The Official Newsletter of Lions Head North Volume 9, Number 11 November 2014 REPAIRS DONE RIGHT! The Best Service, Parts, and WarrantyThat’s The Guardian Advantage Service • Repair • Sales • Installation Fall Special Get Your NEW Insulated Door Today ONLY $649 Insulated Installed regularly $849 SALE DOOR 8x7 NJ Cert #13VH01882000 SERVICING ALL BRANDS OF GARAGE DOORS & OPENERS Broken Springs Replaced Rollers & Cables Replaced Transmitters & Receivers Fast, Professional Service Senior Discount spc-882c NO SUBCONTRACTORS (Excludes Sale Items) “Family Owned and Operated” 732-269-9667 • 609-693-8040 • Fully Insured 2 LIONS HEADLines NOVEMBER 2014 Lion’s Head North Community Manager Scott Clayton 732-920-9801 Office Number 732-920-9409 Fax Number 732-920-9451 All maintenance fees due on the first of each month, any maintenance checks not received by the 10th of the month will be charged a $10 late fee. All reports and articles must be in to the newsletter by the 12th of the month Trustees President.................................John DeSanto Vice President.........................Joanne Corwin Secretary.................................Ed Masessa Treasurer.................................Tom Delahanty Snow Removal/Painting.........Dave Aker Schedule of Trustee Meetings Work Shop Meeting - Nov. 4th, 3PM Association Meeting - Nov. 11th, 7PM Township Phone Numbers Garbage Pickup - Tuesday Recycling - Every 2 weeks -Wednesday Bricktown Public Works - 732-451-4061 Clubhouse Game Room - 732-920-9801 Police/First Aid - 911 Police/Fire Dept. - 732-262-1100 Newsletter Staff Editor - Bob Porcaro Joanne Porcaro Lucy Manganiello Disclaimer: The material in this newsletter is for the residents of Lions Head North. The ads do not represent an endorsement by the association and are only provided for information and we are not responsible for any errors or dissatisfaction with the advertised products. 732-262-1000 Brick Township 732-929-2091 OC Senior Services 732-349-1500 Board of Social Services 732-929-2011 OC Surrogate's office 732-929-2008 OC Tax Board 732-341-9700 Health Department 732-929-2105 Consumer Affairs 732-929-2018 County Clerk's office 732-288-7777 County Connection (OC Mall) 732-929-2167 Board of Elections 732-349-6200 OC Library (Main Number) Private Industry Council (job training) 732-240-5995 732-929-2054 Fair Housing Assistance OC Collage 732-255-0400 Human Services 732-341-1880 732-929-2133 OC Road Department OC Recycling Center (drop-off only) 732-367-0802 732-506-5374 Women's Commission Veterans Services 732-929-2096 732-736-8989 OC Transportation Dept. You can also call the County switchboard at 732-244-2121 NOVEMBER 2014 LIONS HEADLines 3 4 LIONS HEADLines NOVEMBER 2014 WEEKLY ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE MONDAY Crafts Cards 6PM Ping Pong 7PM Mah Jong 7PM Ceramics 7PM-9PM Shopping Van 9:30AM Office Hours 9AM-1PM TUESDAY Choral Group 1PM Office Hours 9AM-1PM WEDNESDAY Ceramics 11AM-1PM Cards 6PM Ping Pong 7PM Mah Jong 7PM Shopping Van 9:30AM Office Hours 9AM-1PM THURSDAY Office Hours 9AM-1PM Ticket Sales 6PM-7PM Bingo 7PM Bowling 1PM FRIDAY Shopping Van 9:30AM Office Hours 8AM - 1PM Garden Club 2014 garden season is just about over. Hope you enjoy our fall decoration on the clubhouse stoop. I do want to caution any smokers to be sure that their cigarette butts are out and placed in the container on the front stoop. It could be a fire hazard because of the hay bales. Thank you for your attention to this potential problem. Wishing everyone a happy, healthy holiday season. Birthdays Maggie Bauman 11/1 Helene Lanzieri 11/4 Ed Masessa 11/4 Joyce Flake 11/6 Bob Tyler 11/10 Delia Looney 11/13 Linda Matteucci 11/21 Veronica Ehlert 11/23 Dave Clelland 11/23 Robert Morgan 11/23 Joe Cowan 11/27 Anniversaries Kurt & Susan Amburgey 11/10 Bob & Pat Riley 11/17 Frank & Regina Pecora 11/17 Jamie & Virginia Saldias 11/19 Condolences Our deepest sympathies go out to the families of: • PHILIP mAY - 16 bOW DRIVE Choral Group We are looking for new members to join our singing group. The Lions Head North Singing Group meets every Tuesday in the Clubhouse at 1:00 PM. Call Rose Weaver at 732-920-5904 for further information. Atlantic City Trip TUESDAY 11/11 TO THE GOLDEN NUGGET. PLEASE CHECK THE BOARD IN THE CLUBHOUSE FOR UPDATES OR CALL JOAN MORRISION FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AT 732-477-0383. See you in the spring. Krista Campolatano, Garden Club NOVEMBER 2014 LIONS HEADLines 5 John DeSanto Trustee President October 2014 With the end of 2014 rapidly approaching, the trustees and I are working on the 2015 Budget. We will try to keep the Common Expense Assessment (Maintenance fee) at $125.00, but with the cost of living rising we may have to raise it. We will try everything in our power not to. We plan on presenting the new budget to you during the month of December. There are many projects each trustee would like to put forward to the homeowners. We as trustees must operate within our budget, just like the homeowners in Lions Head Must do. Since July 1, 2014 we have had an abnormal number of our residents not paying their monthly fee on time. After the 10th of the month our Bookkeeper sends out a friendly reminder letter to those who might have forgotten to pay it. Please do not take offense to receiving a reminder letter. It is just that, a reminder. If payment is not received within a week, a stronger letter is sent out to the resident. We are not asking a company or business to pay their bill, but reminding our residents of their obligation of paying the monthly fee. Every homeowner in Lions Head (360) is an owner in the Association of Lions Head North. Our budget is setup to pay the many monthly bills for running the Association, for example, electric, heating & air conditioning, lawn maintenance, snow removal, swimming pool and bus transportation to name a few. There are many costs to operate Lions Head North. It is unfair to those residents who pay their monthly fees on time. We also have some residents who are one and two months late and have not called the office to explain why. When a resident becomes three months behind we turn it over to our lawyers for collection and a lien is placed on their home. We do not like to do that because of the additional costs to our homeowners. That is our last resort! 6 LIONS HEADLines NOVEMBER 2014 Lions Head Association North Petition to the Mayor and Council Lions Head Association North is filing a petition to the Brick Township Mayor and Council to request the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders to have the Ocean County Dept. of Transportation install a Traffic Signal at the intersection of Beaverson Blvd. and Lions Head Blvd. North, for the safety of the residents of Lions Head Association North, as well as the motoring public, because of the high rate of speed of traffic on Beaverson Blvd. and the many accidents that occur at this location. We believe that this intersection is extremely dangerous, especially for Senior motorists and it is only a matter of time before someone is very seriously injured or killed. This Petition will be in the Administrative office of the clubhouse. Please support this petition by coming in and signing your name and address on it. Farmers Loves Seniors! Four Seasons Lakewood – Saved $478 Homeowners Annually! Lionshead North – Saved $363 Homeowners Annually! Greenbriar II – Saved $720 Homeowners and Auto Annually! Kati Robinson Farmers Agency ads-4422 2014 Success Stories... 1692 Route 88 West Brick, NJ 08724 (732) 202-6475 Lic # 9677 GARON T. PLUMBING & HEATING 24 Hr Emergency Service • All Plumbing Repairs and Maintenance • Fixtures/Faucets-Repaired & Replaced • Sewer & Drain Cleaning • Hot Water Heaters Repaired & Replaced • Handicap Fixtures and Accessories • Single Lever Laundry Valves • Service Gas Furnaces • Outside Faucets Repaired & Replaced • Repair & Replace Broken Piping • $2500 Senior Discount Call Us For Your Plumbing And Heating Needs! 732-920-5721 ads-2693 To reach the newsletter, send your articles, reports, etc. to the above email address. The old one was no longer working and we had to establish a new one. Cash Report 2014 RESERVE CASH REPORT LHN AS OF August 2014 Operating account: Ocean First 98,988 Reserve accounts: Interest Maturity 168.393 0.15% Ocean First Sovereign Bank 209,120 0.60% First Commerce Bank 151,299 1.140% 03/21/15 Hudson City - COD (239) 55,480 1.128% 03/19/16 Hudson City - COD (047) 73,623 1.177% 02/01/16 Hudson City - COD (843) 53,605 2.436% 06/28/16 Hudson City - COD (407) 58,780 1.177% 02/01/16 770,300 Total Reserve Money 869,288 Total Cash NOVEMBER 2014 LIONS HEADLines 7 DI DIAMONDS • GOLD • PLATINUM • SILVER • OLD & NEW JEWELRY • GOLD COINS & BARS • WATCHES • SILVER FLATWARE AFTER HOUR APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE A ESTATE JEWELRY SPECIALIST! WE DO HOUSE CALLS OR WE’LL PAY FOR YOUR GAS! Top Dollar Paid For Your DIAMONDS WE BUY GOLD CASH ON THE SPOT GUARANTEED TO BEAT ANY PRICE! MICHELE’S Gold Buyers, LLC Michele DeGeorge | Cell: 732.503.0079 ON-SITE SECURITY • BONDED • INSURED • LICENSED #11-09 ads-2748E Check Out Our Website: “When it’s time to sell, Trust Michele” DeGeorge Professional Building 249 Brick Blvd Brick, NJ 08723 732-262-GOLD (4653) ads-2748E No Coupons, No Gimmicks, Highest Prices Paid! 8 LIONS HEADLines NOVEMBER 2014 A Change of Heart By Vito Gironda Friends and relatives were puzzled by Tony’s strange behavior. The third born in a family of six, Tony was a loner, had no friends, was selfish, an instigator and lived in a world of his own. He was a problem boy from childhood, neither his parents, nor his brothers or sisters could talk any sense into him. At school he managed to keep up his studies and was able to graduate with the rest of the class but did not aggregate with others. He was able to find work, succeeded in maintaining good relations with his superiors but was unable to make good impression with his work to be promoted to a higher position. He bought a motorcycle to travel to and from work and any other conveniences but at other times he was a maniac and a bad influence to others. Tony’s ways had his family convinced to believe that he could never change. He was a handsome good looking fellow but rejected every effort girls made to influence and attract his attention. He joined a motorcycle club but could not keep friendship with other members. He was arrested many times but not for serious crimes. At age twenty-nine Tony’s health began to fail him. He was admitted to the local Hospital and after many tests the Doctor diagnosed that he had heart problems. Few years went by, Tony lived on medications and care. Finally the Doctor decided that the only hope to save Tony’s life would be a heart transplant. He had a long talk with the family and put Tony on a waiting list for a heart donor. Patiently Tony waited for a heart donor but believe it or not his personality and behavior remained the same as ever. No matter how sick he was. Sooner than anticipated word came from the Hospital that they had a heart donor. Tony received a new heart; the Doctor assured the family that the procedure of the surgery went very well and that in a few weeks they could determine better the full extent of the success. Tony felt better and progressed every passing day. Few more months of therapy and Tony fully recovered. He began his daily chores and felt much stronger. A year went by and friends still thought of Tony as the pill of the family, but they were wrong. One day two lady friends of Tony’s family were walking along the neighborhood street spotted a very handsome gentleman laughing and holding the hand of a very lovely and popular neighborhood girl. For curiosity, the two ladies got closer to the couple for a better look. Smiling the gentleman said to the ladies; “Hello Mrs. K. and Mrs. B., how have you been? Do you remember me?” The two ladies held their breath in disbelief, then they called, “Tony is that you?” “Yes” replied Tony, “It is me.” Getting closer the two friends smiled and touched Tony’s arm congratulating him. They knew Tony from childhood and could not believe of the change in his personality. They felt very happy for him and his family. Tony and his family’s efforts to find the heart donor’s family were futile. Then Tony and Clara, his fiancée, began their own investigation and after months of continuous efforts and researches, they came to a very successful conclusion; Tony’s heart belonged to a black young teenager who had died in an auto accident. The teenagers parents did not want to be disclosed. Was Tony’s change of personality attributed to his new heart? Nobody knows, not even Tony himself could explain it. His family is grateful to the donor’s family, the new heart not only changed Tony’s life but the life of his entire family. By the way, Tony and Clara are planning to have the heart donor’s family at the wedding. They are now not only part of heart but they are part of his family. We accept no responsibility for any advertisements. If there are any complaints concerning an advertiser, please contact them directly. If you receive no satisfaction, you can contact your Better Business Bureau or the County Department of Consumer Affairs NOVEMBER 2014 LIONS HEADLines 9 THE MAGIC BANK ACCOUNT THE AUTHOR IS NOT KNOWN. IT WAS FOUND IN THE BILLFOLD OF COACHPAUL BEAR BRYANT, ALABAMA, AFTER HE DIED IN 1982 The Magic Bank Account Imagine that you had won the following *PRIZE* in a contest: Each morning your bank would deposit $86,400 in your private account for your use. However, this prize has rules: The set of rules: 1. Everything that you didn't spend during each day would be taken away from you. 2. You may not simply transfer money into some other account. 3. You may only spend it. 4. Each morning upon awakening, the bank opens your account with another $86,400 for that day. 5. The bank can end the game without warning; at any time it can say, “Game Over!". It can close the account and you will not receive a new one. What would you personally do? You would buy anything and everything you wanted right? Not only for yourself, but for all the people you love and care for. Even for people you don't know, because you couldn't possibly spend it all on yourself, right? You would try to spend every penny, and use it all, because you knew it would be replenished in the morning, right? ACTUALLY, This GAME is REAL ... Shocked ??? YES! Each of us is already a winner of this *PRIZE*. We just can't seem to see it. The PRIZE is *TIME* 1. Each morning we awaken to receive 86,400 seconds as a gift of life. 2. And when we go to sleep at night, any remaining time is Not credited to us. 3. What we haven't used up that day is forever lost. 4. Yesterday is forever gone. 5. Each morning the account is refilled, but the bank can dissolve your account at any time WITHOUT WARNING... SO, what will YOU do with your 86,400 seconds? Those seconds are worth so much more than the same amount in dollars. Think about it and remember to enjoy every second of your life, because time races 10 LIONS HEADLines NOVEMBER 2014 by so much quicker than you think. So take care of yourself, be happy, love deeply and enjoy life! Here's wishing you a wonderful and beautiful day. Start “spending”.... "DON’T COMPLAIN ABOUT GROWING OLD…!"SOME PEOPLE DON'T GET THE PRIVILEGE! Peace, Gerry Green 6 Bow Dr. October 14, 2014 LIONS HEAD ASSOCIATION NORTH COMMUNITY MEETING Submitted by Ed Masessa The October Community Meeting was held Tuesday, October 14, 2014 at 7:00 pm. The meeting was called to order by President John DeSanto. Dave Aker led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, with a moment of silence for our men and women in the Military. Roll call was taken and all Trustees were in attendance. Ed Masessa read the minutes of the last meeting. Motion to accept the minutes were made by Dave Aker, seconded by Joanne Corwin. Tom Delahanty gave the Treasurer’s Report. Total monies we have $809,288.00. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Joanne Corwin and seconded by Ed Masessa. John DeSanto then asked for updates from the various committees. The next Atlantic City trip will be to the Golden Nugget on November 11th. See or call Joan Morrison (732-477-0383) about tickets. Ceramics on Monday and Wednesday are going well. Sewing and knitting on Monday also going well. Everyone is having fun at bowling on Thursdays. No report on the Garden Club except that Krista asked that our “smokers” be careful when smoking outside on the porch area and watch that sparks from cigarettes not light the decorative hay bales. Marie Liede has volunteered to take over the Bocci night – with the help of Bill Matteucci. Phyllis Schue stepped up to take over going to the Mayor’s Advisory Council Meeting. John DeSanto will give her more information. We thank you Phyllis. No one was present from the Control Meeting, but President DeSanto said we are going to start cracking down and eventually start fining the residents who do not conform to the rules about their garbage cans either being kept in the garage or behind a fenced in area on the side of their home. The next Texas Hold-em will be held on Sunday, November 23rd. People are urged to come – it’s only $20 from 1 to 5 pm. Once a month on a Friday night at the Clubhouse, a group of residents are getting together for a “pizza and card night.” They have also gotten together, again on a Friday night to play more cards and order whatever food they want. So far, it’s working out very well. Marie Liede has also volunteered again to host the New Year’s Eve party and will be asking for more volunteers to help. Bob Porcaro reminded everyone that articles for the newsletter must be sent in by the 12th of the month to LIONSHEADNORTH@AOL.COM. There was no Old Business to discuss. Under New Business: We are filing a petition with the Ocean County Department of Transportation to install a traffic light at our front entrance. We have encountered several accidents there and it has become extremely dangerous. John and Tom are going to purchase some new tables for the pool for next summer. New revised Control Committee Rules and Regulations are being printed and will be passed out with the next LHN newsletter. A motion to close the meeting was made by Joanne Corwin and seconded by Dave Aker. The meeting was then opened to the public for questions and answers. Marie Liede has offered to head up a Welcome Committee for new residents to make them aware of our Community and what Lions Head has to offer. No Good Deed goes Untaxed Bad timing on a 529 gift may cut your grandkid’s student aid. Using a tax friendly 529 college savings plan for a grandchild’s education bills is a great way to help with sky-high tuition. But there’s a wrinkle. Any distributions from a grandparent-owned 529 will count as untaxed student income the following year under the federal financial-aid formula. And if your student is receiving aid based on need, that income could shrink this assistance-leading to cuts in grants, work study and subsidized loans-by as much as 50 cents on the dollar. “Distributions can have a chilling impact on aid”, says Kal Chany, author of Paying for College Without going Broke. To avoid that, first determine whether the student is likely to qualify for aid. If so, it is better to contribute to a parent-owned 529, which has less impact on need-based aid-though you lose control over the money. Or, wait until the student’s final year of college, after he or she has applied for aid, before tapping your 529. With total costs at private schools now averaging almost $41,000 per year, students need all the help they can get. HUD Requirements HUD requires that the Association must maintain an accounting of the age of all residents every two years, to maintain its status as an adult community. Residents must ensure that their certification is current or risk losing all privileges. All residents receiving a letter from the Association must come in to the business office with a copy of their Driver’s License and re-certify. The office is open Monday thru Thursday, from 9am to 1pm. FULLY INSURED & BONDED NJ LICENSE #10425 Monaghan s Plumbing & Heating, LLC SENIOR PUBLISHING COMPANY accepts advertisements and advertisements are based upon information provided by the advertiser. SENIOR PUBLISHING COMPANY does not independently investigate the accuracy of advertisement content and does not warrant or represent the accuracy of the content of any advertisement. SERVICE & INSTALLATION RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL MICHAEL MONAGHAN, III OPERATIONS MANAGER BRICK, NJ 732.202.6778 ads-4578 NOVEMBER 2014 LIONS HEADLines 11 Lion’s Head North and Lions Head South Country Club C C H IP L E H E S FR BER 2015 M EE M L F F A R $20.00 Per Ticket WINNER WILL RECEIVE A FREE 2015 MEMBERSHIP* TO THE LIONS HEAD COUNTRY CLUB (A $385.20 Value!) Membership is transferable to anyone Age 55+ Winning Ticket Will Be Drawn at the LHS Association Meeting on Monday, December 8, 2014 Tickets are available at The LHCC Clubhouse Tuesday - Sunday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM 2014 12 LIONS HEADLines NOVEMBER 2014 Pat’s Lawns & Landscaping 848-448-1310 Bushes and Hedges Trimmed Let us update your landscaping…decorative stone, mulch, bushes and trees planted Garden Block Walls Installed Stone and Brick Borders NJ Home Thatching, Slicing and Seeding Improvement Contractor’s Spring and Fall Cleanups License # 13VH06164300 Call Today for a Free Estimate!!! spc-705 1/2 Bulletin NOVEMBER 2014 LIONS HEADLines 13 Neighborhood Watch Burglaries and home invasions are on a dramatic rise in Ocean County As the economy worsens, people are becoming desperate DO NOT OPEN YOUR DOORS FOR ANYONE YOU DO NOT KNOW! Keep door locked at ALL TIMES – even when you are at home Be on the lookout for suspicious people or vehicles Be ALERT, OBSERVANT, and CARING Report suspicious activity or crimes IMMEDIATELY to Brick Police!! Residents in all adult communities are being asked to report (to the police any unfamiliar or suspicious persons, vehicles or conditions they observe, especially if the people or vehicles are observed near the residence of a neighbor who is not at home. Ask your neighbors to be alert, observant and caring --- and to report any suspicious activity or crimes immediately to the Brick Police Department. If someone suspicious or out of the ordinary is spotted, seniors should call police and provide a description of the person and especially the vehicle the person is driving, if possible. However, no one should try to approach the person. Residents should be vigilant on protecting their homes and property, but do not be a vigilante! When suspecting criminal activities, residents are encouraged to contact Brick Police and not intervene. Keeping an eye out will help reduce and prevent crime. This is because you and your neighbors are the ones who really know what is going on in the area surrounding your home, and are most likely to be the first to see a crime and call for help. By simply watching out for your neighbors during the workday, evenings, vacations or any other absence, you can help reduce crime. Community awareness works through the mutual aid of neighbors watching the property of other neighbors. This has several advantages, including the fact that your neighbors know who you are, what type of car you drive, and who belongs, as a rule, at your residence. A patrol officer driving by your home might not recognize someone as a stranger in your yard. However, an alert neighbor would recognize the person as a stranger. If your neighbor knows you are not at home, they should then call 9-1-1 to alert police of the suspicious activity. 14 LIONS HEADLines NOVEMBER 2014 Residents are never asked to put themselves in harm’s way to prevent crime. They should only observe and report suspicious activity to the Brick Police Department. This leaves the responsibility for confronting and apprehending criminals where it belongs – with our Brick Police Officers. Community Safe Phone Messaging System The Messaging System starts the message based on voice recognition. All of our messages will begin with, “This is a message from Lions Head Association North”. When you answer your phone and say “Hello” the message will begin. If you happen to say “Hello” a few times in a row, it will pause the system. If you are using a cell phone it’s possible, back ground noise could affect the start of the message. The system cannot distinguish between greeting and loud noises in the background. If you experience a long pause try pressing the #2 on your phone. This will replay the message. Newsletter Submissions All articles, reports, items of interest, etc., in short, anything and everything you want to be printed in the Lions Head North Newsletter MUST be sent to the newsletter ( by the 12th of the month. All items submitted, unless an emergency situation, after the 12th, will be printed in the following month’s newsletter. We are having a problem receiving items on a timely basis and hopefully this will correct the situation. Thank you for your cooperation. Animal Cleanup This is everyone’s community, and when dog owners do not pick up after their animals it is a reflection on everyone in the community. This should not be an issue because it is common courtesy and the responsibility of the dog owner to clean up after their animals. The remains are leaving a vile odor, brown spots in lawns and residents and visitors are stepping on it. Please! Please! Please! Let this be the last reminder. Lions Head Association North, Brick, New Jersey Lions Head North, a retirement community within the town of Brick, NJ, made up of mostly retired couples winding down their remaining years on this Earth. There are some (55 years and older) not ready to retire and are still working, within our community. Some of the residents do not wish to be bothered and do not avail themselves of the facilities, such as the Clubhouse, tennis courts, swimming pool and parties. That is their choice. For the community to function properly there is a great need for people to step forward and volunteer to help in the overall running of the community. I have lived in Lions Head North for 22 years. I believe I have done my share of volunteering over those years and will continue to in the coming years, as long as I am able. Only because I enjoy it and it keeps me going. We need men and women to step forward and say they would like to run events like the Halloween party, Italian night, Bunco, Cards, Bingo and may more affairs that are no longer happening in Lions Head. Maybe you have an idea for a fun night that people in Lions Head would enjoy. Please step forward and get involved in your community. Lions Head North is a Home Owners Association with its own set of bylaws and regulations that the residents (old and new) should obey. Each resident, when moving into Lions Head North received a set of the current Bylaws and the Control Committee rules. We are a community that is protected by law to enforce our own rules and regulations. Examples could be; no commercial vehicles are allowed to park overnight on the streets, even though the township owns the streets, no garbage/recycling cans should be seen from the street and should be kept in the garage or an enclosure, the color of roof shingles or the color you can paint your house and many more. Please read the Bylaws and Control Committee Rules. You may not have had these things where you lived before, but now you live in Lions Head North and must obey the rules and regulations of our community. John Desanto, Trustee President Broken Water Main Protection In the first week in August 2013 two residents in Lions Head North had broken water main lines. Neither had Leak Guard Protection. It is available to all residents. To order Leak Guard call Customer Service at 1-888-666-8075 Monday thru Friday 8:00am thru 8:00pm Saturday 10:00am thru 4:00pm Have your credit card available, tell the operator that you do not have a mail code but would like the coverage. LEAK GUARD This coverage protects the line that brings the clean water into your home from the connection to the Water Company’s service up to your water meter. Monthly $6.99 plus NJ Tax QUARTERLY $20.97 ″ ANNUAL $83.88 ″ Claim Limit Unlimited Service Calls Unlimited BASIC RESTORATION Includes leveling, grass reseeding, and/or restoration of gravel, asphalt, or concrete sidewalk and/or driveway in excavated area (no decorative pavement or landscaping) ADDITIONAL BENEFITS Up to $1250.00 for Hotel Reimbursement Maximum of $500.00 for pets ($250.00 for Kennel, $250.00 for Cattery) There is a 30 day waiting after signing up. The number to call for emergency service 1-888-6668075 This company offers other policies for sewer lines, water pipes inside house, a/c units, and or electric wiring. First Energy Regarding streetlight outings. Please contact First Energy at 1-888544-4877. Give your name, phone number and location of the streetlight. If you can say what is wrong, such as damaged pole, broken fixture, light out etc. it would be helpful. When calling, refer to the number on the pole. Their goal is to make repairs as soon as possible. Thank You… NOVEMBER 2014 LIONS HEADLines 15 under what he incumbent utility Website would have charged for the same Email period, orTIME they receive TOa check MAKE PLANS Phone for the difference. TO848-565-6182 RING IN THE NEW YEAR … OMG....It's so hard to believe that the holidays are only months away. It was a fantastic summer at Lions Head North Clubhouse: swimming; playing games; the many clubs and activities; and Friday evening poolside hours for impromptu dinner gatherings and meeting new neighbors! Last year I had the pleasure of hosting our New Year’s Eve Party, and I'm looking forward to December 31, 2014, to celebrate once again with family and friends. A successful party is a room filled with people who love to dance and socialize. We may be considered seniors, but we still have it in us to PARTY. Last year we rocked, so let’s do it again! The cost is $35 PP and includes a DJ, hot buffet, dessert, beverages, beer, wine and champagne toast. Tickets will be sold at the clubhouse on Thursdays between 6-7 starting November 6TH. MARIE LEIDE 732-475-6847 G E T G U A R A N T E E D S AV I N G S Guaranteed Savings Plan Natural Gas & Electricity 3% S SAVING TEE GUARAN Customers are GUARANTEED an annual savings of at least 3% under what he incumbent utility would have charged for the same period, or they receive a check for the difference. Available Markets • PSE&G - Gas and Electric • Jersey Central Power and Light • Atlantic City Electric • Rockland Electric • South Jersey Gas • New Jersey Natural Gas GREAT REWARDS ■ Earn Free Energy by referring friends & family to Ambit ■ Enjoy two nights of hotel accommodations at one of more than 60 destinations as a welcome gift ■ Accumulate points for travel rewards based on the energy you use each month Sign up today! Ask me how can lower your energy bills! Name Website Email Phone Michelle Morgan-Vitello 848-565-6182 16 LIONS HEADLines NOVEMBER 2014 ads-4011a CONTACT Stay Well Forever What to eat Now Want to live a superlong life? Choose your parents well. Want to be healthy until the day you die? Laugh more, get some sleep, and get a tetanus shot. “Longevity has a strong genetic component, but how healthy you are as you age is largely up to you,” says Harvey J. Cohen, M.D., director of the Center for the study of Aging and Human Development at Duke University in North Carolina. “Most of us want to be healthy until the end, not live to 100 and be a decrepit wreck.” Low Fat, Low Sugar High fat, low carb. High carb. Plant bases. Mediterranean. Atkins. Ornish. At some point in the past 12 months, at least one study has appeared in a well-respected, peer reviewed medical journal touting the health benefits of each of these completely conflicting diets. Is it any wonder, then, that so many of us have said the heck with it-we may as well have our filet mignon and foie gras while we’re still alive to enjoy them? Well, not so fast, says Walter Willett, M.D., chair of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health. It’s true that the science is confusing. But the very nature of scientific discovery, with nutrition research a subset of that, is that findings build on one another, adding to our total understanding of what constitutes a healthy diet. This, then, is what most of the experts agree is true. Join a laughter Club. Numerous studies have shown that laughter can reduce stress, improve your immune system, even relieve pain. The findings have prompted the proliferation of “laughter clubs” around the globe. Participants, many of them with chronic illnesses, gather together to laugh and do breathing exercises. “Laughter is a way of coping and dealing with difficult situations. It has real benefits on a clinical level,” Cohen says. Turn in early. People who are 50 or older who get 6-9 of sleep a night think better than those who get fewer hours, according to a new study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. Sleep seems to strengthen the connections between brain cells, helping older adults process information more readily. And researchers at University Hospital Case Medical Center in Cleveland found that poor sleepers show signs of premature skin aging, including fine lines, uneven skin tone and reduced elasticity. “Sleep seems to help our bodies repair all the things that might have gone wrong during the day,” Cohen notes. Opt for Screenings Over Wellness Exams. “A yearly physical per se has not been demonstrated to be all that helpful” in preventing disease, Cohen points out. A better bet: Get specific screenings for heart disease, and breast and colon cancers, as well as vaccines for flu and shingles. “Plus, check to see if your tetanus vaccine is up-to-date,” he adds. “It has a long duration of effectiveness, but if you live a long time, you might exceed this” Eating Fat doesn’t make you fat. “The whole idea that reducing fat intake is the most important thing you can do was never supported by any good evidence,” says Willett. Nonetheless, that line of thinking drove national nutrition policy for decades and may have contributed to our current health woes, as we raced to replace fat with carbohydrates. Some Fats are better than others. Trans fats, sometimes listed on food labels as “partially hydrogenated oils”, raise “bad” LDL cholesterol, leading to heart disease. So avoid trans fats at all costs. Saturated fats-found in red meat, cheese and bitter-are better than trans fats but still not great. A better bet? Olive Oil. Not all calories are created equal. For decades, the prevailing wisdom has been that people gain weight because they take in more calories than they expend and that it really doesn’t matter what you eat, as long as you don’t eat too much of it. More recent research, though, has showed that “some forms of calories make you store fat more readily than others”, Willett says. “It is possible that a calorie is not a calorie in the sense that some calories make you gain weight and others don’t”. NOVEMBER 2014 LIONS HEADLines 17 A high protein diet is not good either. Recent research from the University of Southern California found that those who ate a protein-rich diet were 4 times as likely to die of cancer as those who consume more modest amounts, a risk equivalent to smoking 20 cigarettes a day. Balance is best. “There’s a tendency in nutrition to ascribe all good or all evil to one aspect of the diet, but that’s never true”, says Willett. Instead go for variety. FirstEnergy Warns Customers Green Dot Card Payment Scam about AKRON, Ohio, Sept. 30, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -FirstEnergy Corp.'s (FE) utilities are warning customers about a scam involving a telephone caller posing as a utility company employee threatening to shut off power unless an immediate payment is made using a pre-paid debit card such as a Green Dot card. Scams involving callers asking for utility bill payment via Green Dot cards have been reported by customers in all of FirstEnergy's service areas from Ohio to New Jersey, which include: Ohio Edison, The Illuminating Company and Toledo Edison in Ohio; West Penn Power, Penn Power, Met-Ed and Penelec in Pennsylvania; Jersey Central Power & Light in New Jersey; Mon Power in West Virginia; and Potomac Edison in West Virginia and Maryland. FirstEnergy and its utilities do not require payment over the phone via specific means, including Green Dot cards. Moreover, FirstEnergy's utilities do not demand payment over the phone to avoid an impending termination of service. "If you receive a call demanding payment via a specific option, including a Green Dot card, it's a scam, and you should report this crime to your local authorities," said Ronald I. Green, vice president, Customer Service, FirstEnergy. "While we may phone a customer whose bill is in arrears to remind them a payment is due, we would explain how a payment can be made using established payment options." FirstEnergy has numerous bill payment options, including: • Pay via smartphone by app or on mobile website. • Pay over the phone with a credit card or checking account using FirstEnergy's automated 18 LIONS HEADLines NOVEMBER 2014 phone system. • Pay at with a credit card or checking account. • Pay in person – customers may make payments, for a nominal fee per transaction, at any authorized payment agent location. Fees may vary by individual location. • Pay by mail – customers may choose to receive their bill in the mail and make a payment the same way. Sue Brownfield Jersey Central Power & Light Customer Support (Internal) 3-250-4188 (External) 732-212-4188 HELPFUL HINTS Little trick for fast post-pruning cleanup A simple solution that will save you time and stress when you tidy up your yard this fall: Lay an old sheet, tablecloth or shower curtain under your plants before you start to prune them. All the leaves and twigs will fall onto the fabric, so when you’re finished, you can easily gather up the material and get rid of all the debris at once. Protect wood floors from scratches To keep your dining room chairs from scratching the finish of your wood floors, use a knife to carefully slice a wine cork into thin pieces (about ¼ inch thick), then attach the cork slivers to the bottom of each chair leg with wood glue. The cushiony cork will work as well as store-bought felt furniture pads to keep your floor scratch-free. Double the life of your candles Lighting your home with wonderfully scented candles makes brisk autumn days feel so cozy. To ensure you get the maximum amount of burn time from each candle, try placing them in the freezer for around 3 hours before lighting them. The cold temperature will solidify the wax so it melts more slowly. The result? Your favorite candles will last almost twice as long. Joanne Corwin Trustee Vice President October 2014 The Holidays are just around the corner. Thanksgiving is a time for warm fireplaces, great food, good friends and family conversation, and being grateful for all the things we have, especially our freedom. We pay homage to our service men and women this month and say a prayer for all veterans. Also, please remember those less fortunate than we are. We will have a box in our lobby for donations of non-perishable items and can goods. I don’t like to talk about winter when we are just starting to enjoy the Fall, but you need to think a little ahead about being properly prepared for cold weather. Everyone says we are in for a lousy, cold, snowy winter. Start making a list of items you may need, salt for the sidewalks, battery operated lanterns – maybe some of you still have them from Hurricane Sandy. Candles are dangerous, especially if you have pets in the house. Always keep a small supply of bottled water on hand. Don’t wait until the last minute to run to the stores – BE PREPARED!! Now is the time to look for those favorite comfort food recipes. The smell of stews and soups on cold days will make you feel “warm and fuzzy.” Also, please remember that we do not plow the driveways unless the snow is over 3” deep and the main roads in the development have been plowed. Don’t forget, Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 2nd at 2:00 am. Please turn your clocks back one hour. The office will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday Thursday, November 27th and Friday, November 28th. Happy “Turkey Day” everyone. If you are traveling to family or friends, please drive safely. HUMOR FOR YOU --Somebody has said that there are only two kinds of people in the world. There are those who wake up in the morning and say, “Good Morning Lord,” and there are those who wake up in the morning and say, “Good Lord, it’s morning!” While driving in Pennsylvania, a family caught up to an Amish carriage. The owner of the carriage obviously had a sense of humor, because attached to the back of the carriage was a hand painted sign, “Energy efficient vehicle: runs on oats and grass. Caution: Do not step in exhaust.” People want the front of the bus, the back of the church, and the center of attention. My wife sat down next to me a I was flipping channels. She asked, “What’s on TV?” I said, “Dust.” And then the fight started…… It’s all in the chip Coming soon to a wallet near you: the chip. Already widely used in Europe, Asia and elsewhere outside the US, this fancy microchip makes your debit or credit card extremely difficult to clone or copy. It is nearly impossible for someone to create a fake card and then use it for fraudulent transactions. While the new cards are safer to use, there are differences from the swipe-and-sign cards you have been used to: You’ll have to insert the card into a terminal that reads the chip’s data and, in many cases, acts as your signature. You’ll also need to punch in a PIN to confirm your identity. For online or telephone purchases, you may be asked for the security code on the card. You’ll still get a receipt. About 20 million chip cards are in use in the US, out of 400 million accounts, but banks must issue new cards and merchants must be equipped to handle them by October 2015, or they’ll be liable for any fraud that arises from the old card. If you’re planning an international trip anytime soon, ask for the new card, because some overseas merchants have stopped acceptin plastic without the chip. Please Patronize Our Advertisers For Advertising Contact: Senior Publishing Company 1520 Washington Avenue, Neptune, N.J. 07753 888-637-3200 NOVEMBER 2014 LIONS HEADLines 19 Solution on Page 31 20 LIONS HEADLines NOVEMBER 2014 1000 Evening Hours Available Upon Request Hours: Mon-Fri 10-4:30 Sat 10-3 Get It Done Right The First Time! 4 • Toms River ads-684a Call Us Ridge 1-888-313-7188 1-732-489-9513 FREE ESTIMATES • Insured and Bonded • Family Owned WE WILL BEAT ALL WRITTEN ESTIMATES! • Over 35 Years Experience $50 L.V.E Termite Inspection $65 Quarterly Pest Control +tax +tax + Quarterly Pest Control Termite Contracts $65 per year ALL INSECTS COVERED GROUND BEETLES CENTIPEDES • MILLIPEDES EARWIGS • SPIDERS BEDBUGS • ANTS SILVERFISH • CRICKETS BEES • RATS • MICE **WOOD DESTROYING INSECTS NOT INCLUDED ** WITH NO CURRENT TERMITE PROBLEMS Business Lic. #97622A Lic. # 25801A ads-2704B 81-1000 Dr. Pepper’s Flooring PLUMBING, L.L.C. 600 Mule Rd. • Toms River • 732-281-1000 e, look no further! N.J. License #10933 • NJ Home Improvement Contractor #13VH05003000 Serving Toms River Since 1985 If you’re looking for quality flooring and exceptional service, look no further! Serving All Senior Communities m & Pop Business, you are not Vacation Home. You are helping a s, a little boy get his Team Jersey, n the table or helping a student pay for are our Share Holders and they are e happy. Emergency g Small Businesses! Let Evening Brian &Heater Lisa Pepper Water ALL INSECTS ALL ANIMALS ALL RODENTS When you buy from a Mom & Pop Business, you are not helping a CEO buy a third Vacation Home. You are helping a little girl get dance lessons, a little boy get his Team Jersey, Mom and Dad put food on the table or helping a student pay for College. Our Customers are our Share Holders and they are the ones we strive to make happy. Thank You For Supporting Small Businesses! Brian & Lisa Pepper WATER HEATER SPECIALIST WINTER VACATIONERS Service FREE ESTIMATES UALITY SERVICES ED LED BY HIGH PRESSURE et ALL INSECTS ALL ANIMALS ALL RODENTS (732) 295-1939 Lake ooring PAUL DICKSON Service 600 Mule Road • Suite 4 • Toms Serving Leisure Village East Since 1977 8 3 RS 732-281-1000 email: 1-888-313-7188 Us Protect Your 1-732-489-9513 Plumbing Fixtures and WE Pipes WILL BEAT ALL WRITTEN While You’reESTIMATES! Away ALL INSECTS COVERED Call Us At: GROUND BEETLES • CENTIPEDES • MILLIPEDES 732-295-1939 EARWIGS • SPIDERS • PAVEMENT ANTS SILVERFISH • CRICKETS • BEES • RATS • MICE Emergency Get It Done Right The First Time! Quarterly Control All WorkPest Guaranteed **WOOD DESTROYING INSECTS NOT INCLUDED ** Business Lic. #97622A Lic. # 25801A ads-684a Evening Water Heater Service $50 FAMILY OPERATED $65 OVER 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE Termite Inspection +tax Evening Hours Available Upon Request +tax BATH FIXTURES s River NEW KITCHENS + INSURED Quarterly&&Pest Control BONDED Termite Contracts ads-2704B $65 per year WITH NO CURRENT TERMITE PROBLEMS • • • SAME OWNERS SAME GREAT PROCES & QUALITY SERVICES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED DON’T BE CONFUSED & MISLED BY HIGH PRESSURE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE • • • • • CERAMIC • LAMINATES WOOD FLOORS • VINYL FLOORS BERBER • SAXONIES MOHAWK SMART STRAND AND MUCH MORE • FREE Shop at Home Personalized Service FREE Rip-up & Removal FREE Upgrade Pad FREE Moving of Most Furniture SAVE on 1000’s of Floors • • • • • • FREE ESTIMATES CONGOLEUM LAMINATES AIRSTEP Starting At $ $ 525 3/4” Solid Oak $ 725 389 sq ft. Installed sq ft. Installed MOHAWK SMART STRAND $ 289 sq ft. Installed sq ft. Installed A AL AL 1-888-3 1-732-4 BERBERS 12 ft. & 15 ft. wide WE WILL BEAT12SAXONY ALL WRITTEN ES ft. & 15 ft. wide 59 2 Quarterly Pest Control $ $ 269ALL INSECT $50 $ 00 99 Termite Inspection $65 sq ft. Installed sq ft. Installed WHOLE HOUSE +tax CARPET CLEANING GROUND CENTIPEDES ! ONLY EARWIGS Hours: Evening Hours 732-281-1000 +tax Mon-Fri 10-4:30 Available Upon PAVEMEN email: Sat 10-3 Request + Quarterly Pest Control 600 Mule Road • Suite 4 • Toms River SILVERFISH BEES • RA year NOVEMBER 2014 LIONSper HEADLines **WOOD21 DESTROYING IN L STIL Termite Contracts $65 up to 1000 sq. ft. WITH NO CURRENT TERMITE PROBLEMS Business L Lic. # FREE $150 OFF SERVICE CALL (with repair) GAS BOILER/ FURNACE REPLACEMENT Not valid on after hours or weekend services. Expires 11/30/2014 891 Route 37 West, Toms River, NJ 08755 732-349-1448 1-800-688-TEMP 732-657-8367 √ FULLY CERTIFIED & TECHNICALLY TRAINED PROFESSIONALS √ SAME DAY SERVICE / REPLACEMENTS √ FULLY LICENSED / FULLY INSURED √ SERVICE & INSTALL ALL MAKES & MODELS Central Air Conditioning • Boilers • Furnaces Heat Pumps • Hot Water Heaters Tankless Water Heaters • Attic Fans Oil/Gas/Propane Conversions Air Cleaners • Dryer Vents • Humidifiers Tune-Ups • Service Plans √ FREE ESTIMATES ON REPLACEMENTS & NEW INSTALLATIONS FINANCING AVAILABLE NJ HIC #13VH02253000 Michael J. Belanger, NJ Master Plumbing LIC# 9465 RT Brown, NJ Electrical LIC# 10584 ads-1101E $250 OFF GAS CONVERSION $100 OFF TANKLESS GAS HOT WATER SYSTEM OR $50 OFF GAS HOT WATER HEATER $150 OFF $250 OFF CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING REPLACEMENT NEW INSTALL OF AIR CONDITIONING OR HEATING SYSTEM COUPONS MUST BE PRESENT WHEN SIGNING CONTRACT and may not be used for prior services/installations. Coupons do not expire, except service call coupon. OCEAN SANDPIPER • WEDGEWOOD WESTWORD • WOODLAKE HORI 891 Route 37 West, Toms River, NJ 08755 732-349-1448 1-800-688-TEMP 732-657-8367 √ FULLY CERTIFIED & TECHNICALLY TRAINED PROFESSIONALS Central Air Conditioning • Boilers • Furnaces Heat Pumps • Hot Water Heaters √ SAME DAY SERVICE / REPLACEMENTS Tankless Water Heaters • Attic Fans Oil/Gas/Propane Conversions √ FULLY LICENSED / FULLY INSURED Air Cleaners • Dryer Vents • Humidifiers √ SERVICE & INSTALL ALL MAKES & Tune-Ups • Service Plans MODELS √ FREE ESTIMATES ON REPLACEMENTS & NEW INSTALLATIONS FREE SERVICE CALL (with repair) Not valid on after hours or weekend services. Expires 11/30/2014 $150 OFF GAS BOILER/ FURNACE REPLACEMENT FINANCING AVAILABLE $250 OFF GAS CONVERSION Solution on Page 31 $100 OFF $150 OFF $250 OFF TANKLESS GAS HOT WATER SYSTEM NEW2014 INSTALL OF AIR CENTRAL AIR 22 ORLIONS HEADLines NOVEMBER $50 OFF GAS HOT WATER HEATER CONDITIONING REPLACEMENT CONDITIONING OR HEATING SYSTEM COUNTRY CALLER • COUNT CRESTWOOD SUN • ECHOES O GREENBRIAR TIMES • HC BULLE LAKE RIDGE VIEWS • LEISU LION HEADLINES • L MASS AVE VALUE CO METEDECONK MOMENTS • MIR OUTLOOK • PARK ECHO • PO econd to None Broccoli and Cheese Quiche Second to None 6 Oz. Pie Crust, 9-inch Refrigerated 2 t Olive Oil ½ C Red Onion, Chopped 1 ¼ C Part-Skim Ricotta Cheese 1 C Low Fat Shredded Cheddar Cheese 1 Large Egg 2 Large Egg Whites 1 T Dijon Mustard 1 t Dried Oregano Professional Cleaning Services Commercial • Residential • Office ½ t Salt New customer specials please call for Free Estimate ¼ t Pepper ofessional Cleaning Services 10 oz. Frozen Chopped Broccoli (thawed & well drained) mercial • Residential 1 T Grated Parmesan Cheese • Office Preheat oven to 375. Press pie crust into a 9 inch pie pan. New customer specials Free Estimates ad- 4390 Fully Insured Rachel 732-779-8650 Dawn 732-998-1079 oil for in a small over medium heat to pleaseHeat call Freeskillet Estimate make filling. Add onion and sauté until soft, about 3 minutes. Transfer onion to a large bowl and add ricotta cheese, cheddar cheese, egg, egg whites, mustard, Free Estimates oregano, salt and pepper; mix well and fold in broccoli. Spoon Fully mixture Insured into prepared crust and level surface with a wooden spoon; sprinkle with parmesan cheese. 1/4 Bulletin Bake until a knife inserted near center comes out clean, about 35 to 40 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes before slicing into 8 pieces. Yields 1 piece per serving. Rachel Dawn -779-8650 732-998-1079 1/4 Tabloid NOVEMBER 2014 LIONS HEADLines 23 INSERTION ORDER lions head North LIONS HEADLINES PublishedmonthlyforandbytheresidentsofLionsHeadNorth CompanyName Date Address,City,STZIP AuthorizedSignature Telephone PrintName EmailAddressorFax (1) how To Place Your Ad Selectsizeofyourad. Full (2) One (3) 1/2 1/4 1/8 D Three Six $_______________ (4) Enterthestartingissue. ____________________________ Selectmethodofpayment. cREDIT caRD chEck (MakeCheckPayableToSPC) (6) SUPERCEDESALLOTHERRATESHEETS EffEcTIvE wITh MaRch 2014 ISSuE Enterthepricerate. (5) Price Schedule Selectnumberofissues. Attachcopyforyourad andmailwithcheckorfax withcreditcardinfo. SIZEOFAD APPROXIMATE WIDTH&HEIGHT SINGLE ISSuE THREE ISSuES SIX ISSuES FullPage 71/4”x93/4” $119 $339 $643 HalfPage 71/4”x43/4” or31/2”x93/4” $73 $207 $394 QuarterPage 31/2”x43/4” $49 $138 $265 EighthPage 31/2”x21/4” $32 $90 $173 Directory $22 $63 $119 31/2”x11/2” *Directory ads cannot contain any logos/graphics and are limited to 25 words or less. No reverse type is permitted. Advertising Deadline *Coloris$75additionalforfullpageperinsertion *Coloris$50additionalforhalf/quarterpageperinsertion 15thoftheMonth preceedingpublication ADS MUST BE PAID EACH MONTH BEFORE PUBLICATION ALL COPY MUST BE APPROVED BY SPC CreditCardInformation VISAMASTERCARD DISCOVER AMERICANEXPRESSEXP.DATE____/_____ 1520 Washington Avenue Post Office Box 1067 Neptune, NJ 07753 ACCOuNTNO. X............................................................................................................................................... CARDHOLDERSIGNATuRE IacknowledgeandagreetothetermsandconditionsonSeniorPublishing’sRateCardand,ifthisisacreditcardpurchase, IauthorizeSPCtochargemydesignatedaccount. S102–06/13 24 LIONS HEADLines NOVEMBER 2014 1-888-637-3200 Fax 1-877-536-5153 Don’t Let This Happen to YOU! Lint-filled Dryers Cause 65,000 Dryer Fires in the U.S. Each Year! Now is the time to have your dryer cleaned out by JCA CERTIFIED TECHNICIAN! DRYER CLEAN-OUT SPECIAL $69.95 Expires11/30/14 ads-72C Not valid with any other offer 1-800-559-0122 1-800-559-0122 Dr. Lorraine Bopp, DPM Dr. Charles Meyer, DPM . Lorraine Bopp, DPM r. Charles Meyer, DPM Foot & Ankle Specialists & Ankle Specialists our Patients for 23 Years Caring for our Patients for 23 Years New Patients Welcome Expires 12/31/14 We can help you w Patients Welcome with your home cleanout! • We are willing to come and take away your heavy furniture for free! ngrown• Call NailusCare before you spend tons of money on your heavy furniture cleanouts! oot Exam Shoes • You&can also drop off items everyday from 9-3 pm except Sunday, Monday, and Friday. n & Ankle Arthritis • Proceeds from Destiny Thrift Shop support our Community Food Pantry right next door to our location. oot Conditions Visit us today! All furniture is subject to inspection prior to pickup. re uipped Medicare & Most Insurance Accepted Lionshead Office Park 35 Beaverson Blvd 1A, Brick Thrift Store Hours: Sunday: Closed, Monday & Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 9-7, Wednesday: 9-6, Saturday: 9-5 Furniture Store Hours: Sunday: Closed, Monday-Saturday: 9-5 (Corner of Brick Blvd & Beaverson Blvd) Destiny Community Thrift Shop & Furniture Store lation testing 236, 242 Brick Blvd., Brick, N.J. 08723 our quality of life732-451-0779 with relief ext 211 & 207 pain Fungal & Ingrown Nail Care Diabetic Foot Exam & Shoes Ankle Pain & Ankle Arthritis Arthritic Foot Conditions Heel Pain Wound Care X-Ray Equipped PAD Circulation testing Improve your quality of life with relief from foot pain HOUSE CALLS Bulletin Size ads-2149 732-477-0441 732-477-0507 ads-4481 NOVEMBER 2014 LIONS HEADLines 25 26 LIONS HEADLines NOVEMBER 2014 —SOLUTION ON PAGE 31 NOVEMBER 2014 LIONS HEADLines 27 October 2014 Texas Hold-em Winners Charlie Magnifco Joanne Porcaro Mike Calandra Pat Cassidy Marie Leide Tie Helene Lanzieri and Rita Meyer TEXAS HOLD-EM SUNDAY NOVEMBER 23, 2014 PLEASE ARRIVE AT 12:30PM GAME STARTS AT 1:00 ENDS BY 5:00 $20.00 PER PERSON PAYMENT IN ADVANCE ONLY. NO ONE CAN JOIN THE GAME ONCE IT HAS BEGUN.YOU CAN PAY MIKE CALANDRA OR JOHN DESANTO NOVEMBER 6TH, NOVEMBER 13TH, OR NOVEMBER 20TH COME & ENJOY THE FUN! SORRY NO REFUNDS. LADIES POKER NIGHT Wednesday night second group is in full swing. This game is open to all Lions Head No. residents. If you would like to join us, we meet at 7pm in the club house. contact: Marie Leide 732-475-6847 28 LIONS HEADLines NOVEMBER 2014 Lions Head North Bowling League PIZZA NIGHT We had a few nice games this month. Terri Gherdovich had a 204, Alex Fritz did a 208 and a 216,and Lou Gyarmati had a 206. We are getting better at converting our splits. The 5-7 was converted by Barbara Pitts, Mike Calandra, Bridget Connell and Dot Cummings. The 3-10 was converted by Betty Polacek, Marie Zimet, Lou Gyarmat and Barbara Biles. The 5-10 was made by Tom Delahanty, Barbara Pitts and Steve Hayton. Bridget Connell also made the 9-10, Betty Polacek made the 9-10 and the 3-7-8, Marie Zimet made the 8-10, Bob Lawson made the 7-10, Joyce Flake made the 5-7-10, Pam Raso made the 7-9, Vince Miltello made the 8-10 and the 5-7-9, Lou Ann Brennen made the 6-7, the3-5-7 and the 2-5-7Arlene Miller converted the2-7. Nice bowling everyone, keep up the good work. THANKS TO ALL!!! It was a great turnout for our first “ PIZZA NIGHT” Next Pizza Night will be the first Friday of November Friday November 7 5:30 $ 5:00 a person NO RESERVATIONS NEED Paper goods will be supplied Looking to seeing you on FRIDAY 7th ads-4552 COME JOIN US NOVEMBER 2014 LIONS HEADLines 29 DIRECTORY PODIATRIST – FOOT SPECIALIST Stanley J. Szaniawski, DPM Pavillion Professional Center 74 Brick Blvd., Suite 104 • Brick, NJ 08723 Diplomate, American Board of Multiple Specialties in Podiatry Board Certified in Primary Care in Podiatric Medicine House Calls Available for the Home Bound Jeff’s Powerwashing Hot Water and Soap • Mold Removal Houses • Patios • Roofs Washed 732-901-5336 Insured Lic. #13VH01634500 Senior Discounts • Free Estimates Low Pressure Roof Stain Removal Safely Washing Houses & Roofs for Over 15 Years Hometowne Plumbing No Job Too Small 732-270-3232 Lic. 9452 Office Hours Home Visits By Appointment FORMER MARINE (732) 920-2255 DR. JEFFREY B. FINKEL Podiatrist - Foot Specialist LIONS HEAD OFFICE PARK 35 BEAVERSON BOULEVARD - BLDG. 4 BRICK, NEW JERSEY 08723 Seniors for Seniors Senior dogs looking for their “Furever Home” Please Call 908-433-5875 HG REAL ESTATE, LLC Helen Gress, Broker Owner 760 Mantoloking Road Brick, NJ 08723 732-779-3405 Cell 732-475-6703 Office • 732-202-6213 Fax 30 LIONS HEADLines NOVEMBER 2014 732-477-5888 MAJESTIC EXTERIORS LLC ROOFING SIDING WINDOWS REPAIRS DECKS DOORS 732-577-9813 Family Owned & Operated, Fully Insured Lic# 13VH0365990 Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed Major Appliance Service Factory Authorized Refrigerators•Freezers•Ranges Washers•Dryers•Dishwashers 732-892-8508 All work fully guaranteed Insured T & K LANDSCAPING Bulletin Design, Installation & Maintenance of Flower Beds/Pavers/Retaining Walls/Decorative Stone/Mulch/Trees/Plants/Shrubs Driveway Seal Coating & Maintenance Power Washing & Gutter Cleaning Snow Removal Services 20 Years in business / Fully Insured / Free Estimates Lowest Price Guaranteed Call Kevin 1-732-535-1097 George’s Plumbing MajorService Appliance Service Today! Plumbing | Heating Repairs | Air Conditioning |Sewer & Drain Factory Authorized 866-482-0177 • 732-370-2769 Refrigerators•Freezers•Ranges $10.00 Off Your Next Service Call Lic#1014 Washers•Dryers•Dishwashers 732-892-8508 We Charge By the Job NOT by the Hour!! Insured This Space Available — —— Tabloid Call 888-637-3200 All work fully guaranteed h e T S e h n c i a o e r R M o arket? T g n i y r T Senior Publishing Company We Publish The Official Community Newspapers For 97 NJ Adult Communities One Phone Call Puts You In Touch With Over 84,000 Senior Community Readers. 100% Coverage InOver 95 Communities! • Priced To Fit Your Budget • Multiple Month Discounts • 6 Month Pre-Payment Special If Your Business Caters To NJ’s Senior Citizens You Need To Contact Senior Publishing Toll Free (888) 637-3200 • NOVEMBER 2014 LIONS HEADLines 31 Like Us On Facebook
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