2013/2014 Raquel Cristina Naldinho Souto Novel Biomarkers of Acute Kidney Injury março, 2014 Raquel Cristina Naldinho Souto Novel Biomarkers of Acute Kidney Injury Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Área: Nefrologia Trabalho efetuado sob a Orientação de: Professor Doutor Manuel Jesus Falcão Pestana de Vasconcelos Trabalho organizado de acordo com as normas da revista: Kidney International março, 2014 Souto: Novel Biomarkers of AKI Title Novel Biomarkers of Acute Kidney Injury Author Raquel C. N. Souto Integrated Master in Medicine Serviço de Nefrologia, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal Correspondence Raquel C. N. Souto Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto Alameda Professor Hernâni Monteiro 4200-319 Porto Portugal E-mail: mimed09270@med.up.pt Running headline: Novel Biomarkers of AKI Word count: 4487 Abstract word count: 220 1 Souto: Novel Biomarkers of AKI Abstract Acute kidney injury (AKI) is associated worldwide with increased mortality, prolonged hospital stay and greater medical costs, being a risk factor for poor prognosis. These dire clinical consequences are in connection with its delayed recognition, which is traditionally verified by detection of oliguria and the elevation of serum creatinine. Hence, novel biomarkers of AKI, with the ability for prompt and accurate diagnosis have been defined as a prime research goal. Innovative technologies, from proteomics to functional genomics have identified several candidate molecules. The purpose of this work was to concisely review current available data on the most promising candidate biomarkers of AKI, discussing their clinical applicability and future prospects. Published data from studies of both urinary and serum biomarkers suggests that these molecules may have great potential to advance the fields of anesthesiology, critical care and nephrology. Despite the fact that the basic and clinical published data on this subject is substantial and supportive, the evidence was found to be yet insufficient in order to recommended their clinical usage according to the current clinical practice guidelines. In conclusion, these novel biomarkers need validation in larger studies, that include a wider range of patient populations, in order to fully demonstrate to both the scientific and clinical communities, that there is increased diagnostic benefit over traditional markers, allowing for improved medical care. Keywords: Acute Kidney Injury; Acute Kidney Injury: diagnosis; Biological Markers; Biological Markers: metabolism; Biological Markers: blood; Biological Markers: urine. 2 Souto: Novel Biomarkers of AKI Introduction In acute kidney injury (AKI) there is an abrupt decrease in kidney function which is a prevalent illness1 associated with significantly increased mortality, medical costs and length of hospital stay.2 Moreover, patients that initiate renal replacement therapy (RRT) show a mortality rate that surpasses 50%, adding further relevance to the evidence that AKI presents a specific and independent risk factor for poor prognosis.3 The delayed detection of AKI may be related to these unfavorable outcomes. The diagnosis of AKI is verified based upon the detection of oliguria and the elevation of serum creatinine (SCr) 4 although steep detectable rises in SCr could remain unrecognized for up to 48–72 hours.4,5 In the last decade a major change in nomenclature occurred, with AKI overturning the classic designation "acute renal failure", in acknowledgment that injury could have important clinical outcomes even without clear-cut decline of kidney function. Nowadays AKI's classification is still dependent on surrogate measurement of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) despite the above mentioned conceptual change. Considering that the Risk Injury Failure Loss of kidney function End-stage kidney disease (RIFLE)6 and also the more recent Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) criteria 7 still adopt urine output and SCr for the definition of AKI, SCr has now been the gold standard to assess renal injury in the last hundred years.8 In 2012, the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) work group fused RIFLE and AKIN classifications into a single classification of AKI for research and clinical usage. AKI has been staged in severity according to the AKIN criteria, being defined as a rise in SCr ≥ 0.3 3 Souto: Novel Biomarkers of AKI mg/dL in 48 hours or an rise in SCr to ≥ 1.5 times baseline (measured or presumed to have occurred in the previous 7 days), or an urine volume < 0.5 mL/kg/h for 6 hours. 9 According to a recent systematic review that abide by KDIGO criteria, as many as 1 in 5 adults and 1 in 3 children worldwide experience AKI during a hospital episode of care. 1 AKI is no longer regarded as byproduct of major illness, having achieved recognition as a serious contributor of both long and short term morbility/mortality in its own right. Given the dire clinical consequences of AKI, biomarkers to detect it earlier and with accuracy are eagerly anticipated. The intent of this work is to concisely review current available data on the most promising candidate biomarkers of AKI, discussing their strengths, shortfalls and future development strategies. Biomarkers of Acute Kidney Injury In 2005 the American Society of Nephrology defined as a prime research target the development of biomarkers for AKI, promoting early identification, clinical decision making and allowing for better outcomes.10 Since AKI's pathophysiology can be an intricate process, markers of risk, injury amplification and recovery are also desirable. The optimal characteristics in the quest for the perfect AKI biomarker are listed in Table 1. 4 Souto: Novel Biomarkers of AKI Table 1 - Acute Kidney Injury: optimal biomarker properties. Optimal biomarker properties Perfectly sensitive and specific for AKI Adequate for early identification of injury Straightforward detection in noninvasive samples (e.g. serum/urine) Reflects etiology and duration of injury Provides broad diagnostics window Allows for risk stratification and predicts reversibility Unaffected by other clinical and biological factors Levels suitable to monitor illness course and therapeutic response Cost-effective Prompt and trustworthy results Abbreviations: AKI, acute kidney injury. Emerging technology, over the past decade, that allows for high-throughput detection and characterization of proteins and metabolites has raised hopes and likelihood of identifying the above mentioned traits in a single molecule. Basic and clinical research in this area are advancing towards this ideal marker of disease with numerous candidates in development, which are being thoroughly analyzed in diverse medical fields. In terms of clinical application, it is paramount that it proves accuracy alongside earlier detectability, exceeding the current gold standard that is SCr. Nonetheless, the interpretation of these research studies needs to be attentive, because it is crucial to distinguish between reported ability to predict injury in patients with early developing AKI from their ability to validate AKI diagnosis in patients with previously confirmed AKI. Clinically, the impact on these two entities is 5 Souto: Novel Biomarkers of AKI quite distinct. Still, there is doubt as to whether these biomarkers have suitable prognostic accuracy for both early detection of AKI and established AKI. Comparing the performance of these biomarkers directly is complicated by the heterogeneity in the reporting criteria and diverse range of data emerging from studies in patient subgroups prone to AKI (e.g., post-cardiac surgery, sepsis, postkidney transplant). In order to establish clinical relevance of newly developed markers, an essential aspect is to ascertain to what degree they provide additional prognostic information relative to established risk markers.11 Traditional approaches include determining discrimination, which is the most routinely applied tool in researching AKI biomarkers. It employs conventional features of test performance such as specificity, sensitivity and also predictive values that enable the generation of summary characteristics, most noticeably the area under the receiver-operating curve (AUC). 12,13 The AUC estimates the probability of a biomarker to distribute accurately any two randomly selected patients, recognizing which one suffers from AKI. Plus, AUC is also used in the prediction of future clinical episodes. Whilst analyzing the fast evolving literature, it is decisive to keep in mind what the marker is supposed to be reflecting, i.e. it may depict functional renal status or it may be a byproduct of injury therefore pointing to active kidney damage. Hence, biomarkers to be addressed in this review where assigned to four principal categories (Table 2). 6 Souto: Novel Biomarkers of AKI Table 2 - Different types of AKI biomarkers. Biomarker Types 1 Functional Markers Biomarkers a Serum Creatinine b Serum Cystatin C 2 Low-Molecular Weight Proteins a Urine Cystatin C 3 Up-Regulated Proteins a Kidney Injury Molecule-1 b Interleukin-18 c Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin d Liver Fatty Acid Binding Protein 4 Tubular Enzymes a Alpha-Glutathione s-Transferase and Pi-Glutathione sTransferase b Gammaglutanyl Transpeptidase and Alkaline Phosphatase c N-Acetyl-beta-D-Glucosaminidase 1. Functional markers 1. a. Serum creatinine Serum creatinine (SCr) results from muscle cell degradation, hence an indirect measure of glomerular filtration efficiency, translating into significant limitations as an AKI marker, as stated in Table 3. It has long been known to be greatly influenced by age, gender, race, body weight, muscle metabolism, total body volume, protein intake and drugs, thus having poor predictive accuracy for renal injury.14 Minute or nil change in SCr may coexist with significant renal disease on account of both increased tubular secretion of creatinine and renal reserve. 15,16 At times, medically induced adjustments to the volume status of critically ill patients creates ample variations in SCr concentrations. A SCr increase may remain undetectable up to 2-3 days after a kidney injury, thus a faulty marker of disease.17 Lastly, in animal models, sepsis decreased creatinine production, 7 Souto: Novel Biomarkers of AKI possibly limiting the early detection of AKI,18 once more stressing the limitations of current renal injury diagnosis methods. Table 3 - Disadvantages of using Serum Creatinine measurements for AKI diagnosis. Disadvantages of Serum Creatinine Measurements Depends upon steady state GFR Neglects minor changes in GFR Lags behind GFR changes Nonspecific for AKI Modified by clinical factors (e.g. age, gender and drugs) Abbreviations: AKI, acute kidney injury; GFR, glomerular filtration rate. 1.b. Serum Cystatin C Cystatin C is a low molecular weight molecule (13kDa), member of the cysteine proteinase inhibitors and made at stable rate by all nucleated cells. 19,20 In the glomerulus it is freely filtered, reabsorbed and catabolized, with no evidence of tubular secretion, 20 therefore serum CyC (sCyC) measurements have been widely assayed to gauge GFR in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. 21– 23 Equations to estimate GFR using sCyC appear to be clearer and more exact than creatininebased equations.24 Additionally equations that integrate sCyC and SCr appear to improve upon those using each of the two markers alone.25-27 A 2002 meta-analysis found support for the claim that sCyC to be more reliable than SCr–based methods to detect minor reductions in GFR.23 sCyC has 8 Souto: Novel Biomarkers of AKI been noted to be elevated faster than creatinine after a decrease in GFR, 28,29 and it may also be preferable to SCr in estimation of mortality and cardiovascular outcomes.30 However, circulating cystatin C concentrations may be enhanced by corticosteroid administration,31 thyroid dysfunction32,33 and malignancies,34 skewing the interpretation of sCyC levels. Contrary to other latest AKI markers, measuring sCyC is usually accessible in hospital settings using automatic analysis with rapid turnover. Yet, it must be noted that relevant discrepancies in CyC measurements between laboratories has been found.35 To remedy these issues a reference CyC material has been produced and characterized. 36 Herget-Rosenthal and coworkers assessed intensive care unit (ICU) patients (n=85), showing that sCyC performed well diagnosing AKI [AUC=0.82 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.71–0.92)], and had predictive abilities in detecting the urgency for RRT. 28 In a 2011 multi-centre study by Royakkers and colleagues that enrolled 151 subjects with comparable clinical background found an inferior performance (AUC=0.72).37 Amongst 318 patients without AKI on ICU entry, initial sCyC was predictive of sustained AKI [AUC=0.80 (CI 0.71–0.88)], but displayed discreet prediction capacity by day 7 in hospital [AUC=0.65 (CI 0.58–0.71)]. 29 Still, the benefit of measuring sCyC as opposed to SCr has delivered mixed results regarding its utility in a number of studies.38,39 In a recent systematic review a wide variation in the reported sCyC levels was underscored, moreover no consensus was achieved for threshold levels of CyC that may mark AKI diagnosis or AKI risk.40 In the diagnosis of AKI, sCyC acts as a marker of GFR, thus it lacks accuracy in differentiating CKD from AKI. Therefore, for the time being, sCyC measurements are more prone to remain in the assessment of CKD. 9 Souto: Novel Biomarkers of AKI 2. Low-Molecular Weight Proteins 2.a. Urine Cystatin C In healthy kidneys, the urinary CyC (uCyC) is actively reabsorbed in the proximal tubules, being practically undetectable in urine analysis. 41–43 Detection of uCyC reflects tubular dysfunction 44 which may prove to be a more timely marker of renal injury given that it indicates injury to proximal tubules cells. Howbeit, recent data show that uCyC is increased by albuminuria. 45 Measuring uCyC is possible through a automated nephelometric commercially available assay that highly accurate, rapid and precise.41 Levels of uCyC determined 6 h after cardiac surgery were predictive of AKI (AUC=0.72), improving upon both Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin and sCyC measured at the identical time point.46 In another study by Koyner et al., this time evaluating uCyC performance upon ICU admission, also found favorable results [AUC=0.72 (CI 0.61–0.83)]. 47 However, in other clinical studies reported results suggest fairly poor diagnostic test characteristics.48,49 Theoretically, uCyC is a very auspicious AKI marker, nonetheless recent meta-analysis calculated a pooled AUC of 0.64, presenting only slight diagnostic value.40 3. Up-Regulated Proteins 3.a. Kidney Injury Molecule-1 10 Souto: Novel Biomarkers of AKI Kidney injury molecule 1 (KIM-1) is a transmembrane glycoprotein present in damaged tubular epithelial cells in both acute and chronic illness, that sheds a cleavable ectodomain. 50,51 KIM-1 was initially found to be extensively upregulated in an animal model of kidney ischemia. 52 Besides having a role in tubular regeneration processes through phagocytosis of apoptotic cells 50 it is found lacking in normal kidneys. 53 These data together with the knowledge that the 90kDa ectodomain was cleaved and excreted in urine51 triggered more research into urinary KIM-1. In preclinical studies for renal injury induced by pharmacological agents KIM-1 was found to be an appropriate biomarker, which has been recognized by the Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency. 54,55 A semi-quantitative assay obtained in 15 minutes was described for KIM-1, enabling quick diagnosis of AKI much sooner than conventional markers such as SCr.54 In the first published study in humans, a 1U increase in normalized KIM-1 was associated with a greater than 12-fold risk for the presence of ischemic acute tubular necrosis (ATN), 56 and in a subsequent work, AUC of 0.90 was the reported value of KIM-1's accuracy in the diagnosis of AKI.57 These clinical studies credit KIM-1 to be highly competent at differentiating ATN from controls and also other types of kidney disease such as CKD. 56,57 On the other hand, its performance in early prediction of clinical AKI lags behind the accuracy that it demonstrates in identifying established AKI.57 Moreover, an ICU study reported that from a total of 82 patients that developed AKI within the first 48h upon admission, its predictive performance was insufficient [AUC= 0.55 (CI 0.47–0.62)].58 Numerous reports have examined its diagnostic properties in adult cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) patients. Liang et al. reports a modest AUC figure for progressive AKI detection [AUC=0.69 (CI 0.61–0.78)].59 Conversely, in a study comparing the performance of six candidate urinary 11 Souto: Novel Biomarkers of AKI biomarkers measured 2 hours following CPB for the early detection of AKI, in a prospective cohort of patients undergoing cardiac surgery (n=103) AKI developed in 13% and KIM-1 achieved the highest AUC [AUC=0.78 (CI 0.64-0.91)].60 Moreover, high levels of KIM-1 levels were independently associated with adverse clinical outcomes, such as the need for dialysis, in a group of patients (n=201) with established AKI,61 hence KIM-1 may have a relevant prognostic function coupled to diagnostic benefit. Even though Huang et al. systematic review highlighted a few inconsistencies between available studies,62 the availability of a rapid assay and its specificity for ischemic renal injury are compelling advantages for this AKI biomarker. 3.b. Interleukin-18 Neutralization of interleukin-18 (IL-18) in animal models, conferred protection from ischemic AKI,63,64 establishing a possible role for this cytokine as marker of AKI, and promoter of the pathogenesis in ischemic renal injury.65 IL-18 was easily detectable in animals subjected to ischemic AKI but absent in controls, hence suggesting an early marker ability.63 In an early cross-sectional human study examining patients (n=72) with a wide array of renal disorders, IL-18 was markedly increased in patients with established AKI from ischemia, although not in patients with AKI from urinary tract infection, CKD, nephrotic syndrome, or those with pre-renal failure, with AUC diagnosis of ATN of 0.95. 66 In a cohort of 138 critically ill patients presenting acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), IL-18 predicted progression within 24h to AKI (AUC=0.73) prior to creatinine based criteria were met, and the urine IL-18 value on day 0 12 Souto: Novel Biomarkers of AKI was found to be an independent predictor of mortality. 67 A posterior report described the time course of IL-18 detection after CPB, with urine IL-18 rising at 4–6h post surgery, peaking at over 25-fold at 12h, and maintaining and elevated plateau for up to 48 hours. 68 AUC for the diagnosis of AKI at 4, 12, and 24h after CPB were 61, 75, and 73% respectively, while levels of SCr detected AKI only 48–72h after CPB.68 In a study of patients admitted to ICU (n=451), 86 of whom developed AKI, IL-18 levels were correlated with sepsis and 28-day mortality but showed low predictive value of AKI development within 24 hours (AUC=0.62).69 There is a concerning possibility that generalized inflammatory states could be a confounding factor since IL-18 is a cytokine know to be produced by inflammatory cells such as lymphocytes and macrophages. 70 A more recent report on 82 adult patients that within 48h of admission into ICU developed AKI established a mediocre AKI prediction performance of IL-18 [AUC=0.55 (CI 0.47–0.62)].58 Further studies have analyzed the plausible benefits of IL-18 as an early marker for AKI in diverse clinical settings such as CPB49, contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN)71 and renal transplant recipents.72 Although preliminary clinical data promoted IL-18 as a powerful marker for AKI diagnosis66 its adequacy may appear less obvious in heterogeneous populations. 58,69 Besides, consensus thresholds still need to be addressed for risk stratification 67 and more research is essential to quantify the influence of generalized inflammation on IL-18 readings. 3.c. Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) is a small protein with an estimated 13 Souto: Novel Biomarkers of AKI molecular weight of 25-kDa, initially detected in a subset of leukocyte granules, 73,74 currently known to be an ubiquitous epithelial cell protein with bacteriostatic effects.75,76 It plays relevant roles in cellular recovery with epithelial growth inducer capacity and a protective effect from ischemia.77-79 As a small protein, at the glomerulus it is freely filtered undergoing complete reabsorption in the proximal tubule. In animal model studies, NGAL gene expression was found to be upregulated in renal ischemia–reperfusion injury, alongside increased early excretion of urinary NGAL (uNGAL). 76,80 This could be interpreted as either due to augmented production and excretion by distal tubules or indicate faulty reabsorption by damaged proximal tubules. Leading on from their animal work to clinical studies, Mishra et al. first validated the biomarker value of NGAL after examining 71 pediatric patients undergoing CPB, obtaining an impressive AUC value of 0.99 measuring uNGAL at a 2-hour timepoint. 81 Further studies have described increments in plasma and urinary NGAL subsequent to cardiac surgery in adults yet its performance at predicting AKI has been less conclusive. 46,49,82,83 In a 2008 study, a unique measurement of uNGAL strongly predicted AKI (AUC=0.95), and levels fitted with the need for nephrologist consultation and/or dialysis.84 In 2011, Parikh and coworkers reported NGAL's course in post-cardiac surgery patients using large cohorts of both pediatric and adult patients, with AUC values for plasma NGAL (pNGAL) and uNGAL ranging from 0.56 to 0.71, suggesting differences could possibly be associated with age and comorbidities. 85,86 After cardiac surgery, the relationship between urinary NGAL and AKI varied with baseline renal function, with optimal discriminatory performance in patients with normal preoperative function87 perhaps explaining the increased predictive values in pediatric populations. Still, in another adult ICU clinical study, NGAL's ability to predict 14 Souto: Novel Biomarkers of AKI development of AKI within 48 h of admission was found to be poor [AUC= 0.55 (CI 0.48–0.63)].58 A meta-analysis including 19 studies resulted in AUC of NGAL for AKI prediction to be 0.83, with the highest AUC values for the prediction of CIN (AUC=0.89) and the lowest in critically ill patients (AUC=0.73).88 Data showing that sepsis may alter NGAL evolution patterns 89 warrants the need for more studies on how this biomarker can be used with confidence in critically ill patients. To further attest the clinical relevance of NGAL as a biomarker of AKI, less homogenous populations need to be enrolled in future studies. 3.d. Liver Fatty Acid Binding Protein Liver fatty acid binding protein (L-FABP) is a small (14- kDa) cytosolic protein present in the liver, the gastrointestinal tract, and the kidney's proximal tubule cells, that is hepatically synthesized. Urinary L-FABP is not present in healthy controls but if subjected to ischemia, there is a significant reduction of its megalin-mediated endocytosis in proximal tubules.90-92 Preclinical studies demonstrated that L-FABP protected cells from toxicity and oxidative stress, with urinary excretion acting as an early marker of kidney injury.93-95 Urinary L-FABP has demonstrated to achieve AKI diagnostic levels before the elevation of SCr, in clinical research where AKI was generated by ATN, sepsis, nephrotoxins, cardiac surgery, and radiocontrast agents.92,96–99 In 2010, Fergurson and colleagues published a cross-sectional study that included 92 hospitalized patients with AKI, that yielded a AUC of urinary L-FABP for identification of AKI in comparison to controls of 0.93. 90 Additionally L-FABP was found to be a significant independent predictor of dialysis-free survival.100 For the most part, clinical data has corroborated the benefit of L-FABP as a biomarker of 15 Souto: Novel Biomarkers of AKI AKI, even though large prospective studies and solid data on the influence of liver injury in LFABP urinary levels have not been published. Nonetheless, in 2011 the ELISA kit for urinary LFAPB detection was approved for health insurance reimbursement by the Japanese Ministry of Health.9 4. Tubular Enzymes 4.a. Alpha-Glutathione s-Transferase and Pi-Glutathione s-Transferase Alpha-glutathione s-transferase (α-GST) and pi-glutathione s-transferase (π-GST) belong to a group of ubiquitous detoxification enzymes that are expressed by kidney cells but not typically found in urine. Following injury, nephron distribution of gluthatione s-transferase isoenzymes was studied, with α-GST found to be present in proximal cells, while π-GST was detected in distal tubules.101 Westhuyzen and colleagues examined the benefit of single or combined measurements of urinary tubular enzymes in predicting AKI, in a prospective pilot study, where 4 of the 26 consecutive critically ill adult patients admitted to the ICU were studied. 102 Indexed to urinary creatinine concentration, α-GST and π-GST not only were significantly higher in the AKI group on admission and remained elevated at 24 h but also had excellent discriminating power for AKI (AUC of 0.893 and 0.929 respectively).102 By contrast, in a report by Walshe and coworkers that analyzed urine samples collected over the 48 hours after ICU admission from 40 consecutive patients who were admitted with a diagnosis of sepsis, concluded that both α-GST and π-GST enzymes were 16 Souto: Novel Biomarkers of AKI poor AKI predictors.103 Lastly, the diagnostic utility of α-GST and π-GST was evaluated during a prospective study of 123 adults undergoing cardiac surgery by Koyner et al. 47 The prediction ability for identifying stage 1 AKI (as defined by AKIN classification) of these enzymes was modest, with AUC of 0.59 (CI 0.47–0.71) and 0.54 (CI 0.42–0.66) for α-GST and π-GST, respectively.47 4.b. Alkaline Phosphatase and Gammaglutanyl Transpeptidase Alkaline phosphatase (AP) and gammaglutanyl transpeptidase (GGT) are brush border enzymes that as a consequence of damage to the brush border membrane together with damage to the microvillous morphology show increased levels in urine.104,105 According to the study of Westhuyzen et al. tubular AP and GGT enzymuria on admission to the ICU was useful in predicting AKI with estimated AUC of 0.950 and 0.863, respectively. 102 Conversely, Endre et al while evaluating the performance of several urinary biomarkers of AKI in critically ill patients, reported feeble predictive performances for urine AP and GGT, with AUC of 0.56 and 0.57, respectively.58 4.c. N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (NAG), is a lysosomal enzyme mainly present in proximal tubules,106 that due to its molecular weight (130kDa) is not filtrated at the glomerulus. Increased 17 Souto: Novel Biomarkers of AKI excretion in urine has been described following contrast-induced toxicity107 and methotrexate toxicity108 suggesting injury to tubular cells, although increased concentrations may also result from increased lysosomal activity without cellular lesion.109,110 NAG enzymuria may indicate tubular injury, so its utility as a marker for either specific segmental injury or early renal injury has been examined in diverse clinical settings. In a casecontrol study of pediatric CPB patients, (n=40, 20 patients with AKI diagnosis 72h post intervention), the performance of NAG in diagnosing AKI showed an estimated AUC of 0.70 at 24h after CPB, having increased within 6 h post-CPB and remaining elevated up to 48 h after surgery. 57 In adult CPB patients, in a study where 13 cases of developing AKI were detected, NAG's post surgery prediction ability at the 2 hours time point was very moderate (AUC=0.62). 49 As for the adult ICU patients, Westhuyzen and colleagues reported an AUC value of 0.845 (CI 0.639–0.955) for NAG's ability to predict developing AKI.102 Conclusion It is widely accepted that conventional clinical laboratory methods for detection of kidney disease are not suitable for the early recognition of AKI. The broad spectrum of AKI entails a heterogeneous and complex disease, that has a compelling need for further guided intervention, monitoring of progression and recovery. This brief review compiled relevant studies on the functions and properties of several auspicious molecules belonging to either functional markers, low-molecular weight proteins, up-regulated proteins or tubular enzymes categories, emphasizing their performance characteristics in different settings prone to AKI. Even though the basic and clinical published data on this subject is substantial and supportive, the evidence was found to be 18 Souto: Novel Biomarkers of AKI insufficient as to which biomarkers should be recommended or how to use them, according to the current clinical practice guidelines, written in 2012 by KDIGO's AKI work group.9 Beyond the recent scientific evidence gathered and associated with each individual biomarker, there are several interpretative challenges in the early steps of validating markers for clinical use in nephrology. The discovery and development of biomarkers for kidney injury may benefit from large amounts of data and discussion available in cardiovascular literature. For cardiac biomarkers validation, AUC's versatility often allowed for prediction of future events, nonetheless it was found to be rather insensitive metric to measure the increasing predictive ability of a biomarker relative to established predictors,111 highlighting the perils of over-relying on the AUC as a measure of biomarker performance. Another undeniable limitation of kidney biomarker studies is that they rely on SCr as gold standard in their evaluation. The failings of SCr have been detailed in this review, but since it is not ethical nor feasible to rely on a more accurate benchmark (e.g. kidney biopsy examination), the use of SCr is legitimate. Still, the potential risk of defining a marker as a good performer for AKI detection that shares similar imperfections as SCr needs to be acknowledged. The heterogeneity of AKI indicates that a single marker may be inadequate to achieve high diagnosis and prognosis specificity/sensitivity, in similarity to other complex acute diseases, such as acute lung injury.112 Ideally, a panel of biomarkers will emerge from future studies, that combines and enhances their clinical utility by for example targeting distinct nephron sites. Moreover, a battery of biomarkers robustly validated that accurately identifies and risk-stratifies patients for the need for dialysis or death could lead to improvement of therapeutics and outcomes of AKI in the next decade. Lastly, a major obstacle to the clinical utility of these set of markers is the fact that most 19 Souto: Novel Biomarkers of AKI available data has emerged from small single-centre studies in homogenous populations, therefore still in the early stages of the validation process. 9,113 Large multi-centre prospective studies are pressing for the validation of the temporal course of expression of AKI's biomarker for early detection, posterior outcome, and defining respective cut-off values. Besides, a wider range of patient populations needs to be included in these studies, including patients with pre-existing CKD, that more often than not are excluded from smaller studies. Incorporation of these novel AKI biomarkers by the scientific and clinical communities requires above all the demonstration of increased diagnostic benefit over traditional markers, allowing for better patient care, which for the time being remains to be ascertained. Disclosure The author has no relationship with any company neither any financial interest in the information contained in the manuscript. Acknowledgments The author wishes to thank Professor Manuel Pestana, MD, PhD, for kindly accepting to review this work, and also for leading by example, a dedicated team of nephrologists at the Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, that without exception, are willing to share their knowlegde with their medical students. 20 Souto: Novel Biomarkers of AKI References 1. Susantitaphong P, Cruz DN, Cerda J, et al. World Incidence of AKI: A Meta-Analysis. Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN 2013; 8: 1482-1493. 2. Chertow GM, Burdick E, Honour M, et al. Acute kidney injury, mortality, length of stay, and costs in hospitalized patients. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN 2005; 16: 3365–70. 3. Metnitz PGH, Krenn CG, Steltzer H, et al. 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All Letters must contain a title page including title, all au- R E V I S E D November 14, 2 0 1 3 2 G U I DE T O AU T H O R S thors’ names and affiliations, and corresponding author contact information. (7) Editorial [only by invitation of Editors] Word Limit: 1,600 words (8,960 characters) maximum including spaces Abstract: no abstract required for this manuscript type References: 5 maximum Proposals for Editorials may be submitted; authors should only send an outline of the proposed paper for initial consideration. (8) Nephrology Image Word limit: Title: 70 characters including spaces; text: 300 words (1700 characters) including spaces Figures: 2 single panel figures maximum. No multi-part figures allowed. References: none Abstract: no abstract required for this manuscript type Illustrative images that are unique or highly illustrative of specific occurrences in Nephrology such as renal pathology, radiology, specific skin lesions, etc. They should be accompanied by a brief one-paragraph description of relevant clinical information. Article must fit onto one page. You will be asked to cut text or part of your figure in the proof if article is longer than one page. (9) Make Your Diagnosis Word limit: Title: 70 characters; The Case (page 1): 245 words (1,400 characters); The Diagnosis (page 2): 405 words (2,300 characters). Word limits include spaces but exclude references, tables and figures. Abstract: no abstract required for this manuscript type References: 3 maximum Figures/tables: 1 single panel figures maximum per page This column provides readers with an opportunity to make clinical diagnoses based on an image accompanied by the history and physical exam, all of which will be on the first page. The second page will include the answers, a brief discussion and any other relevant follow up images and laboratory data. (10) Book Review Word limit: 500-1000 words including spaces, excluding references Abstract: no abstract required for this manuscript type References: 3 maximum Book Reviews alert readers to work that is potentially important to the field of nephrology, and puts it in context with the nephrology literature. Book Reviews should follow this outline: (a) exact title of book, full name(s) of author(s), publisher’s name, publication date, number of pages and price, (b) summary of the content (general discussion of what the book covers and its major topics; NOT a chapter by chapter summary), (c) discussion of author(s) (for example, background, experience, why they are qualified to write the book and whether they present a certain view), (d) strong points of the book, (e) weak points of the book, (f) identification of the audience of this book and the background needed for the reader to understand its contents, (g) discussion of why one should or should not buy the book, and if yes, for what purpose (as a text, a reference, etc.), (h) comparison to other books in the field, and (i) if possible, a “quotable quote” or annotation regarding the book. (11) ISN Forefronts in Nephrology, ISN Nexus, Meeting Report [only by invitation of Editors] Word limit: To be determined in consultation with Editors Abstract: 150 words (1500 characters) maximum including spaces, excluding references and figures. References: no maximum Figures/tables: at least 1 image or figure Disclosure statement required (see page 3 for details) These authoritative proceedings of specific topics in nephrology are usually solicited by the Editors. Proposals may be submitted; authors should only send an outline of the proposed paper for initial consideration. Both solicited and unsolicited articles will undergo peer review prior to acceptance. Kidney International will cover charges for color images in articles invited by the Editors. Format of Manuscripts GENERAL FORMAT Manuscripts must be typed in English and double-spaced. All text including legends, footnotes, tables and references are to be on one side of the page only. All manuscript pages must be numbered. Title page This should include (a) the complete manuscript title; (b) all authors’ full names (listed as first name, middle initial, last name), highest academic degrees, and affiliations; (c) the name and address for correspondence, fax number, telephone number, and email address; and (d) the sources of support that require acknowledgment. A running headline of no more than 50 characters (including spaces) should be supplied. Abstract and Keywords The abstract should be no longer than 1500 characters including spaces, stating the main problem, methods, results, and conclusions. There should be no subheadings in the abstract. It must be factual and comprehensive. The use of abbreviations and acronyms should be limited and general statements (e.g. ‘‘the significance of the results is discussed’’) should be avoided. The editors reserve the right to edit the title and abstract to conform to journal style. Text The manuscript should be organized under the following nine headings: Title Page Abstract Introduction Results Discussion Methods Disclosure References Acknowledgements Abbreviations Abbreviations should be defined at the first mention in the text and in each table and figure. For a list of standard abbreviations, please consult the Council of Biology Editors Style Guide (available from the Council of Science Editors, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814) or other standard sources. Write out the full term for each abbreviation at its first use unless it is a standard unit of measure. Refrain from overuse of abbreviations. Disclosure For original articles and reviews only, the submitting author must include a disclosure statement in the body of the manuscript. The statement will describe all of the authors’ relationships with companies that may have a financial interest in the information contained in the manuscript. This information should be provided under the heading titled ‘Disclosure,’ which should appear after the ‘Methods’ section and before the ‘References’ section. The absence of any interest to disclose must also be stated. In addition, any financial interests must be detailed in the Financial Disclosure form, which will be provided to the corresponding author upon acceptance for distribution to each author. References References should be listed in order of appearance (Vancouver style). In the text, number references in order of appearance using Arabic numerals (e.g. 1, 2, 3) in parentheses for citations. The reference list (starting on a separate page) should contain the references in the order in which they are cited in the text. Only published works (as well as manuscripts already accepted for publication) which are referred to in the text should be listed in the reference list. The reference list must not contain any abstract citations, unpublished observations, personal communications, etc. Kindly cite such sources solely within the text (in parentheses), not in the reference list. Do not list more than three authors per reference. Should there be four or more, please include only the first three followed by ‘‘et al.’’ R E V I S E D November 14, 2 0 1 3 3 G U I DE T O AU T H O R S The following examples demonstrate correct reference style: Journal articles: Fan SL-S, Almond MK, Ball E, et al. Pamidronate therapy as prevention of bone loss following renal transplantation. Kidney Int 2000; 57: 684–690. Supplement articles: Fogo AB. Glomerular hypertension abnormal glomerular growth, and progression of renal diseases. Kidney Int 2000; 57 (Suppl 75): S15–S21. 5. Replication of the association in an independent cohort is required for new association findings. 6. Priority will be given to studies that demonstrate a specific effect of the associated polymorphism on the expression or function of the relevant genes. A convincing biological validation will be considered in lieu of the replication requirement. MICROARRAY DATA Books: Lameire N, Mehta RL (eds.). Complications of Dialysis. Marcel Dekker, Inc.: New York, 2000. Authors submitting manuscripts containing microarray data must submit the data to the Gene Expression Omnibus (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/) or ArrayExpress (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/arrayexpress/) databases, and provide the accession number(s) upon submission to the journal. The data must be MIAME-compliant, with all variables completed. Articles in books: Weidner N, Buckalew VM Jr. Sickle cell anemia, sickle cell trait, and polycythemic states, in Renal Pathology (vol 2), eds. Tisher CC, Brenner BM. JB Lippincott Company: Philadelphia, 1989, pp 1417–1436. STYLE ORIGINALITY A submitted manuscript must be an original contribution not previously published (except as an abstract or preliminary report), must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere, and, if accepted, must not be published elsewhere in a similar form, in any language, without the consent of the ISN. Each person listed as an author is expected to have participated in the study to a significant extent and agrees with submission of the paper for publication. Although the editors and referees make every effort to ensure the validity of published manuscripts, the final responsibility rests with the authors, not with Kidney International, its editors, the International Society of Nephrology or Nature Publishing Group. INFORMED CONSENT AND ETHICS When reporting experiments on human subjects, indicate whether the procedures were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional or regional) or with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 (and as revised in 1983) and in the case of renal transplant the Declaration of Istanbul (as published in KI Vol. 74 No. 7 [2008]). Include any Institutional Review Board or Animal Care and Use Committee protocol numbers as warranted by experimental design. Kidney International will not consider manuscripts containing data derived from transplants obtained from executed prisoners. If authors wish to submit a manuscript related to this issue such as an editorial or review examining the consequences of such practices, they must contact the Editorial Office to obtain permission prior to submitting the manuscript. GUIDELINES FOR STUDIES OF DNA POLYMORPHISMS For case-control studies investigating associations between DNA sequence polymorphisms and renal phenotypes the following review criteria will be considered in prioritizing manuscripts for publication: 1. Adequate sample size and explicit power calculation are required for all submitted manuscripts. Negative studies have to be adequately powered in order to be considered for publication. 2. Appropriate correction of p-values for multiple comparisons is also required. In many cases this will involve calculation of empiric p-values by permutation. 3. Typing multiple markers within a locus of interest is preferred over studies that examine a single polymorphism. Defining risk haplotypes and performing haplotypic association tests is encouraged. 4. Assessment and correction for possible population stratification are strongly encouraged, unless the analysis involves a method that is robust to stratification effects (eg. transmissiondisequilibrium testing). The American Medical Association Manual of Style (9th edition), Stedman’s Medical Dictionary (27th edition) and Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (10th edition) should be used as standard references. Refer to drugs and therapeutic agents by their accepted generic or chemical name, and do not abbreviate them (a proprietary name may be given only with the first use of the generic name). Code numbers should be used only when a generic name is not yet available (the chemical name and a figure giving the chemical structure of the drug are required). Copyright or trade names of drugs should be capitalized and placed in parentheses after the name of the drug. Names and locations (city and state in USA; city and country outside USA) of manufacturers of drugs, supplies, or equipment cited in a manuscript are required to comply with trademark law and should be provided in parentheses. Quantitative data may be reported in the units used in the original measurement, but SI units are preferred, including those applicable to body weight, mass (weight) and temperature. Journal style As the electronic submission will provide the basic material for typesetting, it is important that papers are prepared in the general editorial style of the journal. 1. For information on labeling figures, see the artwork guidelines: http://www.nature.com/aj/artworkguidelines.pdf 2. Do not make rules thinner than 1 pt (0.36mm) 3. Use a coarse hatching pattern rather than shading for tints in graphs 4. Color should be distinct when used as an identifying tool 5. Use SI units throughout 6. Spaces, not commas, should be used to separate thousands 7. Abbreviations should be preceded by the words for which they stand in the first instance of use in the text. Overuse of abbreviations in the text is discouraged 8. No abbreviations should be used in the title or the abstract 9. The abstract should be written as a single paragraph; do not include headings 10. Text should be double spaced with a wide margin 11. At the first mention of a manufacturer, the town (state if USA) and country should be provided FILE FORMATS Manuscripts Use Microsoft Word for the text of your article. Files in MS Office 2007 format cannot be accepted for publication. For instructions on how to save MS Office 2007 files in a format acceptable for publication, please see the Appendix. Figures, Images and Tables Figures and images should be labeled sequentially, numbered and cited in the text. Figures should be referred to specifically in the text of the paper but should not be embedded within the text. Each table should be double-spaced on a separate sheet and numbered consecutively in the order of first citation in the text. Make sure that each table is cited in the text. Tables must be submitted as Microsoft Word documents. Do not use internal horizontal and verti- R E V I S E D November 14, 2 0 1 3 4 G U I DE T O AU T H O R S cal lines. The use of three-dimensional histograms is strongly discouraged when the addition of the third dimension gives no extra information. If a table or figure has been published before, the authors must obtain written permission to reproduce the material in both print and electronic formats from the copyright owner and submit the permission with the manuscript. This rule applies for quotes, illustrations and other materials taken from previously published works not in the public domain. The original source should be cited in the figure caption or table footnote. For more information on image integrity and standards, please visit http://www.nature.com/authors/policies/image.html. Legends and Titles Legends must be submitted for all figures and images, and titles for all tables. They should be brief and specific, double spaced, and placed on a separate sheet titled ‘Titles and legends’ after the Reference section. Use scale markers in the image for electron micrographs and indicate the type of stain used. Place explanatory matter of tables in the footnotes rather than in the titles. ARTWORK GUIDELINES Detailed guidelines for submitting artwork can be found by downloading the guidelines PDF: http://www.nature.com/aj/artworkguidelines.pdf. Using the guidelines, please submit production quality artwork with your submission. At submission, all figures must be high enough quality (no less than 300 dpi) to be assessed in the peer review process. We prefer artwork to be submitted in eps, .jpg, .ppt, or .tif format. .pdf or Corel Draw format is discouraged. If you have not followed the artwork guidelines, we will require artwork to be resubmitted if your paper is accepted for publication. Minimum Resolutions: Halftone images 300 dpi (dots per inch) Color images 300 dpi saved as CMYK Images containing text 400 dpi Line art 1000 dpi Sizes: Figure Width – single image 86mm (Should be able to fit into a single column of the printed journal) Figure Width – multi-part image 178mm (Should be able to fit into a double column of the printed journal) Text Size 8 point (Should be readable after reduction – avoid large type or thick lines) Line Width Between 0.5 and 1 point Supplementary Information Supplementary information is peer-reviewed material directly relevant to the conclusion of an article that cannot be included in the printed version owing to space or format constraints. It is posted on the journal’s web site and linked to the article when the article is published and may consist of data files, graphics, movies or extensive tables. The printed article must be complete and selfexplanatory without the supplementary information. Supplementary information enhances a reader’s understanding of the paper, but is not essential to that understanding. Supplementary information must be supplied to the editorial office in its final form for peer review. On acceptance, the final version of the peer-reviewed supplementary information should be submitted with the accepted paper. To ensure that the contents of the supplementary information files can be viewed by the editor(s), referees and readers, please also submit a ‘read-me’ file containing brief instructions on how to use the file. If your manuscript or any significant part of it has been under consideration for publication elsewhere, or has appeared elsewhere in a manner that could be construed as a prior or duplication publication of the same, or very similar, work, the said material must be included and marked appropriately as a supplemental file. Supplying supplementary information files Authors should ensure that supplementary information is supplied in its FINAL format as it is not copy edited and will appear online exactly as originally submitted. It cannot be altered, nor new supplementary information added, after the paper has been accepted for publication. Please supply the supplementary information via the electronic manuscript submission and tracking system, in an acceptable file format (see below). Authors should: include a text summary (no more than 50 words) to describe the contents of each file; identify the types of files (file formats) submitted and include the text ‘Supplementary information is available at Kidney International’s website’ at the end of the article and before the references. Accepted file formats Quick Time files (.mov), graphical image files (.gif), HTML files (.html), MPEG movie files (.mpg), JPEG image files (.jpg), sound files (.wav), plain ASCII text (.txt), MS Word documents (.doc), Postscript files (.ps), MS Excel spreadsheet documents (.xls) and PowerPoint files (.ppt). We cannot accept TeX and LaTeX. File sizes must be as small as possible so that they can be downloaded quickly. Images should not exceed 640 x 480 pixels but we would recommend 480 x 360 pixels as the maximum frame size for movies. We would also recommend a frame rate of 15 frames per second. If applicable to the presentation of the supplementary information, use a 256-color palette. 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By uploading your Protocols to Protocol Exchange, you are enabling researchers to more readily reproduce or adapt the methodology you use, as well as increasing the visibility of your work. Further information about Protocol Exchange is available at: www.nature.com/protocolexchange/about. Open Access Authors of accepted original research papers may choose to pay an article processing charge in order for their article to be published open access. The article processing charge is £2,000 / $3,200 / €2,300 (plus VAT where applicable) and can be paid via credit card or by requesting an invoice be raised. This charge is in addition to any standard publication charges, such as those for color images. By paying the article processing charge, authors are permitted to post the final, published PDF of their article on a website, institutional repository or other free public server immediately on publication. 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LICENSE TO PUBLISH The corresponding author must complete and sign the License to Publish form upon acceptance of the manuscript and return it to the editorial office. Failure to do so will result in delays to the publication of your paper. A copy of the License to Publish form can be found under “Instructions & Forms” on the online submission page: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ki The International Society of Nephrology does not require authors of original research papers to assign copyright of their published contributions. Authors grant the International Society of Nephrology an exclusive license to publish, in return for which they can re-use their papers in their future printed work. Authors are encouraged to submit their version of the accepted, peerreviewed manuscript to their funding body's archive for public release six months after publication. In addition, authors are encouraged to archive their version of the manuscript in their institution's repositories (as well as on their personal web sites), also six months after the original publication. Authors should cite the publication reference and DOI number on any deposited version, and provide a link from it to the published article on the NPG website. This policy complements the policies of the US National Institutes of Health, the Wellcome Trust and other research funding bodies around the world. NPG recognizes the efforts of funding bodies to increase access to the research they fund, and strongly encourages authors to participate in such efforts. More information is available online at the following link: http://www.nature.com/authors/editorial_policies/license.html ADVANCE ONLINE PUBLICATION All original articles and reviews are published ahead of print on Advance Online Publication. This will be the final version of the manuscript and will subsequently appear, unchanged, in print. PUBLIC ACCESS POLICY Nature Publishing Group and Kidney International support the public access policy but are not able to deposit accepted manuscripts for the authors at this time. Authors are allowed (without requesting permission) to deposit the accepted (i.e., untypeset, uncopyedited) version of their accepted manuscripts in PubMed Central. You can deposit your manuscript here: http://www.nihms.nih.gov. PROOFS An e-mail will be sent to the corresponding author with a URL link from where proofs can be collected. Proofs must be returned by fax within 48 hours of receipt. Failure to do so may result in a delay to publication. Extensive corrections cannot be made at this stage. BUSINESS MATTERS For contact information regarding business correspondence and inquiries such as advertising, subscriptions, permissions, papers in production or publishing a supplement, please visit our publisher’s contacts page at http://www.nature.com/ki/contact_npg.html. Alternatively, you can write to: Kidney International, Academic Journals Division, Nature Publishing Group, 75 Varick Street, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10013, USA. Appendix SAVING FILES WITH MICROSOFT OFFICE 2007 MS Office 2007 saves files in an XML format by default (file extensions .docx, .pptx and .xlsx). Files saved in this format cannot currently be accepted for publication. Save Word documents using the file extension .doc • Select the Office Button in the upper left corner of the Word 2007 window and choose “Save As” • Select “Word 97-2003 Document” • Enter a file name and select “Save” These instructions also apply to the 2007 version of Excel and PowerPoint. Equations in Word must be created using Equation Editor 3.0 Equations created using the new equation editor in Word 2007 and saved as a “Word 97-2003 Document” (.doc) are converted to graphics and can no longer be edited. To insert or change an equation with the previous equation editor: • Select “Object” on the “Text” sections of the “Insert” tab • In the drop-down menu, select “Equation Editor 3.0” Do not use the “Equation” button in the “Symbols” section of the “Insert” tab. R E V I S E D November 14, 2 0 1 3 6
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