Toledo Application Page 1 of 6 Star Bright Inner Beauty Pageant Direct questions to: (Director) Barbara Rice PH. (614) 843-8446 or (Pageant Coach) Roslayn Cooper PH. (419) 704-7089 Registration fee $25.00 Check, Money Order or CASH No Refunds Indicate your age as of November 9, 2014 [ ] LITTLE Miss (5-7) [ ] YOUNG Miss (8-10) [ ] JUNIOR Miss (11-13) PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION CONTESTANT NAME:_____________________________________________AGE____ BIRTHDATE:______________ ADDRESS:___________________________________________ CITY:_______________ STATE:____ ZIP:_________ PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME(S):______________________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE: _______________________ CELL #: ______________________ CELL #: ______________________ PRIMARY E-MAIL:___________________________________________________ @ ______________________ .COM One (1) Tee-shirt for opening dance is included in registration cost. Please circle participant’s shirt size: Child S, Child M, Child L, or Adult S, Adult M, Adult L, Adult XL (Additional Tee-shirts are available for purchase - cost: $15 each) RELEASE FORM As the parent or legal guardian of (Participant’s Name: _________________________________________ ) , at the 2014 Star Bright Inner Beauty Pageant , I do hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations, directives and provisions for contestants and winners as set forth in the official Star Bright Inner Beauty Pageant. I agree to hold Star Bright Inner Beauty Pageant, its’ directors, staff members and volunteers harmless of damages or liabilities due to theft, accident(s) or injury during or resulting from any child's participation in the pageant. I also accept responsibility for the regulation of hours of personal activities of the participant. I understand and agree that should an act of God (hurricane, fire, tornado, or any other natural disaster) cause the cancellation of the 2014 Star Bright Inner Beauty Pageant, that said event will be cancelled without benefit of any refund - however the pageant will be rescheduled at another time and location. I understand that there are NO REFUNDS given for any reasons. I also confirm that all of the enclosed information and forms are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, including birth date. We agree to accept that scoring is the sole discretion of the judges and is non-negotiable. The Overall Score for each participant will be derived from combined interview, personality and presentation scores to select a contest winner in each category. In addition to Overall contest, OPTIONAL Talent, Photogenic, and Speech competitions are held separately and generate SEPARATE scores. I give permission for my child’s picture (s) and name to be used in all materials and advertising for any/all Star Bright Inner Beauty Pageants. I hereby have read, understand and agree to the rules and regulations governing the Star Bright Inner Beauty Pageant. PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE:__________________________________DATE____________________________ Toledo Application Page 2 of 6 OPTIONAL COMPETITION OPPORTUNITIES PLEASE NOTE: The categories outlined in this section are optional AND are an additional cost of $25.00 per entry. Participants who wish to compete in Overall competition ONLY may disregard this page. Participation in the Optional competitions in no way affect outcome (or scores) of the Overall competition. PHOTOGENIC GIRL COMPETITION All participants are eligible to compete for the “Photogenic Girl” award for their age division. It is designed to give recognition to those young ladies with special photogenic qualities and creativity. The Photogenic Girl in each age division will be selected on the following basis: Captured personality or mood of the photograph. PHOTO SIZE – For the Photogenic Girl competition, your photo can be black and white or color but it needs to be 8X10 or 8.5X11. Head shots only (anything other than head shots will be disqualified!) You must BRING IT TO REGISTRATION in a clear heavy-duty sheet protector. [ ] I understand the criteria for the Star Bright Photogenic Girl Competition and wish to compete in this optional category. CONTESTANT NAME:________________________________ Age:______ TITLE/Mood of submission: ___________________ TALENT COMPETITION All performances should be age appropriate with no profanity or obscene language or gestures. Recommended time is 2:00 minutes – not to exceed 2:30 minutes!!! POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED FOR OVERTIME!!! SO PLEASE KEEP YOUR PERFORMANCE UNDER 2 ½ MINUTE ALL MUSIC MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH ONLY YOUR SONG ON A HIGH QUALITY CD. PLEASE BRING TWO (2) COPIES OF YOUR MUSIC AT CHECK-IN SAT. NOVEMBER 8, 2014 (ONE TO TURN IN AND ONE FOR A BACKUP) [ ] I understand the criteria for the Star Bright Talent Competition and wish to compete in this optional category. CONTESTANT NAME:________________________________ Age:______ TALENT: _______________________________ SPEECH COMPETITION All performances should be age appropriate with no profanity or obscene language or gestures. Recommended time is 1:00 minutes – not to exceed 2:00 minutes!!! POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED FOR OVERTIME!!! SO PLEASE KEEP YOUR SPEECH BETWEEN 1 AND 2 MINUTES A COPY OF YOUR SPEECH MUST BE SUBMITTED AT CHECK-IN ON SAT. NOVEMBER 8, 2014. [ ] I understand the criteria for the Star Bright Speech Competition and wish to compete in this optional category. CONTESTANT NAME:________________________TOPIC:__________________ AUTHOR: ________________________ PAGEANT FEES Standard pageant fee of $75.00 will be paid (for each eligible participant) by Robinson Elementary School. Requirement for eligibility is determined by Robinson Elementary, only! Fee(s) associated with participation in optional competition is the responsibility of Parent/Guardian. All Optional Competition fees are due by November 1st , 2014 OPTIONAL FEES PHOTOGENIC GIRL ENTRY $25 …………………………………………….…………………. ADDITIONAL PHOTOGENIC ENTRY $10 ……………………………………………………… TALENT ENTRY $25 ……………………………………………………………………………... SPEECH ENTRY $25 ……………………………………………………………………………… ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL:____________ Toledo Application Page 3 of 6 PAGEANT TICKETS ORDER FORM Advance Tickets: Pageant Admission (Adults) Pageant Admission (12 & under $3.00) Total Due $4.00 x ________ = _________ 2.00 x ________ = _________ Advance Price Tickets WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE AFTER NOVEMBER 1, 2014 PAGEANT TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR FOR $5.00 Adults and $3.00 Children. This Form is due by November 1, 2014 Toledo Application Page 4 of 6 Star Bright Inner Beauty Pageant Rules And Regulations SELECTING YOUR WARDROBE: Star Bright stresses “real clothes on real people”. In other words, your party dress, for example, should be something that a person your age would ACTUALLY WEAR to a formal event.... NOT a dress that could only be worn to a pageant (the same thing applies for interview outfit). Naturally, garments chosen should be in good taste and appropriate for the participant’s age. Star Bright Inner Beauty Pageant is not designed to be a “Fashion Show” and your pageant wardrobe should be kept appropriate for your age group. The judges will be judging the participants more so than their wardrobes. The judges often see the participants between judging sessions, so having a neat appearance at all times is important. Your wardrobe should consist of: Interview with Judges – All Age divisions: A casual garment of your choice. The garment might be a skirt and blouse, a dress, pants and blouse, or suit is appropriate. Formal wear: All Age Division: Sunday’s Best Dresses The dress can be any style of your choice. However, it should be age appropriate and comfortable to sit in. Also, it should reflect the personality of the child. Talent Competition: The garment chosen should be appropriate for the talent being performed. It may be a costume. As always, it should be stylish but age appropriate. PAGEANT STANDARDS: Artificial hair and false eyelashes are not allowed in the Star Bright , unless it is the result of a medical necessity (i.e. illness, chemotherapy, etc.). This does not apply to talent presentations. Please note the judges have been instructed to use discretion in determining whether a participant has violated this rule and if such artifices are immediately discernible to the judges’ panel, the contestant may be disqualified. Cosmetic dentistry is permissible. The use of cosmetics is allowed in 8-13 years of age brackets; however, makeup MUST be appropriate for the participant’s age category. It is strongly recommended that Jr. Miss still keep it light and stay away from heavy eye shadow, dark lipsticks and blush! Judges will score lower if the makeup is over done for young contestants! PLEASE NOTE: Little Miss MAY NOT wear makeup!! A “standard of modesty” must be maintained throughout the pageant (includes casual wear, talent and party dress / formalwear competition and casual wear around the event). Garment removal is not allowed on stage in routines or performances. Props are allowed in the talent presentations. CONDUCT: At all Star Bright Inner Beauty Pageants the emphasis is placed on the participants and adults displaying good manners and grooming, listening to and acknowledging instructions, adjusting to conditions, maintaining discipline and dependability, and above all, displaying excellent sportsmanship at all times. Any parent, teacher, guest or participant who conducts themselves in an unsportsmanlike/unladylike manner (before, during, or after an official Star Bright Inner Beauty Pageant) will be subject to immediate dismissal from the pageant system. Such conduct on the part of the participant will mean automatic forfeiture of all awards and titles. Because the Star Bright Inner Beauty Pageant is a youth development program and a “family affair”, the following rules and regulations will be enforced throughout the event. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES will be allowed in or around the area. This rule is enforced at every level of the pageant system and includes participants, parents, staff and guests viewing the event. Any violation of this rule will mean immediate disqualification from the Star Bright Inner Beauty Pageant. SMOKING BY PARTICIPANTS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Likewise, the NO SMOKING rule will be enforced in and around the area for the health and well-being of the participants and those who do not smoke. Participants, chaperones and guests who cannot observe the rules of the pageant are asked not to attend. NOTE: Disqualification from the Star Bright Inner Beauty Pageant is a serious matter. If a participant is disqualified, she will not be eligible for a refund. The participant may be reinstated after a six month suspension, with the director’s approval. TIMELY ATTENDANCE FOR EVERY SCHEDULED ACTIVITY is imperative!! To keep the weekend running smoothly, you will be given a schedule that must be followed precisely! We will not wait for any contestants and you will miss valuable information at workshops and if you are not in line up when a category begins, you will be placed at the end of the line up and points will be deducted! Toledo Application Page 5 of 6 LIMITATIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY: The pageant will NOT assume the responsibility for lost articles or personal property and is NOT responsible for accidents, injuries, mishaps or the personal care or supervision of participants. This is the sole responsibility of the parents or chaperone. The pageant does NOT assume any liability or responsibility. Each participant’s parents or official guardian MUST sign the official liability release form attached to Entry Forms. JUDGING: The adjudication at the Star Bright Inner Beauty Pageant is of the highest quality with an experienced panel of judges using a point and consultation system. Presentation -- All participants will introduce themselves at the microphone during their Formal wear presentation. Additionally, participants will be asked an onstage question during their Grand Finale Formal Wear presentation if a tie breaker is necessary. The question will be developed from the information they have submitted on their entry form. The judges will NOT be searching for “miniature adult” in the children’s divisions. The Star Bright Inner Beauty Pageant is looking for the natural, wholesome type of winner to carry the official title. The Talent, Speech and Photogenic Winners will be selected from the preliminary rounds of competition. Semi-finalists. DO NOT ASK THE JUDGES for personal comments after the Finals, as they are NOT ALLOWED TO GIVE PERSONAL CRITIQUES. NOTE: Your grooming, manners, and interaction with other contestants are important at all times. HAVE FUN! WHAT IS EXPECTED OF A WINNER: Winners of the Star Bright Inner Beauty Pageant title are to conduct themselves with the dignity of the important title they hold until they have crowned their successor and must agree to abide by all rules and regulations governing official pageant winners. AWARDS CEREMONY: The Star Bright Inner Beauty Pageant is an awards event. The winners of these awards are selected during the competition and are not announced until the end of the pageant. The climax of this exciting event is the Overall Winners Awards. The highlights of the event are the presentation of the Photogenic Girl, Talent and Speech Awards. Tickets for families, friends and guests will be available on your official paperwork! The Star Bright Inner Beauty Pageant STRONGLY encourages good sportsmanship. The Awards Ceremony is an opportune time to teach valuable lessons and skills in good manners and good sportsmanship! Star Bright Pageant UNIVERSAL SYMBOL(Below): The Staff, Judges and Volunteers will have name badges with logos. Please let your Little Miss, Young Miss and Junior Miss know that it is okay to talk to these people, that they are considered “SAFE” in case they need help and cannot find you. Toledo Application Page 6 of 6 Good Luck Star Bright Inner Beauty Contestant!!
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