Welcome to Faith Lutheran Church. We are a group of flawed people, joining together to be part of God’s family. Join us as we serve God by “Feeding the Hungry in body and Soul.” November 2014 Faith Lutheran Church 12449 California St. Yucaipa, CA 92399 909-790-1816 faithyucaipa@gmail.com www.faithlutheranyucaipa.org Office Hours: Tuesday through Friday 8:30 am to 2:45 pm A note from Liz... It does not seem possible that we are already in November. At the end of the month, on November 30, we will begin Advent; a time for preparing ourselves for the coming of the Christ child, the light of the world. As a way to accomplish this preparing, there will be a book study on four Thursday evenings. We will read and discuss Barbara Brown Taylor's Learning to Walk in the Dark on November 20, December 4, 11, and 18. “Taylor asks us to put aside our fears and anxieties and to explore all that God has to teach us “in the dark”. Through darkness we find courage, we understand the world in new ways, and we feel God’s presence around us, guiding us through things seen and unseen. Often, it is while we are in the dark that we grow the most.” -Amazon During this time, think about how God has broken into your lives, bringing light into your darkness. Where have you had spiritual experiences of God breaking into your life in the middle of things and making things new, healing what was broken, changing things that seemed unmovable? Please share your experiences with me and with others as it is in the telling of our narrative that we grow in relationship with one another and with God. As you are preparing gift lists for Christmas, I invite you to consider giving gifts from two catalogs in someone's honor; ELCA Good Gifts and Episcopal Relief and Development Gifts For Life. Whether it is a goat, a pig, a garden or a bicycle ambulance, these gifts help those around the world to simply live. In remembering all we have, all we do and all we are have been given to us by God, we are asked to share from our abundance. Also, during November, we will be asking you to consider adopting a family and their children, helping provide Christmas gifts. For most of these children, this will be the only gift they receive. With thanks for you and your ministry, Liz+ 2 Just A Reminder from Pastor Liz: If you have questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to call or email me. I look forward to hearing from you! My cell phone number is 760.559.3447 and my email is ethayer93@gmail.com. Call Pastor Liz: † When you are in need of prayer † When you are going in the hospital for surgery or illness † When you would like to schedule a Caring Servant for Holy Communion † When there is a birth in your family † When there is a death in your family † When you are in trouble or discouraged † When you need assistance † When you want to celebrate good news † When you need to share bad news † When you want to schedule an event † When you need information relating to the congregational life of Faith Lutheran We do our best to keep up with the lives of the people who attend, or are related to people who attend, Faith Lutheran Church. We can help best when we know about events before they are happening rather than after the fact. Notice of Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting: Sunday, November 16, after the service. Agenda will include the election of the 2015 Council and approval of the 2015 budget. SICK AND SHUT-INS Can’t make it to church and would like to receive communion or have someone pray with you? Call for a Caring Servant at the church office, 790-1816 or Nelson Hall at 790-1603. 3 Wed., Nov. 5, 9:30 am Mon., Nov. 10, 7:00 pm Wed., Nov. 12, 9:30 am Tues., Nov. 18, 1:30 pm Sun. Nov. 23, 8:30 am Deborah Circle, Hidden Valley MHP, 12680 4th St., Yucaipa Naomi Circle, home of Vicki Rollins, 514 Lemon St., Redlands Quilting, Sewing Room Bible study leaders, Library THANKOFFERING SERVICE The quilts have been packed and shipped: 58 beautiful creations. Thank you to all the wonderful ladies who give so many hours each and every month. New quilts will be available for purchase very soon for $65.00 each. Receipts from the sale of quilts are used to purchase the batting for the quilts. Quilts for next year’s shipment are already in production. Thank you for the response of gifts for “Lutheran Border Concerns.” Two large boxes of supplies were collected and are being delivered to the annual Pacifica Women’s event. THANKOFFERING SUNDAY is scheduled for Sunday, November 23rd. The Women of Faith will decorate the Sanctuary and participate in the service. A special offering will be taken that is forwarded to the national WELCA for scholarships, Women & Children in Crisis and many other national projects of the national organization. RUMMAGE SALE: Help at the sale will be needed during set up and sale. Don’t have time to work? Come by and see all the wonderful things for sale. Remember this is the largest fundraiser of the year for the Faith Food Pantry. Additional funds will be given from Thrivent Financial. AFRICAN TEAM MINISTRIES shopping: All those beautiful, handcrafted items from Africa will be at Faith November 9th through the 16th. Bring your checkbook and help the ministry of this organization. CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY: Names are currently being gathered. Watch in the Narthex for names of children needing your gifts. This is a special event for children who are recipients of your Faith food pantry. PANTRY NEWS: Wanted--Tuna Helper, single canned meals, oatmeal and canned fruit. Second Harvest supplies have been pretty slim so any donations of food are really appreciated. Next committee meeting will be November411 at 6:30 pm. 58 beautiful hand-made quilts were displayed in the sanctuary for all to see 5 The Worship and Music committee would like to invite you to an Advent Study. Please mark your calendars for the upcoming book study which will begin on Thursday Nov. 20, at St. Alban's. The book study will begin at 6:30 pm. After the Thanksgiving break, the study will resume on December 4, 11, and 18. The Advent book study was written by Barbara Brown Taylor and is titled "Learning How to Walk in the Dark." Our next joint service with St. Alban's will be on Thanksgiving Eve, November 26, at 7:30 pm here at Faith with a Pie Social following the service. Then on Sunday, November 30, the combined service will be at St Alban's beginning at 9:30 am. If you have signed up for Stewards of Service, please be at church at least 15 minutes before the start of the service. Thank you. Respectfully Submitted, Eloise Johnson 2014 FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH COUNCIL President Steve Cady Vice President Bill Martin Recording Sec. Becky Shurson Financial Sec. Gerry Witwer Treasurer Larry Ludwig Preschool Pat Kilday Education Richard and Jennifer Beal Outreach/Evang. Cecilia Mazurier Social Concerns Cecilia Mazurier Property Mgmt. Fred Mazurier Stewardship/Fin. vacant Youth vacant Worship/Music Eloise Johnson 6 7 THRIVENT MEMBERS AND FRIENDS SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT On Sunday November 9th, a representative of Thrivent will be at Faith and will be providing the coffee hour after the service and telling us how we can use Thrivent money ($250) as part of an Action Team. Know of a need where $250 can make a difference? Come, attend the coffee hour and learn how we can do this. Julian Beal Stephen Botts Elisha Mkanza Michael Shea Alec Blue Eloise Johnson Dona Whitt 8 November November November November November November November 3 5 8 8 22 28 29 Stewardship of Service November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 23 Thanksgiving Eve ASST. MINISTER COMM. ASST. READER USHERS ACOLYTE SOUNDBOARD ALTAR CARE S. S. HELPER LOCKUP ASST. MINISTER COMM. ASST. READER USHERS ACOLYTE SOUNDBOARD ALTAR CARE S. S. HELPER LOCKUP ASST. MINISTER COMM. ASST READER USHERS ACOLYTE SOUNDBOARD ALTAR CARE S. S. HELPER LOCKUP ASST. MINISTER COMM. ASST READER USHERS ACOLYTE SOUNDBOARD ALTAR CARE S. S. HELPER LOCKUP ASST. MINISTER COMM. ASST Gerry Witwer Gerry Witwer Steve Cady Sharon and Steve Cady Alec Blue Norma Burwell and Elsa Botts Becky Shurson Michael Shea Michael Shea Ned Morgan Jan Wheeler and Burrel Woodring Cami Kirker Stephen Botts Norma Burwell and Elsa Botts Becky Shurson Carol Jensen Carol Jensen Michael Shea Pat and George Motschall Lesley Kunze Richard Beal Norma Burwell and Elsa Botts Becky Shurson Michael Shea Michael Shea Carol Jensen Glenda Kirker and Carol Jensen John Shurson Norma Burwell and Elsa Botts Becky Shurson Gerry Witwer Gerry Witwer READER Lucas Shurson USHERS Larry Ludwig ACOLYTE SOUNDBOARD ALTAR CARE S. S. HELPER LOCKUP John Shurson Norma Burwell and Elsa Botts 9 Becky Shurson Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 7:30am O.A. 10am A.A. Change your clocks! 2 3 7:45am Worship Team prac. 8:30am Worship Service 9:45am Adult S.S. 4 10am Alanon 11am Preschool Chapel 9 10 7pm Naomi Circle 7pm N.A. 16 17 7:45am Worship Team prac. 8:30am Worship Service 9am Semi-annual cong. mtg. 9:45am Adult 7pm S.S. N.A. 23 7:45am Worship Team prac. 8:30am Women’s Thankoffering Service 9:45am Adult 7pm S.S. N.A. 30 9:30am Combined Service at St. Alban’s 6 9:30am Deborah/Sarah Circle 6:30pm Faith Ringers prac. 7:15pm Chancel Choir prac. 7pm O.A. 7:30pm N.A. 7pm N.A. 7:45am Worship Team prac. 8:30am Worship Service followed by Thrivent Coffee Hour 9:45am Adult S.S. 5 11 12 10am Alanon 9:30am Quilting 11am Preschool Chapel 2pm Finance meeting 6:30pm Social Concerns/ Outreach mtg. 7:30pm Worship/Music 18 10am Alanon 11am Preschool Chapel 1:30pm Bible study leaders 3:30pm Caring Servants mtg. 6:30pm Council mtg. 24 25 10am Alanon 11am Preschool Chapel 7 8 8am to 3pm 7:30am O.A. 8am to 12pm 9:30am Food Pantry 10am A.A. 7:30pm N.A. 13 14 6:30pm Faith Ringers prac. 7:15pm Chancel Choir prac. 7pm O.A. 7:30pm 7:30pm N.A. N.A. 19 20 21 4pm Thrivent Brd. mtg. here 6:30pm Faith Ringers prac. 7:15pm Chancel Choir prac. 7:30pm N.A. 26 6:30pm Advent Book Study at 7:30pm St. Alban’s N.A. 7pm O.A. 27 28 7:30pm N.A. 7:30pm Thanksgiving Eve service and pie so7pm O.A. cial 10 7:30pm N.A. 15 7:30am O.A. 10am A.A. 10am to 4pm at St. Alban’s 22 7:30am O.A. 9:30am Food Pantry 10am A.A. 29 7:30am O.A. 10am A.A.
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