ORMAS Odisha Rural Development and Marketing Society Panchayati Raj Department, Government of Odisha Ref No: 682 Date:01.11.2014 TENDER CALL NOTICE Sealed tenders are invited from the firms/agencies/organizations for the following works of SISIR SARAS to be organized from 2nd to 14th Jan 2015 at IDCO Ground, Unit-III, Bhubaneswar. The details of the required works are given below: Sl. Nature of Work Eligible Cost of EMD Cost of organizations/ Tender firms/agencies paper 1 Tent and Allied firms/tent houses/ 1. EMD of Rs.1.25 lakhs (Rupees one lakhs twenty five Rs.1,000.00 thousand) in shape of Demand Draft/Pay order in favor of (Nonworks decorators ORMAS payable at Bhubaneswar. refundable) 2. The bidders are requested to submit the cost of tender paper during the submission of tender document. The EMD and cost of tender shall be furnished separately. 2 Advertisement Event Management/ EMD of Rs. 25,000/- in shape of Demand draft/pay order in Nill favor of ORMAS payable at Bhubaneswar & Publicity Advertisement agencies /firms 3 Printing Printing firms EMD of Rs. 3,000/- in shape of Demand draft/pay order in favor Nill of ORMAS payable at Bhubaneswar. 4 Security Registered Security EMD of Rs. 5,000/- in shape of Demand draft/pay order in favor Nill of ORMAS payable at Bhubaneswar Services Guard Agencies 5 Documentation Studios & videoEMD of Rs. 5,000/- in shape of Demand draft/pay order in favor Nill of ORMAS payable at Bhubaneswar. shooting firms 6 7 8 Cultural Programmes Cleaning Sanitation & Local Transportation Cultural Troup/ Group / Organisation Cleaning & Sweeping Organisation. Travel agencies/ Transport firm Nill Rs. 15,000/-(Rupees fifteen thousand only) Nill Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees five thousand only) Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees five thousand only) Nill The tender papers along with detail specifications and eligibility criteria of the above works will be available in ORMAS Office at SIRD Campus, Unit - VIII, Bhubaneswar from 2nd to 25th Nov. 2014 (3 PM) on payment of above amount in shape of cash/pay order/demand draft in favour of ORMAS, payable at Bhubaneswar or Tender paper can be downloaded from ORMAS website- www.ormas.org or www.tripti.org. The Sealed tenders will be received in ORMAS office latest by 3.00 PM of 25 th Nov. 2014. The tenders will be opened in the ORMAS Office on the same day at 3.30 P.M in the presence of the tenderers or their authorized representatives. The undersigned reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Sd/Executive Director, ORMAS
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