If You Are A Guest Today...

If You Are A Guest Today...
We are glad you joined us. You are invited to meet some pastors and leaders of
VCNP after service in the Information Center. Learn about opportunities available
to you, receive an information book and free music CD.
Upcoming Events
November 9: Volunteer Appreciation Picnic, VCNP North Lawn
November 10: MoMENtum, High School Auditorium
November 14: GriefShare – Surviving the Holidays, High School Auditorium
November 23: Vineyard Community Charities (VCC) – Walk for Compassion,
VCNP Campus
November 25: Thanksgiving Food Basket Giveaway, Compassion Building
December 7: Newcomers’ Class, Middle School Auditorium
December 8: MoMENtum, High School Auditorium
December 13: Angel Tree Breakfast & Christmas Party, High School Auditorium
December 23-24: Christmas Eve Services, Auditorium
December 24: Christmas Eve Outreach, various locations
January 17-18: Water Baptism, Auditorium
Transforming Ordinary People
Into Extraordinary Followers Of Christ
At Vineyard Church North Phoenix we are committed to Transforming Ordinary
People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ. We find this transformation tends
to happen as people become committed, in ever increasing measure, to three
things; Christ, His Church and His Cause. We have found that making these
commitments help people to be in a place where the Holy Spirit can transform
them, more and more, into extraordinary followers of Christ.
Service Times
6250 West Peoria Avenue
Glendale, Arizona 85302
Tel: 623.934.4000
Fax: 623.934.3747
Saturday @ 5 PM
Sunday @ 9:15+ & 11◊ AM
interpreted in ASL
interpretación en Español
Children’s Classes (nursery – grade 5)
all services
Youth Services (grades 6 – 12)
middle school auditorium
high school auditorium
Saturday @ 5 PM
Sunday @ 11 AM
youth night Wednesday 7 – 9 PM
except first Wednesday of every month
Brian T. Anderson
The Cure for Arguing
November 8-9, 2014
Food Basket Giveaway
Thanksgiving Food Basket Giveaway
Tuesday, November 25 | 5:30 PM | Compassion
1,000 turkeys and food trimmings are needed! If you
would like to help a family in need this holiday season,
here’s a simple way to do it. Donate a turkey and
trimmings to the Thanksgiving Food Basket Giveaway
(TFBG). For more information on how to donate, volunteer, or receive a food basket, visit
the TFBG table in the courtyard. IMPORTANT: all donations need to be brought to the
church courtyard the weekends of November 15-16 or 22-23, before any of the services.
GriefShare — Surviving the Holidays
Friday, November 14 | 6 - 9 PM | High School
No matter how long it’s been since your loved one
died, grief can make the holidays a painful time. But
there’s hope. Join us for an encouraging seminar that
will help you survive the holidays and discover new
reasons to enjoy them again. Register this weekend at the table in the foyer or online
at vineyardnorthphoenix.com/survivingtheholidays. Surviving the Holidays will be
THIS Friday, November 14 from 6-9 PM in the High School Auditorium. The cost of $10
includes dinner, a book, and a memory ornament. This year we have a separate program
just for children ages 4-12. Registration for children is $6, which includes dinner and
crafts. Contact info: Linda at 623.878.1709
MoMENtum — Men’s Gathering
Monday, November 10 | 6:30 PM | High School
Join us Monday, November 10, for MoMENtum, as we
continue our new teaching series, “Tough Choices for
Maximum Living.” Our format is simple: a great man-sized
meal, worship, a challenging teaching and ministry time.
Cost is $6 in advance or $8 at the door (1st time guest is $3). Register at the MoMENtum
table in the foyer or online at vineyardnorthphoenix.com/momentum.
Volunteer Appreciation Picnic THIS
Sunday on the North Lawn
The amazing things that God does here
at the Vineyard are made possible by you,
our volunteers! You are the backbone of
our church. This year, we’re celebrating our
awesome volunteers by inviting you and
your family to our Volunteer Appreciation
Picnic THIS Sunday, November 9 from
3:30-5:30 PM. Bring your lawn chairs and
blankets and we’ll provide the food and fun!
Admin Assistant Job Opening
This position requires experience with
Microsoft Office products and working
with various office machines. The applicant
must be organized, detail-oriented,
friendly and an active member of VCNP.
Applications and job descriptions are
available in the Information Center or at
the church office. Submit application and
résumé to Don at don@vcfnp.com or the
church office (open Monday-Friday,
8 AM-5 PM).
Vineyard Kids Orientation Classes
THIS Weekend
Volunteering in Vineyard Kids ministry
is a great way to make a difference. 80%
of all who come to Christ do so before the
age of 18. As a VK volunteer, you can be
part of that amazing statistic and impact a
generation of kids for Christ! Come check
us out – no strings attached. Classes are
THIS weekend, Saturday, November 8 at
5 PM or Sunday, November 9 at 9:15 AM
in Room VK112. Walk-ins are welcome!
Mexico Mission Trip
Join Vineyard Church North Phoenix as
we reach out and impact the lives of our
neighbors across the southern border of
our state in the seacoast town of
Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point) Mexico.
Mission trip dates: depart Saturday,
December 27 at 8 AM and return Monday,
December 29 at 6 PM. Cost is $245, which
includes outreach events, transportation,
food and lodging. Applications are
available in the Information Center
(passport required). Contact info: Kevin and
Yola McShane 480.544.4792 (call or text)
Tweet with Brian on Twitter
Get the latest musings, ideas and highlights
from our Senior Pastor here at Vineyard
Church. Send Brian your thoughts at
Twitter @VCBrian.
Vineyard Community Charities —
Walk for Compassion
Vineyard Community Charities (VCC)
presents our first 4K Walk for Compassion
Sunday, November 23, promptly at
2 PM on the VCNP campus. The walk is
to support VCC programs such as: the
Food and Clothing Bank, Helping Hands
Ministry, Prison Ministry, Thanksgiving
Food Basket Giveaway, Angel Tree, His
Hands & Feet Ministry and the Back to
School Giveaway. You can walk or sponsor
a Compassion walker and take advantage
of Arizona’s Charitable Organization
Tax Credit Law which allows individual
taxpayers a credit of up to $200 or $400
for a married couple filing jointly. For more
information visit the Walk for Compassion
table in the foyer or contact Elizabeth at
Angel Tree Outreach — Volunteers
Angel Tree is our church’s annual outreach
to touch the lives of the children of
incarcerated parents by providing
Christmas presents on behalf of that
parent. It takes many volunteers to make
this outreach a success. You could make
calls, man a table in the foyer, wrap
presents, serve at the party for the children
of prisoners, and/or help deliver gifts that
were not picked up. We need your help!
Use the Communication Card in your
bulletin to volunteer. Contact info: Kristina
Chrisman at kristina.pineda@cox.net
Ministry Training II Class. If you have
taken our 4-week Ministry Training I Class
and would like to go even deeper, here
is our 3-week Ministry Training II Class.
This class will address demonization and
deliverance, inner healing, and “in the
moment” ministry of the Holy Spirit. Class
begins Sunday, November 16 at 11 AM in
the Meeting Room.
Newcomers’ Class. Are you new to the
Vineyard and would like to know the
history of the Vineyard movement? At this
class you will learn about our church roots,
the vision of where God is leading us and
how you fit into the Vineyard? Newcomers’
Class is Sunday, December 7 from 9:15 AM12:15 PM in the Middle School Auditorium.
Use the Communication Card in your bulletin to register.