley Shay. I have been helping my parents, Ryan and Diane, with their Black Angus herd for as long as I can remember. To avoid confusion with my parents' herd, I branched out to registered Red Angus. I bought my first Red Angus cows in 2013. My goal is to produce lowinput, moderate framed cows with calving ease and fleshing ability. I am delighted to work with Pharo Cattle Company and I'm excited for the future. Please feel free to contact me; I would be happy to talk with you. Riley Shay, phone 785-772-5040 or email Cowboy Logic: " W hile most people follow old wagon trails – others are breaking new trails.” 105 Meet The Breeders CFL — Agape Farms Agape Farms is under the stewardship of Woody Thames. We are located on the Lone Oak Ranch in China Springs, Texas 100 miles due South of Dallas. Holistic Management and Sustainability are the Key Words around the farm, as we desire to have the ability to pass it on to future generations. We run Red Angus and Hereford cattle on pastures that are native mix with Winter and Summer annuals as well as legumes. We are excited to be a Cooperative Producer for PCC and take the responsibility seriously of raising quality cattle on minimum inputs(no grain). If you are ever in our "neck of the woods", give us a call and we would treasure the opportunity to take a leisurely stroll through the pastures with you. Woody Thames, phone 214-679-7737 or email CTM — McDaniel Farms The McDaniel Ranch is located on the Northwest Kansas prairie, northeast of Goodland. We have been raising Red Angus cattle since 1997. Shortly thereafter, I met Kit Pharo and began to focus my efforts toward raising the right kind of cattle — self-sufficient, moderately-framed and easy fleshing cows that produce the same in their calves. Raising cattle that require few inputs and calves with lower birth weights is far more enjoyable (and logical) than spending heartache, hours and money accommodating the cows. It is a pleasure to be working in the environment of Pharo Cattle Company and all of the other like-minded Cooperative Producers that we appreciate so much. Cody and Tancy McDaniel, phone 785-694-2910 (home) or 785-694-3244 (cell). D-7 — D Bar 7 Ranch The D Bar 7 Ranch, owned by Al and Debb De Wit has moved to Armstrong, Missouri. We are busy running water lines and building paddocks. We raise Red Angus cattle focusing on building a herd of low input, easy fleshing, good uddered, slick haired, productive cows with a primary emphasis on fertility. We feel feel fortunate to be associated with Pharo Cattle Company and its progressive group of Cooperative Producers. Al and Debb DeWit, phone 918-915-0909. 106 Meet The Breeders DC — Dry Creek Red Angus Dry Creek Red Angus is owned and operated by the Luhman family. My parents are David and Ruth, who have managed this land since the 1960's and continue to help today. I, along with my wife Terri and children, Kaleb, Jared, Gavin, and Luka hope to continue our heritage for years to come. Our goal is to be good stewards of the land God has allowed us to use and to leave it in a better state than when we got here. We farm crops organically and use management intensive rotational grazing methods to improve the soil. Cattle that can fit our environment and take full advantage of the existing resources is what we are breeding for. We do all of this with a forage-only program. We have had registered Red Angus cattle for 19 years and have been selling grass-finished cattle since 2003. We feel fortunate to be able to work with Pharo Cattle Company in producing low-input, profit-oriented seedstock. Our operation is located in Southeast Minnesota, in the rolling hills of the Mississippi River Valley. If you get in the area, feel free to give us a call and/or stop by. Jon and Terri Luhman, phone 651-923-4604. D-J — David Johnson The D Bar J is the home of our Black Angus herd of grass efficient cattle. The beautiful clear Current, Meramec, and Jack’s Fork Rivers’ headwaters surround our operation. We have a genetic core of three and four frame, easy fleshing, efficient, and fescue tolerant cows. Producing seedstock that pass on traits which support low input operations is our goal. Calving ease, fertility, longevity, udder quality, good hair coats, volume, and good dispositions are trademarks of our cows. The rigid process of selection for these traits is producing cattle which can thrive in our tough environment as well as most other environments. Our heat, humidity, and fescue toxicity demand that these traits are inherent in our PCC herd. Our family is privileged to be able to work with the PCC group of cooperating producers and PCC management. Unique opportunities to learn and grow in this organization make this a challenging and rewarding endeavor. We look forward to growing and improving with Pharo Cattle Company. David and Pam Johnson, phone 573-729-4388 (home) or 573-247-0164 (cell). Cowboy Logic: “A bad attitude is like a flat tire. You can’t go very far until you change it.” 107 Meet The Breeders FSR — Flying S Ranch The Flying S Ranch is nestled in cottonwoods on the Republican River bottom where the jagged breaks to the north meet the golden plains of Western Kansas. We pride ourselves on being honest and fair, and thank God for the opportunity to live on the land and spend much of our time working with livestock. The ranch was built in 1906 and purchased by my father in 1964. Diane and I are proud to carry on the tradition of producing only the best cattle and horses. The Flying S Ranch is home to Ryan and Diane Shay and our children Riley, Kailey Anne, Reid, Rayden, Rhett, Ronan, Ryder, and Kristine. We are located 2 1/2 miles southwest of St. Francis, Kansas. We have operated a low input commercial cowherd since 1994, and in 1998 we purchased the best bull we have ever owned, a Pharo Cattle Company developed bull. Since then we have been buying some of the best bulls in the Pharo Cattle Company program, upon which we have built our registered herd. We breed for moderate size, fleshing ability, longevity and maternal traits. Being a low-input operation, our cows graze native grass in the summer and fall and are wintered on inexpensive corn stalks. They are run year-round with no protein supplements. Our cows calve on native river bottom grass in March and April with a minimum amount of harvested forage. Please give us a call or stop by to see us anytime. Ryan and Diane Shay, phone 785-332-3209. ICE — Ichthys Cattle Enterprise Ichthys Cattle Enterprise is under the stewardship of Lanny and Kristin Greenhalgh (and seven little helpers). We purpose to obey God in all that we do, even though we often fail. One way we desire to glorify God is through the production of the right kind of cattle with PCC. We truly think the genetics PCC offers will help people be more hopeful and realize more profit in their cattle operations. ICE headquarters is located near Guide Rock, Nebraska, in rolling hills 6 miles north of the Republican River Valley. Justin Jorgensen and David Ellis manage the Nebraska cattle. We also have an irrigated ranch at Huntley, WY. Dale Kostur and Dusty Southworth manage those cattle. We currently lease Black Angus, Red Angus and Composite cattle from PCC. We also just recently purchased a Hereford herd from David Hall. We have leased PCC cows since joining them in 2002. It is from these cows that we get our replacement heifers. We hire Clyde Mattson and Toby Foland to A.I. the cows in early August to top PCC herd sires. We are blessed with all high-quality people on our cattle team. Many of our cows have top PCC bulls on both sides of their pedigree. The cows graze native pasture in the spring and summer months and utilize crop residues and cover crops throughout the fall and winter. We never feed hay as a normal feeding plan but do keep some around for special situations like calf weaning, A.I., etc. These cows can look rough during the winter but most will bounce back and be as fat as ticks in the summer. Every year I am amazed at what these cattle can go through and still breed back. Those that don't breed back, of course, are sold, as well as those with bad udders. You will NOT find pampered cattle on our ranch; we can't afford it — and you don't want it in a seedstock producer. Calving is targeted for May/June. We are pleased to visit with you about PCC and can show you the cattle if you would like. Lanny and Kristin Greenhalgh, phone 402-984-6375 or email 108 Meet The Breeders KOM — KOMA Cattle Company KOMA Cattle Company selects for easy fleshing, low maintenance cows with functional udders and temperament. Bulls with depth, muscle and moderate birth weights make calving in April easy. Grazing year round, we have not fed any hay the last four winters, supplementing only pre-calving. We really notice that our cows were spread out grazing even when the temperatures were hot and humid this summer. They use natural cover and body fat to withstand winter stress. Our goal is to raise moderate framed cattle, large enough to survive the elements, yet small enough to reproduce in adverse conditions. Good testicular development, thick muscling, good udders and maternal instincts and easy fleshing ability are most important to our operation. Please contact Jim Madsen, phone 785-324-1247 or email or Katrin Kolder, DVM, phone 785-324-2540 or email for more information. LCC — Lost Creek Cattle Lost Creek Cattle Company is located in Southwest North Dakota. Sean, Kat and daughter Charlee Weinert are fifth generation ranchers, raising Black Angus cattle on their centennial family ranch. We are striving for a herd of low-input cattle with excellent maternal traits, longevity and easy fleshing ability. These are the qualities that work hard for us and we believe those traits can make a difference in your herd also. We are so proud to be a part of PCC; they are always challenging us to find a better way to do our job. We would enjoy visiting with you at the ranch if you are in the area. Sean and Kat Weinert, phone 701-928-0499 or email LLL — Triple L Angus Garth and Joni Lloyd, along with their 4 children, operate Triple L Red Angus Farms in Northeast Missouri. The challenges we face are common to many ranches. In Northeast Missouri; tall fescue is among our biggest challenges. We realized a long time ago that the fescue is here to stay so we had better develop cattle and management practices to eliminate, or at least lessen, fescue’s impact on herd health and cattle development. In 2003 we purchased our first Red Angus bull, “PCC Shortcut”. In 2004, we began culling every cow that wasn’t able to wean a calf every year on schedule. In 2007, we began planned grazing. The impact of just these three tools has been enormous. The cattle we raise today are fescue adapted, healthier and more productive than we ever might have imagined. That translates into greater enjoyment for everyone and a much better bottom line. We currently schedule around six farm tours per year. Give us a call if you are ever in the area. We’d love to meet you. Garth and Joni Lloyd, phone 660-945-3918, or e-mail 109 Meet The Breeders N-K — N-K Land and Cattle N-K Land & Cattle is located in northeast Kansas along the KansasNebraska border. Phil and Linda started the operation in 1970 with Black Angus cattle. The operation uses low stress handling of livestock with a holistic health program for all of the grass-fed species. The ranch goal: To raise and sell premium grass-fed animals while lowering inputs and always being good stewards of God's land. PCC has a valuable network of people that have stretched us to be more accountable toward those challenges. By adding Red Angus cattle, Katahdin sheep, and meat goats to the operation we are on a new level of learning. Our sons and their families are the most important part of this operation. Stop by for a pasture walk anytime. Phil and Linda Wertenberger, phone 785-284-3258 (home) or 785-285-0079 (cell), email OLC — Ohio Land & Cattle Ohio Land and Cattle is comprised of 6000 acres of pastures, lakes, ponds and forest. Five hundred Black Angus breeding cows produce the calf crop. The herd sires we use are limited to the very top PCC bulls or semen from the PCC Sire Directory. The cattle thrive and produce on no inputs except minerals. PCC customers are welcome to visit anytime. It is our privilege to be associated with Pharo Cattle Company. James Coffelt, phone 330-328-4470 or email PCC — Pharo Cattle Company The “PCC” prefix (by itself) is used to identify bulls produced by cows owned by Kit and Deanna or Tyson and Sky Pharo. Some of these cows are located on our home ranch in Eastern Colorado, while others are located in Cooperator Herds. You will see the PCC prefix (by itself) on Angus, Red Angus and Composite bulls. More and more of the PCC Angus and Red Angus bulls are being produced by Tyson and Sky. You can contact us by calling 1-800-311-0995. We would love to give you a personal tour of our ranch and our cattle. Need help selecting your bulls? Call 1-800-311-0995 110 Meet The Breeders P-L — Landrigan Livestock The Landrigans reside on the south edge of the rolling Sandhills in central Nebraska, near Broken Bow. This has been a great place to raise our children as well as cattle. We require our cattle to calve annually in a least-cost program. We strive to raise functional, well-balanced cattle, using the natural pressures of weather, winter grazing, and the fundamentals of the PCC program. We focus our breeding efforts on hardy, easy-keeping, fertile cattle with a high degree of calving ease. The composite cattle are deep ribbed, large capacity cattle that stay in good flesh while grazing winter pasture or crop residue. We raise Black and Red Angus cattle in addition to Composites. The ability to thrive in a least cost environment is also required for the registered cattle, and the Composites have created a hard act to follow. Our philosophy of raising cattle parallels that of PCC, and we are pleased to be Cooperative Producers. Paul & Janet Landrigan, phone 308-643-2505. R2R — R2 Ranch R2 is operated by Richard Luciano. We have been raising registered Red Brangus since 1992 and Red Angus since 1997. We have two beautiful ranches, one in Fischer, Texas, and the other in Yancey, Texas. The Toussaint family helps us in Fischer and the Camachos help in Yancey. Texas weather is famous for its variability. Some years the cows get all they can eat with few external inputs, and some years it is a distinct challenge keeping them in shape. All of our bulls in this sale were born in an exceptional drought. Kit said we were too hard on the cows and calves, and maybe he was right. Buying the wrong bull (not a PCC bull), a bull whose maintenance energy EPD peaked at 23, and some of the right heifers (from the late Roy Beeby), taught me quickly that some animals can make it on what the land has and some need a feed bag. Multiple droughts have enabled us to cull down to a core herd of about 150 low-maintenance, fertile cows. The wild dispositions are gone, even in the Red Brangus. The bad udders are gone. Some of our cows are still a little too big, but now we have a destination for our herd defined by the Pharo philosophies. I live in Austin, Texas, with my wife, Margaret Bennett, and our two daughters, Susanna and Elizabeth. I appreciate the faith that Kit has put in me and my cattle. I am enjoying working with a great group of fun and like-minded cooperators. Richard Luciano, 512-484-5522 or Sara Toussaint-Mesa, 830-481-4043. REI — Reinart’s Prairie Reds Reinart’s Prairie Reds is located seven miles north of Glidden in West Central Iowa, where I raise Red Angus, Angus and Composite cattle. Having been fortunate enough to run a core group of Pharo Cattle Company’s females (cows and heifers) because of the drought, I was able to obtain female progeny from this group. Being a holistic grazier, I find the addition of these females to my already adapted herd will enhance my no-grain, strictly grass, limited hay, seedstock and organic grass finished beef enterprise. I enjoy working with someone with the same philosophies and having access to his genetics. I look forward to producing seedstock as a cooperator with Pharo Cattle Company. Steve Reinart, phone 712-656-2563. 111 Meet The Breeders SCC — Streamline Cattle Company Streamline Cattle Company is located south of Stratton, Colorado, on the eastern plains. It is owned and operated by Curt and Katina Isenbart. We have been raising low-input cattle for over ten years. We raise both Red and Black Angus as well as commercial cattle. Although we have only been Cooperative Producers for a short time, we have been using PCC genetics for nearly as long as we have been in business. We found it essential to use these genetics and philosophies to make our ranching operation more profitable and enjoyable. Feel free to give me a call. Curt Isenbart, phone 719-342-0423. SHS — SHS Ranch SHS Ranch is owned by Cody Smith, Kirk Jackson and his wife Cherri. The operation is comprised of two ranches — one in Hillsboro, Texas (about 25 miles north of Waco) and a second location in Burleson, Texas (just south of Ft. Worth). The SHS operation is managed by Ian Gerrish. Ian is the son of renowned grazing guru Jim Gerrish. Ian spent most of the past decade building grazing infrastructure on several large ranches around the country and now uses his extensive grazing background to grow low-input beef. Ian incorporates Ultra High Density grazing with some of the more traditional MiG formats to grow more pounds per acre and maximize profits. SHS Ranch is honored to be a Cooperative Producer for PCC and takes the responsibility seriously of raising quality cattle on minimum inputs (no grain). If you are ever in the Central Texas area, please give us a call or send us an email. Cody Smith, phone 402-617-9401 or email or Kirk and Cherri Jackson, phone 817-266-8590. Buy your bulls from someone who raises cattle the way you ought to. 112 Meet The Breeders SSCC — Seven Spades Cattle Company Welcome to Seven Spades Cattle Company, owned and operated by Dave and Donna Gwyn. We are located south of Stratton in East Central Colorado. Raising low-input, low-maintenance cattle with adaptability has put profit and enjoyment back into our ranching business. Our involvement with Pharo Cattle Company gave us the opportunity to associate with like-minded people. Evidence as to what these kind of cattle can do has made our commitment easy. We are still breeding low birth weight, easy fleshing, adaptable cattle with good dispositions. Using bulls that produce these cattle has enabled us to keep a higher percentage of replacement heifers, growing our herd faster than we thought possible. We feel some of the most important traits we are selecting for have no EPDs, including 365-day calving intervals, ability to rough it on their own, disease and parasite resistance (we have not treated for parasites since 1996), calf vigor, and maternal instincts. We would like to thank the many customers who have purchased SSCC bulls in the past and are looking forward to meeting new customers in the future. Please feel free to call and visit anytime. Dave and Donna Gwyn, phone 719-348-5437. TF — Toby Foland I live in Wheatland, Wyoming, and maintain a herd of efficient, moderatesized Angus and Composite cows. I have been breeding these cows to Angus, Tarentaise and Composite bulls that were purchased from Pharo Cattle Company for many years. My goal is to produce efficient, easy fleshing, good-natured Composite cattle that optimize hybrid vigor and profitability. Calving in May and June has greatly reduced my input costs while shortening my calving season. As a commercial producer I have always concentrated on maternal traits, producing the most efficient and profitable herd of momma cows I can. The bull calves produced by these cows are a by-product bonus, and I am glad to be able to market them through Pharo Cattle Company’s cooperative program. Toby Foland, phone 307-331-1453. WFF — Walker Family Farm Weston and Beth Walker own and operate Walker Family Farms, a multi-species grass-based farm located in Southwest Missouri near Dadeville, approximately one hour northwest of Springfield. Walker Family Farms focuses on developing “do-it-onforage” animals that are adapted to their environment, which includes temperature extremes, high humidity and exposure to endophyte-infected fescue. The WFF operation is comprised of registered Red Angus cattle, commercial hair sheep, and Pasture-raised Heritage Berkshire pork. Since the beginning of the Walkers' marriage and partnership in 2003, they realized the need for a low-input operation utilizing animals that were hardy and selfsufficient. While researching grass-based cattle genetics, they came across Kit Pharo and Pharo Cattle Company. The concepts and practices of the PCC program resonated with their own desires and goals. The PCC philosophies are applied to all species in the operation. Through a rigorous selection process and low inputs, the goal is to produce replacement animals that are able to perform in Fescue Country and thus be able to go anywhere in the country and be efficient and economic meat producers. Farm tours and phone calls are welcomed. Weston and Beth Walker, phone 417-777-0599. 113 If you would like to receive our weekly email devotions, send your name and email address to I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes. Romans 1:16 Cowboy’s Prayer By Badger Clark Oh Lord, I’ve never lived where churches grow. I love creation better as it stood That day You finished it so long ago And looked upon your work and called it good. Let me be easy on the man that’s down; Let me be square and generous with all. I’m careless sometimes Lord, when I’m in town, But never let ‘em say I’m mean or small. I know that others find you in the light That’s sifted down through tinted window panes, And yet I seem to feel You near tonight In this dim, quiet starlight on the plains. Make me as big and open as the plains, As honest as the hoss between my knees, Clean as the wind that blows behind the rains; Free as a hawk that circles down the breeze. I thank you, Lord, that I am placed so well, That you have made my freedom so complete; That I’m no slave of whistle, clock or bell, Nor weak-eyed prisoner of wall and street. Forgive me, Lord, if sometimes I forget. You know about the reasons that are hid. You understand the things that gall and fret; You know me better than my mother did. Just let me live my life as I’ve begun And give me work that’s open to the sky. Make me a pardner of the wind and sun, And I won’t ask a life that’s soft or high. Just keep an eye on all that’s done and said And right me, sometimes, when I turn aside, And guide me on the long, dim trail ahead That stretches upward toward the Great Divide. 114 DIRECT DEBIT AUTHORIZATION FORM Date _______________________ Buyer (Print Name) _______________________________ Business Name (if applicable) ____________________________________________________ City & State _______________________ Signature _________________________________ I hereby authorize Pharo Cattle Company to direct debit my account based on information listed below. This authorization can only be revoked by presenting a written request to Pharo Cattle Company. Attach a voided copy of check here OR supply Routing and Account information below. 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