Hedding Herald Hedding United Methodist Church November 2014 A Spiritual Home, Sharing Christ in Community and Fellowship We Gather, We Share, We Trust in God’s Care, Volume 29, Issue 3 As We Witness Our Faith To The World Hedding Worship Service: Greetings, friends! 10:00 a.m. Hedding Sunday School Adults & Children’s Sunday School 9:00—9:45 a.m. Nursery is available for infants through age 3 Hedding’s website: www.heddingumc.org Inside this issue: Operation Christmas Child Shoebox 2 Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service 2 Outreach Ministry 3 UMW Minutes 4 Annual Conference 4 Community Thanksgiving Meal 5 Finance Minutes 6 Women & Children 1st 7 Ladies Breakfast 7 Connecting Hope 8 Ready to Rent Class 9 UNOW Vermont 10 Murder Mystery Dinner 11 We’re entering the giving season—Thanksgiving, Christmas giving, end of year charitable giving, as well as the time when we make our financial commitment to Hedding for the coming year. Through the Committed to Christ program, we’re invited to live out our faith through spiritual practices, including financial giving. Those of you attending worship and participating in the small group study have an opportunity to explore these practices and learn from one another. But what about those of you who received the mailing with the commitment cards without hearing the rest of the story? I know how hard it can be to sit with the financial commitment card as you crunch numbers to make a pledge you can keep. I know that you love the church and want to help. And I know that you have many bills to pay – mortgage or rent, electricity, heat, groceries, medical expenses – and only a limited amount of income. When you hear the biblical goal of tithing and do the math for yourself, the numbers may not work. What we’re asking you to do is take the next step—that may mean an increase in giving or it may mean maintaining your pledge as other expenses grow. Your thoughtfulness matters more than the dollar amount. It took me five years to grow in my own giving from about 1-2% of my income to 10%. By taking the time to intentionally grow my giving I have been able to sustain this practice. I began by making small changes that “freed up” money to increase my pledge. I stopped buying a cup of coffee on my way to work – saving at least $1 a day that I added to my church pledge. Year by year, I took other steps until I reached the tithe. Instead of seeing whether I had enough left over to pay my church pledge, I made my gift to the church my first priority, writing my check to the church before paying my bills. Regardless of what percentage of your income you share with the church, make it your first gift. Think of it as a gift—something shared out of love. Give because you love God and love the church. I pray that you will take the next step of your commitment to Christ as you pray, read the Bible, faithfully attend worship, give generously, witness to your faith, and serve in Jesus’ name. Blessings, Pastor Kim Volume 29, Issue 3 — November 2014 Page 2 Operation Christmas Child Submitted by Donna Fuller It is that time of year when we can all add a twinkle to the eyes of children around the world. Hedding United Methodist Church is taking part again this year in Operation Christmas Child Shoebox. The dates for participation are today through Nov 23rd. Starting Sunday, Nov 2, 2014 we will have a supply of labels for the shoeboxes indicating if they are for girls or boys and a idea list of items to fill the shoeboxes. These items will be available in Epworth Hall starting Sunday, Nov. 2, 2014. If you would rather go on line for a list of items, you can go to Operation Christmas Child - Samaritan's Purse, www.samaritanspurse.org (how to pack a shoebox) or FaithfulProvisions.com. We will have some shoeboxes available if you do not have any of your own. These will also be in Epworth Hall. Decide whether your gifts will be for a boy or a girl and age category of 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14. This can be a fun family project letting your children assist in the giving of these items. More than one shoebox per individual or family would be more than welcomed. Boxes do not need to be Christmas wrapped, only labeled for boy or girl and the age category. A rubber band needs to be put around the box. It is requested that you include a donation of $7.00 per box to help cover shipping and other costs related to the delivering of your shoebox(s). We are asking that all filled shoeboxes be brought to HUMC by Sunday, November 23rd so that these cherished gifts can be blessed during the Sunday service on November 23rd. After the service we will be taking them to the drop off locations. Thank you for your love, blessings and gifts to these children. Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service Tuesday November 25 at 7 PM at St. Monica's A free will offering will be taken to benefit local food ministries There will be a community choir—come early to rehearse. Volume 29, Issue 3 — November 2014 Page 3 Outreach Ministry News Dear Hedding Family, First of all, thanks to the volunteers that helped man the Hedding table (Mary Ann Ritchie, Linda Lamberti and Melanie Magwire) at the Connect Hope Event at the BOR held on November 1st. A big thanks to George Bond and Bond auto for providing the meal and a special thanks to the Norwich Cadets and Boy Scouts/ Cub Scouts for helping with the distribution of groceries at the Event. I also would like to make an appeal for turkey donations for the food shelf as we prepare bags for Thanksgiving Day and Christmas. These don't have to be huge birds (6-8 lbs); donations would also be appreciated. Winter is right around the corner so let's remember those who have less and please continue to pray for the homeless. On Thanksgiving Day there will be a meal at the Barre Masonic Lodge starting at 12 noon. If you would like to volunteer, the contact number is 802-223-1883. They would also like folks to come and fellowship with the guests, come enjoy a great meal and make a new friend. Also at the Barre American Legion at 11:30 am Thanksgiving Day there will be a meal, all are welcome. God Bless, Rev. Renny Azotea Happy Birthday, Alba! Alba Rossi enjoyed a visit with Pastor Kim and Martha Sanborn who brought Alba a birthday balloon. Volume 29, Issue 3 — November 2014 Page 4 Hedding UMW October 13, 2014 Meeting (Draft Minutes subject to approval at the November meeting) Submitted by Donna Fuller The October meeting was very brief. Unfortunately there were too many conflicting obligations and at 6:00 pm there were only three of us at the meeting with two more arriving shortly thereafter. We made an executive decision to postpone the meeting and pick up at the November meeting with what we had planned for the October meeting. To try and avoid a repeat of this, we would like to ask that you reply back to all with an RSVP when you get the reminder for the meeting. This way, if we find that there is a conflict and the majority of you ladies can’t make it we can make other arrangements. We are going to continue working on the washcloth kits in November. We have 46 wash cloths. Items brought in were 12 deodorants, and 18 soaps. At the September meeting Mary Ann said that she was going to check with Steve Bullard to see if we could obtain 46 toothbrushes and toothpastes from his sources. Mary Ann was unable to attend the meeting on Monday night so we are unsure about the status of these items. Blessings to all, Donna Women and Children First Church Conference is Monday, December 1, 7 PM Hedding UMC, 40 Washington Street, Barre, VT. All church members have a voice and vote. Our conference is a time of worshipful work as we elect lay leadership for 2015, vote on the pastor's salary, discuss finances and 2015 budget, affirm lay servants, celebrate our ministries, and remember the saints. Please mark your calendar and plan to participate! will be observing Black Friday (Nov 28) with a STORE WIDE 50% OFF SALE! Volume 29, Issue 3 — November 2014 Page 5 Want to Help with the Community Thanksgiving meal? The Masonic Lodge in Barre will be hosting a Community Thanksgiving meal again this year. Many folks contact the Lodge to help in the days leading up to the event and they always end up with lots of volunteers. One of the coordinators said, “What is needed more is people who are willing to come eat and be in fellowship with the people who are guests.” The meal is served at noon on Thanksgiving. Someone wanting to help with cooking and serving should be in touch with the Masons. Their main number is: (802) 223-1883. THANK YOU!! Submitted by Martha Sanborn THANK YOU HEDDING CHURCH FAMILY AND FRIENDS FOR MAKING THE ANNUAL CHICKEN PIE SUPPER A HUGE SUCCESS!! Thanks to everyone who contributed cash to purchase chicken, signed up for all the supplies we needed including dessert pies, to Carolyn Howe for taking reservations, to Judy Raymond who sets up and oversees the dining room and servers, to Becky Mackin and the gals who serve the dessert pies, to those who peeled veggies Friday night, those who “picked chicken” Saturday morning, those who made biscuits and those who worked in the kitchen and dining room the night of the supper!!! As you can see, the list goes on and on! And as a result we had great fun and fellowship and made about $3300.00 to help support Hedding’s many missions here in Central Vermont! We are the best!! Volume 29, Issue 3 — November 2014 Page 6 STEWARDSHIP/FINANCE MINUTES (Draft Minutes, subject to approval at next meeting) October 28, 2014 Submitted by Martha Sanborn Attending; Mary Ann Ritchie, Pastor Kim Kie, Melanie Magwire, Kelly DeFelice, Martha Sanborn, Marie MacDougall, Charlene Helman Charlene opened with devotions. Our Stewardship program for this fall is Committed to Christ – a six week study and commitment to Prayer, Bible Study, Worship, Witness, Financial Giving and Service. A good number of Sunday morning worshippers are participating. The commitment cards show that we have a faithful, committed congregation ready to take the next step in their faith journey. Nine names have been added to our prayer chain!! The last Sunday of this series (Service) we will have a Soup and Bread Celebration Meal provided by this committee. Charlene asked us to help come up with all the ways to serve to help Linda Lamberti with her plans. Financial Secretary and Treasurers reports were reviewed. A proposal for the 2015 budget was created using a spreadsheet with the 2014 budget and year to date figures. Several ideas were discussed to help get and keep members aware of Hedding’s financial needs – ways to keep in contact such as newsletters with stories and memories. Also a letter that spells out our financial position. Charlene closed with prayer. Volume 29, Issue 3 — November 2014 Page 7 WOMEN & CHILDREN FIRST The Face of Christ on Main Street Women & Children First sent six (6) totes of warm winter clothes to the annual Connecting Hope event at the Barre Auditorium November 1st! Please continue to bring in your winter donations as there is always a need, especially this time of year. Just remember we can accept only clothing that is clean, no stains, no tears, all buttons and zippers working. November sale – all orange tags (fall clothing) are 50% off! Think of Women & children First if you or someone you know has a new baby! We have a great selection from baby bedding to baby bath tubs to strollers as well as baby clothing. Please come and join us at our next Ladies Intergenerational Breakfast Saturday, November 15 9:15 am in Epworth Hall, Hedding UMC Please bring an item of non-perishable food for Hedding’s Food Shelf if you are able. Veterans Day, November 11 Volume 29, Issue 3 — November 2014 Page 8 Volume 29, Issue 3 — November 2014 Page 9 Volume 29, Issue 3 — November 2014 Page 10 Volume 29, Issue 3 — November 2014 Page 11 Note: Date Change! Murder Mystery Dinner Saturday, March 14 12:00 matinee and 5:00 evening performances Enjoy Dinner and Dessert! Enjoy a murder mystery with audience participation in solving the mystery! Needed: 6 male, 7 female actors Set & Costume help Kitchen/Dining Room helpers If you are interested in being a player or helping in some way, please contact Charlene Helman at 476-4032. Volume 29, Issue 3 — November 2014 Page 12 Wesley Groups: Monday Morning Women’s Wesley Group 9:30 am — See Carolyn Peake or Charlene Calcagni-Boisvert DATES TO REMEMBER 1 Connecting Hope, BOR, 10-2pm Choir Rehearsals — 7 pm on Thursdays at Hedding — See Charlene Helman 1 & 8 Ready To Rent Class, 10-4 2 All Saints Day 4 Church Council Meeting, 7 pm, HUMC 10 UMW Meeting, 6 pm, HUMC 11 Veterans Day 15 Ladies Intergenerational Breakfast, 9:15 HUMC 16 UNOW Vermont, Barre City Aud, 6-9pm 25 Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service, 7pm, St. Monica’s 27 Thanksgiving Meal, Barre Masonic Lodge, noon 27 Thanksgiving Meal, Barre American Legion, 11:30 Sunday, November 2 Remember to set your clocks back 1 hour on Saturday night, November 1 Hedding Community Food Shelf Hedding is operating a food shelf twice a week on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3-5 pm and with the down turn in the economy we have been serving more and more families. If everyone could bring in at least one canned food item a week it won't take long to fill our shelves. Spaghetti sauce, tuna, peanut butter and canned fruit are some of the things we need most. So as you shop for yourself, please pick up an extra can for our food shelf. Remember every little bit helps. I WOULD BE ABLE TO GIVE A LOT MORE THANKS IF I DIDN’T HAVE TO FINISH OFF THESE LIMA BEANS Thank you and God Bless, Rev. Renny Volume 29, Issue 3 — November 2014 Page 13 November Birthdays 2 Riley Quinn LeFevre Hedding United Methodist Church Harriet Galfetti 3 Helen Emerson 6 E. Hale Ritchie 16 Mary Ann Ritchie 18 Jeffrey Virge Bob Wilcox 23 Carter Langevin Grace DeFelice 24 Annette Corliss Pastor: Pastor Kim Kie 14 7 E-mail address: Ronald Loati Nicole Sancibrian 27 Jack Wright Alexander LeFevre pastorkimkie@gmail.com Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 9-12 and Fri. 1-5 or by appointment Wed. is Pastor Kim’s Sabbath (as noted on calendar) Outreach Minister: 9 Charlene Calcagni-Boisvert 11 Steve Martin E. Dean Holt 29 Jim Corliss Cindy Bullard If your birthday is not listed and you would like it to be, please contact Carolyn Howe (476-8946 or lucycarol18@gmail.com) or the church office. Rev. Br. Renny Azotea E–mail address: revrenny@gmail.com The next issue of the Herald will be the December issue. The deadline will be November 16. Office Hours: Tuesday, 9-3 & Friday, 9-5, by appointment only The deadline for the monthly Herald is the third Sunday of each month. You may email submissions to Carolyn Howe (lucycarol18@gmail.com). Wed. & Thurs., 9-5 Vouchers & Food Shelf: Wed. & Thurs. 3-5 Hedding Herald Staff Administrative Assistant Executive Editor — Pastor Kim Kie Kelly DeFelice General Editor — Carolyn Howe Office Hours: Tuesday—Friday 9:00 am—Noon Phone 476-8156 E-mail: heddingumc Contributing Reporters Outreach News — Rev. Renny Azotea Chicken Pie Supper; Women & Children First; Finance Minutes — Martha Sanborn Ladies Breakfast — Ginny McNamara @hotmail.com Organist: Vicki Gauthier Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes; UMW Minutes— Donna Fuller Murder Mystery Dinner — Charlene Helman Choir Director Babysitting Services — Sally Wray Charlene Helman The Hedding Herald is published by Hedding United Methodist Church. Pastor Kim Kie, Office (802-476-8156); Parsonage (802-476-7904) Have You Considered Remembering Your Church In Your Will? Volume 29, Issue 3 — November 2014 Page 14
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