Document 400752

November 2014  Volume 54 Issue 11
Redeemer Lutheran Church  203 Eyland Avenue  Succasunna, NJ 07876  973-584-6300
November 2014
The Bible is our story, and there are few places where that comes through better than
in the story of Jesus’ feeding the multitude. A hungry crowd gathers around Jesus to
receive the Word, and at the end of the day the disciples are anxious to send the crowd
away. When Jesus tells them to feed the crowd, the disciples act just as any reasonable
group would. You can almost hear them murmuring, “Is he crazy? There’s just not
These days, that anxious feeling is common. The list of needs continues to pile up
against modest (or sometimes meager) resources, and the future is filled with
uncertainty. And not too far behind comes the fear.
The enemy sows fear in God’s people. Like weeds, fear doesn’t need much help to
grow. As the economy lurches along, and as expenses continue to climb, our
conclusion is the same as those disciples facing that great, hungry crowd. How can we
possibly do it? The disciples would have given in to fear had it not been for the presence
of Christ himself, bidding them always to turn from their fear and to trust God.
The miracle in that Gospel story? There was enough! More than enough, actually.
Precisely where the miracle occurred is hard to say. Did the loaves and fish multiply in
the baskets, between Jesus’ blessing and the disciples distributing? Or did the miracle
happen as folks shared the food they had brought? Either way, the fact that there was
enough was a sign that God’s kingdom had come to them. Some in the crowd may not
have been aware that a “miracle” had just occurred. Aware of it or not, they received
the blessing all the same.
This is a story that we at Redeemer live out often. From our human perspective, we
are always lacking, with never quite enough, it seems. And yet, somehow, between the
blessing and the sharing, as we get down to the business of the Gospel, God provides.
And we of little faith are reminded again and again that God’s promise is good.
Church’s that obsess with the notion of “not enough” tend to lose focus on what the
Church is there for in the first place: to be a community through which God’s
abundance flows freely and abundantly, for the sake of the world. In this season of
gratitude, we are encouraged to turn from our fear, share what we’ve been given, and
be Christ for our world. In God, there is enough.
Thank you for all you do, sharing the love of God.
+ Pr. Tom Kildea
Thus begins Paul’s conclusion to his
encouragement to the 1st century
congregation at Jerusalem, who are
enduring great persecution.
For all the Saints
Sunday, November 2
Therefore, since we have so great a
cloud of witnesses surrounding us...
let us run with perseverance the race
that is set before us. Hebrews 12:1
How can you possibly do less than
your best, give less than your all,
praise less than your loudest? Because
look around you – those who went
before you – those who set the
example – those who shared the love
of Jesus Christ with you – they
surround you with love and care and
the message that you can run the
race, can follow Jesus.
So who forms that “Great Cloud” for
you? Who loved you into following
Christ? Perhaps a parent or
grandparent? Who’s words inspire
you to follow? Maybe Martin Luther?
Or Martin Luther King? Was it a
pastor or Sunday School teacher – a
school teacher, nun, or scout leader?
Gary from among a few firms
recommended by the NJ Synod.
The key near-term objective for Build
on Faith in 2014-15 is to develop a
new long-term plan for our facility.
The goal is to address near term
needs, but to do so with an eye on
the future as our congregation and
mission continue to evolve.
The BoF Building and Space Team met
with Gary recently to help outline our
current pattern and intensity of facility
use, and to identify our needs,
challenges, and opportunities. Gary
will be spending time in and around
the facility starting this week and over
the next month to observe the real
world use of our current space. Out
of this and our recent discussions,
Gary will produce a “Working Paper”
which will serve as the initial working
concept we can consider together
over the coming months.
To that end, the BoF Building and
Space Team has selected Gary
Architects to help us envision what
may be possible in service to God and
our faith life together. Donnelly
Wagner is a South Jersey firm that
specializes in serving non-profits.
Nearly a quarter of their business
organizations, including a number of
ELCA congregations in New Jersey
and Pennsylvania. The team selected
The most important near-term
objective established by the team is to
assess how we might modify our
sanctuary space to more readily and
worship styles. As our most beautiful
and one of our largest spaces, it is
also our least utilized.
There is
potential to not only enhance our
worship opportunities, but also to
free up valuable alternative space for
our many and varied education and
service ministries, including Sunday
Redeemer Tidings – November 2014
Who are your ancestors in the faith?
The saints who surround us are living
and dead, male and female, known
and obscure. Who are yours?
Let us see if we can surround our
worship spaces with their names on
All Saints Day – November 2. Submit
a name or names by calling the church
office – 973-584-6300, emailing the
church at, or
sign up on a sheet in the narthex or
fellowship hall.
We’ll need—
Your Name:
Your mentor/ loved one’s
Your phone:
Would you like to help Pastor Jaye
display the names? Let us know that
Pastor Jaye Newbold
School and Family Promise, which
often compete for space with worship
during the course of the year.
We are at the beginning of the
beginning – we look to further
communication and discussion with
the broader Redeemer family as we
progress down this important and
exciting path in service to God’s call
to growth in our depth, breadth and
opportunity to discipleship in this
Paul Chaney
page 2
Just as Jesus fed the multitude, taking up the gathered gifts to bless, break and share
them, we offer our simple gifts, trusting that God will make something of them to be a
blessing to our world. In faith, we are called to let go of fear and trust that there is
always enough.
Sunday, November 2, All Saints Sunday
Invitation to Prayer – Commitment Packets distributed
2015 Stewardship Appeal
Sunday, November 9
The Day of Prayer for Our Ministry
Sunday, November 16
Commitment Sunday/Loaves & Fishes Brunch, 9:30 AM to noon
Bring your 2015 financial commitment and enjoy good food and fellowship
following worship
Sunday, November 23
at 11:30 AM
Agenda includes presentation
of proposed budget for 2015
and election of members
of the Church Council.
All confirmed members
please plan to attend
this important meeting.
Tuesday, November 25
7:30 PM
Adult Small Groups
Mondays at 6:30 PM “Animate Faith”
Leading Christian voices will offer views on faith, religion, the Bible....
Join the discussion! Led by Pastor Newbold
“The Names of God”
Fridays, 9:15 AM
This is a great study for anyone, regardless of where you are on your faith journey.
All are welcome and bringing friends is highly encouraged! For more information,
contact Shelly Housel at Check out the Re: blog at !
Tuesday, November 11 7:30 PM at
This month we will meet at Audrey Svenningsen’s to conclude the series
on Jesus’ miracles. Carpool at 7:15 from the Redeemer parking lot.
Contact Kathy Fiscella if you have questions.
Mondays, 9:30 to 11 AM
Sunday, November 23
7:00 PM
First Presbyterian Church
Main St. Succasunna
Offering collected will benefit
Roxbury Food Pantry
Redeemer Tidings – November 2014
Babysitting provided. Contact Carol Kitchin at 973-398-8754, for more information.
Tuesdays, 6:30 to 7:30 AM at Panera in Roxbury Mall.
(Now moving to every other week.) Contact Steve Sauchelli,
for more information or check dates at
Wednesday, November 5 at 12 noon
Materials available in the RLCW mailbox or in Lutheran women’s Gather magazine.
Bring a sandwich. Coffee and dessert will be served.
page 3
Family Promise
Our guests arrive Sunday, November 9
The FP organization works with many religious congregations and community volunteers to provide shelter, case management,
mentoring services and other forms of assistance to homeless families in the Morris County area. Redeemer is a partner
congregation and will provide evening and overnight shelter for 4 to 5 families from November 9 to 16. Help is needed to set-up on
Sunday, November 9 and breakdown, Sunday, November 16. Additional help is needed at various times during that week. Please see
the chart in the fellowship hall.
On Monday, October 27, from 7 to 9 PM, there will be a training session for interested volunteers at the Family Promise office,
One Executive Drive, Morris Plains. Other training dates will be schedule – watch for announcements. For questions contact the
FP office at 973-998-0820, or the church office, 973-584-6300.
Thanksgiving Outreach
Redeemer will again be supplying Thanksgiving dinner to families from Roxbury Social Services. Please visit the display in the
fellowship hall after each service to sign up to donate items, or contact Melissa Tumminello at the church office,
973-584-6300, or at Items needed are listed below.
Turkeys or turkey breasts
5 lb bags of potatoes
canned green beans
coffee, tea,
dessert items
ShopRite gift cards to purchase perishables such as milk
These items will be packed by the Alpha League on the 23rd for delivery to Social Services on the 24th.
Many thanks to those who offered to prepare and deliver a meal to Brittany Pidgeon's family and Christine Scano's family: Tammy
Roselle, Judi Frank, Chris Bedrock, Dori Bertino, Christine Gonzalez, Anna Lange, Ann Mauro, Melissa Tumminello and Bev and Jim
Smith. Your dedication to the ministry of caring for others in our midst who are in need is so appreciated.
If you know of someone in need, or would like to be added to the email list to hear of other dates, please contact Paula Chaney at
Midnight Run – Breakfast Edition
Sunday, November 30
Items being collected for this run include jeans and jackets
This event is open to all on a first come, first served basis (max of 12). The group meets at church at 6 AM to make a hot meal and
pack everything. The group returns to church between 10 and 10:30 AM.
Redeemer Tidings – November 2014
page 4
Workday Thanks
We had a small but enthusiastic group
on Saturday, October 11, (8 members
and 4 Boy Scouts). The weather was
against us early, but we ended with a
resounding roar as the playground
shed came tumbling down.
plowing in the winter. As Ken was
leaving, Dan Nixon arrived, and we
decided to go ahead and demo the
playground shed. Two hours later, we
were headed home (Marty to the
doctor for a tetanus shot).
Thanks to all for their time and effort;
thanks to Kathy for the coffee, bagels,
and donuts.
Update to My Home Church
projects are potentially scheduled for
October and November. It was
amazing talking to everyone who had
just gotten back from Mountain TOP
when I was up – what was seemingly
impeccable timing – and I look
forward to sending completed
Bob Fiscella
We were able to get some indoor
and 2 major outdoor projects
completed. Kathy Fiscella and Rachel
Fyock organized and cleaned the Life
Center kitchen. Walt Jacobus, Ken
Eibon, myself, and the Boy Scouts
changed light bulbs in 3 areas (we had
to break out the 16 foot wooden
ladder with its 8 foot vertical
extension). The Boy Scouts, Bob, and
Ken removed the A/C units; Marty
Yeager was into fixit jobs; Walt and
Steve Sauchelli handled the storm
windows in the fellowship hall and
conference rooms and organizing the
clutter in the narthex and fellowship
hall. As the weather improved, the 5
guys moved outside to pull and store
12 parking bumpers to facilitate snow-
Worship on October 12
A big thank you to Tricia Scalamoni
for donating, designing and creating
the Wedding Cake that graced the
"Wedding Feast" at Redeemer on
October 12. Tricia bakes as "Crafty
Cakes By Mom”
Visit her Facebook page "crafty
by mom" for photos of
wonderful cake designs. or,
Redeemer Tidings – November 2014
I would once again like to express my
heart-felt gratitude for your support
of me in my work at Real Experiences
Affecting Change (REACH), especially
to those whom I was unable to see
and thank on the Sunday I visited this
summer. Due to your incredible
generosity, we are able to help every
person we had hoped to, and have
already completed two of the four
home improvement projects. Vicky
Smith, one of the homeowners we
fundraised for and helped, told me
she’s able to sleep way better
knowing there’s a stable roof over
her head. As an update: I have been
working with my service fraternity,
Alpha Phi Omega, and others in VT
Engage at Virginia Tech, and both
Theo Pichalski
Thank you for the many cards, calls,
visits and, above all, your prayers. The
“Welcome Home” as we drove into
the driveway was truly heartwarming.
Eleanor Nester
page 5
Good music  Good eats  Good company
November 1
doors open at 7 PM
Guest artist—
Jared Wohl
New Member
The "Playin' 4 Paradise" committee would like to express sincere appreciation for the
overwhelming support from the Church Council, staff, and congregation of Redeemer
Lutheran Church. We literally could not have done it without your encouragement,
donations, talent, volunteer efforts, and attendance. Of course, providing a warm,
welcoming location for the event was the foundation of our success and we could not
have asked for a better place to express love and support for Dennis and his
family. With your help, we raised approximately $12,000 and around 200 people
enjoyed a beautiful afternoon of music, food, fellowship, and fun. There is no doubt that
Dennis and his family felt loved and encouraged by this amazing event and all the
generosity that surrounded it. Thank you for making it possible! Please check out
more pictures and music from this glorious day at and .
The P4P Team:
Bob Bendell, Paul Chaney, Lisa Crawford, Lorraine Jones, Bethanne Nazareth, Lisa Nolan, Scott
Riotto, Linda Scerbo, Steve Snoke, Christine Strobel, Bob Taylor, and Sue Taylor
Those interested in membership
are invited to attend an evening
of food, fellowship and "Meet-nGreet" with sponsor families
Sunday, November 16
from 5 to 7 PM
in the Life Center
If you are thinking of membership
and have not had the opportunity
to attend REDEEMER 101, please
reach out to Pastor Tom or
Paula Chaney, 973-663-9090 to
let us know you can attend, or if
you have any questions.
God bless Jack Elliot Newbold
born October 2, 2014,
son of Matthew and Becky
Newbold, grandson of Pastor
Jaye and Doug Newbold
Redeemer Tidings – November 2014
page 6
“Train a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not turn from
it.” Proverbs 22:6
On Sunday, October 12th the
Redeemer Sunday School classes (prek to 8th grade) experienced a lesson
on stewardship. We adopted last
year’s theme of Sharing Our Blessings.
This year’s lesson centered on two
aspects of stewardship; 1) offering
money and 2) serving others. During
the lesson, the children discussed how
they could share their offering money
with others and how they can help
others through service.
Kindergarten through 5th grade have
chosen an ELCA Good Gift to
support with their offering money.
Pre-k, and 6th through 8th grades have
chosen outreach ministries “closer to
home” to support. Pre-k is excited to
help Child and Family Resources with
their Diaper Bank program. They will
to benefit Youth Activities Fund
Orders taken through
November 23
Place your order at the
after worship.
Also available—pine roping and
tabletop Christmas trees. Orders can
be picked up Sunday, November 30th,
or choose home delivery for a $3 fee.
Make checks payable to: Redeemer
Luther League.
Proceeds support
upcoming youth activities such
retreats in November and the ski
retreat in February.
Check your church mailbox
for an order form!
be pooling their money together to
buy diapers for babies. Kindergarten,
1st and 2nd grades are concentrating
on water tablets and water jugs, while
the 3rd, 4th and 5th grades are looking
to donate mosquito netting. The 6th,
7th and 8th grade classes will be
supporting the Family Promise Food
Box Program.
The second part of the stewardship
lesson was based on service. The
students learned and discussed what
it means to live a “life of service” and
each class was challenged to come up
with a service project that they could
do together as a group. While the
service aspect of this lesson is still
unfolding for pre-k through 5th grade,
the upper grades (6th to 8th) have
chosen their service projects. Sixth
Grandmother’s Cupboard, 7th grade
has plans to cook for Faith Kitchen,
and 8th grade will be prepping and
participating in a Midnight Run.
Thanks to the generous support of
the congregation, there were enough
materials for 70 Lutheran World
Relief school kits. The kits were
assembled by the Alpha League on
Tuesday, October 21 with prep work
done by the Luther League on
October 14. The POPs group got into
the action by hosting a bake sale on
Sunday, October 19 to raise money
for the LWR shipping fund. The bake
sale was preceded by a “bake night”
on the 18. Last year’s kits were sent
to Jordan in November of 2013! Look
for future updates on where
Redeemer’s school and quilt kits are
Thanks to all who supported this
The high school stewardship lesson is
scheduled for a later date to
Redeemer’s Commitment Sunday on
November 16th. As confirmed
members of the church, this group
will be encouraged to fill out and
return their pledge form.
We encourage you to help support
your children in their stewardship
projects by reminding them to bring
in their Sunday School offering and by
continuing to discuss stewardship at
home. Maybe you and your children
will come up with a wonderful service
idea for the pre-k through 5th grade.
If so, please share the idea with us!
Offering envelopes are available in the
In God’s Blessings,
Rhonda and Corine
For youth in grades 7 to 12
Friday, February 6 through
Sunday, February 8
at Mountain Creek,
Vernon, NJ
Information will be out by November
15 and the goal is to keep the retreat
affordable. Also, be on the lookout
for early season specials on lift tickets.
Please see Corine Borrero, Rhonda
Rossi, or Pete Forester with any
Thank you for your support!
Redeemer Tidings – November 2014
page 7
2015 ELCA Youth
July 12 to 19, 2015
Registration paperwork and
$150.00 non-refundable
deposit due November 2
The ELCA Youth Gathering is a
churchwide ministry for Lutheran
high school youth (incoming 9 th
graders of fall 2015 to graduating
seniors of spring 2015) and their
adult leaders. There will be
opportunities for worship, service,
fellowship, study and holy play.
Leave Sunday, July 12 with a stopover at Cedar Point: The Roller
Coaster capital of the World!
Arrive in Detroit on Tuesday, July
14 and be ready for the Gathering
on July 15. We will return to
New Jersey late Sunday night, July
It’s not too late if you want to
participate! Please see Rhonda or
Corine for more information.
Praise the Lord! O give thanks to the Lord, for
He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever! Psalm 106:1
At RCS we like to teach the children how fortunate our lives are and that we have so
much to thank God for. Having a family, a home to live in, enough food on the table, and
having clothes to keep us warm are blessings which we sometimes take for
granted. Through song and prayer we like to remind the children to be thankful for
these blessings.
RCS will be collecting food for the Roxbury food pantry during the month of November
and the KEDS program will once again adopt a member of the military as a way to teach
the children the value of service.
Together we will celebrate the first Thanksgiving, dressed as Pilgrims and Native
Americans, and enjoy a Thanksgiving Feast. We will share treats made by each class,
hear the Thanksgiving story, sing and say grace together. This is a fun and rewarding
experience for each child as we share God’s blessings.
We are thankful to Redeemer Lutheran Church for its support in our mission to spread
the love of God to our families. We would like to thank the volunteers who made the
golf outing such a success, especially Dan Raymond, Paul Fortunato, Sue Schnabel, Judi
Frank, Melissa Sturtevant, Pete Forester, and Dave Little. We would also like to thank
Lori Adams, Becky Stadelman, Heather DiDomenico and Evelyn Hammaren for
volunteering to come in and share their expertise with the RCS staff for our continuing
education sessions.
Have a wonderful and Blessed Thanksgiving,
Cindy Stevens and Carol Kitchin
through September 30, 2014 (includes RCS)
Sunday, November 2, 12 PM
Senior Luncheon
Tuesday, November 11, 7:30 PM
Confirmation, Luther League,
Parent Forum
Friday, November 14 to
Sunday, November 16
NJ Synod Middle School Retreat
Friday, November 28, 7 PM
Bow making, fellowship hall
Saturday, November 29
Wreath decorating, AL and LL
Sunday, November 30, 6 AM
Midnight Run breakfast edition
Redeemer Tidings – November 2014
Net income:
Budgeted net income:
Operating cash available
page 8
November 2014
Asst. Deacons
November 02
November 09
November 16
November 23
November 30
Tom Lindsay
Chris Volz
Judy Johnson
Paula Chaney
Steve Davis
Scott Bellows
Chris Volz
Paula Chaney
Steve Davis
Judy Johnson
Scott Bellows
Mary Lou Regit
Dick Stanford
Jeff Drew
Mary Lou Regit
Dick Stanford
Anne Sauchelli
Sivia Burdge
Mary Lou Regit
Dick Stanford
Dan and Karen
Mary Lou Regit
Dick Stanford
Denise Ables
Andy Lange
Mary Lou Regit
Dick Stanford
Al Duscher
Eric Steiner
Lay Readers
Judi Frank
Steve Sauchelli
Tammy Roselle
Lori Adams
Lorraine Jones
Jackie Trainor
Opportunity to serve
Diane Carlock
Linda Nitka
Denise Abels
Kathy Fiscella
Carmen Drew
Pat Little
Becky Mason
Pat Little
Becky Mason
Judi Frank
Bev Smith
Judi Frank
Bev Smith
Sarah Coraggio
Chris Volz
Mady Levisky
Sam Lindsay
Amanda Bendel
Alexis Duscher
Austin Cummis
Shane Cummis
Katie Cuyar
Nate Biery
Carmen Drew
Sue Sopko
Kerrie Guarneri
Carmen Drew
Denise Abels
Steve and Anne
Andy and Anna
Amy Palazzolo
Jenn Stutmann
Janet Groenveld
Pastor Newbold
Margo DelGuercio
Diana Roff
Judi Frank
Chris Volz
Third Grade SS
Scott Bellows
Bakers Guild
Guarneri family
Christine Scano
Tammy Roselle
Christine Scano
Tammy Roselle
Altar Guild
Youth Worship
Thanksgiving Worship, Tuesday, November 25, 7:30 PM
Altar Guild - Marge Stigliano, Pat Little
Riley Cummis
Brendon Hoagland
Jennie Guarneri
Shane Jones
Christopher Rossi
Caitlin Rossi
Happy November Birthday!
Lisa Henricksen, Walt Jacobus, Morgan Sabo, Ethan
Justin Sagam, Andrew Simonsen
Carys Owen, Tyler Somers
Brittany Burke, Katie Smith
Sherri Curlo
Ryan Adams, Tammy Burdge, Melanie Janitscheck
Shelly Housel, Rachel Schumacher, Marty Yeager
Amy Batsch
Deon Rice
James Kildea, Tom Lindsay
Jaye Newbold
Gordon French, Olivia Kalafut
Jack Scheuten
Sandy Duscher, Jason Gabrielson, Steven Gray, Jason
Tewksbury, Niki Unger
Peyton Nexon
Eric Coraggio, John Regit, Colby Snoke
Mariah Crawford, Austin Cummis, Shane Cummis,
Carol Ike
Dylon Leitzel
Elyse Appelbaum, Heather DiDomenico
Jessica Bellows
Keith Bedrock, Kayla Pigeon, Manny Torode
Nicole O’Connor, Kersti Svenningsen
Owen Borrero, Liane Christopher, Andrea Jenkins,
Erika Raymond
Al Duscher
Dave Condon, Carol Kitchin
Cathy Jacobsen, Jenn Rousseau, Jon Schumacher, John
Unger, Aidan Watson
Will Crawford, Robin Gerber
Spencer Scalamoni
Happy November Anniversary!
Al and Heike Swingle, 36 years
David and Sonja Baker, 13 years
Jack and Joann Budd, 63 years
Paul and Sivia Burdge, 46 years
Nick and Rachel Schumacher, 2 years
Hank and Marion Stevens, 62 years
Juan and Corine Borrero, 22 years