November Meeting to Feature Election ‘14 Re-Cap

November 2014
November Meeting to Feature Election ‘14 Re-Cap
At the DNOC’s next general meeting on Thursday, November
6th, we are pleased to have joining us as our featured speaker
Nick Anas, the Executive Director of the Democratic Party of
Orange County.
With the exception of DPOC Chair Henry Vandermeir,
arguably nobody other than Nick has had a closer, more indepth view of the election process as it has unfolded across the
Nick Anas
word political landscape from start to finish. Nick will offer his
entire Orange County
uniquely well-informed perspective on this year’s election results: what went
well for Democrats, some surprises that might have presented themselves,
some lessons that may have been learned, and how those lessons can be
applied to enable greater Democratic success in Orange County as we move
forward and make plans for 2016 and beyond.
Please join us to celebrate the party’s many impending successes and benefit
from Nick’s insights, as well as to share ideas on how the DNOC can work with
the DPOC and other progressive organizations to further advance the causes of
the party and its candidates in Orange County, between and beyond the next
critical election cycles.
 DNOC meetings take place on the
first Thursday of each month 
Next DNOC Meeting:
Thursday, November 6th
Sizzler Restaurant
1401 N. Harbor Blvd
Fullerton, CA
6:00 – 7:00pm
Dinner &
7:00 – 8:45pm
General Meeting,
Discussion &
Featured Speaker
Election Day Hotline:
On Election Day, if you witness
any voter intimidation or
irregularities, please call
(877) 321-VOTE
Recognizing DNOC Members Who Stepped Forward in 2014
A heartfelt acknowledgement and admiring salute to those of our members who put deeds to words this election season
and stood as candidates for various offices across Northern Orange County. As we all know too well at this point, politics
these days is not for the faint of heart, and anyone who has stood for elective office will appreciate just how intense and
exhausting the experience can be.
In today’s caustic political climate, where cynicism and apathy run rampant, it takes a special kind of person to be willing
to step forward and offer their services, their ideas, and their energy to their communities. DNOC members Cynthia
Aguirre, Pete Anderson, Kevin Carr, Greg Diamond, Joanne Fawley, Gregg Fritchle, and Ida MacMurray are each
eminently deserving of both our praise and our gratitude. We thank you.
As of this writing, the 2014 results have yet to be tallied, but irrespective of the eventual results at the polls, we owe a
great debt to each of you for having the courage, stamina, and generosity of spirit to have taken the plunge into the
turbulent waters which are local politics.
In the immortal words of our 26th President, Theodore Roosevelt, a great American who was arguably the ultimate
“happy warrior” and public servant, :
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs
to the man [or woman!] who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and
again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who
spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring
greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
November 2014
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DNOC Monthly Newsletter
Donkey Tales
President’s Message for November
DNOC Officers
President: Peter Anderson
Vice President: Linda Gardner
Treasurer: Tammi McIntyre
Recording Secretary: Cynthia Aguirre
Corresponding Secretary: Molly Muro
Webmaster: Barbara Nicoll
Events Coordinator: Barbara Nicoll
Donkey Tales Editor: Josh Newman
As of this writing, we’re down to the last week of the 2014 campaign
season. Contact me or Monika or Glenda or any of the candidates if
you can help get voters to the polling places and otherwise assist in
getting out the vote.
Also, poll watchers are needed for Election Day. Please contact us if
you can help with that.
My own campaign for US Representative for the 39th Congressional
District has been very interesting. I’ve learned a lot about what’s
involved (a lot!), and hope to do better next time with whoever runs.
Hope to see you at our November 6th DNOC meeting – two days
after the election. We’re hoping to have lots of good news to report,
as well as talk about plans for the future.
-Pete Anderson
Visit the DNOC on the web:
Find us and like us on Facebook:
The DNOC Women’s Caucus Needs You
The Final Campaign Push Is On!
Join us at the next Women's Caucus Meeting on
November 15th to recap the recent election and start
setting goals for 2015 and November 2016! We need your
input and energy to support Democratic candidates and
progressive issues.
Date: November 15, 2014
Time: 10:00 am
Place: Sharon Quirk-Silva’s Campaign HQ
1559 W. Commonwealth Ave.
Fullerton 92833
The Women’s Caucus is the political action arm of the
DNOC. Our formal mission statement reads:
To recruit, support and help elect progressive candidates
(especially women), and mobilize in support of social
justice and progressive change in North Orange County.
At our first meeting following the 2014 November
elections, we’ll discuss goals and current issues that the
Women's Caucus can get involved in, and Glenda Flock will
share insights from her recent experience working on the
Sharon Quirk-Silva campaign-- she truly was in her element
and enjoyed the political environment! We would love to
see you there!
The Sharon Quirk-Silva for Assembly campaign is
seeking volunteers to help "Get Out The Vote" on
Saturday November 1st, Sunday November 2nd, Monday
November 3rd, and on Election Day, November 4th.
During the critical final four days of the election, Sharon
Quirk-Silva volunteers will contact thousands of voters.
Shifts begin at 9 am and 3 pm, but the campaign can
accommodate any schedule. There are a variety of tasks
to be done, from precinct walking to phone banking and
more. All experience and ability levels are welcome.
The Get-Out-The-Vote effort for Sharon Quirk-Silva will
be coordinated out of the campaign’s headquarters at
1559 W. Commonwealth Avenue, Fullerton CA 92833.
Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva has asked all of
her supporters to volunteer at least one day as part of this
extremely important final phase of the overall effort.
To schedule your volunteer shift for Saturday, Sunday,
Monday or Tuesday please call (714) 485-3377.
-Barbara Nicoll
November 2014
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DNOC Monthly Newsletter
Donkey Tales
An Update from the DPOC as the 2014 Election Season Winds Down
Thanks to ALL who have devoted their time and energy to this season’s election efforts: helping
to prepare materials for mailings and precinct walkers at the Sharon Quirk-Silva’s Campaign
Headquarters, walking precincts, taking door hangers to the homes of Democrats in their own
precincts, helping at Democratic Party of Orange County Headquarters, participating in phone
banks, distributing and posting yard signs, and helping with entering information into the data file.
Lots of necessary tasks to be done! All of your contributions were greatly appreciated!
The DPOC’s recent annual Truman Dinner was certainly a financial success, bringing in over $80,000, enough
to cover office expenses until December of 2015. Additional monthly donations, however, will still be needed to
support the overall activities of the DPOC. There is an urgent need for more OC Democrats to become
sustaining members... donating as little as $5 per month or more.
David Brena, the DPOC’s field director for this election season, has had to assume numerous additional roles
during the campaign and is to be commended for more than rising to the occasion. David has distributed walk
lists and door hangers throughout the county, set up phone banks, provided essential coordination between
clubs with campaigns, and ensured of the processing of the data entry necessary to track overall efforts across
all of Orange County’s precincts.
As of October 27th, a total of 49,787 door hangers listing the Democratic endorsed candidates and positions on
the ballot measures had been distributed throughout Orange County, including approximately 1,500 in La Habra,
2,500 in Irvine and 4,000 in Fullerton. Nearly 100 Democrats agreed to be DPOC Neighborhood Ambassadors,
with some handling more than one precinct.
Several campaigns have helped distribute door hangers as well. Cynthia Aguirre’s volunteers, helping with her
campaign for La Habra City Schools Board of Trustees have distributed 1,500 door hangers throughout La Habra.
Joanne Fawley, a candidate for Fullerton Union High School Board of Trustees, plans to distribute a total of 4,000
door hangers. Doug Chaffee, running for re-election to the Fullerton City Council, is distributing 1,000.
More than 7,000 phone calls have been made from the DPOC office on behalf of Sharon Quirk-Silva, Jose
Solorio, Tom Torlakson and other Democratic candidates. As the final days remaining until November 4th tick
down, precinct walking and phone banking are essential to getting out the vote!
The California Democratic Party has arranged for an Election Day hotline: 877-321-VOTE. On Election Day, if
you witness any voter intimidation or irregularities, please call (877) 321-VOTE. The California Democratic Party
has arranged for attorneys to be available to handle concerns. This year early voting is only available at the
Registrar of Voters in Santa Ana.
The DPOC’s Election Night celebration will begin on November 4th at 8:30 pm at Original Mike’s, located at
100 N. Main St. in Santa Ana. All Democrats are welcome to be there to join in watching the election returns.
Individual campaigns will also be hosting parties that evening as well.
We are in the final countdown, so again, to candidates, supporters and volunteers we offer our thanks.
-Monika Broome
The Opposition’s 2014 Platform
DPOC North OC Vice-Chair
Haven’t Voted Yet? Here’s How:
In addition to Sharon Quirk-Silva, the following local candidates
for elective office need your help now (as well as your votes):
November 2014
39th Congressional District: Pete Anderson
55th Assembly District: Gregg Fritchle
Fullerton Joint Union School District: Joanne Fawley
La Habra School District: Cynthia Aguirre & Ida MacMurray
Buena Park City Council: Greg Ferguson
Fullerton City Council: Doug Chaffee
OC Municipal Water District, Area 1: Greg Diamond
Stanton City Council: Kevin Carr
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DNOC Monthly Newsletter
Donkey Tales
Annual non-deductible dues: students/seniors (55+) $15.00; all others $20.00
Please make checks payable to “DNOC”; mail to Tammi McIntyre at P.O. Box 996 Fullerton, CA 92836-0996
Name: _____________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
 I am registered to vote at this address:
Address: ________________________________________ Home Phone: _(______)__________________
City: _________________________________ Zip Code: ____________ Cell Phone: _(______)_____________
CA Assembly District: _________ State Assembly District: _________ Congressional District: _____________
Are you a registered Democrat?
I am interested in:
 Yes
 No
 Not yet eligible to register
 Get-Out-the-Vote efforts
 Phone Banking
 Public Speaking
 Working on a Committee
 Writing Articles
 Helping on a Campaign
 Do not allow other DNOC members to contact me
 Do not contact me about events or meetings
 Please send me Donkey Tales via the regular USPS mail (email is preferred to save on costs)
Democrats of North Orange County
PO Box 996
Fullerton, CA 92836
Next Meeting:
Mark your calendars!
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