The Riverside Church in the City of New York S u n d ay, N O V E M B E R 9 , 2 0 1 4 T W E N T Y- S E C O N D S U N DAY A F T E R P E N T E C O S T Welcome to The Riverside Church We are glad you are here this morning and hope you will return often. The Riverside Church is an interdenominational, interracial, and international Christian congregation, which wholeheartedly seeks to be open, receptive, and affirming. We strive to be broadly inclusive. We welcome persons from different backgrounds, races, economic classes, religions, cultures, ethnicities, genders, ages, and sexual orientations. The Riverside Church is a member of the American Baptist Churches, U.S.A. and the United Church of Christ. If this is your first visit: Complete a blue pew card and place it in the Offering Plate as it passes. Join us for Fellowship Hour in the Cloister Lounge directly after Worship. You can meet members of this congregation and learn about our ministries. As you leave the Nave, take the stairs on your left down one level. Take a right, and an immediate left into the Cloister Lounge. You may also take the elevators in the Narthex to the “C” Level. If you would like to know more or become a member, we would love to get to know you. Please call the church during the week at 212.870.6786. If you would like information about baptism or baby dedication, please contact The Ministry of Education at 212.870.6833, or visit our website at A church tour is offered each Sunday after Worship. Meet in the first balcony to learn more about Riverside’s unique history, programs, and landmark Gothic building. There is no charge. Tours also take place on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. No reservations are necessary. For special tours by appointment, call 212.870.6792. There is a small fee for these tours. If your car is parked in the garage below the building, present this bulletin to the attendant before 6:00 p.m. and your parking spot will cost you only $4.00. On Wednesday evenings, have your parking ticket stamped after service and receive the same discount. Speak to an usher about the use of an assistive hearing device if you need one. Unfortunately, we cannot allow the use of recording devices such as audio and video recorders or cameras during any portion of the service. Please remember to silence your cell phone upon entering the Nave. Lunch is available for purchase at the Riverside Café in South Hall Lobby. The Cloister Library has closed for a collection review and evaluation. Members and library users who wish to return books or other materials may use the convenient slot to the left of the Cloister Library entrance for this purpose. Riverside at Worship Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost • 10:45 A.M. Please enjoy this time of quiet meditation in the Nave, and remember, silence all cell phones and other electronic devices. If you brought offerings for the Food Pantry, please place them in the carts in the Narthex. You may also leave financial offerings for the Food Pantry in the envelopes provided. Carillon Prelude on "Te deum" M.A. Charpentier arr. A.O. Ooik ORGAN Clair de Lune, Op. 53, No. 2 LIFE OF THE COMMUNITY PROCESSIONAL HYMN 443 All who are able may stand. O Christ, the Great Foundation Louis Vierne The Rev. Dr. Amy K. Butler CALL to worship Please remain standing. Aurelia Dr. Butler Leader: In truth and love, God has called us into this house of worship. God has said to us, People: "You are my people, I am your God." Leader:Not once, but again and again the Word is spoken, and there is rejoicing over all the earth. The words ring out with a glad cry: People: "You are my people, I am your God. You are my people, close to my heart." Leader:With awe and wonder, in the spirit of grace, we lift our voices unto the God. People: We are your people. Let us worship. INVOCATION Please remain standing. PASSING OF THE PEACE Leader: The peace of the Lord be with you. People: And also with you. anthem Please be seated. The Heart’s Offering American folk melody, arr. A. Baldwin As I rise with the dawn, may my soul be reborn; Take this heart all forlorn, and refresh me in the morn. Alleluia! In the warmth of the day I consider thy way, may thy love ever stay in my heart, O Lord, I pray. In the still of the night, as I think on the light in my heart burning bright, keep me precious in thy sight. God of each living thing, bless the gift that we bring. Take our hearts’ offering while in joyful praise we sing. Alleluia! BAPTISMS Congregational Blessing of the Dr. Butler The Rev. Michael E. Livingston The Rev. Debra P. Northern Water Unison: O God, we give you thanks for the gift of water. In the beginning of time, your Spirit brooded in Creation to bring forth the earth. Through water, you led the children of Israel to freedom. In the waters of the Jordan, John baptized Jesus. In the waters of baptism, we die with Christ in order to rise with Christ, to be born anew in Christ’s Spirit. B less now this water, and grant that what we do now on earth may be confirmed in Heaven. In Jesus’s name we pray. Amen. PASTORAL PRAYER Please remain seated. Rev. Northern Leader: The Lord be with you. People: And with your spirit. Leader: Lift up your hearts. People: We lift them up unto the Lord. The Lord's Prayer Pray in the language or version of your heart. CHORAL AMEN INVITATION TO GIVE AND SERVE Please remain seated. Ms. Lisa Hinds Salmon OFFERTORY anthem Great Is Thy Faithfulness arr. Nathan Carter Great is thy faithfulness, O God, Creator. There is no shadow of turning with thee; thou changest not, thy compassions, they fail not; as thou hast been thou forever will be. Great is thy faithfulness! Great is thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see; all I have needed thy hand hath provided; great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me! Summer and winter and springtime and harvest; sun, moon and stars in their courses above join with all nature in manifold witness to thy great faithfulness, mercy and love. Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth; thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide; strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside! Denise Woods, mezzo-soprano AT THE PRESENTATION: THE DOXOLOGY The congregation rises row by row as ushers pass. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God all creatures here below. Praise God above you heavenly hosts. Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost. Amen. HEBREW Scripture LESSON Please remain standing for the reading of the Gospel. Rev. Livingston Psalm 46 (page 517 in the Old Testament) Leader: The Word of God for the People of God. People: T hanks be to God. HYMN 316 All who are able may stand. Breathe on Me, Breath of God GOSPEL LESSON Please remain standing for the reading of the Gospel. Trentham Rev. Livingston Mark 3:20–21 (page 37 in the New Testament) Leader: This is the Gospel of Christ. People: T hanks be to God. INTRODUCTION OF THE PREACHER SERMON The Rev. Dr. Brian K. Blount Whatever Happened to Crazy? INSTALLATION Mr. Len Leach Rev. Livingston Dr. Butler Rev. Northern Promise of the Riverside Church Community Unison: W e, the people of God at The Riverside Church, welcome Reverend Michael as our leader. We promise to do our best to love him, listen to him, and respond with courage. We will empower his leadership and treat him with respect. We promise to pray for Reverend Michael and for our community, to live into the call to be God’s people with vision and courage, and to join our voices with his to welcome God’s heavenly banquet, where all are loved and blessed. Amen. PRAYER OF INSTALLATION Rev. Northern RECESSIONAL HYMN 523 All who are able may stand. God the Spirit, Guide and Guardian INVITATION TO DISCIPLESHIP Please remain standing. BENEDICTION Please remain standing. Hymn to Joy Dr. Butler Rev. Livingston POSTLUDE Please be seated for a time of quiet reflection. Flourish for an Occasion William Henry Harris Mr. Len Leach is the Chair of the Church Council, as well as a Compassionate Ministry Volunteer. Ms. Lisa Hinds Salmon is a member of the Church Council and chair of the Finance and Stewardship Committees. She became a member of The Riverside Church in 2001. The Riverside Deaf Ministry provides sign-language interpretation at the first Sunday service of each month and every Wednesday at our Space for Grace service, as well as at significant special services throughout the year. Sermons may be found online at Large print bulletins are available from the ushers. About Today’s Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Brian K. Blount is president and professor of New Testament at Union Presbyterian Seminary, Richmond, Virginia, and Charlotte, North Carolina. He was called to this position in 2007, after serving for 15 years as the Richard J. Dearborn Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Princeton Theological Seminary. An MDiv graduate of Princeton Seminary in 1981, he obtained his BA from the College of William and Mary in 1978. After graduating from Princeton Seminary, he went on to become the pastor of the Carver Memorial Presbyterian Church in Newport News, Virginia, from 1982 to 1988. William and Mary’s first African-American to receive membership in the Alpha Chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society, he received his PhD in New Testament Studies from Emory University in 1992. He returned to teach at Princeton Seminary the same year. Professor Blount’s primary work has been in the Gospel of Mark and the Book of Revelation, and in the field of cultural studies and hermeneutics. He is the author of six books, most recently, Invasion of the Dead: Preaching Resurrection (Westminster John Knox 2014), based on his 2011 Yale Beecher Lectures. He is an editor of The Discipleship Study Bible (WJK 2008). As a part of his work for the Bible, he has also written the introduction and notes for Mark and Matthew. He is an associate editor of the New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible for Abingdon Press. He is also the general editor for True to Our Native Land: An African American New Testament Commentary by Fortress Press. The author of numerous articles, he also preaches and directs adult education classes in local congregations. He and his wife, Sharon, have two children, Joshua and Kaylin. A memorial mass for Robert MacDonald, former Associate Organist and Choir Director (1969–1977), has been scheduled for Wednesday, November 19, at 6:00 p.m. at Church of our Savior, 50 Park Avenue at 38th Street in Manhattan. The Most Reverend John Joseph O’Hara, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of New York, will be the celebrant, and The Reverend Robert Robbins, pastor at that parish, will also participate. Adjourned Annual Meeting As required in the By-laws of The Riverside Church in the City of New York and the New York Religious Corporations Law, notice is hereby given to full members of the Church over the age of 16, that the Adjourned Annual Meeting will take place on Sunday, November 16, at 1:00 p.m. in the South Hall of the church. The purpose of the meeting is to vote on the budget for 2015, receive the 2013 audited financial statement, and to conduct other such business as shall properly come before the meeting. The Riverside Annual Candlelight Carol Festival – Sunday, December 21 Candlelight Carol Festival Concert tickets are on sale at the Riverside box office. There will be two performances, at 3:30 and 6:30 p.m. All tickets are general admission; no reserved row seating. Ticket prices: $25 (adult), $15 (senior), and $10 (student with ID and youth 14 and under). For more information, please call the Riverside box office at 212.870.6784. Calendar of Events This Week Today: NOVEMBER 9 8:30 a.m. Morning Light, Christ Chapel An intimate gathering for meditation, Scripture, homily, discussion, and communion 9:00 a.m. Small Group Class • The Gospel of Mark: Conflict & Discipleship in God's World, 20T In our daily work for justice and peace, and renewal within our church, this course explores what true discipleship should include for those who seek to follow Jesus. In this earliest account of his life, we will study the "good news" through the specific lens of social, political, and economic justice. Jesus’s life story has transformative power only if it intersects with each of our own life stories, and with the broader story of the times of conflict in which we live. This course emphasizes in-depth personal Bible study, reading, reflection, prayer, and group discussion. Facilitator: Brian O’Dell Required Texts: Myers, Ched and Dennis, Marie & others, Say to This Mountain: Mark’s Story of Discipleship (Orbis Books, 1996). Paperback $24 A Study Bible of your choice Small Group Class • Biblical Hebrew: Introduction, 318 MLK The Riverside Church is proud to offer Biblical Hebrew, the ancient prose in which Jesus read the Scripture and prayed its Psalms. Delve into the original language of the Old Testament (The Tanakh) that formed His unique rhetoric, undistorted by translation. Enhance your understanding of the grammar, vocabulary, poetry, word play, acrostics, rhymes, and cultural genuineness of the Scriptures. The classes are open to those of all levels who are interested in acquiring or improving their understanding of Biblical Hebrew. Instructor: Laura Harris Required Texts: Pratico, Gary D. and Van Pelt, Miles V., Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar (Zondervan, 2nd Edition, 2007). Hardcover $25 Basics of Biblical Hebrew Workbook (Zondervan, 2nd Edition, 2007). Paperback $15 The Divestment Movement: Using Our Personal & Church Funds to Fight Climate Change & Economic Injustice, 330 MLK Christian discipleship impels us to use all our resources, including our financial power, to support environmental and economic justice. Through readings, discussion, and special presentations, this class will consider: What does the Bible say about our money and our responsibility to the Church and for the Earth? What is the history of Riverside’s investment in the fossil fuels that result in global warming and environmental racism? How has Riverside changed its portfolio investments in the past (divested) to bring about justice? Should Riverside join the emerging national movement to divest from fossil fuels and invest in well-paying green energy jobs? Facilitator: Team of Beth Ackerman, Alan Bentz-Letts, Sonia Ingram, and Steve Knight, plus guest presenters Reading Materials: $20 fee (a packet of readings will be distributed in first class) Room assignments are subject to change. Please confirm room assignments at the Security desk. Room abbreviations: “MLK” – a room in the Martin Luther King Wing. “T” – a room in the Tower of the Church. 9:30 a.m. Open Bible Study, 15T What Is Forgiveness and What Is It Not? Facilitator: Rev. Sally MacNichol, PhD Matthew 18:21–22; Luke 17:3; Matthew 18:15–17; Luke 23:34 Forgiveness is a central and cherished tenet of our Christian faith, yet understanding, believing, and practicing forgiveness, whether in the face of small offenses or great harm, is often confounding and raises perplexing questions. What is forgiveness and what is it not? To help us sort it out, we will look at five types of forgiveness found in Matthew and Luke. Rev. Sally MacNichol is co-executive director of CONNECT, an NYC nonprofit dedicated to ending interpersonal violence and promoting gender justice. She received an MDiv and PhD from Union Theological Seminary. 10:45 a.m. Worship Celebration, Nave The Rev. Dr. Brian K. Blount, president and professor of New Testament at Union Presbyterian Seminary, Richmond, Virginia, and Charlotte, North Carolina, preaching 12:45 p.m. Lunch is available for purchase in the Riverside Café, South Hall Lobby 1:00 p.m. The Way, Meditation Chapel “The Way” is a welcoming fellowship, open to all college students and young adults (ages 18–39) who are journeying along the Christian path. New members and friends are always invited! For more information, please contact Jacqueline Hopkins at or 212.946.1189. 1:30 p.m. Finance & Stewardship Forum, South Hall he Budget and Planning Committee of the Church Council takes seriously the importance of T empowering members of the congregation to engage fully in the life and work of our Church, including stewardship of our physical and financial resources. The Budget and Planning Committee will hold a finance and stewardship forum today in South Hall, after the morning worship service. The purpose of this forum is to educate members on the finances and operations of The Riverside Church and how we use our building and financial resources to further our mission and ministry. Copies of the budget and background materials are available for Riverside Church members to pick up in the Visitors Center. Please make plans to attend and participate. Small Group Class • Biblical Hebrew: Intermediate A Close Reading of the Biblical Book of Ruth, 419 MLK (See class description for "Biblical Hebrew: Introduction" at 9:00 a.m.) This is an advanced class that requires prior knowledge. Instructor: Laura Harris Required Texts: Pratico, Gary D. and Van Pelt, Miles V., Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar (Zondervan, 2nd Edition, 2007). Hardcover $25 Basics of Biblical Hebrew Workbook (Zondervan, 2nd Edition, 2007). Paperback $15 3:00 p.m. Chinese Christian Service, Chapel of the Cross MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10 10:00 a.m. Tower League — Art of Movement, 411 MLK 5:30 p.m. Tai Chi Class, Wellness Center ai Chi class meets every Monday from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. in the Wellness Center. All are welcome. T For more information, please contact Sheila Ann Mason-Gonzales at 6:00 p.m. Weeknight Prayer, Meditation Chapel 7:00 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, 7C TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 6:00 p.m. Qigong, 6th Floor Chapel Intermediate Yoga, 630 MLK 6:45 p.m. Mindful Meditation, 13T 7:00 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous, 7C WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 10:30 a.m. Intermediate French, Multi-purpose Room 7:00 p.m. S pace for Grace, Assembly Hall An informal celebration of praise, Scripture, and prayer THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 Tower League Day 9:00 a.m. Art of Movement (men only), 411 MLK 10:00 a.m. Art of Movement, 411 MLK 11:00 a.m. Art of Movement (special attention), 411 MLK 12:15 p.m. Bible Study with Rev. Jeff Pettis (Bibles are available for the Beatitudes), 9T-Library 1:15 p.m. Meditation & Reflection with Ms. Eileen Jones, 9T-Library 2:00 p.m.Seniors come join us to hear Pastor Amy's vision for Riverside and to participate in a question and answer session, 9T 6:00 p.m. Weeknight Prayer, Meditation Chapel FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 9:30 a.m. Bulletin Collating, 5T 6:00 p.m. Friday Night Live Fellowship, 425 MLK Calling all youth between the ages of 13 and 18 to join our Friday Night Live Fellowship Program. Join us on Fridays at 6:00 p.m., in Room 425 MLK. Registration is open now. This signature program is open to boys and girls from the church and the surrounding communities and offers dynamic and innovative weekly educational activities. Join us for step team, preparation for college, job readiness, digital media training, field trips, basketball, movie night, and loads of fellowship, food, and fun! For more information and registration, please contact The Rev. James E. Singletary, Director of Children, Youth, and Families Ministry, in Room 415 MLK, via phone at 212.870.6828, or via email at SATURDAY, November 15 8:30 a.m. Yoga (All Levels), 630 MLK 10:15 a.m. Beginner Yoga, 630 MLK 12:00 p.m. Small Group Class • J EREMIAH: Tracing an Arc of Sorrow and Steadfast Love, 423 MLK Perhaps no other book of the Bible depicts the "inner life" of God so dramatically and with such tension as the words of the prophet Jeremiah. His ministry spans the period from 625 BCE to sometime after the fall of Jerusalem in 587 BCE. The prophetic voice of Jeremiah was an inspiration to Riverside’s first called minister, The Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick. And, as a result, when Riverside was built, Fosdick asked that the prophet’s story be incorporated into the design of the Nave. Registration is required by emailing Lunch will be served. Required Text: A Study Bible of your choice 1:00 p.m. Theatre of the Oppressed Uptown, Multi-purpose Room I n the Theatre of the Oppressed, “spectator” is a bad word. Be a spectator who acts (spect-actor) and become fluent in the human language of theatre. Theatre of the Oppressed Uptown meets every Saturday at 1:00 p.m. Contact Jeremiah Kyle Drake at SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 8:30 a.m. Morning Light, Christ Chapel An intimate gathering for meditation, Scripture, homily, discussion, and communion 9:00 a.m. Small Group Class • The Gospel of Mark: Conflict & Discipleship in God's World, 20T In our daily work for justice and peace, and renewal within our church, this course explores what true discipleship should include for those who seek to follow Jesus. In this earliest account of his life, we will study the "good news" through the specific lens of social, political, and economic justice. Jesus’s life story has transformative power only if it intersects with each of our own life stories, and with the broader story of the times of conflict in which we live. This course emphasizes in-depth personal Bible study, reading, reflection, prayer, and group discussion. Facilitator: Brian O’Dell Required Texts: Myers, Ched and Dennis, Marie & others, Say to This Mountain: Mark’s Story of Discipleship (Orbis Books, 1996). Paperback $24 A Study Bible of your choice Small Group Class • Biblical Hebrew: Introduction, 318 MLK The Riverside Church is proud to offer Biblical Hebrew, the ancient prose in which Jesus read the Scripture and prayed its Psalms. Delve into the original language of the Old Testament (The Tanakh) that formed His unique rhetoric, undistorted by translation. Enhance your understanding of the grammar, vocabulary, poetry, word play, acrostics, rhymes, and cultural genuineness of the Scriptures. The classes are open to those of all levels who are interested in acquiring or improving their understanding of Biblical Hebrew. Instructor: Laura Harris Required Texts: Pratico, Gary D. and Van Pelt, Miles V., Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar (Zondervan, 2nd Edition, 2007). Hardcover $25 Basics of Biblical Hebrew Workbook (Zondervan, 2nd Edition, 2007). Paperback $15 The Divestment Movement: Using Our Personal & Church Funds to Fight Climate Change & Economic Injustice, 330 MLK Christian discipleship impels us to use all our resources, including our financial power, to support environmental and economic justice. Through readings, discussion, and special presentations, this class will consider: What does the Bible say about our money and our responsibility to the Church and for the Earth? What is the history of Riverside’s investment in the fossil fuels that result in global warming and environmental racism? How has Riverside changed its portfolio investments in the past (divested) to bring about justice? Should Riverside join the emerging national movement to divest from fossil fuels and invest in well-paying green energy jobs? Facilitator: Team of Beth Ackerman, Alan Bentz-Letts, Sonia Ingram, and Steve Knight, plus guest presenters Reading Materials: $20 fee (a packet of readings will be distributed in first class) 9:30 a.m. Open Bible Study, 15T Radical Forgiveness Facilitator: Dr. Colleen Birchett Matthew 18:25–31 Today, the economies of the poorest countries (mostly African) are impoverished, largely due to forms of debt bondage to former colonizers (mostly European). In the United States, economists and psychologists can still trace persistent forms of poverty among African-Americans to the aftershocks of slavery. So the question is, can there be true racial reconciliation without reparations? Dr. Colleen Birchett has an MDiv in Theology from Union Theological Seminary, as well as a Masters of Science in Journalism and a PhD in Instructional Design, both from the University of Michigan. Among her publications are Family Ties: Restoring Unity in the African American Family, and Biblical Strategies for a Community in Crisis. 10:45 a.m. Worship Celebration, Nave The Rev. Dr. Amy K. Butler, preaching 12:45 p.m. Lunch is available for purchase in the Riverside Café, South Hall Lobby 1:00 p.m. Adjourned Annual Meeting, South Hall As required in the By-laws of The Riverside Church in the City of New York and the New York Religious Corporations Law, notice is hereby given to full members of the Church over the age of 16, that the Adjourned Annual Meeting will take place on Sunday, November 16, at 1:00 p.m. in the South Hall of the church. The purpose of the meeting is to vote on the budget for 2015, receive the 2013 audited financial statement, and to conduct other such business as shall properly come before the meeting. 1:30 p.m. Small Group Class • Biblical Hebrew: Intermediate A Close Reading of the Biblical Book of Ruth, 419 MLK (See class description for "Biblical Hebrew: Introduction" at 9:00 a.m.) This is an advanced class that requires prior knowledge. Instructor: Laura Harris Required Texts: Pratico, Gary D. and Van Pelt, Miles V., Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar (Zondervan, 2nd Edition, 2007). Hardcover $25 Basics of Biblical Hebrew Workbook (Zondervan, 2nd Edition, 2007). Paperback $15 3:00 p.m. Chinese Christian Service, Chapel of the Cross News & Events Bring Your Food Pantry Donations to Worship on Sundays and Wednesdays One in five New Yorkers lives in a home that is food-insecure. Over the last few years, a number of pantries have been forced to close their doors, and while we have managed to serve the increased number of guests visiting our pantry, the strain has been tremendous. Food collections are taken every Sunday at Worship, and Wednesday at Space for Grace. Please bring food items and cash donations to support the Food Pantry. Maranatha: Riversiders for LGBT Concerns Maranatha is committed to serving God by fostering greater understanding while promoting equity for LGBT people. We welcome all to participate in this ministry. Our meetings are held second Sundays from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in Room 411 MLK. Contact us at Ordination at Riverside The local church is the primary place where persons are nurtured in the Christian faith, hear the call to discipleship, and respond with a decision to seek a specific form of ministry, of which ordained ministry is only one. Lay leaders, clergy, and staff encourage inquirers to consider ordained ministry, but they also encourage inquirers to ask: is ordination necessary to respond faithfully to my vocational call? This discernment process is deliberative, and at Riverside it is the responsibility of the Ordination Committee. Through a Practicum under the guidance of skilled mentors, the Committee prepares individuals for ordained ministry in the American Baptist Churches and the United Church of Christ. The basic requirements for coming into care are: • Membership in good standing at Riverside for at least a year; • Residency within easy commuting distance of Riverside; and • Clarity about service in the institutional church of Jesus Christ. Please contact Rich Glassey in the Senior Minister’s office at or call him at 212.870.6775 to pick up an inquirer’s packet. The Riverside Book Club Saturday, December 13, 11:00 a.m. in Room 240 MLK Join us as we discuss the 1861 novel Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens. No writer has depicted poverty, abandonment, childhood, redemption through love, and the final triumph of good over evil more powerfully than Dickens. He considered this coming-of-age story of the orphan Pip to be his best novel. Saturday, January 10, 2015, 11:00 a.m. in Room 240 MLK Join us as we discuss Collected Essays, by James Baldwin. Reviewers of this collection, published in 1998, wrote that Baldwin "articulated black anger in a way that allowed blacks and whites to affirm the justness of that anger." It is a voice and vision that is needed now more than ever. Saturday, March 8, 2015, 11:00 a.m. in Room 240 MLK Celebrating Women's History Month! Join us as we discuss Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years, by A. Elizabeth and Sarah L. Delany with Amy Hill Hearth. The sisters' father was a former slave who became the first African-American elected Bishop in the Episcopal Church in the U.S. The sisters were civil rights pioneers, but their stories were largely unknown until Hearth, a reporter for The New York Times, interviewed them for a feature story in 1991, then expanded her story into book form. It quickly became a best seller, and the Delanys enjoyed fame and honor in their last years. For more information, please contact Mary Biggs at or 718.796.8915. Light refreshments will be provided, and all are welcome! Employment at Riverside Interested in employment opportunities at The Riverside Church? Please visit our website: for a complete listing of Riverside’s current job postings. Annual Thanksgiving Brunch: Thursday, November 27 As is our tradition, we will again hold a Thanksgiving morning service at 10:30 a.m., followed by Thanksgiving Brunch at 12:00 p.m. in South Hall. Tickets may be purchased at the Visitors Center Gift Shop and on Sundays during Fellowship Hour in the Cloister Lobby. Meal prices are: Adults $20, Senior Adults (age 62 and older) $12, and Children (under age 12) $10. Tickets will not be sold on Thanksgiving Day. Seating is limited. If you cannot attend, please consider making a donation to feed someone in need. For more information, call Angela Haddock in the Membership, Care, and Parish Life office at 212.870.6703, or email Tickets are on sale now. Church Leadership Meetings Our Church Commissions meet on the second Monday of every month. The Church Council meets on every fourth Monday. Please keep them in your prayers, to help them lead The Riverside Church. Keep Up with Riverside News and Worship Services If you would like to receive the weekly eNewsletter from The Riverside Church, visit to sign up. This Sunday's worship service will be broadcast next Sunday on 106.7 Lite FM at 5:00 a.m. You can also listen online any time at Consider Having Your Wedding at The Riverside Church Looking for the perfect venue for your wedding and reception? Call the Weddings Office at 212.870.6762 for details. Remember Your Loved Ones by Giving to the Flower Fund By donating $150 to the Flower Fund, Riverside Florist, Ms. Vera Smith-Holzman, and the Flower Guild will create beautiful floral arrangements for the Chancel. Contact Vera at 212.870.6817. Send your contribution, along with your dedication message, to the attention of: The Finance Office, The Riverside Church, 490 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10027. The memo line on your check MUST indicate “Flower Fund” for proper processing. English Conversation Partners Program The English Conversation Partners Program invites you to stop by its table during Fellowship Hour after Sunday service to learn how to become a Volunteer Tutor. Tutors meet with adult Conversation Partners once a week. International students for whom English is a second language and English-speaking tutors are welcome to participate in the program. Contact ECPP at The Riverside Latino Ministry The Latino Ministry celebrates Latino lives, spirituality, and culture in all its diversity. The Ministry shares the concerns of the Latinos in the U.S. and abroad with the congregation and the community. We meet every third Sunday at 1:00 p.m. in Room 430 MLK. Contact Arelis Figueroa at 646.345.2321 or Education at Riverside OPEN BIBLE STUDY • November 2014: Forgiveness, Justice, and Reconciliation Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in Room 15T November 16 • Radical Forgiveness Facilitator: Dr. Colleen Birchett • Matthew 18:25–31 Today, the economies of the poorest countries (mostly African) are impoverished, largely due to forms of debt bondage to former colonizers (mostly European). In the United States, economists and psychologists can still trace persistent forms of poverty among African-Americans to the aftershocks of slavery. So the question is, can there be true racial reconciliation without reparations? Dr. Colleen Birchett has an MDiv in Theology from Union Theological Seminary, as well as a Masters of Science in Journalism and a PhD in Instructional Design, both from the University of Michigan. Among her publications are Family Ties: Restoring Unity in the African American Family, and Biblical Strategies for a Community in Crisis. November 23 • The First and Most Painful Forgiving Facilitator: Dr. Mary Biggs • Romans 14:10–14 Many lesbians and gay men must struggle first with the task of forgiving themselves: for not conforming, for disappointing, for hurting, for lying, for concealing. Only after doing so can they forgive individuals and a larger society that often hurts and rejects them. And then finally they can forgive God and discover God in themselves. Dr. Mary Biggs is a retired English professor. She is secretary of the Education Commission, convener of the Riverside Book Club, and deputy convener of Maranatha: Riversiders for LGBT Concerns. ADULT CHRISTIAN EDUCATION • Fall 2014 Small Group Classes Enrich your life, your involvement in Riverside’s faith community, and the world by making the commitment to be part of a Small Adult Education Group! As you choose from among our rich offerings, please know that: • There is no fee — except for the required books or other materials — for any Small Group class at Riverside! • K ERYGMA guides may be purchased directly from the Adult Christian Education table after worship service or from the Education Department. • B ooks for other classes may be purchased at the Riverside Visitors Center, or online at Used books can be purchased through • F or further information about Small Group classes or any of our other programs, please call the Education office at 212.870.6833. You can also contact Laura Harris, Chairperson of the Adult Education Committee, at, or Brian O'Dell, Coordinator of Small Groups and Facilitator Training, at Descriptions for each Small Group class can be found in the calendar section of the bulletin. Small Group Class • The Gospel of Mark: Conflict & Discipleship in God's World Sundays, September 14 – December 21, 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. in Room 20T Facilitator: Brian O’Dell Required Texts: Myers, Ched and Dennis, Marie & others, Say to This Mountain: Mark’s Story of Discipleship (Orbis Books, 1996). Paperback $24 A Study Bible of your choice Small Group Class • Biblical Hebrew: Introduction Sundays, September 21 – December 21, 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. in Room 318 MLK Instructor: Laura Harris Required Texts: Pratico, Gary D. and Van Pelt, Miles V., Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar (Zondervan, 2nd Edition, 2007). Hardcover $25 Basics of Biblical Hebrew Workbook (Zondervan, 2nd Edition, 2007). Paperback $15 Small Group Class • Biblical Hebrew: Intermediate • A Close Reading of the Biblical Book of Ruth Sundays, September 21 – December 21, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. in Room 419 MLK This is an advanced class that requires prior knowledge. Instructor: Laura Harris Required Texts: Pratico, Gary D. and Van Pelt, Miles V., Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar (Zondervan, 2nd Edition, 2007). Hardcover $25 Basics of Biblical Hebrew Workbook (Zondervan, 2nd Edition, 2007). Paperback $15 Small Group Class • JEREMIAH: Tracing an Arc of Sorrow and Steadfast Love Saturdays, October 4 – December 13, 12:00 to 2:30 p.m. in Room 423 MLK Registration is required by emailing Lunch will be served. Required Text: A Study Bible of your choice For flyers with full course descriptions and to register for courses, stop by the Adult Education Table during Fellowship Hour after Sunday service. ! ! ! ! Rev. Dr. Amy K. Butler Senior Minister ! Dear Riverside Church Family,! November 4, 2014 As you are aware, we are going through a period of staff transition, a normal part of the rhythm of congregational life. Transitions provide opportunities on many fronts, but living through transitions presents the discomfort and uncertainty of change. Because of that, I am working hard to communicate as fully as I can as we move through these shifts. ! Iʼm writing today to update you on the change in leadership in Membership Care and Parish Life (MCPL). Rev. Linda Tarry-Chard has provided leadership for this critical area of our churchʼs life, and with her departure I want to ensure this important work continues as efficiently as possible.! To that end, Iʼm pleased to announce that Rev. John Janka has agreed to join our staff in an interim capacity for up to six months as we work through this transition. Itʼs likely that many of you know John better than I do, as he has worked with The Riverside Church congregation on several occasions in the past. You may recall that John and his wife Dr. Jacqui Lewis, pastor of Middle Collegiate Church, facilitated congregational discussions on race and diversity here several years ago. ! Ordained in the United Methodist Church, John has spent most of his career working in church health, advising congregations on issues of strategic planning and vision, managing change, navigating diversity, and many other issues related to church vitality. He is the cofounder of The Middle Project, which prepares ethical leaders for a just society.! If you have not met John yet, I feel sure you will experience him in much the same way I did the first time I met him: he is a warm, thoughtful, kind, and wise pastor. Iʼm grateful that he has the ability and interest to help nurture and guide our Membership Care and Parish Life ministry during this interim period. ! In his work as short-term interim, John will help guide lay leaders in their work, supervise the MCPL staff, serve as a member of the senior staff team, and bring his considerable experience in church leadership and health to bear on this season of transition.! Please join me in welcoming John to the staff of The Riverside Church, and please feel free to reach out with questions.! ! Pastor Amy 490 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10027 • 212.870.6776 Social Services Ministry Food Drive Volunteers & Prospective Volunteers The September Food Drive raised $750 in cash and food donations. Thank you for all of your hard work and support! Food Drives are conducted the third Saturday of the month from September through December at: Food Emporium • 90th Street & Broadway D’Agostino • 110th Street & Broadway Whole Foods • 97th Street & Columbus Please keep these dates on your calendar: Nov. 22, 2014 and Dec. 20, 2014. You can sign up for both or one of these dates. For additional information, please contact Pat Pell at 212.288.9638, or Reyita Rodriguez at 212.870.6740. Immigration Clinic The next Free Legal Services Clinic will be held on Thursday, December 11, 2014, in the Cloister Lounge from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. To register as a participant or to join the Riverside Immigration Clinic Volunteer Corps, please call: Reyita Rodriguez at 212.870.6740 or Elise Burton at 347.560.0362. We would especially love to hear from attorneys interested in volunteering their time at future Immigration Clinics at Riverside. November Clothing Sale: Donations Needed November 8 – 13 Saturday & Sunday: 12:00 – 5:00 p.m. • Monday – Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. The Social Services Ministry is collecting new and gently used clothing as well as small household items for the November Clothing Sale. Please continue your support of the Riverside social services programs by bringing your donations to the Social Services Ministry office, or contact Ms. Rodriguez at 212.870.6740. the riverside church i n the city of n ew york 490 R iverside D rive · N ew Y ork , N.Y. 10027 · T elephone 212.870.6700 Interdenominational · Interracial · International · Open · Affirming · Welcoming The Rev. Dr. Amy K. Butler, Senior Minister The Rev. Michael E. Livingston, Executive Minister The Rev. Amy Hayden, Associate Director of Worship The Rev. Stephen C. I. Mann, Director of Communications and Media The Rev. Debra P. Northern, Director of Social Services The Rev. James E. Singletary, Director of Children, Youth, and Families Ministry The Rev. Julie Johnson Staples, Interim Minister for Education Mr. Christopher Johnson, Director of Music and Organist Mr. Christopher Creaghan, Associate Organist Mr. Dionisio A. Lind, Carillonneur Mr. Robert Pearson, Organ Curator The Rev. Dr. James A. Forbes, Jr., Senior Minister Emeritus The Riverside Church is a member of the American Baptist Churches, U.S.A. and the United Church of Christ and cooperates with the Council of Churches in the City of New York, and with the New York State, National, and World Council of Churches. Twitter: @RiversideNYC • Facebook: • Web: Printed on recycled paper
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