Admit Card No : Application No : A Division of KK Academy Private Limited An ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified Company TM TM R Application Form # 521/6, Anna Salai, Nandanam, Chennai - 600 035. Tamil Nadu | Tel: +91 - 8144 944 944 | Email : | | ALOHA NATIONAL LEVEL COMPETITION - 2014 th th Competition on 27 Dec 2014 & Prize Distribution on 28 Dec 2014 at Chennai, Tamil Nadu To be strictly filled and signed by parent / guardian only Please read the entire application form before filling up All particulars should be filled up in CAPITAL letters only Last Date : 15/11/2014 Student's name : (Fill the First name before the Sur name, e.g. Suman Agarwal) S U M A N Student's one passport size color photograph (Taken before 90 days) (Taken before 90 days) to be pasted to be pinned (ID Proof Required) (Refer page 3 for Abbreviations) Please tick ( ) A B C Group D MA (in no.) (in words) D M (in no.) TT Level D (ID Proof Required) (Please fill the appropriate Level in number and words) MA TT (in words) Level M Y Y Y SM/PM (in no.) (in words) Level Age in years as on 01-11-2014 S M (in words) Ele ES Adv Y Date of Birth : T Shirt Size : (Refer Pg.No 3) A G A R W A L Student's one passport size color photograph L XL Male XXL XXXL Kr KA Jr (in words) Note: Parents are requested to submit a copy of birth date proof and ID proof along with the application form Female ADULTS T-SHIRTS WITH COLLAR (Those who opt for Adult T shirts they have to pay 100 Extra (i.e) their registration fee would be 600.00 Parent's Name : Address : Pincode : Landline No E-mail : Mobile : + 9 1 : + 9 1 I authorize the Unit Franchisee to fill up the official Aloha National Level Competition 2014 Application form on my behalf using above details and submit to ALOHA INDIA. I have read and understood the rules and regulations mentioned above and agree to abide by them. I also understand and agree that the decision of ALOHA INDIA is final in all matters of the event. Place : ____________ Date : ______________ * To be filled by ALC Centre Name Parent's / Guardian's Signature : ______________________ STUDENT LEVEL FEE PAYMENT DETAILS : Student's Code : Centre Code: Level : Fee Receipt No. (1) Fees Details For Competing Level : Claim Form No : * To be filled by ALC Week : Date (1) Batch Code : Fee Receipt No. (2) / / Date (2) Fee Receipt No. (3) Date (3) / / Date Submission to Corporate office : / / Aloha Learning Centre Seal & Sign + 9 1 Franchisee contact no COMPETITION REGISTRATION FEE PAYMENT DETAILS Payment mode CASH / CHEQUE / DEMAND DRAFT / FUND TRANSFER - No. ___________________________________ Date _____________________ Amount ____________________________________ Drawn on Bank_____________________ Deposited Bank _______________________ Deposited Branch_________________________________ No. of registration for which the amount is remitted ______________________________ FOR CORPORATE OFFICE USE ONLY 1 Checked and verified Checked and verified Checked and verified Rules and Regulation (to parent / guardian) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Your child will compete with students across 26 states of India. The competition time allotted for each group is 5 minutes. MA, TT, SM, PM & ES question paper comprises of 70 Questions to be completed in 5 minutes & KA for 45 minutes. English Smart students should underline or tick the correct answer from the given options. Speed Maths students can do the rough work in the space given in the question paper itself. For Kids Art, drawing sheets and oils pastels will be provided. Registration fee of 500/- for MA, TT, SM, PM, ES and 600 for KA should be paid to the respective Aloha Learning Centre at the time of submission of the application form. Application form should be sent through the respective Aloha Learning Centre only. Incomplete or incorrect application forms will be rejected without any intimation. Please fill the student's name correctly & legibly (in capital)as it appears in the company records. Please note that the certificates will be issued as per the particulars given in the application form only. L a s t d a t e f o r r e g i s t r a t i o n - 1 5 / 1 1 / 2 0 1 4 , R E G I S T R AT I O N W I L L N O T B E A C C E P T E D A F T E R T H I S DESIGNATED DATE. Registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable once the application form is accepted for registration. Speed Maths, Power Math, English Smart & Kids Art competition will be conducted on completed level wise only (There are no groups). The student must wear the ALOHA T-shirt which will be provided along with ADMIT CARD. Any appeal / complaints regarding registration / ADMIT CARD should be lodged before 15/11/2014. Parents who do not receive the ADMIT CARD by 15/12/2014 can either call the respective Aloha Learning Centre or Corporate Office (+91 8144 944 944/+917299944889) (9.30am to 6.30pm). However, any complaint lodged over phone should follow by an e-mail to for action to be taken. The student must report at the venue 30 minutes before the reporting time mentioned in the ADMIT CARD. The student must bring his / her ADMIT CARD, without which participation will not be allowed. The student must bring his / her own abacus, pencil, writing pad (if required), as these materials will not be available for sale at venue. The student can use any prescribed method - finger, abacus or mental theory in the competition. Parents / Guardians are requested to advise their children not to write their ADMIT CARD NUMBER / name in the question paper as the numbers are already printed in the question paper. Parents / Guardians are requested to advise their children to write all answers legibly. The student should be medically fit to participate in the competition. Parents/ Guardians are strictly not allowed inside the competition hall and are requested to ensure that peace and order is maintained at the venue at all times. Parents / Guardians are requested to absolve ALOHA INDIA, Aloha Learning Centre and its events team in case of any loss /incident personal, physical or monetary that may happen accidentally, in the venue or during transit or at hotel or on the day of event. Parents / Guardians are requested to advise their children to form an orderly queue and collect their belongings when they are leaving the competition hall. Parents / Guardians are requested to receive their children after the competition. ALOHA INDIA does not take any responsibility for any loss / theft of any private property of any person. Parents / Guardians are requested to fully co-operate with organizers throughout the competition. In case of any difficulty, they can seek assistance from the enquiry counter. Parents / Guardians are requested to advise their children not to touch write or read the question paper before the first bell and after the second bell. Also, not to call out the numbers (question or answer) during the competition. If they do so, they will be sent out and their paper will not be taken for correction. The prize distribution ceremony will be held next day after the competition and all parents/guardians are invited to attend the same. Parents/Guardians must ensure that their children do not carry mobile phones/unwanted items in the competition hall. The decision of ALOHA INDIA will be final in all issues related to the event. Hotel details are provided separately, which is also available in our Website ( to facilitate the room bookings directly from your end or through ALOHA INDIA Corporate Office. 2 Competition rules and regulations (This sheet to be retained by the parent) ELIGIBILITY 1. The student should be presently studying in ALOHA . 2. The student should have completed at least ten weeks of competing level as on 01/11/2014. 3. The student should have paid the full tuition fees for the competing Level. Abbreviations : MA - Mental Arithmetic, TT - Tiny Tots, SM - Speed Maths, ES - English Smart (Ele - Elementary / Adv - Advanced) KA - Kids Art (Kr - Kinder / Jr - Junior), ALC - Aloha Learning Centre, NLC - National Level Competition T - Shirts measurement details: (Size Chart) H = Height At the event the student must wear the ALOHA T-Shirt which will be supplied along with the admit card. The ALOHA T-shirt has a round M L XL XXL XXXL S collar and is available in the sizes H = 18 H = 20.5 H = 21.5 H = 23.5 H = 24 H = 25 that are given in the table besides. W = 14.5 W = 15.5 W = 17 W = 18.5 W = 19 W = 20 Note : All measurements (approx) are in inches W = Width CLASSIFICATION OF GROUPS & LEVELS Children will be classified into 5 groups based on their program/age as below :- Competition will be held for the following levels MA / TT - Group wise & SM / PM / ES / KA - Level wise MA Level 1 TT Level 1 SM Level 1 ES-Ele ES-Ele Level 1 Level 1 KA-Kr KA-Jr Level 1 Level 1 MA Group CATEGORY A Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Born on 02-10-2006 and after Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 CATEGORY B Born between 01-10-2006 & 02-10-2004 Level 4 Born between 01-10-2004 & 02-10-2002 Level 5 Level 4 Level 4 Level 4 Level 5 Level 4 Level 4 CATEGORY C Level 4 Level 5 CATEGORY D Born on 01-10-2002 and before Level 6 Level 6 Level 6 Level 7 Level 7 PM Level 8 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10 Level 1 Level 2 TT Group CATEGORY A Born on 02-10-2007 and after CATEGORY B Born on 01-10-2007 and before Note : th The students who has completed the 10 week of Level 1in MA will be competing for Level 1only. The Level in which the student is going to participate will be based on the completed level as on 01/11/2014. The ADMIT CARD number indicates the following: ROW NO. (e.g) Admit Card No : 9 1234 9 SEAT NUMBER CATEGORY LEVEL 1234 A 2 - Row number - Four digit seat number which will be written on the table in which child is to be seated ADMIT CARD NO. & Question paper No. will be the same identifying the ROW NO./ SEAT NO. eg. 9 / 1234 A 2 Note : - Category of the child - Level for which the child is competing The student’s information provided by the franchisee must match the information available with ALOHA INDIA Corporate Office. If the particulars provided by the franchisee are found mismatched, the application will not be accepted for registration and the registration money will be refunded. NORMS FOR THE COMPETITION The decision of ALOHA INDIA will be final in all matters of the event. If the competition gets cancelled due to force majeure ALOHA INDIA stands without any obligation. However it will address the future course of action. APPLICATION FORM MUST BE SENT TO THE CORPORATE OFFICE THROUGH THE MASTER FRANCHISEE. THE FRANCHISEE MUST TAKE PHOTO COPY OF THE FILLED REGISTRATION FORM FOR THEIR RECORD. 3 GENERAL INFORMATION (to parent / guardian) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Your child will compete with students across 26 states of India. The competition time allotted for each group is 5 minutes. MA, TT, SM, PM & ES question paper comprises of 70 Questions to be completed in 5 minutes & KA for 45 minutes. English Smart students should underline the correct answer from the given options. Speed Maths students can do the rough work in the space given in the question paper itself. For Kids Art, drawing sheets and oils pastels will be provided. Registration fee of 500/- for MA, TT, SM, PM, ES and 600 for KA should be paid to the respective Aloha Learning Centre at the time of submission of the application form. Application form should be sent through the respective Aloha Learning Centre only. Incomplete or incorrect application forms will be rejected without any intimation. Please fill the student's name correctly & legibly (in capital)as it appears in the company records. Please note that the certificates will be issued as per the particulars given in the application form only. L a s t d a t e f o r r e g i s t r a t i o n - 1 5 / 1 1 / 2 0 1 4 , R E G I S T R AT I O N W I L L N O T B E A C C E P T E D A F T E R T H I S DESIGNATED DATE. Registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable once the application form is accepted for registration. Speed Maths, Power Math, English Smart & Kids Art competition will be conducted on completed level wise only (There are no groups). The student must wear the ALOHA T-shirt which will be provided along with ADMIT CARD. Any appeal / complaints regarding registration / ADMIT CARD should be lodged before 15/11/2014. Parents who do not receive the ADMIT CARD by 15/12/2014 can either call the respective Aloha Learning Centre or Corporate Office (+918144 944 944 / 7299944889 ) (9.30am to 6.30pm). However, any complaint lodged over phone should follow by an e-mail to for action to be taken. The student must report at the venue 30 minutes before the reporting time mentioned in the ADMIT CARD. The student must bring his / her ADMIT CARD, without which participation will not be allowed. The student must bring his / her own abacus, pencil, writing pad (if required), as these materials will not be available for sale at venue. The student can use any prescribed method - finger, abacus or mental theory in the competition. Parents / Guardians are requested to advise their children not to write their ADMIT CARD NUMBER / name in the question paper as the numbers are already printed in the question paper. Parents / Guardians are requested to advise their children to write all answers legibly. The student should be medically fit to participate in the competition. Parents/ Guardians are strictly not allowed inside the competition hall and are requested to ensure that peace and order is maintained at the venue at all times. Parents / Guardians are requested to absolve ALOHA INDIA, Aloha Learning Centre and its events team in case of any loss /incident personal, physical or monetary that may happen accidentally, in the venue or during transit or at hotel or on the day of event. Parents / Guardians are requested to advise their children to form an orderly queue and collect their belongings when they are leaving the competition hall. Parents / Guardians are requested to receive their children after the competition. ALOHA INDIA does not take any responsibility for any loss / theft of any private property of any person. Parents / Guardians are requested to fully co-operate with organizers throughout the competition. In case of any difficulty, they can seek assistance from the enquiry counter. Parents / Guardians are requested to advise their children not to touch write or read the question paper before first bell and after the second bell. Also, not to call out the numbers (question or answer) during the competition. If they do so, they will be sent out and their paper will not be taken for correction. The prize distribution ceremony will be held next day after the competition and all parents/guardians are invited to attend the same. Parents/Guardians must ensure that their children do not carry mobile phones/unwanted items in the competition hall. The decision of ALOHA INDIA will be final in all issues related to the event. Hotel details are provided separately, which is also available in our Website ( to facilitate the room bookings directly from your end or through ALOHA INDIA Corporate Office. Parents are requested to collect the Registration Fee Receipt without fail from the respective ALC REGISTRATION FEE RECEIPT Date : Student Code:________________Centre Name :__________________________ Centre Code:________________ Received with thanks from Mrs./Mr._______________________________________________________________ 500/ 600/ towards registration charges for Aloha National Level Competition - 2014 for Student :_______________________________________________________________________________ Competition Date : Saturday 27 th December 2014 (Time: 10.00am-1.00pm) th Prize Distribution Date: Sunday 28 December 2014 (Time: 9.00am-2.00pm) Venue : K alaingar Arangam, Anna Arivalyam Complex Aloha Learning Centre seal & signature Anna Salai,Teynampet, Chennai 600018 (TN) Parents are hereby informed that the model question papers are available for practice at our website 4
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