November 5˜7 Sheraton Miramar Hotel, Viña del Mar, Chile 4th International Congress on Automation in Mining technical and social program Organized by General Information Information Please approach the registration desk with any enquiries or comments. Lost & Found All lost items should be reported to the Gecamin staff at the registration desk. All found items must be taken to conference registration desk. Parking Discounted hotel parking tickets for Automining 2014 participants can be obtained at the registration desk. Simultaneous Interpretation (English and Spanish) If you plan to use the simultaneous interpretation services, please have your identification card with you when requesting your headset. Headsets must be returned at the end of each day. Internet In addition to the computers at the foyer entrance, complimentary Wi-Fi is available in all areas of the conference. Recommendations For safety reasons, please keep your personal belongings with you at all times. Gecamin is not to be held responsible for any stolen property. Please wear your delegate badge at all times in order to facilitate your access to the technical and social activities. Updated Program: Gecamin Contacts 2 executive director Carlos Barahona +56 2 2652 1500 technical coordinator Víctor Babarovich +56 2 2652 1500 hotel logistics & operations René Catalán +56 2 2652 1500 Congress Coordinator Bárbara Alcayaga +56 2 2652 1500 Hotel Floor Plan Restrooms 4 Underground Parking Entrance Exit gold 5 6 3 Coffee Break 1 7 2 Elevators Elevators A 1 Endress + Hauser 2 Metso silver 3 Tiar (CiDRA) 4 Dassault Systèmes GEOVIA 5 Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María Coat Room Registration B 6 Honeywell G Gecamin 7 Cognittive media partners A Nueva Minería y Energía B Direcmin Preview Room F. Vergara A Technical Sessions F. Vergara B Technical Sessions Exit Z Level 3 Tuesday and Wednesday, November 4-5 short course / Vergara Ballroom A New tools to improve operation of mineral processes Instructors: Professor Sirish Shah, University of Alberta, Canada and Professor Luis Bergh, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile Language: English with simultaneous translation to Spanish Notes 4 Wednesday, November 5 Technical Sessions Program 16:00 Registration Foyer 18:00 Authors and Session Chair Coordination Meeting Vergara Ballrom A 19:00 Inauguration Ceremony Vergara Ballroom A & B Words of Welcome Carlos Barahona, Automining 2014 Executive Director, Gecamin, Chile Sirish Shah, Automining 2014 Co-Chair, University of Alberta, Canada Patricio Chacana, Automining 2014 Chair, Los Bronces Operation, Anglo American, Chile Opening Address Productivity in Chilean mining, a pending task Juan Carlos Román, Vicepresident of Operations Anglo American Sur, Chile 20:00 22:00 Welcome Reception Foyer 5 Upcoming Conferences Hrmining 2014 Mineplanning 2015 3rd International Seminar on Human Capital Management in Mining 4th International Seminar on Mine Planning November 19 - 21 | Santiago, Chile June 17 - 19 | Antofagasta, Chile Geomet 2014 Hydroprocess 2015 2 International Seminar on Geometallurgy 7th International Seminar on Process Hydrometallurgy December 3 - 5 | Santiago, Chile July 22 - 24 | Antofagasta, Chile nd Maplemin 2015 Tailings 2015 2nd International Seminar on Mining Plant and Equipment Maintenance 3rd International Seminar on Tailings Management March 18 - 20 | Lima, Peru August 19 - 21 | Santiago, Chile ICARD - IMWA 2015 Mapla 2015 10 Int. Conference on Acid Rock Drainage & IMWA Annual Conference 12th International Seminar on Mining Plant Maintenance April 21 - 24 2015 | Santiago, Chile September 9 - 11 | Santiago, Chile Geomin 2015 Mantemin 2015 4th International Seminar on Geology for the Mining Industry 10th International Seminar on Mine Equipment Maintenance June 17 - 19 | Antofagasta, Chile September 9 - 11 | Santiago, Chile th • Vergara Ballroom Thursday, November 6 A&B Plenary Session 1 Chair: Luis Bergh, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile 08:20 Daily program update Víctor Babarovich, Automining 2014 Technical Coordinator, Gecamin, Chile 08:30 The Future of Automation in the Mining Industry Russell Barr, Director, Strategy and Program Management, Schneider-Electric, USA 09:00 Model based decision support system for the heap leaching process Francisco Reyes, Gabriel Tejeda and Aldo Cipriano, DICTUC; Miguel Herrera, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez; and Fernando Romero, Anglo American, Chile 09:30 A framework for integrated operations in mining and metals Laura Mottola, Flow Partners; Ezequiel Muñoz, Alberto Caneo, and Héctor Cerda, Codelco Chile; Ricardo Aguilera, Barrick; Dylan Bennett, Teck; Sergio Silva, FMI; Gustavo Arriagada and Fernando Romero, Anglo American Chile 10:00 Process control developments at Los Bronces plant Sergio Rubilar, Senior Process Control Engineer, Anglo American, Chile 10:30 11:20 Coffee Break Foyer 7 Vergara Ballroom Thursday, November 6 A Real-time monitoring and process management Chair: Marcelo Jara, Cía. Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi, Chile Session 1 11:20 Control loop monitoring and performance: Key in plant optimization Fernando Otero, Optimo Group, USA 11:40 Plant asset management for optimized plant setup and operations Stefan Lugert, Endress+Hauser Process Solutions, Switzerland 12:00 Enhanced vision system for vehicle teleoperation in adverse climatic conditions Norma Vargas and Miguel Fishwick, Codelco Chile; Paul Vallejos, Rodrigo Asenjo, Keith Leung and Javier Ruiz-delSolar, Advanced Mining Technology Center, Universidad de Chie 12:20 Software-predictive continuous emissions monitoring systems for process chimneys Carlos Quintero, Rockwell Software, Chile; Leticia Caumo, Rockwell Software, Brazil 12:40 New mine performance integrated framework for asset and process management based in industrial internet and predictive analytics Daniel Rojas, GE, Chile; Felipe Carvalho and Bernardo Torres, GE, Brazil 8 13:00 14:30 Lunch Bombal Ballroom A & B Vergara Ballroom B Process control and optimization Chair: Mallén Gajardo, El Teniente Division, Codelco Chile Session 2 11:20 Expert control of an industrial thickener Pablo Ojeda and Luis Bergh, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile; Luis Torres, Los Bronces Division, Anglo American, Chile 11:40 Multivariable stabilizing control of primary flotation cells level David Vergara, Cía. Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi, Chile 12:00 Stabilization of operations at Velardeña plant through process control Johan Barrera, Alfredo Ibarra and Pedro Jiménez, Velardeña Mine, Peñoles, Mexico 12:20 Fuzzy supervisory control of a pilot flotation column Luis Bergh and Diego Soto, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile 12:40 HRT (High Rate Thickener) supervisory fuzzy control system Alejandro Contreras, Cía. Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi, Chile 13:00 14:30 Lunch Bombal Ballroom A & B 9 Vergara Ballroom Thursday, November 6 A Instrumentation and measurements Chair: Sirish Shah, University of Alberta, Canada Session 3 14:30 Process control and optimization using non-intrusive optical devices Hugo Garcés, Luis Arias and Alejandro Rojas, Universidad de Concepción, Chile 14:50 Real-time adaptive estimation framework for P80 in hydrocyclones overflow Benjamín Olivares, Contac Ingenieros, Chile; Daniel Silva, Minera Los Pelambres, Chile; Luis Yacher, Contac Ingenieros, Chile 15:10 Grind process control using real-time tracking of +150 µm coarse material in individual cyclone overflows Robert Maron, Christian O’Keefe, Dylan Cirulis, Paul Rothman, David Newton and Joseph Mercuri, CiDRA Minerals Processing, USA 15:30 Improved productivity, safety and results with an automated mining laboratory Maurice Wicks, IMP Group, Australia 15:50 Cathode current monitoring technology enables current efficiency improvements Rob Fraser, Chris Boon, Kiriaco Jarami, Tim Johnston and John Yesberg, Hatch, Australia; Torjus Åkre and Ernst Rosseland, Glencore Nikkelverk, Norway 10 16:10 16:50 Coffee Break Foyer Vergara Ballroom B Training, simulation and decision support systems Chair: Víctor Babarovich, Gecamin, Chile Session 4 14:30 Human-system interfaces: Rationale for user center iterative design towards decision support in the mining industry Eleonora Widzyk-Capehart, Omar Daud Albasini and Javier Ruiz-del-Solar, AMTC-Universidad de Chile; Leila Alem, CSIRO, Australia 14:50 OTS system for flash furnace operator training in Chuquicamata Mallén Gajardo, El Teniente Division, Codelco Chile; Neliana D’Alessandri, Invensys Systems, Chile 15:10 Simulation platform as a service for concentrator plants Rodrigo Toro and José Manuel Ortiz, Honeywell, Chile; Claudio Zamora, Kairos Mining, Chile 15:30 Development of web based RFID system for underground trucks production control Felipe Riquelme, Mining Tag, Chile; Rafael Guzmán, El Teniente Division, Codelco Chile 15:50 Improving performance in gearless mill drives avoiding failures caused by stress concentrator from electrical origin Jorge Pontt, Víctor Guerrero, Fernando Rojas, Waldo Valderrama and Manuel Olivares, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María; and Hernán Robles, NETOS, Chile 16:10 16:50 Coffee Break Foyer 11 Vergara Ballroom Thursday, November 6 A&B Discussion Panel Convergence of information technologies and operational technologies in the mining industry 16:50 Chair: Fernando Romero, Manager Operational Systems and Technologies, Anglo American Copper, Chile Panelists Ezequiel Muñoz, Security & Business Continuity Director, Codelco Chile Daniel Silva, Senior Controls Engineer, Minera Los Pelambres, Chile Luis Bergh, Professor, Universidad Federico Santa María, Chile Constantino Seixas, Global Automation Leader, Accenture, Brazil Cristian Venegas, Consulting Systems Engineer, Cisco, Chile 18:30 22:00 Notes 12 Cocktail & Congress Dinner Bombal Ballroom A & B Vergara Ballroom Friday, November 7 A&B Plenary Session 2 Chair: Juan Carlos Villarroel, Sulfide Process Manager, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile 08:50 Daily program update Víctor Babarovich, Automining 2014 Technical Coordinator, Gecamin, Chile 09:00 Performance and process monitoring via sensor-fusion for optimal process operation Sirish Shah, Professor, University of Alberta, Canada 09:30 Innovation in advanced control at Minera Los Pelambres Jorge Misle and Daniel Silva, Minera Los Pelambres, Chile 10:00 Opportunities for automation to revolutionize mining: Medium and long-term challenges Meshal Ruplal, Vicepresident of Engineering, Anglo American Copper, Canada 10:30 11:20 Coffee Break Foyer 13 Vergara Ballroom Friday, November 7 A Control system performance and techno-economic assessment Laura Mottola, Flow Partners, Canada Session 5 11:20 The value of Remote Operating Centers (ROC) Fabio Fortes, Accenture, Brazil; Eduardo Valente, Accenture, Chile; Constantino Seixas, Accenture, Brazil 11:40 Mining execution management: Optimizing efficiencies across operations Paul Fenner, Dassault Systèmes, Australia. Presenter: Chawki Jreige 12:00 Importance of fixing the basics to empower productivity improvements Darren Hill, MIPAC, Australia 12:20 A multi-disciplinary approach to debottlenecking processes Andre Gibson and Wilson Florez, Key Engineering Solutions, Australia 12:40 From machine to MES: Full automatic stockpile management solution Jedson Damasceno, Rogerio Labanca and Wagner Marques, Accenture Plant and Commercial Services, Brazil; Christian Augustin, Reik Winkel and Gabriel Schreiber, indurad GmbH, Germany; Bruno Lopes and Fernando Costa, Vale, Brazil 14 13:00 14:30 Lunch Bombal Ballroom A & B Vergara Ballroom B Advanced process control Chair: Nelver Benavides, Southern Peru Copper Corporation, Peru Session 6 11:20 Benefits obtained with continuous use of advanced process control applications at Codelco El Teniente Jorge Muratt, Honeywell Chile / Kairos Mining, Chile; Patricio Giménez, El Teniente Division, Codelco, Chile; Juan Villalobos, Nicolás Pérez and Matías García, Honeywell Chile / Kairos Mining, Chile 11:40 Impact of a successful advanced process control solution on a Codelco Andina copper crushing plant Matías García, Honeywell Chile / Kairos Mining, Chile; Pablo de la Fuente, Andina Division, Codelco Chile; Rodrigo Santibáñez, Honeywell Chile / Kairos Mining, Chile; Arturo Barría, Andina Division, Codelco Chile; and Jorge Muratt, Honeywell Chile / Kairos Mining, Chile 12:00 Integrated advanced process control with a sag mill monitor instrument to optimize mill performance Gino Rivera and Disney Caceres, Cía. Minera Antapaccay, Peru; King Becerra and Bjarne Volden, FLSmidth, USA 12:20 Advanced process control for grinding circuits Dominik Groenveld, Eduardo Gallestey, Florian Kolb and Maria Rozou, ABB Switzerland 12:40 MPC applications at Minera Los Pelambres Felipe Henríquez and Daniel Silva, Minera Los Pelambres, Chile 13:00 14:30 Lunch Bombal Ballroom A & B 15 Vergara Ballroom Friday, November 7 A Process monitoring, economics, management system and it Chair: Sergio Silva, Freeport McMoRan South America, Chile Session 7 14:30 Technological solution ‘IT risk preventive’ Judit Laguardia, ORCI Soluciones, Chile, and Vladimir Tirado, Smart Soluciones Tecnológicas, Chile 14:50 Modeling causal influences among factors affecting mining investment decisions Terry Rickard y William Lupien, Till Capital, USA 15:10 A management system using smart systems for energy efficiency in mineral processing Jorge Pontt, Víctor Guerrero, Fernando Rojas, Waldo Valderrama and Manuel Olivares, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María; and Hernán Robles, NETOS, Chile 15:30 Milling and flotation advanced process control system at a silver concentrator Sydney Mantsho, Mintek, South Africa 15:50 16:00 closing ceremony Carlos Barahona, Automining 2014 Executive Director, General Manager, Gecamin, Chile Víctor Babarovich, Automining 2014 Technical Coordinator, Gecamin, Chile Patricio Chacana, Automining 2014 Chair, Plants Manager, Los Bronces Operation, Anglo American, Chile 16 16:00 17:30 Closing cocktail Foyer Vergara Ballroom B Artificial intelligence, teleoperations and IT Chair: Gonzalo Montoya, Minera Los Pelambres, Chile Session 8 14:30 Semi-autonomous underground mining Mauricio Telias, Institute for Innovation in Mining and Metallurgy, IM2, Codelco Chile; Miguel Fishwick, Codelco, Chile; Cristián Ordoñez, COP Ingeniería, Chile; Sebastián Ávalos, Institute for Innovation in Mining and Metallurgy, IM2, Codelco, Chile 14:50 Data stream mining for knowledge discovery in real time Yury Cancino, Alejandro Cárdenas and Luis Felipe Aguirre, Cognittive, Chile 15:10 System of management and monitoring of fuel for lightweight vehicles used in mining operations Adolfo Duarte and Javier Lozano, Univ. Pop. del Cesar, Colombia; José Luis Consuegra Univ. Pop. del Cesar and Fund. Univ. del Área Andina, Colombia; and Fabián Costa, Univ. Pop. del Cesar, Colombia 15:30 Optimizing a testing bank, used for evaluating performance of fans used in underground mines Yesid Castro, Armando Becerra, Merielen Ardila and Harold Nercy, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Colombia 15:50 16:00 closing ceremony Carlos Barahona, Automining 2014 Executive Director, General Manager, Gecamin, Chile Víctor Babarovich, Automining 2014 Technical Coordinator, Gecamin, Chile Patricio Chacana, Automining 2014 Chair, Plants Manager, Los Bronces Operation, Anglo American, Chile 16:00 17:30 Closing cocktail Foyer 17 Notes 18 19 Sponsors Gold Silver Official Material Institutional Partners Media Partners Proceedings
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