River Breeze Breeze We are a fellowship of people who make a difference in lives of children as well as our community. Sauk Prairie Optimist Club President: Nancy Breunig November 2014 Announcements October Students Middle Level Leader - Haily Ringstad Student of the Month - Hannah Mack Birthdays This Month: Mobile Meals The Optimist Club is delivering mobile meals the week of November 17 - 21. Volunteers report at 11:10 am to Sauk Prairie Healthcare to pick up meals, please be on time and find a replacement if you are unable to deliver meals. Park outside the double doors to right of the Emergency Department on the south side of the hospital. Once inside, use the phone to dial the Café at extension 7239 for the staff to bring the food. Spaghetti Dinner Spaghetti Dinner is Tuesday, November 4 from 4:30-6:45 pm at the Community Center. Contact Sue Dohm if you can help and please bring bars or cookies. Optimist connection with Scouts Our Club has been the CHARTER sponsor with Cub Scout Pack 373 for many years, but what does that really mean? Angela O’Connell, local representative with this Pack, speaker on Wednesday, November 5th, will discuss our relationship with them. Frank LaCour is Club representative to this Pack. Become Involved Please review the committee names on the second page of this newsletter. Non-board members are encouraged to contact the committee chairs if you are interested in having an ‘active voice’ on a committee. Your input in valuable to our organization. Optimist Shirts— Judy, Sue, and Vickie are ‘researching’ prices and styles of Optimist Club shirts. Several members have indicated that they would be interested in purchasing a new shirt. Part of ‘marketing’ our club is to let the community know that ‘We are Optimists’. Stay tuned for more info. Holiday Meeting Schedule No morning meeting on November 26 for Thanksgiving. Meetings held at River Room of the Blue Spoon 550 Water St, Prairie du Sac First Wed at noon, other Wednesdays at 7:00 a.m. BARTLEY MAUCH 5 MILTON HOLLINGER 6 PENNY COLVIN 20 DICK MCFARLANE 29 Programs Chair: Cheryl Zantow Invocations: November 5—noon Angela O’Connell, representative of Cub Scout Pack 373 Cub Scout Pack 373 and SP Optimist Partnership-What does this mean? Nov 12 - Food Pantry Middle Level Leader Installation of Jeff Boll Ben Miller Sauk City Library November 19 Student of the Month Deb Pohlmann Papa Murphy Fundraising November 26 NO MORNING MEETING Day before Thanksgiving Sauk Prairie Optimist Club President: Nancy Breunig PO Box 522 Sauk City, WI 53583 www.saukprairieoptimists.org Dates to Remember November 2 Daylight Savings Time Ends 4 8-9 11 Election Day Spaghetti Supper Community Center SWIS District 1st Quarter Conference Optimist Board Mtg Leystras’ 7 am 17 - 21 Mobile Meals 26 No Meeting Day before Thanksgiving December 10 Holiday Meeting Blue Spoon No Morning Meeting Committees Awards - Nancy B, Diane C, Vacant ByLaws - Steve K, Cheryl Z Publicity - Judy, Sue, Ellen, Cheryl, Paul Shirt Research - Judy, Vicki, Sue Finance - Nancy, Dale, Diane, Bill C, Vacant Fundraising– Steve, Sue D, Emily Cow Chip– Tamara Spaghetti Dinner– Sue D Culvers’ Nights and Cards - Sue D Pizza Hut - Bill S Bakeless Bake Sale - Nancy B Monthly Speakers– Dwight Invocations - Sue D Housekeeping– Denman, Bill S, Dale, Diane Membership– Dale, Emily, Vacant Scholarships - Sue D Fellowship - Roxi M, Nancy B, Vacant OI Foundation - Sue Dohm Community Service & Youth Tamara S, Vacant, Vacant Mobile Meals - Nancy Food Pantry - Wilbur Scouts - Frank L Childhood Cancer - Sue D Nomination - To Be Determined by Feb Club Officers President: Nancy Breunig Pres Elect: Dale Gullickson Vice Pres: Past President: Roxi Maier Treasurer: Diane Cepon Secretary: Cheryl Zantow Lt Gov Zone 8: Fred Dorn Govenor: Jeffrey Kuchenbecker Board Members 1 Year Term Judy Boehnen Bill Campbell Jessica Tulachka 2 Year Term Emily Daws Steve Koehler Bill Stehling Tamara Straub Do you have ideas for the next issue of the River Breeze? Please contact Cheryl Zantow to submit items to the newsletter @ 643-4383 or email: info@saukprairieoptimists.org. Items are due the 3rd Wednesday of each month
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