From by guest on November 10, 2014. For personal use only. 1994 84: 3344-3355 Expression of CD4 by human hematopoietic progenitors [see comments] F Louache, N Debili, A Marandin, L Coulombel and W Vainchenker Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on November 10, 2014. For personal use only. Expression of CD4 by Human Hematopoietic Progenitors By Fawzia Louache, Najet Debili, Aliette Marandin, Laure Coulombel, and William Vainchenker It has been recently reported that murine hematopoietic stem cells and progenitors express low levels of CD4. In this study, we have investigated by phenotypic and functional analysis whether theCD4 molecule wasalso present on human hematopoieticprogenitors.Unfractionated marrow cells or immunomagnetic bead-purifiedCD34+cells were analyzed by two-color fluorescence with an anti-CD4 and an anti-CD34 monoclonalantibody(MoAb). A large fraction (25% t o 509/0)of the CD34' cells was weakly stainedby antiCD4 antibodies. Moreover, in further experiments analyzing the expression of CD4 in different subpopulations of CD34+ cells, we found that CD4 was predominantly expressed in phenotypically primitive cells (CD34+ CD38"'"" CD71'"" Thy1high, HLA-DR'"""). However, the presence of CD4 was not restricted t o these primitive CD34+cell subsets and wasalso detected in a smaller fraction of more mature CD34+ cells exhibiting differentiation markers. Among those, subsets with myelo-monocytic markers (CD13,CD33,CD14, and CD11b) have a higher CD4 expression than the erythroidor megakaryocytic subsets. In vitro functional analysis of the sorted CD34' subsets in colony assays and long-term culture-initiating cell (LTC-IC) assays confirmed that clonogenic progenitors (colony-forming unit-granulocyte-macrophage, burst-forming unit-erythroid, and colony-forming unit-megakaryocyte) and LTC-IC were present in the CD4'" population. However, most clonogenic progenitors were recovered in theCD4- subset, whereas the CD4'" fraction was greatly enriched in LTC-IC. In addition, CD4'""LTC-IC generated larger numbers ofprimitive clonogenic progenitors thandid CD4- LTC-IC. These observations suggest that, in the progenitor compartment, the CD4 molecule is predominantly expressed on very early cells. The CD4 molecule present on CD34+ cells appeared identical t o t h e T-cell molecule because it was recognized by three MoAbsrecognizing different epitopes of the molecule. Furthermore, this CD4 molecule is also functional because the CD34'CD4'"" cells are able t o bind the humanimmunodeficiency virus(HIV) gp120. This observation might berelevant to theunderstanding of the mechanisms of HIV-induced cytopenias. 0 1994 by The American Society of Hematology. T may reinforce the hypothesis that these cells may be a direct target for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and therefore contribute to the cytopenias associated with HIV infection,?,h,14-17(2) T-cell depletion has been proposed in marrow transplants to reduce graft-versus-host disease in HLA-nonidentical recipients T cells are usually removed using apanel of anti-T monoclonalantibodies (MoAbs) including CD4. Failure of engraftment is a major drawback in these situations, and one possible mechanism could be related to the specific depletion of hematopoietic stem cells sharing some epitopes including CD4 with the T-cell compartment. Our purpose in this study was to investigate whether CD4 was present on the different classes of human hematopoietic progenitors, colony-forming cells, as well as long-term culture-initiating cells (LTC-IC). Our results clearly show that 25% to 50% of CD34' cells express low levels of the CD4 molecule. Most of the primitive progenitors, characterized by a CD38-, Thy-1 +,HLADR'"" phenotype, expressed CD4. We confirmed in biologic assay that LTC-IC expressing this phenotype were CD4' as well as a fraction of clonogenic progenitors of the erythroid, granulocytic, and megakaryocytic lineages. CD4 was alsoexpressed in moremature CD34' cells, including some pre-B cells. HE CD4 MOLECULE has been initially identified on thehelper subset of matureTcells. Itfunctions as the receptor for class I1 major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules in these cells and plays an important role in mediating interactions between T cells and antigen-presenting cells.',' Within the lymphoid lineage, the CD4 molecule is alsoexpressedonmore primitivedouble-positive CD4/CD8intrathymic T-cellprecursors.' Moreover, evidence has accumulated recentlythat shows that theCD4 molecule is expressed on nonlymphoidcells of the hematopoietic system such as monocytes/macrophages in many tissues' and several myeloid leukemic cell lines' and is synthesized by human megakaryocytes and eosinophils.'" Preliminary data indicate that CD4 is present on CD34' cells, a population greatly enriched in hematopoietic progenitors.* Although it has not been directly proved that human hematopoietic progenitors express the CD4 antigen, this is likely considering recent data in the mouse. CD4 is present at low level on a minority (about 12%) of murine marrow cells, including prethymic T cells,hematopoieticprogenitors, colony-forming unit-spleen (CFU-S), and long-term repopulating stem celIs.*-" The presence of CD4 on hematopoietic progenitors may be particularly relevant to two major issues in human diseases. (1) Theexpression of CD4 on thecell surface of hematopoieticprogenitors,particularlyonprimitivecells, From INSERM U 362, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif; France. Submitted March 16, 1994; accepted July 25, 1994. Supported by grants from the Institut National de la Sante' et de la Recherche Me'dicale, the Agence Nationale pour la recherche sur le SIDA, the Institut Gustave Roussy, and Electricite' de France. AddressreprintrequeststoFawziaLouache,PhD, INSERM U.362, Institut Gustave Roussy, 94805 Villejuif; France. The publication costs of this article were defrayedin part by page chargepayment. This article must thereforebeherebymarked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this ,fact. 0 1994 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/94/8410-0031$3.00/0 3344 MATERIALS AND METHODS Marrow Cell Preparation Bone fragments were obtained after informed consent from patients undergoing hip surgery. Marrow cells were collected by vigourous shaking of bone fragments in Iscove's modified Dulbecco's medium (IMDM; GIBCO, Paisley, UK) supplemented with 1 0 0 pgj mL of deoxyribonuclease (Sigma, St Louis, MO; DNase type I). Cells were subsequently centrifuged once, counted, and separated on Ficoll-Hypaque (Seromed, Berlin, Germany). Light-density (< 1.077 g/mL) cells (LDMC) were recovered and used either for labeling or immunomagnetic bead separation. Antibodies Several MoAbs were used for flow cytometry. Fluorescein isothiocyanate (F1TC)-labeled anti-Leu-3a + 3b (SK3 + SK4, CD4), Blood, Vol84, No 10 (November 15). 1994: pp 3344-3355 From by guest on November 10, 2014. For personal use only. 3345 EXPRESSION OF CD4 BY HEMATOPOIETICPROGENITORS HPCA 2 (8G12, CD34), anti-CD42a (Beb l), IOA71 (YDJ1.2.2, CD71), IOB6 (T16, CD38), IOP36 (FA6-152, CD36), IOT18 (B1 5 , CD18), IOMl (Bear I, CDllb), IOT2A (HLA-DR), IOT4 (13 B 8 2, CD4), Dako IIIA (Y2-51, CD61). CD13, and CD5 were purchased from Becton Dickinson (Mountain View, CA), Immunotech (Luminy, France), and Dako (Glostrup, Denmark), respectively. Phycoerythrin (R-PE)-labeled anti-Leu-3a (SK3, CD4), HPCA 2 (CD34), anti-Leu-l2 (4G7, CD19), anti-Leu4 (SK7, CD3), antiLeu-l7 (HB7, CD38), and anti-Leu-M3 (CD14) were purchased from Becton Dickinson, PE-IOM33 (D3HL 60.251, CD33) from Immunotech, and OKT4 (CD4) from Coulter (Margency, France). Control isotype antibodies (IgGI, IgGZa, FITC-IgGI, and PE-IgG1) were obtained from Dako. Four unconjugated antibodies were also used, ie, anti-Leu-3a, IOT 7 (8H8, CD7, Immunotech), an antiThy-l MoAb," and QBENDIO (CD34). These two last MoAbs were generous gifts from Dr J.T. Kemshead (London, UK) and Dr M.F. Greaves (London, UK), respectively. FITC-labeled sheep antimouse lg Fab'2 fragments were obtained from Silenus (Hawthorn, Australia). Isolation of CD34 by the lmmunomagnetic Bead Technique CD34' cells were recovered from LDMC (usually 2 X 10' cells) by the immunomagnetic bead technique. Cells were incubated first at 4°C for 30 minutes with the QBEND I O MoAb at a dilution of 112,500 (3 pg/mL) and then with paramagnetic beads coupled to a goat antibody to mouse IgG (Dynabeads M-450; Dynal, Oslo, Norway), with a bead to target cell ratio of 5:l. CD34+ cells were isolated by magnetic separation and detached from the beads by chymopapain treatment (130 U/mL for 1 minute, repeated three times)." The CD34 epitope recognized by QBENDIO is cleaved by chymopapain, thus allowing to collect CD34' cells free of beads and to relabel them immediately with MoAbs that recognize chymopapain-resistant epitopes. The recovery in CD34' cells ranged from 0.5%to 1% ofthe initial LDMC. When antibodies were directed against antigens destroyed by the enzyme (IOM33 [CD33], anti-Leu M3 [CD14], and IOT7 [CD7]), CD34' cells were incubated overnightin IMDM with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) and 100 U/mL recombinant human interleukin-3 (rhIL-3) to allow resynthesis of the molecule. HIV-1 Envelope Glycoprotein (gp) Recombinant gp120 (rgpl20) and rgpl60 were obtained from American Biotechnologies, Inc (Cambridge, MA) and from Transgene (Strasbourg, France), respectively. Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Flow Cytometry For directly conjugated antibodies, cell staining was performed according to the manufacturer's instructions. For the unconjugated antibodies (anti-Thy-l and anti-CD7 MoAbs), cells were first stained with the MoAb, washed twice, and stained by the FITClabeled goat antimouse Fab'2. Remaining free sites on the FITCFab'2 were blocked by 15 minutes of incubation with mouse serum (dilution, 1/5). Cells were subsequently labeled with the PE-antiLeu-3a MoAb. Cells were suspended in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), kept at 4°C and analyzed on a FACSort (Becton Dickinson) with the Lysis 11 software; 2 X IO5 and 1 X lo4 events were acquired from lowdensity marrow and isolated CD34+ cells, respectively, and stored in list mod files. Cell Sorting Cell sorting of the CD34/CD38/CD4 was performed starting from magnetic bead-isolated CD34' cells. Purified CD34+ cells (1 x lo6 cells) were incubated simultaneously with the FITC-HPCA 2 (CD34) or FITC-IOB6 (CD38) and PE-anti-Leu-3a MoAbs (CD4). After one washing, cells were suspended in IMDM at a concentration of 5 X IO5 cellslmL and separated by cell sorting. Cells were sorted on an ODAM, ATC 3000 cell sorter (ODAMI Bruker, Wissembourg, France) equipped withan INNOVA 70-4 Argon ion laser (Coherent Radiation, Palo Alto, CA) tunned at 488 nm and operating at 500 mW or a FACSort. A "morphologic" gate including 80% of the events and all the CD34' cells was determined on two-parameter histograms (side scatter [SSC] versus electric measurement of the cell volume or forward scatter [FSC], for the ATC 3000 or the FACSort). Compensation for two-color-labeled samples was set up with single-stained samples. Positivity or negativity for the CD4 among the CD34+ cells was determined using control cells labeled with the FITC-HPCA2 or FITC-IOB6 and a PE-irrelevant IgGl MoAb. Because the expression of CD4 was low in comparison to the control, the positive CD4'"" cell gate included the 20% more positive cells, whereas the CD4- gate included 70% to 50% more negative cells. Because the precise threshold between positivity and negativity is not easy to determine, some CD4'"" cells contaminated the negative fraction (see Fig 7 in the Results). CD34+ cells were sorted according tothe labeling into several fractions, ie, CD34+CD4'"", CD34+CD4-, CD38+CD4'"", CD38+CD4-, CD3810WCD4'0",Cd38Io"CD4-,CD38-CD4'OW,and CD38-CD4-. Assessment of Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells Quantitation of Clonogenic Progenitors in Semisolid Assays Erythroid (colony-forming unit-erythroid [CFU-E] and mature and immature burst-forming unit-erythroid [BFU-E]) granulocytic (colony-forming unit granulocyte-macrophage [CFU-GEMM]) and mixed (colony-forming unit granulocyte-erythroid-macrophagemegakaryocyte [CFU-GEMM]) progenitors were quantified using previously described methylcellulose assays." Each fraction selected was plated at a concentration of 0.5 to 2 X IO3 cells/mL of complete methylcellulose medium (0.8% methylcellulose in IMDM, 30% fetal calf serum [FCS], 1% deionized bovine serum albumin [BSA], m o m P-mercaptoethanol). Colony-stimulating factors, were provided as recombinant human (rh) growth factors: rhSteel factor (SF; 50 ng/mL) and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF; 20 ng/mL), both kindly provided by Amgem (Thousand Oaks, CA); rhIL-6 (100 U/mL) and rhIL-3 (100 U/mL), both kindly provided by Immunex (Seattle, WA); andhuman erythropoietin (rhEpo; 1 U/mL; purchased from Amersham, Les Ulis, France). Plates were incubated at 37°C in an air atmosphere supplemented with 5% CO2 and saturated with humidity. Hematopoietic progenitors were scored at least twice at days 14 to 16 and 20 to 25 according to the criteria previously described in detail.'" Colony-forming units-megakaryocyte (CFU-MK) were grown by the plasma clot technique using serum from aplastic patients and a combination of three cytokines (rhEpo, rhSF, and rhIL-3).'' Cultures were incubated in a fully humidified atmosphere with 5% COz in air and studied after 12 days. Colonies were quantified by an indirect immunophosphatase alkaline-labeling technique using an anti-GPIIIa MoAb (CD61 and Y2-51). Dishes were entirely scanned under an inverted microscope at a 40 or IOOX magnification. We have previously reported that addition of murine stromal cells from the MS-5 cell line to the colony assays selectively stimulate the expression of very early clonogenic progenitor cells (immature BFU-E and CFU-GEMM) in synergy with growth factors." This growth-promoting effect was assessed on the CD34ICD4 fractions by adding 10,000 MS-5 cells to both methylcellulose and plasma clot assays. From by guest on November 10, 2014. For personal use only. 3346 LOUACHE ET AL Detection of LTC-ICs in the Sorted Fractions ThepresenceofLTC-ICwasassessedbyculturingthesorted MS-5, as fractionsduring 5 to 8 weeks on murinestromalcells previously described." Cultures were initiated at limiting dilutions by plating 50 to 100 CD34' or CD34+/CD4'""/CD38- cells per well (96-well plates) inaMEM (GIBCO) supplemented with 12.5% horse serum (Hyclone, Logan, UT) and 12.5% FCS (Jbio, Paris, France). Wells were maintained at 33"C, 5 6 CO2 and fed weekly by halfmedium change. The contentof each well in clonogenic progenitors was assessed after 4 to 8 weeks in culture by plating nonadherent and adherent cells (recovered by trypsinisation) in methylcellulose assay (see above) supplemented with rhIL-3, rhEpo, rhSF, and rhGCSF. At least 10 wells per fraction tested were killed at the times indicated. Both the frequency of positive wells and the content in A positive well was progenitorsperpositivewellwererecorded. defined as a well that contained at least one clonogenic progenitor cell after 4 to 8 weeks in culture. Statistics Resultsofexperimentalpointsobtainedfrommultipleexperiments were reported as the mean t I SEM. Significance levels were determined by paired Student's t-test analysis. RESULTS Expression of CD4 o n CD34' Marrow Cells In pilot experiments, we analyzed expression of the CD4 antigen on LDMC by flow cytometry in different morphologic gates defined by light scatter (FSC and SSC). We could find a fraction of cells (10%)with a low expression of CD4 (CD4'"" cells) among the morphologic gate corresponding to lymphocyte and blast cells. Their fluorescence intensity was about five times less than that of blood lymphocytes. Similar results were observed with three different anti-CD4 MoAbs (anti-Leu-3a, IOT4, and OKT4). In contrast to the results obtained in the mouse,8 detection of these CD4'"" human marrow cells did not require high concentration of antibody because similar results were obtained with concentrations of the anti-Leu-3a MoAb from 0.05 to 25 pg/mL (data not shown). We then determined whether CD4 could be identified in the CD34+ subset of cells by double-labeling experiments FITC-CD4. with FITC-CD34 + PE-CD4 and PE-CD34 Analysis was performed in the 1ymphocyte:blast gate and compared with an irrelevant IgG. A proportion of 25% to 50% of CD34' cells expressed the CD4 molecule, even though precise evaluation of the proportion of CD4'"" cells was sometimes hampered by the weak intensity of labeling. PE-labeled anti-Leu-3a MoAb allowed a better discrimination of the CD4+ and CD4- cells among the CD34+ cells (Fig 1A through D). These results were further confirmed by analyzing CD4 expression on CD34' cells purified by immunomagnetic bead-positive selection using the QBEND 10 MoAb (Figure 2A, B, and C). CD34' cells were isolated using this technique in 12independent experiments. They represented 0.5% to 1.0% of low-density marrow cells and expressed high levels of CD34 and their purity ranged from 85% to 99%, as determined by labeling with FITC- or PE-labeled HPCA2 (Figs 2A and 35). CD34+ cells were very homogenous in terms of scatter properties and fell within the previously + determined gate on LDMC. Events were detected outside the gates but they mainly corresponded to cell debris ( 5 % to 20%) and did not interfere with the analysis. We first checked that the CD4 expression on the purified CD34 cells was not modified by the purification technique (Fig 2A, B, and C). As on the entire marrow, the PE-labeled anti-Leu-3a MoAb gave a better discrimination over the background than the FITC anti-Leu-3a + 3b MoAbs. Double-labeling experiments showed that 30% on average ( 15% to SO%), of the purified CD34+ cells expressed the CD4, a percentage very similar to what we found after labeling of LDMC (see above). However, it has to be noted that incubating CD34' cells overnight in the presence of rhIL-3 led to a decrease in the proportion of cells expressing CD4 (2S% before and IO% after culture in two experiments). The percentage of contaminating T cells evaluated by double labeling with MoAbs against CD3 and CD4 antigens represented less than 0.5% of the entire gate and was slightly enriched in the gate corresponding to the smallest cells (about 4%: see Figs 6 and 7). In addition, T cells were easily identified by their intense labeling with the anti-CD4 antibodies. These results clearly showed that a significant proportion of CD34' cells expressed CD4, although at a low level. Because the CD34+ cellpopulation is very heterogenous and includes the whole hierarchy of progenitors cells as well as more mature myeloid and lymphoid precursors, it was important to precisely analyze the CD4 expression in different subsets of CD34+ cells. Expression of CD4 by Different Subsets of CD34' Cells This analysis was performed in double-staining experiments on immunomagnetic bead-separated cells. To minimize the contamination by CD34- cells, analysis was only performed when the proportion of CD34+ cells was greater than 95% in the gate. Expression of CD4 in DifSerent CD34 Subsets Defined by "Nonlineage" Restricted Markers Expression of CD4 was first analyzed in subsets of CD34' cells defined as the earliest progenitor cells based on their expression of three differentiation markers: CD38, Thy- I , and HLA-DR (Fig 3A through H). Interestingly, the CD4 antigen was detected on the majority of CD34+ cells expressing an immature phenotype, ie, CD38- or CD38'"". Indeed, an inverse relationship between CD38 and CD4 expression was striking in 7 experiments (Figure 3A through D). Thus, the majority (57% to 85%) of CD38- or CD38'"" cells were CD4'. In average, only 10% to 15% of the CD3ghIghcells were simultaneously labeled by an anti-CD4 MoAb. Some variations were observed among marrow samples, because in 3 of 7 experiments, less than 1 % of CD4' cells could be detected in the CD38h'phcells (Fig 3A through D). CD4 expression was also restricted to HLA-DR'"" CD34' cells (Fig 3G and H). We subsequently analyzed the expression of HLA-DR and CD38 among CD34' cells. Most CD38"'"" cells were either HLA-DR'"" or HLA-DR- (Fig From by guest on November 10, 2014. For personal use only. 3341 EXPRESSION OF CD4 BY HEMATOPOIETICPROGENITORS BARROW CD34 F I T C IGGl PE g" W R R W CD34 F I T C CD4 PE R2 Fig 1. Expression of CD4 by CD34' cells from unseparated marrow cells. Representative cytograms from a two-color staining between anFITC-conjugated CD34 antibody and an R-PEconjugated control IgGl (A) or CD4 antibody (anti-Leu-3a) ( B ) or anR-PE-conjugated CD34 antibody and an FITC-conjugated lgGl (C) or CD4 antibody (antiLeu-3a b) (D). Marrow cells were analyzed in a lymphocyte and blast cell gate defined by the light scatter profile. Cells expressing high levelof CD34 were subsequently gated and 5,000 events were stored. This figure illustrates the presence of CD34' cells coexpressing a low level of CD4 with a better discrimination with an R-PE-conjugated CD4 MoAb. + ':' " FLI-H\CD34 ---> -1 D I I -1 r 1" W R O Y IGGl F I T C CO74 PE M . . . ...1 8 1 FLI-HCM 31). In contrast, the majority of HLA-DR- cells were CD38+ cells. Therefore, as previously demonstrated in fetal bone marrow cells, the HLA-DR- and CD38- subsets of CD34+ cells do not identify identical cell population^.'^ Thy-l antigen, which is also restricted to primitive hematopoietic cells, was expressed on 15% to 65% of isolated CD34+ cells (Fig 3E and F) but only 5% to 10% of CD34+ cells expressed high levels of Thy-l. Overall, in four experiments, the frequency of CD4'"" cells was higher in the Thyl + population (50% to 75%) than in the Thy-1- one (30% to 35%). In addition, among the Thy-lhighCD34+ cells, the majority (>75%) were CD4+. These results confirmed that expression of CD4 was essentially found in the CD34'CD38-""", HLA-DR'""and the CD34+, Thy-lhighcells, two subsets that may overlapz4and contain most primitive progenitor cells so far identified in the humans (see below). However, the presence of CD4'"" ---> . W CD4 F I T C CD34 PE . . . ....I 81 . . . . .... I b3 I cells in the majority of the CD71'"" subset of CD34' cells strengthens this hypothesis (Fig 4). Expression of CD4 in Dtfferent CD34 Subsets Dejned by "Lineage"-Restricted Markers Myeloid markers (Fig 4). The CD18, CD13, CD36, CD33, and CD14 were used to identify cells within the myeloid lineage. These antigens were expressed on 80%, 60%, 22% to 28%, 75% to 80%, and 20%, respectively, of the purified CD34+ population. In addition, an anti-CDllb MoAb was also used and, surprisingly, stained weakly 65% of the CD34+ cells in four independent experiments. CD4 was coexpressed with these antigens and there was no main differences in the proportion of CD4'"" cells observed in the CDllb+ (Fig 4A and B), CDl8+, or CD13+ fractions and their negative counterparts. A similar expression of CD4 was found in the two cell fractions defined by the CD36 antigen CD34 FE Fig 2. Expression of CD4 by immunomagnetic bead-separated CD34+cells. (A) Expression of CD34 among immunomagnetic isolated CD34' cells. (B) Expression of CD4 using anR-PE-conjugated anti-CD4 MoAb (anti-Leu-3a) among immunomagnetic isolatedCD34+ cells. (C) Expression of CD4 using anFITC-conjugatedanti-CD4 MoAb (anti-Leu-3a 3b) among immunomagnetic isolated CD34' cells. Arrow represents the curve of the specific binding; the other curve represents the background profile using a nonrelevant IgG1. + From by guest on November 10, 2014. For personal use only. LOUACHE ET AL 3348 FITC C038 PE IGGl FLl-H\C038 l FITC C038PE C04 ---) IC FITC C038 PE IGGl FlTC CO38 PE C04 FITC THY1 PE C04 FITC THY1 PE tGGl .i' : : FLI-W\THYl ---> r FITC HLA-DR PE IGGI 1G FITC HLQ-ORPE CO4 .. . .. h I I 6 Y 7 2 FLl-H\DR ---> FLl-H\DR ---> FITC KO-OR PE C038 I '1 J FlTC IGGl PE C034 181 FLI-H\IGGI ---> ' ' '182 l Fig 3. Expression ofCD4 in phenotypically primitive CD34' subsets. Dot plot analysis of a two-color staining in the CD34' isolated cells. The flow cytometer has been set so that the negative cells in the PE labeling are included in the finrt channels (see the controls A,C, and E) to better show the CD4'OWcells. (A through D) Representative cytograms of double-staining between FlTC CD36 and R-PE control lgGl[A) and[C) or R-PE antiLeu-3a MoAb 161 and ID) in t w o typical experiments showing differences observed among normal donors. Indeed, in the first experiment, only CD38"'"" cells were labeled(B),whereas a fraction of CD38' cells was also CD4'""' in the second experiment (D). (E and F)Representative cytograms of double-staining between FlTC Thy-l and R-PE control lgGl(E) or R-PE anti-Leu-3a MoAb (F). [G and H) Representative cytograms of double-staining betweenFlTC HLA-DRand RPE control lgGl(G) or R-PE antiLeu-3a MoAb (H).CD4" cells are present among HLA-DR' cells. (I) Reprasentative cytobegrams ofdouble-staining tween FITCHLA-DR and R-PE CD38. The Eytogram shows that themajority of CD38"'-Cells express HLA-DR. (J) Representative cytograms of double-staining betweenFITC 1 6 1 and R-PE CD34 showing that more than 95% of the isolated cells were CD34'. From by guest on November 10, 2014. For personal use only. 3349 EXPRESSION OF CD4 BY HEMATOPOIETICPROGENITORS 7 FITC CDllB PE IGGl J :B FITC CD116 PE CD4 I I N Y FLl-H\CDllL? ---> IC Fig4.Expression of CD4 in CD34+ subsets with myeloid or erythroid markers of dflerentiation. Dot plot analysis of a twocolor staining in the CD34* isolatad cells. IA and B) Representative cytograrns of doublestainingbetweanFITC CDllb and R-PE control IgGl (A) or RPE anti-Leu-la MoAb (B). (C and D) Representative cytograms of doublestaining between RTC CD36 and R-PE control lgGl IC) or R-PE anti-Leu-3a MoAb (Dl. (Eend F) Reprnsentative cytograms of doublestaining between FITC CD71 and R-PE control IgGl (E)or R-PE anti-Leu-3a MoAb (F). " " FLl-H\CDllB FITC CD36 PE CD4 FITC CD36 PE IGGl FLl-H\ CD36 FITC CD71 .PE IGGl FLl-WCD71 I IF -> FITC CD71 PE CD4 ---i associated with the erythroid, megakaryocytic, and monocytic, but not with the granulocytic, pathway of differentiation (Fig 4C and D), but in two of three experiments, the CD4 molecule predominated in the negative fraction. The CD4 expression on the CD33 and CD14 subsets of CD34 was investigated after Overnight culture of the isolated CD34 to allow resynthesis of the molecule. There was no correlation between the CD33 and CD4 expression. Only very rare cells (2%) in the lymphocyte gate were CD14+ and those were CD4'"" (data not shown). Most of the CD14+ cells after this culture incubation have slightly higher SSC properties and were also CD4'"". These cell population may have differentiated during the overnight incubation. A high proportion (60%) of CD34+ cells was labeled by an anti-CD71 MoAb (Fig 4E and F). Even though some CD71high cells expressed CD4 and most likely represent erythroid progenitors, CD4'"" cells predominated in the CD7 1 cell fraction (Fig 4E and F). The CD61 and CD42a markers were used to identify cells belonging to the megakaryocytic lineage. Among the purified CD34+ cells, rare cells (5% to 7%) expressed CD61 (n = 3) and even rarer cells (2.5%)were CD42a+ (n = 1). Double-labeling experiments confirmed that these cells ex-"Ow ---> hibiting megakaryocytic markers were CD34+ (Fig 5A and B). The percentage of CD4'OWcells in the CD61+ or CD42a+ cell fraction was much lower than in the negative population (5% to 10% and 22% to 39%, respectively). However, some rare CD61'"" or CD42a'"" cells express high amount of CD4 cells (Fig 5C through F) Lymphocyte markers (Fig 6A through E). As previously described, the scatter properties of the purified CD34' cells were quite homogenous. However, in three experiments, a subset of CD34+ cells withaverylowFSC (identical to blood lymphocyte) was detected (Fig 6A,see gate R2). This population (3% to 5%) of the purifiedCD34+ cells expressed the CD19 antigen in their majority(Fig 6D and E) and might represent pre-B cells. CD4 was undetectable among these CD19+ cells when the cells were labeled by the FITC antiLeu-3a + b MoAbs (Fig 6C and E) and barely detectable whenthe R-PE anti-Leu-3a MoAbwasused(datanot shown). Indeed, less than 10% of the CD19' CD34+ cells expressed CD4. The CD7 marker was investigated after 24 hours of culture. CD7hghcells were rare andcould represent contaminating mature T cells. In addition, CD7'"" cells were present in higher number (22%), some of them being CD4+. This un- From by guest on November 10, 2014. For personal use only. 3350 . LOUACHE ET AL A FL1-H"IGG1 .. FITC IGGl PE CD34 FITC -,c B FITC CD42P PE C D 3 ---> FITC CD4212 PE l G G l 1 FITC CD42P PE CD4 I FLI-HXCD42 ---> FLl-H\CD42 " 1 FLI-H\ CD61 usual high proportion of CD7'"" cells may be due to the 24 hours of culture in the presence of IL-3. Functional Analysis of CD34' Cells Differing in CD4 Expression The clonogenic progenitor and LTC-ICs content of CD34' CD4'"" and CD34+ CD4- populations was assessed in four separate experiments. In the two first ones, CD34+ cells purified by beads were sorted into CD4'"" and CD4- cell fractions using the FACSort. The two sorting gates are shown in Fig 7B and the reanalysis of the sorted CD4'"" and CD4- are illustrated in Fig 7C and D. In the two other experiments, bead-separated CD34+ cells were further fractionated according to CD38 as well as CD4 expression using the ODAM, ATC 3000 (see Materials and Methods). As shown in Table 1, when expressed on a per cell basis, clonogenic progenitors were found in both CD4'"" and CD4- fractions, although there was a significant trend towards enrichment in the CD4- fraction (P = .02). This enrichment was also significant for Cm-MK (8 t 1 v 19 ? 5 per 1,000 plated cells in the CD4'"" and CD4- fractions, respectively; n = 3; P = .02). However, there were differences according ---> FITC CD61 PE CD4 Fig 5. Expression of CD4 in CD34+ subsetswith megakaryocytic markers of differentiation. Dot plot analysis of a two-color staining in the CD34+ isolated cells. (A and B) Representative cytograms of double-staining between R-PE CD34 and ATC control lgGl (A) orFlTCCD42a (B)showing that asubsetof CD34+ cells expressed CD42a.(C and D) Representative cytograms of double staining between FITC CD42aand R-PE control lgGl (Cl or R-PE anti-lw-3a MoAb ID). (E and F) Repraentative cytograms of double-staining between FITCCD61 and RPE control lgGl (E) or R-PE antiLeu-3a IF). to the differentiation stage of the progenitors. Indeed, more primitive progenitors such as iBFU-E and CFU-GEMM were either present in equal proportions in both cell fractions or enriched in the CD4'"" cell fraction. Because the proportion of CD4'""-sorted cells represented about 20% of the CD34, the deduced recovery (percentage = cloning efficiency of the CD4'"" cell fraction X 20kloning of the total CD34' cell population) in the CD34' CD4'"" cell fraction inversely varied with the maturity of the progenitors (8% for CFUMK, 10% for mBm-E,25% for Cm-GM, 30% for iBFUE, and 60% for Cm-GEMM). To further investigate the presence of CD4 antigen on primitive progenitors, the CD34+ cells were fractionated on the CD38 and CD4 expression. The CD34+ CD38+, CD4'"" cell fraction, as wellas its direct counterpart (CD34+ CD38+, CD4-), were greatly enriched in mature progenitors. In contrast, both CD34' CD38- cell fractions contained primitive progenitors (Table 1). However, even among the CD38- cells, the CD4'"" cell fraction contained the more primitive progenitors, as shown by measurement of the clonogenic output observed after 4 to 8 weeks of coculture of these sorted fractions on MS-S cells, which provide an indirect measurement of the LTCIC content of the input fractions (Table 2). That the CD4'"" From by guest on November 10, 2014. For personal use only. 3351 EXPRESSION OF CD4 BY HEMATOPOIETIC PROGENITORS ? B Fig 6. Expression of CD4 in CD34' subsets with a B-cell marker of differentiation. Dot plot analysis of a two-color staining in the CD34+ isolated cells. (A) Scatter properties of the CD3Cpurified cells. (B through E) Representative cytograms of double-staining between R-PE CD19 and FlTC control lgGl (B and D) or FlTC antiLeu-3a b MoAb (C and E) in two gates (R1 and R21 defined on the light scatter profile.In R2, cells were defined by a small size (D and E) and the majority (> 80%) of the CD34'cells were CD19+, whereas, in R1, cells were defined by an intermediate size (B and C) and a minority (7% to 10%) wereCD19'cells. In both cases, CD4was almost undetectable. FITC FLl-H\IGGl ---> IGGl FE CD19 R I FITC CD4 FE CD19 R1 FLI-H\CW ---> E-p + FLl-H IGGl ---: cell fractions were enriched in LTC-ICs was demonstrated by two observations (Table 2): (1) the higher clonogenic output per positive well observed after 4 to 8 weeks in wells established with CD4'"" cells; and (2) the generation of CFUGEMM and iBFU-E almost exclusively in wells initiated with CD38-/CD4'OWcells. Effect of HIV-1 gp120 or gp160 on Binding of CD4 Antibodies To demonstrate that CD34+ cells were able to bind HIV1 gp120 and gp160, isolated CD34+ cells were first preincubatedwith rgpl20 and subsequently labeled by FITCHPCA2 (CD34) and R-PE-anti-Leu-3a (CD4) or OKT4, which, in contrast to the anti-Leu-3a MoAb, recognized a CD4 epitope independent of the gp120 binding. As shown on Fig 8A through H, preincubation of CD34+ cells with the rgpl20 at 10 pg/mL totally abolished subsequent binding of the anti-Leu-3a MoAb. This inhibition of anti-leu-3a MoAb binding by HIV rgpl20 was dose-dependent because inhibition was total at 10 pg/mL (Fig 8E), partial at 1 pg/ mL (data not shown), and absent at 100 ng/mL (Fig 8D). A similar dose-dependent competition was found in the rare FLI-WCD4 FlTC CD4PE CD19 R 2 ---> CD34- CD4+ cells contaminating the CD34+ purified cells (Fig 8D and E). Similar results were observed with another HIV rgpl20 and rgpl60 (data not shown). HIV-1 rGag protein (10 pg/mL) had no effect on anti-Leu-3a binding (data not shown). The HIV-1 rgpl20 did not inhibit the binding of OKT4 (Fig 8G and H), demonstrating that its competition with the anti-Leu-3a MoAb binding was specific. DISCUSSION In this study, we have shown that a significant fraction (20%to 50%) of human CD34+ cells, including both primitive progenitors and mature precursors, expresses the CD4 antigen. However, the intensity of labeling is low (about fivefold less than in peripheral blood T cells), which probably explains why CD4 has not been described as a marker of human hematopoietic progenitors. Despite the differences in labeling intensity between T cells and CD34+ cells, several arguments indicate that there is no major biochemical differences between the antigen expressed by both types of cells. ( l ) on mouse cells, two antibodies recognizing different epitopes of the molecule gave an identical staining on marrow cells and thymocytes.' In humans (this study), the From by guest on November 10, 2014. For personal use only. 3352 LOUACHE ET AL B A h G l I / 4 l N 2 d ---> FLl-HXCD34 FLl-HXCD34 ---> FLl-HCD34 ---> * n 0 T FLI-HXCD34 ---> Fig 7. Cell sorting of the CD34+ cells into a CD4'"" and a CD4- cell population. The CD4" gate (B1 was chosen to exclude the background fluorescencetaking as acontrol a nonrelevantlgGl (A). The two gates used for cell sortingwere separated by a gapto have a clear discrimination between CD4" and CD4- cells. Purity of the two sorted fractions CD34+/CD4'"" (C) and CD34+/CD4- ID) was checked by reanalyzing the sorted cells. epitope expressed by CD34' cells is recognized by several antibodies belonging to the CD4 cluster. (2) The CD4 molecule expressed by CD34+ cells is functional, as shown by its ability to bind HIV-1 gp120 or gp160. Indeed, CD34+ CD4'""cells are identified by the anti-Leu-3a antibody that identifies the binding site of gp 120 on CD4 and binding of this MoAb is specitically competed by recombinant gp120 or gp160 in a dose-dependent manner. A functional CD4 Table 1. Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells in the Different Fractions Progenitors Cells/1.000 Cells Plated Fractions Average of three experiments CD34' CD34'/CD4' CD34'/CD4-. Experiment 3 CD34+/CD38-/CD4' CD34'/CD38-/CD4CD34'/CD38'/CD4' CD34+/CD38'/CD4Experiment 4 CD34'1CD38 C D ~ ~4+ I C D ~ ~ - I C D ~ + 6 CD34+/CD38-/CD4CD~~+JCDWICD~~* CD34+ICD38'lCD4' CD34+/CD381/CD4' CD34+/CD38' CD~~+JCD~~+ICD~+ CD~~+ICD~~+ICD~- mBFU-E iBFU-E CFU-GEMM Total 223 f 44 7.3 ? 0.5 122 5 18 ( P = .l) 6 ? 2 ( P = ,l) 3.8 2 2 211 -c 59 10 64 111 164 10 4 8 35 49 ,016) 400 ? 52 269 f 12 ( P 399 f 44 8 17 0 3 54 76 90 110 100 196 203 289 5 7 4 4 2 4 2 0 0 0 15 18 16 37 13 17 16 1 3 3 42 68 66 70 159 2 40 137 -+ 13 ( P 182 rt 20 29 39 2 12 34 a 4 5 1 3.8 2 1 ( P = .09) 2 rt 1.5 CFU-GM 69 92 96 .05) 30 99 40 41 17 23 23 + 101 86 + One thousand cells of each fraction were plated in methylcellulose either in the presence of SCF IL-3 + Epo 10,000 MS-5 cells (BFU-E and CFU-GEMM conditions) or in the presence of SCF G-CSF + GM-CSF (CFU-GM conditions). Colonies were scored sequentially between days 15 and 25. In experiments 3 and 4, statistical analyses are not available because each determination is the average of t w o dishes. + 9 From by guest on November 10, 2014. For personal use only. 3353 EXPRESSION OF CD4 BY HEMATOPOIETIC PROGENITORS have used. A very small fraction (usually less than 10%) of CD34' cells coexpressing CD7 1, CD61, or CD42a that correspond to erythroid and megakaryocytic precursors expressed CD4. Similarly, CD4 was barely detectable in CD34+ cells committed to the B-cell differentiation and defined by the CD19 marker. Preferential expression of CD4 in myeloid precursors was also observed in the murine studies and early B-cell precursors identified in Whitlock-Witte cultures were only recovered in the CD4- population.' The expression of CD4 on T-cell precursors remained difficult to firmly establish; assessment of the T-cell potential of CD34+ cells has only been described recentlyz5and, in our study, detection of the CD7 antigen was performed after overnight incubation of purified CD34' as the epitope recognized by the MoAb is chymopapain-sensitive.In these conditions, which may induce the CD7 antigen, a significant fraction (about 20%) of CD34+ cells was positive for the CD7, but these cells may also include myeloid precursors, as recently reported."j The function of CD4 on hematopoietic progenitors remain unknown. On T cells, the CD4 molecule appears as an adherence receptor involved in class I1 MHC recognition.' Therefore, CD4 may play an important role in the regulation of primitive hematopoietic cells by favoring their interaction with accessory cells expressing class I1 molecules and synthesizing growth factors or inhibitors. Finally, these results have important implications in the context of the pathophysiology of cytopenias in the HIV infection. Most studies so far have failed to detect HIVinfected cells in the CD34+ cell c ~ m p a r t m e n t . ' ~ ~ 'This ~~''~~' seems to contradict our finding that CD4 is expressed on primitive subsets of CD34+ cells, which might, therefore, be a direct target for HIV infection. However, the presence of CD4 on the surface of a primitive cell does not necessarily mean thatthis cell is infectable by HIV and another molecule molecule has also been recently described on megakaryocytes and may explain their infection by HIV.' Phenotyping experiments show CD4 expression essentially on two CD34+ cell subsets: (1) primitive progenitors and (2) differentiated precursors of the myelo-monocytic lineage. Primitive progenitors have been identified in a population phenotyped as CD34+, CD38-""", Thyl+, HLA-DR'"" and we found that most CD34' cells falling in one of these categories were CD4'"". Furthermore, immature pluripotent progenitors identified by their potential to generate mixed colonies in semisolid assays'" and LTC-IC identified by their production of high numbers of clonogenic progenitors in long-term cultures22 were CD34+, CD38-""",CD4'"".By comparison, more mature clonogenic cells (mBFU-E, day 7 CFU-GM, and CFU-MK) were found in both the CD4- or CD4'"" cell fractions, but were 5 to 13 times more abundant in absolute numbers in the CD4- fractions. Noteworthy, we ruled out any inhibitory effect of CD4 MoAb binding on the plating efficiency of CD34+ (data not shown), which confirms that CD4 expression really discriminates progenitor populations with different biologic properties. Interestingly, CD4 expression was not restricted to phenotypically primitive cells because it was also found in CD34+ cells expressing "lineage" markers. However, in contrast to the consistently high proportion ofCD4'OW cells in the CD34+CD38-""" subset, the proportion ofCD4'"" cells in these differentiated fractions was lower and quite variable between marrow samples. Furthermore, some selectivity in the expression of CD4 was apparent and CD4'"" cells were predominantly found in cells coexpressing myeloid-monocytic markers (CD13 and CD33). Surprisingly, a high proportion of CD34 also expressed the C D l l b at a low level. This antigen is considered a late differentiation marker. Further experiments will be required to understand whether this result is due to the epitope recognized by the MoAb that we Table 2. Progenitor Output After 4 t o 8 Weeks of Culture of the Different Fractions in LTC-IC Assays on MS-5 Cells No. of Fractions Experiment 2 Week 4 34' 34'14' 34'134Week 8 34' 34'14' 34'14Experiment 3 13113 34'138-14' 34+138-14Experiment 4 911 34'138-14' 34'138-1434+13a+14+ 34+13a+14- Progenitor CellsMlell (mean 2 SEM) Total Progenitor Cells/ Plated Well (mean 2 SEMI Positive Wells CellsMlell BFU-E 10110 loll0 loll0 50 50 50 3 2 1 8 ? 1.6 0.8 ? 0.4 0.4 ? 0.1 0.4 ? 0.2 0 142 ? 25 179 ? 43 73 ? 12 146 ? 25 414 10/10 loll0 200 200 200 10 2 4 14 2 4 2.4 ? 2 0 1.3 ? 0.4 0.4 ? 0.4 147 2 50 173 ? 0.4 3 5 ? 14 157 2 53 189 2 38 ( P < .01) 37 2 15 50 50 9.4 2 1.4 2.2 2 0.5 416 0.5 ? 0.5 0 75 2 10 5 2 2 30 30 30 30 1.6 2 0.5 0.8 ? 0.6 0.3 0.4 ? 0.25 0.2 c 0.2 3 2 0.3 0.6 2 0.5 2 0.1 0 0 5112 219 CFU-GEMM CFU-GM 14 2 10 2 3.5 2 1.7 1.5 2 4 2 2 1 187 2 44 ( P = .02) 74 2 11 87 2 10 ( P < .001) 3.8 2 1.8 19 i 3 ( P= .l) 11 c 2 4.6 2 2 ( P= .3) 2 1.2 Wells were inoculated at day 0 with the indicated number of cells from each fraction. After 4 to 8 weeks coculture on MS-5, each well was trypsinized and plated in methylcellulose in the presence of SCF + IL-3 + G-CSF + Epo. Numbers represent the mean 2 SEM calculated from all wells plated in colony-assays. A positive well was defined as a well in which at least one clonogenic progenitor was detected at week 4 to a. From by guest on November 10, 2014. For personal use only. LOUACHE 3354 AL d U I (U _I L D 286 486 688 FSC-H\FSC-Height, ---> T 868 108Cl FLl-HXCD34 ---> FLl-HCG34 ---> T 4 D FLl-H\C034 7E ---> FLl-HlCD34 ---? l FLl-HXCG34 ---? Fig 8. Competition between HIV rgpl2O and CD4 binding on immunomagnetic bead isolated CD34' cells. Two-color staining ofCD34'purified cells between FITC-conjugated CD34 MoAb and R-PE-conjugated anti-Leu-3a MoAb or OKT4. (A) Scatter properties of the CD34purified cells. (B1 Control for the anti-CD4 MoAb binding using a nonrelevant R-PE IgG1. IC) Anti-Leu3a staining of the CD34+-purified cells. Note the rare CD34- cells labeled by the anti-Leu9a MoAb that are presumably T cells. (D) Preincubation with HIV rgpl20 (100 nglmL) (E)Preincubation with HIV rgpl20 (10 pg/mL) followed by anti-Leu-3a MoAb followed by anti-Leu-3a MoAb binding on CD34+-purified cells. binding on CD34+-purified cells.Note the inhibition of the anti-Leu-3a MoAb binding both on the CD34' cells and the rare CD34- cells. (F) OKT4 staining of the CD34+-purified cells.Note the rare CD34- cell labeled by OKT4 which are presumablyT cells. (GI Preincubation with HIV rgpl20 (10 pglmL) followed by OKT4 binding on CD34+ purified cells. No inhibition is observed both on the CD34' and the rare CD34- cells. (H) Preincubation with HIV rgpl20 (100 ng/mL) followed by OKT4 binding on CD34"purified cells. may be required for internalization of the virus.28In addition, these CD34+/CD4+cells are presumably quiescent cells and might be relatively resistant to infection by HIV, although it has been demonstrated thatHIV infection isnottotally cell-cycle de~endent.'~ Second, binding of gp120 on CD34' cells may trigger programmed cell death."," These two mechanisms may result in the depletion of the primitive hematopoietic cell compartment and consequently of the more mature compartments leading to cytopenia~.'~ In addition, these phenotypically primitive cells have presumably a T-cell potential2' and their disappearance may worsen the immune deficiency by preventing T-cell regeneration. Definite proof that the primitive progenitor pool is depleted in HIV-infected patients will require to assess phenotypically and in biologic tests the CD34f/CD38-"o"/CD4'o"population in these patients. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank Drs D. Gillis (Immunex,Seattle, WA) and P. Hunt (Amgen, ThousandOaks, CA) for the generous gifts of recombinant stem cell factor,respectively. human IL-3, IL-6, G-CSF, and QBEND 10 was provided by Prof M.F. Greaves (London, UK) as From by guest on November 10, 2014. For personal use only. EXPRESSION OF CD4 BY HEMATOPOIETICPROGENITORS part of the EEC concerned action program on human stem cells. The anti-Thy-l MoAb was a generous gift from Dr J.T. Kemshead (London, UK). We are grateful to Dr M. Bombard (HBpitalde Villeneuve, St Georges, France), Drs J.C. Brunet, Ph. Lapresle, and G. Missenard (Clinique Arago, Paris, France) and Koechlin (HBpital Croix-Rouge, Paris, France) for providing the bone marrow samples. REFERENCES 1. Doyle C, Strominger JL: Interaction between CD4 and class I1 MHC molecules mediates cell adhesion. Nature 330:256, 1987 2. Robey E, Axel R: CD4: Collaborator in immune recognition and HIV infection. 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