& FINANCIAL SERVICES US TAX & FINANCIAL SERVICES ◆ ustaxfs.com ACROSS THE WORLD Company Overview The US Tax & Financial Services specialist team of cross border advisors provides tax advice, guidance, planning and compliance services for individuals, partnerships, corporations, trusts and estates for anyone subjected to the US tax system, wherever they may be in the world. Established more than 30 years ago, US Tax & Financial has offices in London, Zurich and Geneva with clients in more than 32 countries. Times are changing rapidly with more and more laws being implemented that affect US persons living and investing abroad. It’s important to get accurate advice about how to navigate through, and stay compliant with the laws, especially as life’s events occur which affect your tax and investment planning. We would welcome the opportunity to assist you. US TAX & FINANCIAL SERVICES ◆ ustaxfs.com ACROSS THE WORLD US TAX & FINANCIAL SERVICES ◆ ACROSS THE WORLD US Individual Tax The US is the only developing country that taxes on citizenship rather than residency. Under the US tax system, US Persons (citizens, green card holders and residents) are required to file annual US income tax returns, reporting worldwide income and gains, no matter where they live in the world. A move overseas exposes you to additional US tax compliance and planning issues. Even non-Americans may have US filing requirements – people moving to the US to work, partners of a US partnership, owners of a US property or those doing business or investing in the United States may need to file returns (and possibly pay tax). Our in-house team of US attorneys and tax professionals have a great deal of experience in these issues. We provide practical and specific assistance in all areas of US tax compliance and planning for individuals. The individual tax team of US Tax & Financial can assist you with areas such as: • Tax return preparation • Foreign asset disclosure forms • Advice on foreign tax credits • Tax implications of investments and capital gains • Wealth and inheritance planning • Using Trusts • Property purchases • Pension tax planning • Expatriation tax advice and compliance • ITIN applications • State tax advice • Tax treaty advice ustaxfs.com US TAX & FINANCIAL SERVICES ◆ ACROSS THE WORLD Under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) Foreign Financial Institutions (FFIs) must report information regarding accounts of US persons to the IRS. This law requires foreign financial institutions like your local bank, stock brokers, hedge funds, insurance companies, trusts, etc. – to report directly to the IRS all their clients who are US persons. The penalties for the institutions that do not cooperate are steep. See our dedicated page for more information: http://ustaxfs.com/compliance Now is a good opportunity to get up to date on your US filings with confidence. In January 2012, the IRS re-opened the offshore voluntary disclosure program. The program is similar to the 2011 OVDI initiative with a few key differences. Details can be found by following the link below: http://www.irs.gov/uac/2012-Offshore-Voluntary-Disclosure-Program If you have not complied with your tax and “offshore” filing obligations, you are legally obliged to bring your filing obligations up to date. There are several optional programs available to Americans abroad. It is important to find the right one for your circumstances as each situation is different. For years we have assisted non-filers in becoming compliant and can advise you through the options. Please call or email us for a confidential consultation about your options. Our experience in this area is exceptional. ustaxfs.com US TAX & FINANCIAL SERVICES ◆ ACROSS THE WORLD US Estate Planning & Trusts Transfer of our assets to our spouses, children and other loved ones will almost always have tax implications, especially with US citizens and residents. This becomes particularly complex with a multinational family. US Tax has over 30 years experience in planning, including the use of trusts, life insurance and advice on wills or divorce settlements which can often reduce the taxes imposed by the US tax system. Many jurisdictions allow tax-free transfers between spouses. But in the US this is not the case if the recipient spouse is not a US citizen. Such transfers can result in substantial US Estate or Gift Taxes. Transfers to children can also result in Estate or Gift Tax. Often the estate plan will include the use of trusts, for example asset protection, asset management for minors or others unable to manage funds on their own, both for asset or financial planning as well as tax planning. The tax treatment of trusts, trustees, settlors and beneficiaries is an extremely complex area. This is true not only in the US but in most developed countries as well. For the multinational family this can pose real problems as often these tax rules do not work in tandem. Weaving a path through this complex area requires complex and sophisticated planning. In addition, new FATCA regulations will have an impact of trusts and their reporting requirements. We offer a full range of US compliance and advisory services for trusts, including working with trustees all over the world. ustaxfs.com US TAX & FINANCIAL SERVICES ◆ ACROSS THE WORLD We can assist you with planning of the following: • Tax efficient structuring of your overall estate • Integration of US and other countries’ gift tax rules to minimize the tax burden to your estate • Effective use of income tax and estate and gift tax treaties • Annual review of US and other countries’ capital gains tax rules • Review of wills, divorce settlements and trusts for US tax implications • Coordinated planning with local country legal and financial teams including pension and life insurance advisors • Income tax, trust and estate and gift tax return preparation ustaxfs.com US TAX & FINANCIAL SERVICES ◆ ACROSS THE WORLD US Corporate Tax As an integrated firm of tax lawyers and accountants, US Tax & Financial Services is a strong alternative to the Big 4 in terms of pricing and experience. With offices in London, Zurich and Geneva, we are local to the European market. We provide an individualized proactive service and do not follow any pre-determined positions. Our core expertise is compliance with combined advisory services. We can help you with the following: • Assisting a US business in establishing or expanding international operations • Tax efficient acquisition and investment advice for international businesses wishing to establish or expand US operations • US Corporate tax compliance services • US Partnership tax compliance services • Preparation of US Informational Returns with respect to ownership in foreign entities - Forms 5471, 8865 and 8858 • Cross border Mergers & Acquisitions services, including assistance with due diligence • Cash repatriation optimization • US withholding tax compliance • Use of double tax treaties • Corporate tax compliance for Hedge Funds • Corporate tax compliance for Private Equity Firms ustaxfs.com US TAX & FINANCIAL SERVICES ◆ ACROSS THE WORLD UK Individual Tax We prepare UK tax returns to HMRC for expatriates living in the UK and anyone else who needs to submit a UK tax return. We can assist expatriates living in the UK to establish a tax efficient structure of their compensation packages, assets and investments. It’s important to coordinate tax planning in accordance with the tax legislation of the UK or other countries as required. This achieves the most beneficial tax treatment for individuals living in the UK or moving to work and live abroad. Early advice and planning can help to significantly reduce overall taxation and avoid penalties for not filing timely. We can help you with the following: • Preparation of UK individual income tax returns for UK residents and non-residents • Initial entry and exit interviews to advise individuals on the tax consequences of their stay in the UK • HMRC correspondence and enquiries • UK tax treaty advice with other countries • Preparation, review and negotiation of employment packages to provide tax effective compensation • Liechtenstein Disclosure Facility (LDF) • UK/Swiss Agreements (Rubik) ustaxfs.com Get in touch Our global headquarters is in London and we have offices in Zurich and Geneva to serve our clients worldwide. LONDON GENEVA ZURICH US Tax and Financial Services Ltd US Tax and Financial Services Sàrl US Tax and Financial Services Sàrl MIDDLE EAST, ASIA & THE AMERICAS US Tax & Financial Services GmbH 3 Harbour Exchange London E14 9GE United Kingdom Boulevard Helvétique 36 (entrance rue du Petit-Senn) CH-1207Geneva Switzerland Löwenstrasse 28 PO Box 1367 CH-8021 Zurich Switzerland Löwenstrasse 28 PO Box 1367 CH-8021 Zurich Switzerland T: +44 (0) 20 7357 8220 F: +44 (0) 20 7357 8225 T: +41 (0) 22 700 25 00 F: +41 (0) 22 700 25 26 T: +41 (0) 44 387 80 70 F: +41 (0) 44 387 80 79 T: +41 (0) 44 387 80 70 F: +41 (0) 44 387 80 79 Individual Tax Helena Turner h.turner@ustaxfs.com For all enquiries Sandro Bartolini s.bartolini@ustaxfs.com For all enquiries Jason Gyamerah j.gyamerah@ustaxfs.com For all enquiries Darlene Hart d.hart@ustaxfs.com Corporate Tax Bradley Albin b.albin@ustaxfs.com Estates and Trusts Andrew Aldridge a.aldridge@ustaxfs.com & FINANCIAL SERVICES ustaxfs.com
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