CCIT DENMARK Kræft Immunologi ‐ Kunsten at hæmme immunhæmmere Mads Hald Andersen, professor Sundhedsstyrelsens specialespecifikke kursus: Teoretisk Immunologi, 13.‐16. april 2015 OUH, Odense Forskning ved CCIT, Herlev Hospital, Dk Management: Inge Marie Svane, Per thor Straten and Mads Hald Andersen Basal immunforskning Immunmålinger Klinisk immunforskning 2 Dagens program Baggrund Introduktion til immunforsvaret og Immunforsvarets genkendelse af kræft Immunhæmning – betydning i klinikken Fra laboratoriet til klinikken Konklusioner Kræft immunologiens historie Immunterapi imod kræft – store gennembrud Approvals of Dendreons Prostate Cancer Vaccine (provenge), Ipilimumab antibody for melanoma September 2014: anti‐PD‐1 mAb, Pembrolizumab and December 2014: Nivolumab FDA approvals Cytokines Antibodies Immunterapi imod kræft Adoptive T cell transfer Vaccines 6 Innate and adaptive immune responses * Innate immune responses : Response : Fast Cell types : Dendritiske celler (DCs), Mø, Recognizes antigen by germline encoded receptors * Adaptive immune responses : Response : Slow Cell types : B- and T cells Recognizes antigen by unique receptors generated by somatic gene rearrangent Aktivering af T‐celler Bacterie, Virus, kræftcelle protein, ect T‐celle Den aktiverede T‐celle deler sig……! Cirkulerer via blodet til infektions‐ stedet – eller kræftknuden illustreret videnskab nr. 12/2009 T‐celle aktivers Pardoll D. PNAS 2002;99:15840-15842 ©2002 by National Academy of Sciences ”Den gode cirkel” Behandlende vaccine cancer celler Dendritiske celler optager protein fra cancer celler Infiltration og drab af cancer celler Lymfe knude Aktivering af T-celler cell What is recognized by the immune system... Cancer cells: genetic and epigenetic changes X Mutation Deletion Methylation 1 5’ 2 1 5’ 3 2 4 3 6 6 7 3’ 7 CH3 CH3 CH3 1 5’ 2 3 4 Gene A Translocation5’ 5 1 2 5 6 7 Gene B 3 3 4 5 3’ 3’ T‐cells recognizing cancer cells Cancer antigen tumor‐specific T cells Normal celle Kræftcelle Normal celle T-celle Normal celle T-celle Kræftcelle Kræftcelle Død kræftcelle ”Live and let Die” ”Live and let Die” Tumor antigens that are recognized by T-cells Group I. Viral antigens, e.g. HPV Group II. Broadly expressed mutated antigens, e.g. ras, braf Group III. Patient specific mutated antigens Group IV. differentiation antigens, e.g. MART-1, gp100, PAP Group V. Cancer-testis antigens, e.g. MAGE Group VI. Overexpressed (including universal) tumor antigens, e.g. telomerase, survivin Vævstype‐molekyler (HLA) præsenterer cellens indhold på overfladen Peptide/HLA restriction …..LTLAKHTISSDYVIPIGTYGQMK……EKCDICTDEYMGGQHPTN…. TLEGFASPLTGIADASQSSMHNALHIYMNGTMSQVQGSAND……… …VLTALLAGLVSLLCRHKRK… HLA‐A1 HLA‐A2 HLA‐A3 50 % of Caucasian population Spontan immunreaktion imod kræftproteiner (antigener) i en patient med modermærkekræft kræft patient kontrol gp100 Survivin TRP-2 Mage-3 Rask kontrol ….so what’s the problem? © Gary Larsson ….so what’s the problem? ”Immune escape” Loss of Hla/antigen No danger ‐> no activation of T‐cells Immune suppresive molecules – and cells ‐ Direct immune suppressive actions ‐ By induction or attraction of regulatory cell types Suppressive mechanisms that have been identified in human melanoma metastases and validated mechanistically in preclinical studies. Gajewski T F Clin Cancer Res 2007;13:5256-5261 ©2007 by American Association for Cancer Research Cancer Cell Tumor‐specific T‐cell Cancer Cell Tumor‐ specific T‐cell Antibodies Ipilimumab = anti‐CTLA‐4 Ipilimumab extend survival in metastatic melanoma patients in phase 3. Translational research at CCIT Mads Hjortsø Shamaila Munir Ahmad Merete Jonassen Stine Kiær Larsen With support from: The Novo Nordisk Foundation, The Danish Cancer Society, Danish Medical Research Council, The John and Birthe 33 Meyer Foundation, and Herlev Hospital. Suppressive mechanisms that have been identified in human melanoma metastases and validated mechanistically in preclinical studies. IDO Gajewski T F Clin Cancer Res 2007;13:5256‐5261 ©2007 by American Association for Cancer Research Can IDO be used as at vaccine target? 35 IDE: Kan immunforsvarets effektorceller genkende immunhæmmende celler (som udtrykker unormale mængder af visse proteiner, f.eks. IDO IDO+ tumor IDO+ APC IDO reagerende T-celler? T 36 IDO – a T‐cell target? IDO protein IDO-specific T cells 37 Analyse af immunreaktioner Immun-reaktion: Kontrol kræftprotein Ingen Immun-reaktion Patient prøve Isolering af blodceller Forsøg Kontrol kræftprotein Elispot T celler som reagerer imod det immunhæmmende protein IDO findes i kræftpatienter Uden IDO Med IDO IDO specific cells per 4 x 10^5 cells Eksempel 400 300 200 100 0 HD BC MM RCC -100 Blod fra kræftpatiener T-celler dyrkes i laboratoriet og undersøges T celler T Drab af både kræftceller og immunhæmmende celler T Kræftceller immunhæmmende celler Ca Cancer cells nc ( ID O Sh N RN hR g) b) A) A) ne A lls id e T2 ce pt m O lS (ID tro lls on lls (c ce lls er ce ce A er pe nc HL Ca ID O (+ + lls er ce nc er Ca nc er Ca nc Ca T2 Lysis (%) IDO‐specifike T‐celler dræber IDO+ cancer celler 80 60 40 20 0 41 IDO‐specifike T‐celler dræber IDO+ immunceller 60,0 60,0 50,0 50,0 40,0 40,0 Lysis (%) Lysis (%) Δ In vitro immatured autologous DC ▀ In vitro matured autologous DC 30,0 Δ In vitro immatured allogeneic DC ▀ In vitro matured allogeneic DC 30,0 20,0 20,0 10,0 10,0 0,0 0,0 15:1 5:1 1.7:1 15:1 0.6:1 5:1 1.7:1 E:T ratio E:T ratio In vitro immatured DC In vitro matured DC MFI 428 1,438 IDO 0.6:1 HIV‐ Tetramer Tetramer‐PE 0.21% 0.10% CMV‐Tetramer 19.29% 88.09% Tetramer‐APC IDO‐specifikke T‐celler øger immunforsvarets øvrige reaktioner Leukemia 2013 IDO‐expression in antigen presenting cells Modified from 45 Wing et al. Nature Immunology, 2010:11; 7–13 Summary • IDO‐specifikke T‐celler findes spontant i kræftpatienter • IDO‐specifikke T‐celler kan dræbe kræftceller og immunhæmmende celler • Ido‐specifikke T‐celler kan øge immunforsvarets øvrige reaktioner imod kræft 46 Sørensen et al. Blood, 2011, Vaccination kan blive måden at ramme immunhæmning + Vaccination IDO vaccine T T T Kræftceller T T T Dræber T‐celler Immunhæmmende celler Target identification Pre‐clinical evaluation From lab to bench Tox test Patents? Clinical testing 48 Meget papir‐arbejde…… Udarbejdelse af protokol m.m.m. GCP‐enhed Videnskabsetisk Komité Datatilsynet Lægemiddelstyrelsen From bench to clinic HLA‐A2‐restricted IDO peptide/montanide vaccination in 14 NSCLC patients IDO5 No peptide Trine Zeeberg Iversen From June 2012: Phase I/II clinical trials with IDO and survivin peptide vaccination with montanide and GM‐CSF in melanoma patients in combination with temozolomide. 50 IDO ‐ Nyt antigen for vaccine terapi – Fase I studie til metastatisk, stadie III‐IV lunge cancer patienter – “First in man” study opstartet i Juni 2010 – NCT01219348 – Studiet lukket, 15 HLA‐A2 NSCLC patienter inkluderet – Primært endepunkt: Toxicitet – Sekundært endepunkt: Klinisk effekt – Tertiært endepunkt: Induktion af immunrespons – Vaccinen er opfundet og patenteret af CCIT – IDO aminosyre sekvens (HLA‐A2: ALLEIASCL) – Første peptidvacccine forsøg I Danmark Dias 51 Vaccine behandling Imiquimod (TLR 7) IDO peptide mix med Vaccine injektion på vaccine site Montanide subcutant Innate immunsystem Adaptive immunsystem Dias 52 % C h a n g e sinta r g e tle s io n s Kliniske resultater Re sponse to IDO v accine tre atme nt (N=15) 40 30 20 Pt#03 --------------------------------------------- PD 10 0 Blue: New lesion Red: >20% PD Orange: On study - 10 - 20 - 30 ---------------------------------------------- PR - 40 Pt#18 0 2.5 5.5 8.5 12 15 18 21 24 Months Target Lesion (Pt#18) Baseline March 2012 1st Eval July 2012 2nd Eval Oct 2012 3rd Eval Dec 2012 4th Eval March 2013 5th Eval June 2013 A (liver) 2.9 2.8 2.5 2.6 2.2 2.2 B (liver) 2.7 2.5 2.1 1.6 1.8 1.8 C (liver) 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.1 1.1 Sum (cm) 7.4 7.3 6.4 6.0 5.1 5.1 Dias 53 Overlevelsesanalyser Overall survival (N=25) N=15 HLA-A2 pos. (+vacc.) Median OS=25.9 months 80 N=10 HLA-A2 neg. (-vacc.) Median OS=7.7 months Percent survival 100 60 40 20 0 0 P=0.03 500 1000 Days Dias 54 Immunanalyser ‐ IDO specifikke CD8+ T celler Dias 55 Flow cytometry analyser – immunceller Dias 56 CONCLUSIONS • No severe toxicity induced • IDO vaccine safe and well tolerated • Partial response in one patient with liver metastases • Sustained disease stabilization in around half of the patients •Significant better OS in HLA‐A2 positive (vaccine treated) vs. HLA‐A2 negative (non‐treated) patienter • Demonstration of IDO specific T cells in most of the patients, ex vivo killing of cancer cells •Pre‐response towards IDO correlated with clinical benefit • Phase II IDO vaccine trial (NCT 01543464) Iversen et al. , Clinical Cancer Research, In press IDO – et eksempel på ”Translational Research” ‐IDO identificeret som antigen for cytotoksiske T‐celler ‐IDO‐specifikke T‐celler kan genkende og slå kræftceller og immunhæmmende celler ihjel ‐ IDO vaccination virker som en lovende ny vaccine‐strategi imod kræft ‐Kan med fordel benyttes i kombination med anden terapi 58 Selv‐reactive, regulatory T‐cell antigens * Heme Oxygenase‐1 specific CD8 T cells are present in high frequencies in cancer patients – seem to have a regulatory function Andersen et al. J. Clin. Invest. 119, 2009 • IDO‐2 specific cytotoxic T‐cells are present in healthy individuals as well as cancer patients. Such T‐cells are able to kill IDO2 expressing breast cancer as well as colon cancer cells. Sorensen et al. Cancer Resarch 71(6), 2011 • FoxP3 can be recognized by cytotoxic T‐cells and specific CD8 T‐cells enhaunces tumor immunity Nair et al. Cancer Resarch 67(1), 2007 Larsen et. al, Leukemia 2013 • PD‐L1 specific cytotoxic T‐cells are present in healthy individuals as well as Munir et al. Cancer Research, 2013 cancer patients Munir et al. Leukemia 2013 Ahmad et al. Leukemia 2013 • IDO plays a vital role in inflammation and cancer. Specific T cells identified in melanoma patients Sørensen et al PlosOne 2009, Blood 2011, Munir et al, PlosOne 2012 • Additional similar novel targets: FoxO3, TDO….. 59 Tumour cells Chemotherapy + Vaccination Vaccination Treg Treg Treg Treg Treg MDSC T T T T T MDSC MDSC IDO+ DC T T – immunreaktionen mod kræft er der, men den er svag….. ………………men den kan styrkes gennem immunterapi! ”It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time.” Sir Winston Churchill
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