by Mike Davis Elementary is the 2014 NeSA Math State Champions! 2013-2014 State of the Schools Report Nebraska Performance Accountability (NePAS) November - December 2014 Sterling Jet news Superintendent’s Notes Elementary Grade-Level Configuration (Grades 3-5) Indicator Type Status District Results State Results Rank # of Ranked Districts Average NeSA Reading 128.09 117.77 38 248 Average NeSA Math 142.75 111.95 1 248 Average NeSA Science 121.36 106.49 56 225 Average NeSA Writing 44.50 43.13 83 223 Indicator As you can see Sterling Elementary (grades 3-5) rank FIRST out of 248 school districts in Nebraska! This is a result of great teaching staff and the curriculum, Math Expressions. In Reading, 38th place puts Sterling Elementary in the top 15% in the State. At 56th in Science, Sterling is in the top 25% and in Writing, 83rd is in the top 37%. School District (Grades 3-12) Indicator Type Status Indicator District Results State Results Rank # of Ranked Districts Average NeSA Reading 126.61 117.58 39 249 Average NeSA Math 130.74 108.45 4 249 Average NeSA Science 119.11 104.97 26 249 Sterling is 4th in all the grades tested (3-8 and 11) in the NeSA Math! In NeSA Science, Sterling placed 26th or in the top 10% and in NeSA Reading 39th place or in the top 15%. NeSA is the Nebraska State Assessment given to all Nebraska students in grades 3-5, 6-8, and 11 in the spring each year. NePAS is the Nebraska Performance Accountability System and ranks school districts by their students’ average scale scores on state tests. Continued on the next page Superintendent’s Notes continued... Welcome TammyLee Fatino, School Secretary Please help us in welcoming TammyLee Fatino to our school district! Currently, she lives by Palmyra with her husband Joe Becker and their seven children, ages 2–23 years. TammyLee grew up the Kansas City, Missouri area and through the years has spent many summers at the Lake of the Ozarks boating, fishing, and skiing. TammyLee has owned a personal training studio and a sports nutrition business and was in the industry for over 20 years. She was instrumental in opening a TGIFriday’s in Omaha and worked there as Supervisor and Marketing Manager. Her interests include bow hunting, fishing, weightlifting/body building, and photography. TammyLee is a member of Christ Place Church in Lincoln. She is looking forward to being a part of the Sterling school and community! Welcome Maria Sterkel to our Custodial Staff Maria Sterkel joined the custodial staff at Sterling Public Schools in September. She works part -time and her hours are from 4:30 to 8:30 PM. Maria’s full-time job is with Tenneco in Lincoln as a quality control supervisor, where she has been employed for the past 12 years. Maria is the mother of three children, Carolina, Wendolyn, and Diego, and grandmother to Isabel, 10 and Bronx, 4. Maria is also a member of Christ Place Church in Lincoln. Randy Nadler Takes Our Students on a Trip to Germany On October 9th, the Student Council sponsored a guest speaker for the students. Randy Nadler, who has been visiting schools for many years, presented a slideshow of his trip to Germany. Mr. Nadler visits a different country each summer, learns what he can about their lifestyle, landmarks, and culture, and then shares his knowledge with students in Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska. Some of the main highlights of Mr. Nadler's trip were the Cuckoo clock maker and his house; the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Mary; Adolf Hitler's house on the hill, known as the Eagle's Nest; and the famous castle Neuschwanstein, which has over two million visitors each year. Cologne, Bayer aspirin, hamburger, and brats are some of the items that Germany is credited for originating. Mr. Nadler pointed out that the sign in the picture with the letters "WC" is very important because it stands for "Water Closet." The technology in his presentation is better, but he still opens with the country's flag and closes with a sunset picture. Thank you Student Council for bringing in Mr. Nadler to share his trip to Germany; the students loved it! From the Principal’s Desk by Ryun Theobald We have now successfully made it one-quarter the way through the school year. The weather cannot seem to figure out what month we are in, but as we live in Nebraska, we would be foolish to expect anything different. We are now mostly settled in with our staff and students, so I expect nothing but the best for our district. With that being said, I would like to highlight some items. In particular, please take note of item number 1 below as we all should be proud and excited for our students and staff on what they have accomplished. 1. NePAS Scores. The Nebraska Department of Education is in its third year of including NePAS (Nebraska Performance Accountability System) data in the State of the Schools Report. In simplest terms, NePAS is a way to rank schools across the state using NeSA scores and graduation rates. The graduation rates will not be released until early November. Below is a chart that shows how we rank compared to the other districts in the state, for both this year and last year. I have also included our ranking change over the past two years. Please keep in mind that this is a comparison of all public schools across the state, regardless of size. You may also go to the NDE website,, and access the State of the Schools report for Sterling, which provides a more detailed breakdown. In that report, you will also see two other rankings, one for improvement and one for growth. Improvement is comparing different students in the same grade for back to back years. Growth is comparing the same students in back to back years. As a district we view this data as important, but also realize that it is a one-shot picture of our achievement. As you look at our results, you can see that we have made vast improvements in our scores. In fact, we are STATE CHAMPIONS in grades 3-5 Math. We also did very well across the board in all other areas. When you have success, one of the things we do is look at what we have done differently to get the result that we have achieved. It is tough to pin down exactly what caused the change, but I would suggest a few items that we have done and will continue to work on to be successful. Those factors include: (1) we are now in year three of our new elementary math series, (2) we are also in year three of our RtI (Response to Intervention) process for reading in the elementary and (3) throughout the building, we made a concerted effort to challenge our students to be competitive with these assessments. Finally, as a way to recognize our outstanding accomplishments, we are going to hold a recognition assembly on November 5th beginning at 10:00 a.m. in the gymnasium. The public is invited and welcome to attend. Elementary (Grades 3-5) Reading Reading Math Math Science Science (grade (grade 5) 5) Writing Writing (grade (grade 4) 4) 2012-13 2012-13 130 130 out out of of 249 249 72 out of 249 90 90 out out of of 225 225 9 out of 223 2013-14 2013-14 38 38 out out of of 248 248 1 out of 248 56 56 out out of of 225 225 83 out of 223 Ranking Ranking Change Change + 92 + 71 + 34 -- 74 74 Continued on the next page From the Principal’s Desk continued... Middle School (Grades 6-8) Reading Math Science (grade 8) Writing (Grade 8) 2012-13 179 out of 249 76 out of 249 33 out of 228 NA 2013-14 53 out of 249 31 out of 249 82 out of 224 NA Ranking Change + 126 + 45 - 49 NA High School (Grades 9-12) Reading Math Science (Grade 11) Writing (Grade 11) 2012-13 170 out of 229 150 out of 228 133 out of 228 NA 2013-14 85 out of 230 50 out of 230 9 out of 230 NA Ranking Change + 85 + 100 + 124 NA Overall (Grades 3-12) Reading Math Science Writing 2012-13 166 out of 249 95 out of 249 71 out of 249 NA 2013-14 39 out of 249 4 out of 249 26 out of 249 NA Ranking Change + 127 + 91 + 45 NA 2. Veteran’s Day Program. Sterling Public Schools will be holding their annual Veteran’s Day Program on Tuesday, November 11th. The program will be held in the gymnasium beginning at 9:15 a.m. The guest speaker for the program will be Sarah Bredthauer. The program is open to the public and I encourage everyone to attend if you are available. 3. Pioneer Conference Vocal Clinic. Sterling Public Schools will be hosting half of the Pioneer Conference Schools for a vocal clinic on Monday, November 10th. Approximately 140 students from six schools will spend the afternoon working with a guest clinician and then show off what they learned in a public performance beginning at 7:00 p.m. In addition to the group concert, each individual school will perform a vocal selection. One final reminder for this day is that we will not have school for elementary students. 4. Concerts and Programs. Please mark your calendars for our Holiday Concerts. The high school small group performance will be on December 8th. The elementary program will be on December 11th and the high school large group concert will be on December 18th. All three of these events will start at 7:30 p.m. Continued on the next page From the Principal’s Desk continued... 5. Semester Tests. I know it seems like a long time away, but students in grades 7-12 will have semester tests on Dec. 17th, 18th and 19th. The actual testing schedule will be shared with students once we get closer to these dates. We will also post this information on the school website. As always, if you have any concerns or comments, please do not hesitate to give me a call. GO JETS!!! Pink Out for Breast Cancer raised approx. $350 through the bake sale and t-shirt sales!!! If you need anything added to the Newsletter, contact Renae Kinney: PHONE LIST High School John Cockerill 106 Brent Heusman 114 Stan Karr 108 Renae Kinney (library) 107 Makenzie Koncaba 122 Jodi Krause 121 Stan Raetz 118 Angel Renninger 120 Chris Salberg 141 Michelle Salberg 116 Jill Shea 113 Freedom Steele 117 Sandy Weyers 123 Arlo Wusk 124 Administration Mike Davis 102 Ryun Theobald 103 Tammy Lee Fatino 100 Stephanie Parde 101 Office Elementary Jenna Garton - PreK 134 Jennifer Clark - K 140 Sara Hier - 1st 119 Tammy McAuliffe - 2nd 105 Erin Mackey - 3rd 104 Jordan Schaardt - 4th 109 Kate Agena - 5th 112 Luke Boldt - 6th 111 Harold Richardson 115 Kitchen/Denise 126 If you are wanting to speak to the secretary, press 0 or 100. From the Desk of the Athletic Director by Brent Heusman Varsity Football (1-7) Junior High Volleyball (7-7) Pawnee City 30 Sterling 22 Exeter-Milligan 52 Sterling 14 NE City Lourdes 38 Sterling 8 Parkview Christian 62 Sterling 34 Johnson-Brock 66 Sterling 44 Sterling 58 Lewiston 8 Falls City SH 74 Sterling 16 Meridian 66 Sterling 34 Sterling vs. NE City Lourdes (L 1-2) 25-12, 22-25, 4-15 Sterling vs. Freeman (L 1-2) 4-25, 25-22, 13-15 JV Football (1-4) Johnson-Brock 32 Sterling 22 Pawnee City 28 Sterling 18 Falls City SH 22 Sterling 12 Diller-Odell 26 Sterling 16 Sterling 36 NE City Lourdes 16 Junior High Football (3-2) Sterling 44 HTRS 6 Sterling 52 Pawnee City 0 Southern-Lewiston 48 Sterling 30 Sterling 72 NE City Lourdes 14 Diller-Odell 26 Sterling 8 Freeman Tournament (0-2) Sterling vs. Freeman (L 0-2) 23-25, 20-25 Sterling vs. Johnson Brock (L 0-2) 21-25, 16-25 Sterling vs. Lewiston (W 2-0) 25-9, 25-13 Sterling vs. Diller-Odell (W 2-0) 25-8, 25-14 Lewiston Tournament (2-1) Sterling vs. Falls City SH (L 1-2) 25-20, 15-25, 13-15 Sterling vs. Lewiston (W 2-0) 25-3, 25-13 Sterling vs. JCC (W 2-0) 25-5, 25-14 Sterling vs. Pawnee City (W 2-1) 22-25, 25-12, 15-13 Omaha Brownell Talbot Tournament (1-2) Sterling vs. Omaha BT (L 2-1) 24-26, 25-16, 15-17 Sterling vs. Mead (W 2-1) 25-12, 16-25, 15-10 Sterling vs. Lincoln Christian (L 0-2) 13-25, 17-25 Sterling vs. Johnson Brock (W 2-0) 25-15, 25-13 VETERANS DAY PROGRAM A Veterans Day program will be held on Tuesday, November 11th at 9:15 a.m. in the Sterling School Gym. The community is invited to attend. All local Veterans, American Legion Members and the Sterling Women’s Auxiliary Members will be honored. Guest speaker for the program will be Master Sergeant Sarah Bredthauer. Master Sergeant Bredthauer joined the United States Air Force in October of 2000 and is currently assigned to the 155th Civil Engineering Squadron of the 155th Air Refueling Wing, Nebraska Air National Guard, in Lincoln, Nebraska. Sarah is a former graduate of Sterling High School. *Refreshments and social time will be held in the school cafeteria beginning at 8:45 a.m. until the start of the program. We will have a photo display of military members in their uniforms. If you have a picture of yourself or a relative that you would like to display please bring it along. We ask that the pictures be in frames with a label naming the person in the picture. Be sure to put your name on the back so that the picture can be successfully returned to you. Living History Day 2014 On September 29, 2014 the 5th and 6th grades had the privilege of going to Living History Day in Table Rock. The students had several demonstra ons: the Steam Engine, Country School & Log Cabin, Vets, Stehlik Tours, Marble Maker, Print Shop, O o Rosfeld, The Blacksmith, and David Seay. One of the students’ favorite was the Marble Maker, because he melted glass with a torch, put several different colors of glass in a marble, and used a mold to actually make the marble. He sells them at the hobby store in Beatrice. He makes several different sizes. The students especially liked the musical demonstra ons. O o Rosfeld played a song on an old washboard, using thimbles on his fingers. David Seay played several different types of instruments made out of objects that made it quite interes ng. He had penny whistle, a bugle made out of a yak horn, a bow string made from horse hair and a wooden s ck, a carpenter saw which he used the bow string on, and a harmonica. The blacksmith was very intriguing and smelled a lot like coal. He made several different objects. The students wanted me to buy a snake that he made as a class pet. That is the closest they would get to a snake in my room. The Print Shop had our very own Mr. Salberg as a presenter. He showed the students how an old newspaper press worked, and told them the story of the owner who le one night and never made it back. The Print Shop is in the exact way he le it the night he died. Mr. Salberg did an excellent job, and the students enjoyed having someone from our school presen ng. We had several parents go with us, which was great because we were all split in different groups. We really appreciate them helping us out! Thanks again to Ria, Nicole, Mark, and Rebecca, and to Gary for ge ng us there and back safely!!!! We all had a beau ful day. Order your 2014-15 “We Were There” YEARBOOK today for only $50.00! Contact Mrs. Koncaba at school!!! Ms. Kate and Mr. Boldt 4th Graders Celebrate Pioneer Days The Sterling 4th Grade ventured to Homestead Na onal Monument of America and Filley Stone Barn on Thursday, October 2nd to par cipate in Pioneer Days with the area 4th graders. A rainy morning brought about altered plans for the ac vi es at the Homestead Na onal Monument. Some of the acvi es that the 4th graders were able to learn about and par cipate in were: spinning, quil ng, pioneer toys, clothes washing, and learning about animals on the prairie. From Beatrice, we departed to the Filley Stone Barn. The a ernoon was filled with exploring the inside of the Filley Stone Barn, learning about blacksmiths, playing the string game called ‘cat’s cradle,’ and watching how marbles are made. This field trip was an introduc on to what we will be learning about in the near future while studying Nebraska this year! Ms. Schaardt The Learning Center Visits the Lincoln Zoo Devon L. and Jaeden P. enjoyed a day at the Lincoln Zoo on October 1st with the rest of the students from The Learning Center. permission form that can be obtained from Mrs. Mackey or Ms. Shea! We are looking for adults in the community who would like to mentor our kids here at Sterling! A mentor needs to be someone in the community who is older than 18 years old. Background checks are mandatory and are funded by the school. Mentors need to donate We are pleased to announce that one hour of time each week to the TeamMates program at Sterling spend with their mentee. Are you ready to change a child’s life?! If Schools has started! The TeamMates program establishes a one-on you are interested in becoming a -one mentoring experience during mentor, please fill out the mentor application. 4th-6th graders took school hours. The TeamMates that application home with them in board of directors will make “matches” that consist of one adult their packet. If you don’t have a mentor and one mentee. Once the child in those grades but would like match is made, the mentor comes to be a mentor, please visit with Jill Shea or Erin Mackey to get an apto the school once a week for an plication! hour (this time can be split). It is up to the mentor what they would We are excited to get this prolike to do during that time with gram started here at Sterling! If their mentee. The list is long, but you would like more information here are some things that they about the program or have quescould do: read, play games, have tions, please contact Jill Shea or discussions about their week, help Erin Mackey and we would be with homework, work on an IPads, happy to assist you! and so on. The list is endless! The mentor will NOT be allowed to work with the student outside of the school setting. Jill: Sterling is starting the program with 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. If your child is interested in having a mentor, please fill out the Youth Nomination form and the parent Erin: The Lemonade WarOne School, One Book The Elementary students will read assigned chapters as a family at home throughout the course of the next two months. Every Friday, the students will then have a chance at answering comprehension questions about the assigned chapters for that week. It is encouraged that you make it a routine to read the assigned chapters as a family each week. There may be surprises along the way, so make sure to stay caught up on the assigned reading! LEMONADE WAR READING SCHEDULE Please have the scheduled chapters read by THURSDAY NIGHT of each week. Comprehension questions will be asked on Friday Mornings. Week of October 27th-31st Chapter 1 Pages 1-10 (Will be read at school together) Chapter 2 Pages 11-26 Week of November 3rd-7th Chapter 3 Pages 27-40 Chapter 4 Pages 41-58 Week of November 10th-14th Chapter 5 Pages 59-66 Chapter 6 Pages 67-86 Week of November 17th-21st Chapter 7 Pages 87-100 Chapter 8 Pages 101-121 Week of November 24th-28th (Questions will be on Wed. morning due to Thanksgiving break) Chapter 9 pages 122-128 Week of December 1st-5th Chapter 10 Pages 128-142 Chapter 11 Pages 143-152 Week of December 8th-12th Chapter 12 Pages 152-154 Chapter 13 Pages 155-160 Chapter 14 Pages 161-173 HOMECOMING 2014 Candidates: Nathan Thies, Becky Williams, King Paxton Donovan, Queen Jazzy Eickhoff, Tanner Shea, and Meri Hietbrink - Crown Bearers: Joie Janssen and Owen Uher Class Attendants: Juniors: Haylee Boldt and Josh Masur; Sophomores: Sydney Goracke and Austin Buss; Freshmen: Heidi Eckhardt and Ben Hier Students of the Month: September Tanner Shea & Malayna Wingert Pumpkin Patch Field Trip 2014 STERLING 1ST QUARTER HONOR ROLL 2014 7th Grade 10th Grade 12th Grade Colby Thies *McKayla Vermeer *Austin Buss *Taylor Cockerill *Micah Erickson Valerie Keim *Megan Barber *Michel Crisante Jasmine Eickhoff *Meri Hietbrink *Benjamin Logston *Tanner Shea *Nathan Thies *Rebecca Williams 8th Grade Tristan Dirks *Caleb Dolbow Morgan Haner Nicole Harms Logan Jasa Cameron VanGroningen Carly Wenzl *Malayna Wingert 11th Grade Haylee Boldt Erika Eckhardt *Erika Goracke Marah Hestermann *Hannah Jasa *Bailey Kahler Joshua Masur Thomas Tucker 9th Grade Benjamin Hier *Zachary Scamehorn *Daniel Schwenneker Sheanna Stolz Honor Roll (Students receiving an overall average of 90% or above, with no grade lower than 85%) *Honor Roll of Distinction (Students receiving an overall average of 93% or above, with no grade lower than 90%) Hunter’s Breakfast 2014-2015 ACT test dates: Date Registration Deadline (Late Fee Required) December 13, 2014 November 7, 2014 November 8–21, 2014 February 7, 2015* January 9, 2015 January 10–16, 2015 April 18, 2015 March 13, 2015 March 14–27, 2015 June 13, 2015 May 8, 2015 May 9–22, 2015 Saturday, Nov. 15th @ St. Mary’s Catholic Church beginning @ 7:30AM. Biscuits, Gravy, Pancakes, Sausage, Fruit, and Drinks. *Free Will Donation* Pioneer Conference Vocal Concert Monday, November 10th, Sterling High School 7:00 p.m. Guest Director: Dr. Kurt Runestad Pioneer Vocal Conference Itinerary Hosted by Sterling High School Monday, November 10, 2014 ~Schools attending: Diller-Odell, Friend, Lewiston, Johnson-Brock, Southern, and Sterling~ Dr. Kurt Runestad has been privileged to be the Director of Choral/Vocal Activities at Doane College since the fall of 2004. At Doane he conducts or co-conducts three of Doane’s five choral ensembles, including the acclaimed Doane Choir, which tours nationally and internationally. Recent CDs by the Doane Choir (Precious Lord) and Doublewide (Doublewide and Downpour) are available for purchase on both iTunes and Amazon, and selections from most of Doane’s choral groups are also on YouTube. A Nebraska native, Runestad graduated from St. Olaf College (Northfield, Minnesota) with a B.A. in music education, taught 10 years in the public schools of Iowa and Minnesota, and earned two graduate degrees in choral conducting from the University of Iowa. Runestad is a frequent clinician, arranger, and adjudicator for choirs throughout the Midwest. In 2009 and 2014 he received “Outstanding Teacher of the Year” awards from Doane’s Student Congress. He lives in Lincoln, Nebraska with his wife Carly Woythaler-Runestad and their two children, daughter Avery (7) and son Owen (4). He is a board member of the Adams Elementary PTO, and outside of music and parenting also enjoys jogging (slower and slower all the time), gardening, reading, hiking, hunting, and camping and travelling with his family. Schools Performing: Friend, Southern, Johnson-Brock, Diller-Odell, Lewiston, and Sterling. 8:00-10:50 Report to 1st-3rd period 10:55-11:30 Lunch 11:30-12:00 Gym set up 11:30-12:00 school check in 12:00-12:15 get seated/divided into sections 12:15-1:30 first rehearsal 1:30-1:45 break 1:45-3:00 second rehearsal 3:00-3:15 break 3:15-4:15 third rehearsal 4:15-4:30 break 4:30-5:15 FINAL rehearsal 5:15-6:45 Dinner break/rehearsal for individual choirs (alphabetic order) 5:15-5:30 Diller-Odell High School rehearse 5:30-5:45 Friend High School rehearse 5:45-6:00 Johnson-Brock High School rehearse 6:00-6:15 Southern High School rehearse 6:15-6:30 Sterling High School rehearse 7:00 Concert *There will be concessions during breaks. Students may bring money if they choose. *Evening meal will take place in the lunch room/ cafeteria. It will consist of tacos, drink and dessert. Concert dress is: appropriate dresses, skirts, dress shirt and/or slacks with dress shoes/sandals. 2014-15 Sterling High Basketball Schedule Date Day Opponent Place Time Nov. 25 Tuesday Palmyra 6:00 Dec. 5 Friday Sterling 5:00 Dec. 6 Saturday Hebron 5:00 Dec. 9 Tuesday Friend 4:30 Dec. 12 Friday Sterling 4:00 Dec. 16 Tuesday Daykin 4:00 Dec. 19 Friday Pawnee City 4:00 Dec. 29-30 Mon-Tues Henderson 3:00 Jan. 3 Saturday Weeping Water 1:00 Jan. 6 Tuesday Sterling 3:45 Jan. 8 Thursday Dorchester 6:00 Jan. 9 Friday Sterling 4:00 Jan. 12-17 Jan. 23 Mon-Sat Friday Beatrice Sterling TBA 4:00 Jan. 24 Saturday Nebraska City 3:00 Jan. 27 Tuesday Sterling 5:30 Jan. 30 Friday Palmyra-Jamboree (GV,BV) Falls City Sacred Heart (BJV,GV, BV) Thayer Central (GV, BV) Friend (GJV, BJV, GV, BV) Diller-Odell (GJV, BJV, GV, BV) Meridian (GJV, BJV, GV, BV) Pawnee City (GJV, BJV, GV, BV) Heartland Holiday Tourn. (GV, BV) Weeping Water (GJV, BJV, GV, BV) Johnson-Brock (GJV, BJV, GV, BV) Dorchester (GV, BV JV-TBA) HTRS (GJV, BJV, GV, BV) Mudecas Tournament Southern (GJV, BJV, GV, BV) Nebraska City Lourdes (GJV, BJV, GV, BV) Sutton (GV, BV) Lewiston (GJV, BJV, GV, BV) Sterling 4:00 Feb. 2-7 Mon-Sat Pioneer Conference Tourn. Feb. 10 Tuesday Feb. 13 Friday Feb. 14 Saturday Feb. 16-19 Feb. 20 Mon-Thur. Friday Feb. 23-26 Feb. 27 March 3 March 5-7 March 12-14 Mon.-Thur. Friday Tuesday Thur.-Sat. Thur.-Sat. Freeman (GJV, GV) Tri County (GJV, GV) Omaha Christian Academy (BJV, BV) Girls Subdistricts Freeman (BJV, BV) Boys Subdistricts Girls District Final Boys District Final Girls State Tournament Boys State Tournament Diller-Odell/Pawnee City TBA Finals- Southern Adams 6:15 Dewitt 6:00 Sterling 4:00 TBA Adams TBA 6:15 TBA TBA TBA Lincoln Lincoln TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA 9/10 Basketball Schedule 2014-15 (Boys unless otherwise noted) Date Dec. 11th Dec. 13th Jan. 5th Jan. 26th Jan. 29th Feb. 9th Date Jan. 5th Jan. 29th Thursday Saturday Monday Monday Thursday Monday @ Lincoln Chris an @ HTRS Tournament (B & G) @ Beatrice @ Johnson‐Brock Falls City Falls City Sacred Heart Opponent @ Beatrice Falls City Opponent @Johnson‐Brock HTRS Tournament Diller‐Odell @Freeman Tournament @ Pawnee City Lewiston @ Falls City Tournament @ Lewiston Tournament @ Freeman Opponent Lewiston @ Freeman Tournament Pawnee City Diller‐Odell @ FCSH @ Lewiston Tournament @ Freeman Nebraska City Lourdes @ HTRS @ Johnson‐Brock Tournament 7:00 7:00 Time Junior High Girls Basketball Tuesday Thursday Monday Wednesday Monday Monday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Monday 6:00 9:00 7:00 6:30 7:00 7:00 Time Junior High Boys Basketball Tuesday Saturday Tuesday Monday Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Monday Wednesday Day Time JV ONLY Monday Thursday Day Date Jan. 20th Jan 22nd Jan. 26th Jan. 28th Feb. 2nd Feb. 9th Feb. 11th Feb. 18th Feb. 26th March 2nd Opponent Day Date Nov. 18th Nov. 22nd Nov. 25th Dec. 1st Dec. 3rd Dec. 9th Dec.11th Dec. 15th Dec. 17th Day 4:00 9:00 1:00 4:00 2:00 1:00 3:45 5:30 1:00 Time 1:00 4:00 2:00 1:00 4:00 5:30 1:00 2:30 2:00 4:00 NOVEMBER 2014 MENUS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 3 B-Egg Taco OR WG Cereal/WG Muffin, Juice/Fruit, Milk L-Nachos W/ Cheese Sauce or Bean Dip, Corn, Celery w/ PB, Mandarin Oranges 4 B-WG Waffles, Sausage OR WG Cereal/WG Waffle, Fruit, Milk L-Chicken Noodle Soup, PB&J Sandwich, Lettuce Salad, Peaches 5 B-Yogurt Parfait OR WG Cereal/ WG Muffin, Juice/Fruit, Milk L-BBQ Rib on WG Bun, FF and/or Swt. FF, Broccoli w/ Cheese, Pears 6 B-WG Cereal, WG Toast, Fruit, Milk L-Mini Corn Dogs, Baked Beans, Peas, Pineapple Tidbits 7 B-WG French Toast Sticks OR WG Cereal/ WG Muffin, Juice/Fruit, Milk L-Spaghetti, Green Beans, Garlic Bread, Mixed Fruit 10 B-WG Pancakes, Sausage OR WG Cereal/WG Pancake, Juice/ Fruit, Milk L-Ham Patty, Tator Gems and/or Swt. Tator Gems, Peas, Mandarin Oranges 11 B-Toaster Pastry OR WG Cereal/WG Muffin, Fruit, Milk L-Vegetable Beef Soup, Lettuce Salad, Cheese Breadsticks, Applesauce 12 B-WG Cereal, WG Toast, Juice/Fruit, Milk L-Chicken Nuggets, Mashed Potatoes w/ Gravy, Corn, Peaches 13 B-Sausage Gravy, WG Biscuits OR WG Cereal/WG Biscuit, Fruit, Milk L-Tacos, Broccoli w/ Cheese, Celery w/ PB, Mixed Fruit 14 B-Omelet, WG Toast OR WG Cereal/ WG Toast, Juice/Fruit, Milk L-Goulash, Green Beans, WG Dinner Rolls w/ Jelly, Pears 17 B-Breakfast Pizza OR WG Cereal/WG Muffin, Juice/Fruit, Milk L-Chicken Patty, FF and/or Swt. FF, Broccoli w/ Cheese, Pineapple Tidbits 18 B- Egg Taco OR WG Cereal/WG Muffin, Fruit, Milk L-Submarines, Green Beans, Gelatin, Pears 19 B- WG Waffles, Sausage OR WG Cereal/WG Waffle, Juice/ Fruit, Milk L-Potato Bake, Ham Salad or Tuna Salad Sandwich, String Cheese, Peaches 20 B- WG Cereal, WG Toast, Fruit, Milk L-Chili Soup w/ Cheese, WG Cinnamon Roll, Lettuce Salad, Applesauce 21 B-Breakfast Bar OR WG Cereal/WG Muffin, Juice/Fruit, Milk L-Turkey & Dressing, Mashed Potatoes w/ Gravy, Corn, Mixed Fruit 24 B-Scrambled Eggs, WG Toast OR WG Cereal, WG Toast, Juice/Fruit, Milk L-Tomato Soup, Cheese Sandwich, Lettuce Salad, Pears 25 B- Yogurt Parfait OR WG Cereal/ WG Muffin, Fruit, Milk L-Hamburger, FF and/ or Swt. FF, Tomatoes, Applesauce 26 B- WG Cereal, WG Toast, Juice/Fruit, Milk L-Hot Dog on WG Bun, Baked Beans, Corn, Mixed Fruit 27 28 HIGH SCHOOL ONLY NO SCHOOL THANKSGIVING DAY! NO SCHOOL THANKSGIVING BREAK! Milk served every Menus are subject meal. to change without notice. A variety of fruits USDA is an equal and vegetables are opportunity provider offered with every and employer meal. DECEMBER 2014 MENUS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY THURSDAY 1 B-WG Waffles, 2 B-WG Cereal, WG 3 B-Yogurt Parfait OR 4 B- Egg Taco OR WG 5 B-WG French Toast Sausage OR WG Cereal/ Toast, Fruit, Milk WG Cereal/ WG Muffin, Cereal/WG Muffin, Fruit, Sticks OR WG Cereal/WG WG Waffle, Juice/Fruit, L-Nachos w/ Cheese Juice/Fruit, Milk Milk L-Chicken Noodle Muffin, Juice/Fruit, Milk L-Submarines, Corn, Milk L-Chicken Nuggets, Sauce or Bean Dip, Soup, PB & J Sandwich, L-Burritos, Green Beans, Mashed Potatoes w/ Glazed Carrots, Celery w/ Gelatin, Pears Lettuce Salad, Mandarin Chips w/ Salsa, Mixed Gravy, Corn, Applesauce PB, Peaches Oranges Fruit 8 B-Omelet, WG Toast 9 B-WG Cinnamon Roll OR WG Cereal/WG Toast, OR WG Cereal/WG 10 B-WG Cereal, WG 11 B-WG Pancakes, 12 B-Toaster Pastry OR Toast, Juice/Fruit, Milk Sausage OR WG Cereal/ WG Cereal/WG Muffin, WG Pancake, Fruit, Milk Juice/Fruit, Milk Juice/Fruit, Milk L-Pork Muffin, Fruit, Milk L-Tacos, Greens Beans, Patty, Mashed Potatoes L-Vegetable Beef Soup, Celery w/ PB, Applesauce L-Potato Bake, Ham w/ Gravy, Corn, Lettuce Salad, Cheese Salad or Tuna Salad Pineapple Tidbits Breadsticks, Pears Sandwich, String Cheese, Peaches L-Chicken Gravy over WG Biscuits/WG Bread, Peas, Mixed Fruit 15 B- Egg Taco OR WG 16 B- WG Waffles, Cereal/WG Muffin, Juice/ Sausage OR WG Cereal/ 17 B- Scrambled Eggs, 18 B-Yogurt Parfait OR WG Toast OR WG Cereal/ WG Cereal/ WG Muffin, 19 B-WG Cereal, WG Fruit, Milk L-Chili Soup, WG Waffle, Fruit, Milk WG Toast, Juice/Fruit, Fruit, Milk L-Spaghetti, L-Hot Dog on WG Bun, Lettuce Salad, L-Chicken Fajita, Broccoli Milk L-Roast Turkey, Green Beans, Garlic Peas, Mixed Fruit WG Cinnamon Roll, w/ Cheese, Rice, Mashed Potatoes w/ Bread, Pears Applesauce Mandarin Oranges Gravy, Corn, WG Dinner Toast, Juice/Fruit, Milk Roll/Jelly, Peaches 22 23 24 NO SCHOOL CHRISTMAS BREAK! 29 25 26 CHRISTMAS DAY! 30 31 Menus are subject to change without notice. Milk served every meal. A variety of fruits USDA is an equal and vegetables are opportunity provider offered with every and employer meal. 6 THURSDAY 7 FRIDAY 30 23 16 18 19 One Act Play Public Performance @ 7PM Hamlette by Allison Williams 24 GV/BV BB Jamboree @ Palmyra ‐ 6PM JH Boys BB vs. Diller/ Odell HOME ‐1PM 25 26 27 20 13 UNL Math Day NO SCHOOL – PreK 14 15 8 1 HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Thanksgiving Break NO SCHOOL 28 21 SATURDAY 29 JH Boys BB@ HTRS Tournament ‐ 9AM 22 State Volleyball @ Lincoln NOON NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break DISMISSAL Winter Practice JH Boys BB @ H.S. Sportsmanship Begins Summit @ Doane Johnson‐Brock ‐ 4PM College School Board Mtg. @ Pioneer One Act Play 7:30PM @ Friend 17 Pioneer Conference Vocal Clinic @ Sterling/ HTRS Concert @ 7PM NO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Veterans Day FFA Livestock Program @ 9:15 in Judging Competition the gym 12 10 @ Auburn 11 5 WEDNESDAY 9 4 TUESDAY NeSA Recognition 3rd grade Field Trip to Middle School SAC Museum Sportsmanship Sum‐ Assembly @ 10AM in mit @ UNL 10:30AM the gym VB District Finals @ FFA Fall Banquet @ EducationQuest TBA Hartman Cattle Financial Aid Mtg. ‐ Company ‐ 6:30PM 6:30PM @ Freeman 3 This calendar is subject to change. MONDAY Daylight savings time VB Sub Districts vs. Diller‐Odell ‐ 5PM 2 SUNDAY November 2014 Activities 2 9 TUESDAY 10 JH Boys BB @ Pawnee City ‐ 2PM 3 WEDNESDAY 11 4 THURSDAY 17 30 31 DIBELS K‐5 (16‐19) 23 24 G/B BB @ Meridian (4 games) ‐ 4Pm 16 Heartland Holiday Tourn. @ Henderson ‐ TBA 29 28 JH Boys BB @ Lewiston Tourn. ‐ 5:30PM School Board Mtg. ‐ 7:30PM 15 12 HS Christmas Concert Large Groups ‐ 7:30PM 18 End of 2nd Quarter G/B BB @ Pawnee City (4 games) ‐ 4PM 19 Teacher Inservice NO SCHOOL 5 Day Practice Moratorium (24‐28) 1 January 2 MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Semester Testing (17‐19) 25 26 JH Boys BB @ Freeman ‐ 1PM 6 SATURDAY G/B BB @ Weeping Water (4 games) ‐ 1PM 3 27 20 9/10 G/B @ HTRS Tourn. ‐ 9AM ACT TEST DATE 13 G/B/ BB vs. FCSH G/B BB @Thayer (JVB, GV, BV) HOME ‐ Central (GV, BV) ‐ 5PM 5PM 5 FRIDAY County Govt. Day ‐ JH Boys BB State One Act Play @ JH Boys BB @ Falls City G/B BB vs. Diller‐Odell Juniors vs. Lewiston HOME ‐ Norfolk Tourn. ‐ 3:45PM HOME ‐ 4PM 9/10 Boys BB @ Lincoln 1PM Christian ‐ 6PM HS Christmas Concert NO SCHOOL – PreK Elem. Christmas Small Groups ‐ 7:30PM G/B BB @ Friend Concert ‐ 7:30PM in the gym (4 games) ‐ 4:30PM 8 22 Moratorium MONDAY District One Act Play @ Meridian JH Boys BB @ Freeman Tourn. ‐ 4PM 1 21 14 7 This calendar is subject to change. SUNDAY December 2014 Activities NOV./DEC. 2014 Sterling Public School Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Sterling, NE Permit No. 2 250 Main St. P.O. Box 39 Sterling, NE 68443 Tel: 402-866-4761 Fax: 402-866-4771 Website: Superintendent Mike Davis K-12 Principal Activities Director Ryun Theobald Guidance Counselor Jill Shea Athletic Director Brent Heusman Continuing a Tradition of Excellence DON’T FORGET... Nov. 2 - Daylight Savings Time - Fall back 1 hour Nov. 5 - EducationQuest Financial Aid Mtg - 6:30Pm @ Freeman - NeSA Recognition Assembly @ 10AM in the gym Nov. 10 - NO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Nov. 11 - Veterans Day Program @ 9:15AM in the gym Nov. 14 - NO PreK SCHOOL Nov. 17 - Winter Practice Begins Nov. 24 - One Act Play Public Performance @7PM -Hamlette by Allison Williams Nov. 26 - NOON DISMISSAL Nov. 27-28 - THANKSGIVING BREAK Dec. 8 - HS Christmas Concert (Small Groups) @ 7:30PM in the gym Caption describing picture or graphic. Dec. 11 - Elementary Christmas Concert @ 7:30PM in the gym Dec. 12 - NO PreK SCHOOL Dec. 18 - HS Christmas Concert (Large Groups) @ 7:30PM in the gym Dec. 19-Jan. 5 - CHRISTMAS BREAK
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