Find this List of Ev e nts online at v e nts.pdf PCNC List of Events King Kekaulike High School School Ye ar 2014-2015 Re v ise d: Tue sday, Nov e mbe r 4, 2014 (Subject to Change W ithout Notice) NOVEMBER KKHS Info & Ways to Help! [Not all events are sponsored by the Dept of Education] ♡ Go to for our Cafét e r ia M e nu. For November’s café menu, go to ♡ Labe ls for Education's (LFE) Gr a n d Stand for Schools Swe e pstake s! LFE wants to give away $1,000 to 1,000 schools! T W O ways to enter for a chance to win $1,0 00 for KKHS: 1) Clip & collect LFE participating UPC codes & Beverage/Sauce caps. Drop off at our office by Dec. 16. Each UPC & Beverage/Sauce cap equals 1 entry into the S w ee p s ta k e s , &/o r 2 ) Enter daily at (This is not a Dept. Of Education sponsored event.) ♡ Che v ron Fue l Your School, Oct. 1-31: up your tank with 8 or more gallons of gasoline at any Chevron gas station. Teachers can receive up to $800 in supplies & e q u ip ment for their Classroom Project by applying a t D o n o r s C h o o se .o r g . For more info g o to http://www.fuelyours c h o o l.c o m/Markets/hawaii/how-it-w orks.aspx to see how you can help. ♡ Stude nts with De te ntion Hours: Students wanting to work off detention hours in the cafeteria need to see Vice Principal Ms. Hamasaki BEFORE reporting to the café to sign up. Only students who sign up with the VP will be able to work off detention. ♡ If your meeting is in: Enter campus from Cafeteria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haleakala Hwy gate Library or Administration Bldg. . . . . . Kula Hwy gate ♡ For Colle ge /Univ e rsity Re pre se ntativ e s Visit KKHS go to ge -re ps11-14.pdf To attend, interested college bound students must get a pass from senior counselor, Jamie Gomer (Bldg. A) 11/1 Sa Deadline to order cap & gown online at, by phone at 1-800-567-8367, or mail. 11/3 to 11/24 Biggest Turkey Contest 11/4 Tu Election Day Holiday - No School 11/5 W REVISED Bell Schedule: FRIDAY SCHEDULE due to Election Day on Tuesday; Student Dismissal 2:14pm 11/5 W Maui Marching Festival, War Memorial Stadium, 6pm 11/6 Th Regular Deadline for Dec. 6 th SAT & Subjects Tests. Register at, & pay w/credit card. KKHS School Code: 120218 11/6 Th Seniors to be given GradNite registration forms in advisoryDUE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2014 @ 3:00 pm 11/7 F 2 nd Athletic Grade check for 2 nd Quarter 11/7 F “Pollyanna” Drama, café, 7pm 11/7 F Regular Registration Deadline for Dec. 13 th ACT Test. Register at 11/8 to 11/9 Teacher-Student Tennis Tournament at KKHS Tennis Courts (Class of 2017 Fundraiser) $10/person Donation. 11/8 Sa “Pollyanna” Drama, café, 7pm 11/8 Sa SAT & Subjects Test 11/9 Su “Pollyanna” Drama, café, 3pm 11/10 M Varsity Girls Soccer Tryouts, 4pm 11/10 M National Honor Society Meeting, G205, Lunch 11/10 to 11/12 Girls JV & Varsity Basketball Tryouts, KKHS Gym, After School 11/10 M REVISED Bell Schedule: FRIDAY SCHEDULE due to Veterans Day on Tuesday, Student Dismissal 2:45pm 11/10 M Univ of San Diego Rep Visit, 9:15am 11/10 M Univ of Puget Sound Rep Visit, 12:15pm 11/11 Tu JV Girls Soccer Practice starts, 3:30pm 11/11 Tu Veterans Day Holiday - No School 11/11 Tu Penny Wars competition: Donations collected at home football game to benefit “Aloha for Puna” 11/12 W Jazz @Shops at Wailea (Chop Suey Jazz Page 1 of 4 Orchestra, made up of pros & students), 6:30-8:00pm 11/12 W REVISED Bell Schedule: FRIDAY SCHEDULE due to Veterans Day on Tuesday; Student Dismissal 2:45pm 11/13 Th School Community Council Mtg, 5:30pm, Library 11/14 F Otis College Rep Visit, 1pm 11/14 F Mid Quarter 2 Progress Reports & Parent Newsletter mailed out 11/14 F “Pollyanna” Drama, café, 7pm 11/15 Sa “Pollyanna” Drama, café, 7pm 11/15 Sa Ukulele @ Hale Makua Wailuku, 3-4pm 11/15 Sa Senior Luau, 5:30pm, café 11/16 Su “Pollyanna” Drama, café, 3pm 11/17 M Talent Show Sign Up in G206 during nonclass time 11/18 Tu Project Graduation 2015 Planning Meeting, Staff Dining Room, 6pm (Questions? Email 11/19 W Talent Show Auditions, 2-3pm 11/19 W Whitman Rep Visit, 10:15am 11/19 W Symphonic Band Fall Feeder Concert with Kalmaa Intermediate & Doris Todd Christian School @KKHS Café, 6:30-8pm 11/20 W ASVAB Test, 8-11am; For free ASVAB practice tests & more information, go to 11/20 Th Whitworth Rep Visit, 10:45am 11/21 F Late Registration for Dec. 13 th ACT Test. Register at 11/21 F Hawaii College & Career Fair, (Maui high schools bus their students), 9-11am 11/21 F Maui College & Career Fair on Maui, Hawaii Army National Guard, Pu’unene Armory, locate d on M okule le Hwy at the e ntrance to M aui Race way Park), 5-7pm 11/22 Sa Jazz @Kula Harvest Festival, 11-12pm 11/22 Sa Senior Luau 11/24 M Late Deadline w/Fee for Dec. 6 th SAT & Subjects Tests. Register at, & pay w/credit card. KKHS School Code: 120218 11/25 Tu Talent Show Performances, lunch 11/26 W Final Deadline for Seniors to submit completed PTP 11/29 Sa Jazz @Maui Ocean Center, 7pm End of Nov Cap & Gown Group order closes (individual orders are more expensive; also individual/late orders not eligible for refunds; if student is unsure of commencement participation, order with group) 11/27 to 11/28 Th-F Thanksgiving Day & School Holiday - No School DECEMBER First week of December: JV Baseball Try-outs 12/5 Su Jazz & Choir Winter Concert @Queen Kaahumanu, 7pm 12/6 Sa SAT & Subjects Tests 12/6 Sa Symphonic Band @Makawao Town Holiday Celebration, 12pm 12/6 Sa Ukulele @Makawao Town Holiday Celebration, 1pm 12/6 Sa Jazz & Choir @Makawao Town Holiday Celebration, 2pm 12/10 W Symphonic Band Winter Concert @Queen Kaahumanu, 7pm 12/11 Th School Community Council Mtg, 5:30pm, Library 12/13 Sa Kekaulike Winter Karnival, 4-10pm, KKHS 12/13 Sa Jazzy Christmas @Pukalani Ace Hardware, 7-8pm 12/14 Su Maui Youth Philharmonic Orchestra Winter Concert @Baldwin HS Auditorium, 3pm 12/14 Su Jazz @Four Seasons Wailea TBA (tent.) 12/16 Tu Symphonic Band Winter Concert @Maui Mall, 6:30pm 12/19 F 2 nd Qtr (45 days) & 1 st Semester Ends 12/22 M to 1/8 Th Winter Recess - No School 12/25 Th Christmas Day Holiday 12/29 M Regular Deadline for Jan. 24 th SAT & Subjects Tests. Register at, & pay w/credit card. KKHS School Code: 120218 JANUARY 2015 1/1 Th 1/8 Th New Year’s Day Holiday School Community Council Mtg, 5:30pm, Library 1/9 F Regular Registration Deadline for Feb. 7 th ACT Test. Register at 1/9 F Teacher’s Work Day - No School for Students 1/12 M School resumes, 7:45am 1/13 Tu Late Deadline w/Fee for Jan. 24 th SAT & Subjects Tests. Register at, & pay w/credit card. KKHS School Code: 120218 1/16 Th Late Registration w/Fee for Feb. 7 th ACT Test. Register at 1/19 M Martin Luther King Jr Day Holiday - No School 1/20 Tu Mandatory Graduation Expectations Parent Meeting, 6pm, Café (Must attend one of these Page 2 of 4 meetings on 1/20 or 1/21) 1/21 W Mandatory Graduation Expectations Parent Meeting, 8:30am, Café (Must attend one of these meetings on 1/20 PM or 1/21 AM) 1/22 Th Quarter 2 Report Cards & Parent Newsletter mailed out 1/24 Sa SAT & Subjects Tests 1/29 Th Senior Class Photo & Selection of Graduation Song, 9:30am, gym FEBRUARY 2015 2/7 Sa ACT Test. Register at 2/12 Th School Community Council Mtg, 5:30pm, Library 2/13 F Regular Deadline for Mar. 14 th SAT Test. Register at, & pay w/credit card. KKHS School Code: 120218 2/16 M Presidents’ Day Holiday 2/20 F Mid Quarter 3 Progress Reports & Parent Newsletter mailed out 2/21 Sa Senior Ball, 5:30-9pm, Kamehameha Golf Course 2/27 F Graduation Expectations Permission Forms Due + $10 fee by 2:45pm 2/28 Sa Underclassmen Bash (Freshmen/Sophomore Banquet) MARCH 2015 3/3 Tu Late Deadline w/Fee for Mar. 14 th SAT Test. Register at, & pay w/credit card. KKHS School Code: 120218 3/5 Th Cap/Gown Distribution Day, Advisory, Café (Cords & Tassels will not be distributed on this day) 3/7 Sa Junior Prom 3/12 Th School Community Council Mtg, 5:30pm, Library 3/13 F Regular Registration Deadline for Apr. 18 th ACT Test. Register at 3/13 F 3 rd Qtr (43 days) Ends / Planning Collaboration Day - No School for Students 3/13 F Senior Project Presentation Day, 2-5pm (For more info, contact Mrs. Emily Haines-Swatek or Mr. Richard Carosso at 573-8710) 3/14 Sa SAT Test 3/16 M to 3/20 F Spring Break - No School 3/23 M Senior Expectations in Effect 3/26 Th Kuhio Day Holiday - No School 3/27 F Late Registration Deadline for Apr. 18 th ACT Test. Register at APRIL 2015 4/2 Th Qtr 3 Report Cards & Parent Newsletter mailed 4/3 F Good Friday Holiday - NO School 4/6 M Regular Deadline for May 2 nd SAT & Subjects Tests. Register at, & pay w/credit card. KKHS School Code: 120218 4/9 Th School Community Council Mtg, 5:30pm, Library 4/16 Th Graduation Song Practices begin, Advisory 4/18 Sa ACT Test. Register at 4/21 Tu Late Deadline w/Fee for May 2 nd SAT & Subjects Tests. Register at, & pay w/credit card. KKHS School Code: 120218 MAY 2015 5/1 F Mid Quarter 4 Progress Reports & Parent Newsletter mailed out 5/2 Sa SAT & Subjects Test 5/4-5/14 Advanced Placement Exams 5/7 W Staff Appreciation Luncheon in café 5/8 F Regular Deadline for June 13 th ACT Test. Register at 5/8 F Regular Deadline for June 6 th SAT & Subjects Tests. Register at, & pay w/credit card. KKHS School Code: 120218 5/11 M Senior Obligations Deadline (Books, fees, uniforms, detention, etc) 5/14 Th School Community Council Mtg, 5:30pm, Library 5/22 F Last Instructional Day for Seniors 5/22 F Late Registration Deadline w/Fee for June 13 th ACT Test. Register at 5/24 Su ‘Aha Hemo Kula (Hawaiian Language Immersion) Graduation 5/25 M Memorial Day Holiday - No School 5/26 Tu Senior Academic Awards Night, 6pm, gym 5/26 to 5/28 Tu-Th Graduation Rehearsals 5/27 W Late Deadline w/Fee for June 6 th SAT & Subjects Tests. Register at, & pay w/credit card. KKHS School Code: 120218 Page 3 of 4 5/28 Th Class of 2015 Graduation, 6pm, Stadium 5/28 Th Project Graduation busses depart after Commencement. (Sponsored by PTSA) JUNE 2015 6/3 W Last Day for Students (50 days) / 2 nd Semester Ends 6/4 Th Last Day for Teachers (No Students) 6/6 Sa SAT & Subjects Test 6/11 Th Kamehameha Day Holiday 6/13 Sa ACT Test. Register at 6/18 Th Final Report Cards mailed out “If a home doesn't make sense, nothing does.” Henrietta Ripperger Beliefnet - From the Masters ● Websites & Where to Find Us ✪ Official School Website: This is the gateway to many other websites. ♡ Official Parent Resource Website: ♡ Grades, etc.: ♡ PCNC Website (Announcements, etc): Ev e nts at ♡ Counseling: us/kkhs-spt/counselor-corner ♡ Senior Project: .us/kkhs-spt/home ♡ Official Athletic Website: ♡ Student Activities Coordinator (SAC) Calendar:: ♡ Café Menu: ♡ Music Program: ♡ AVID Program: ♡ Alumni News: ♡ Free/Reduced Lunch Application: ♡ Bus Application: ♡ Dept. of Education: ♡ Register for ACT: ♡ Register for SAT & PSAT: Social M e dia Information: ♡ On Twitter: @KingKekaulike ♡ Follow us on Instagram: kekaulikehs ♡ Facebook: Page 4 of 4
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