126 Main Street P.O. Box 105 Dansville NY 14437 dansvillechamber@frontier.com facebook.com/DiscoverDansville.com Office: 585-335-6920 1-800-949-0174 Fax: 585-335-6296 www.DansvilleChamber.com EXHIBITOR SPACE AT GENESEE COMMUNITY COLLEGE WINTER IN THE VILLAGE 2014 Saturday, December 6, 2014 10 am - 7 pm 9 am 10 am - 7 pm 7 - 7:30 pm Set up Sales Packing and clean up Winter in the Village is a single day festival of community-wide events. The Dansville Area Chamber of Commerce promotes all of the events as a thank you to the community. It sponsors craft shows, visits with Santa, and a wine walk, and coordinates the fire truck parade. Details on www.dansvillechamber.com and Facebook/Winter in the Village. When: Saturday, December 6, 2014. Exhibitors are expected to remain on site for the full event. Where: Genesee Community College, 31 Clara Barton Street, Dansville, New York (large instruction room) Hours: 10 am – 7 pm. All booths must be set up by 10 am and taken down by 7:30 pm. Set up can begin at 9 am. Booths may not be left unattended at any time during show hours. Eligibility: Open to artists and crafters, non-profits, community organizations, and small homebased businesses. No food items are allowed to be sold by artists at this event. Important Dates: November 15 December 6 Submission Deadline Event Day FEES: Single space, 10’ W x 10’ D: $25 Late entry fee: add $10 Non-profits, single space, 10’W x 10’D: free Submit check payable to Dansville Area Chamber of Commerce with your application. There is a $30 returned check fee. Exhibit Requirements: Exhibitors must bring everything required to set up their display (tables, chairs, signage, product, etc.). No electricity is available. There is no sharing of spaces: one business/organization per space. Only items listed on the application may be displayed/sold at the event. Sales Tax: Exhibitors who are not non-profits and are selling items must include a copy of their NYS Tax Certificate of Authority and submit it with their application. Exhibitors must display their NYS Certificate of Authority at their booth. If you do not have a NYS Sales Tax ID #, go to www.tax.ny.gov for info on how to apply. Pets: For the safety and security of all artists and attendees, please do not bring pets of any kind to the event. Parking: Once items are unloaded, exhibitors will be asked to move any vehicle(s) to the rear of the GCC parking lot. Dansville Area Chamber Of Commerce Winter In The Village - Exhibitor Application Form Mail or drop off completed application packet (including this 2 page application form, copy of NYS tax certificate, submission fee) to: Genesee Community College ATTN: Amy Churchfield 31 Clara Barton Street Dansville NY 14437 Application deadline: November 15, 2014 Please print clearly. Keep a copy of your application. Name(s) NY State Sales Tax ID # [Enclose copy of Certificate] Business Name Address City, State, Zip County Phone E-mail Address Web Address Description of your business or organization Describe all items you will offer for sale * I will be responsible for any damages caused by me or my booth * I will not hold the Dansville Area Chamber of Commerce, Genesee Community College, Dansville Central School District, or any event sponsor responsible for loss or damage of any kind or bodily injury * I acknowledge that the submission of the application and payment obligate me to participate fully in this event; payments returned for insufficient funds will be charged $30; no refunds will be issued if I fail to participate in the event * I certify that I have read and agree to comply with all of the rules set forth by the Dansville Area Chamber of Commerce by signing below. * Unsigned applications will not be accepted. Signed: Date: Fees Enclosed (check all that apply): ____ Single space - 10’ W x 10’ D: $25 ____ Late fee - $10 if after November 15, 2014 ____ Non-profit - free KEEP A COPY OF THIS APPLICATION!
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