Key Dates Newsletter No. 30 Khandallah Absence Phone No: 939-3878 Answer Phone: 479-6878 September 26 End of Term 3 October 11 Second Hand uniform sale 1 – 3pm 13 Beginning of Term 4 22 Second Hand Uniform sale – 2:30 – 3:15pm 31 All Saints day Ronald McDonald Ice cream day fundraiser November 10 Northern Zone Athletics 24 Yr 8 Girls immunisation December 16 End of Term 4 Fax: 479-3879 Email: Website: 23 September 2014 Dear Parents/Caregivers Congratulations to the Molina family, who celebrate the arrival of baby Colette a sister for Calvin. As we come to the end of Term 3, I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday and say thank you to everyone who has made this term such a great success and for working to provide our students with learning experiences that have allowed them to grow and develop. I’m sure that they will have many memories they will cherish for a long time to come from their experiences and learning. We look forward to next term and to the students making the most of the learning opportunities before them also. Are you wanting to relive that wonderful production feeling? We have great news for you! You too can have your own copy of the Agents of S.P.A.C.E video. Simply email and you will receive a link to download the video to your own home. We would like to say a huge thank you to Lisa Duggan for all the work she has put into putting this together for us and for providing the link for everyone to access. Thank you to Gillian Higgins for organising the Year 4 – 8 Athletics last week and to the teachers and parents who helped with this event. Congratulations to the children who celebrated their First Holy Communion last Sunday. This is an important step in their Sacramental and faith journey and our prayers are with them along the way. Thank you to all of the parents who were able to make it to interviews last week. It was fantastic to see so many parents here over the 2 days. It is important that school and home are in partnership as we work to provide the best educational opportunities for your children. This Friday we are holding a Bring a bottle mufti day, to assist with the Spring Fair preparations. It’s not too long now until the Spring Fair and we ask that you please continue to keep an eye out for emails and information about the spring fair th planned for Sunday 19 October. We ask that you support this event in any way you can. Pope Francis’ message for today is “Our Lady is always close to us, especially when we feel the weight of life with all its problems.” Kind regards Dave Lamont, Principal Parent Mid-term Election Notice St. Benedict’s School Board of Trustees Election Nominations are invited for the election of 2 parent representatives to the board of trustees. A nomination form and a copy of the notice will be posted to all eligible voters. Additional nomination forms can be obtained from the school office. st Nominations close at noon on Friday 31 October 2014 and may be accompanied by a signed candidate’s statement. The voting roll is open for inspection at the school and can be viewed during normal school hours. There will also be a list of candidates’ names, as they come to hand, for inspection at the school. th The poll closes at noon on Friday 14 November 2014 Signed B. Edwards Returning Officer Help Our Kids HOK Term 3 Update September will also find us preparing for our Spring Fair which will be held on Sunday, 19 October. Please look for opportunities where you can volunteer your time or expertise and expect a few requests for donations of various items. It takes all of us to make it a great event! The Cake Stall is always a popular stall at the Fair. A cake box will be sent home to each family (eldest/ or only student) the Wednesday of the first week back at school. More details will follow with the Cake Box. Many thanks Catherine Rundle and Andrea Jetly - Cake Stall Co-ordinators Spring Fair Promotion Attached to this week’s newsletter is our promotional Spring Fair Flyer. Over the next few weeks, we would really appreciate your support in sending this flyer out electronically to all your friends and family or by printing it out and putting it up on work notice boards. Also attached is a JPEG image for you to attach to your Facebook pages. Please ask your friends to share it, so we can promote our fair to the widest possible audience! Coming home this week with your eldest child is a Promotion Pack containing 10 leaflets for you to drop around your neighbourhood and 2 car notices to put on the back window of your car(s). Please look out for this pack in your child’s school bag. House points will be awarded to all families who put the notice in their car window. If you would like more flyers to distribute in neighbourhood letterboxes, please text, phone or email Rebecca Lythe, 0273247415 / 4727227 / Abacus Art You should have received your order form and viewed your child’s art at parent interviews last week, for this fabulous HOK fundraiser. The children have worked hard to produce a creative piece of artwork for these calendars and cards which make fantastic Christmas presents for friends and family. Orders need to be handed into the school office by Friday 17 October. Prices as follows. Art calendars –$12 Photo calendars - $13 Cards - $13 Diaries - $16 Notepads - $14 Second Hand Uniform Sale What a great turn out of parents at the Second Hand Uniform sale on Sunday. HOK raised about $800 from this sale. Thank you again for your wonderful support. A special thank you to Suzie McIntyre and Rebecca Lythe for their fantastic help. The next sale is on Sunday 11 October from 1:00pm – 3:00pm. EFTPOS will be available. If you are unable to make this sale, we have decided to have a sale on Wednesday 22 October from 2:30 – 3:15pm in the School Foyer. Donations of uniforms, particularly boys Summer polos and Summer shorts size 8 – 10 and Intermediate uniforms would be much appreciated. All donations must be accompanied by a completed form. The form will allow you to state if you would like to donate 100% or 50% of the sales proceeds to the school. The form is attached. If you have any questions or if you can’t make it on the above dates, please e-mail Andrea Jetly on or Angela Trotter on . Mufti – bring a bottle Rooms 1 – 10 please bring a bottle for the school fair on Friday 26 September. Rooms 11 & 12 please bring a packet of wrapped lollies. Sports Notices & Student Achievements CONGRATULATIONS To the following Miniball players who received awards at their end of season prize giving; Lions Team: Most Valued Player - Henry McIntyre, Most Improved Player - Cole Stockler Wizards Team: Most Valued Player - Lavinia De Wit, Most Improved Player - Mahon Welsh CONGRATULATIONS Well done to Harry Collier who represented Wests Rugby in the under 10 reps this rugby season. The team were undefeated in all games played across Wellington. Harry was awarded player of the day for 2 out of the 3 games played (Upper Hutt and Paraparaumu for best forward). They also competed in the Junior National rep tournament in Taupo on September 13 & 14 and came third in the country. Harry was awarded player of the day for the game against Ponsonby. NETBALL UNIFORMS For those players who have finished playing netball (not playing summer netball) please return your uniform in a named bag to the office ASAP. Thank you. SUMMER NETBALL Any year 3 players keen to start playing netball this term, please advise Viv Collier 021 434184, Room 1 WEEKLY REFLECTION "The most satisfying thing in life is to have been able to give a large part of one's self to others.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - French philosopher and Jesuit priest Term 3 26 September 11 October 13 October 19 October 22 October 31 October 10 November 24 November 16 December 03 February 2015 Term 3 ends Second hand uniform sale Term 4 begins Spring Fair! Second hand uniform sale – 2:30 – 3:15pm All Saints day Northern Zone Athletics - pp 17 November Yr 8 Girls immunisation Term 4 ends Term 1 begins ‘YUMMY STICKERS’ – Now until the end of Term 3. We now have 3859 stickers. Thank you to Alex and Catherine Black and Thomas, Gemma & Olivia Pugh for their sticker collection. * Please send all your ‘Yummy Stickers’ to the office this week, they will be sent away to the Yummy Fruit Company on Friday. Eat ‘Yummy’ and support our school. Crunch on apples and collect ‘yummy’ sports money. Collect the ‘cut out’ labels from the 2kg bags of ‘Yummy’ apples or individual ‘Yummy’ apple stickers, available from New World and Pak’n Save stores. Cash them in for Rebel Sports gear for our school. Send all your ‘Yummy’ stickers to the office. Collect more sticker sheets from the office or visit Lets get munching. ASB SCHOOL BANKING Has your child been registered for School Banking? If not please ask at the office for a form to sign up for their Head Start Saving Account. Once your child has been registered they will receive a Kid’s School Banking pack which will include a piggy bank, calculator, savings diary and deposit envelopes to help them get started. For easy and convenient banking for your child, the ASB has provided a Deposit Drop Box in the office area where your child can make their regular savings deposit. Emma McCallum SCHOOL PATROL ROSTER TERM 3, 2014 AM Monday Tuesday Elizabeth S Samantha, Regina Elizabeth N Wednesday Sylvia, Maddy Thursday J.L, Ethan Friday Harry C, Katerina Reserves (Calvin, J.L) (Calvin) Grace D, Caitlin, Aimee, Mercedes (Calvin, Jessica, Katherine R, Katie) Jarden, Arthur, Olivia P, Thomas (James T, Xara, Elizabeth N, Lawrence) (Calvin, Catherine R) Kelsey, Riley, Daniel, Abby (Calvin, Sarah, Katherine C) Katerina, Imogen, Aisling, Avania (Lavinia, Joshua, Katherine, Andrew) (Fraser, Robert, Henry, Iraklis) PM Reserve (Calvin, Avania, Lawrence) Jennifer, Niamh, Liam M, Yestefano (Fraser, Henry, Francesca) (Parents, please remind your children to be on time for their duty) PARENT ROAD PATROL Term 3 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Term 4 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 23 Sept 24 Sept 25 Sept 26 Sept Devonshire family Dias family Collier family Dinnan family 13 Oct 14 Oct 15 Oct 16 Oct 17 Oct Drabble family Drummond family Duggan family Elsis family Faitaua family Parents: Please be present from 8:30-9:00am and again from 2:50-3:15pm COMMUNITY NOTICES WANNA TRY SAILING Learn to sail with Paremata Boating Club! Our popular learn to sail courses are designed to introduce children aged 10 -14 yrs & their parents to the sport of sailing. The next course starts at Labour Weekend. Boats, buoyancy vests & helmets are provided. Includes membership for the season. For course dates & times for more info email WONDERPLAY DRAMA classes have places available for next term for ages 3-17yrs Classes are after school at local community centres. First lesson is free to try. Please contact Debs 021-172-2836. SPECSAVERS During the school holidays, Specsavers Johnsonville will be offering half price eye exams for $30. ONSLOW AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLUB - Registrations open now. Fun Open Night Monday 20th October Get your children involved in weekly athletics with the Onslow Amateur Athletic Club. Suitable for 5-13 year boys and girls, club members meet every Monday night at Khandallah's Nairnville Park from 5.50 - 7.20pm. Online enrolments - or join us on Monday 20th October to find out more. SUPERHEROES HOLIDAY PROGRAMME: 29/9 - 3/10 - Tawa Anglican Church's holiday programme for primary school aged children. Every morning from 9.45 - 12.30p.m. there will be games, crafts, puppets & lots of fun. $6 per day or $25 for the week. E-mail to book. HOLIDAY FUNCLUB: Baking & Craft Holiday Programmes for children aged from 4 - 10 are being offered by Hayley Balmer, a teacher, in Redwood, Tawa on 8 & 9 October. Each 3 hour session is different & children can come for as many sessions as they like. All groups are limited to only 10 children & a reservation is necessary. E-mail for further details. KELLY SPORTS HOLIDAY BASKETBALL WORKSHOP Kelly Sports is also offering a targeted Year 7 & 8 basketball skills workshop at Onslow College during the October school holidays (Weds 1st & Thurs 2nd Oct). Improve individual & team basketball skills: Lay ups, jump shots, 3 pointers, free throws, dribbling, passing, defence, setting/using screens, offense/defensive structures. Taken by our Kelly Sports head coaches Joe & Dion: Dion - is a Saints player & played for the Junior Tall Black’s. Joe - captained the NZU20 team, coached Secondary school/Wellington reps & just returned from a US Academy. For full details & to enrol email or call 04 972 7201. CALLING ALL FUTURE TENNIS STARS; register now for holiday tennis camps & Term 4 tennis coaching at the Khandallah Tennis & Squash Club. All ages & abilities welcome. For further info please contact evolve tennis coaching ph 479 1386 email KIDS THEATRE HOLIDAY CAMP TUESDAY 30th-Friday 1st October for 7-13yrs old. If your children love Percy Jackson books they will love this adventure involving the Greek Gods & their Half-Bloods. Acting Antics has successfully been helping children gain confidence through friendship & fun while acting & delivering a one off performance. Every child will have a starring role including dialogue & a fabulous costume. All children receive a certificate of accomplishment. Come join us on Tuesday 30th Sept - Friday 1st October 9am-3pm rehearsal times. Supervised care from 8.30-4pm happily provided if needed at no extra charge. Register: or Contact Deborah Percy Email or phone 04 8890416 GET OFF THE BEATEN TRACK AT STAGLANDS THESE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS with free off-road tractor-trailer rides! Make sure you visit Staglands these October school holidays as they are unleashing their brand new attraction – off-road tractor-trailer rides! Everyone visiting The Reserve between the 27th September and 12th October will be given the opportunity to sample their new ride completely free of charge* (*free rides available October school holidays only unless cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. Additional charge applies at other times). CRICKET WELLINGTON HOLIDAY PROGRAMME “Cricket Wellington is again offering their fantastic holiday programmes. The programmes cater for a range of ages (6-14) & abilities, from beginner to advanced. Located at the Westpac Stadium, they’re very popular & competitively priced – so get in quick. For more info, email Ivan Tissera on or go to the Cricket Wellington Website;” ARTRAGEOUSKIDS RUNS ARTS BASED HOLIDAY sessions for school aged children aged 5 -12, where the individual creativity of your child is encouraged to flourish in an environment where the adults are there to offer support & not tell them what colours to use next! Bookings are now open for the next school holidays, we offer sessions Monday - Friday for both weeks of the school holidays (29th September - 3rd October & 6th - 10th October) from 8.30 - 3.15pm for $65 inc GST & 8.30 - 5.15pm for $78 inc GST. You can book one day or the full two weeks, it is up to you! Contact us on to register & for booking details. We will also be offering after school programmes in term 4 in three venues: Wadestown, Kilbirnie & Houghton Valley and for those of you with pre-schoolers we run a messy play session in Mount Cook. For further information about all of our sessions check out our website: OCTOBER SCHOOL HOLIDAYS WITH CAPITAL E From once upon a time to happily ever after, books, books & more books come to life in a two-week celebration of the written word. Book Bazaar at Capital E Central brings you a chapter of activities & workshops - enjoy exhibitions, take part in writing workshops with Gecko Press authors, contribute to evolving fairy tales and much more. While at the Hannah Playhouse Mr McGee & the Biting Flea is back by popular demand, bringing six of Pamela Allen’s classic tales to sweet music-infused life. Make and star in your own comic-book adventure with a full day’s creative Tiki-Tour to the Valley with OnTV and Museums Wellington and enjoy A Slice of Raspberry Pi in MediaLab. Visit for more information or call 04 913 3740. CREATIVE WRITING WORKSHOP for ages 8-14yrs, Fifi Colston, LIANZA Elsie Locke Medal winner 2014, will take a funfilled & hands on workshop for young writers. Monday 29 Sept, 10am – 2pm. FREE but please bring your own lunch. Spaces are limited, bookings essential. 25 Tinakori Road, Thorndon. 473 7268 CHILDREN’S HOLIDAY PROGRAMME Wellington Harrier Athletic Club is offering a holiday programme to introduce children to basic athletics. It will focus on the fundamentals of running, (for speed & distance), jumping (for height & distance) & throwing (for accuracy and distance). The programme will be held at the Newtown Park Athletic Track, between 10.00 am & 12 noon on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Please be a little early to take care of registration & any other administrative matters. The cost will be $10 per session. Please contact Geoff Henry ( or 027 4425 439 for details & an enrolment form. KELLY SPORTS will be back in Term 4 with their fun & exciting classes. Kelly Sports encourages children to have fun, build confidence & to give sport a go. We believe that sport & physical activity has so much to offer young people; it improves fitness, develops communication skills, team work & gives children a place to channel their energy. KELLY SPORTS TERM 4 – Spring Superstars (Yrs 1-4) – Tuesdays 3:05-4:05pm - Come & try Football, Tennis, Basketball & Handball. Learn the fundamentals of all sports and new game skills all while having FUN!! HOLIDAY PROGRAMMES - Kelly Club will once again be operating at Churton Park School, Amesbury School, West Park School, & Wests Rugby Club Rooms in Wilton during the October holidays. Kelly Club Holiday Programmes focus on giving children aged between 5 & 12 the opportunity to do things they enjoy in a safe, supportive & encouraging environment. They are packed with variety to entertain, inspire & challenge children. HOLIDAY SPORTS WORKSHOPS - Kelly Sports is offering their popular Holiday Sports Workshops in Football, Netball & Basketball: BASKETBALL (Yrs 7-8) - Onslow College - This workshop will cover essential individual and team skills and is ideal for players involved in the Friday Nairnville league - (1st & 2nd Oct. 1-4pm). BASKETBALL (Yrs 1-6) - Onslow College - Improve your dribbling, passing, shooting & defence with our NZ Rep coaches - (8th & 9th Oct. 1-4pm). NETBALL (Yrs 1-6) - Onslow College - Fun drills & games to develop & challenge young players - (6th & 7th Oct. 1-4pm). FOOTBALL (Yrs 1-6) - Wests Club Rooms, Wilton - Work on core skills of control, dribbling, passing & improve technique – (Wk 1:Tues-Thurs 1.30-4.30pm, Wk 2:Tues-Thurs 9.30am-12.30pm). SUMMER SERIES FOOTBALL & NETBALL – Get your friends together & enter a team in our popular 5-a-side Football or Netball Summer Series Leagues. Played on Friday afternoons at Ian Galloway Park (Football) & Samuel Marsden in Karori (Netball) beginning 17 October. A great way to maintain & improve your skills over the summer months. ENROL FOR ALL PROGRAMMES ONLINE AT or email or call 972 7201. FIRST SWIMMING LESSON FREE AT LIFESTYLE SWIM SCHOOL! Lifestyle Swim School, on The Terrace, has availability in its programme. We have a committed instructing team, small class sizes & our focus on technique will ensure your child gets the individualised attention to excel. Classes range from beginners through to swim squads & we even do holiday block courses & adult lessons! Pop in & check us out, or visit our website for more information – Alternatively drop us an email at with any queries you have and we’ll get straight back to you. Thank you to our HOK Sponsors 2014 Thank you to businesses and individuals that sponsor and support St Benedict’s School. We acknowledge and appreciate their support and ask that you use them when you can. Interested in supporting St Benedict’s School? For more information, contact Andrea Jetly on 0274901122 or New World Khandallah
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