NOIK ® AL Halogenfri installationskabler Halogenfree installation cables Standard nkt cables 1G50 NOIK-AL nkt cables-fabriksstandard nr. 008 Standard 3 1 2 Konstruktion Construction 1 Rund flertrådet aluminium. 2 Isolation PEX Insulation PEX Circular standed aluminium conductor 3 Termoplastisk compound, UV-stabiliseret Thermoplastic compound, UV resistant Anvendelse Application I overensstemmelse med SB afsnit 6:2001. Kabeltypen er velegnet til nedgravning i jorden og til oplægning på kabelbakker o.l. hvor der kræves/ønskes halogenfri og miljøvenlige kabler. Lederisolationen er ikke velegnet til direkte lyseksponering. Installation un buildings, in channels, in open air and in the ground. The conductor is not applicable for direct light exposure Egenskaber Properties Mærkespænding 1 kV Røgtæthed IEC 61034 4 kV Brandprøve IEC 60332-1 Rated voltage Prøvespænding Test voltage Max. drifttemperatur 70 °C Smoke density Fire conditions Syrebestemmelse IEC 60754-1, EN 50267-2-1 Ledningsevne - pH-ændring IEC 60754-2, EN 50267-2-3 Max. conductor temperature Max. kortslutningstemperatur 250 °C Max. short-circuit temperature Levering Tr 500 Min. temperature for laying and manipulation Packaging D 500 Ved under - 5 °C skal der tages specielle forholdsregler for ikke at beskadige yderkappen Min. bøjeradius 0 °C Min. håndteringstemperatur Min. bending radious Below - 5 °C special precaution shall be taken not to damage the ourter sheat Max. Lagertemperatur CE-overensstemmelse 40 °C Max. stock temperature Leder identifikation med jord (G) Colour marking of cores with protecting earth (G) Kappefarve Colour of sheath 1-leder: Grøn/gul 1-cores: Green/yellow CE-conformity 15 x kabeldiameter 15 x cable diameter Lavspændingsdirektivet Lov Voltage Diretive RoHS Ja RoHS Yes REACH REACH Ja Yes Lysegrå Grey 1 NOIK ® AL Tekniske data Technical data Dimension No. of cores and cross-section Levering Delivery Udvendig dimension nom. Outer diameter nom. Udvendig dimension max. Outer diameter max. Ca. vægt Cable mass approx. El-nr. Product number mm² m mm mm kg/km 1G50 Tr 500 13,8 15,1 220 30 33 923 009 1G70 Tr 500 15,7 17,1 292 30 33 923 025 1G95 Tr 500 16,9 18,3 384 30 33 923 041 1G120 Tr 500 18,5 20,0 475 30 33 923 067 1G150 Tr 500 20,5 22,1 583 30 33 923 083 1G240 Tr 500 25,6 27,5 907 30 33 923 106 EAN-nr EAN-nr. 5 702950 155735 5 702950 155742 5 702950 155759 5 702950 155766 5 702950 155773 5 702950 155780 All rights reserved. Any unauthorized usage, redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the content in any form will constitute an infringement of copyright. The data are only indicative and should not be considered a binding representation or warranty from nkt cables concerning a product’s properties or usability. The data page is not exhaustive and should be read in conjunction with nkt cables other product data sheets, whether published or not. nkt cables reserves the right to change the data page without prior notice. 2
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