INDIAN DRUG MANUFACTURERS’ ASSOCIATION Takes pleasure, once again in announcing QUALITY EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2014 An Award with a difference… Each Panellist with a minimum of 30 years experience and Cross Functional Expertise This Scheme can Help Reduce Costs OPPORTUNITIES for IMPROVEMENT Participate in this Unique Scheme Qualify for SILVER & GOLD AWARDS (For IDMA Members only) IDMA is pleased to announce the above awards for FORMULATION units and for BULK DRUG units. The Policy Guidelines and Criteria are as follows; PURPOSE: Producing high quality products is the foundation of IDMA’s mission. Quality, being dynamic ensures that standards, facilities and practices have to be continually upgraded and improved. IDMA’s scheme of Quality Excellence helps recognise those member firms, achieving very high standards by awarding them with a Gold or Silver status. ELIGIBILITY: It is essential that the participating units have been in production for no less than 1 year and at the time of the visit by the panellists, almost all sections should be running. There will be no restriction on the number of production units of a member company and also on the participation of the past winners of the IDMA Quality Excellence Awards, who are requested to participate to prove continual improvement. AWARDS: Gold Award Silver Award THESE AWARDS/SCHEMES ARE NOT COMPETITIVE BETWEEN UNITS. The Scheme endeavours to identify firms with the best facilities and not the best companies among the participants. The number of Awards are not limited! NOMINATION: The entry forms may be obtained from IDMA’s Secretariat and returned fully completed with the appropriate entry fees by demand draft, on or before the 31st of October 2014. The acceptance of the entries for participation/inspection will be at the discretion of the panel of experts, whose decision will be final. ENTRY FEE: Each participating company will have to pay the Entry Fee per a Production unit/ Plant based on Company Total Annual Turnover: Category 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Formulations Companies with Total Annual turnover up to Rs. 25 crores Companies with Total Annual turnover between Rs. 25 – 100 crores Companies with Total Annual turnover above Rs.100 crores Bulk Drug Units Companies with Total Annual turnover up to Rs.25 crores Companies with Total Annual between Rs.25 – 100 crores Companies with Total Annual turnover above Rs. 100 crores Entry fees per Participating Unit Rs. 10,000/15,000/20,000/- 10,000/15,000/20,000/- SELECTION: The panel of experts will consist of a number of selected individuals with a vast hand on knowledge and experience in Plant, Production and Quality & Regulatory Affairs will visit the participating units between 31st October and 15th December 2014. Their interaction with your executives is crucial! The Panellists will make recommendations and suggest ways to enhance safety and productivity. This will immensely benefit members who are planning to go for National and International approvals requiring constantly stricter requirements. A suitable checklist will be made available to the unit, before the visit and the discussion during the visit will be strictly confidential. A transparent point rating system will choose awardees. Expenses for travelling and staying arrangements for the experts have to be covered by the participants. The expenses may be shared by the units concerned, in case of the units being at one location during a visit. The visit would be organised after consultation with the concerned units. AWARD ANNOUNCEMENT: The prestigious IDMA Awards will be presented by eminent personalities during the IDMA Annual Day Function which will be held on the 10th of January, 2015. The names of the awardees will be widely publicised in the IDMA publications & other publications such as; Medical, Trade & Export Journals, to allow maximum exposure of the participating members. We look forward to your enthusiastic response! Please send all applications As Soon As Possible & join the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry’s CLIMB TO EXCELLENCE. For more details, please contact: Mr. Melvin Rodrigues, Sr. Manager (Commercial & Admin.) Mobile # 9821868758 Email: Miss Rebecca Joseph, Technical Editorial Executive Mobile # 8592912238 Email: INDIAN DRUG MANUFACTURERS’ ASSOCIATION Theme of 2014 - INDIAN PHARMACEUTICALS FOR GLOBAL HEALTH 102, Poonam Chambers, A Wing, 1st Flr, Dr A B Road, Worli, Mumbai–18. Tel: +91-22-24944624/24974308 Fax: +91-22-24950723 Email: / Web:
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