your november 2014 DELIVERED MONTHLY TO 4,800 HOUSEHOLDS sunalta sass THE OFFICIAL SUNALTA COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER HUMANA MEDICAL CLINIC the family clinic with the human touch WHERE NEW PATIENTS AND WALK-INS ARE WELCOME HOURS OF OPERATION 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Open 7 Days a Week Humana’s clinics are CLOSED on Statutory & Civic Holidays ========================================================== DALHOUSIE STATION PH: (403) 202-8888 #183, 5005 Dalhousie Drive NW Calgary, Alberta T3A 5R8 These Family Physicians ARE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS WOMEN’S IUD CLINIC NOW OPEN EVERY SATURDAY SHORT WAITING IMMEDIATE APPOINTMENT CALL 403-202-8888 Dr Sanjeeve Sockanathan MRCGP Dr Umaru Ahmadu-Alli MD Dr Jane Flynn MD Dr Oluwaseun Oyeniran MD, MRCGP Female Family Physician Dr Rosario Guevara MD GLENBROOK PLAZA PH: (403) 686-6967 #136, 3715 - 51 Street SW Calgary, Alberta T3E 6V2 These Family Physicians ARE ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Dr. A.A. (Tayo) Alawiye Dr. Victor Fadayomi Female Family Physician Dr Rosario Guevara MD Photo credit: Kari Peperkorn Marlowe Sunalta Community Association 1627-10 Ave SW Calgary, AB – T3C 0J7 Phone: 403.244.2608 | President’s Message 5 Save The Date 7 Sunalta Real Estate Update 7 Film Night 8 At a Glance 9-10 Alexander Calhoun Library 11 My Babysitter List 15 NEWSLETTER AD SALES Y E ARS 25 Great News Publishing Ltd. 403.720.0762 | 403.263.3044 | Great News Publishing has been proudly serving sunalta for 2 years! The Official sunalta Community Newsletter I november 2014 3 Schools REGULAR PROGRAM Sunalta Mount Royal Western Canada K-6 7-9 10-12 Glamorgan Henry Wise Wood K-8 9-12 Killarney K-6 TLC MONTESSORI How to contact us: “Like” us on Facebook: Sunalta Community Association 403-244-2608 to leave a message Officers and Directors List: Nick Twyman Courtney Clarke Tom Naested Simon Shakibaei President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Thanks to all our local businesses for supporting the community association •Sabroso Restaurant •Groovy Lotus Tea Shop •Tiempo •The Cellar Wine Store •Parry Bros. Lock & Safe •Xocolat Restaurant 4 november FRENCH IMMERSION & SPANISH BILINGUAL Westgate Bishop Pinkham Western Canada Robert Warren William Aberhart K-4 (FR &SP) 5-6 (FR & SP) 7-9 10-12 (FR) 8-9 (SP) 10-12 (SP) Sacred Heart St. Monica St. Mary’s Holy Name St. Michael Elementary Junior High Senior High Elementary (FR) Junior High (FR) CATHOLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT Editorial Content Deadline 15 th of each month for the next month’s issue Sunalta Community Association CA Sunaltaetings e Sunalta ComBoameredtingm t a s the cond the se held Board p.m. Hall are onth at 7:30 y it n u m m y r e v e y of d. Monda to atten elcome w re a All 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities President's Message community hall events By: Nick Twyman November in Canada is special for remembering the sacrifices our men and women have made in the service of our country. This year, it marks the 100th anniversary of the start of World War I. A significant part of the evolution of our national identity can be traced back to that conflict and our international reputation as a safe harbour for citizens from around the globe. I encourage each of you to wear a poppy and take time on November 11th to remember those who have given so much, as both combatants and as peace keepers, to make Canada the place it is today. Which movie tops your all-time favourite list? 1 2 9 3 2 4 We specialize in Kitchen, Bathroom & Basement Renovations ·· Flooring ·· Tile ·· Doors ·· Cabinets·&·Counters 2 3 7 1 6 1 5 The West End Legal Centre will be hosting an “Ask a Lawyer” session at the Sunalta Community Hall on Saturday November 8, 2014 from 10.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. This event is open to the public at no charge. Claire, Jenny and Simon will be happy to answer your questions, and to provide legal information on issues ranging from wills, estates, probate, litigation (personal injuries, motor vehicle accidents, commercial disputes), home-based businesses and incorporations. 9 5 9 S aturday November 8, 2014 10:30 a.m.-1p.m. C U S TO M E R S AT I S FA C T I O N G U A R A N T E E D 1 8 “Ask a Lawyer” 9 9 1 7 3 4 8 3 7 6 FREE ESTIMATES 403.256.9282 NO JOB TOO SMALL find solution on page 11 The Official sunalta Community Newsletter I november 2014 5 Warm appetizers are always popular, especially when the weather turns colder. This cheese spread always has people guessing what the ingredients are, and the baked Brie with cranberries is delicious and will disappear quickly! Warm Blue Cheese Spread 1 -250 gram pkg. regular cream cheese, softened to room temperature 2-3 tablespoons crumbled blue cheese (my preference is Gorgonzola) 3-4 stalks celery, chopped 2 tablespoons onion, finely chopped 1 teaspoon lemon juice ½ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Dash of cayenne ¼ cup pecans, coarsely chopped 1 tablespoon fresh parsley Snow peas, ripe pears, pepperoni sticks cut in short pieces, assorted crackers. •Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit •Mix cream cheese and blue cheese until well blended •Add celery and onion to cheese mixture. Add lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce and cayenne; mix well. Spread evenly in a baking dish. Sprinkle pecans over cheese mixture. •Bake 25 – 30 minutes, until thoroughly heated and beginning to bubble. •Remove from oven and sprinkle with snipped fresh parsley. •Serve warm with snow peas, pear wedges, pepperoni sticks and crackers. CULINARY FILE: appetizers Baked Brie in Puff Pastry 6 1 small wheel of Brie cheese, scored on top 1 egg, beaten 1 block puff pastry, thawed Cranberry filling 2 red apples Cranberry Filling: ½ cup fresh cranberries 1 tablespoon golden brown sugar 1 tablespoon Grand Marnier liqueur •Crush cranberries in a bowl, and mix with other ingredients. Microwave until warm •Roll out one block of puff pastry on a lightly floured surface. Place Brie in the centre of the pastry. Spread cranberry mixture on the top of the Brie. Bring pastry up around the sides and over the top of the cheese, wrapping completely. Tie with string, and allow excess pastry to fold over and create a “flower” top. Brush with beaten egg •Bake at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 20-25 minutes until golden brown. Let stand for 5-10 minutes before serving with sliced apple wedges. Enjoy! november Fiction •The Monogram Murders: The New Hercule Poirot Mystery – Sophie Hannah •Edge of Eternity – Ken Follett •Village of Secrets – Caroline Moorhead •Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good – Jan Karon • The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel – Deborah Moggach •Raising Steam – Terry Pratchett Non-fiction •The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains – Nicholas Carr •Zero to One – Peter Thiel •The Organized Mind – Daniel J. Levitin •Family Meals – Michael Smith •Philomena – Martin Sixsmith •The True Intrepid – Bill MacDonald Children’s •My Very First Mother Go ose – edited by Iona Opie •Who Could That Be At This Hour? (All the Wrong Questions) – Lemony Snicket •In Flanders Fields: The Story of the Poem by John McCrae – Linda Granfield/Janet Wilson 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Save The Date Sunalta Real Estate Update Last 12 Months Sunalta MLS Real Estate Sale Price Stats Average Asking Price Average Sold Price September 2014 $529,900 $500,000 August 2014 $624,900 $629,000 July 2014 $475,000 $456,000 June 2014 $627,966 $630,300 May 2014 $0 $0 April 2014 $0 $0 March 2014 $684,959 $657,500 February 2014 $537,450 $516,000 January 2014 $639,900 $675,000 December 2013 $449,900 $429,000 November 2013 $639,500 $607,000 October 2013 $499,000 $488,000 Last 12 Months Sunalta MLS Real Estate Number of Listings Stats No. New Properties No. Properties Sold September 2014 5 1 August 2014 1 1 Upcoming Events at the Sunalta Community Hall Community Mixer and Volunteer Appreciation Friday, December 5, 2014 (evening): Ugly sweaters, snacks, drinks and a live band. Winter Market Festival Saturday, December 6, 2014 (all day): Plenty of winter fun with kids’ activities planned. More details to come. Follow us and twitter. com/SunaltaYYC. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. Second-guessing your investments? Get an expert second opinion on your portfolio July 2014 0 1 If market volatility is making you secondguess your investments strategy, contact us today for a no obligation, objective evaluation of your portfolio. June 2014 4 3 An unbiased review can help you answer key questions including: May 2014 4 0 > Is your portfolio still on the right track? April 2014 2 0 > Are you taking too much risk in your portfolio? March 2014 1 5 February 2014 1 2 January 2014 4 1 December 2013 1 1 November 2013 0 3 October 2013 5 1 Total 28 19 To view the specific SOLD Listings that comprise the above MLS averages please visit Michael Martin, CFA, MBA Investment Advisor 403-266-9655 > Which investments are likely to recover – and which ones aren’t? Arrange a complimentary second opinion service today – call 403-266-9655 or email us at Professional Wealth Management Since 1901 RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. *Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. is a member company of RBC Wealth Management, a business segment of Royal Bank of Canada. ®Registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. ©2011 Royal Bank of Canada. All rights reserved. The Official sunalta Community Newsletter I november 2014 7 The Alpha House DOAP Sunalta’s Safe Communities Film Night! Team – A Community Join us for the screening of the documentary… Partnership THE AVENUE – a film by Jaimie Clements What is the Alpha House DOAP Team? The film focuses on the inner-city community of Alberta Avenue, whose grassroots volunteer community galvanized to massively and positively change a ‘crime, drug and prostitution-plagued’ neighbourhood into a clean, revitalized arts destination in downtown Edmonton. DOAP stands for Downtown Outreach Addictions Partnership. The DOAP team is a mobile unit – a dedicated group of outreach workers and a van – who work in response to substance use in Calgary’s downtown communities. They work in close association with the Calgary Police, Emergency Medical Services and Bylaw. Please join us for a special screening of The Avenue! What does the DOAP Team do in our community? They reach individuals struggling with substance use at the street level – to improve their living conditions and to address their immediate safety. Where: Scarboro United Church – 134 Scarboro Avenue SW When should you, a community member, call the DOAP Team? When: Friday, November 14, at 7PM Bonus: The filmmaker, Jaimie Clements, will be joining us for a Q&A session following the film. This event is being organized by the Sunalta Safe Communities Initiative and is open for all to attend. Kids are welcome (though please note that the film is rated PG) and snacks will be made available. For more information on The Avenue, visit www. Please call the DOAP Team at 403-998-7388 if you observe an individual who appears to be intoxicated, loitering, trespassing or sleeping in an area that they should not be – like a public park or alley. The team will come as promptly as possible – often faster than the police can - to pick up the individual. The police will often refer to the DOAP Team for help. When should you call the Calgary Police? If the intoxicated individual appears to be less peaceful but is not a threat to anyone’s safety please call the Calgary Police non-emergency line 403-266-1234 If you deem the situation a threat to someone’s safety or you see a violent or criminal situation please call 911 immediately. *Please remember that you are NOT inconveniencing the DOAP Team or the Calgary City Police by calling when these situations arise. They are here to help. - Sunalta Safe Community Initiative 8 november 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Your Community/City Events •November 1 – 23 – Beauty and the Beast performed by Loose Moose Theatre for Kids. For detailed information 403.265.5682 / •November 3 – Gordon Lightfoot performs at Jack Singer Concert Hall, Epcor Centre at 8:00 pm. 403.294.9494 / •November 7 – The Bills play their acoustic roots music at Southwood United Church as part of Fish Creek Concerts season. •November 12 & 15 – From Broadway With Love performed by the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra at 8:00 pm each evening – Jack Singer Concert Hall. 403.571.0849 / •November 13 – Calgary Flames vs Arizona Coyotes at the Saddledome 7:00 pm. •November 14 – February 15 – Pirates of the North Saskatchewan at Jubilations Dinner Theatre. 403.249.7799 / •November 20 – Calgary Flames & Chicago Blackhawks face off at 7:00 pm at the Saddledome. •November 21 – 30 – Where the Wild Things Are is one of five Canadian productions for young audiences from Y Stage Theatre Series 2014/2015 season at Vertigo Theatre. Evening performances 7:00 pm, matinees 12:30 and 3:00 pm. 403.221.3708 / •November 21 – December 4 - J’Aime Paris Festival A tribute to Parisian music performed by Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra at Jack Singer Concert Hall. For detailed information, 403.571.0849 / •November 23 – Calgary Hitmen vs Red Deer Rebels at 4:00 pm at the Saddledome. •November 27 – 30 GIRAF is an animation festival featuring interactive workshops, artist talks, and activities for the whole family. Globe Cinema and Quickdraw Animation Society. 403.261.5767 / www. •November 28 – December 22 – Peter Pan the Musical High-flying fun for the whole family performed by Storybook Theatre. More details 302.216.0808 / www. •November 30 – 102nd Grey Cup in Vancouver at 4:00 pm Mountain time. e. & o. e. 1 2 3 4 5 6 november at a glance... November 8 – Dreams: Ultimate Tribute to Fleetwood Mac at Deerfoot Inn & Casino – wristband 6:30 / show 9:00 pm. 403.236.7529 / www. 7 8 9 10 11 12 November 8 – December 7 The Game’s Afoot performed at Vertigo Theatre as part of the BD&P Mystery Theatre Series. Evening performances 7:30 pm – matinees 2:00 pm. 403.221.3708 / 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 November 8, 12 & 14 Silent Night Canadian premiere of this Pulitzer Prize winning opera is performed by Calgary Opera, and tells the First World War story of a truce on Christmas Eve 1914. 403.262.7286 / 25 26 27 28 29 30 The Official sunalta Community Newsletter I november 2014 9 until December 24 A Christmas Carol is a spirited production performed by Theatre Calgary. For detailed information 403.294.7447 / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 december 8 December 17 Country Christmas with George Canyon is part of CPO’s Magic of Christmas. Performance at 7:30 pm. 403.571.0849 / 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 December 20 Cantare Children’s Choir: Frost and Fire performed at Knox United Church. 403.685.1132 / 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 10 november Your Community/City Events at a glance... •December 6 – A Merry Little Pops performed by the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra. For detailed information 403.571.0849 •December 6 – Mother Mother performs at the Grey Eagle Resort & Casino. Doors 7:00 pm, show 8:00 pm •December 7 – The Christmas Eve Express features well-known classics as well as new holiday songs. Performed by the Youth Singers of Calgary at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium. 403.234.9549 / •December 7 – Calgary Hitmen vs Moose Jaw Warriors at the Saddledome 4:00 pm •December 13 – Calgary Children’s Choir at the Rozsa Centre, University of Calgary. 403.210.3499 / www. •December 12 & 13 – A Traditional Christmas is part of the CPO’s Magic of Christmas, performed at Grace Presbyterian Church. Evening performances at 7:00 pm and Saturday matinee at 2:00 pm. 403.571.0849 / •December 16 – Calgary Flames & New York Rangers face off at 7:00 pm at the Saddledome www. •December 18 – 24 – The Nutcracker A seasonal classic for all ages, performed by the Alberta Ballet 403.245.4549 •December 21 – Perfectly Frank Christmas is performed at River Park Church by Calgary Jazz Orchestra. Matinee 3:00 pm / evening 7:00 pm 403.239.8545 / •Until December 21 – Once Upon a Christmas celebrates the charm of Christmas past at Heritage Park. 403.268.8500 / •December 21 – Sing Along Messiah at Knox United Church. 403.208.6094 / •December 31 – Trooper at Deerfoot Inn & Casino – wristband 7:00 pm / show 11:00 pm 403.236.7529 / •December 31 – Calgary Flames vs Edmonton Oilers at the Saddledome 7:30 pm (SN) e. & o. e. 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Alexander Calhoun Library 3223 - 14 St SW • Tel: 403-260-2600 • Mon -Thur 10:00 am – 9:00 pm • Fri & Sat 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Sun (mid-Sept to mid-May) 12:00 noon - 5:00 pm All Public Libraries are closed on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 for Remembrance Day. Law at Your Library: City of Calgary Bylaws Learn about City of Calgary bylaws including options in court. In partnership with Calgary Legal Guidance. Tuesday, Nov. 4 7 - 8:30 p.m. Plants to Brighten your Winter Home Discover how to purchase, display and take care of a variety of seasonal plants that are often not suited for our dry, centrally heated homes. Presented by Janet Melrose, Calgary’s Cottage Gardener. Wednesday, Nov. 5 7 - 8:30 p.m. Ages 3 and up Wednesday, Nov. 26 12 - 1 p.m. Snowflakes and Stories Join us for stories, rhymes and songs celebrating winter! Ages 2 to 5 with a parent/caregiver Wednesday, Dec. 3 10:15 - 10:45 a.m. One Book, One Calgary In November, Calgary Public Library will host our fifth annual One Book, One Calgary event, a city-wide library initiative designed to ignite community dialogue and enrich community connections through a shared reading experience. We are pleased to announce that Walls: Travels Along the Barricades by Marcello Di Cintio is this year’s One Book, One Calgary selection. Join us for exciting programs centered on our selection. Register by visiting Animal Tracks and Signs Discover what creature was there before you in this interactive presentation of nature clues and animal signs. Presented by Judy Marsh of Outdoors In. Monday, Nov. 10 7 - 8:30 p.m. Spanish Conversation Club – Intermediate Join volunteer coaches and practice Spanish speaking and listening skills through conversational exercises. This program is for learners with intermediate Spanish language skills. Ages 16 and up Wednesdays, Nov. 12 to Dec. 17 7 - 8:30 p.m. ESL Conversation Club - Intermediate Practise your English listening and speaking skills in this six-week program. Tuesdays, Nov. 18 to Dec. 16 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Feeding Your Baby A registered dietitian addresses questions about feeding your baby in the first 12 months. Presented by Alberta Health Services. Register online at Monday, Nov. 17 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. BMO Emerging Artists in YOUR Library Join the School of Alberta Ballet’s Emerging Artists for an interactive ballet performance just for kids. This program is generously sponsored by BMO. 1 3 2 8 9 4 5 6 7 4 6 7 1 2 5 8 9 3 8 9 5 6 7 3 2 4 1 7 8 9 2 1 6 4 3 5 3 1 4 5 8 7 6 2 9 2 5 6 3 4 9 1 7 8 5 7 1 9 6 2 3 8 4 6 4 3 7 5 8 9 1 2 9 2 8 4 3 1 7 5 6 The Official sunalta Community Newsletter I november 2014 11 Calgary Board of Education Board of Trustees Website: • Email: Community Update On New Schools The Calgary Board of Education is pleased to welcome more than 3,000 additional students this year. With rapid growth comes the challenge of finding schools for all these students. Funding for new school construction hasn’t kept pace with growth, particularly in new communities. As a result, we bus about a third of our students to schools where there is space. To meet this pressing need, the CBE is planning the construction of 12 new schools, three major modernizations and two replacement schools, all to open in 2016. New K- Grade 4 schools for Panorama Hills, Tuscany, Auburn Bay, New Brighton, Copperfield, and Evanston. New Grades 5 – 9 schools for New Brighton–Copperfield, Evergreen, Mackenzie Towne, Saddle Ridge, Rocky Ridge–Royal Oak. Modernization of Bowness High School and Jack James High School, and turning the former Harold W. Riley school into an Aboriginal learning centre. Replacement of Christine Meikle and Elbow Park schools. The Province is also building a new northeast high school to open in 2016. In addition, the Province announced Sept. 22 that it would partner with the CBE to build four starter schools. They will be built in phases to get students into classes before the entire school is complete. It also announced funding for modular classrooms for Westgate School and for the planning of a new south Calgary high school. Funding for new schools, modernizations and modulars comes from the province and the CBE is very grateful to the government for this investment in education. More information on all of our capital projects can be found on the CBE website – schools/underdev/default.asp. We welcome your comments, feedback and questions. You can contact the Board of Trustees at boardoftrustees@ 12 november councillor, ward 8 Evan Woolley P.O. Box 2100, Station M Calgary, AB, Canada T2P 2M5 Phone: 403-268-2430 Coming Soon! Action Plan 2015-2018 On November 4, The City of Calgary will release its next four-year strategic plan and budget for public review. As part of The City’s regular cycle of municipal elections and business planning, Action Plan is how we connect our City’s day-to-day operations with its long-term goals, as well as balance providing great services with affordable tax rates for all Calgarians. The Action Plan process launched last March with a broad-reaching citizen engagement campaign. Informed by engagement results, as well as other inputs like major economic and demographic trends, City finances and legislative obligations, Calgary City Council drafted and approved its Priorities for 2015 - 2018 in May. Over the summer, City staff created plans and budgets in response to Council’s Priorities within spending limits identified by Council. The result, Action Plan 2015 2018, identifies how The City will deliver 44 of Council’s strategic actions over four years, representing over $20 billion of capital infrastructure investment and service delivery. We will also continue to provide nearly 100 different kinds of front-line services that support citizens in their daily lives. Visit to see the full plan on November 4, as well as City performance measures, benchmarking, citizen engagement, budgets and detailed Council Priorities. After Action Plan is released, Council will consider the plan for approval during two weeks of deliberations from November 24 to December 5, 2014. Find out more and get involved! From November 4 onward, citizens can comment on the proposed plan on, by filling out a comment card at your local public library, or by contacting 311. As well, citizens are invited to sign-up before November 19 to speak during Council deliberations or submit a presentation in advance for consideration by November 13. All feedback will be shared with Council. It’s your City, your future: Action Plan 2015-2018 For more information, visit 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS For Business Classified Ad Rates Call Great News Publishing at 403 263-3044 or NEPTUNE PLUMBING & HEATING LTD: Qualified journeymen plumbers/gasfitters, very experienced in Sunalta. Upfront pricing. Reliable, conscientious, fully guaranteed. Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. 24 hour emergency service call 403-255-7938. “Showering you with great service.” CONCRETE CUTTING FOR BASEMENT WINDOWS & DOORS & FLOORS: New openings or enlargements cut into foundation for basement windows and doors. Enlarge your existing basement windows to meet fire code for bedrooms, from cutting basement windows, doorways to supply and install quality windows, windowwell, weeping-tile, core drilling, excavation and anything concrete cutting. Call 403-570-0555. Email: NEIGHBOURHOOD CONFLICT? Community Mediation Calgary Society (CMCS) is a no cost mediation and conflict coaching service that can help you resolve problems and restore peace! We help neighbours be neighbours again!, 403-2692707. CONDO RECYCLING SOLUTIONS: Get your recycling program started for your condo or office early! We have provided recycling options since 2003! Free quotes. Call 403-680-7557 TODAY! THE HANDYMAN YOU’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR: Get your projects underway! 819 Contracting is your solution. Knowledgeable and reliable team of professionals. Licensed electrician, plumber and carpenter available. Talk to Carl 403-671-4714. TUTOR DOCTOR - STRUGGLING IN SCHOOL? Your local Tutor Doctor specializes in affordable oneon-one tutoring in your home. Free Consultation. Call Now! Tutor Doctor at 403-640-2223 or www. LEADING STARS ARTS & EDUCATION FOUNDATION PRESENT: 2014 Disneys Beauty and the Beast. Childrens Christmas play on Tuesday, November 25, 2014, 6:30 pm at Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium, 1415 14 Avenue NW, Calgary. Purchase tickets at detail/9162. NOVEMBER Moon C alendar Full Moon Nov 6 Last Quarter Nov 14 New Moon Nov 22 First Quarter Nov 29 The Official sunalta Community Newsletter I november 2014 13 Community Announcements Deadline – 1st of each month for the next month’s publication Contact Free announcements: lost/found, household items for sale, wanted, garage sale, student/senior services, etc. Forty word limit Published by: Proudly serving Sunalta for 2 years! ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS NOW! REACHING OVER 360,000 HOUSEHOLDS ACROSS 130 CALGARY COMMUNITIES DELIVERED BY Canada Post Phone: 403-263-3044 14 november I Important Numbers ALL EMERGENCY CALLS 911 Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre 403.253.5250 Alberta Health Care 403.310.0000 AHS Addictions Hotline 1.866.332.2322 ATCO Gas – 24 Hour Emergency 403.245.7222 Calgary HEALTH LINK 24/7 403.943.5465 Calgary Police – Non Emergency 403.266.1234 Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter 403.234.7233 Child Abuse Hotline 1.800.387.5437 Child Find – Alberta 403.270.3463 Distress/Crisis Line 403.266.4357 ENMAX – Power Trouble 403.514.6100 Poison Centre – Alberta 1.800.332.1414 Suicide Crisis Line 1.800.784.2433 Hospitals/urgent care Alberta Children’s Hospital 403.955.7211 Foothills Hospital 403.944.1110 Peter Lougheed Centre 403.943.4555 Rockyview General Hospital 403.943.3000 Sheldon M. Chumir Health Care 403.955.6200 South Calgary Urgent Care 403.943.9300 South Health Campus 403.956.1111 Other Calgary Humane Society 403.205.4455 Calgary Parking Authority (Towed/Abandoned Vehicles etc.) 403.537.7100 Calgary Senior’s Resource (SeniorConnect) 403.266.6200 Call Before You Dig (Buried Utilities) 1.800.242.3447 City of Calgary 211 and 311 Elder Abuse Resource Line (65+) 403.705.3250 Kerby Centre for the 55 plus 403.705.3246 Neighbour Mediation Hotline 403.269.2707 Road Conditions – Calgary 1.877.262.4997 Weather Information 403.299.7878 Need-a-Doctor Disclaimer The opinions expressed within any published article, report or submission reflect those of the author and should not be considered to reflect those of the Sunalta Community Association and Great News Publishing. The information contained in this newsletter is believed to be accurate, but is not warranted to be so. The Sunalta Community Association and Great News Publishing do not endorse any person or persons advertising in this newsletter. Publication of these ads should not be considered an endorsement of any goods or services. 2014 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Sunalta Name Age Contact Course Abigail 17 705-706-4338 No Christoph 23 587-998-6172 Yes Elizabeth 21 587-999-5901 Yes Emma 14 403-220-1537 Yes Henry 14 403-719-8282 Yes Izzy 15 403-483-1218 Yes Jonahley 50 403-837-6348 Yes Kaitlynn 14 403-874-4034 Yes Mackenzie 14 403-805-6223 Yes Michelle 30 403-923-5111 Yes Nia 15 403-991-8045 Yes Polina 13 587-296-1650 Yes Salma 37 403-252-5052 Yes Sarah 21 587-225-2160 No Calling All Babysitters Enroll free at and choose the Calgary communities you would like to babysit in. Calling All Parents Visit and find available babysitters in and around your community. Disclaimer: We recommend for your own peace of mind that references be checked when choosing your babysitter. This babysitter list is provided as a service to the community and is governed by the terms & conditions outlined at When winter hits, we’re ready. You can count on city employees to keep our neighbourhoods safe and clear — in any weather. Big storms often don’t give you much warning. A city like Calgary needs a team in place that can hit the streets with a few hours notice. Fortunately, that’s just what we have. When the snow flew early this year, Calgary’s city employees were prepared: plowing streets and sidewalks, clearing downed branches, trees and other debris, salting and sanding. We’re your reliable, dedicated team. So when some politicians talk about replacing experienced public employees with for-profit contractors, know that it comes at a price. When your family’s safety is on the line, cutting corners isn’t worth it.
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