THE BLESSING NOVEMBER 2014 CALVARY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 3177 South 107th Street West Allis, WI 53227 (414) 541-9050 WORSHIP: Sundays at 9:00 AM FAITH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 400 South 91st Street Milwaukee, WI 53214 (414) 453-1710 WORSHIP: Sundays at 10:45 AM Mark Your Calendars…. CALVARY / FAITH CHARGE CONFERENCE Sunday ~ December 7th 1:00 PM at Calvary UMC Rev. Dr. Thomas O. Garnhart Presiding All church members are eligible to vote and encouraged to attend! Sincere Sympathy to the family of Pearl I. Buck who passed away on September 27th. Wednesday ~ November 26th 7:00 PM at Memorial United Methodist Church 3450 South 52nd Street Greenfield, WI 53219 (414) 545-2440 Leading in Worship: Rev. Fred Thomas-Breitfeld Jackson Park Ev. Lutheran Church Rev. Janet Hartzell Memorial United Methodist Church Rev. Rachel Olson Calvary & Faith United Methodist Churches Everyone is Welcome! (There will be pie!) HANGING OF THE GREENS AT CALVARY Saturday December 6th 10:00 AM Volunteers are needed to help decorate the church in preparation for the Christmas season. Please consider being one of those volunteers. Many hands make light work ~ and the job will get done quicker! Coming Soon… December 14th Calvary’s Sunday School Christmas Program DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND! NOVEMBER 2014 2 Pastor’s Message . . . To All the Wonderful People of Calvary and Faith: For all your faithful service to church and community prayers and support generous giving sharing of time, talents and resources love of God, neighbor and self With much affection and admiration, Pastor Rachel Thank You Calvary and Faith Congregations! NOVEMBER 2014 CALVARY’S NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS 11/1 Janet Weick 11/6 Kylie Rosewitz 11/7 Jack Koney 11/8 Chris Zimmerman Cheryl Moczynski 11/9 Sue Gordon 11/10 Bryn Winter 11/11 Ed Haese Ricky Paustian 11/15 Anne Kaczynski 11/20 Ethan Counsell 11/21 Marge Shively 11/24 Edith Clark 11/25 Eleanor Vincent 11/27 Desma Deaner 11/29 Norma Gallagher Jeff Hogan Jessica Miron 11/30 Sharon Thomas 3 FAITH’S NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS 11/2 Virginia Rinka-LeTendre Karen Beres 11/6 Marshall Bruch 11/14 Shelby Diener 11/16 Jackie Baumgart 11/17 Rebecca Weed 11/27 Dorothy Rasching 11/28 Ken Siegesmund FAITH’S NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES 11/3 Josh & Val Riewe CALVARY’S NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES 11/6 Dennis & Cynthia Swodzinski 11/27 Steve & Colleen Babinec 11/28 Robert & Margaret Spaude CALVARY’S CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS Contribution Statements can be found on the cabinet in the narthex. To help save on postage, please take yours. Thank you. BREAD FOR CALVARY We’re looking for bakers and buyers for the ‘Bread for Calvary’ campaign. We ‘knead’ your help. The $ale will continue through November, so let’s keep baking! Karen Drescher ‘Bread for Calvary’ Coordinator * Imagine No Malaria: Calvary and Faith collected $1,061.85 for this mission. * Bonnie Snyder, Donna Kornowski, Chris Zimmerman, Karen Graff and Sharon and Jim Thomas prepared October’s “The Blessing” newsletter for mailing. 4 NOVEMBER 2014 CALVARY’S OUTREACH NEWS FEEDING THE PEOPLE The next time we will serve at Bay View Methodist will be on November 16, 2014. We have been helping there for several months and it’s great. It’s very laid back, the people are friendly, and we go in early to help set up. It takes us about 3 hours for the entire process. I hope you can help us out. The people are so happy to get a meal on a Sunday afternoon and be able to relax with friends. The serving time is 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM. They are located at 2772 S. KK in Bay View. Please sign up for November on the sheet that is posted as you enter the church. We need you. We meet to carpool from Calvary at 1:30 PM. If you plan to drive yourself, we are scheduled to be there at 2:00 PM. We will serve until 4:30 PM and then clean up and go home. We’re usually finished by 5:00 PM. We can use all the help we can get. Several of the people that have been helping have to be gone. We can always use new helpers. The more people that we have the better the program runs. COIN BASKET During the month of November we will hold our annual collection for “SALVATION ARMY THANKSGIVING MEALS.” Many of you know how hard it is for low income families to pay for a Thanksgiving Dinner. The Salvation Army will provide just that! A good home cooked, hot, delicious Turkey Dinner. Please dig deep into your pockets and throw your spare change in the bowl at the back of the church or mark your pew envelope “Salvation Army Thanksgiving Meals.” FOOD OFFERING SUNDAY November 2nd Let’s help stock the shelves with pasta, sauce, cereal and toothpaste. These are items the pantry cannot keep in stock. Winter months can be tough for low income families. Please be generous and bring a few items to church! Nancy Stamey WINTER COAT DRIVE Continuing through the month of November, we will be collecting GENTLY USED WINTER COATS for Northcott Neighborhood House. They need all sizes XXL, XL, L, M & S for men, women, children, and infants! Please bring clean coats to church and leave them in the choir room. KNITTING & CROCHETING GROUP The K&C group will continue to use the month of November to create hats, caps, scarves and mittens for the holiday giving to Northcott Neighborhood Center. The center is in need of all sizes from babies to adults. Please help us make this a success. Our next meeting will be on Monday, November 3rd, in the John Wesley room at Calvary from 1:00-2:00. If you have any questions, contact Maggie Lewis ( or 414.425.9591). THE CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE IS COMING! During the month of November, Calvary will have the “Giving Tree” up in the narthex. This is a very special Christmas Project! Please look and take a tag or two and fill a “CHRISTMAS WISH” for someone in need. Please bring the gifts back to church, WRAPPED and with the tag identifying it. All proceeds will benefit the Northcott Neighborhood House. If you have any questions, please contact Chris or Randy Zimmerman. NOVEMBER 2014 5 CALVARY’S UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Meeting: Tues., Nov. 11th, 11:00 AM Program: WORLD THANK OFFERING Hostesses: Chris Zimmerman Loretta Wegner Devotions: Sharon Thomas We still need members to sign up as co-hostesses, program providers, and devotions providers for 2015. Please sign up if you did not do so at our last meeting. The sign up sheet is in the office on our book shelf. See Marie if you have questions. CANDY COLLECTION Calvary’s United Methodist Women will be collecting wrapped candy between Halloween and Christmas to be put in individual bags for folks at Northcott Neighborhood House. Look for the box in the narthex. COLLEGE CARE PACKAGES As students begin preparing for exams, please remember to send their college address to the church so we can get ready for the much anticipated and highly successful College Care Packages! Karen Drescher College Care Packages Coordinator DIAPER COLLECTION Women of Faith are continuing their mission work within the community with a “Thanks Offering” of diapers to Joy House. Diapers of all sizes are needed as well as baby wipes. The deadline for this collection is Sunday, November 9th. There is a box in the narthex for your donation. Dining Out Group Next Dining Out… Thursday November 20th Meyer’s Restaurant 6:00 PM Please sign up on the bulletin board in the narthex. WOMEN OF FAITH Our September meeting was held on the 22nd. After eating our lunch, we had prayer and scripture. Our story from “Guideposts” was “In Sickness and in Health” by Amy Hauser. Amy and her husband, Tom had grown apart and Tom said maybe they should go their separate ways. Amy asked for God’s help and felt he answered that they should wait a year before they made any decisions. One day in the shower, Amy found a lump. She went to have it checked out and was told that she had breast cancer and needed to start treatment right away. She called Tom at work and he came home. He said she was strong and that they would beat the cancer. Together they fought the cancer and grew closer together, more than ever. After treatment for six months, Amy got the call that she was cancer free. Amy knew that with God’s help and also with the help of her husband Tom, they had survived the crisis and their marriage was stronger than ever. We had the business part of our meeting. The treasurer reported that they paid $160.00 to Bev Scott’s nephew who helped her clean the kitchen. We also were informed that the vacuum cleaner used in the fellowship hall didn’t work. It was voted that we would purchase a new one. We also were informed that Florence Feil was giving up leadership of our group. She asked if anyone else would be willing to take over. It was suggested that we take turns taking charge of the program. That idea was accepted. Because of the Zoo Interchange construction near Faith UMC, we will hold our meetings at Calvary UMC. Our next meeting will be November 17th at 11:30. Bring your lunch and join us. 6 NOVEMBER 2014 Dear Pastor, OA - 9:30 AM Saturday Meeting appreciates your beautiful church! Thank you, Treasurer, W.A.-OA ******************** Dear Members and Friends of Calvary and Faith, On October 11th, I along with other Korean War Veterans were honored to be taken on a one day journey to Washington DC. This one day flight to and from Washington DC was one of the most exciting events of my life. One of the important parts of a soldier’s life was Mail Call. It was the only link we had with our families. No e-mails or Skype in those days. On our flight home, we received letters from our friends and family and from many members of our church. Letters that you had written and mailed to me. I received so many I could not possibly respond to them individually. They were overwhelming and very touching and to each one of you I give my thanks. They were all read and cherished and will be saved. The Korean War is often called The Forgotten War as there was no recognition given to the many men who served and died in that conflict. Now, after 60 years, we have been honored with a fantastic Korean War Memorial as well as other memorials and monuments to American veterans. I would encourage any of you who would have an opportunity to visit this fantastic place of Honor, do so and you will never regret it. So once again, I thank all of you. Most sincerely and thankful, Doug Koch Former Corporal 7th Cavalry SHUTTERBUG AT CALVARY FAITH’S ONGOING MISSION COLLECTIONS FOOD: We continue to collect nonperishable food. One month the food collection goes to United Methodist Children’s Services and the next month the food is given to Northcott Neighborhood Center. Please continue to bring in your donations and put them under the skirted table in the narthex. CAMPBELL’S LABELS: There is a Campbell’s can on the table in the narthex for all your Campbell’s labels. If you are unsure of what labels to bring, there is a listing on the bulletin board. These labels are sent to McCurdy School in New Mexico. HEIFER PROJECT: There is a plastic jar on a table in the narthex to collect your loose coins (folding money or checks are also good). We collect year round and in the fall, send the money to the Heifer Project. ALUMINUM CAN POP TOP TABS: We continue to collect these tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. Put them in a plastic sandwich bag and give them to either Florence or Bob Feil. You can also leave them in the Campbell’s box in the narthex. Shutterbug's next gathering will be on Tuesday, November 11th, at 6:30 PM. The basic assignment is “signs of fall.” Suggestions include photos that include reflections. Shots of pumpkin or mincemeat pies should be accompanied with the actual pies for sharing. A’la mode is optional. GUEST HOUSE: Those small toiletries that are in your hotel room can be put to good use for the homeless in our community. There is a wicker basket under the triangle table in the narthex where you can put your collection. Shutterbug is a gathering of folks who enjoy photography. If you have any questions, contact Dale Shively (414) 453-2420 or Tom Garnhart (414) 427-5770. PENNY COLLECTION: Pennies collected go into Faith’s special fund to purchase items needed that are not in the budget. NOVEMBER 2014 7 TREASURER’S REPORT CALVARY General Budget 2014 Given thru September: Expenses thru September: Cash Balance: $95,107. $102,815. -$16,964. TREASURER’S REPORT FAITH September Church Income: September Church Expenses: $5,243.50 $4,210.26 Building /Major Maintenance Fund Given in September: Disbursed in September: Fund Balance: $25. 0 $957. **PRE-SCHOOL FUNDRAISERS** CAMPBELL’S SOUP LABELS Campbell’s Soup for Education Program Calvary Pre-School is collecting the UPC label located on the side of products. Many of you have been contributing to our label saver program at church. Thank you! Did you know there are more than soup labels that are valuable? You will find a complete list on the table outside the church office. We need your continued help. Ask your family and neighbors to save them for you, then put them in the label saver. A little effort from many will produce great results. CHRISTIANS WITH QUESTIONS Christians with Questions will meet on Saturday, November15th at 9:00 AM. Registration begins at 8:30 AM. This session’s DVD will be: Sr. Miriam Therese Winter - Unleashing the Spirit. Small group discussion to follow. We look forward to seeing you and offer coffee. In the interests of saving disposable items, please bring your own mug for beverages. View the full year of topics at their website: KAIROS Kairos meets on the second Thursday of the month, September through May, at 12:30 PM at Calvary. Discussions are based on a book chosen by the group. All are welcome for this ecumenical group. TYSON PROJECT Calvary Pre-School is collecting Tyson A+ Labels. The Tyson company will pay us cash for every label collected. Bring in the A+ Labels from any Tyson product ant put them in the Campbell’s label saver in the narthex. EYE GLASS DONATIONS Calvary Pre-School is collecting old prescription eyeglasses. Please place your donations in the box on the table in the narthex. Calvary Pre-School will forward them to the proper organization. Thank you for your support! OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Overeaters Anonymous offers hope and support to anyone who suffers from the disease of compulsive eating. It is not a religious program, but a spiritual one. OA offers physical, emotional, and spiritual healing from this three-fold disease through the practice of the Twelve Steps adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous, and by the loving acceptance and support of the fellowship. There is a meeting at Calvary every Saturday at 9:30 AM. Call the OA office at 414-259-0640 or go to for more information. 8 NOVEMBER 2014 WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS ~ CALVARY Date Liturgist Ushers Acolyte November 2 Maggie Lewis Dan & Cheryl Perry Scott & Tara Wletschak Donna Kornowski Janet Weick Scott Noseworthy Communion Stewards: November 9 Karen Drescher Nancy Stamey Judy Rosewitz Dan & Nicole Counsell Shawon Paradis November 16 Coral Kaczynski Jackie Miron Jerry Flanigan Vern & Karen Fisher Christa Redel November 23 Clark Hillery Janet Fedenia Anne Geigel-Grams Jim & Lila Gorney Brianna Koney November 30 Danny Miron Bob & Maggie Lewis Jeff & Terry Hogan John Redel WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS ~ FAITH Date Liturgist November 2 George Affeldt Communion Steward: Pam Weed Ushers Tom Phillips November 9 Bob Baker Tom Phillips November 16 Volunteer Needed Tom Phillips November 23 Jeanne Geraci Tom Phillips November 30 John Jirik Tom Phillips ENERGY SAVING REMINDER Just a note to remind people about the efficient use of heat in our church. If you turn up the heat in a specific area, please remember to turn it down again when you are through. If you open doors to the main part of the church during the week, please close them again. We are trying to save money on the utilities. Thank you for all that you do. Nancy Stamey ~ Trustees Chair UNITED METHODIST STUDENT DAY NOVEMBER 30TH Your generous gifts on United Methodist Student Day support United Methodist scholarships and the United Methodist Student Loan fund, administered by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. NOVEMBER 2014 9 CIRCUIT 35 UNITED METHODIST CHURCHES “From A to Z: the Airport to the Zoo!” The month of October brought field trips, piñata making and painting along with parties of Halloween fun. “Giving Thanks for…” is our theme this month. The first week finds us “Building it Big!” This week the children will experience building with many different items. We look forward to seeing wonderful structures. Our second week is “The Sunny Southwest.” We will explore the wonders of this part of our country. Weeks Three and Four will find us learning all about “Our Sensational Senses” along with some “Turkey Talk.” They will be fun weeks of art. It is always fun to listen to children as they try new food items! We will also be talking about visiting our family and friends for the upcoming holidays. School is closed on Wednesday, November 26th, and Thursday, November 27th for families and staff to enjoy the holiday. Calvary United Methodist Church Pastor Rachel Olson 3177 S. 107th St. - West Allis - 53227 (414) 541-9050 Christ United Methodist Church Pastor Mao Her 5200 S. 48th St. - Greenfield - 53220 (414) 421-0202 Cudahy United Methodist Church Pastor Mpoyo Mulongo 5865 S. Lake Dr. - Cudahy - 53110 (414) 769-6770 Faith United Methodist Church Pastor Rachel Olson 400 S. 91st St. - Milwaukee - 53214 (414) 453-1710 Fe Hispanic United Methodist Church Pastor Ada Rosado First United Methodist Church Pastor Susan Lockman On behalf of the Calvary Pre-School staff and children, we wish everyone a safe, family filled Happy Thanksgiving! 7520 W. Lapham St. - West Allis - 53214 (414) 774-5500 Gobble, Gobble! Memorial United Methodist Church Pastor Janet Hartzell Sue Ignaczak Director 414-541-9050 “Celebrating 46 years of Early Childhood Education” 1968-2014 3450 S. 52nd St. - Greenfield - 53219 (414) 545-2440 Oak Creek Community United Methodist Church Pastor Wendee Nitz 8675 S. 13th St. - Oak Creek - 53154 (414) 762-4600 So Beautiful Korean United Methodist Church Pastor Sung-Keun Kim 4275 S. 112th St. - Greenfield - 53228 (414) 425-2530 South Milwaukee United Methodist Church Pastor Harsha Kotian ~ Circuit Leader 1327 Marshall Av. - South Milwaukee - 53172 (414) 762-6030 10 NOVEMBER 2014 CALVARY EVENTS ~ NOVEMBER 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 9:30 AM Overeaters Anonymous 2 3 9 AM Worship & Sunday School 10 AM Bible Study All Saints Sunday 1 PM Knitting & Crocheting Holy Communion Food Offering Daylight Saving Time Ends 9 9 AM Worship & Sunday School 4 7 13 14 8 9:30 AM Overeaters Anonymous 7:30 PM Chancel Choir 6:30 PM Administrative Council 10 6 6:15 PM Bell Choir 2:15 PM Spirit Gathering 10 AM Bible Study 5 8:30 AM Pre-School Staff Meeting 11 12 11 AM U.M. Women 6:15 PM Bell Choir 6:30 PM Shutterbug 7:30 PM Chancel Choir 12:30 PM Kairos 15 8 AM Men’s Breakfast @ The Forum Restaurant 9AM Christians with Questions 9:30 AM Overeaters Anonymous 16 17 9 AM Worship & Sunday School 10 AM Bible Study Bells will Play 11:30 AM Women of Faith 2 PM Serving at Bay View UMC 23 9 AM Worship & Sunday School Christ the King Sunday 30 9 AM Worship No Sunday School United Methodist Student Day Offering 6:30 PM Board of Trustees 24 10 AM Bible Study 18 6:30 PM Joint SPRC Meeting at Calvary UMC Newsletter Articles Due 25 19 6:15 PM Bell Choir 7:30 PM Chancel Choir 26 7 PM Thanksgiving Eve Service at Memorial UMC 20 6 PM Dining Out at Meyer’s Restaurant 21 22 8 AM Women’s Breakfast @ Meyer’s Restaurant 9:30 AM Overeaters Anonymous 27 Thanksgiving Day Church Office Closed 28 29 9:30 AM Overeaters Anonymous NOVEMBER 2014 11 FAITH EVENTS ~ NOVEMBER 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 10:45 AM Worship at Calvary UMC 3 All Saints Sunday 4 7:30 PM TNT Group Meeting 5 7 PM AA District Meeting 6 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 28 29 7 PM NA Group Meeting Holy Communion Daylight Saving Time Ends 9 10:45 AM Worship at Calvary UMC 16 10:45 AM Worship at Calvary UMC Calvary’s Bell Choir will Play 10 17 11:30 AM Women of Faith at Calvary UMC 2 PM Serving at Bay View UMC 11 7:30 PM TNT Group Meeting 18 6:30 PM Joint SPRC Meeting at Calvary UMC 12 19 7 PM AA District Meeting 7 PM NA Group Meeting 6 PM Dining Out at Meyer’s Restaurant 7 PM NA Group Meeting Newsletter Articles Due 7:30 PM TNT Group Meeting 23 10:45 AM Worship at Calvary UMC 30 10:45 AM Worship at Calvary UMC United Methodist Student Day Offering 24 25 7:30 PM TNT Group Meeting 26 7 PM Thanksgiving Eve Service at Memorial UMC 27 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Milwaukee, WI. Permit #3677 CALVARY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF WEST ALLIS 3177 S. 107TH STREET WEST ALLIS, WI. 53227 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Calvary & Faith United Methodist Churches Calvary Church’s Website: Pastor’s Email: Calvary Church’s Email: Faith Church’s Email: SUNDAY SCHEDULE STAFF CALVARY Worship: Sunday School: Fellowship: 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM FAITH Worship: Sunday School: 10:45 AM 10:45 AM Pastor: Calvary Organist: Faith Musician: Calvary Choir Director: Calvary Bell Choir Director: Calvary Pre-School Director: Secretary: Calvary & Faith Custodian: Rev. Rachel K. Olson Sue Weber Sue Schulkers Karen Drescher Nancy Stamey Sue Ignaczak Jeanine Mazur Doug Pruitt
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